HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-03-03, Page 4THE LVCIEN017
ntritlq TRIMPA4.1%MOM Stk41:21
•hicC9RMICK,-.DEBR4. ‘1Cr`
a fan Ihia of tinaimd aeOdiug lipPlOntent*, eb
plows,. *se Harrow, Culthrlitorei asd Gni* Drina of ell
i*ilatture Steel Lan4 RoUer Steel Steele' Beata Ind Thsc
Harrows Of • all kinds, and • the ,Prikla '.terms are 'very •
• ';',"•Cali• Ufa sae before'f)rderill4;
, • • •
1P10ne No. 10 is itt Your Serv ce
Ws 501 for cask—Wo sen Cheaper Ma* Mae Credit Siert
AT Tug of.A.c., GUELPH, Ttfis g4ActrINE PASE• THE
, •
r-4/9KNOW atNTINEli
published every Thursday ,morning
at Lucknovt. Ontario.
A. D. MaeXemlie.- Proprietor
"THURSDAY. MARCH ,3rd, 1927
-Inthe 064 cities. he develeMnent
of ahttliS: has ben a feature of the
Pli•Ot 'half Veen:tory,' extretnes'ef:t'‘er.
"eat" wealth; and' the deePe7i ...po*erty.
the most intelligent and .cultureel
,the Test stupid' and :ignorant Of out
race; the ,inont worthy • Citizens.
t.*, *put' erimiaaL ;There.. 06! Pc4i,.
tics :are. ,at'the worst:. Unfortunately
4he tuePt corrupt- •mayor the OtY �Y7'
er had. Ant the people who voted. tor
'Nice de "not teed that park, ' of the
lewspaPers., They feast on. the fun-
PaXes and read about thp tneer•
lers ,and him* rows,, and divorcen,
Sucle,ia sdemocrae*, at its-yiernt• '
:ness' it; atits hest. Cond Units are'S9--
bid that erns gem! and capable men
Ore up hone 'of improvement, and in
fatalistic ' mood put ' up
• with whatever. the , political, mill.
Plume 74
1Phone 256
littOenttt Works
4.1Jcvlow, and 3vINGII,m,
•Rae the largest and meet -contpleto '
'• stork in the moet beautiful designs
to choose fr'om, in
• Marble, Scotch, Swedish mid Can-
adian Granites
•• We make a ,siitclalty of Family
•,Monumente and invite your 'nape*.
Inialptienii Neatly, Carefully and
iSee um before placing youeorder.
Douglas Beef. • • A. Spotton
'• Lnekaow,, Ont.
L. O. L. No. 428,, Luckno-w meets
' ebe second Tueaday of every month
• In their hail, at 6 o'cloctc..C. MuUIfl
W. itt.;P: Carter, Eche. Sec.
The Reilivay Board has iranteCi
the' Belt Telephone Company
• sioa to raise its rate* in Ontario. The
increase is not great,: but will net the
' Company, it is • estiniated, about $2,-,
• 900,000" per year. '
' In Group' :9, which: ineludes: 'Luck -
ow,. the increases are as follows: A
business.• wall ;telephone,; Old • rate
it2.o5, new )rate $2:50; - buainess .deak
Phone r old rate .$2.26, . new rate , $2.70.
residence wall ,phone, ,new rate
• .$245; residence desk phone, old rate -
2:o6, new rate $2.25. On ,Bell rural,
lines there 1 an increase from $1.54
• to $1.65. , :The tates'. givenare pet
. month. '
The. Bell "Telephone Company have
:keen seeking/ an increase; for .twc
Years -Or :more ,on: the :ground �fin-
Creased est of eatrying On. -As the
user5 of teiePheuen are 110 in e Pesi• 7
tion to know: whether the rates are
tifireai3onably :high „.Olt." unprofitably
IOW, the KailWay BoardrdealeiVithiiiith
.:Inittters, standing ,betimen the
. fie and the COmpany, and .the ublic
:-„:•innet• .13-ceep't ..itliat1.,the' Board, . hands
Put,,end :asininie that, it is a fair deaf_
y ,• • . • -
....,,,...,... u. r -,...i,......,............. .....4.. 4...o. ' 4-04. .0,..0,4. * , ,-37q•0,
. Hogs ..'.....-4 .............410.50 .t4 • $11,59:
'Wheat. ,,,,,,,,,.........,..,,,,,,,
,Clats (goon) 4' 44.,e • ;4 .0 "0 0 '0;4' ii' 4' 0 0 4 it • 50e,
.• Arley :,,,,,i,•,..i.,•,;•.,,..4•,,,,.•„;,, ',doe,.
