HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-03-03, Page 5• • -1 ; • **4 ' "Buckeye" IncubatorsanLBiooders THE INV,ENTION.-.10i THE PAMOUS.,••• 1$1.PCKEYE HOT, WATER 'HEATING SYSTEMAcTITALLit. ,REVoLuTioNlzgn. Tng HAITI -1610 O CHICKS..•• .IT.Ig" THE, HEATING SYS-. TEM THAT' •PRODUCES STEADY .CONSTANT ' UNIFORM' TEMPERATURE. - • ' • ' " • • .1 ,E,41-AY-E.--THET:BUCK;EYE,IN.CEBA.T.ORS IN' :STOCK, / • THAT' HATCH CHICKS, •BIGGER;tt,STRONdER7AN67:77. figAtirgy,.. EASY 1'0 RAISE .v • • THE BUCKEYE COLONY, ORO:OPER "(C0,0) • L'L SAVE' YOUR BAEY, CHICKS. IT Wilt', RAISE EVERY'. s RAISAHLE CHICIC THE PRICES- ARE 'REDUCED THIS • • YEAR TO $16,50. 'PAY US A CALL AND 'LET".°US SHOW • YOU l'HIS REAL BUY. ' . • SPECIAL -2 Only ..Sunny 'Hine Sauce . Pans.: for ?Se: & P()IITEOUS 'Phone 66. Hardware .Coal 44' Plumbing ucknow. t, Tinsmithing MARCH ROD, AND GUN With 'the ' spring, and Suminer • Monthailooining, ahead, the lovers of , . . . outdoo recreatieri are tigain::loOking; te7- Weir" "of' god. and Gun' -and Canadian s Silver, Fox 'Nova ',whielt„lias just. aPPear,Od:. ;-•:•his-Many-interestirik---Articles*-fer these ouideOrsmen. A very. coinplete Article "On outfitting a long , Chime • triibY: C.1 P. "Storey '.is' an :antstand- ing feature of the issue. Many ether 'useful . wrinkles are included in the regular "fishing' Not,"and "Out- door. Talk" and i`Guns, and Ammuni- tion"• departments, • . .The Whiteelaurch Oraniatic will ...present ...their play, "1"A Noble_ - Ontcast,",--P-,the-Town-Hall; now, 'the, evening of Wed.,. Mar::.6th: at 8., O'cleck. AdmiSsion 50c. and 25e. Everybody Wei-enrne; ; 11 a rizes To Boys and Girls. For says.. on Cana OPEN TO SCHOLARS IN. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND COLLEGIATES NO EN- -TRANCE'FEE---NOTHING'TO'SELL--iRULES OF CONTEST SIMPLE. , . '• THE PUBLISHER: Of THIS. PAPER,. IN, CO OPERATION • WITH A NUMBER' OF'OTHER PUI3LISHERg op WEEK, -LY NEWSPAPERS, MiliLL DISTRIBUTE THIRTY SIX (36) CASH, PRIZES TO. BOYS. AND GIRLS FOR THE ' HEST ESSAYS 'ON • _ CANADA. THE OBJECT Of THIS CONTEgT Ig ;TO; :STIMU- LATE.. INTEREST IN •THIS WO N: DERFU,L COUNTRY. OF 'OURS,. AND 10., HELP. THE BOYS 'AND GIRLS' OF 'TO -DAY, THE CITIZENS • AND.- LEADERS OF • TO -MORROW, , TO ' AP- RECIATE BETTER, THE, • TREIVIENDOUS POTENTIALITIES OF • CANADA AND TO ,GET SOME VISION' OF ••THAT FUTURE GREATNESS 'WHICH • FORTUNE HAS UNDOUBTEDLY. MARK- ED' OUT FOR.THIS THE MOST_ IMPORTANT DOMINION - 'IN• , THE BRITISH St. ' The Prizes will be as folloivs: . , . . • ..... . . , . .. . .•:, First Prize :., ,,S1.0.00. ' Next Three $.5.00.Each . - , , , • : .. .. .. .., . , . • , " Second Prize $15.00 Next Ten „....: .V.00 Eael!.. . Third Prize . $1.0:.00. •Isie7ct Twenty 1.00 Each EERY s BOY AND . GIRL WHO -"READS ,., THIS, PAPER HAS ''A CHANCE TO WIN ONE 'OF .),THg$p . Piing& ggAni ALL: YOU CAN .ABOUT ' CANADA; Itlg:. R ' EARLY : IIISTORY;s '4110TH FRENCH.. AND,BRATISII; STUDY HER PROGRESS FROM .1 A CROWN COLONY.. TO.HER• PRESENT POSITION OF POLITI- CAL .:EQUALiTY,WITH THE 'MOTHERLAND.; VISUALIZE HER FUTURE. THEN DECIDE FROM WHAT . ANGLE :YOU • WILL lki DEM,' :WITH :YOUR SUBJECT. AND, :WRITE YOUR ESSAY' IN • . „ . 