HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-03-03, Page 1S1. v.57; • 62,00 PEA TEAR IN AMA*; iiregii Prii*W4111 ' LUCIENOW, THUR66, AY.. MA H 3rd, 19 , • 7.4 inNoLE' cOriES 6 CNKT• •".t .k ,p4pifiSIONW:C4111007 .0 .0,474.44;.,4 • _Ds%'W. L Pigtail • ilfailghis aid Surgis • Liana, • •, 2-4 . '• !gime' elk • , DENTIST _ • •• Dr: MacLeod Will "'kilt lisOckneier •aiery Tuesday in 'Di.• Centel?* 4-e• a"..7 :DENTIST ' Treleaven, Lucknsw- *VSr Deaver's Store., Bites's** sithor bytow; or. Ise.o. • Will be he ..Buitannon every' Thurlday:' ' Phis: 51 ,• DENTIST . Call Dr- .Nowton • , Make OPPoIntroant In .office 'everyday ,LorrAiiiiIIND-1111111111111.0. 1 ,", '1 9 , Ur. Frank Wade visis. borne from London over SuridaY- .. Miss Myrel Gamble of London, via: -lied with friend* here ` Newpritits.i‘ ginghanisand other alh-,g0,48 at 4017444-.61ur4och:Co'a. Ike. A. Siditell, , lovieluteee,, ...Braes Reid Estitte.-4Ionoy to 'sacra:. - 'first Mortgagee on hion iworr •. skis it and 6% Per 'eat aceordin •, le enmity: offered.' Also **au " ' • 'farm Prorties and on personal UL ' SOA ew geed 'fume for sale. •°-: WALL PAPER ' Latest ;tatter:4 in stock at lowest 1040111- As cheap. as in catalogue.. *1.. book Patterns of •leading Man- abate:Mi.-Box 174, R. 3. Cernoroa• Painter '11c Pallor Manger. * RAW, FURS-% Highest' Prices Paid • • for all, kinds of Raw Furs ' at A. Blitsstein's Store., Luelmow. • (25-11-e) 'Fir Salit-A number of window • and-atormsash with • glees in them. Apply.ti D: C: Taylor. Will Papeir•-,--thiniidian made, best qualitY... Prices from 10c-. to $2.00. Good *workininship, ' guaranteed; .. Samples shown at your home' or , at reeide9ee Of Phillip,. Steward, paper -hanger and decorator. .(24-2-0.) EGGS AND BABY .CHICKS • Get %my price list before ordering Barred Rock or White Leghorn' Baby Chick. Or eggs for hatching. Incuba- tors or breeders at right prices': Cue - tom he hips done.- Deegan Ken- • nedy, Whitechurch, ,Ont.'• .(24-2-tf.) . Seed Oats, Banner,:75c.'per, bush- el. Feed Barley with seine wheat . mixed, $1:60 per hundred lbs. -J. C. Purdons; R.R. 2,• Liicknew. Phone • 3-617:Wingham. , .FARM LANDS FOR SALE _ E.H. of W.H. of Lot No: 1, Con. 11 Eastern.Div.. of Ashfield, Huron. Co. 50 Acres more or less. °Bank barn .and frame house. Also S. % of E. % Lot 4, Con., 9, W. D. of Ashfield Iluron• Co. 75 Ac. 'more or less, pas- ture land. Apply to R. S. Wilson. The Canadian Bank of Commerce 'MZToe.-ton. e a or _ .ZPead' a OW 44% nith her.sie, Hare ry, at Nalkertori, - • , „ . v. Mks- V S Ptirnin returned to Lon don on Monday. :after aPend_ing ' teeekait her 'home here. • . •Juat received another shipment of 'Men's, Women% and Children's Life Buoy Risbbers.-W; Mrs. ,McKendrick,. who was ug from Detroit tP-7alie-funerafa' her 'sister, Miss Finlayson, returned home on Saturday last. ' -MARCH 25141 -Keep this date open . . ---for-utplity-to-be--given--by-the-Lodifo' of the 'United Church, An Old-time Ladies'. Aid Business'lifeetilis at Mo- hawk Crossrolids." Air. David Traill, for 49 years a hardware merchant in -Walkerton', wheedled thert on Feb. 24 left twenJ ty thouiand dollars to the Walkerton Hoepital. The eetate is valued at $100,000. Dr: J. E-. Sweets, who started a medical practice at Teeswater last fall, has accepted a position at Chitiy,New ,York State,About 50 milei south of there immediately.