... . ,
la,— •ii•ulyro•of.iiloiff IfipclY
Oath out. '• • •
We often refer to- conditions in
Chicago as illustrating. What ...in de
'Or -le -Ma to develop in .
great modern cities. It is a . sort of
.extreme:oxamPle, _and•_tendencies and
conditions are best illustrated by', ex-
treme case&
The- gre.at •city is a sert of ',§ar-
• katisir'Sea. into which all the floating
the force Of a' thousand influences. :
khicago issoon to have a Munici-
pal election by. which a mayor Will
-,,be elected: ',It already. has "held -e-
xert ot preliminary' electinit or set '`ot
elections in preparation for the real,
,electioa. These preliminary elections
were, party 'affairs -H. -elections held
within the various political '.partes
to determine Who should be the par -
Ay candidate. :,This preliminary, or
•.1primarY" elOtion takesthe placo of
out , party: conventions . which •select
liatty-reandidaTteri.. :The `11Yrimary" er
party election was introdiaced., with
a view: to Overcoming, .,"elicleinian7., aeroplanes about as we see Ford cars
agement-of-the-party-maChinery.- It • ,:wo ate.-dispiiied_to-Cimilade,,that, the
has not worked out as was" 'elciected:. whole project has fallen flat,'and that
the net outcome being • that it causes the 'beast that having put the world
two dines instead_ Of . one and (or the people) on Wheels, he would
the partY elections are now cenduit.. now put it on wings was premature
ed with s much • energy and bitter -
nese :as are the • inter -party contests• -.
Well, in the 'recent "primary" elec..
florin' in Chicago there was . one
Democrat Who withed. to be the Par-
ty candidate for _mayor.' That.. Wee
the Present inayor--JudgiDeVer who
• has 'filled .the office with a fair mea-
sure qf credit to hiinielf and advan-
tage to the city. ;He. wat 'therefore
knRowaditc•I'mfta.r.mthowgilolv'ebrenni:nel,ightd too
and ,;tbe United States are' gel
•,..ting- together 7-regardinirteOritiOn*
rtie•tho.lfee."Of #dio!_ware lengths:
It was I/4mnd to come as al 'manti-.
%e•iireri ,of radio* tits as. well ' • as
'owners, and all honest, broadcasting
stations -were ,alike • interested in
'good .gervice: • Within. e tew, mouths. •
it safe 40 .,11S.SUD2,t,11.10,4AttLe. will
.• tiriir4he weanebrad-
-casting,. station of Wave length, ' aft.'
mrtioned to 'amither. /t is likely too
thei the wave lengths, permitted to
be used, will be 'kept far enough
pirCto ,prevent serious interferenre-)
Engineers now at work on the itn-
prevenient -Of radio instruments are
fairly Confident that they will before
long, be able to elieninate' static' and
'fading out".: -Iwo.' features of' radio
operation which, along with pirating
and crowding, have done muck:to
detract from . the popularity of this
'recent wonder i ,•• •
may be expected by' the, end of • the.
coming Summer, radio sets will be-
come much more satisfactory and
valirahle--than :they„ 'have -been;
6ounOil, Met' Feb, 14th, -all members
pregent: Minutes of January. meeting
read and • approved on Motion vf
Conneillors Anderson and ,
Moved7by' Coupeillor. MacKenzie and:
Anderson , and resolved -hat Mir
Currie be paidlbe, five dollars previ-
°ugly; granted' lied .rettiihed, and Mr.
