HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-03-03, Page 3;
,•1 444 a a 444
. In S " :
' 4 ' CC% 6 !kl i 1 E
inter . in *lit.
11.404m: 4n, an ideal tecritory. in 'Web. i 141110414.°''USS? '' . 1144 'No- Aniibition.;.a44,1':, fla0" t,6' tta .j .1 0 las. 11(•"-L*R'''''. ' einirAlth°44p rali.Orl'te.y.603jf eastenseriLo.ft,b,..* 444" '
. . .. . . ,, •, , . . ,
, . ,..., ...„.,
:lite.,ittfraCtione ot ithe 1VIaritlane• PPP- . .., , ,
to .epend a ann*Mer .helidaY. are ta)..• -'s:Xinelftlrelli itholtid Wei* and earn - ' . . . ; ' 7: ' • o.a. ..,.r in.,....Enailot„.
loiltOki to .rnef3t canadiazia• and to.. mani Monet,":- .,'' " •. , . • . , .. . 1,;•eiit Fregilent4% . . , . • . .
• 111 yRaTON,,,
. ,
in ether 0Ountries. - Net so well known, • 'Ber--”r•hii• 'What ..,.(19 1 Want. with' -
sirs., Wm. .1*,,, -Pirifiln, TeliktlaAniall;
... .
-Source:,--Ati OCcPPOI.tipn, . —
ttoulin joaxtd, .4)iit,;. is 4:00 of the • 4h. S fnrallY Paine IS. One Of the class Racial Cirifilt17-,E711*.ii..11611.. '. ..,
. . , ..
.. , / ' •
w ich originated in. the, OcOnPationa, !Soutes-A
3r 'th"eands '43r '6432e'llk- '41° w" of their original- hear,ere, And 4t- lias, The family nit/ice-or 'Thurston, is• .one,
own and bloodleas, and, Who haa y, . no nonnoetton. , 7vIth tile, .vylitch ,. iT4ces• IN.1.0( to TOY ancient'
d new!,itealtii2 sthrough Pt:: 31.01,-,-,......z..„.°M-'
.0•11c , pilim, . 0,,41,,§40*,..r.,0,..a. `luieYrikat flinlilar." ea-Tile:of Keller., ','''' !,thaes and:leianatituths•ene of these re
• - Rut "What7 Wv41-.:t4S 1 oCettptitithl; et lieft:of.,1,psgan:E.ag,la:iitlY.,hith the 1110
her 9(T:ear?, I idl it'eTy- w -; - 0 ,,:.,3_,w_olr,,,.;14, medie•val.Anglind?. -..1,, lyea, Of tnri.nindeigt eivilisatieu has not s -ac-
' t ' h an ' - .,., i....„; . ._ .
.".i."'atti . ° ; ':" '' 41'1 4"11 r1,5"'-' the,F. on O.. two .eaIlings,, and, t • .oeedeel, in. ehlite lag- • *. ' " '
'4i•Ef.t.D6toon:ticiA°41/421-0-fil.,.11,:1448"1:twetiliiii.:14.:....11,„--:--aP"!4:,--:41::,./1.-",,„,„.„t' gi;:vii,vid.,:',INIO:e,_,' Yr .!1ettki tiI9s.,...,__TiP,Slc,.. -41f le mi, a Plie.,e,naule:ratheit, the* a: farailir
,„„ le nothing ihttrh' In the. -09.Y., Of • dirocfr 1.,! The antiqnity 'of ;the uame,-hOwever,
swollen. :-•,7 name,—It---was 4-turneti,-,.,-tolatter.,
Ii6P11; ' od :1740;iiiiVI.,tt:64.49,.,,t*:or. af , my Drin?kinOcieT•4 Onlea.a Cei'tala 0.'1.),e, .usage- 4i2,,iit• . the 0;nle Or104, when
'bf PArte:Arkea.rIngi've4s431 has,navigated
tlie,...-Rivef Tyliti, .101Own as • a '• "Keel,'" l?°;eine..1g).-1.1-InlIC‘'ilfol.fiiiam•d:iTY'.111P11":43.,,ttectavi'Pleeen. -iblt:
It is:, a..10W,• 'Rat Vessel; 'vlattllidiY 'et. tivelftIK'ilid ., fifteenth, ..eetiturtes,:. Be
,6boanrgt,e6 co, 1 3 eniis:ireuet-luciant , itan.y.md f.i, thilefrjkoe,.. ,1,6.1..rtee.;•-h.(4 oforret .tpllaato,e.i,t.e?r;.iate,d i71.Y as liA . a. #11.4i
..T:ry•OS.11. ,, or 18
Ate:Tillie:$:,,iv,PP;:. ' In the- speech of. the anolent Pag".4
Saxon inbabitante',"or'Etiglan",,,I.
