HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-03-24, Page 21 BY purl vigE:sTiasT • , . IA ' 145 ria *.eViiillthat ' is, he'. ?Mlinie MO turned a little white!,f waif odd,', No 'Ait,14.-pdalwjiti ,04.01,0pps4.046,,.-ground-twroo--tv. in7:47,silentr al adattlaigiiiiihinen17ark of taat••Valaahla ait heldaoat his hand to Addle, who ; 0'44 .Moe ahlIntlant., in genillaa. 'ataad'tranaf/aed.aait.h itOtaoia :to :hrosh t'4ao•• 9t119rs; VOI:ich• ratt„Yea'tinna''Clif=jthe enraged little•demon away, and f•Prent: from*naalen Men, but It was then .with the utmost serenity„ .beza • tretiendn,ant in hinla No one ever tlaO.I4d. an - ammonia bottla froal:.i. 'aaeonlaa ,t0;latevi „init. where In place weak -nerved .161'1 and, applied ',it. " to .1 ''.'' •:." j_-.--11.11TP:,- . :•-•:,,a-a-------a: -.4a-----4--:-.•-a•-• --4: a 'H- 'eatriteawitliaahaaaiaTale ngleare 4. .---"--77,5 , • jannue was n aeholett Of mine' ,.and _t.:"1 am not much acquainted,'Adtiel I that MayaeXalain heat fa catintAfilinevc w ...: th-aoilf-fnaaaaleggeaafaiereds-;-bua- aa*maeh, abet/el:tine; ' ..'. a,' • es some of his relatives, „Cre:Pasona 1 . To 04., ir,l .snakes an his• poeketa at- "msa I, Will use this .on .general kin '!ateat of •0441re41011Oili Was a Matter mplei with . no `disrespect' intend r of •course •With-011:087.-tOok•-aagreatt toward the 'One iii'Ciatatipai," . • 1 'Snterest in Dame Nature's affairs, That wag his • only reproof., Of and yet had gaffe enetigh left for his course, A.ddie repented In sack -cloth own, ., • ' , , . ' and ashes, gild those girls had a ' It is scarcely necessary to say that great respect ger him thereafter - the feria were all afraid of hien and ; dmirang • his courage, if: nothingOxpre§4ed their Nees eery plainly to more. ' • .- a . ; . abet effect. - .. ' ' ' •• ....But, as I paid, he was odd. One While they could eidiere any quan- day, during_ a brief vacation, he was •atity of geld, and silver 'melees, in the.; missing. ' No notice was taken Of it, Skala, of briMelets Yet a necklace of as he appeared promptly at 'dinner. -a • at- liae '04,e -eases -green at that- ' Butho wasabsentthe next ',day aa abocketlsell'att -.Aar -eelialh_ silitiese To. also, Old :the next, till' at lest -,tay ' his great mortification, they infinitely ciniogitY was aroused. . • •, preferred •confectionery. ; • ', - :It was, in the 'falai warm . days of •,.• a- ÷-Perhaps he did,notadisplaYathe-Wiaa May, when the air -tiegain'-tia ateatitind' ' dem of Solomon in ,profeising to ;see with the tuni of , insects, and the more beauty in his squirming erig- frogs held high carnival in the pas-, feuds than in their lifeless 'coils; nor, tute Pools: ' • ', . . : ., i' on the whole, was it necessary to 'I watched him,saw him pick his ' have 'Made' such broad. remarks "con- way ncroas the .- field to a rather Cerain4 nerves, and the • peculiai -larger pond than 'as1.141;, by which he .,, benefits of alowitg them to be our inaateta, instead of servants, "consid- ering that the girls deemed It per- fectly natural ' to Serena. • „Then, tooKawe . have .our weak , Pointe'. 'Even Siegfried; the . Norse-. . mien'a hero, who bathed in the drea. • goa"P bided and •teme outcoated with • horn, a _hitd-a_a_spata'.-betamniaa-his. „shoulder!, Where the linderdeaf had settled, iladefencied.- •"u need not be o. proud of your .,, nerves," ' retorted Addie Derrea ,one note ---.'Peep-peep! 