(Carpenter be paid . two dollars and
fifty cents; for hauling gravel: ',Moveil
by John Cameron and J.,,A4/IaelEen-'
:zie.-:-That Council give a 'bonus of
five dollars to: any perenn killing a
d�gfonlid.':weeriing or. killing sheeP._
On motion of Sullivan aid, Macken-
zie thei following hills were ordered
Paia:' -114,4cRite, gravel, 41.50. JnO,
• Fritzley, charity, $1590. Legal Board
of Health, ' 'first meeting, ,$13.50. Luck,.
now Sentinel; adv., $13.25:. Municipal
World, supplies, .$46.46., D. McLean,
:salary as • auditor, $1400? extrai:50c.,
$14.50. ,Win. 'McCarthy, salary asLau-'
ditor, $14.90. :Wes: Twamley, graVel.
and cleaning -Pit; $22.50. W. P. Reed,
bal. -salary $20.O0, ,'Excise , stamps;
PoStage, supplies, $32.35. p. E. • Mc-
Donagh, expe'nses taking patient to
County. Home, $9.09. ,
The County By -Law to confirm and
'adopt the Valuators Report • at. the
assessments' Of the several Mmiici-
• palities was, then read, and placed oh
file. ,•
Notice of the Ontario. Schoo* Trus-
tees and Ratepayers Aspociation• was
:teed.; left until next meeting. •
A notice of "the; hog fair, to be held
at McGaw. station, about the first of
April, also left Over until next Meet,
,ine' On motion of Sullivan in McKen-
me. ' • ,
:The Collector gave an account of
...unpaid • taxes amounting to $328.38:
On motion of 'Cameron and McKen-
zie, the Collector, was given until•the
eighth of" Makeb to retern the ROE
Insuring the funds of the 'Township
Ontario is damaged by colhsion
•foreign ear,, The .941taria InOtOrial
-wisheato sne the usite4 states knot.
rist for 'damages,' What .course
Mould he fellow?' "
3. What 'are the rights" of the par
ties in each case?
4. linited Staten rrotor tourist
c4enty caused ; *fury to •o., persor
Part...Y to 44118.00+ 1,eae::.
,his, name .and addresS ,; the,
:Ilersen in. Charge,. and ,notifies
Ifie-Tikotoiast, :Secure:bait; ab, could •
•citizen, ,of Ontario? ; • ' '
... To the "case 'of.' „a pen4atal acci-
;lent would `an aclion, tor. damages lie
subject tu the saMe,,conditiOns..as
action for prnPerty.;!,•:" ,
6 If a elinrge Of
eence or
gist -a ,ineterist could •he he
'L Here are the',..annwern, ninnbered'
'the same sequence as the 'questions
T. No statute can-ope;ete beyone
the teriterial limits- of the govern
From time to time we , hear some-
thing about Henry Ford and
acro -
plane building -an. aeroplane pass-
enger and _freight service, etc., and
come of it all. As we don't, See Ford
,selected. by acclamation ,t 'be, • • the
• Democratic party Candidate:
The Pepuhlican party ' wasUot so
-fortunate. . Its - adherents had to
choosebetween two men. One , was
Bill;;Thorapscin;', playor of former• ":
years -an outstanding . example. .of
the worst that city politics 'produces
His • opiienent was a Mr: Fitzinger, a
prc:mistent business 'Man, "%who.: eVi-
• trendy would apply business • principl-
-E1(1--eiff ,affairs. Ile was e can-
didate OE ,the:business element of the
city, who perhaps thryught .that con-
dithins might be improVed; somewhat.-
.. Thompson and Fitzinger appealed
to the party. electors in the nsual
ways, makinga; few public Speeches.
Pitzinger disiussed ity afrairs--.--the
building and repair.".of streets, the
street tailway0: problem,; city 'inane-
' ing, taxation; -etc., etc: '
His epponeut,' Thompson, took an•
course., He ' to ,ittade a few
speeches, but be never once. mention-
ed city matters."' Astounding as . it
may seem; he told his audiences that
if ha were , Mayor of: .Chicago he
would 'see "that King , George of- Eng-.
land...kept his Snout ,out of the Unit:.
ed States, and mind his own' husi-
netise' he, would :see that. no • more
• Anierican .boys woidd be sent over-
sea**o 'be 'hified;, . fighting in wars
where • they • had no interest; an he
would make Chicago "is wet as Lake
Michigan." „.