- . UNlyERSitlf, DEBATE We noticed. in The Globe ,Of Feb, 28rd..°4 • pietOre of Mr. Walter • B. Craw, University'' College, „Toronto - se one of .a.quartette.,of :young Men wha'arev'to:,take part in n debate in Hart 'House On:Mareh 2nd. The re -so- lution is "That this House 'ZPPrOveS, of the Report .of the.CoMniissionoii - MaritiMe Claims."', a 'matter which -denies- haoyetlirDelninion.'Hoose-vf. Commons. 'Hem, Hugh ,Guthrie, lead - Or of the •Conservative opposition at Ottawa, is to take part in the debate, as third 'speaker on the affirmative. Mr. Grithrie's. taking part in the de- bate; of ourse, is but giving him an opportunity to make a speech on a prominent political .question :before e Toronto audience. ,Premier 'MacKen- zie King, at the time. of his .recent visit-to-Terontorwas--given-A-similar opportunity at a students' debate. 4 Walter Craw,:7by the way, wen first honor's in 'an oratorical ,contest conducted a few weeks ago under auspiccs of the Wornen'i Liberal • • *gelation of 'Toronto, a• fact° which . . likely put him in line to participate in the present debate. Miss Belle Robertson arrived tome 'Thursday of 'last week from. a 3 - months' trip Which took her through the Canadian 'West .and as far ar San Diego,-, California.' The return journey was by way 01 'Salt Lake City and Chicago. , , . . Friends sot Mrs. Dr. Johnston wiil be pleased to know that she is ,nak- ing favorablet progress Ntoward# re- covery, following a critical aPeration for goitre, at. the General Hospital' Toronto, last Week. Dr. Johnston was In the city :for several ,days, but re- turned, home_en Friday. Mrs. Robt Philips 'returned :to her home' in Goderich, after spend- ing most of the last two months with her sister, .1irs. Wm. Irwin, of the village, who fres been ,seriously ill We are gladte report Mrs.. Irwin ft . . somewhat improved in, health. Mrs Geo. Murray is attending her al present. Lucknow, sn • (31-3-27). • FARM' FOR §ALE OR RENT 100 Acres, more or less, in'KinlOss Township -'-corner lot on country road-5;infies from Lucicnow. 4 Miles from Whitechurch -one mile from blacksmith ah o p -schoolhouse on farm -well watered, '5 acres bush - barn 40x56 ft -2 -story. frame house 24x1I0 and kitchen 18x18 ft -barn and house newly rodded -2 acres or- chard. Price $3,000, terms to suit purchatiet. Also a large barn in good eonditioni for 'sale. Apply to Jacob Lucknew. ' 4 • (20.1.4t) • For$a1U-Goodseven-rOom- • ud house,' hard and ,soft -water. For sale' cheitii f sold at once. Apply at Sentmel 'Office. IW „ (17=2-4.). emp-mmee ,;................,;.; .............................. .