'peep -peep!' - in , day. ."It's: only , because ?snakes and these holes, all day long, and 1' never •.frolig• happen' to'he your. hobbies. ' I. ' :detest them; .yoti' like them. I' do a not niiiid spiders in the least,, but I --, saw' you jump -tan feet this twitting when .one ran' over your 'hand!"...„ . • .....And she :tossed her saucy !head, .in • alituale ;turned ared. : 114. had : a •.fgreat aversion to iniders„ • and he -:t-riew it.. They, made cold chills run all 'carer 4i0,and the . thought made' him angry. ' ' ...-,a -- ' • . He was honest though; and plucky, spread- a lubber blanket, and lying down, began ,to Watch for 'something so intently that • X stood 'oier•.bira •be- ferehe knew it, and then he Merely looked' Up, grinned,' rolled over a little to meke room for two Uport the blanket, aid resumed his guard • "What are you after, -Jim,?" I said, Seetheraatinased-! Ile hesitated a inoinent and then "Every string sit hear a queer. could. find out the :cause. When I came near it would stop, and stay stopped till t went away. I dict not like to give up, even to a frog -if at Is a frog -Lao I . have -camped down here to find . out, -what it The sound is so cannot deter- mine whence i eontesa--from these bul- rushes„.1 guess -and when I find out witch clump, Fla have it, or my name 'is not Sim ' Wiliet," and he :gave In resoluta little nod. - a • .1 concluded ° to stay and see •the a ••• ••• 1.1 , Provincial tumefies. in. ()tattle Wlitl ' exit tail*, Idea, . a .itaPereiteor Wile .givaa aletribute over eight •retiliopaireee for jns,tototiona,a# to v4allting anal, Olki.`0 of '•rofOre44.atiOn litirnopiea•la ..9.Z7,!)'iitateS the .1.70Unir •SOILtaf104,. ...'PIKtiro.• tOr. Ma Ta, • a. Zaalta„ Denetyllinit)ada '9; 1 i_raaarei let_ yeLarailablo•hitt..1P.14$. ,ForeSta. I'liis 'lumber ' •agaaeedlings, 'Raven •:Pe fota • .wera eptaaltalred ' WIlll Iii,Stillielett't0 plaigap '4Q00:nereotnyzosing 0., :total • _,, eine ,thIrty: The of Waste laud- witiCh lita;s:'11O.,agrle(i'lr' ehiect Of•tite fattnicipal,dereonstratIon tat*i'velne:und.:Wit'ea these "4'00a:have plots ,to to4,proyide at .aetuel:;exerePle ...--attaiae'd'..the;nagalf-49ataail.9-Ya4raatheinap,a.wheit_Meaalia d4;talawAlaY.-ai"taA-11.-raq,.. esaimateal aellie.;ies: liet-weeit.aiatat'atal ' to .educate the, •aepple 'al 'the, ,aetrial $00 Pei acre. ,. a •. .,....• :,• .• ' .,..• , a• • : WorkJefapitualag,...40 prentenf'.the. drift7 The w,O4'.,c,drrefOreating 'waate..-.10400, ing.'of blow ei„utkoyei-reada. Alta 04.4 .enri Varr.en area:s 1S.'neginning-to5aa•-• incidental .Jitigli. expense. :Of' cleaning: Sturke aptae:itupptteaatatfroin. tat* etsaita inial.'ectapina taeteteaa„at. these pelate. Point Lj.)f .ftiture graWta•Or ttlnii€4% ', In •end' ...t.ta.lak),aide ,..the begi in alag :a of', or le05,wilet',11. ti•si: Weak iWee ,ataita'il. forest .Walah - may i?O a(1410a...to • ..!r°11i ---laeaweetatwaaenalatheeeathapsaMaSe.ed ..timeaapatillaalAnda. Well.' Will.' fal.'49• , linga vv,ere:,diStfihtitied,4entl•la Me 'be= :iltitttre,'nfod.ce, yalltable .tiniber", . . , .wOre Ve.rmationtly, nra &tea:: 'la 'addi:•• '-r . ..- '.'-' ,.t4,,,e4.,,s.a,yg4„,,,...nr(t,nf,*Itip:pr„.,,o6.daig,o,,,:.:.,•,,..,„,.-..„....T...+,,.!:.ri.,T....;:i,,kre.„..r...o..p, 10•4.r.