That is iititho'pregram-for-the may-
or of. a 'city.- You see; he Was, ging
from hOldUpe, while in: the 'hands Of I tu the .g0',Otaraeat at • Washing'
,ton, not Chic.egb at ;elf.' Thompson
as ,mayor . would have nothing ta do
With any of, the, Matters he declared
he Would' •rleat with in hls. off -hand
, Whitt was the result.? Thompson
won the .election twei-to-one. got
twice as 4marly votes as Pitzineei.
Ili/ I'M an..0"vho, 4juss1 leity, affairs.,.
fnan • intelligent way, .and he IS ,Pow.,.
•'tlepublieen Party candidate for may -
THE SHORT copltsp AT. or:loth-. a fair prosneet:of
- -e'e't-
PORI ELGIN ed over judge, Dever,and a few ether
candidates .vehci: are put, forward., byThe short courses in gricultur
ie Eeonoinics,4.given...at' Pelt '°'°11-'Pa'1168:- '
Alf The riff raf, murders.- t h
Elgin , this year, was the 'hest, arm boltleggerso hater* Of. ii.ritain; :hatera
most: auccen4fUllso, las.giyeb_fu ***71,., toverfont,..,#rl"tr,sofipOrt-t
County. • 'There was an 'enrolimer
ed Thompson, and will supportluni
of 52 girls, .and 42 boys A banquet, Unfortunately, quite a „.11nenberof
Friday evening of -last Week, brought-:,resPectablo',pePple „most .alse,:itave
'the tenrsetli a Chide, .4.0:116A 165 Were ' supported, him -because they are • in
present,,. Pref. 0,11; ,linwine.:o.f...thu'- -dieterent;pd.. therloir*Ote.,(0hibi
0A.C., 106 the principal 6Petilti4' ' just tCeause be is the party 'candi-•
date. • , Perhapa
theiteliMienest Ie eenaista ,Every hie: tiev/sPalior 'Chicago, in
of telling 'a fiffd that the thipg` lig*100t,ThOmptithi, All are Agreed
pikt094 109k1' .gooa, :ail Hely,
OloirLi 0014 be wile .0)e. Worst,
'Collector/ or Treasurer, was discuiced
and left' until we get 'retie:
The Auditors!' Report '„rshoWed, total
receipt $7274364. Expenditures.
$64725.27, Balance' $8018.37.
• On ,motion of Anderson and Mac-
• Kenzie, Cramcit ailltrorned to meet.
March '14th, at 1 p.m-
" C.' E.. McDonagh Clerk
• In, Toronto Saturday Night we fin
the following summary 'of what has
been done, and is being done, and it
may be taken. as .trustworthy:
• , Fora year Henry ,'ord has, had
a daily aeroplane' advice between
• his factories in Detroit and Chica-
., go., He usee all -metal planes., Each
plane carries from 1,000 to 1,509
• '
. •••
• The flegherten Advance has had
quite. a geoci time during ' the 'past
three., or' fenr, Month's, over ..a reccti
'decision' of , Jtidge Sutherland '"et Di.
•,aion‘ :Cetirt held in Abet village
daniages for a. pig 'that
ear- The •"Kincardine Bevievirge
lort2r :has -also thleen the matter' or
3fld-4fl the articleimpiires •
4Who owns the highiajt"Ui
povine-the . fartnir,, the'.' ',urban
dweller?" 'Commenting on 'this thi
Durhain Chrbeicle ,says; We: saw ,i1u,,
',iccOuritof ,the tidal es it appeared in,
-The. Advance hut, :scenting that then
mist be' se/71_440g, ...,,,wivng,r7W67,44'.
coy it; nor ,'have' we up to thir
time 'aid anything sheet k:reeent
oetiversation Nye had ;,k.Vith 'His :Honor
• Judge 'Sutherland, confittneel'unt sus.
