HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-03-31, Page 1•• 2100 PER: ygAR IN *TIMM '0.50 arkER*x.sp,
*" '. • , . ., 1 '
- • "11r'-","r"'"ar , '. 1
07047 0"-0-0470-70: • ,-"+-4"'"P740 '''
•.'i.`,'....J ' , 1: • Dr., iv M. 1COnkell.
'•C Pheeicusee 'and; StPlrea
Luckapr, !I 1 • , ''.1.e '
e Hr!!•#\ \ 2a.,-4 ,111 W .77-i kl k
hone .86 i ..1 \l'A,
,0,-, , RENalsi,
i)ii.' MacLeoda, vim Nitigt, '.Lucknow
, ,sv•ry+iiriutty-----ip --7DtleeeeCaiiii&'.fl'
eeeeeflec \ ., 1_ : ' '.' , ei
I". . " -.a---e., ' .-..Lea-aae;
' 0 DENTIST .' ' • ' •' , •' . '
: Die "R. L. :TreleaVeri,, T,Lueklifeiv---
" , ''• ' Oviiii ,, :Decker's, S tip r e. , Extrection
after .by gas or local.' . Will ba la
Dungannon: every 'Thursday.
- 1 .....- TORONTO, ....•
• Monday's • Toronto.,nowspapo:re con.
tained' a eietice 'di' the death of Mr
"legit MdirisOne*ho for eannreher '
;Yeaes.conducted la law'c'offige hire 'in
\thr l!,14'SLIF, 'k'P'4•Ti.11\ 'a/137.,,i4 1011
, Mr. i 0.eleaa elledi ".0\ the, ‘•
,\Iosliit4,1 '\9'111"v, intg \ \ 7-f'!i \ \ .1'11'.1:
rorri '40nrt triiiiir.c\.•',, He \‘‘ruo..7sist'On4.,_
\ , 1 ,
ge,:',.ATber, cUla-igefaic'oni, to
Kintaree1Oneel for inter/el" elet',zi fMler-
, .: , . • ,
et eervice being. ,field at the ,residence :
of. ae
npew, . 0 zi n y.MacKay.,,
" \ie
i".1I' t'
• Besides lire 1,Wleleete• Mr.. Morrisen Is
survived by One sere Lester, :Of Tor-
onto, and •a daughter, Marjory, •aoa:
Mrs.(Dr.) J. Foster, of Denver COI--
- erred°. '
DENTIST • ' Although the late Mr. Morrison
-6-sa1- pi. Newton left Lueknow. nearly.20 Years ago he
, Make appointmentee
in office everyday ' ;is still well remembered by many tit
, the older residents as a. flee fellOW;
I • • • • I
Goo. A. •Siddall, Lucknow, Broker
• • and Real Estate.a-Money to lend 'or
firse mortgagee on farm properli
ties, at 6 and 6% per cent according
•• tee aieeurity offered. Also lineal)
'‘ amounts •on second mortgages on
term properties -and on personal
notes. A, few good flame for sale
• • • -- -WALL PAPER ,
. " stock of Wall. Paper is C0111-11
plete for 1927. Paices from 8c. up.,
am also agent for leading job houses.
e R., J. Camerohe)eecorator; Painter
and Grainer, Bole 1174, LUckaow.
RAW. FURS- Highest prices paid
' for all kinde of Raw Furs at A.
• Blitzsteines Store Lucknow,
• (25-11-c)
For Sale -A number of " window
. and eitorm sash With glass /in them.
Apple? to D. C. Taylor.
Wall Paper -Canadian made,, best
quality, Prices from 10c. to $2.00.
Good workmanship, 'guaranteed.
Samples shown at your home or at
residence of Phillip Steward., paper
hanger and decorater.
' • (24-2-tf.)
Get .my price list before ordering
. Barred Reek or White Leghorn Baby
e. Chicks or eggs for hatching. Incuba-
lora or brooders' at right prices. Ctis*
hatching done.- Duncan Ken-
nedy, Whitechurch. Ont. d
- • (24-ktf.)
,100 Acres, more or less, in Kinloss
Township -earner lot on country
road -5 miles from Lucknew. 4 miles
from • Whitechurch -one mile from.
blacksmith s h o p-e-schocelhouse on.
farm -well watered, 5 acres bush-
' barn 40x56 ft -e2 -story frame house
24Z30 and kitch.en, 18x18
d-house.newly endded-e2 seees.
