HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-03-24, Page 3pea•cp-, yet �n the 'battlefields ,I stir men's hearts • and urge•theni..en .• to greater deeds,of .valer.. .1 dWell in' 'the peeee.fill elninibers of ..ceitterit; but 1 am:present alcv. aY'a in the'pits !of .• War, I leadtrue_ rovee.h.t.o. the, altar'. I' mtiee' by .tlre cradle,. ,. I Stalk, by . the .open krai•e.' ,.I jai the..:ineense. it -Pen. Achich devOut prarybra . rike , beaVen ward: Ii -.'n ow .tine, and I Will•eoftifort. you always... ' .: , else, :that's . 11....my„..sertg.bein, yeurileart....Yon;wili 1'my . .. hedr. 'Vojee'tn ;the. babble of ,the brook, the chant or the birds„the nut,' tie or. the. ,,lea„).7es, antr'the..billows of the sea. 'Th • ' ram n• and •flowers and .the 'dew all kneel( to' 3'OP 'of me: 'The •rumble of.:trafIle, the 'lat'- ter or hoofs. thit"hUin of -the tooter, the „Song....efl the mill; .alin. -I change the Yer*Y 'air: • . ,' • • • • •-, • fl through the ages I hav.e:tvallt- ed withmen, yet Aoile.mave z,er ftitki.... of tbel,ton in tiro.:waY:t.hail of thc, re- orried me, With' the prince and' :the 3" 9 !i,1? heggar f roam the ear'th and all men', mina;d7s7L1-1.h.fr.h.-e-h.t,ie the 'etab.te. love me. It:0'1 any, the 'spirit'. •theKn • cOtti, 'tile head Is .ver3,, eamornonitt tido .time: of year,. especial1y. hi the all 'Medicine dealers...An, sent.by rnall:.);ery ming. Neglect of a Cold Is Prone, at 60 .pents a box by'The,i)r. William.s'• to le.agl to serloks',..eonSequences, ;To Medicine C.O.; Breeitville; Ont.. )). all congestion of Lile•_syStem beok,•"13uild.ing the ploed,"•,,which I•S• the .first 'step -.la treating.. a ex.dd; 'centainemitny•useful ,ha,111.1 hints,' :AU' ether in infant.S.or.adatte, Per the ve-",-77-r • v,oung.: 11.shs4s OW:liZEatilete.. ate the :ideal means of. doing ,this„ • Can- Joining:no narcotics or ,other hartiltur • drugs', they soothe'. the fr,etfol- ,e0!.8S, relieve its ;1'41re-ring; and .ensure convdieseenee.- ; . • :Baby's Own Tablets are tvitliontan equal:for 'relieving itidi-ge-ition,`•cbuSti- pti•tiort dud colic. They .check '1.1.inr- • rhoca-;•break: tiP. colds • and.. einiple • •promote:j ealthigiying .•eleeP• and. rea(lea teething period Tile „Tablets are the. one meat - ripe that. n'tholber give. her little. Ones \ :With ,perfect' safety !..they are guaranteed t�, be f ra.e„ roin u r s ' • ".'"Ifi'figit7Tli-eFiii-e7e7Old by aff.-ateileille' ,^.13d.era;1)celki's. juo:b03n,tm. hOx. froin The las' 'Medicine: Co Drop the Minot. KOy.• • That:, the smuie is Inightierthan-th-e- froWn',' tihil a• 'far ,bett er ,thazr "Don•i,'.'.. is it .temeott, which most reformers. rtt'er sadly • in 'heed of. •ieS4ra7. leg. t Is easier to scold: than -to in- sPire,...hut'.Only the. inepiretlead , for, ward", an& 'win. . battles. *orris ' 'of warning. ar'e ,ne.edfol; • but prolongjed: 'iittO lectures of pea-. ..(siirlil,tisnagi they defeat'. their mnpose bY: thc-atidien'te a Y.:-(51'-' puttlig t ' ' . • 'matter Of FOn.r'ersatiO Th.e.conntrY was iaipressed When tO ttfift • .riesourc?es,•7.Yere 'heti ae•strOyed afid.'wasted bo• rorkioiy Ebi . Wokrio :result AknIVss • thore; ehauga.for better.