Tiieion ,and now We are gladder thar'.
ever' that ;te did not' pick lip the eud
, gels in defense of the farmer, whom.
//tint which passes it. It fol-ow.s.that The Advance, and him .the Kincar,
ethesnutimiteonds, scwntdee:: eprrypeyidn'ci;. pated agspaeints, insinuate was • discrinlin:
Oh! .otfli.enoD..e'offmeinztinwii onfalde Of : Ontartc-- Judge Suthert. land was not at ar.
hatever- The Pere** loth to discuss •the • Subject He gave
a -Pen Whom service Made, the decision; against the .map- witt"
obliged to answer the summons, -11 the pig ad in favor of the Motorist
however, the 'aa-hollana is seY'ed.' Per.; but says he Would do the same thing
,Uotildiv upon • the foreign resident
while in Ontar.o: or 'left at
is obliged to ariswer' Jf he, does the evidence. showed that the faimel
hisplace Tieve,6eird:glii7 if. he. W. ere cell!!! upon tr.
not. answer It a fine can be imposed in question Was: leading the pig along
in his absence. This fine can be en the highway When the accident hap-
-forced" -only.„against „asSets --belenglag-
tO the foreign resident in this 'proit• own' evidence, the, car weir .net being
tweed- -,ACeording:tO . the larmer!e.
ince. It fellows that • if he has ne driven t excessive rate of speed,
assets here,., eo long as remains He admitted that he had the animal
out of the pro'vince. no penalty a-, fast by a rope on ,one lee and that
gait him for violation ,of the AO When the ear dre* near ' he ,nioved
,can he enforced. , „.-: eVer onto. the grails. The ,motorist ir s
2-3. This will depend upon whethei his .evidence..said ,saw the man but
the foreign' owner has assets in On. failed to notiCe, the pig Until :it was
fatio or not If he has assets in On teo late to stop. °
, , .
cratits fa service upon hith of a' me- Jud Sutherland said that in deal-
. ace, Of:: the ' writ, , and the .I1rdeednre ing, With .cases.' of, thla, kind . waF:
he were..a. res dent of this 'province; readwey. The', num .with ,the pit
and if judgment is.;,..repevered_it may Pad as 'mtich , tight' on the read
be satisfied out Of his assets 'in this. the man with' the ear -but ho more:
province If 'the foreign resident has This Was a Point :often lost sight Of.
no •assets in this province the , Ontar,. else Pt accident it hi not the. dutY
,io Owner may do one, of to things of the law o do more than find out
He may Sue the foreign residear here who. tesponsible :for the accident ,
or ..he nil:ay sae .hini in :the .jtirisdic- If' e;.: farmer with, a pig On the high
tion in 'which he. resides and has ea? way is the cause of an accident, then
sets. ' .If the fersien. resident is 'tined he !nest, bear the responsibility as
here and contests: the proceedings much as a Motor driver or any
here the ' Ontario .resident Can sue One else
Thetwo cities are 309 miles spell
, .
and the cost of carrying freight is
TO, cents per lb: tot' the trip.
Each plane :can 'Carry 8 paanen,.
,gers' „end .has ;a..40.0 h.p: engine.
• Ford is -now Making therm aero
'plapes. At present he is making 2
Or. 3/ a' week, and selling them as
" fast .as. they , are. completed.
His, aeroplane inventor is Willi-
am B. Stout,' :who was formerly
own 11
Ford cars.-• • ,
Fiord believes that in '5 years
'there will be aeroplanes that cost
• only $2,000, -small, site planefo
one or two passengers.
• There have been no serious acci
dents in 'the -operation of Ford air
acer o
044. '• This community4 Nyhteh to
4' the hest .tigricult,nral seetIonw - in
he Ptovince as a)wayg suffer:ea be..