/ chard. Price $3,000,. terms to , suit
. purchaser: Also a large barn in good
'condition, for sale. Apply to Jeep)),
`• Millert Lucknow. _ "
e.10 Acres (The McNiece Farm) 9
miles north of •Lucknow. All 'in :grass
hut a few acres -well fenced and
well *atered-plenty of wood. Barn
40x60 -good stabling with . water. in-
. side-ecement • 'veneered house -two
• orehards. Will be sold ' reasonable, to
,•evinde ..up the estate' -Apply to Mies
MeNiece, 'Lucknoev. • (17-3-tf.)
. Oveilande Touring Car,. Model` 85.
In goad condition. This is an easy
:Tiding, roomy' car; and has limey
Years of service ahead. of it. 0, Just
' the car for the man with a 'family
Who wants ,a good 'serviceable ,used
' car. .• Price reasonable. Apply " to
John Button, Lucknow.
• • (24-2-tL)'
Por Sale -9 Acres of : land, good
seven -roomed house, good -barn, well
- fenced, :running water. Close to
' school and church. One Mile north
of the Village of • Lucknow on Holy -
rood Gravel. -A, Lockhart, "R.R. , 6
Lucknow. • • (10-84E)
FOR SALE -The Village property of
the vitae of the late James A. Mill-
,er on Ross Street and Clyde Street:
. • The property consists of ar• , good
Frame Dwelling with modern Ini,L
provements and 'are% lawn, concrete
cement and frame stable, ,Gravel pits
• and vacant lots.
For further particulars apply to
Joseph Agnew, Lucknow, Ont.'
4. .; (3173-c)
‘, Potatoes Wirate'd - Best niarket
riceff: Apply to or phone George 11.
°testis; phone ,71 Lucknow.' ' •
•. (17-3-tf.) '
-Ontarao, Variegated.lio. :1 Alfalfa
-Clover Seed for sale at W. q. &n.
' drew's. Also Red; Alsike and Vam-
moth, and White & Yellow Blestorn
eSweet Clover,' ^
" If ,a Child 1,traT46 Own *ay re.
gardlese . of the pain to anyone olto
think what a reformer lie% make.
'AnOther fine wily to 'Stretch.. the
',intactiis 4 to telt about 111,11 1104 I
clever ebeve. the average, and a splen-
did public' speaker. • .
Mr; Morrison Was born at Kiritote,
Where he no* buried, in 1858,
school • teacher, and for five years
taught. at Embro. He decided to take
up law as a professioa, aud Studied'
at engerepl and at Sarnia. On grade',
siting,./rom, the La* School he ceme.
eci Lecktiow., 'Here he was Married to,
Wee Sarah Eaton Whitely, Leaf:4er,
ofeMirs. W. j. leittle of town. In
tics .he p0)!.. -
was conservative and at e,
time vvas • the party candidate for this
riding, being. unsuccessful 'however.
On going toeeleikonto in 1911 :Mr.
Morrieen seeured a position in the
entinued to 'occupy until the time of
his, death: •
te. hanale Dodge' Brothers:. Cats and
Graham'. Brethers :Trucks.: in this ter-.
eito'r.y. Easy •ecintract to tight niane-e'
Fred ,,, E. ' Wickham, Owen. : Sound.
Phonee 1142. a ' (14-4-c)
, • WE . WANT MEN, .
' From 25 to AO years 'of age.
If you have had • eelling eappriened
and •feel able to Make three simple
demonstrations Yon .can easily eatn,
$16, 'ner 1:day and'rup.--W.rite-Negar•
Clothing, 200, Bay, 'Toronto. ' • '
nutnber conifortable rooms
for rent. 'Information it The Sentinel
Office:, • . (31-3-p)
'Banner .Seed Oats-. A . quantity
still On hand and for. salae----Albert
Ganlnhie.* • . e(3 -1-:3-P)
Baby Grand Chevrolet nee good con-
dition, Pr sale cheep.- Used carp, 'op-
en :and closed medels; ' also used
trucks at bargain • • prices. -.Apply to
Geo, H. Smith. .
' Eggs /or hatching__ S. C. Whits
keghorns from high producieg stack'
laying large eggs -that have been
thoroughly eulled and mated to Males'
of the best breeding. In January orir
flock of 300 hens laid 3,000 eggs, and.
in February 3380, and are now
(Mar:ch) producing about 170 pr
day. •Rrice-e5c. per egg up to 200:
and over 200, 4c. each. After May' lst,,
will be selling baby' chicks. May, 15e.