-FOR SALE . • • Durham Cattle , • I am offering my stock bull, Ma- • jor Dinorah, (161078). This is a large smooth bull and very active. ‘... , Also one inice young bull ready for a ce, two good .cows in calf, also I3 3 &I year:old heifers in calf, 4 good ,s , '18 ,months old, 1 good sound mom 20 tons of good, hay, 2 good turkey.gobblers, also cedar ,posts on° - band. -Edwin Purves. . • FOR SALE • • • ' Overland Touring Car, Model 95. ' In good cimdition.,. This is an easy riding, •roomy car, and hasmany years of ,tiefvice ahead of it: Just . the car for the Man with a family who wants a good *serviceable used ear. Price'. reasonable.° Apply to John Button, Lucknour. • ' °4.,.•....' : : (24-2-tL) - . • ,. • a DOGS.. HAVE. HIGH TIME. • •The doge Of town staged' a ' big day ;Work on Tuesday of this week / and laughtered .about 40 (some. say .;80) ens -J: Wesley Joynt, Tien Mite - Donald and Albert Towle being the heavy :losers.. , The deg,.. though":, a -great-triend-of-manr-is-,t.no-.-friend-ot -melee • faithful ,servants, the hen and the sheep. As a business propo,s1-.. tio these two score hens were worth more than all :, the , doge ; in town. In fact, the town dog is ' an einitigated nuisance. • The .-township of . Kiniosc. last year paid out almost one thous- and 'dollars' tor sheep killed by ;dogs, ,and at that the sheer owners were not ,nearly coMPensated. for •, their losses..Dogs (andit's generally town -dogs)" are now far more destructive' in this province: than ' wolves ever ••• Were; but the Wolf, got a Much -Worse Lucknove on Tuesday from Louden where -he had -been -for -0' weeks With his brother-hi-law,t, William Ryan of Kiniough. Mr. Ryan 'underwent se extensive end,:critieal °per:alien for an internal trouble Which at one time seemed hopeless. He is now at home and Well on the way, to recoir- ery, and it'is thought that the cure will, peeve Perininent. „ - LADIES!' Get your "B tbs.* k" Pat - u terns at ',Hornell -Murdoch Co's. AirrENpuo cOOD ROADS ASSOPIATION BANQUET • Fa far Salef-400 keret of good being lot 1,, in 6th Con.,. Town- ' alito. of Kinless,non the premises are a good frame' barn , with Stabling un-, '•derneath, alsii% clamber Art acres ,of • ,good standing timber. For further particulars Ii`fifilY to Janes Cox, Kin- • tordine, or Joseph Agnew,' LucknOw, Ont. • '-(17-3-e) ,Reeve D Mi,Johntatone. Couneillor A. Rae, forMertreeve R. Johnsten and Councillor R Multin Were in Torontc list week and attended the annual banquet of the :Ontario 'Good ,Roads Association at the King Edward Ho. teL ,This beelinet ia &Ways a ',very attractive affait anclis made, the be- carden of a few informative speeches by provincial ntiblie mem At theban: roust this • yeat, • Premier Ferguson Hoe. G:"S. Henry and Dr. /E. J. Cody were the .spealiers. Dr. Cady? • ,in, a splendid and eloquent apeech,-, spoke of the benefit good roads have been to ,civilization. • When officers. of ' the Association were elected; Mr. Robert Johnston .who, has been a member >for some . . years; was elected 2nd,vice president; ONTARIO, PROHIBITION- UNION, 11;010*0:,•14.**•.:a4ip•a;:m464..6~,w4seierm. • In cities, where many 'matterif•sire much' better regulated than they 'are in towns and villages, dogs ate not allewed to run at large, and in many towns they must be tied up during the summer , months. That require- ment, doubtless, will spread The dog is A .fine -tenet"-, 'in ;many Ways, but he belongs. to a timethatis .past in 'cities and towns. In ,short, in fair- ness to all, the deg has had his day.