„,,,,,,,,, .11, Ven:iarge stooks of geetilaiga.atiaa.aept : 1 aainaosit'172.00;00 seedlingw.;,ware?.dliv• "en hand iir tlie-threetreviaelia,;:eeraea .tributed in ..95..i.,,'111,0 caletleinaaa: ail lea 'awl, iio.. t'We transplant 'nurserieS,'1 'for'. ccitilferS' Of'.:Which. d,351.,,13.12 Were, - 'There Is ,.#11, inereaaing ' d4mand; foil'. eent Otil",: 'the .dernanal.aa airitielpelia: 1,,,t, „stock ea -Ch yeer by :private. indlvidnalS,, tor:Mine, ' spruce,- 13urepot111. irt..weli aed -County organizations and ..inunicipali. white .e.eilas, in 'Atte' peder atemea. -... og ti.0., • Faqir .coutty forests aaVe beee he hereivomla. Poplar tates the 4.• Neei'artb'llinitnhheiler.la4n°d;:l'An17';d. !anill:italic:66.. tTayanG'r-':Ig '..P:iviihlitiee,'..ii.ail4ltd.a°1abtri(l'ariih:ift°;e1.. aw,intilvtallil'i:::11-1..1(is8.5011111/..1•.. the lead and other ' Cottutiea :ate on. , great deinand.. Eleven specfl!s or coal- aldering', the aidVisibilify .'ot starting ' fora 7.4.nd fourteen epeclea. ; ot'llard-. forest,1 on. their waste araaaa Two nyi-IWOOde are. aupPlied: ilY the7Governtnent. vate forests ' ha:ve•been 'establashed• on nurseries *which ;are • Veing enlarged estateS. ' . - . ' ., '.. . : ' each year. . , • . . . . ..'. incresing.",Ciemand.:, . In 1925 more aPplicatione' were yea celeed. for seed:liege thatt 'egad' be '811:011:balatafathealiursertear' Serifea32O, applicants,. •secured over., ;Ilya and, a quetter ntillion •trees and . In '1936 .the derriand Was even greater.. The ;re', sults of this Interact ••ie evident In tumerimis. amali .plantations ..tlirough- oat thei PrOvince: ' ; It., is .,o, tat,tA '. that there Is hardly a farm in. ,Ontarte that Ilea tet.'earee area, that -la'itoPraetical Or inapOssible 'for .agriculture and ;the Mianting of treeeapen theae: 'trees:ea: 'imies. fearofitable caop of tlitiber, .pests or poles from ,sMi • that Weald ...other. Wise'in'odude 'weeds::: ',....•-...1:. .• • :-•'. ' • . Munietpal..demonstration. pieta. have.. -beeaaeateallabedatatotegliimitaamitheina ()uterio. and mana . eenanatinttieS are: buil g tee, Wasta Land ;for 'these plots. The•Onteide Forestr.y .1)1ranch se:PPliesa: . . 4., • • :NEW AUTOMATIC AERIAL CAMERA . Whieh.eale Map Out 180 agnate milee of teratoea without eeloadaag. It talpee a contineons Seales of pictures, recants, the tate they' are taken, angle of pawl -a to the ground, altitude,. auMber df expoeures,' • • •' ' them it themeadoars and woods but only at this. time iof , the. var in. Water." • • ' " • Jim was excited now. He was cerl taint)? :a horn naturalist, and will world of sciei-ice Every clump of rismbeinsti•itnelitelies that was searhed with left :nothing 'unnoted, and when he came home be had no lese than seven an his. folded het. • i; For weeks: we Were , amused by their Odd ,actions, and ete for Jim; he almost lived before the great jar which he had devoted to his water - babies. • a - .4. little grass thrust' down in the es well, for. he did not hesitate to , being somewhat interested in ;Peak .the.truth. •' natural history myself, 2and more so take out a pair for a race up tlie "Thatis-so I do, not like spiders; in dr ,b0Y• ' • windowpates, Viet there would be • eYesa a Malicious wink, stuck is•nose out of took. one glance at the rumiled crimps, that made her ,for •the nonce. like a skye terrier,. and vanished from •hea,,stak_taaa__„aa,,a_a, ''"Iicth4re-alcflie" go. to?" she asked, With some anxiety. ' Jim, turned and