June 14c. e •
Elmer J. Parrish, R.R. 7, Luck -
now. Phone--Dunganpon 82-re21.
'pdr Sale -Baby Chicks from bred -
to -lay Barred Rocks and Fisher and
Delemere S. C. W. Leghoins. Three.;
fourths 'Of our orders last Year were
froneold customers; and this season
many of them are doubling their or-
ders: 'Orders booked now for April
and kair.. Barred.: Racks 16c: Until
May 15th, .after that "date 15c. esiell'
Leghorns 15ce. for the season. -The
Fortune Hatchery, R.R. No. le•Winga
ham, Ontario. ',Wroxetere-phone 612-
r-8. • ' (14-4-p,c),
. , .
Teriders be received by • the un-
' dersigned Up to, 12, o'clock noon en
'Tuesday, the Fifth day of April next
for street cleaning and street water-
ing on certain streets In the Village
Of Lucknow as directed' by ,the Conn -
,Cil. Persons tendering /or same are
requested to state price per hour.
The lowest orany tender net pea:,
,esserily accepted... • ' - .
• v. Joseph Agnew, Clerk, 'Lucknow,
(81^^3.e) • :
-e-----. • -A-IICTION- SALE.
;Chris. COOk, 8th ,Con., 'Werre•Wawa-
nosh,, 6 miles Sotith of Lucknow, will
have an auction sale. . Of farm'
stock and implements on Tuesday,,
April fith,' Commencing at one' o'clock
pen, -Elliott Milior, Atte. •
gucTiox4, SALE OF PARM
• •• 100 • Acres, being lot, 27, con. 3.
lownship, estate • of Thelate
jamas- Crowston, ;will bel.• -offered 'for
sale (subject to reserved bid) at the
Cain House.. Lucknow, „en April ',5,th,
1927, at 3 o'clock P.m; A. reasonable
perceetege of the purchase 'price. in
CAA Will .he ticeepted, 'Mortgage- will
be''aeeePted for the halakitie; Further
conditions of Sale will be made known
at the, time of tlya see,' or. on *Wien -
Oen -to Mrs. 'Jae, McCullough. Kin-
darcHne, ,*(Administratrix); or eilegto.
house MItobell, 1.4nelttioat;
40114C'' ; (3P3141.
• 0.....0e.-0(1.4)......0a;a0 0,-.0 0-0
...,,,o.„4,9cAr: AND. GENERAL ; •
,. a :'•,. ..`,7'-', ---,7.- --- `7. -,:t4 ." -r."
• 9 0-O--O--0-(-o 0--0,''
.. "- ./ . e e •.,-,
.1, e ' , : • e, 11 'i t
, \ Don't eet tliern-fool. yealte- oeeew,
I 1 \ 1:ih7f3 P''PP9la'' 1..a , liaW1\ ' '1`1.
• al-
-ready r\aeine..4.4ei 1 ' line, does ..
\\1 '1'0'7'1 4' '•' t'l M.1\'•1' ''' 1 ;
A ,crie*\ ere th08.0 \\ l'ilabi /0 . • *
''' e''1
..'"erzi-eiedenLW,Iiiefriiel-to-e-' 'ere
, clg:e'.W.:c..r.', :Lie lee i(Irat 9,.., , pti)
l'tiii.fi ,veeele: to attend ihe. ,fliner4r;. \..Inf .
the late 'Iltigh Mortisen....'' ' \'' 'e''' ..
.: L.O.L. No,. 428, ' 1,Arkr.19w, will; bold:,
a socio evening in their Hallon Ap-
ril 7th... ---.P. Carter, S( -'y. ' '
Mrs. Geo. .A. 'Webb is Wingham
ellotpitalethes--week, where. she, hae
been, operated on for the *removal of
-a. tumor. At laet report's ,she
Making- favorable pregress;
• ,
:It is announced :that the Luelin.6w.
;United Church Ladies' • Aid are, going
to present the play "Old Time Ladies'.
_Aid--at.-IVIehevek-eCrosseareclePeeiree the -
Hall at Blake's on Friday; April 8th.
, Mrs. -C. F. etichardeon„ Teeswater,
and .Mise Isobel Dougles, Chethame
•are spending the eek with their 'Mo.
thee, Mrs . p. pouglas. Isobel 'is just
recovering from a .lonsilitie opera-.