- • . , , nuatn-kor PreahYt.erlini-Guild Lantern slides •• views Of Westmineter,..Abbey.was a feature of • the 'Guild meeting, Monday evening. They were verY, interesting and. in-. •stractive. The Scripture rP1011.1k was .given by Jessie. Stewart, and 'Man° Aitchison and Mary Douglas gave duet. '.Mr. D. M./Johnstone sang • v- .., , , solo and Mr. Spindler .and‘ Miss Mac- Morran ,gave initrurnentals; • 'EASTER TEANKOFFERINd. The W.M.S. of the ;United Church held their Elititer Thankoffering meet - Ing in the •bariement an Tuesday, Feb. 22nd. The president, Mrs. Rath - well, ocetipied tho-ehair. Meeting,. Opened with 'prayer by :gra. D. C. Taylor. Scripture Read:. ing was given by Mrs.. Oliver° john- stom--Mtra. Craw . gave an ,excellent talk on India; along the line- of our Medical, Missionaries, giving us an outline of their early difficulties and hardships in their pioneer work and 'showing,' the-7'wonderfulesults of their labors, upon the natives. Their influence. in being able to..teat their diseases and relieve their Pains and suffering. was far reaching and Pre- pared the , way for the .:Spiritual teaching,' thus • overcoming obstacles Which otherwise seemed unitirintrunt- able. Mrs: J. Wesley Jaya .favored the audience With very „pleasing solo. Refreshments were served and a Social hour wari•:much enjoyed by . _ all. This was a splendid meeting' and the members all felt. well repaid. for their -attendance. ' ,••• • - i/CRIIQWctool; REPPRTS'' Rao* I. Sr...iesPessible smarks 418! Ezezt :lent °3,12Y•09(4.249:,,r•ir. 166.. Eieet- lent7rGI /3herriff:353;.t. Hunter 322; 'Good -M. Webster 809;-A. Jewitt 296; C. Reid 291; J. MacLeod 286; E, Johnston 283; C. Havens 282; J. Mac- Donald 281; .H. Thompson 281 *Henderson' 277;"; G. Webster* 271; F. Sher -Woe( 266, pearinian 231; 11..°T*iimiei';,232; V. Smith 230; Ilpititchie*-184-MacIntoaht.,18,74. • A, Aithhiagn* 13g;•.G!,, Struthers Me; Button 82. ' Jr. 1: Possible- marks 285'. Erie's'. lent 213. Good 171. Fair 114, Excel; Johnstone 264; Z. Steward 262; - B. Jewitt 262; M MeeDimalt 260; M. Struthers 247; M JOhnitn0 246;J. Struthers 239;D. Jewitt 235:• E. Buswell 233; B. Black '228; MacMillan 223; E. MacDonald ;214. Collyer 209; II:MacKinnon 204; M. Rae 204 J. C. Armstrong 181 Fair -7-.M. Ritchie* '165; R.But ton 162; J. C. Johnston. 162; V. -Nay... lor 147•H. whitiej ,80- M. Allin".69:. ,,,..Those marked --,(*) were absent • week or more. H. S. LITERARY. SOCIETY °meeting. of PernEiii-7- Literary' Society , was held on Feb. 24th'. •. The 'meeting opened by ;singing "T h e. Maple, Leaf Forever," . after Which the minutes of the, last meeting .were read..: Rena: CarrutherS, contributed an instruniental and 'Calvin' Blittstein gave. :a: -"stump" .speech on :"How to Study. French Authors."-- After this. came the chief' feature Of the meet- ing: the literature match.' Two sides were chosen" and ..short lquotations from any of the „Literature .that.' had hepn taken Up this Year:' were ‘given by the, president: This match Was very ,interesting and it• was '.intended to be a .help to•the students as Well. A''nrouth organ 'Selection was given by -•Winnitred McQuillin; followed by a "stump" 'speech by, Elsie' Anderson. ;nil "The ,Modern Use of 'a Hair Pin.' 