burst into a laugh. "Addle, are you brave?" ' "Oh!" • aShe ran to, the glaisa theta sat the little mischief; swinging ' frern her hair, as. calmly though an his, na- tive jangle! :• • But Addie was brave, if she, did .seream, for she Stood .perfeetly ptill till Jim had disengagedhis pet from the silken threads; no he ditnot have water served as a covert, and a mos= intieh of a victory aftei all, except in quito-netting kept in t thee which the way o further proof that nerves leasupPlietaalthotighateagailed--I-beavan-abeacentrolledaevee aglia's.- -lieve. to see them eat. ' That Was their last race, however: During the 'day they were rather, That very night,. the ;eat found a quiet; but when dusk came on, first' way, to claw off the, net from the would b th ate nth of t • a d d te usl went tafisking, with what .Succesb the one •ms, „inflate has scarletlittle bag -Pipe till it was is round as 'a feotball; and discOurse" shrilly, theta another would take it lin, tin the • din would become. un- bearable. • • ' ' , It was music to 7though. He watched theta day and. 'night. He claimed that: they foretold •sterins..14 elinibing, to .the p)p. of the jar in. fair weather and descending into the water. on the 'approach of :a fotila."te iieeP Cait.of the avet;"adanain.g up an -down inalieertain. weather like acro- bats. . •. But his ;greatest delight was to: mo he .j r an ex ro y empty jar could testify. • • a . • • , But it was. long' ere we forgot Jim's Pets; and I think there Was a .itattuil respect between Add' d h' there- aftei*. a_;••• . • Remarks as to" each other's. Cour- age were out* of erder. ' • ' • 7British-Schoolboy Eyes .Gold Coin _Aikauce., . The fact that 13ritish currency is on the geld standard tiOes, not Mean that gold 'actually: circulates to any extent .4.4a every now and then, Matiances aro repOrted in 'which tender of gold sove- but' arid' not take back a' werd of For nearly half EtT1 1101,1r, we :lay in , •reigas is re,ceived wit distr s . ' 1,31, frogs . came out of their lurking a trellis. Hand a so-a:Male exemplified When there took What I,saidio It-aroa cite not. believe amhush by that stagnant' pool. . The it was like little men cover hand, foot over lim.bing up ,laa unfamiliarity with gam was Me, bring on ram pets!" ' And be ,set his, teeth in ate de- places and croaked awat unconscious foot, they would make their way up • , h s I think they do not the smooth lass now a d t en 1" termination. . a. ' . ' • ' . ,• • : a •our presence. '' i . . . : . -n. 1 ' d it hie. 'heroics :and Mind anything not in Metichi • ' . •ing down . an inch' or so; and 'then -With ionciiided 0 teat them a 1Rstie., - _ Puddertlyfrom- a chnuP Of:, xi/She& aeaeWed energY_Inaking alk forl, lest. , „.,., - -.::. - , • 'Spiders. were '..riteift.k,' ,W one Inieve. en:, the., very. edge. or the , aquatic' time, each 'little knob. on their .tiny wheal:I'M book -for them,. and she soon forest; sharp •and shrill rang oat that aoeS clinging like a sucker the slipa 'Unearthed a .litige black one. treat ..11: raysterieue, higlapithaed call: apeeja. :pery glasaa . . ; - • snug hole in the <mind. •ee ! eenl i !" • There w II • 1 1 • • Scooping it tp, between two ''Then another, and anoth'er, till a about them as they climbed, tieing d li- shingles, 'she: laughingly 'held it out eceee of :treble *ailicea added Itheir either. imb