Keep ire mind- -'iester Mendee
night, --.A.prlififith, when, the Anglicen
Dramatic Clebe will preeent, ,.ie , elze
ToWn. Lucknow, "Bill, elle
Coaclizzaute'` . e`arce :;.Coine:13r
three acts,
:Twit received a new stock ee,
' Men's Suits, - Caps: and Topcoats
in the very. lateee styles ;Lei'
'Spring.- and Summer,. . and :the
• best. materiah-B. • Blitzsteires
Dry ,, Gooda '•Steee.,
Jennie. Lyons receieed .-eavord.
on Tuesday that her sister, Mrs. Dr./
Carmichael , of Edmonton, W_Iio -had
not been • enjoying. gaoo. health' of
late, had just carne thrmegh. an sait-
pendicitie operation, and is. doing
Well. : ;4:,
. ' 50; YEARS AGO
• . • • •_e
109.1.eilf" jil• '•.ille Tiswii"...Ilall, ' Friday •evelle ieeeociee/e, ea II -ale -74%; ; •lx:-.7.40,;ooffi;
Hi' \ ; .. LI', . 'i'colnl' \
. ,stciing..;,.i,s., given, '.ns follows-J.4r
,*,1, 4.hel ii:41sfietI ''ci,,y'h' 'tile- ''eutecarze,
\ .-rFRA ' \ \\•;i,\ "full ...l'f ',1\'''1.11 R \ 611: l' \j Sii'!)J94L'j'Ilk. \ i'.t' ''°' 1°.\. .
'ingl of lar,q..-*eek,.fiuc.F;.,,cycry. reason , . ,. , . , .
e .C.eleCietlite 4-7.',-44iii7e;,':,.A,7444,nt:-.,
. Poaa. p \ PIO \ crowd , to.', -*11M1, \ .Pii.7: ' \.\.' ii \-\i' '1' ' V''' ' 'k'Q' ''
04!A, \ I\ \ .'h 4,\ : .... .i,.; ;',',,, \ ';',,,\',.':.\ ' pltri;-.111'..r.11L§111..,,i3. r'''P.t'\1;':',ti, 71t4!"1 -g'''' ' \ r,
1 'r"-`-rr 4001T.:401811St41-'11iIiiiiit'rel'd .*:"!.'i ut.arii,P01.H, l'',ee, 4\ ii, 4 p, ; g p; \ 7...,
\ ,• ,7,,,,A.., -
a1,1P1r9I!'et' 'MY n, 421=TjiYire LI4a,''.. Cieenoeliate , III; .,,c,,, 2;',;1 M .c4rahann
rlies:Aif11::T4IsInPss',* Meataig \ ate Mn- r ' ''' ' '' Mary.' ' '
-1 111,'. F; .:\ \,.!9Faaiti 4,-I
.. 5, p,',:, i p ; A.-, orahe*:,,,grr;. ,$C,-..2, F.'
' M,'\' HiCkett ' 1:III, •/'',C,;.' A. 1,*ocigiv,
,I, ct ,-, C. Kileptriek. 3`,I, 'iv; a c, 1 F.,;,
jsti. 'ItliPeatelieikI, /3IIe E. Johaetore I b ;
1 1. C,... F, C, ZF,. I A; Ae Mee^
•3 A ;. X .1. MacDonald
2 I,: I, 1111, . 4 Ce . E. ' M'alver ; 4 I
Ileel III, 'LC; 1 A;-'•'.'E:',--,Maelteneic
72.1e; .1 .A.'; "S..•MaeLeod 5 0, 2A; F
McNeil 111, ..4 Tit • i, c;.. E. Reid 1 III
• 3 C, 4F; E. Ritchie 111, 2C, 5 F; ' J.'
Ritchie 1 C, 1^F; V. Sheeriff a 1, ' 2 1,1
2 ill, 3 '0; ;E.' SherWood. 3 C, 1 F; ' C
ee:eibs.ct.e,,r,"._i.v.c,, ,i.,4F4917.17;ilie W. ,WebSt. dr 1 C.
1 te; ivi.., Wilsinae
Subjects -Fr.', Arith:, • Physiog. .