1,000 ', woaoso.LES§. ' . .w .. . • (Contest Closes March 3lit 1927). • ..,- ' • _ . . , . . 1' •. ...,. :. ' '. ., RULES OF; CONTEST ' All. scliolarsi net :over 'seventeen ..(/7) . yeara. of age • WhOiie Parents •or ' guardians subscrilia. far , one .Of the pipers 'carrying ,this announcement may enter the' contest. . .. . , . , .. . • ,EseaYe s bay deal with the' subject 'fro'any s: point of view, Iiiit""nniiithot Ageeed -- 1,0001,.wiircie •ins, length.- .." •-i„, 's "•s, • • , . , . .. • Paper ef foolseap, size 'must be. •tised.; and Writing r.appear Mt AideLonly....: Neattess,*illAn._ considered _in ]ntelting Awards".",'• :• , • . All ..inanuacriptes sribMitted liecOnia. tiny proptirtY of the pub- llisheri4 . • . ,. .' /,' . . . . glind,siessayil , to Canada; Es.Say . Ethtor; in ;care: • ,Of this paper - • The' folloviirig 'information.. must -Accompany' eaCh entry:-.,- '• , . • ... - 'Ilaine'`.rif .;eonteatarit, Age;" Aildress, ;Name ;of •School, Name of ...0.reaeher„iiand„, eaCkessaymust, ..)?..§4r oic fonowilfg deititiqttp signed by parent, ; glitirdian,.•!51.-S4iiial.7teari4;t::----,----'—'-'77't'''-- . ••I ' ,. ' . ,. • .• . ' — • • . ' "t hereby 'certify thatAlus. essay is .tho. sole work of (namea , ., ,4 20,61.4)., and that (he or Eihe). is not -,eyor, lieventeen •'..(11).-5reqs..:- , ; , • : • . of lige!,-4,- • • • ---•.•;s• - --...•:,::.,•'_ ' . : Vttrther Details Will Be Given Next,Week 441 a#11.11'41 ,4 Y# 141"Ir t111,8D5. IfARPR $rd' "27 • ASHFIELD UNITED CHURCH . : .. NOTES Q...,-.— ' '' To enforce the 'lessen .Of: .sharing good things -with others' Whetber i be a child's': courteous passin ,rmind :14 a bag .of• candy •or- eultivat, ing ,the, Mishionary passion "Of ,sh:ar.. ing mit Weaderrul toSpel- with , inn- ..dbileianetL'aeonle, the-Paiitor-tblid:to 'the' children of •Blake: Church on, 'Sun- day. morning- the fellnWin,g table • •of --the-cspowdriiiisi7At-thi.:1Agliinlii-kTeif thing when ',When. God :was' Making: ', 'the World .an,t1. a14things in; it,. He' gave 'the ,.cOlars;:teteverYthia ' .;•, Ile s' made the- sky hhie, gave, the olok of'green 'to'the&aim. end the 30 ves of -Pie trees ;lad brown- to 'the • ground in which they' great; and te • all 'the. flow- ers he' gave 411' the colers he. could given eVer'Ything a celor, but some. f hew the snow had ..ht.bp. Missed,... 'It had no seolor ,t,. 1I, and if coMPlaiaed : and .said if it had no'. Color hobady Would every see. it and it .wanted to • be seen: Could it have'. a ieOlor1ike other ihingsi . "Of course You can'," said ',God, . "but since there are no. More celors. to...distribute, you Must ask ,the flowers. if any' of them „will let 'yen shire their color Withs,thein."- p.ii -thesnow'-went---to-'-the-roie .