‘Iause ef lack of railway tieilitlee-
tad qould be greatly beae#tted by
3 permanent 'hiiharaVAhe 'Lucat
iU1 Is the dread; of the. Pletorket and,
s 'avoided Whenever possible by tira-
14,4riverai . The Cat" of the nOmer7. ,
2qccldenthathaye :already '
Arrod thia',0pOV:•,rOnt;(05---ii-kifiii--7..,
WAY to -.meeting the eeat ofthe pro:.
posed route across' the ravine: Las!
han.4`m•coit*.. iwo.*PaticieboYein'ati..'
quit, road,: These 'tlihiga':no 'don
wilt be taken into ,ConaideratiOn4
he. RepartMent. ,
;The paved road „may, notbecome
reality 'OW year, as the Oovernment• •
of permanentArciad,:n big undettaltiOg '
for 'one year. 'However, 'a „start ; has
5eeri made and wiener at„later a 'Per-,
.rnanent, read. froni'Olinton: to :London
i11 Be a" reality.-Eketer, Titnell-Ad=
• Practrally every mail brings„,./to
• he, 'Topographical :Survey, • Dewitt:
neat of the Intetior, aim' or more re-
legal survey:et,ecithe piece of
;and. MI 'the. subdivided land's . in
the •three , prairie 'provinces- and _
the Railway 13elt. and the Peace Riv-
mrVeyed Under instructions from
'the Sarveyor General of DOiniaion
Lands'. and . the original field nOtea
• •
are -on record in the -office .the
Topographical Survey; St Ottawa::
There are thousands of them, mim; •
bered consecutively, each one indexed
fOr the partkular township in ..which
:he surveys were These legal
survey, field • notes c'ornpriaa' 'those'. in
which boundaries. of 'lead .are affected
and include lines • township. 'Subdivi- •
sion lake and rivet ;traverses, eettle-
nPea his judgment,' in • the foreign The, evidence 'Went further. to ShoW
jurisdiction, and againstthat, judg- that When: the -man moved Over, tr.
• Meet the foreign resident ,cannot ' set . the; grass on : the .side 'of the read he
„ any -defence that , he could have pulled on:, the 'retie and • the pig,' quite
raised in the '•;original action: If,' how - naturally' turned , broadside . On • 'the
, . . , _ , •
ever; the foreign' .resident . does :7' net, highway alidi)when •struck : was, 11
contest." the 'proceedings : in this court : anything, On .the Wrong Side of . thr
and wafters judgment - to giif again -se- As the :PigH
,Idin by .default •action will have to 'about 300 .pounds the Man-gatthe
be hroughton the Aft -meat in his -.rope had little or no control
jurisdiction, and then he can set up. Itt.the CeSe in question it had been
...ank detente,. as for .example, that. clearly preven. that ,the men. With the
" the : accident wits not ' fault; ' or automobile' had used every caution;
wsis net driVingaixeessive
speed farmer's ; own ,evidence
:Said about 20 Miles' an hour), he Was
on his. Proper side of.the toad. The'
farmer; :on 'the: other hand, was in the
grass on the side of •-?the :AlighVvey
while •the pig, o'• rope attached to ite
19g,, was, standing broadside near the
centro Of the.. road and apparently.
. trying to erose over to the opposite
side'to that on its owner stood
Sutherland said ' that , •thr
dajr, • was gone when' every accident
�n the :highway in which an autoino:.
hile figured could be, attributed
the .motor :cat without : further
dence., ,The , motet car :was here tc
!stay, it hed, its place in the country,
• and was as much entitled • to tin
. ,
highway as any.. other vehicle:
I • • '
A SuiVeY, is being- made of the Lon -4"
don, rOad from'. Elginfield to, Clinton
by, the Ontario Highl.vays Depart-
ment,: With •a view to, Putting • a
paved 'read. The., clistianeo. is about
thirty-thzto miles. surveyors,
under. the superintendence Of Mr.R. Dodge, D.L.S.,. reached Exeter
'Monday and are Working mirth,
There is considerable speCulatioo ;es
to,„Whether: the 'raid will make the
various. tarns and pass through
tralia,, or whether : the Department
ill•pave the rod straight- through
• with a sptir .running into'. the vil
age, The surveyors :are malting a
survey . of both Oates' and, will ,te,.
