The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-02-24, Page 7jltV" -, 11!
I . I , " _: , -17:7 -
7 �7 " 777 ` . - " -- , ; i I --'- I . I I . . . I . "I . . . I
Op -m-
M1-- .I'.1_, Op. M M,
PY Isuffv# rwnim,
7, W T
u9W to,�'
day;' 'j)"LaY"Analf V-4
hrliklan (7'.em
FptirgarY,27.�, MakI the PoMm4nl�y
porapqe�. . I : , , '.
.4 ,
91dik xt--�
`E 4-1-7
p9thIpti.4; #qpti �J. row,0*04-frA Bet�-
!IOWdh P WIM t�hq unfrtA, t-
�-_ A-m-
-ninj hi)nift'
of o
Then 0,14w
d' tef.0 V4
-�.JUJ1W'orkVqf dark se,'but ra
4p.h. .4 d J'"
U Zetty-iwipy ar
to �m
O'lifit t4,6
4. beift half ULP, f
A, 'M 95
019 k
11i, M_
A.. T, t
'd' . and, s
the, lawne f
,, 0 my � wl
busily enga&d in �prepariig
foupd libextyAly a: inanher or unlike
Ati-111crease. of. $72,41.2,,000'
"'Ifyoiz wah Betty pi lidd:�'Utdp
et to. them.- thd true. ntdria, of.
qr ql'
Spirit' by AvIlich all Chris- 789.72-000,
ytLalls ought Virst -tal 14come
Mother," I told% her.i 999144 0.11
-Nput- that G. hri-stian llb,6it r fton -1 ave to do. it :youTself his time, tho'Chri
acreas then we decided upon our,
y,. so A e 2,5000 And iitht
rapainig th stian, owne o,
Y,,'meani'only the -following 6 tho uTeeoursa:; of -(X
highest -and It. meant Little D-aughter's disei�pli WhAt6ver
in fact, -f reedolii, t6: do the, wil I of. God Paym� r a-�4
mMemeanorii -she. sh-ould he �guilt;Y of
r MO. I 14jjjjhe�d ...'''38 5 6'
without hidir4lice from'other sys B i- :
enecia' ies 16h. I would have ;definite�,
the Slur oppsed to, "the fle
�personal kn-owleO* she
,P to.'take - all re-
:that is to eXe �ld, be punish -7
-'Aa �Aiid ehrtlily. 'T1iird1y,an,j Payin SinceOrg*niz
I agreed
gble. by III
bilk them tI nd7 ae�al with..
Abote all,. -he taught that the -Spirit 11 -,6 y for
nX=t 'alivaylil aild' tibn 25,1781. 000
ywhere - be tb :4 .-Ability
. . . . . . them to tbe7b
l0eno -tt-y---t RD
an c
I'll fact the life of
tho Spj4t-is life in ncicordiine with
DUI, ten 61 4 fnatter.�
'the,exariIpI4 6f,Je.'s >
r' -s ouldl!iake�
spiritUally--freewho li,�d -like ail t ncies'. - '11,900000
IP9 to e
Ik -in his steps: fa i e. t is ,Ui�just X
to P do t, �all 1
S& S over es. nj ust to ask
alL, Liabh i
under$�hirdl. the, ire.4ent l4sson JL
;him bi 'd R
Walk," that jsAo which St.�Pa�-ul calls Cqn' 4
ungenCl n cel, an, he -posr y:, ba
-SPirit J�ual z�] 1 0 r 00 the iiii'a 8110**' that /�pii t irl' it Ittle offe.
as f
R&Anvol�es the high6t, AnIncr 'S�'.Of $5.57t.00
nee t 9
t the oi er,,.,;
aw VM1 the. ii hould Fah 'b
eb., iizL,u i;
'45 251:00G� d po svision� i' * a
mo powe `ihber3l -1926- .3
'ASSETSatD ob�lfge im r 'n its a
WHA7 IS CHRISTI n -awaited
whose ',Ilome�c i -g. i's w�t
I bem-
its Increase! o', $42,191.. f 5 000 -re�ad 0
V A nishmelit'.
t ve-Ahe_-' nie, n
-s ay ade. free �b v Ohris 7:
n: lie
three 4
from' the obliga i�>ns. imposed by. till tionsi o.