•. attar • tin ha1l•h.oeti'•!difilled . . earS for "decalle, :We wonld,•.liey.e •Preferred •:1 lot flap. op :ita Woret.than...lited.ionge tti tile 'The, offectiYe constivationlets••'•al these ,WIto, „leaving the aegatiVe :PO 'obsItite lilies ihenglit; pisi• f'eas • • .nft„en 'r.ernarked .tbe lack 'with ,cora.._„nii- tallyas.,0110.0,risiiiii,..wlicilkbtoaarajoge,.,Th• lernautaanddasy oct9, mnpt I ' seration ' , • • 'Hoz 23IT, Hamilton, . • • ,. • .. now the ,phrase .berne:Lis,:_ap- ped.ring• In. French newspapera as a caption -for domestic and women's . news and in advertfaements of depart- ment and furniture ,Storee. At.,first it was -need in quotation. marks hat hav- ing successfully passed that probation tisttaegti. an appearsprficl1vd e,our,.sit4i1rn just like .1.0ecr.tiett„1 . footing ti. If we htio n:4,ad to .g,et'along with:Out home when ,Fance adented• it there Would have been, Some pronipt vigorous objections.; We could -no niore dispense 'with the wor.a, thanswith What, it stands' for, '- lifnt; 'fortunately', t1We'lfrifleritT7.0711Oine ,to. 'go arount- •and th.e mere the Word is userli,the'bet- ter.: •YoU're.•Welcome,'Frtince.,: "Will yen pleeze‘, name. babY- 'ea.nie as. rgiVe,ya?".•,-' • ' „ . Id • , : 4 • Crela10,-,cent pox now.. . • •• • You metfand woinen'•whe can't' getLt ., e• 0:111eakd right—who 'bha% '•1111aals.te laienadda. dIfouel 0,• breath:, • Ziltea•S, canit &leen,. aro:, bai- l. :ono; nervous and ittiset,•, bothered" with' " ha're a bad -Cold.• . rt '''ithre CY;d1.airt:;tsP.,,210.gr'.'y;<, ).111;rr.elb13:C1',17611STIC11.11gel'a,6n. a ,,•• e, 'cathartic pills et. Castor'oll•?' • C.a.ecarets,`.•.workr. .,you sleep:' .cleans.,6 the' sto,inac;h, rernove the sour,- UOlgeat forinenting 'food: and, tatil -gaA ..t4i,ke„ the ..)7c.'esa frOin. the diver and carry' Out of the system all • 4he e,ons•tipatecl. wast e • Mat tett and pois- on in the bowels,' • ' " .t..laScal.et wiii„ straighten yell • 'otit bY..-,•fiterning -a ..10, -pent box'. from ' any &lig store ,will ke-op , your ACIE; COLDS, COSTIVE BOWE Q.:night ! liO;oreht. ,.and end. Headaches, Colds, . Stint StOmach 1 • n • nects, i presOving'xilit increasing tit -treasures with .,whicl,?, 'nature has en- dowed our land. . „in all concerns of the „C(phnionwealth, and. Of Indtvidtkal affairs as welj, .witl. profit us .to get out • of lbeAnitior key•and to think leeff. verY • :best that 'is in . then), ,ao(1) files- . ' '' --- "'"- - '4'-----= ' • m.alse kitid strive for Ilia ,irest that Is'. Engl'sh'W.°Inan''Engirleer, ' within. WO, . i ,,11-1.' t 11P SOH' t)f the art ' 'F'" t C l' 'S . I am Masi(' ..' , Robert ' 14P,I.A i • • 1 . 'III° s WaY ° ° °r tee . . . .. i .... • . .... ...,,,. n ., .- lrailv,( tlir iitnig...! itri .01n tints .- 1 eau. P the.0,,I) troirj 1, (yr d • - • : , • r . e. , , . ' . • , ' .n bolit' 61)1. .iiir,j11.1. hiSt Pad of being ,,of . :id4),-,,'Vtgrii:re'b34(,1*(11;.'o•P.;n•ny .dt r.g.21';Itot:::*%.?i'-'•r'..4‘ rS• • 111"6:11.1.1(15.''f:..i..1;f:1>;:i);b14::'."1,19n111,1:;v1!(::.(,)(1".'ig(t)(1.111.:Itt:Incl'ill‘tnl' I's:1');:iii'ele'le°i4:1::. ,..--.' — • . ... . • c , . Coal.Still King •c? . - . • . .• ..• • of Iiirniingliatit. England, ha's founil..a : °roc, stet^ , now la •,1 II i , . > - •.• sevi.el•proeess-of eilloring sairl.fo intthe 1.1-kpeera'in li.n,pariii, „if ifii"e' wOri.ti are the mantattet tiro ofcrildred orflantenis• taekling, f he problent • of 1 -tow 10. 1104) CO3n1tPe101a111 IP'a et icalik,•:,, .,:. The itoW ',coal to the hest: advantage, . , . product Will he used. a toofia other 11.11;A:16,,ercioi..tf,eldieus1(,,.