':,),ort to: the Department -
...Another impottant qtlestIon tinder'
:tonSideration is' the' big, hill with Its
v,nduigIturn s int:Lueep. 'Akan alter-
• native to the prdent treacherour„
road a thirsty abeeit':niade to ciOss
---the-raVine-and this • tali-
. eb -bite•Colititletittion- 'bst 'the 'Depart.', hie:Ithe -Tcost--oi: the latter prepeSi-
'eon Will 'be gree.,; tut *hen it is
tt,rptOory, .4n tOthirP. rE:totda0d:r'WillA.8,t6,htev„; d
• that, the route” now .being mapped out
will :altogether likely be 'the', :route
for all time to come, sews • the
thlfig p*'t4011)40,, out lito
f was the faultt-he:-0,-therL-Per-aell
—o o -b.,
• '-However mtKlit,the authorities may
disagree as to the potentialities: of
out great and fent growing. tide
tourist' traffic they are agreed that it
is. :destined to be vastly greater in
sizo.Already the rrainber of U.S.
motor' .trairists' ears eatering this
country annually is several times the
number Of, .,a'ro owned ":1in' Canada.
Aceidents occur in which motorists,
:outside- of the, :state Or province
Which 'they are resident;• are involved
The -touring habit grows and the ranks.
of motorists are befog: rapidly ' aug-
mented. ' If IS therefore inevitable
that akcidents- on _tours, will, increase
and some of these will involve liabil-
ity, .for property or personal injury.
It therefoie .8 matter of interest
to every motorint to ,know his legal
position if he As' the .plaintiff in a
case in which a: non;resident motor
tourist is the ,defendant and also if
.he whil, a
ease la a jurisdiction: in -ihich he is
not resident, 'as •a, tegult Of darnegc
dope in a motor:uceidot.,, • Vitith a
vIew to establishing this, certain,
questions Wereiltit tO, N
C., president of
Optatlo Water Lieguthese fellraC
,raid....aunihered-so Abet „the
follow thein.j ,may he .associated wlth
_the, questions, readily. • ,
• 1. A Tinife-d
toUring in 'Onth.rio,violates a proi-
;slots vt.,the: liigliWaY traffic adt.:-May
summons he served on him in Vic
Alnite'd States for this 'offence and, if
so IS 110 obliged to aneWer the sum;
mons ' . •
4A automobil• bo tnii4o,ot in
that he conld have Set 'pp' in the or-
iginal ,astion. . The practical , result li
that ia ahnost all, of .these cases a
persOn j _Ontarisa who Sustains dam,'
age by the operation o1. an automo-
bile owned by :4 foreign resident must
broceed to that' resident's jurisdiction
to enforce .his
if the United States motorist 'wish-
es , to , aim an, Ontario ,motorist for,
damages, the. action will have. tobe
,prosecuted 'in Ontario, and the .for-
eign resident will ,be obliged to put
security- : for .eosts to the amount
of $200. : In .other respects the action
will proceed as if the plaintiff:was e,
resident 'ofthe jurisdiction.
• 4.• The question of bail is entirely
a matter" a discretion for the magis-
trates' and crown attorneys. What
faits surrounding the aecident will
Control the "exerciseof that, discre-
tion it is inapessible tiv7ariy. I think it
,might safely be ‘stated, however, that
there would be no discrimitation
•Itiainst a pon-resideat of .Ontario.
5. The proceedure the 'same.
, 6. According- •to the extradition act
criminal negligence is not an •extra:
ditable offence. If there was 'wilful
or deliberate miscooduct' on 'thepart
of the tuoterlit dau5lng aceidsnt/ the
,charge ',laid would likely be Man:.
'slaughter: :'I'hit offence is extradit.
•' As the extradition act is founded
upon - treaty . tha ii,Person
to extradition either, 'from 'Canada Ox.
Item the United States Is exactly thc.
.e.anle. • r
;Schaefer of NOV.