'rite meeting closed by:, singing The National Arithein.: A.LION OR A LAMB? 7he, firstMarCh anorninu_wits-elea.r; and almost Still, With a temperature„ • around 2 bele*/ zero -.,-too. quiet. . • for alien, too cold for a lamb. Hence the, above , question. . The Way, that March conies in is said to. indthate the .way-tbat it .shall go out Its coming in is the next. old-time weather sign after the tiec- ond :day of February, when the bear and the groundhog are Said to Cowie forth from their dens, stand straight, up and observe whether a shadow cast upon. the snow. They likely *Mild leek to the sky for the sun but their eyes are weak after a few ,months' sleep, and sothey look for the shadow., Wel, afterall, there's ,a glimer 01 in:1th in those • dlci Itdian weather signs. If it's fine weather about the first 'of IVIcirch,,the .swing Lost-41etween ineknoW and ,--the. Second 'Con:::SehociVii ,largo °ioilver brooch 'with brown • stone -for .Scotch Reward. . Finder' Please leave it The 'Sentinel. Office. AUCTION ,SALE - Miller will have at* attetiOa The. Annual .Provincial.' Convention. Of the *Ontario Prehibition Union- will be held in Maisey. Hall, Toronto, on Wednesday March 16. There will be three‘' .1!„80i.PE!!;',..3"..rallgr.t.,. ...i,tfrntian,- and evening. The Exectitrie will -Meet on Tuesday for final consideration of ttalicy, and 'business to be presented to the Cenveritibit" • IN maMoitiAm In loving memory. of John MacAu- icy, *he died March lst, 1223. This dal' bring; beck to memory Ow dear loved one laid to rest, And those who think of hinr.teldely. 11. a as hauotiold *Netts it. PTe!lioroh Aro ohoso who Ifoll • Lississow• Top. sio• itylosoNflPitil; 0100k •: , PARAMOUNT U. O. W. O. ---iThe February meeting -of -the Para-' mount Club was held at the home of Mrs. Richards. Mrs. J. Hamilton, the president occupied ' the chair. As the weather was very favorable there was a good, attendance. The musical program consisted .of a solo by Mrs. J. Webster; an instrumental by :Misa Helm, and duet by Mrs: Hamilton and Mrs. M. Itaynard. Reports Were given by the convenerri of the Mar- keting and .Citiienship . Committees; and Mrs; James MacDonald gave- a Paper on ."Parm, and Labor." . Mrs; Eldon Henderson • offered , her home for the March meeting, the roll 'call to be an Irish Joke ° or. an Irish Rgei- pe.-7,Seey. ,„ . Always sinnething new . in dry. goods at Hornell -Murdoch Co's. ok the pendulitm,(it's alwayS.,.swing- ing 'from one extreme to the other)i. hi likely to bring something not quite se smooth by the end of the, month. •"Lo, the poor Indian!" he, and our pioneer forefathers . had no means of learning ,when. a sterm urea sweeping Op the Mississippi Valley or down from the North, at a, " speed •which wcorld land°, it over South Ontario on a! certain afternoon;- as Urt. with our radio:And° telegraph Outfits have. So they had to ,depend npon'a few un certain signs which their,Iniiietriate- observations, and uncertain memories - had led„thent to believe trustworthy and better than nothing at all, ` • . . Mardis • Rook 11 - Sr. II-Pckesible' Marks 490.. 