Zool., •En. , Gr., , Geom., ;Late, Eng:
Come... W. Agee 5 e'e, 2 F;. G. Aitchi-
son 3 F; D. Anderson 4!, lin, 2 C
' 1 P; A. Andre* 2 I; . 2 II, 2 C; 2 F; j
Bowies .1 r; 1:0; •••.. Buswell 1 I, 3 14
l'III,',..2.C,:).,F; .W.,..Carnechen ' l.III
FLI.C, g Fie A. Colwell., 4 P,.. 4 F; .c
Fisher i r.., 1.F; Merg, Giahane 1 i
1!!, .2 C, :e P; R. Geaharn ...IF; • .:1‘1 '
•eleckett -1 I, 4•II: .2 III, 2 C, '1. V; . 7
eiheek,, Crpsereaelee!".\ And isT4,s\ *1.0e0`13.3r
elle, Ladies' 'Aid- of 'the Lueleaeve .theite,
ed 'Church, It *as soneethieg of
caileature, of course, and wasehighly
humorous., The ladies wore; dresses
ok,:40 and 50 years- ago, and appar-
eneler all the trunk's and. bureaus were
ransacked' for old .ciestuMee,, Bneein
their day, but now aepreseritihia:
;Iteilcing and amusing contrast with
-.the .abbievieted ;and- scanty- apparel
toda3r.. 'To corn lete th ictu e
e r
they 'should have had some 17.-yeare
old' damsel in "the let* from Paris"
-suddenly appear in the. rnid4 of. the
to see' whet'.
a :contrast and eommotion 'she. would
hare created.: • ' '
:We really ean't give the ; "caste"
for necessarily ,.tbeee. was something
of a cro*d at the lladies' Meeting. We
think, however,' that .a who had
enaminentalearts' and -did. particularly
well may be Mentieeed; Res. 'A.Ttu
-neeaeae-e---"neanehater" and ehalnPion
et woman's:rights". mede a ' number
ef 'splendid hits, as:: did also Meteatet
' as a seveee-loOkieg aahnose
erede •sufferegette. • 'Mrs. Wesley
eee-Yert-i-reeepresentinie a ,...rifewrsi---wa-d-,q
Mr. and. Mrs. Robert-
• at Ripley on • :Monday,. 'attending; 'elai
fuzietel 'of:the . late, Richaede•Stenleye
an „uncle of .Mis. Thee-, late
Mr. .Staeley. aeries, 'Widely knowee oa
acuonnt of ehise• devotion to beevliria..:
'He- was in his 97th yearee but' :last
siiinther was .able.to Came fo Luck -
flow eand 'en"gaie • with reueli'• enthueia
asrn "the gentler -nazi's :game." I3e-
/bee retiring et� ;Ripley . Mie Stezzley
was farame. near 'perpia Grove..
,•elliAeP:parrieacirtfiairnoni-ly. ,wr.is tdMrs. Ri-
thank ti
p,eople Of LucknoW and vicinity fee
their kindeeee, 'and aCsfetanee
. thtough, ;Mr. Ritchie's • illness, It:, Le.
appreciated.. ' • •
, .
.• Good Geode, Low::: Pripes.---aellee.
MARKET-HornelleMitrcloch'• Co:, . ••
. '
"The Road to the ' City,"; • 'a •1-act
play; Will be presented in the Loch-.
alsh 'Community Hall, by the; Loch.
alsh Dramatic Club, the evening. of
Friday, April 1st.' The play will be
followed by g dance. Admission far
the evening' 50e. and 25e. ' /.
The -Sale �f Boots 4 shoes is Still_
on at 'A. Turner's6o. ; b
Jejale()RINS-TITUTE' •
A join , meeting - *ao held With tf*'
srunior .Fariners. TheredaY, evene•
ing, March 17, at the:home of Miss
'Elizabeth Alton.' 'The, nieeting' open;
ed with the President,' Miss .Eliia,beth
Alton, in the chaie. ,After the open-
ing exerciseS 'the roll call was an:
ewered Ir:sh' Jokes, The %to,
gram was held Jointly; 'MUCK* ll
sistCd of. :so Irish 'reading ' by Doro-
thy' Aeclerson, and violin rinisith , by.'
Mr: 0: Moffat, and a Journal, rear,
by Myrtle Webster arid Claire .11ae-
-pongall: , The 'Musical, restiri,la:rn-
also•disctissed; and arranzeinents tv't
being: made to tompete this oar
The Meeting closed by e.in11'f.,'
God Save the King, after whieh le?
:hostess. served lurich.--Sec.
„ea,: ' oateee-
• .
The meeting.. Monday evening Was
in charge *,of et.he "Speeiat ‘' Committee;
and the topic:', "Young ' People and.
The Church," ,evaee 'the subject 6f "'ari:'
eddiees by Mt. p.„0, MacKenzie, 'me.,
Iterinetj:% Murdie occupied the chair,.