kna*n. as '''keele.fe?' The 'question ilea ton. nieatit•, ”Thor's owe., or Thelle
in whetherthe exiatenee, of this craft., fortress.:!', ,Ther was ihitt god Of Might,
reaches back Se ftr ,..;t's• the•110".094 In whose "naulie runthrOugh the sagas
whiCh :.familY'.44.11M.,:Fere to.hried. of; the I7,44ings), of the: 8-4Yedeai-Nef,
• The e•tilastr exPlanation'.1VOuld he imore we -glans, .,,Ifelanders, 'Dance., -• Saxe4'
Obyien*, k ''keeler"„:%...ves also he arti-, and, ailthe northernbraiitheS:ef the
dan ' Of the,-anclent OillyardS t„'•,:whe 'Teutonic raCe... .) .1'. - •• -
tpecializett in shaping the -keels of the .' Of 'Course, in ita.first use . to d,esig=
medieval, craft,, . ' ..: , .; , ',•," • nate-the 'Ind ivithial.,, the name was used
: The chenees -are that. this. 'family to indicate the. plaice :froth whtch the
natrie is derivedfroth neither one ner bearer had .,:eorne , and waS, prefixed,
the.other ot. these sonrces'exclusivelY, eithec•in•tlie•Normen or $axen tongue,
lint froni h,oth; with the latter course 'by the word "QV.' .
: hut 're.P,idly ilona4 lad prbmi-nence, Motiloy77 , . Man
Y.T4 the tdV4htagee.ef Apadia% to nee, ' Ifle--1-717; flaVe-and be In4431N1141; mom
J.4 farinsername) .ae. a lamI, et inviger, ant, aritf.then you won't have to ru work!"
. , • • . n41
• t,ing,, ,heelth-giying'whiter. sports...The 1, .., PeY.'-,.,-,..,Aa..t,-.71 '1 ;.4On't ''Aav.e..- to work f ii
Ite#11eSatif.the,,Maritinie Provinces to '11O1W''.•
. .
tind,:..OntariOseXKLIP-4-,tibtelilY..,-----1„:-......._:,,,...,.,_..,, "-..7#'''
" .. ,., ...
, Leilrn
' 'PePPlated.'13OrtiOn of pie TIniPed•Btates, i :, , , , • ,...-'4,-,eiikir,,..•
*.- and,t1m7exedideniceofthetra.nspertatten A lit „O ho1r.,had his flrt 4..p ip..t1, nona
---aor-iicea-.v.rauoii,tt.ilom--.fia..i.tiy--:ae4..eif4'.„.-ito;aom.t. oanae Out ,cktilekly :leaking:In* reat
iblete, visitera.• IteliWay linei of the ••tlignant, ; .,;,:, ..••., . , ,t''' ' '.''' • • . ..t' . pond
1 h - ki ' . et!' lie.m . ' ith eon- ': ' firm; not 4gaing ; in,. Iliere,4 he: !mid 1.'40.,
• . tral Canada: .•iill, oasiterni.141;ted States; to his,' mother;' "WS battling dress .lets
Steintibille opOis.te, .45Ont1tinetislY, to water in,", -:,' •.' • • ...--. .: '-'''.*'' . • ::. • '
.-Bostoe and_ ether United States 4i0rto,,. , ' " , :‘ ' '' .., ' • -L----,-,. • •'',' '., , ,, „ : : t - ..;
• Whil.d-the Wolid-feinedbarbera Of lini4.-, ,v, jack -"May x caB you. tRevelige'r ..
. fait And Saint .1ohil witness. the arrival '" ',,Wily?"• "-' .. • ,'," •, ; •• , .. . '7;,'
, and departure ' Of odeangoing ',Shiva .: l'Beottu,S0 -revenge, ia sweet" ' • ' , "'.'
, Y4dirr-erttfe-Telrr-PcrwrOrfttrand,
' finely. equip'Ped stearashlip le1•riel3 een-•
- nett. ,Priuco.)H4-ward.•„„Ielend".witli 'the
,altiland.: ,,. ,., ,' • •"- '...'''
'Ile Visitor :finde •it.:a le.nd with an
'libtlidalle,€)• QC*/#017:,. Wad .of 1.44iikk14411 ''T.:46 ':Virlrliii4' Is full .°1.'n'1319is's"nees• and
...' Winter OPort..iatO which „he co.4 throw the. "41r°itt: Pr them 1:a• weiTk•- ' Person,- Where My -workueed.te ;be
-'10.14se.IP.-71'Ith -ztetet....,: As in other parta , .,..,"•.. . . ' ,-,---.--, .,• .. . a dreg upon..my strength :1. enjoY,do-
* of oCanadaAskating .aiid''h,;Deltey....take • Wany'people‘raiss the tre4a-Tet kinir. fitigit now and I Will alWay.s, fecora-:
-first :plate,. closely followed• by Ski -lag; 'IY. thetight.. ' .. , :Mend Dr.."Williainel Pink palate .weak
• ._ ,_ _,, • .feePle.": ..• ... . .• ' • ." ' ' ! , . '
' hen Como tobogganing,. Curling, stiovf-, ..". . '''' ..
hoedegi . aialgh.tiong. • 84,d 'i td,t,-• Ya„..cht-„, A. Man We ileard.r.p - e . rib '$.10;0•00- • t It yon. Will sendyonr. name and Ad-
. , •
''.'rhe ' fadlitlee. for th'ese ePOrts That is ,tie si.pe . of t'he rowa,rd •the -d retie, to The, Dr. Williains'. - Meditate.