366, .Pess 294-Creerge Joynt, 450; Donalda .Therrineen, 413; Eueice Newton, 412; Freddie Milne, 402; Bil- ly MacKenzie, 399; Frank McKenzie, 397; Jean MacMillan, 395;" Isobel Hamilton, 395, Barbara SOlonion:386;, Isobel Douglas, 380; Andre?, Mender./ son, 365 Alfred Armstrong; '362; EL liott7Webster, Charlie•-jeifrett 351; Flora Webster;--1311--Lvonard- hilacDorrald; ,331; Christine Finlayson 326*,_ Leonard, Webater,-326;' Eileen Johnston, 325- • Marion Johnstone, 322; Idandie Fisher; 310, Alex Mac- intosh, 310; LillianHoene, 273+; Geo. Otge Whitby,' 273; Fr an c e i ArM-. •strongi 262;. Bertha Brown, 261; Mar- 'garet Baker,1215. . Thong marked' (*) ' Missed an • . -ariaination. ,Jr II -Possible Marks 465; .Hon.! -ours 348; Pass 279-Rtatli Parker 364; :Kathleen' Macintosh, ' 362; Rexford • Ostrander, 316v Norman Taylor, 311; — . • * '• AUCTION SALE: Herbert ,Wade, who occupies the Ackert residence, Stauffer; St., will have an auction sale of his household effeeta, ;2 automobiles, garden- tools,° 404. on -Wednesday. Mar., 9th, cora- mencing at '2 o'clock. -Elliott Miller, Aue. ' •.:'-AUCIION" -SA LE •Donald_ Morrison, Lot 19, Con. 6, Kinloss- Township, *111 have an auc- tion sale ofhis farm stock and itn:- plentents,,hity and grain On Tuesday Marek15, cOmmencint at 1' O'Cloelt, 14 Atm kat 1)046 rentocirr4ohn rvis, par, verYthiag will 0 said, the Audrey .Herne, 290; Edwin Whitley, 294, Bobby 'MacKenzie, 286; °Joy.Hen• deesee, 264; Muriel, Solomon, 257; ,. • . . , Heward J,Ohnittene,. 242; Stanley Wide,. 151' (ablient) •'. IL 'FlierriffiRootu 111. .• • Sr. 1II:..lionore--4t. Collyer 45; J. fiendersou.'78.1 !EC. Theinpsain. 77; V. Machiahon 761. M. 75. Pasts .-H., Greer -70, .H. °ItiacLeod'68; F. Steward 65; .G..Webiter .65; R. Mullin 63!; ,W.'Jehnstoe poug1ns.61; :6cis; R. Mixon404k.Be Iow pase7,.L.' Itarin ,59; . W.. 'Arm:- -strong:. 54; .P.. Cousins 52; C...John. Sten 48; E Agar 44; E 'Cameron 40; E Baker. • 34; it: Wade' 33*; Wil son 28*.' 66 •e tread'With:A DelleAtful Flavor T-AtiR4Qu-A0i.r7noma4t*DE-TeirnoLE.-wHE.,4.T.,,Lgo.,, • itAisnefrIzAnt • ' Specials,: , .Cbocalite .MarshinallOW Caire ; ,Iced Rolia Cream Slices . - ' , -Tea Biscuits Fig & Apple Squares• „Oatmeal Cookies Chehma Buni . 14150zFrYvirsitteta -.HOLLYMAN'S IMICERY . hone 3(rLucknow 10041:rairA, resOstaraparAsaratanimormiar.,iorAirosi‘oranii, one 75, LucknoW„-Out. ''."OUR STORE" KI,DDANA! YES,-THAT-IS-THX-NAME7OF-THAT---NEW, -:GU,ARANTEED BUN FAST CLOTH WIII,CH THE MOTH- ERS ALL LIKE. NOT ONLY FOR THEIR. OWN MORN- ING OR A.FTERNOON 'FROCK, BUT FOR THEIR CHIL DRESSES AS WELL., , • • MAKING OVER THAT LAST YEAR OROCE? If it's a figured material, tre‘can help yea,. •with 'Plain crepe-de- chene, or silk georgette in black or °colors. If it's plain iita4 tidal we -4a also liOP with. oanY :Molding iikadesi of silk and crepe, and not only that, but -our saleslady, thievish her experience, has very' many helpful suggestion,' which are . ' to: everyone. ' • • GENT:LEMEN! SEE THE NuNv SPRING HATS THEY ARE „ BILTMORE BRAND. NO OTHER INTRODUCTION NEC- ESSARY , LANGSIDE' , This vicinity was well °represented at Whitechureh the night their Dra- matic ,Club ,presented the play' , ,"A" Noble' Outcast" All report a , won- derful play, and very enjoyable • Jr., III: Honors -E.' Brown 86;' J. Wilson 78i7M.; Henderson 76;'.S..Col- lyer ° 74. • Pass -M. MacDonald 74; D. Horne 70; C. Arinstiong':69;'' Agar 68; -M.' Johnston ,67; E. Whitby K. Ferris 63; C. Finlayson 614'; 3. Metall 61; J. Figier 60; D. Mac- Donald 60. Below pass -p. Clark 59; S. Cameron 58; M. Cousins 57*; M. Ritchie 57*; V. Steward 56; M. Stan- ley 55; 11.; Button 52; E. Solomon 51; T. MacDonald '40; P. MacMillan 33; • F. Macinnes 32*; O. Durriin 30. M. MacCalliini.. Two little girls (twins) arrived at the home of -.1,1rj. and Mrs. R. Donald- son, near TeieWitter; on Feb, 19th., (Mrs. Donaldson was formerly Miss' Mayine Moffat.) Mr. and Mrs.- Dori- aldson-Millzhe residing ' .,our rnidst by the first of March, having being -hi' Mr. Alex.:.Iteld'at ',farm :•,-•Congratala-. e. The _two .branches ,Of the °Larigside W.M.S. intend holding a' joint •iineet- mg on Friday, Mar. 4, ;n the church. March has ceme in like a„,.larnb: in -our !for lion on the 31st. . „' ' ••• • Mr. jos. 'Tiffin anent last week in Toronto attending. the. Good Conven:ion„ •, • *Mr. and Mrs John Malley of Shal- low, Lake,„announce, the. engagers -Ma , of , their -seeorid '',Yourigeet daughter Jennie; to Mr.' McInnes; ,Yottagestfalett Of Mr..en4 Mrs. Daniel matanei at Langside, th• wa4dini to 0.1.14 •tas plass Os MO, 1st MOtok• • 4°. fred / Anfaarimpaikamunisamairagaimunivarav uswe •••••-:" , ST. HELENS. : The &linnet ineetinrof. the W.M.S, of 'Calvin ,Church , be held , on Friday,:efterneen, March .4th, at the home of. Mrs. Phillips.°• The Day' oY Prayer for'. Christian Women of the world Will be. observed. Mrs: Alex. Rintoul is ',Mader the doctor's care owing to blOod-poison- ing,in her finger. • — • . -Rev: Mr. Lundy of Kippen,, preaeh iioN the United Church neat Sunday. Mi. -Hopner-. Of Wingham occupied :the 'Pulpit very ,acceptably last Sunday. • • Probably, . owing . to .the rather dill -- agreeable weather and. to other at- tractions; the crowd at the Women's • . . Institute\ "At Home," Friday .evening was not as large as some. other years. However,.'with the °President EK Phillips in the chair,. the fol. program ° was -given- piano solos N, Miss' Margaret Cumming and hiii4 Dorothy a piano. .duet by Mrs. Phillips and Miss Mar- geret Thom, ilete selection by Chas. MeQuillin, violin,' music • by . Alvin Miller, and music. on the 'mouth, or- gan by Fred two drills of a pantomine by the of, S: S. lity_4,,regitationii by Miss' Margaret Miller of •Lucknow and, Helen Thom and a _reading by ,Mrs. MacFarlane •and Dril'othY Miller. After seine communiti singing the remainder of the everting was spent in ° genies and -centests, lunchanda social' time. . . • Subjects -Sp., *Arab. •,Gram . Sr. Watson, 86; C. Mateintealt;:' 79. Pas -A. Andrew, L. 13rabion and A.'Murdoelt; 18; A. Dar° nin, Brabson and C. Greer, 72; j. Stewart; 69; B. Martin and A. Smith, 66; M. Jewett and D. MacDonald, 64. BIlealm°wilto0n°,%5-8;,T.A:*.MacMillan. 