-and aikedif it could 'share .,its color, but the rose said "No.,",' The bluebell "'wouldn't letthe snow. he bine; . and the buttercup said, 9 won't' let you -be4ellostzina--stlieinerfla -, o - -- Wers- '• wouldn't s let the snow be .painted like. them. It was about to 'cry when it' heard the tiny snowdrop4 says: "If you Wolria like :',:to share, My •,-Coloril and be 'white,. :I shall. be glad to' let. yeti."' And 'ever since :the 'snow 'and the, snowdrop have been the closest Of .friends. ' The anew:keeps. this ear.': Hest of Airspring flowers s� WakM inthe winter : that it: blesseriis: •earli- eat of all the •flowers.- and ,says to it :as it: .dies; •,"•NOW Yon: live 'in, nay plaCe." ; . ;); .. • :, .. : .: . li' Te4infilift ;son' en:IF.--hild rsi '.Erneat Blake • was •haPtized '. in . the :ililOnille,'S61Wiee at bihke'Cliii,rch. last, -'Salibath-,-ana -7--gi-ven,41.M.-,-- - CbriStian. habit' ot.Hoivard Calvin-: - — • : The . maintenance ., and extension fund. subscriptions are coming in 'in' a steady sticam that speaks ,'well for the -generous: interest taken by 'the people. in ,the missitmarY and • bene- volent •enterpriae .Of !' the Church. Men are handing *cheques and stuns; that" -represent ' days of hard work in the .bush or a load 'Ar two of Pressed hay, or some ether. hard gotten farm 1e' let' You share :their oelor with: you,/,' contribution :to the; KingaoinOf, God. Tivo. Sinall . boys in two .-dellar bills . Slipped.' their -gift :'into •the ;past:pea .hands on' Sunday, for • this 'object made possible hy' the, Share they' -had, in, some creatures Of. the • barn which, fetched good nioney O , r : thein . -The' 'Zion -Chair, "ave. a ••• Pliaiingis number' at their iait Sunday night. ervice'.., , Sehn Ritchie' sang.. well the • solo part. 'The.Blake Choir of: Wham , we "exPeet se Much, got :busy.;; 'and • . , - sang very fittingly last Sunday Inork. ing,• !We .are pot, here to play, *14dreain,to drift." • ' ' - ASHFIELD" • NOTES Messrs: Hector . and, Dive McLeod Of Ariburn, .are visiting, their cousins, :---Farrishs and Grants. . We,are sorry to' report that 'Mrs. 'M. O'Reilly is under the doctor's, Mrs:, R. .A. Grant and Mrs, John Parrish: Spent •Friday, last with Mrs, Angus .14cDermid of Nile. Miss Riiby Dickson: of Port Albert:, visited Wilfred Parrish a couple of days recently., '• , • • . The play t nut on ,by the Paramonnt Dramatic, Chili at Courey's corners, „Farmers'. Club On , Friday. night, Was Very Much appreciatea; eabli person" taking his Or her phrt very well; The bog social and dance. 'held 'after the , play , was also Well attended. Mr, El- lfott Miller, the genial auctioneer, ,wielded the hairimer to the, satisfac-. Men of all. ' . ' Mr. and MI'S. • jim, ,Little and 'baby Evelyn spent Sunday at M. Little's .former *home at Crewe, •• • Miss, Helen __Bowler, who is attend - ink Goderich High Schoel;: spent the week -end' at her home near, KintaiL Quite i umber from Ashileld at- tended the '1`ru8tees and Ratepayers .meeting held in Dungannon,. Friday' afternoon, to hear the address of -Mr. Morris, 'the secretary of ',the, 0:E:A.., An the, TOWnship. School' po,arit Bill, ' 1 37. 10eR4e, ,9.94 visiting hi: Toronto. . • Mr. Sack. Drennan ,of,„„ Coderich, is. visiting his lift:other George o2, Cour- 'eCOrtier. • Mrs. ,Rohinson WoOds . and'. Mrs. Woods 44 , near St. 