-6fty-fifty -in this -
buitiness, P;;ithei�s an Me-
t ey' self�g(. er
h wei,ninj.. rea
i;ernnicilt in Ig fo
o zeyholdeirs4ne
adeofilance' Y, _$pl
r - e ea f9r L s.
di�6n sized ydnn sier
b tll-- ilI
4�04. We must be careful not,to rs
(h essive ye
it Is 11, er y as,
thi ib 't a,permi. f. d.�ijf:- 0on-d -V Be :)yrUpt e er rices.
rbich fliesi
uct P
hea:� hardpan.- soil may a A
tis; s Qwer qrsiens� * ual.nature,
ia ;6.nly oo prone T .he IoNverdviiii�
e overcome., y -ovi Moint MPO advaX.ftage for soniq t�pes of, 'E bei�ause stays wet io�olongln the
are to b b I ''i'lig and * ,
Ch ink' watis pure and, holy, .9
ringi ....0
;AnT cadUitionii, am( 000' bas t t
d ±_&40 "Sni &I -e jjbt� 'to u'nt' $400'�' i 'a' . a
islinesig an ti sp, i t- his very �ac ma es i
"jal ... L ed,' ivi eges. r eived.-Ati,. connection-. wi
Q:pir; ti�ns' rig t Ie�past.y.(par have re� Stock pri ion
s'e'tasld' We: for greatei f
6hrihtlan ef simp
ow ongevity desirable f
I '�'tS later., With
bL-�a,uge. r,vnf,, a.,
service, to after. --:,.Wtedin substariial dvdnCPS.'iri:-rdl aepart-� many of our hojdinkg.' .9 to provi
o annuitai e
q'uAlitY' of th&inv oii this iij�e:of'soil we ave
'h �.imen s. est merits listed: in: th
s. examp e. e f its;. The 0illield uild rthis d-:
soveranien year
pattern ing, in excess of G t�.�rei uiri '
q m6nts,
e ct that on
itil us 'th fa; PT -0
Of �Vhe new po ici s'paid: for, .,,a most' bu assets -may b judgid,lrorn e ucl
pomman me igh oug -in quali
thiifj&esof two .. yearsago per, c n of syrup. h h
d fit- All ihin'18 whatso-' 9.55, ent Zf thei`66 As 09. 1, 000. ty tht
e er would tuat mcn� I'd do to, irs .
The'r6eirves on th I -.'busi We -Wre'difficulty in, Mli ' i' 'A ''
emew3 acquired Ing our op. e
7011"'do''ye theni: -for. this' cent of the pref6ried itoc", not 6iie dollar of: iii
rhe� assUrances in drc6, after deduction:q
other re.
tereSLfor di en is in.t ness� o
-op ets gn fack0a:se ij' 'vid A— trrearfo e-�velaiid'Lif�,.andon- �>f these oideis ai�a w, and: the pa h Matt., iran6e, .,show 0 r �en: one day,,
yet.,, we a.e.inquite,a produAive see -
h nt.. -have
7:12t 'The, service "of ot iers not t e 'over twen On our, common st�cks theAivideiids no4jfimg _.olicies;. b6iireraised'to th� �ani
r eive :are cegs.-o the three,pei pe ec ' 'd' greatly int ex aiida'rd as,thatlu�ed fbr the: Valuation,
rvice of,self, iihe t tificates. now outstand"-r' ti
and f �; .
i , we, 'Use th been eut, for
pay, woo
Christian Aife. 3.ble ori -.the� 6ifie,6f.purchase. lides -under bur own contracts�. d a' ll��
h lighly'seasoned
orge een, a. year, and, 'is t oro.