(t.i.,:it.ti:c1(.),:::,g1(11),I.:;,),_sii...1.1„4:11!„;• ,11011.1:11,1:.•,i(:).,(11,,1,1!;)'le(1:,11g;;,, '.. litrir,1:111:1;17,:sil.ri,ii111rgOrs1.:v11111.1.1;iint!O17.:1K:...11:;',11i:111.till'01 ;;;r1,:i.111411i Ili, t(11r1. *fu. Aimmar'tenlperat111"6 illi'd 1/10SSU10. • 'the:re-vv.otid,,,s•,,L.argeit,i,,Bil.ghout',...,., •• • • milting fluid has all -the pt•operlies of , . . • crude'petrolcurn, and cull he treaten.iiii Tilr'' ' '''it'ilr'llst)nr'ill ill'sfltidt()11 ill • 1 . . oriti:its..weight in gold . . ,,. stempoli sweet. livor and bowels r , guldr, and head clear for nionthit, Don't IN • POULTRY AND STOCK 1 01(1 Tbev,:love•Cas- • home,,English-spe,siOng' people have /louse rant', 82.46 , gallon; Doom: .winaowit, • Ilelrflaititt--'40i-SES IF It itttliined cueiornars. Send to our Rupees , Cataluirue:. It will savi sou Wavy: The Hope:M.0o'. • 10 Nehion Street. "Toronto. • • • . A .°1.?''-• ho VDU ti,SOW *THAT' SDI.141NO eresuy Quarentecd . .Produets • win het rou • 469.00. 270.4 per week, 11 the y,ear round. 15u ;• fist Fel log 'tVrHO tur full •Particulars, Dept; 0. ?An Vreuxy• .32o,,. 200 ,Gladutime •Jieenuei. • . 4e 41 ot00011 u 114,5e. 'Oc"at t.eir660VDaritc IHrea'lla,erION this Intigastua how ' to, • ger inem. Init.° tor tieulers: • htudley, rytend, A^-1 'mit 171 11A BRITS OV 'QUAL1TT.,.. IL/ Iromentate . Write •.fdr.• boehIet .and priced, " ASSOC/ATP:I) .RAHEOTRIES, ••;•• 205, Xi•ntuler, Oht, • :Member • Arnprlor. , litheh Ma' Broders' ..Assoviation.. • Member_Anierlean_ assorietton: . . • , • . A TE k of' "Wanted lersatlens" one - intorspatlsn tent Free ois Rawest. The Ramsay ObeDiPt"inaludiet 11-,11V.51'etoft 1 widPiicumonia Negleeted-bronehial Col& are clan, gerotte. Stop. them instant/3/ with Buckley', Mixture. Its action in re - lie, the tough and clearing. the tubes' urnazithtlY swift -and eure. %, Alr I rugsriste. sell "Buck!?" under a positive guarantee, Buy,* bottle today.' and be safe. . . • W. It. Buckley, Limited, • 112 St. Toronto 2. .flUCKL mtm-runue .82, Acts like alias's: - .•a single Sip peoics it ATfillETES. . lireber- wig;F"'stift, •Riusclea and sore. joints:. 'Use it fOr-v?rtib down. MORE MONEY olio; • t.. • . c•ii:ets be Juse OA) goal. neNcr gripe or sieke».- . ,• • Thp,Sinali Farm Revenue , Sources. E•r 10: • 1r- gily,thing impreasei the overseas vzitdij travelling.tbrengh agrieq. tLn 4yeittl•ftaIn LtTId •Eur,oPe., it :Universal attention •to de - en the „farm, , the, development. • Of, whitt'wo :are pleased to ^call the ,aside,:isseues" .and '-the Careful! system, •of, • miltare. '• :cOuldo 'pot, .if.: ylov1dir•!..advaritageetiS1y---la-daPt7 Sh Pai9stafting „methods,. ' but We ,e-0,4gi3atiredlY come 'vastlyr.,iien•xer to 1t than we ..ef.o..oleing ortdita•tbe ever- 4Layz.body-61114- 'Perned:. •Thee cannot he • any' rea-, • 'Sonable:doubt ,filent thet;,..j.t.,is quite, *•true, that people.: did not come to , Canada from. oVersetis 'wall the ;idea of ''grubbing. along inthe • sinenar " ' :roW' way.theY, haddone at ljOxpe; but ' it •is equally' ..trite-thaf Wp.'haVe all. ne fronr..phe extrenie',te the other. OL446,-41#6.4lLiN.001-1/6-411:00,1te1P--0 FK.pries 'of farm ,,reVenize. Wp• have aegnired 'the 'habit! of '.think- jzg.oJy. In 2 •ters ' of, hand•reds act.es' and .tbousandS