'Ilelents,, wpre'' .L W., ebSteri of: near Taucknew, recently:: • Mrs. Tom Irwin -of:near Lucknw Is spending A :few days with 'friends at Stanley. , Pete'r MaeDonald, .*ho has been 'visiting with' 'her daughter, Mra 'Eldon Henderson of ParaMoutt, has ratifrned.to her Ionia in Iluron T*p, '.141,0O1he Thompson r who 'baa • been visiting .with her sister, Is, Bill Stani43r, of ParalriOnnts, has ie- tnrifedi to her home:ht Holyrood. WS. :Clarenee IrWin. and Mrs. Geo "Irivin• of biti•Cdn., were guests 9 Mrs,'Jas.. T. Webster of near. Luck now,. one. day recent:1Y, • A:" • 'R.:- Mr anti Mrs',MOE jainiesOn• Of . .Paramonat entertained- ' neighbors and f,riendsp•;t� , pattyj -faetorY • last :Tharsday •iright; and all ' :An Rarly' ReSident.' .It -was witli'feeliags deep •Aor., .rov`r). -that, the.. Pecige o't .44140d* and Zion ehpeciellY,' heard that, 99 Wed nesday, Mrs, Jas., Gar4:1,. 'ler,- a farmer resident,. had passed a- way at, her hotne in -Winnipeg, 1o1 lowing an, attack". of Influenza and Prieumenia. Mrs. -Gardner was born 'lag to -Ashfield• With' her parents, tife late. Mr. ova Mrs. Wni.'s who Settled on the qarm ocupiedby their son,. Mk. Chas, Ritchie,. on the- 12t,h .Cen, fifty Years ,agc; She 'and Mr, 'Gardner were • married (they. celebrated .their.' golden wedding in .oeteber).,and_tbeY lived on the •Gaixis- ner homestead now occupied bY their nepheW Mr. • Rich.' 'Gardner' .,Here ""theirv-familY-afLAce-fhons aad five. daughters were born • and, grew tes young pan And woinanlipods. In 1911 Mr. and 'Mrs: Gardner decided , to - move 'to Winnipeg, where they have, -.Sirice-resided-We7Were-Veri-sorry to lose thenvfrorn the Zion cOMmuni; ty.. In thinking of Mrs. Gardner; we ,Irietitril:mWbeorniahne,r'han.seY,a. •;,13:-i,ag'hsintio.theelir*4':1.93;• eight •ehildrep Would, naturally be, but always' ready to de...A good tern for her neighbors, Always -with s an open. tianr of. 'hoapitality, as many a minister may' well bear witness; . al-, ways,•.if' health' and Weather • pernritt- ed, in the 'family pew on gulidaY,:and all: the fairrily there alsb. ' s ....We hear OnlY:' good Spoken et and7We••fe"eLiii"Ttlie one Who ' Wrote -.the tribute- tOr,nn old 'resi- 'dent a few'Weeks sage, hew Much bet- ter' to,have t`given.the-floWera--th-the • living." What has been Said ,,of .Mis.• Gardner 'Might be Said ,of Nr. 'Gard ner also. He Was -.ever " . to serve in 'the church, 'Sunday school and community, ,and Whatever: trust was given him he gave 'to' it whale hearted., service; Their family :are new Sara,' Bertha, 'John Sidney ,aad Ade...in :Winnipeg; . Will in Cochrane, Mar, and, Olive in 'Detroit. Their mother -icaVes •theni• n Mernery that lis• More precious than ruhies.. TO ances ,is. extended: .„ atliceq6. nb.eriret. .oknuootobhaeonCIA:. thy ..e circle ef :friends and also .hrothers and sir, the syrnba-, Of a larg FORMER TEESWATER . HOTEL- s • MAN DIES AT ;•KITCHENER. • ' J98.91311. Brick, Who built 'the. Alen - dome Hotel, TeeSwater,. died At Kit- chener on Sunday, Feb. 20, as the result of ,a li0ralk* stroke. He leav-. es a wi ow an a num er of gro,WP , • . up sons And daughters. , ts The late 'Mr. Brick Was born , at . , Cayuga •in 1856, and at the 'age' of 12, moved, with his parents. t� Forinosa. 