"the, tot]ftL surplus ;'earn*�� -du�nj theseaet�� To,oir ve b
iers,'�proAis ne-��eir, waste apy '0
V. 1.5 W�,W
ewe. inrN�ei
y.un-. e amoun
policyliolt .
this,tearp Lit one g,
inothei and b 1i gures rillating t61esources And, earni h
amo "'pa"id'br 611o''tted during, eyear-to,di, t
urited to �S�Q� -t01,28—From. thi
-itable cousa, -ions, inj,ure - e, his -,or sn
h wood,,boiliug kain watei
oW.e are �equall
t 96,
:0 fo*, this ig'iiot:only.�i_�xpensnv
f 235,52'6 0.
ar -s; they' p ly sAtisfa6t y tions'fii�ebe6n4i;iad u a
s charactei lowtog Appropria-
atan v�ho e er'"m -flitybr- zof'-the
is t" $2*006�00 ".Us-. be color and
-the Clitii;ti. ble chiracier.ef,.
Th -gum. en �,Aft
n bde ted.
lr6rri'the� officia, valu, Out Se' syrup. d
16 th -gainer 'our antii.h�s'.agai in deni6risira
ducted tidtis An dAiti�n.,& $5
I atiofi- of j371,56436.haq been With seasone to iii �i c6ritinueil reducd�ti in, pfevia'ffi
'Asa resu bo Ing
curi ies 9 p e d P us. vapOrA r We ,can. - bq�l
tere d, un se over 611 li'�bffitie's, con'tingeficyril& . du I nts, fast, tfiu�-gi�ing i it, 4
atQ th' ridivid( e Sur p v
ro-'v'lde',f6r'po�giblib�fluctuaLii !d-prokii:'Th the, s. �ery,
rst princi your Ives rates o iri u§tria
. I.
pif St, and' of Satisfaetbry. in hter coloi'and
market value
y tile E -this,v s.: Tfu a ihe -aiIio t t and'
Ind. 1<6,�Jhtl
wi have,
r pro'rq r �-a 'or' �th d
b is� u'lid;L' coriditi6 here has'beeri,alurther rise in trie t
nd . I . - - AM&... f, is purpose 'ca t" tdck",h stands -at. SA100.1
our -40
whicti, our,
ers I to'' k ral 'o other *7qrdp,,, the, viilue 4 For'six )r insuccessio we ns s as in kives
0 iri ar6 t our re, err securifi64 are'carri6d in th6 balaiice'iheet -is h gt ears ii�l ty.
'by. $5,00,0 000 Aes-4,Ahan �our curit de� th. overnmI . Sur-, e,,pro st6ozirticipaung-policy olders
of �d6ur profit scale bas n doub1cid.' ie,. iery niaAetilig
t r! -t s 'e, r S it. theii�, Xess,
prone o, a en Ing. pert
ance e overnmen
t sh6ws, tlidt by th G t authorities. solv6d. by' ducing a qupil�
ind I 'e� mAr etvaln over cost 11"incr'eastid during the Wfiile-fhe a" forc6,hav6 nludlpli�d pro
stroys sp.i�ii ua
-add The.iaccount: to.,prbvide for unforeseen con� pr uct. Not 'o-jily,,do you make'"
year, 6,8 66 n 0-000 an hal 1920,1fie arn6unt,
re tila' t eh�, d',a f1it , . 1. . .