independent y an int.e • to*ard expeeting a,o see aim strains' to the concert - in the pool. gently, and With 'a Certait delibeia • start. back in dismay. . .Jim fairly yelled with delight: atenessa not like a frog in spasre . Jimmie turned' white, and looked a •'"I have 'it first at Addie and then at the spider,. Instantly every frog stopped in the jumps s,, indeed, cl;) not seem to make A... shudder seemed to quiver all over nuddle of •a croak, lqcked up his heelsfore-legs hira. and went down. like lead, as; brush- means of`tocortiotion; • but these' little "Confess, • now, that you have ing back rushes suddenlyhe imps in buff used theirs like arms; _ nerves, like the met of as; and I will made a lightning -like dive with his swinging around • ,like apes, from let you off,t she said, in a half-. right -arm, ,aad brought to light one point to point. •• waxing tone, for she. already *began of the prettiest: end rarest aen repent. . habitants of our marshes. "I geld that before. I only claimed ,Imagine it very small frog of a that one ought to controatherra" was light -buff color above,' and white tyri- ", the' stUrdy answer, as he heali out his sierneath; a pointed adse; extraor- open hand unflinchingly. • dinarily delicate limbs, with . a tiny ,How it happened 'she never knew. knob on each toe; • a Scarlet -sac wider She stood looking him,. half -pro- his threat, and ,an irregular X -like Voked, secretly admiring his 'manly mark of ,brown upon its.. back. . Jim had to lie wetchful- Olen. TheY would lift 'their .poirithd noses, take' an observation, and land aomewhere, yards 'away, before he 'had title te • . It aeemed ;to be perfectly imma- tetial to, them 'whether they alighted on well or ceiling; They stuck like flies --:et • as Jini irreverently put it, self-control, and laading the shingles "What is it, Jim? I aaked. , • "like spit -balls." 'Meet school boys in her hand... • • Jim thought a Minute,. looked it all Will , apprecia* that! , • ' Suddenly, witboluetif)Warning, the over, and said, slowly: ' That • was „how Jitn ' had hie re - huge spider Wrigg , out from her ' "Prom what have reed, should 'yen& on Addle,. .Not intentionally grasp. gs.ve a leap, and alighted think that it 'was a tree!,toad„ sir." ---,theta \yea, aaitrolig ven of Chivalry right in ainuttie's hand.. , "Right, the first time!' , bade'. his oddity .that • uttetlY foabade 'the neat, irtstnat, the great...curved ' "But I thought they lived In trees, tha't. , • nuaidibles were . buried. 3111 his '.flesh, sir!'" ' She Stood .one day cheering: on her , and theinsect Was dyed red with the "So ,they (Id; but it is the mating- favotite in a race --from a 'safe dis- sparting blood. .• ' -season ow, and they 'come tO the tanCe--ana". as :drew ahead,' in her Then ,there was -a diri', The girla pools to deposit their, eggs, as those eacitement she came too near,: kSir . • • . screamed and ran or their lives, but brown 'wood -frogs do ,• "YOu often find Tree -toad gave a wink of hie bright REULAR FELLERS-ByGene Byrnes. , 't.00KA -n-ts sizs _THIS vtl-LER. PUIDDIW5P,C>4. BETCHA 145:MAgES MEL AStiotdAE6 Vot) aletheeae. „4„••••••A I- - •tat`f taAt11.5 VIERRrr ALoYstus mcoseLe. place -et Westminster school, the centuries old „ceremony of ."toSsing the, pancake". on • Shrove Tuesday. Since.