of htithelS:••when. we iihould give 114rio:tp thotig,ht, 'to dozens of eggn:.. On :the Enrepeari • farm, the smaller ,revenue sources • forth:the Anitinstay;of farm economy. .They. litre on what we waste. •t. am -,!rtow speaking generally arid net .'The'inest careful tillage Of the land is 'a neceasity forced' upon , :the peeple there.' Without it there , is no crop. • .Throughout Canada,' „agricultural • object-. lessons' stare ,One straight j„n--^1 • tile face.' wherever (file .goes., Thirty bushels to: •the acre on' one tide of „ roadand.„liot.-wor tit,cutting,:,„on-the_ Oth6r.,' The 'free translation of. this • ,means, sunither-fallow oho'. side' • stubble, crop on the other,' And I. not Oahe summer -fallow; but good suitifnef;,fallo, Completedithin the seasen: •end, kept ;:cletit.. : Weeds., 'And 11.' •am: pleased to „record 'the. opinien, that the leseon has` stink into' the minds .a• the farmers .with. , VengeanCe. , .rt: Conimeated. on wherever farniers • meet together. •Use Si ON SAWS • 'BCAI..lSE guaranteed to . cut 10% more timber in - same tlene, withlesslai2Or ' thUn enY other eaW• c.?4,0APA,0,..w N.D.. ' •' • ToB9HT0 . Th contrast :bativeen good and., bad 'farining fine year is ip 'obvlotai that it., 'eanoot ,be .inisunderstood:,, While • Went& only ,haying it 'fair Cleptit.;,..:i„ the ..a'ggregate..., return to the :Western • 7farnier,ie. going to bp .evormous: : He: •. . • has absbrbless ed. a on' Which 'could only be th.rough..eXiperience. 'Tie past unfaVoyable ;years- have ." *Ode& (Mt the weak brethren On our 'Canadian Thoinen who reinain are of ,the type 'Upon Who,in year's lesson: will„'not be Jost. ,W$4, Lot • ...,jimport*tit Animal Ci•ot• farinere realize the •petential aue of a •Ps.sit)re • inceine front: well -located ••woed lOt...•'• The 'reason .;troi-: probably.be',eattan• ter . that, while they appreciate the .shel ..conyerlience. of' the W�'d14.'they .de• not Underetapd tlMt..it Can. be mode. ••• to ',..371e41. it • direct . profit , year by year, just :like. !any. other..,erOP: , .,.'The last census !abetted :that the tOtal. • value. of' forest :products • .41ticed froth the. Canadian 'farm woad 'tots was $72;000,00.. Compared • te. Otheritirra•ProdUcts. this Avas:: Mier 11 per cent., of fall grain' crops; over -412uper.' eent.' 7;617 air- Piing° *crops.; nearly ,three. :times" the value .tif all crope;"•And greater,than the:to^ • ' tat :Value:. Of the. egg ,'production.. It •,mightirlstr-laraiitrtati.vu 9fie-t1i1id tha'.•/pU1pwo4:pd used in' •'ennadian,- pulp "comes- .frerii *farniers'. oncl,:aettlers', holdings:, .,,• A'he. Wood lot •pronerly handled can : ina#e, to provide.Shelter for 'stock, gardens and buildings,:nn&to yield a• perpetual: Crop- • of.,' considerable...,va- 2ffietY, 'namely; fireWoOd, fencing, lum- • .-ber- pieces and 'frames' for Machinery, 7..putrins,• wagons,, et., ' maple -sup and. sugar products; • a •variety'. of cdibl� nut and in sdue instances rixttiets,,..cf.':niediTittar value. It ;-,is • estiniated' bY. onc,,WellAtnown_authL„• . .fty 'that the average. .farnier• .makes nornially . about 2,00ii„ pieces, of '•Inntber each year. ' If 'this not. gfoWli on; tint place,. it has,:to be nor- •''clinse'd and often 'enough f roi,ght, paid to. hay'e '. it delivered:. , A wood let •,Of 20. properly handled; will provi,de, all the ,ftel, need on :the farm' for all thile, It • • , provide laid, fence-fiosts And •, thither. and' "Will•:•leavea surplus to be :AllquIscd :of The.'itfe,.11,1- ';',S,Lon of; a feW Maple and ,suitable ' torietics .of put, trees mearte An add,' astee• Which may bp antitially .fiYied at the 4-1Wner's wilj. TraeS,' graw; ' quite, Oficcess•tnllY on bind. Oita is 1161: 131.1161i10 ,for other kirms. of agrictil- ture,! and thnher erbpa ;knew no • . :allure. They are not subject ,to. ' • the price fluctuations 6' .food crons, 'land their Maintenance can ahripst.be Licked OPen in the light' of a national ^ .30 Days Free Trial •, ,We 31411.04ipi FREIGHT ,PREPAID NO obligationto buy, but -if you• ettaiest tenni • are arranged,. Guaranteed for • ten years4, 'Write now for' ..; particuiere.., Agents terintedtoc • are not o.epresenfitt., ' 30, • -SWedie4 Separator Conapany, Limited •• ..36a Notre Dame Bt. West Montreal . (Os With. Lisette') seitargemis"THOR•0^BRECI"EsAav LIVE AND LAW' CHICKS Our breeder a are bred for,bigh egg prbduction, White, Brown nd"Iftiff'VgboWICalted wad - Whirr Rocks, R. I. Reds, An conas. 13tiff OrpingtOns,White Wyandattes.12cand up 1005'4 ' live delivery, guaranteed: Write • ,SCIiiiYEGLEFI'S HATCH Y . for FRES CHICK BOOK. [ The New.Freely:Litthering • . Giti.Ctira .. , sSikavin9 Stick .. ForTender Faees , . EMOLLIENT MEDICINAL AN'TfSEPTIC Atievyerail.•,' • 'Wlar'' said a tall' youth to a little , , „ , . „ , • person, . Whir waa' In a• company that numbered big Jaen,' decirire -you are so small •flid -not 'see yciii , . • • • "Very replied ,•the lit•tie man. ."I'm gold dollar empit six cop -- per .Pennits.,:-,not • easily. „seen, but worth the whole of them!" • Coakf,Orotrrlhe Vfotory:' :••• . • . .• • Madeof the original oak and•cePper from Neilsen's' 'flagship,' •VictorY, a :gavel and _block" 'for' uae Treaenteil to Poitsmontli by ilear-Adnitral Theeigar. • J;f1i14-.'4.eatif: rote to ciituij?ome ba decreased fromlone ginppY deg :la el/97 five1 f aM 1,1 li3etO One ptiPpy a'og„fil -e*Ori ten.i bete'r knowledge ofdeg • hygiene, go taught hy fla4o,1 tholight itio be the reason.•: • • •', . tONDITIONS 4 • A Northern HamletThe -, s.4.wtrI41 e.hatteim O. the tutgfilellie. A 'TONIC ' • ! resinceint'duSC: :Whirls". or .noroio, the snow, • ••• - , AC1VSS the bridge "theen-fr;lge STYinili,Pn•;)7010;111,70.ti.nti;N:ile"tletril.2T1h-e;'ilbe'l6aCk -1-Ter,•1," mbmrienrga apPet tei; -,Olg Betio 44 t:tialoOp11,11gc,rlynouesit;t1,114erilgts•;;Aore:01,74:,"t11117.11;4'1,40e:gat,41, i;2‘;,r'nf'; are the )j,,llyhsYTir;v107hetd f .1:4116atnerljs•9ri ty €0p,e(H. ;140: 7TllTetgreo't-irlaTti':e•qir,;tlIl)1:-ntediahl'e%lrt'nU'P6TiTtile7suoirtllOf•'ieifqTitt66nn 1 . the pse,...of • ' • " og w proved by"^t•Itirl: , •fitat,Oielit:"Iet,.._*rs... 'lieitfilierk."•KIrnt.' ' '." .• vote. 8.:7-"F4S.Ilow, ',,P"toteelingty• around'tix's' It1e own; ..7potere cel4. wae'left In a rutt-lie*n;, feighteepring like jewels andisteh nerviono,icomlittorr.; 'palm In the! • gatbeil g,.nfght, back: and -limbs. °and: ecuild •seareOlY The bell‘s . of hauling' "tearo.s MeV° 'abetit': I did 'hot ti1een'welh`at.1% •1 flOar• (1011- 'night; •atld deepOadenC: alnd .04-• 1•176 With'friend- ' -penragech 1 dee; br. WO- EXIIIV'1IDt.Tilif-ivi.i4.1-0ain--74rp'f11141,t4pil titeer,ftg,eje•es,,,:e 33;1 h. rises ,..1seen •eartha (after'the0,‘ofsix baxes the The St4t3 golaPit-J'igaTier o. tha Wa,S, nOthittg ,r`.. 