'There -he learned the milling husi, iiess and. later conducted: a ristnill ht Listoviel: Disposing., of that bpsi- ness he bought the 4riSt ands saw :mills at',Formosa and conducted the huSiness for, 12 years. His mills were destroyed byfie' and he went'" --to Teeswater "where she .bought the- old COrmitercials' Hotel, a frame struc- ture; which was. liained dawn. In 1897 ; built -.the present Vendome Hotel and' conucted it for a number ,of ,years. . ke sla,tek had the, Walker House, WalkertO'n,•; fpr. seven -yeara. The. Rev. : Fr. Harry , Brick , of For- ', Mega, is it ;son. Jnseph, another son ;lives at AVenlee;Saik,; and there' are 5 married daughters.' . o' 0 WAL.KERTLOSES PROMINENT' CITIZEN . David, Train, 4, proinirient litisiness man' of Walkerton for the peat 46 years, died suddenly at his, honne . on. Saturday. , He -was ,82, years of age; ;but was active th business ,until the lime Of his death. The laic) Mi ,Traill ,caMe to:Walkerton 40 yeare• ago and in partnership with a . brother, open- ed a hardware store. He :Was for inany y.earii chairman: of the .Wrilker- ' ton Hospital I3oard, And active in 'the' loCal Conservative party, L.organialvt, kn. The funeral service, tinder ens- , pices-Of-tho -local Masonic LIdge, was, held in tha 'PresbYteriati ;Church on Monday., ' -' 1VINGIIAM BOY ,V)It HONDIMAS *•"•••—•—.—U , *De; /tb,nt *Stnitit, bon „Sniith,oltli� . Bank' -__61:,.....0 Offirnered,_ Wirigham, has juqt redeiVed lip- i)alntmeht assiatanthurgeon to-theBritiGoverntient: Physician. in Hon. dUkas, Tbe gradu-s Atink ineditine -a few years ago, has had censiderable postgraduate Work and a lengthy ekparienee On one of the bg 'inert; running tO ,CULuoss • tilo Theroces:eorniei g,14mp rs:Aleity. Ferguson, 4th concessioniweet, event on a...recent 'WednesdaY. 'when relations and, a !CW'• neighbors there • to,;nelebrate,,in Wray...the. 301th.: anhiVersary of 'the, marriage :At, Mr. and .: Mrs:: fergnson:'. • , ' • 7TY1-0-IteV:7,14.7.1;010-dir0tAili"Prie" byterian.ChurCh, Whztechuh and ,,Lantsi4ei..,;*a 'present and ,ieted SF' chairman,^ While' a -ix* program of or semis and speeches Was: 'given : ; Polqck, MriGeo., T3, Arpristrprii 'And Mr. 8. •Stobe taking: part.. Airs.; .Nonriaa,, youngest of the Ferguson family,..read an . appropriate hddreks to the bride- anct„grOoni of, 50 years ago,' and; Walter, the only ed Ina s father 4 gold -headed' :cane; 'it gift, from the family; .arid Mrs. Jas. 47q1i00,,',4114,:040,13.40itigh,qr) , re: sented the mother with a.porse of, !gold, also from the family. • Murder Sin -insert, , a • , little granddaughter headed her grandmother a large box ot fancy chocolates on behalf of the grandchildren. This Program was .fallowed; 'by.. supper of which a nice 'wedding cake was a feature. The 'Rev. Mr.' Palock ,proprised the health of„the bride and ' SCHOOL REPORTS P • .4ar 0,. i;Y• S.S'. No, 4,4, Hullos* leVrren:irely; 474 eck: 94e t°, 3:7;81. t:d. H37:1; ?'1;3VP8e!.Y :2: A:. 