C,0,•,'..theY will mail you "a , little book
. eertaintir-if•-iYou-,will4e-tr-frie-,e01-
.75•46n 'W.lgea4ite17 '
• ""And.,why Nengeanc-e'?":
"BecauseVivingeaneel• is :rnin,e."
-tooditibn;,. and be _*.ave.,,mo:p1041eh?e•
'nen •hatime. aand! the ,dector
attended 'me. He Said:I had SearCelY
any bleed, in my body -that it had
timed to wafer. I coniiiine.d Caking
fP•01 ihat Ikite, 40iitg • aay, FeedJ
Then I 'started ..tO take Pr!, WillIalne'
Pink Pills: In .a'short rile., I felt
hotter, .and alter taking t 'fts1'
,a conele of...months. I feltlikea new`
,‘• Skating and 11 sheriff has • o ere
Open and 'Covered .• are to be alive ' • " ' •
','-fotind. in' 41 kte eities and towns, and • .
on several oceasibbs In.recent years -
the. International„..' Arliatenr.• Skating
. 00,11011t2 have been held..at • SainV 'John,
Uartielpatedy in ,by 'skaters; not only
from ether • province n .:and• the United
, • . •
• .
The hilly 'tiler:peter, or mnuQhof.• the
. IfiaritinreS-niskes the an ideal field.,
for ski-Mg...aid ,the, apert ts'Spredixig
rapidly,,,: The saine ,Ondl,tions.,,premete.
„ tobeggtuting and; where natural hills
' are net-, oo1Lvnionttop�pu1eus centres,
artifleial plideS •have been :erected tO
• meet tb.e•Aetnands:ot devo.t'oes of , this
.sport. • SneWshoeing elaline wank ad-
herents Whila eleigh,.ridtng:• • after' 4
epankimg'tearit, 'ef...hories Stilt held
'Charm for. many; tee 7.Yeeh.ting, , a'
land ,of ylkelitOpeen • Where' 4liere. are
Many. . /ekes,. broad • rivers, and estu-
• Y99m, nataraljy,fillsia prominent place.
in-thelistTtaf 'Winte sports
The Maritime. Provinces,. theref.ore,..
Presentto the.. visitor in ,:search of;
• . health and e-njoyment no ,Jack • either
iniiarisfY• Or -high atielity of :Winter. re-
, •
• creation. . • ••
1. • •
4. aeo, 44..4 0#444e.,,,40:
GroWn gat 0.
the Orient.
• Blended by men trained in
world's greatest tea mar et
Called "palling 'Up the;;Hlood," which
Meontairis inany' health'Ill,nts. 'You Can OTHERS LSE----,
eiirt'Disewk• e Children '
got, : the ,pills •through„14...,_m40bae •
in The Dr Will'a ' ed.' in 'Co DisturbaneAm of the • in •ekild"
ler or hi:Mail at 60 tents a --box • • • • beait . ,
. • ms e
into two groups, those whiCh were, pre- into .°.13 OWNTABLETS
' • ren,, automatically' divide thernselves Apv e
Worid'a Best-. Fernier'. sent ef the time 'et:birth, and ere:du,e 4. ' •
, : •
. „.
The Tyvo Sides., .
NV,111e4'7,here. are tWe. sides to every
question, you knoW," ,
Hubby (sadly): -.-"Yes, „I hnew---Your,
siaeand the:wrong. side." '
•Teward . the 'late .,e,fterneori,: .we. be,-
-'•gan „our •climb 'of. the.. Coastal- monnitain
eltain;.'i, rugged: and. au.Steref. range 'of.
, ,that cuts latetrier plains
' • the s,Sa. OPand.ii,p-oVer thi)
. , . ,
• 'astoilding road:We. made:oar Way' until,.
'gaining.:thefirst. e.leitatea,•a;idge.;:••'..Gib-,
'raltar's waters hurirt;Into• vieW ;.with
•. dramatic. seicidenire,se..,.. •rrhe eun.
. setting ()V*. ,the.sea,afl We tolled along
the sinuous :road • that wriPped
lik.ea, Serpent S.,rolind•the barren
• . • • gins,t• illitrt , deep'. decliv roil na.-
••ing rUgged. shoUldeiS 'of the.. range,'
•• Whence- to-en,ed tainting. panorama's ,Of.
• -the Mediterranean. and. the
theit-lieading intend a101ig'•the.,•ribben
of the highway; *here We were.iiiddett
• from „ all ProStnect of the soinbre
waters. . •this7- sLand-Seek with •,tlie
Sea, we wondered, Whether, 'We nitght
• be -V.Outlilia,ted ,Ao ,Witneis the' final
.. Of the. ,sun to , le' ..• ay.,
Forinne•Was .ft.r.'llaving lift-
'Tell:dank 4a•ph ere .•'. Petaled
ablate th,e,porizon, as we embarked,Oto
A . lOng•-•cletou r , around, a heeding:, cliff,:
• etnerged •}Itat • In ;dine .10,..Ste the
• dimaning pause ,fol, an
. • at . tAn-ellge t,he iyorlde. and
•then nlunge With•etartling.,rapittiti. in-.