'I • ' ' .• short of!"..marvelleite.','5. The:Pains van L 0 WilSon 10164.4 .13ePt, bada good appetite, • •:. )* A •SIMPLE -TREATMENT MR. CO1DS .•, 'wir& inhin siihject, Of con•Ver- satiou is clothes," •• " • "Well; after' sceing,her no One ccitild ,icauS•e•har of being wrapped up in hr eulijett." ' 'If 'he hae.that hunted look, his suit- case may contain 'either al payroll Or a quart: • ' 'N. Compliment Frort Mildred.' The gird for tne is Mildred Sho always gTeeta ii wIth a kiss. • It:Seems to ti S "tis Moat unkind . . To tahe:ndyalltege Of the:blind.'",. .The'giri iiii •desPerate, we fear,. lint Obr1t4tro-a .conrieblit. olice a year. „ . . . .. . , 1 That Joe • • is, blind :1'v h,eard.'frorri , .1.., sethe:".1.,;:' ', , . . .,.• •, ,:',. ! , • but 1ILOW 1.){.11ffitat'S it ear_4111Uf111114...,--.. It an apple. a Oak teeps,,..tht '<looter away', inaybe two Would keep the'dOe- i„. • . • . tor Mid: undertaker both away. • "Why do. you ge••on the porch when I -sing? Don't you like' -•to- hear ine • "It. isn't that, want :the, neighbor• s to see that, I Inn no 'beating 3-on.'t• • • " , t01.111g.Mrs. Perki se' lazy she puts.'popeorn. in her paneakett.to !make then) thin ',themselves.; . • • •- • .. Half . a- loaf' is better than working afl day; •• 6 • „ , • • • . Spiritualist 111editini-=-"I in . - . , communication with the spirit of yoor Wife. I)o you. wish. me to speak to iter for 'you ?" •• • ' Wiclev.•er--"Yes, 'I wish -you'd ask b r• whore she put my light under, wear." • ersfinality is •Sornething .made.. • , The Feas'on. "Whv (lees \--the jurY?,.."'asked Tom's father: • Tom smiled, got 'down out of 'his and in every warlel.t well...and strong. aise gave the pills tocinY dingliter, was in an,anainatie condition and. feeling ,cruite Miserahle,gtnd in her ease, .too, they nehtored 110101..1 hepe ray :^4itxperienee 'antY...belp• some other *NOE person." ' • • • • Dr. Willigunti"Pirfk Pills are Sold by <he sent free•on.request. : • Open Wider; Please- • "Oh; Oh, dodtort •you get'l:'• Work. on. niy Mouth quickr•• •• • "Yes, jtlit'a !nlinute' new. and 'Fil diVE3 , .; dr' vex': 30 yearssame goo,d' tea. w- pa:cked in A anunum. •-••• I. RED ROSE iDAANcLEPEICOEU'eittrimkood: .• • IliSillt4t • • Y. I^. 0.aV1ng..,enr1obed• ftset0-. ms liy,barrowing coliirenient nat ira•wpraa from the French_antumAt, -.P.tiyi.ng'" France' g.,,p,rea'enit Of one 'of tie'most seeffes, a word' dein; ,td the heart 'of 'e,yerY- En glishlp • person -L-• d'home." ' • , 'consider:big' that . the French :are .a. heniedoving people, Fitineeliaa never had oily equivalent for .1.'hotne." f The 'nearest . tale canto to It rAs. -foyer,-. meaning heartli, or "Ohez nous" at .Olir holies both of which fall short of the. significance of time ed Advertisernesitst fla . I 1.00ARD nurox. 'wisps , ifr,r ' wow; ern; , • .• ,INDEns ens :Hire re/motor. cluarainewl tee • i •00 sailer& Paa7aid Xision ting Co.; -$2-S4 loroat ...- k„.„...W.,...,:!..r41,-,onto.„.,___._....-,..4,-..._,..„......... . • 4 c • HEALTH GLASS. "IFF.HI3 'Sr1TUtBPORK* -u poultti 4E beds; beads imeah. " bum plants, . Delivered ftto- yard. • kesslast, Poultry, Elmira, 'Ont., It• • r • SOOT' DESTSOYER, - ' LEANS CTIDUNEYS win/our DISTIUSTUNO anyttanr.