--time-:innnemerfai; it;z1ifts; Ife01' . the • custem to present a' golden sove- reign; to elie toY Seenring the largest piece„Of ,pancake an the traditiortal or r ng an • 6. nee the war, pound notes have beet aub: stititted; but tale year, the headmaster was able to procure gold and return to the old traditlon., It: hen transpired that. tbe• boy who had won the prize had never seen a.soyerelen,befdre and iad to be assured thatit really a as worth one:pc:land. • ;sa;i'l".Qa °: 1 1,-1; :elf.a'il4R41.4;:-':1'tuhu1;4:k4a.':14;;V,044.184;iiiti.:101,00.....-*". 'The 'phrase. maY .1100 940 at .tNataMeaata inga; ia itettaceiaable that it should I1eY0 aeltater,....04or4 o* clrcled b water. .Look at the Map. • .V.Tr.....1.:4Wliete.1171).;iatt)701144;101713,4.: -P119:9e.14iIi.7': "41017'. 'the, fierth, Where .Yeit "rlde. 'atter, ;., •00,50,* pear°. 'ytta.•.leairea .eity... 0114 n beating Mat• will telt you phrase the, real:444.1'a byawaterea , a The aeatilia Mee .•aile.- apree-is his college lattge Canrolt el.1,41,:mr. Of.:the "barge Reel!, ita ,eutlema: .; . that • •.per,•, aitaleg ita• 'interior, let, the; ..'carieeintnate, ,trentjetorabit ..witlaliteli" 4,f reoltolans':,.. steers; hip people:I W:sele, 1.:teed..);c" sale attqi:p,t .alie argaga 'luta atifea • 4;tgagliniCle7'9aZe;\ ,thing:must PUt down, for it Is the . eream Of Oxforda atimiter a„.• • \V lien the tin -Moil :of /!lights...Week, • and: the hurly-burly- an liana bee died. away., tine Ina y' titre In tire other meaning ofthe river, lusa orkuui fiSS etrermou's than tho:preCecling, 'rhe si>lrIt 133• et that: of eu•nainei,. pref ably cthat: of : the' first 'smuttier I m, when examiziera are .'bt.t1 w*iths : to be diepoied comiortabiy when -tho WM!, contes,`but not to beareubled •• over movi,7-.nOw• wife -a theae are Mani thing -ate do, pleeeant, ell littera. antaaalaaimitatite af aOlaughaaapipera.,a-aaa Who "went in his youth and the sua- • elate tefolaing„ Nueehazia and Goca 8:Owe."' .Npiy is 1.thie thee to lake .:a mach -enduring' book, Which shall .tietve• as pillow, ..baciereat, fan -H, at anything,;in•short;'save reading.matter . -amnia to go Upon the Over,' .1.4"ter, the a wintor.peraaas; Will de f.or the read-.. • . I 411 A "Soft Atswer. "When las' wife-. got angry and bawled 'him out he replied by, hitting' her with a pillow."' . . l'Perhape bellevea'a soft answer • • turneth away wrath." Rabbit fur can now be. dressed and dyed untia it needs an experienced .eye to distinguish it froma genuine • grey squirrel., t.):19 treee ;or these Plots free'of charge 1,)e" 'eatim.ateal. that in Qat. 0 nattrio,. south the. Georgitia'.'llay region, *there 'are' 8..500 eqeareainllea 'Of tend which is suited ,only . to tree growth. Most ef: thie etnials4s,-of• large stand barrenseapci' 'Sparsely wooded haat, but lange,einoutt of it is Made. up of Pitall•ateaa .distributed oyer the wheat of tag southern Part :Of tae,Proviace in theagooda.rictiltural. districti.... These entall *treas. Cenalat :of 'Steep ; rocky or giavelly spots, portion"; of tae• airta • eat; off 'by strearna or: railroaea• swamp areasand level, 'fieTde of •ex, tremeli soil.. It is the object of •the .'Outetio Foreatry...,:bran.elt pro:, trees, to aaaist. prperiring • a ca.bp, trait titese areas. that.. are erellti ,Tlio :additional .. interest. shown • eaela .yea,a, pla.nting.treas.O.aarbese areas augurs. well for the closer fgt. of these so -tailed Waste Janda; . Peaks