Miss 'AfacCallum road the rSeripture
lesson, ilrs. Reid and l‘its, Nawton
;aye a piano dueand Miss Q. Tre-
111194 0011tribUted 4 4019,
. Hodgins 1111, .2 C; 2 Fe 1 A; R
beg'aneaiulier rumarksswith a' Kilpatrick. 3!. Ile,' .2 C; E. MSeDene
enee, to • "my ,huelzend".. in 'a :'Y thatald az 2 c; 2.A..; E. meekanefe
Created 'much 'fine and, roused • the .ere . 5 F 1 A K. • MecKeezie, j; 2•U, 1 C
the ^clear/if-Arens Of „wohien'e:regh
MtS, De SCobie was Very ,effective' ea. 211.171i°;„ri'M' Mi'efeuletiliyil'.11I,I
lady 7.rein Boston." who ellaneeP1 111,.]: III, .4 Cif. W. Nixon d;
'o be a guest of'ethe :and 1.4, .1 C, 6 F; E. sham06,
hose "refined taste and high ideal"
1 e F. E. StazileY 1 1, 2 HI, 4 C; R.
were; .outrag'ed' by the practical and
cemineaplace • aims; of
the ladies"' 'of Turner -2.C, 6 Fe M. Watson 7 1, 1 F,
R: Waison 6!, 1.0 s' 1 F. .C. Weltstet
MohaWk. Crosareads.
4 1 et .1 In; w. Webster 3 C lirairmeedireetnarelreare*Iwe,e4v411. r*Ar'dirAdwarolir'amiredwagdi.A.F.
.lati.0%,,! I e . \ • a."
• , •1 • •
1 • • , .
; Icee7
"I.A1V,$0, BA
' •1'
rszAll AstAtAN,:sw:ar.a..:,A4ustAr.aktartgar, Avrevr,atAamer*.ar4arfaif
Lucknow, Ont.
•ty ruge, Many 'patterns, and 411 sizes..
Our House Furnishing Department- is
Well stocked: Leek 4 Over.
This Spring Finds
Showing A Most
-------;"MeMple.,Raiiie Of '
, .
, and
three,, different; grades and •
fir widths, 1, yd., 2, yds.,
3 :yds. and 4 yda. wide.
LINOLEUM , .a ri'd OIL-
CLOTH RIJGS in Sizes to
suit your room; andprices
tsujtre our .puesee----
• We "understand the affair was quite -47; E- II; .1c;
MeDonagh• 4 F.
auccass in .a finencial way.. , „
Form III
LANG., SYNE . Subject e exandned--Br. 'Hist., Lat
Comp , Fe. Comp •Lat. Au., Fr. An..
Imee .cemMeeteed tlij5 week the Alg. G. 'Aitchison "(no subjects 'ex -
cation Ofa' series cif articles to .T'bined).;:" D. Andersen 1.C; A. Bowles
. eueleci, ft:ern copies of the 'Bentire'el 1 F; .1:. Bowleg 1F; C. Blitzsteiii 1 C.
of years 'One by. We 'have ; number 3 F; • R. Caeruthere 1 11. 2 C, ?"Fi 1.
of tinws ..ben asked to do' this, but CraW, 2 0; M. Deeglas. 4 Ia Aa Fisher
:the aid Sentenels were not `re aconctj2 Ht.: 3 Q; • G. Fisher e 3 F; L. Gaunt,
tion to enable us to • comply. Extracts i F; B. Itamilton 1!, 1 Q. Hamil,
takeri .froin a few' Copieh 'found On Hamilton (no subjects ex.
amined) e M. HendersPn. 4 Ce ;1 7; 'W.
Henderson' Or, .• 1 111, 1 C,' 1 F; M.
Hodgins 1 C; E. • Johnston 1 111, 1 C.
3.7; O, Kilpettick 31, 1111; E. Mae.
1-11e-2-Geeeteemileleoneld '2 17,
M. MecDougell, 21, 1 III; 1 C; G.
MacKenzie 11. 3 t; M. MacKinnon
; • Ee, McDariag•h 1!, 1 II, 1 p,. 1. F.
1. A MeNaly 1 Fl 2 A; C. McQeilliji
2,7; D. ".2 II, 3'Irr;•. M. Mc-
Quillin 1 C; McQuillin 1 C, e 7;
P. Nixon 2 C, 1 p; W. Nixon 3 F; E.
Smith '3 I, 1 F; • E. Stanley .1 Fa', J.
Stewart 1 I; M. Stewart '4 I; .L.