45.0; q;•„,a,Ye.r99, ."49hIlaton; 246'i .:;kE.4 4 le 'Thompson,. ..266; '1Har614:,,Cerigiatni120, Mary Cassid (bset, Jr III -T 45 ••,3 P 04+ 'Annie rAlit; 338'; 'Clifferd .COngram, 41i34 ',ii1teggla:I3i-Oome 212; '*Bernie Cassidy, , "Lorne JohnstenT2"66.• h1:1•::68; Uda Burt, V911.14!•• 313;. RaYaiird• 'Ackert; 31.6;4•Treasii Cassidy, '.Jr. • 300, .:arie Oroerop, 217;.,,Teddy But, 160, Cassidy. k.1.::•Donlaledee, Teacher., 4r. Feiguion is .a native of Seet,'. Jaid, having : been born at Moneyine ,Dumfrresshire. H,e became a car- . . . ,„peates and 'worked for_a: nmalne• of years in Glasgow: He came 'to Guelph, Ontario, where.. while Working it his trade ‘. he had ',the misfortune :to, fall ;with a scaffoldink and had both arms broken. at the wriat. While,arecover- ing from ibis mishap he came it frielndi; at Teeswater, and ; while there decided to take up farrning.',He bought a 50-acrelot 'from" the., late. Norman 'MacKenzie, west half °lid' 31, .4th -Cori., Thelot -vias nearly . covered with' knish slash, and :it took some ,indUstry and 'lilt .for an _ineiperieficed_tradessman-te-Atialc____te. ,faiming,' under such 'conditiOns.,,,,, stiick; hOweVer,. bought' the Other half of the lot and later bought an -- other' 100 acres, besides patting: tip anew house and good barns. In ear, ii,years hi .spare time was •occupied, , in building house's and barns ,,foi neighbora; ...ea' the qualify 'of' the: 'work could 'always be relied ' Shortly after settling on the firm 'Mr. Ferguson returned Guelph : r Where he married 'a Miss White, who with 'he Parents had recently caine out froni' 'Scotland. They had .one son and:four dingh- ters: Walter, who /has always re- mained With 'his 'parents; Mrs.' Jas. Wilson of Whitechurch; Mrs: H -Hill .of , Calgary; Mrs., Win. Dr 'Simpson .of. Culross; . Mrs, Mary Norminf,r who vviddw, and iSliving 'with Walter and the parent's, , • • • - A SCHOOL -GIRL'S ,bnsnAo. The' Bruce , Herald and Times of Walkerton relates the ,felloiving story of an unusual street accident: . turning home 'on, Tuesday Of last week from her lessons in sten�g- rapby at ginclair'S s residerice, she slipped ,on, the ihy- pavement and a. sharp-peinted Pencil she carried in .her hand entered her lower lip and. penetrated the .'interior„ of' her cheek 'in such a Manner .that it , ahnost pretruded near theright. eye. As the lead on the .penCif point broke :oa :Was left imbedded in the flesh., the wohna later ,bagaa ta swell in such. a Manner' as to necessitate a _trip to. the • cloCtoes • the ..:felleWing • day, when , Umeh• probing was required to siicessfully remove, the 'substance. Although now: ;fogy -recovered from the Mishap she had a rather painful and serious time.... 4: D—(710,-,ZitDOWN A friend of- mine. bought. a grarni!-• . phone, For,z;11(;..11ar downithd a dollar a (This, ia the' ettaiest graft I've .knevni' This dollar doWn and a d011ar .t a week): , s Then he bought 'tWo bratid new radio 'or a dollar down, and a dollar a :week; : Then he betight a rini tat:WaS fair For the lily -White hind 'ef the bride - Arid after., the Weddiag the minister's Was 'a dollar down and a dollar a Then he bought a, liOnSe•for faio- At's' &liar- down .A.nd•sh" dollar it weeka„. , .Then •sithrtiis Wife"1must lie 'free, :sheib.tiegee_t.a.; Clive:de; ''And -,..