.• •to.tlie leaden witters, • .• • -••
• • ',Finally,. . the: eumnitt .of, the oierna.
was readied, and es "gleom. saieceeded'
we coaSted • the *leng
trail Into., ;A Ig•p•ol , the ,gathering
• •daziiiieist,'• the mighty _bulk Of.,Clihraltar,
• shoW-ed labotir.e the li-onabrewaters
of the bay, the-light:S.9r her city tw-ink-
• • • • coMbinntion of :Proven •virtues. Bold .
' ling.like 'thi.:1,10E) of.lirefilesl'..Peasants, &jumbo and guaranted.:_: .„.
• • leaa•114 their (101110311 or..porched'upori . Liniited.; „ •,•••
Uiek .bireks,.;.came up the p)kacipitous . • 142 Mutual lit., Toronto 2 121: .
, ,
read,:appearing.Ilike :Mug/0 out:of the
• darkness; th,elr ,talls .to the aninia•ls
' Old Cheese.' . r
., . . .
Diner,---:Wititerthere's. a. gray hair
on thistheeee....".
.' W'etter--"Well, 'air, 'didn't •you ,a5k
.fOr iolit...Hligli.Sli cheesel".' ... • : ..- •'..,•
sflaia,01:471.1e4,1;:i:-..iini":1,...ts. sZo.qa:lir...,:oti)1.6.0'.‘1111-ce.i:lionp.11t,..sili9;17.-„,..,,hy. , : „Acciiired h.eaii diease..,is rarely tir.e... entee that•tbey Will always, .be kep.t in
seat • 'befere the Seeded' Or .. third ' ydar.,40hr,..e.'"ub4ing,e.,:tia,
young Iiiiirl'e!.:•.taoFfi '1..,blieraer,'-eadrei,riiial,.3,fhees
-, er,• Of : llfe.and, When • found ,in; extreinely.. _ . ,
in;pil '1',11,retlihee.; afanid.nn:,;:tii•-fverxi...1,%e,..a4;w,Reiratep;•,.,... 5YelIng children, Is :almost. ;a1v,Tays due Tablets . ars' a .. lakative-Mild • . but:
The new • grain king's aanie la ,•H
to 4 rheumatic infection...," ; '.,,-; '.'• - though .in. actien•Whicli never Tail
ColtetrY:le.' Albeit's- ' '. .'„• 1. .. ' • '•'•: ..• '• ..gareful. tt iiilination,ef seh.00l age to :ra4itlata*: the Stoinaeli and iieviels;.
-:tTell. Years agolle7dIVItot kliewHO-,childist4,111 vi,s4hOut One.4ter:' c_eil .. 66. relleYe. conatipatien and indigestion;"
Young Alb,erta, engineer with to4defecte't-iii-4deVelOPinent-r4and,.•-these, • ; .
capita1,. turned te the land t;en.yearii Which:are a,cquired after.birth. ' • "' MrS,' M. Brewp,
When diSsatisfied :with his profea- Congenit,al heart -conditions, .or these. aty,Lai--".1-- cannot 'tecommetul' Baby's'
fi. le to da the most •fa'mOus, farina?! They .
4PrOs'efit., at hirth,'••are not .uneornon •12wn.'llibl're-64-1°°- 11181115%. • l' ha4ielbuild
'North 'AmeriCa. - ,-, • •• .. • ' .• • • " - ' . ' '.• ' ' 1 . '' ' Bro n S.lestim
are . as a •rule • easily recognis- . , • .•
.0innVesaltlabylltsfo,.1: Ithe ,a,_.1.1in. ent,ionoy:f, •
, . and,, '''''''',Ifil.e.t.11,6Y-.,.:Nr; mater,itt'illy... 'lf:thte-t11: . .
lets To use them onte le a sUr egtiar-
He is the first than In 'histiiry to a'1:14a,
n:'.---tho-1.-!-;-vvorld's-enaniplonsliip". la . Is the same .8.:. that of., thousands. ef.
' .• ' .. ' in 'extent, the Majority- of 'them term-
* • wheat and.,eata, Or the ,same - • - . ,.. • • • other mothers who have na,eti the Tab -
Mate fatally -Within a given 'ported .of
acked, in
e best pacKet' ye
While ionPlaY,.. reinember' tliat yon't I Clullifieds
• ran SALL--;
opmPetiters are energetidaily at work.
.Wo hear `E*good d .of the Leisure
Class'',ThOSe ,11.1 leisure elites, 1,
know are nia.inly.pe people: 1. •
• 4 '
!fel:epee .betWeNt Whe4 an4• fr(31""iii clietiiEbanee 1>reg."661(lr'Ulitt"*IIIPicrl"-..°"11111-'
w lie. is :adjuOged,.. the -heart.. In. rnanY:in,Staxices the:;pre, .th'ake• ;the -drea,ded, teetliMg ,perlod,
,Tithreta: arete-OlcITtirineditine., dealers
'°•wCia.;981:ee,11(1..i.eliii'6iird.:e•sdv,,,otwonh(14i6870. galir-creale:Sinrst took up• -WilfeaCaPi4ti:;:n....P1Wiiiarje4:14ti'll'ilhe:U;)ilitYt;r1found,•lo he the
PsromnIt'.,S.,;1...6::i'Vritui,4: Or; bY.-tua,il -it. 26% Ceuta a .hex from, The,
Hr. Withal -Os, Medicine Co. Breekv
. „ • , , , _ • • . . • . • • •., • • ' •
• • .,. • ,•• •
• • - • • • • • ' Many of. the. existing cases, of heart •
'else -in, the Worltl: The honiestead the .paren.ts-Or_child affetted. 'talV:'91iIttli.-ra-1:11Ftliale"711te*ire*011 4-1"V41: thif4.71ba.