Weatherbead 2 'C,. 2 7, C. 'Webster
1 F; Na: Wilean P; 1 A ;- M.
Pepper 1 I1,1;`4,C,,
• F. E. 'McLean, Prin.
"here and .there proved se interesting•
to readers thht we 'decided to dig .up
and ayeang. the ..old Sentinel ' files
.so that theie contents would lee avail-
- in soinething •like, .ordere 'Mane
s • peo•uce e eca, es
. of the paper's,. history ' are ^missing
and many more up.' to 1908 _are in
VI 'V iid conditieh--torn, Mouseeaten
anO 'weather ' worn. Not until Mi.'.
No.ylOr hoUght • the paper Was 'a' file
of all copiee kept •:ahd proPeely bound.
Ite\is 'our' ietention to reproduce
news itenis from the earliest Copies
ayeilable',.. which are of 1875, and also
from .copies •ef 1890 and years follOve-
leg. _Only it feweof out readers will
be interested in the news of the °Sev-
enties, but Miley will read with inter.,
pat the heves of the Nineties. ," Our
plan Is to publish ,otie of 'these 'ar-
ticles Monthly, each article ' covering
a 1month in the years gone' by. The
article on page 4 this week is ;Deeni.
the firsttwo,issues of 1895.,,,,
APRIL 1 & 2
Shows the fast set .' Herbert Brenetee
latest, evcie sensational Broadway „
With Comedy
Watch' for advertisement' for _Tues.,
APell 5, & Wed, April ,6„ With
good Feature,' Comedy and Serial.
' leer Sale, Cheap -7-.2 Choice Bronze
Gobblers: InfOrination at The. Sentim,
vl ()Mee. . '
For Sale -Overlaid .RoaCtstOr; -• 6-
tyliticler-in; good, cOnditien.-A.pply.
to Les. klarrisi Lueknow: '
Melodeon Wanted,' also four -post
roped bed; old-fashioned ottornati, old
chairs, burenus, dressers, 'etc. in wal-
nut. -State price. -E.. H,eCreftr 87"
• Norfolk St.; Guelph, e Ont. --
(7-4-p) '
1, •
Farm: for Sale-jeethg late 1.6e and •
.17, Cote Kiezioes ' n:idtet, :EYE •SPECIAL:ISTCOMING '
on Whieli there are two good barns,. Maud C. Repine, OPtinnetriSt, will
pCW frame -house and other Areptcree. he tat the Cain Reese, Lucknow, on
, merits, 114 mires ..frem 1;611'601, The 'Monday, April. 41h. Hours 1 to •9
land is in a good state:of cultivation, . Heeded/lee, dizziness, nein 'in the.
Posgessfoit,given, the lSth dory' of babk of the neck, painful tied ine'
ArilvoirA4B0P(11.3141Ynttor° dslidso:t' Xttnnyt 1206 t as Tiefil t6hYreobuagi hl s trvit° teel'hifYti tet-Yiedi d41816k;
Obi egatisteetiOn
New, CeetemaChinez,, Curtain Mae
terialee-a. THE " MARKET-Hceenell-
Murdech: Co.
....Heg libiptOnts.,front Lucknow sta-
tion for the Weelt-':Onding.• March 24
amounted t0 71.1 Of these 26 were
selects, 41 thick sieecith, 2: heavies
and 11shop hog. For the senie week
Huron County. shipmentamounted
to 4501. Of these 421, were selects,
920 thick smooth, 56 'heavies; 53, shop
hogs and 18 feeders::
Card of Thanks -Mr. and Mrs
Joseph Swan wish toexpress sin-
cere thanksto friends and neighbois
who -were kind and sympathetic al
the, thae of their recent bereavement
.ROADS ARE Weil:L.13AD. ,
' The Weathermen" has been father
disappointing the past few • weeks,
His promises of aarly spring • and
good roads have Mit been fulfilled.. To,
frfct, the county highways and r, un,
paved town streets ni'n thie week. in
.very bad cotiditlee-elf. 'ruts *.:,and
mud. We read' that , road • donditionS.
'4n fhe' flat sections of the province:
.Wh:eee tlw,o is. nrk'gravel; :as ° abbef
Chathani. it saliiitat impossible to
• . • . • •
-Mrs.', Wane :MCIetiesh and child/via
who spent the -winter With: hex- moth.'
er, 'Mrs. Baird, ,:of near, ealaknovee has.
keturneato hey home in the Wet.
'Mrs.. Harold Ferguson and children
of Lucknow. spent 'eundaer. .With • Mr.
arid Mr's.. Melvin :,RaYnard; •ef • Pere-
niouat; .:' • ; • .