-bla thr moot. Will extinguish chim- ney Area .0A -onto), Irate and sgrruteBR, .,ase Pack, - ago. 8 packi.se.• for $1.00 ,postpald. The W. R. Thornhill Co., 100 Notre Dania Street Wink,,, 131J11.1?Ellti' SUPPLIES. neyr, shArt,Co.s.rD 11.00PINO, $2.88s !EV a 1 Ammusic. Voice of, •the lIniverse, Priestese ,et •Eartli; Lite's Lyric: of Love, am' f§eng of, angelS• lo, the house of good': :the Snake ,aiid:delueiOn of bell. • . • I 'W leper :Of passion;. ',brea the re, ehaln.roady., to run, and then; igigh: ingly, said;, ' ' • ' A .stanip of appreval may csrry • '"13ecause he confdn't make them pay, • one's metsage adong 'distance. cash, guess,'. ! • • , Heti, Idea �f Suridials. Vie Gilt bags- plied' made ,the,b: 141 •e,„• C,Iiltbags.went doivii and stiner7' ...,,apAtrid„bongbt-a Country hottee., intended tpo diteratione herself'. , look hero," she '"this • • Annetta) it, coilit$1.etely waSted ,'Well; Mum," mill the patient; Work- ' thin, i!iv"h0 re :Would Oa` 1110.'hie tenut ' *1)4 itti oder, the eldetrie light in the Mrs. gilt:hags,. ',VII* 'We 'Pan see What le at • .t Veli Meant.' " • • ' eusioiner. "rt'e really Nary Tana oi yen ti ek.4. u p that •pa tool- d top pp • NeW 'flat% "Not at all., mafanT.,,W6 88t.041 ltro•tattlng,tireati .of .riaing aiienaed • . ot Wog 'only 'to prOty • , • hewnatism in Every Joint This New York wOnniti siiffered untold Misery until .Warner"s .relieved .Itead her letter:- «41 rhenniatistiNni overY"Joiht in .iny, body:and had to. be -------litrired7and-lift4riirlf4"; bed.. ',7111,8 was followed bf, • YODOW ••My liVer. and. kidneYs .Wore out of had ne appetite and reit!' low 'spirited. \mined' te sleep all the:,tiMe. was--tben-persuaded •,to 'try 'Warne -es Safe idney' and 1,1r er tetnetly,' waS improyed wisp' taking oho'bOtfle that 1 .con- • ,14.111e,kwith excellent rests." Name on' retioest,- , , . •, . • Sold by all' drnggists. :Price • $1.45, per bottle.; Warner's 'Safe Rfinedies 'Co.. Toronto: Ont. 11011811=111811•111111111e. Says. Ottawa Matroil„ Mme. Beatrice Charlebois could „not holdipen eivrite. • .` ' ep(riodpto.i.tritu jol•t oot0trIft,t1 M.() e• -0111' Nerves completely sha ttered,health.ritined. Now a/qt, t.60' IlIgh-grad'e . , tlw Raton- NC:ty to p•rorlatos, no/rot and i •\‘',AFItington eolev.,! nen ror qua.. 1}.; , , ",.1.1 i " ' othe.r '0 /1$'• . • • ' - • - •• 1 as • 1110 • elm m pi.X.e hog•lionqe. . of .111f Atiolhor scienti.s. t reanp - ` ' 1 i ' ' v.1,1-14, timft' any other It III,; i col , ' . - es colt. ,0 a t • - . . • •, , . • , , ,.• f , ( 4 . ... , piteous ,form ,atul then liquefies thri i Lion 4.,1 111•0(6 ',1)001P`i.. 1',v-orY .(11-r2;• 14-asis•-• ' Ile }ins . prodaeed .'illothwiloi ". vonlit'rV add, to the supply, - '" , • GOITEVMD ' WORST -"INWARD" KIND PREFERRED• : (Fitstqillhitn lr01111)11fig, et•-•) trvatioeni... ,thoroughTy• qualniod 'physician. •Drawer.1,'Castictoo. vmorons and strong, she gives praise • ta •Tanlae . tor boimine• • • . • • (lettere I Palarl. a PronchnIgn, dias 'The two -•Year ordeal ,WhiCh She • passed through before Tanlac came to ber fferrhattent relief, was revert ly de- scribed by Aline. Heatnee Charkbois, of 22 Pose SI., Ottawa.' henduredjn that time cotild net be told," she said. "I was So weak I Could hardy wa My apPelite woo poor and my stontneh gate no end of,• trouble, Cas and pains, would, bring en fainting spells. • • vis/fy nertea. wire SO ' Cotn.pleiely iih'ettered:.that lompoCtn•.,fright very tittle .the doorbell rang, 'My nd'irombled• ite that It could not old the•pett to it rite, my tame...Night-. after night I've:gene without sleep; • ;•• ' tee U0'1'001E40 Still for 'even a few *• inotitentA, Jilten. Itenteework be... • .