of Prick.' - : atfe gives. us two or tareeaWa,et,thrilia 'we like to talk about, / The memory of the first goal scored fades not entirely tint; • To every inen••aomeaaeori"er late one taatiffoixe koar 'of :fame '" • When satisfactionaWith hin3se1t i43.. his to boast.and -• That hloi:pele.yrasrt,ayiedtzeblushes '„ s„" , • ..ancathere's no doubt ,thet he le proud itheeze. in aiere! and ,boastful ; 'May. sai; (iiieltgaantly) t•-• • - "a svouidn't With every right to strtit. a think af embracing 'a yoking lady in his wedding' day.: ouch a .e'rowdod place!" • ,' No Squeezing. He walks the world on airy 'feet Ag Qv" Ninste,tof (ere'rnonus- 1on au; with.happiness, • • • . The next.'event his y Fish Shun the .Sunlight. „ . and hi8 soul wait joy • . ; ,• aThe:fact'that in Oemi.darkness there Is when the doctot ariag to. larea-"..4.1f.'er d-niget-of..their- being. taught by 7. :well, and:it's; a boy!!' '.fishermen and.; -other ...erieeties,, ,is', not Or. let. it be: a .little,*glia. :the thrill. is the only .reasoul;w14. Ash. Prefer shady just;the • 'sections of water... • ... • -The i a nothing can. Claim., . • :Thefiethreehigtepealeg.Of :perfect bags- ,natn {Old Many et tier creatures, • . .already 1 have •kinrsva...;.- • afe.pd..illivelylliarniful to ilea, and tills .And now the' grey -beards say. to tue:..is bedeved•le explain •Iteir.pfelerence • one othe^ .1 shall 'own , ,tadark, 141.1 y. places.: , "A"qu'll.--beaSt as •neer 'before," they EiperinlantarecentIV.Made s.oent. to siyi, and strut, theywity. wede. establish yary. deqinitely that sunitgat The day.yonr son or 'daughter .taticea a .ii.cuartikra,, rather than, lielpftii, to.flsh . . . :grandpa oat 'of yotta' ." a There. Were almost: twice. ''its 'Maui -:Edgar Guest., deaths :atheng young ilsit placed i (roughs 9r ,water exposed: tefitedireet suultglit as t.tmong: those in treugita left n the...shade; The SIM :oein$ to be' a: haf mful „ • . • The „exPeriments..altoWed preciaely the eaane restates wait ,0Sh. of different'. .ages and differe.n( species':, There was abygya a- inuelf.gfe.ate'r nio:rtality In the 1inshadedeaols. of: Water. 4:3'..6t as i$ leneatnilah are;theetily ot t..111'03. that .fail 'to show a favi d.esponSe`to'.witat have. been Called the; health and' food.raYs Of. the Sin. , Sun- light, either ..real 'or .artiflolaL fiow I • '• eneeealtni :seoyearcat _sun's'. ultra violet NtYs,, watch de aa 711Thasfor the health sett vigor, 1111- . . • 1'1114 men, • • They etri.de'aboea.- . . Thee:reach .1.e their tOckets • :And title thifigs out ' • • „They:look impertaut. They tock 'on tbeit to They ioae 'all the .buttOna ' 'Oft of thedr.clothes; • .7they throw &Way. piPea, • • They find them again,. ea.:impel:teat' aid, to the pltyalcian In 'Ten aro queel creafainrea curing many ,varieties 'Of, ittintan ds e.as.e.i.1130 ro,otmt •e.p.ot,ttitetits lit mph -:-Earotb.v E. fleitL 'oral ..soologh'aP'ga ens . eave shown •• • •' . • "to3)lfke3'9l snakes and "•other ,ani, You doit,t iealipe male thrive best alien they get the What01.11.1.0 inlssIng. niest,ultra vfolet• Tays. • „ • .,..`""r"7."."`"`""Thmirr••••!4!,..""Nit, He 0714d4,Gi).•Widtig oit This Guess 346y4 pita Fata0ae TtiNr:at'!.t"(aNt014--• None 15 . • 'pee " FATIVI V101141° a91-10 • taat)5 A LOCK%( &UE'SS ;.