57; 13. ,Milne, 53; E. Nixon, 51;E. Wade (absent on Account lit illness). • " Armstrong, 86; G. MacDonnld, 8; Macintosh, 80. °Pass, -A,' MacKenzie, MacDon- ald and L. Naylor, 73; D. Henderson, 72;' L.:MacMillan-and 'S. Stewart, 69; L. Webster, 68; R. Finleysonf Be,. low ,00vo-S. Mullin and E. Smith 59; F.° .Tbompson, 56; T. btacXenzie, 54. It. MacDonald, Teacher,. .., HOLTROOD ' Mr: •Gorden MacPherson spent the week -end in Toronto. . ' . Mr. ,and Mrs. Abner Ackert'. were iit.hoina to, a few. of their' friends, Thursday. . ,,;,: • '• • • hfc-. and Mrs. Wes. , Whitock , of TOswater; were guests at Mr. Rich- ard Elliott's on Sunday. . Mrs::,'Brooks, who has been away holidaying, we are glad; to . see, is back home again. . , , , • Mrs. . MacPherson ' and' Donald spent Sunday - at • Richard Baker's. ' Mrs. W. MacPherson called on hel friends, Mrs: Pierce and Mrs. White On' Friday, -' , Mr. AAmer--Ackert: is Visiting his daughter, Gviendelym. at Brantford. Ur. and mia: John Emerson were Sunday visitors at Mr. .Ab.#Thomp- ion's. ' ' ' Mrs. Charlie Burt, . who • had the .1i'deferttitie to fall on the ice, • hiirt- ing lierself,11::able to be around a- gain. Mi. and Iffra.' Robert Button were vial re, at: Almer Ackereti on .Tues-'` Edith Burt, Who has been attend- ing sehool. in TeesUrater,, his been .home for a. few days. We are pleased to know that 'Mr, *m. *SO is home tient, pt. 30seploi Nappoil. toWon, ,sit4 itotip im, . . IT The 'White:dim:eh .•tireanatie' ehib, will lireseitt their play, Noble, Outcast," the -Town' BilL.',Luck- now, the :evening -Of Wed., 'Mar. Oth at 8 o'clock. Adinission 500.4 and 25c. EverYbody--Weleglite. , What•.*e eell is`gOod dry roods, &tap. Sat' triptie•MitnallAgidac,11 Oth GET, YOUR 1927 AUTO LICENS FROM A. G. SIIITH Wingham Applications may be se- cured at either of the Luclmow Garages FERTIVZ.g :pupplrakivaya-on(hap4 Why order ahead.. when: yo,!.:e.aa get a supply ,aitY day? •The Beat 'Brands , G. S. ROBERTSON • • LiTcolOw. . . , • HYDRO ACCOUNTS. Are eow payable at The Canadian , Bank •of. Commerce ' (3-3-e) MAFEKING ° ,Mrs. IL Reed of Godetich, spent a , feW, days last week, with her niece, Mrs.. Thos.' Andersen,, • Mrs. John Blake and .Bernice spent the week -end with Mrs. •Blake's nio thee, Mis R Hastypungaerion... Mr and •Mrs. S..J.' Kilpetrick and Tom 'H. Anderson ,spent 'Wednesday at Mr. Fred Andeeson's, Zion: • ' ' Mrs. Wm. Blake, who 'had spent'. several weeks at Mr. 'Albert •Alton's and at tneynow, returnedhome last• 'week. . Mr. and Mrs. :rhos. Anderson visit-• ed Mr: and MrS. Isaac. Andrew, ,Zioni Menday. . Mr, and Mrs. E. Crispin of Overlie who had been visiting in this neigh- borhood, returned t to London last week. , ' •• • Miss SOO& 'Kilpatrick ttif' Crewe, , epent-SunditY-',, with _Mr... -and .,„Mrs, Milton KIlPatri, Quite, a •numher•*from this nelgb- borhood attended the funeral .of Mr. • Wm. Sproule. at Dungannon, last- ''' .Monday. ' • ' 4r110 • arliallOr Vie popule*loz 0 a tOWn the *1141 th, **OA $11341 09/411101 • a •