-Oftine .toolntielt roil MO, . • • . • fa tried all. kindo.of rethOdin4 - - tholte two yeare„ tan liOnestly y Vanlaogave Mil my prst real' relief. It ane•OP,aoAat,I v.o gamed I •,eist And eleoP One and Lavenervea tarr.',.•-•••• Ofilni (tit ri aleak‘.13, mi.' ever, , 'ran fah wOrth•I tjJ. Weight in gold."• Builti tip yotir, healtit on 'ruillad, patureo °WO 1,01216 made front roots, • ^fibrils and 'barks Yen cirlikutst has it.- • Oter42' tnilliott but Iles Zokl. • . • . . . bept, is,gporini6,‘ (,1F-,qoal-pPo• STOMACH NIISERY, d'f1c.0)1 Synthetie-alcohol'; Which 'Shows, „zt, saving of 15...per 'cent:by eitfories- ever • 6A.o; ,(061: !„1?,6'SfION. volvo, tentrieritfure of the `.111(.11-: oe•itt Wil iclf ft • is 'heed Waif &maiden altiv lower 111111 in eats urtitig..pelTol.• • .„ ,.., Song 1111• '.IiT distil•coal hi • the ' ,fit, ,l'oCOr Or .1116: itnti.tkett...trn-totiift- _‘:ape' ,bliapepsitt'.' corieets,, , . ,96tIr;; tipseni ..1 Stoaclis. the, cost of, f rans in f (Unit :I'00.0'00 `..13ri t i r I; ".1)r`1/6'w .11111Pk1Perth";" 15 the '4131°1(6617' -' .14.,r,,N.„.4.1.t.; „ivalitott; :.1,..,s,tirzthic,e4..olcii„c. (1I41 ; , ,.............,.....7.4...«.,-.. .4, 4 v:stt . ip.,!....1..*** . .21. .:,"1•44,..t...1:.,.. t.., About 1)Y ifongtdIstittiV. D'Ird'ux 1 h wh aro i ' • - , ' ' ' 1•119l'Iiii11.-11i1 it $ ' IN.)] idi he Olightly oy4lf.:4 t'll'l',.W'• 1'01°1' ',,11,i' ,.1.,,i'‘1,,d1-gC'stitc); ga"°':'' :. 1111',o0:f414'iltfitts Ter $tivetifv.fit..e nilles" 11.'"'":1-4-nInr* '-'1.eaj''''`I''"' 14°1'1' ne: if'''. 14"' - An int,ellitem ‘1,01,ki•tg, li,:i.i. 1_,,,, •,,, ! by acidity. It few tahlets,:giye :slihr:st ' ' ' ' • ---•-••,,,--4.---..,..., ' ._.• ' ,.t,:•', thefita t ion or 'Seem:telt ditti POPS, Cilltkr-41 - to •-al) ti- 1-111,$. zit' 1-004 ‘0,ty,.d a; iii i I ; ' " .1•;qr.111 (.11,.a t o „at entif (tit' ,r oi i e f. - c'orre..:,t odtteatpd , plito 0.014,1 1..;_co .4' all your 'ittotimili rind rtigeto ft -to no* for .4,-c Kn •••• •• rrom - •• • ', • . i 8,No• to so 000. 1(i.or _1,4 • . ' .‘ 41:V.. ('01.115', 1,1yrigg;ste -4,144 41.11.,ifillitl-b . , ) 0 - ' 1 • Painarci's Liniment,h fOr reurnatistn. ::''77'li.09'1:1$.18-UE ,No 12-Ji.7. - ..... • When Y,oto Feed ' II "VITA, 1111A141) Ci )1) i.ivi:it .U114 0( • .1, • • , . Vitamine Tested • Send money* order or, catill (no, cheques) •for trial. 1‘,4 gaillTh cnn: Postplicl -$.1.75 Tb , Your: A .-.dd ress ' ' bower 'pri C65 ,0.11 (IlltilltItY. , . YOCUM FAUST, LTD. - ' , Dept. Y -' . ., London, Ont. ...Prov61. s.afe,by/MitlioOsndprscribe by:.pflysidats • •,(•-i!,1,-;•:•18.-k."11d GES-NOT-AfFicr irkirE 'flgOrr. •lomertetiwyronnallAW......."."."."."111 Acce -"Bayer" padkAge 'wimhontainprov11 ditectiont Trimly "llayer" boXes fallihts A!.80 'bottles of 114 mur TOO-41ruggistii. rar,1. trt,c~:e.) in C.01. •tili; ileYi.f Unnefeettire Of.letorioncetic" Icicles ter ,Ot t A ty! "'A, S. 1.1. While It is krona " that A eptmi ineyie co' 4., "t bIld *ammo(' ted4ato, the tablets _At mt.,. t.1 „tilt n 1.1 La vitit Wut Cos& I./tat ees Ull "1/47.,t Crialk"