'"Irorle'ittlf-$19,4000 in'a -and
42,500'11-1:ear to, :his .secretary,„.14Lss
Lillian -McEvoy,. but. stipidatecl that'
She , intst. Spend it . herself. 'if' Miss:
Lillian McEvoy -.doesn't 'know -how
eitl-ier "Peaches", Heenan or Mrs,
Charlie the-Plin .cotild'elenia-atittate;"
lie is ra rare man Who kaows a man
Ale wOuld bewHiing to' nitirry It he
• were *mon,
aorta, road surveys, _Mineral
interprovincial boundaries, etc. • ..
lasses • of fieldfootes,,taken qn • ' shr-
veys Poi the classification of _lands •
and ,others ,ahowhig''information. ob.' -
tallied on traverse or topographical '
surveys such as records; of astrono-
mical ,observations, level notes, baro-
meter, readings, diaries? etc.' .
Besides the field beaks, there 18 ,an
even larger number Of recorded
plans. ' In ',niany eases ,a surverir
• shows.the result of, his. surveys on .8
Wail' as well as in his • • field book.
There are also the records Of all the
railway and road surveys effecting ,
Dominion lands. which. are practical-,
ly all recorded as plans; and 'all the
original township plan's are reeorded.
As there are in 'excess of .7000 aub-
.TIrvlded for most of 'which
there are several -editions. of the
plans, .the number- of these ,is large.
:EverY Crown grant of a .piece , :of .
• Dominion land, containa a reference'
in 'it to the plan on recerd at Ottawa...
whkh. shows the •parcel granted: It
is, very important. t rhe-•,gar—vat
these plans "be kept safely and ,,yet
availahlo: for :reference-, purPOses.
The 'township plan* ,are -reproduced
for dispOsal Lind copies may be se-.;
cuted; at , a nominal price.' This' is •1!•/
great convenience to any -one inter-
ested in the. surveys of,. the lands in.
a township. • • '.•• • •
• All requests for information con-
cerning surveys, resurveys,' .areas,
boundary marks,, road allowances.'
nature of 'land, , kind of timber, etc.,
are answered' as fully as the recordi
disclose. Sometimes, a small fee;is '
charged where •pUblications•Iare sent .
or where copieri of field, notes,: ete.,;
ere. Made. •
"." COSTS $1,509 PER DAY •
C. .G. Power, M.P.; from Quebec,-
. .
Solidi, 'a ;Liberal, ..ta . few days 'age:
asked questions in the House of Com-
mons „which" brought' oufainne in
eating information, ab,Out, the enqjlitY ,
now being' made into • the 'Crooked -
way,, ef; cu,strOin Offielelt, enclitic:Went. ,
ally, the .big bootleggers., The little '
dialogue' ran'41 .followe: . • : ' ' .
"What .fees and expellees are be -
;int paid 'fo.'•flon. N,. W., Rowell and:1
haw much has' bean *aid him to date? •
...,Answer, --111260 ' a' day, .$2(1.,;:...day ,
living:. allowance, aiut actual trans. '
p"ortatiOn eXpcinsca, $11;508 ostd 'to .
, . .
"W at fees an expenses ,-*e 16.
ing ,Paid to Mr....Calder and' howlituall-:-
.hati 'been ;paid to him 'to' data ' , „, ., •
' 'An5wer-4106 'a kisay,' '$1.:5 at des., •
11i/ink' . allovvance,- and -netual trait&
•pOrtatitiri txpense"s; t90 Oahl. to .dete '
.ead ,$10.00,„,,,by .way ,,,,04 ,advance.
"What , fes \and expenses hiwe'been4
:Paid 'tkr any ,:ollie'i -attiirneY ft!' 7 ' .
AnsWer.--V. P. O,corutor ot,288t
IL a ;Law '13,5014. Itnettay ,sosc,
, ;rbo . Governnient ' astitnitek • that
-then-approximate' .tlaily. expenditure
Of the Crailinission CoVerhig. 01 ex.
Penes Is ,,$1,500.. : ',
The tool Coat Of :the AtOtiolty4p..te ,
Ihie.r, tit' 102, wso 1444 to bovo -
14tio ;$84407i ' ' ' . •"