-evvkti.s Iwo It is•difilettit:tO picture Oxford With- ,• mit this ' laz?use. of the river. _ ' • , , • . • no knovVledge how .far bak: in tate.. the •vtialerlifga up (Niemen on doWie, the' Titimee, we're -mutilate& Sidney •; • (lug •11..*1-aig11.--atabalYa-kneaaa-Allaaialautal-aaaa,- titema -Pyre. and Hattip.clen:09; „Burton. Was. toe' busy with 'ills books; AddisoP• 'preferred ',strolling •by the ;stream to 'fleabag •on it. Sitellea &corned; . p.titainleawataed wildet ,baelea pask Ing fottit ..these papet .argeatee'. • treirialed.down •[he !sip." ..• . Oil 11.11 Ir.18,1t'..in 1817, "had re- xnlarly boat •on '. and .,ON- ..ploredy,all: the. stream's, about; which; are..more it nuntber' than .‘yenr lashes, ' ::We Somatinieea stain .inte • of itslies and : thereu'become na- turalized river•folits,-7there •is one par- ticularly. .nest, Whicii, WO- aave caristefiga •'Reyneld's.,CoVe,", in. which • AV.6 nave, read Wetnworth,• ata talked : . • .as inay..b.e".-aFaar. Morlea, atiaRiver: •• • . ' Great Art Universal, ...'lf.'veaS.top consider the great men - In tae .arts,.. shall invariably ' triad '. that., eltch ohe. Is. marked. by :some,,, 'eti al ita. aril 'reveal sign i ft cane,e, There . is.'Sainetlang...aboet'th•eit. ell that evet jleaei tad: provfaelalathea'aealdeatittatho 'small,- and the. - • They.... gard eatteasure the tratits. ana.: alrn at : the. tatabs-aat. thitigA essentially true for all hum Sit5tIcest.learics, a a a• Plates, St Pauls surVey the' world front •to,Oun ta i From' theSe va.ntitge.pointe ndp, SnetAt'Ve is "-tee- a?' the world: .exaansiae,. • Tltey see ; and • 'grasp • tlio essentials• the..saasicae!e.- Manta:the .iountlatIons Of 'It is for One thing, that Makes. the art 'af.Titian stiperlatively What • weederfel men mid 'women Peciple ' ,pantlieOn! . /yeller types. thea ' are , taaahood and wetn.aitheed! • What ' . •laedimmita of iligelty_ and (le- arethey net .unlifei.aafl•y 'ailizilt,ett:? ma•tte'r a . man's : nationality-, he •cannot .choose...Ditt ,lo iiiteresteti inalThe Mate Witha Clovo et the aaltanles. V." ''of: . Great men' aro reniarleable tiaaira lireed•thaatate 'wide angle, of. thoir vi-' alea',-•• They, see. not IliffereittlY Oath ellieia;, tlie-y. see' more, .• Roliascan Wile-s'ees And, :toile 0.1" fag salkalla Of the .eartha the a olitinea tito fOrast,'ttio great lutninOus.excianso. • of ilia Sky, d'ots not•thlnk to tell ettegy- 'thing alint,,may 'be :in• the landsca 0. 1 lestTs. the grata 33333 334, these tit: t o of: tnilveratti pertnaninice in 1.1adso,ape,,and einnhatuzes 111(111 91 Iie oi'cpenie• :§:to an et,' deta la, A ins of, nartower viaon . might. cella %) all littateat ithulea. :of 'grass, lu • des tkeps. htl-fiPidet nd 01308 :of 31rt°,... how wral.be 'lama a•inti to. leANe oat! 111.0 1,61'0112o and ..",lessica,' aro. tn. ate still eVening.ittr„iilaalOtle`aliat. Constlintuate.S11111 ,Slial:ospeare peletta tho 411 tiii•qa W 11 that one 'title:. ft"; W atv"ee t' the Moonlight sleeps1 >on • , this ininlc.,".„' Not'a Word ahOnt trees el.y grim; $,:or Avends'of„tneadeWs; not a word about the 'etalite." ,O ,t he nigh t nth:hushed Av;IMI awl :!illning eters.; bet do yeti 1 CA, -^t•tiiii,„1. lean Cr -can' ••• "tho..Nleaning et • itfivi it man 013 (1 13013(3 ltJdIt ArAilpo ftio ,13i (i ,.r)on ('Oestveltf" I . 3 ho i';‘,117,9k len (s thn 1,;,or 8 nmio ant. 10 liltiglattf,, Thiut thm liorselitati wag totteq: • itiAlitard Clitiftth, 111 •The SPeetate.4 • •A • . • .., 'V 11