11,9 disease was tinknOwtrte.
better wheat and better oat' ally the aenae' of thisThu
. , ..,
.: Mr.' Troll% who is :only 111-iitY,cie ' • • ' - ' ": '., . .
nr.i llii;g;:.,• be: i.0,.il ti:;ycial,itlic:ing.a_irlia. ebt..,1.1)eloGo,e.f .0v0,1111,1renv.x..iniltilegeti.r.iitE4Ibetuprt!ltla!i: ; ociRut,h-atitieinbiati.:ttig.oliltlhd..apiittor:t; .bv1,1.,seee0:74".11:1.,:t6tea;iii.ise;hil:ii:d:sipt,clihoiyi?:91 f:slt,iiaibSciaoal:eO,:i
• ' - • .. . . Vacations Cin Be ,ver one
Should run eflieleiitlY ';during, the, tem -
Any ',.• ' .prOperly-orgazi4ed • besin.esa•
eel's old,' has attained, success ' by. 'di 'sease • .
.°1=•'isi.,;. „v:i' elboxy -n:10'ati'i,. .,t- 1,1;t...'galiad,..,i's 'tote present:In:the ,ferni et '8..eut4 'rh 'il,,, .P.9ra° .t...7 1113"-eic'e ''f'' it'*.44d* Put • 1*f *It'
er .10 . tie:tniatuigot.s,,, the ,.a.coti. „‘1,va6nrulai •splevr,imdialielni‘ii.I.:1,.y; 't;inthiotnt.wohnitind:,‘
redonilnent- by %right. Of •title,;.1h the lin' 4t-i'••••',teY-!i''''ill ''cli'd
wo iumt iruport44 groils, .6.3., tiot4her heart,. :.. Such .glig,ht, inanit , ,,
, . 4- - mean that he Was: fitterlY -uSelei,,s , a
'ear; : .:: .. .. • ..., . ; . . ,, , .. its-, presence Se, v.:owing pains arc. ,_ .•:. .....• t
mei e oarnas....le extraOtic!ig .•;substairee
• . . • .,•• .- ' ' sufficient • warren .,' r careful supe
drini gef 'a 'sensation of Preseure"on the hemt? YiPi°?1' Of i,tire7chil'cl.'s-40tiv t4e's. • -sllgiit, •The following a•entences are ,from an.
tin't'be frightened it'S not • heart,trouble-it'S •_ pain, • or. ewelling In the „„ibints;' • of.. a a,' Tux). ling. ern ext.t.,, 1..16eii,... ed ..fro..m• , a • •New
riCl!gqidn'' : §e'ker6, S*1.11.'1'14 Pc "..''. Any • transient Character; ahOli,ld. he: • taken y ..k..d..enui,t, "k'wiiib. to announce that
reestore.' • • • •,,I. • ,,,••• . . •. . .
Nursed the. prinne 411 Wales. .. very 8°1161181Y. : by .
______,—,, , n.: p!iren.s !al, , 1 a,a. 'again .Prectising. at, • my : former
H.ow, It ;Wis.
• ^ • • •
290. 0:9111, fer235 00
.flig.g.tiooteed.,f TrtloT4. •Isic!A:t:ET,4,4.;.1,049•61,4•1141,.,
ou kap*, ; • peuOttooe
• •
*B14.: 42114.4311E0. .20 :117r4D 1.31100go HOME&
:400400 P:04:110,,za#,‘ btArkiraist4c, se.3'2::5030020407.ystveroisr..., tegeg,egirAwitihnnetk. Lotiiiit,a0,;04.014,44,
Witte' Kt • Deitelax. /4erltiesen. •
• kupas vawrzn. •.; ,
trMemorill ..1losons1 Nem London. Cennsquafte4
TRAIN -DM. •gcnoim• ov Tom noNus
delightfully higliltecl the bazdus of 'the. Theism!:
BAter yhere it liis Lonir, Inland .tiuuncl -.desists •
Itsitrilatere,• -T.00111d041},- . '4
Super...leers' Miura excellent training.' .The' I wirse le ,
83 months, O. of ' which .1.8 'affiliatIon in Itellev..e -11os4
•Yerli , , .
•SOOTIMAIN CA1,11rOHNI:Al, engsnoris •
• WERED, • 83,00 ,e‘stels: lJahist facts. -Bead %gash •
or ' P.O,, 41one7"0er
Box 1661, , lies Angeles, Wrongs. • • • •
0 'horse cellar. business, sdrertiged 'mei
liLT IMBED, und 'PNacitteti,o Arm .trra4w,
and .tralted States; harness. :C0111100.1031j la no* •
for, !sale." WILLIAM .fil...s.ETZ4L, Pneumstto CoBOl
Co.,' raw Dundee. . - • .
. .