• •
' • Mrs. Peter., MacDonald, who spent
„ . , .
a few days with her daughter. Mrs.
Eldon .Ilenderscrii; ,:of. ,Paeareount, h•as •
returned t herehome Huron. .
- Misoti
Miss lreenstefMoore.h
' .5:1e'jaunt,,_._oftite.:a
Henderson.. 'cif* Paramount for a few
Mee and: Mrs., Page entertained a
foeW.a.ofi:rothgeriets•sifvreien:luse.harieul.,,;:anretigyhbpog •
dance, it: being 'their: twentieth wed-
ding .anniversary ; All enjoyed a good
tiele and wished Mr. and,/Ms. ,Page
Many 'happy returnsOf. the, day.
Mr., John, McislaY-of Seafcrth spent
a few days- recently with his brother,
P. R. McNay. .
Billie MacDonald,' 'of ICintail was .en
qshayo, :one ',day last. week, where ,he
purchased and driiite ;hone ,a 'new. Q:
M.C. truck. , • •'
Mrs.MaKcnzie, of:Ripley,,
• is visiting at the., homes of her ions
and daughters hi '
- Mies. Annie Mealurche, 'of `.:Kintail„
returned home , aeter visiting for. a
couple • of month's. with her, 'sister,
Mts. Dinibee, at -Ethel:: 7;
• The'Contert. and pleY presented by,
.the pine River Dramatic club. lest
Friday evening at Kinteil, as h very
suecessful.„affair,' The hall was :filled
.te, capacity. The play . was. well ren-
,dered. 'and enjoyed by eveeybedy.'
' We are 'glad to report that. Me.- Pat.
Gilmore; ef, Lothian, , 'ho Was 'seri-
ously: ili with pneumonia is consider-
ably imPreved arid excellent . hopes
ate now hod sdi. his complete re-
covery. , ' ,
Miss' Mildred Johnston., of the ath,
Con., is home from Clinton. Beeiness
Colleee' or. a short :vacation., .
,Joe O'Laughlin Of the.eth.' Can..
had.'a very Successful 'aiiption.' said
last, Monday,. ••
Mr. and, NI-P,Se ItO.ti1stOn.-1and ; family.
of 'Rainy -River, . have-ate:Ned onto "elle
Laurier ,Mr.:RJ60111.:1t
1';toQ 111 1' .su'ms ati
'work' fbt* Mr. ,Johnston., for theyeh.r,
drive off the paved streets or roads, Nita. A, lee mheteee.nncl (lynch:oft
Anibbilcy,,:visited!kvith: her: mother:
at Itintail; ;ear a week.. .. '
Donnld Bluc of Amberleye returned
beenee,freni Betteit lest' eedek, here
Ite, spent tile' winter month. . ,.;zus
,fut.bee,. Me, Jao. Blue,. we are gind tc
say, is a „good .deal bette:, after a
long and a etious
Thc "OitoliDiemonds are chosen by
experts -T -they have that ex -eels-
' it blue white • color and
found only
Whatever rhe size Diamond in
a Princess Rieg, you may be
sure of :its superb eualitrand
you may buy a anywhere with ,
implicit confidence. .• '
Pieces are very moderate.
Look -efor„ the trains
Prinau, and k safe.
Guaranteed by
P. W. ELLIS see Co. Limited, Toronto •
Diamond Importers ' Rata& 1877
Jeweller .& Optician
Lucknow, Ont.. .'•
Seed inoculation eridor
by the Goeernment, and
farmers :are urged to use
nine • or nitro cultures on 'Al mt..,
and Red Clover to itisure a
catch. The Ontario ' Agricultural
„ • .
College has ' proved beyond doubt
that these :eultures 44 help.,
...especially -What. doer, 4uch tkir •
alfalfa,..is sown on soil for the
first ,time.
: 1 bnvi: these legume cultures
with fill' instructions hew \aa us:#
-now'. on h1d'
i have the ;hear
gated Alfalfa eeedeprocurable in
the ,provincee as- well as all �ther-
lifl of
:crovd• and 'Gress seed
on hand. includieg , Mint- '
hioth Red and ,Grimin's, part and
let" ilia show • yeti through, our
stoeks befote'reit buy. YOut .
ly,-A. , FINLAYSON..
Be" eure and 'get'some.: or tn., am
„ ,
gain; in' Boots ale Shoes 'While, "the
4416 lasts. at Ar TurtAer's