't I' t
V 18. tw si nce u :you a so ge inqre a isfa'-,-
U$1,72%364 e 2 has.,be It realied as fietprofit' lingeticies .has been incieas6d by .$1,0 - 0 ' ed as profits -to -Policyholders 1as
6-d .1ife-, ring 'thi
pirit of Tro(l hh b ing the Aotg under S, i to aid bir'allott o t:
ivintip e o oes. e are g
sufficlent, reii n 'rati' e -s above 'the
r frdm the lmpti6ti o.r,sale of m"icipal deb* ahalf N d
e ce
h r, -tip- or'
In lied, fi e a d ti 1 :!fo c e6nu
ich had risen to
within'tho-ir ;�,wn. ,and lare no ture.4, othei�securities wh our, Head Office b i dift to announce, si6iventh C069'e Iuitive t . ixne
bou er ga -
9 a he sca e -of pr6fits to^ e,:.-. on the, aver4ge, a, t
to 60 1�rth b
"4hitetr the aw that i. they (14 not' high pre'mijIm& The'tate of interest,, iargied on.; The bo.A value of fle' or,
e assets has 4196,risen to. anIj;ed t4D �eon4antlytol has'been.- written down, -turihr.,stlin 6
n 6, for Ahe -mean in: 'sied:,,. the
d, -wha, oi� -to'd ache� I , . "
au $'25 th certain y cotil no ListriWtbd to our poficyhold6ts in. remarkable figure of ' 6.69 per ce,nt, as he result 0 000: ough It. V'iden. d iner6asesi, onuses, a
�f gubsit.1ritial di- V 'nd be fe.plAr.90 At eyren ltd -original c L. year
n k' qs
L THE i14 9 Or
1f4iiliz' er#i,
r, -iners and o,thers, ill the
by Vs. 19-21. Paul gins ai
W 'ell winIng, exposurt of. hattho loe-17"pl. niar6t.'to 'buy 10t
40iple`�6f the flth eads 'to h 6f
rl I n
f Iiable� gul
The llrst� our e-dulged. 16 D,6i�iiiiiozi,$ee-d B'ranch d
tiie,'�ubiicationg Brail.A, be heathen wotld had:, A V&y -low Stan filere by
6f ai'l
f it 1Pve tho -
mentions, -!a. e y.
Aar s 0 ih e; a gri6ulture
cia ana y§e.s o
-0hritiaosmer IFE h�s
the ne t�vo sns,,"idolati �ftered. for,
Xt. of. comier'
ia Magic, are spec -WWI 'A isa ovy r. z
a'heathen rc. on. C ily� The. erbeilta. Diteach plant fb6a
wc )I's t'
hi d 17. guaranteed evptainbd aiid do �vlih the'peiciint-
fertill�,er-_ t re
IZ' - it
the form f idol'
Un fl ra e
minds were, &poscd NY I placled. si
0 through,'belict in,,the'.
by the o fei�ial ;alaly
ages SI
t tile pi: 6se�, 0
tilt magic rire b.see
7 This on�bl -eoinposl lon� o a feTti i�zer,
ith gfiinee i e,
wi. - Satanic
66ered f6r. p e,
u,r. feflow�n�,in, nit
5g nst u, to its 'n
84 -
not oeciir was fbr,\two
rteed'no Vain to i:11A, e
sftviec to rus -a h nib -P A s aker to :hold
�ttist.. t, L b' !I; ' dis" 'ka ' f': steel TwoGardeTi 1�rior t6j during*:arid fill-
linIgs al� 90,0, Wo tiiilig�� else will sei�,e br thred -days
pofilt to.a qfsecjAI GIRLS- e
Vintlggr, or odd'bits of s6ap, a� pa� 'a Nyoven 14,etd is,how �ft'k
in ur�atic acid a . re . !, k�ep in oliit4ely ambing.
-D CHEMI 'ub
ia CAL, HIRE b6r, p146'6craper; wooli 4 1 soap,.sco, ring po g� that .VIlehe
wd;er, ishes.1ree f Worms.: VlMn'
Wire diell ron
stVer a
WA I�p I SDR reas=s,withliiin elf veryhiiig.�
-a or ap-' th� e,
plyij.ig,scouring PoW'6r, dull, bottle an,
-TIME e� a
f d c tb SAVE. I hie Galatiati peDNe.