-the n - Was a. 'dollar down and' ./t: dollar., a .0tve4.41'0 w14 Is the five dollar bill he btt he on the spellh!ft of some yroid# NOA, Ashfield , Percentage obtained ori tests taken duringJanuary. and February; V Class -Walter Clare, 69 ck: gr. IY--,-Harold Webster, 73;, Tom M. Anderson,. 68. . • , • Jr. IV -,Torn Ht.:Anderson, 71; 'Ber- nice, Blake, 70; Jack .Curran, 68; Jim 'Curran, 66;' Mary Hackett, 65. Sr. HI -Beatrice Culbert', 79; Mary Clare,' 77- Jean Anderson 75. Winni- fred Blake, 73; Dbrothy Curran, 71. . Kilpatrick, '64..K e i,t,h johnston:""! • Jr. HI -Olive BlaiFe, 62.* Sr. -Curran, 75; 'Harvey Kilpatrick, 65; 'Gifford Blake; 61. jr. II --Gordon Anderson, 77; Jean Culbert, '62:'• : ' Primer -Chester 'twamley, Muriel Blake. , Those Marked . (*)C were absent 'for one -or more exams:: • ". • Ne. oa r011 23. Average att. 20.2. OliVe •L Anderson; Teacher. S.S. Ne: '10; Ashfield Charles •MareLea'n,' , : Sr. -.IV: ,Tested in Hist:,'!Lit., Sitell.;_Coinp.__ Edna:Fele& 78,. Win pie • Lane", 68; pardon 'Johnston.. 51: ' • : Jr. : IV: Mildred Felce 66; Lours Hogan 48. 'Sr. III:• Tested in 'Arith„ Spelling, •Lit.,1 Comp. 'Robert Howard gi; . ,i011/14011* 66; Thelma Johnateii 64; 'Bill Reed .48.-' . Jr. III Tested in Geek., Snelling, Lit:, Comp.:. Phyllis -felee 74; Bill: JehoSton 72; Ella Hogan 63. s • Ifni!: -"tested in, :Hist, COMO. and' Spelling:, Hilda Ilene 73; Jas. bran - new 63'; 'Itayinerid Hogan 59; • Frank • Drannan 48. • Ist: Tested inm , Cop., ---,,pelling and Ina ':Campbell 83"; Alma Mae Fairish 82:: 'Vera 'Little .80;, m'ia°rIlkeld.°. itliv;. Ain4•(;.*2)51,3iii. iS'Se4:1 Sr. Pr.: Lloyd ' 'T,arrish; Jim, Nelsen; Marion Hogan; Harold Reed. Diannaii. • ...AC'Go,Od7--Howard Reed. 0 ...mop Ma J. MacDonald. U.S.S. No 43; Ashfield & Wavraw, Sr. 'IV: Possible Marks 1420. I. lienrY 1202; P.: MenarY 1177; E. 'Vint 1062; N. Cranston -892. .,. Jr: IV:. Possible marks .819. P. Thompson 573; Phillips'. 520; G. C•11S1Pr.erolInI:13 39,5.'aSsilrie 'marks 710. V.. Smith .493; : M. Nicholson 423; C. Menary 417;, C. Thompson 494; G.: Alton' 361; J. Phillips 337; R,^ son 262: • ' ; • ' • Jr: III: POSsible • mark; 650...s R. Cameron 402; J. Craniton. ?no.. Sr. , Possible, . Marks 490; •J. Cameron ' 342; H. lyfacCrostie :220: jr. Possible marks 500. Reber,;. thiSincait)h., 3 B..,.Alton • 240. 3. Phil.- ips : Jr. I: Possible, marTs ; Alton ' 309; M. Smith 259;..M. Cranston ' 237; A. 'Nicholson,' 2354; ,Lazenby '217; R.1VIaocrestie 201; IL Irvin ;141., • jr. Pr.; Violet':Saunders; • I. Saun- ders. No. on rolr30. ' Av. ;Att. 27.7:: • ,Htlagiris; NO. 12, Wait 'WaWantieli. Sr: IV. --Jean Webster, 92%; MYlis St. Marie; "10'1 Nellie McGee, 79; Ver- onica St: Marie, 68; Barbara , Neale, , Jr. IV.-McKinleyRamage, 7.7%;_ :Willie Taylor,' 75;* Gordon III -Joseph St. Marie, 55%; Etta 'tayler, 54; Alex. Neale,. 50; lint. McGee, 50., . ' . Jr. III -.Mary' Dow, 67%; Dorothy Sr. -Ouyler ;Ramage, 74%.;,Roth St. 'Marie; 68;1 1IFt:;-, Rintoul, 59.,'' , '");',St:121"tairin end 'St, 1Vfart, - • 'Pr. --Murray - 'Taylor, 'Albert'Phil- o.