. ,
"Bille';ie:nie. or' not;,..1 was Wei Ung •
for a 'street -car." •
•''Get out! Canthat nobler'
'fBUref;' - And' then her husband •hap-
pened to 'see ns!". • '
No, man ever lived ti. right lii'e who.
had. not been chastened by ,wornan's
lovecstfelfg-thilietrbriter-courage and
guided by her di,seretien.--liislrin2
• - Newspaper:Boy Knight.. •
Sir PerciVal .13oWer, 'ihe „ex -Lord
Mayor : 'Birthingham, ..• wpo,•wam
knighted In the,;New Year .Henors;
faced ,the W °rid,. an pri2.1.1 an, •at 'the -age
ofeleven, when' he: sol(Lln ewspaPers
In the streets of Hyti e, Ken , here
he was born. of yarksh re Parents. lie and„,i-arm.ed PrineesS-MarY'S • feed- Pie heart. ;
lig7boftle, TheHtike •Of York Itiolted exid '(1*4-4';'62 t•lic'1°"ils
• ' •froin the organization. • , •
Mme. Blancho. March,e,s.1,.,.the..great ' ..The"' early - rea'agn tien -
i -•
of suCh dis- locatiOn in-.' --L-.--:. , . . 1, am planning to
PhYsircian. • .• , .. •'. .. •,. ..1.... . „,
,rinla. _‘04na..; attend .persOnally. •kte„,; my patients semi.
iirumtio...p.lice16.r117:0t11,11•,:!n:111..ineeiii,rt21.:t06-c:,:i:utti..irl6.57-0,,.-,riiia•eciltl.dl and the .4:•,pirint4Pet.r.iattetairiadn's.:-"COaf7.1-aedf'efaefi:te tiiiiS;dOn'tist., iiiici-poi•Od: 711e 'begin.'
not • eiriplOY. as F:1 ist,aet a) as heretofere,.. .
pi -4106 at tp9resa:imb!ennt3p,:•59vfil,locitt,O ininsuetcha-..0.trie linlinyolti•vilinicie 4:0
Wales' then' a little' 'f•ellow•• .ef, .three. In opTi::cloar fife in the West .iiiin in.
'take :More „interest in hunting and
•- •• . ! . , )
.1.1.1s-husiness.,, He employed firstOine,
and .then ntietlier 'eSSiataite. .I3y ...and
by he ceased shOWing. up at: all, Not
elikinp_aniees. are left-
hantled, while the orang-outang is
right-handed.- . "•
;afterwards' Worlted on ,afarni, .w ich t
he left to :become., app'tentibed ;in, ii:,
' e be-
came ,• the • first. t !Baia , Lord
Mayor of Birmiligh ro in 1924, t. and
'served, with such istinefkni-' during
.his year.of oftlee that therequest, to A
Which, he acceded, to'continue, a, second
Year .wee: supported'hy 'even bia., op7
Penente. •
n from a,tigh chair. , •
,.iiewatribOetbeitertisoeanolnif ohLitotri
Liniment for rheumatism r
Minard's chitdren, not ne.`rba.ps rec y, u as
' ' possible lodging' places fer organisms
r -
\Gratin's •Who'le 'life' is a history Which ma.y grow an
- ' d spread"' 'to the.
f the. affeCtions. ' 'The heart. -4s her heall' liee'lr-*" • ' '
Vorld: it is 'therp her ainbitiori 4triyes. .:The- a'shgl. PY.TP.I"'Pe as'C'el'al.e.(11w1 .fadt. t.hat if he were to ;pentium:3' the
seeka 'for".iliickleri. treasure: ..$he, Rend5 8:s. d'eflPle: AS', one. wea1,cl• k.e. ..,rhs13 ,hnS!ness he.woildhave to pat up his.
for -etiipire;'• it IS' there. her eve; ice early -.heart disease in .children at ot. ,
171 7111
forth her. isYn11;athlies .!On 'adr
VentUe; ':ciiikil'en', •i•ie .61/416.t.'1' 'lliV. have 1'11'161' .'.4ii.cil.4tieltt etn!fiJobleSacstfUhl:There 'Ma. y be
traffic of offectiOn;', and; if. chum -reek, •
. or ishortriesa,, cc 1.)040.i ..9n ''oelir-e4tio.rntt,:..osetnasound sense in.the recent declaration
: •
don; Pain over chap region of the i
. . , • Profeeelonal. authority. that busy
She..'embarks her. whole 'soli", In the
eil.'.:,her .ease . is hopoeasfar . it is• it 1.-'138.3 (""r ielirl'i s,6er ,i3ria:zIrlitaruinl:y.bliroup:he,t., , men ,of..affairs in these, reociteern;h: high-
am fillet loth' b Y., the .• school o,i)sreaS815111.1r.me .(111411eYr8'-Vrae(v:IalitlinTii !I 1,Bvitili t. vra. 4catIlle:Asi
T e ,. . , P / , 0, ,
8•• i:1,,i'll'.k.4A1110: Pp.tiC4'..::°.sf.j.iii.t.a.....7...h.:1:11'•te4.7:1•t,.,1'17,, se,..1.dri..,.:..01,11, .."L•,:l. 'sit)::::tsi:gi-cithancyl;d1 ,p.es7. 1,,.,lien, the: c
ndition.his ,e,a a , he, overdone, ' i• business .Can be
ii* ••-e,i.0.. ,•,‘ve :•t,iii;a1.,1,,.; in -4 rsh, es.. ,:: ili beo_nnie. exaggerated bY setne-in,,terctifl ..o.pia.vgii.?eeort.e4s,„0Ni,:erlintis'aaciiill. 'a' nrift‘l.', l'itlackreehaiiq
ii111.:,:i7%.ii•gabti.ani,:thltiel.otbilec4.t11.•linf.goizitdO. as utlitr;;cyt, 1*.r..0,'' ut illness; . ,, . ,.,,;,, . . •.; . .;
... ,i)0Telliiree :a. ter:di:eine:114. of.. 'otulintni .fnecceisse patir .;;,ierinz!t' i bepiiityter; 't'I.Nivee.i:dke;oeBoutly•itoopi ...a'neil;•clicipit,lealy.o.rwi•a:iiell.,
. . . . m:'clothing ,-iii :extreme; weather; • 'careful • - •••
attention to. defeetS :of • the thrOat, .and : gi
• sitients receive unsatis-
fitctorYtreatment while pc), Was, ou the
after, one experience with an
assistant they went elsewhere. . •
' In time the..dentiSt awoke to the
'Dorn, Neglect
Bronchial Colds
• »Pneumonia: "Flu" 'And other danger.-
• obis maladies 'develop from. common
• colds. TOprevent trouble take Buckley's'
• • Mixture. quickly relieves •the • Congli •
and-infirm:wee the cause. Different from •
• • eld..faihioned syrups. We a acientille
ihzdbwiton.for galr,t
. T.:attest =eon f a eararga grawrX
oe airs care
and address. no money, maths tall treatment
iturieXpouri t:rs 1. ti:7917:4fess:srall7 .
tuarsateed tp bring complete ;spans real be..
PIROVE IT FfilEID-Juit send your Miss
IOW LosoltAtOolliS, Dopt. A406
so Front $umo/. TerPni,6?"4"
• "alidible above the rattle of our engine. ' Acts like a fiasit-•
,Arlast;,a group,of es• appeared Cut r• • Abb. a iiptlie liP Proves k
,The withAreay eyi
es s 'usual-
ly- Wide awake.
shilicient reit .-411,1rh4 • Convalesence I: ' •
• • '' ' .'".7.-.H-7'.1 " ' ' ' • froth infect/one diseases, with regale:1' . :
Seeing , th'reitgli • an .. ides, is • getid-L-, - . .
coinplete.' pkysits1 • 6:.; a ti 1 IAA 1,104 • of „all- .
i.:teing an'idee throligh• is betier., ., .,
of the; .gloociii &ad in It. nionient inore,' _.,. , , . ' . ,
to,the gritting of brakeei we Cattle. to a 1 • .....„„*:.7 • -
'.: final.' belt at the ;edge. of the 13ey of . ,.
- ..Algeeirie, our • Journey elided. , • But ,.:„,..,
)ere waS, a iinak proSpect ti'vathing no . ,,
h fere Vl'e •cleS,01`tbe: AattOr 'of . 01[0 ''''' •.
day..,.11:..was the heanty.of Gibraltar in. -
. . • I. 4
the Yast •solitude of the night: . PrOin. • ..
. , the *terrace of our hotel, we' beheld it ., .
. . -
. aoreSS the,Waters ler ,the bay, .10oilving : • •• , . . , ' 1 . ' • °. .
.011d TUtidOW114' he 41)074 . By One- divine' itritilhi-e'tie,. ••.
.. . . • •
. .. • 4!„_..,_..............„_. • ,new health iind strength, through Tanlae
'1 want to
says Allen,
children, Alie measures Which Will do, '
MuCli tO lessen, the amount Of heart
disease. no e e,ting among re e.
• s, •Blackbird.; •
comes, on eliosen evenings,'
my blackbird 'bdilaittil, mid Dillg4.3 •
Over the garden of the town
• Jiiit at the hour the Sun 'goes down.
ience t� hel• p others. Aisnost His flight treross th,e obittiiiers thick,
(1mries tio -116 Custriniark et'ack,,
• . ilffOlii‘j JestY t 11D. end Wei) Tells fa • cts., from owit exper
sky, 11011Prt McBride., „„ in, • Wild with 'pain, weak.
"Bpinlislt Towns and.',Peeplo".''
AllenBoudria, 'engineer, of 432'St. •
• ,
'Used Wel-lead
• "I slipped.; Sharpe., but neVer
.felt from the(' balloon
•(!Whar kept yon lYt tht.:' air. Mr. -Sapp-
1.-ttalug y0111' 11 ella
•„ ileWael•(41 5,tarch .rUhheti o -Cr wails
with 15 sort cnVh vi11 rori...!. 0.11 staioA,
•,Patriek ,St., is ono of Ottawa's hest '
knoWn citizens. "My purpose i11
• ing‘ thc facts of my:experience," lit •
aasd "is to.lielp,othera who Suffer as •
I 'did, • •.