„t, No; of days Scheol open 20. , Those marked (,),mxsaed pArt time throolih. eichuess, ' LookhOtt , a every goOci'buyer asks ; himself.1.1eiCte estrit': :•lishing_a_new-connecr. . ..tion. Other vthings heing,, equal; his an- . sNver is, "The firms that are most alert to solicit business and !fill orders." is is ednaelP:eds: upon, the ',telephone; . them tohe alert- - Those'.who use the telephone the moat are necessarily. the most -alert. II II Many pnbscriberS who used to think they had • --7-±0----make -Person-to- , Person calls now find the :tesharet iaasts tnot ,indt0T1 itnchehh:elY;paw-e:sa;ne. hqta Beery Belt Tetephone is et ,Long Distance Sta0onr211. NeellninitiONMENEMENN Sento ,Forni 11 Exams:4001., • ; Camp?, Arith., deem: • •Margaret. Thoin., -6.71:Helen - ',65;----frairic- 64; :Ale*. -tyons , 43; Margaret Cnin!.' T91913". 54 (in 4 Subjects); Janet Mac- •• Farlane 68 (in 3 Aubjects); '- Form I: EgamiL-Zopl„. 'Lit.; Comp, ,Hist. Margaret 'MilIer 60;.. • Mildred, McQuillin. 56 (in 4,subjects). Class Comp., Gram, Arith., Isobel 85; Helen: Thant'. 68 (in 4. subjects),* • dorann. Lyons 42 (in "I subjects): most perfect wox..... . rk au, ing the month of February was:done - by Helen Miller. , • Number on roll 11 Jessie AL Buckingham, _ . :0: ere.. 4ricl. There. During 1926, 'the 'Canada tolerriza- . . on; 168,094:sired in Western Canada, ,59,678 acres of: which were in the,' . . ..province of Manitoba. - / • • .Plans have been 'Completed for the • [World's Poultry Congress; to,be held In be represented :and the 'number of - from thirtyu li•,2letohu nto t r gwuaint i'tladwaor'e deiegatesiti expected' to reach COW . - . / Shanghai' is at.' the present time , Operating more trelly. busses, -ear- • rying More passengers per mile a route, and charging a lower fire in • , terms of .gOld wares, thin ,any other , aystentin the world.' The chai,ripion. Jersey: cow of the ' world,) an out, and out British Colurn.' bia product, is to go on tour accord- . 'big to the'directors of David Sift- cer thinited of Vancouver, *he . stated the champion , would arrive at- the Canadian ' Pacific Eiprass ,iyaida shortly „ , . • I • • " Reports, indicate that the . Many clalry companies in Nova - .have had 'a most ,successful ,ear. . One -eomuanYreports, that r Aar . manufactured. -well over ' 100,060 • , pounds- more, butter than In 1920. l')is increased' ,production • was !allied at .over $50,600: • DeVelopments in, baecinAeig Ing . In NovaScotia aaaparticularig In tife,Ann4nus valleyas a by -pro....: . duct of '„the dairy • indristry, ,is A14. , ready.,Aii "assured euedeta. In 1026, 21 Swine dubs were 'fiinctioahig eneeeeafully'''In th PrOvinee.4 Of these lght operated in the OOminfell :"41•1"°- territory. finanded by ".tsinadian, Capital and, . e..first, net,fantory .to :pier; teliicanada is being started hers,- • by" theCanadian'yith Net, Co., .1.,t4ho employing Canadian labor; ' to the nets used bY Canadian fisher." men have been imported frOln 1114,“ Liall%sist dthe::iatintitiloo itectg4tirvrt um Ofigin 104 „ .