'Fer fivp years T was in,misery. My
• whole ay•atetn, seemed Out of Ivor, but
my stoniaeli troubled most. Even pt
•.• drink of cold water Would &luso my
stomach - to. .bloat and sWeli- abnor-
mally. Gas.wduld.preNteUt trio .from -
sleeping at night, so that Iliad to get
alittViillette,sileer.for hours. Vid•
Jent st.emach palms neatly' :drove the
:I've -Amen limes-1Am
doubled, over, unable to etreleiten UP-
• .'“Istlf friend' M. Laponfe told an; -
' bad :helped 'Inin out,
smil(tittrntiil, so f:t0t someand used-
. 0 betties in rill; It I ust ade e.over,
• I feel 30 year ythinger. than I am,•and
- weigh,214'11m...-My.appeliteatid,sleept
•fire.hoth fine. I eat what I like; and
•Opep, like a top. Tanlac and noilalpg
olgeonntle fo
Ofisgreat•-ehange, rib n, •
• overwork l'or neglaet have wor&-
yoo. down got 1ani:16, the gteat nat.: ,
viral 6,1110 VIA& froin joots, 'herbs and
barks. yenir druggist s 1t oro1r62-:--
minion )4041os doid. ••
'Clean'your liver and.constipated
, bowels to -night and
feel line .
,. Get 10-CeRt box .11ONT:
: o yoa keeping itvjr, stomach
anti boVvele clean,' mire • and '.freilt..with.
And cettelievtliere pliiinage blaek;-Citscarets---or ' MerelY fevOillg ,a• pass.'
Ansi there be 3 .his".yellew hill - age.' way Overt!, feW. • days. with salts,
Kindled agair>1 the 'euniet,' till ' c the. c't tor 0110 Thi I"
'Those subliros a.ro ito- D..y,luoeic. WoOde .
where Tallsii•c hal her' Obitudes, • •Casearets itninedietalY. cleanse the.
..And wli.ilo tno.clts the wittier's *Meg. atereath, renieve .the sour, undigested
• PATst on . n aCie.; of. oonF, , Talicir--.64niOnting food lout gases;
.kolgurt3d, above our garden „pieta ; • „take the extesS freih the' liVer
These: il.r0 celestial ' .carri `out. Or the . system' the C011gti"
' -----7-=-Solrit-`15rinkvriterr,':00141,w4140-111atte.r nn&1 11L"fl ii the
, • . ," • • • • boW660.- •• • . ••
71;4•00(11-141;711 tkLabar i:k°(11(si'si"111(>t‘.:(;81,(kl, .117ff:11,611 ahlre4118t;
lacOner Will net Wettf'10411g1" -ont
-Marning; kVerit Whit's -.You aicep
".N•710ircent,,h,o;',:froin „iy",,aur,•41.np,'sist will
. gorierti,i.t..ii•gb t4,00 were thAu_ keep ..your head. Clear,' ..siOnmeh C.f.•
t.strid. 1411 'IA, every oppeaunity,, 'and •yoivr 4:110 howc., :regular col',
ho4ait, "ther'e ard thousand', - 4-nppor 111111101'1' 1)011:t,
tulIltieS tb.cveilr Vord. lit tio'8140
•ict 011 ;NI Itletign 1.1.ntinenf'irt.ibir 'st a bl 0. I (.0
• .
• Distemor
Responds to- •treatniea' with
Minard's. ' ,with molaeses
and pour over a'brair naash. '
caLitORNIA MARVEZINE,,' "Nature's Pro. • ,
sariptiorr . for. Chronic: tilsomes, Often MM. • '
•'coeds !•if ter sill other .remedieis and methods.,
' Aloney:back guarantee. Partlettlars fres. •
MARVELINE Osumi:dr: ,Arrtismea
1..os • AniteIvip.Calif • •
Ft,____7.1)ER:ft, NCE
"PaljGe'as inDdliafe:Ptisoi.nn."for
• or
Sour Stomach
•-Instantly! StOmac.h exirtrectedi al 'You
neyer„feel the slightest distres,s from
7/1 adiSestio11,43i,e.' eput;t7.-aeld,-ga' es"ry.stoni!
.acb,*.after • Yon
at tablat of "Pape's
Diapeesin;". The: inoutent reaches
the. stothaph alla sournesS, aatitIenock
gases, palpitation and:Pain ,
disappear; Druggista,guarantee . each -
package cOrreet .digestion at; ono.
. • •
j)roved"safe by -millions and.prescribed.hy physicians•lor
cplds. • :Neuralgia
• Headache j41.1_7.0Ak9 Li
:1'.00thache, Rheurnatisiii
-T lifEART
ware of Counterfeits.,
There is o-iiIS!'nfin• getwine
• l'a%idis
'Bayer Coss" -refuse it wliti
oentempt4t is not."A sPiFtN",i
at air ake • chatie I
Accept oilly,-"rilayer'' package:
'Mayer,' 'hohes of. 12. tablets
Also liottle•ef 24 and 100-.rienggista..
the, itrulv Talil 1 rc 7)c t CatAda) ta..c,•cr '1st o.na taCiArrCii.
••• ucideirCr tSedit3licurli0. A( :,a.1icy11c 'Acid, "A., s„ A."). While, it is -well knoVnt '
1111i irc»l0 4.60151 tbe prisIld Neatest ittit4i:318,01,1Trtblett
oT v.For.cua4rb.aritnitts siAr. Fol4;41. „malt an" klad .80..3ef Cr0011.- •