0 who continue ill The teinperatut.6 of laves vith fresh,Woo. d Isop, that, 01i ifferenee'r in d.,�a'sh he! wilints'
tM ease of w, ag, b. eg always conies 0.
it the' U'ligdoni or of niiiiiatie a6d, labelo � poi
u411 not inhqri on'
11111011g. Q, r3 y CARi' Itoil , si. or amnonill th deW.' it t6l
MADELINE TER. lng�: dis�es. Dishes Which have 6 �oon, of �bo,�x while-t4ey, are,Wc�i' Wi
ggs �ara i)lore eAsi
but kit6lien.- Tho hoar& I spent tained C cl�aned d to�warhi water ill c1pan groMy -1* C01109 Into us'' 0 U I t
th all mic it I Ila in a soaked, in cold watbiz .�l t.., -�ftt kitchen Wood g inea fwl
-'Ubbii - ab�id crubb adde- V in s .)low Used if Work quicklyi
'ai- I" -go�.-IoVe'th t Epictires `Ate th
g re r erh, again. a,.
jJ21P at the
-in-- dleaning Boil 4 tablesp N'iii 6f'bik' d' 5Y 0
eauti rill for' niore r6tful 6ccupatib�., , tng, so
JLjsLVd It is 0 nco
om iitiy tled, f�, - tt ii
ki, 'ch Ala b g u
sfiuc6pan's, Ai v been the 6. r pan, tli�t has bert, �uytio& for bout 6ntd, Us�jall�_dne or,two good, fleh -i.11
JUX 1*. lovo, I rup.' Salsoda. Water may 0 -3nd yott Vvill fill thtktitJq.fr6 ue 4
job inuch L
man, First, he -11 11�, .. i . ... alld by ooking 9119#r Y ich 1,16111J, ve, ilib brow—ned tp tji4tof g
t tjoit.. . u Ile
foi -is the q lei -,in'thein" such uIr used -to romo 60se 46� partrNig6i
pality af- ecasily: elciiined.
V AW ae roa
lip t(I�Zf, w6to-il, Thb'bttoni dnJ �VO -1N yn �-pitc 1%, ome
b -brust Y of,� rax, metho'd. .1 It Wl
ooll leii �a
`�A Ch rfsti.l A "Witildft 1yv lem milk� 96tirs ill a`66ttlop it �n 'iL o Ai ii e �,4 e n
trom. 11 'the sides 0 ti 0 more eAsi Y
�ffi -e 'I wool'an easily by� tub a'�9'niall sh. in eI 111I.Ve for lily for, this, to"iq 4`11i ul U
soap Ian Wa
Well , "ll'be and
iil hKl U1,11 4, T. i T..Ljje�jl p
forhys-in x1pit e,:, liftle jEclieli. wi.
fillif teaspoon o Ai llei
9 �tin, , I ,
s a tn, Mov le
it chriMill-11 or asq'nfteii *ateros an ing will. re nd 1*111tl� -col&
The. ft�b. TI in -'To kIdU I n
may ie renl6V;6d Without 94ion
n1 Xul by the EC Ithick Sour _ff9jkLt:jftd;' -hot
Who gi�d ".0 Ing tip, St.- P" in Ila will
gard ng, insects, a 6jin da�., t i(s ques—
en, e
�zid- are,, to folfo�v pitchdr Iorlugi%w4tf �ojitwinfng tIle-various nghIn t
es a s9relnity 1 III-1-ki A cabin6f, 116 tion of,,Ivht to llimport—,'
tho world, give or -ulkjo% I A1149 T'lle Id lenion, Wee o' como ea get the' flies�,:ihAt causo il, All Ist bui t6�-�
above the supplies nee&d &r' M Wh.
.rh6 giacea i0intA Mit, 06 illid WAY ill Which fptaced)xbovo, illy Ihas, rt� glass teaspoon 11 �e on a go 116, thty Its
'day the, VrOtring questio. 11415 1 roe
dooi Which scMls, a's Iq
tiait Wkil the anti�8001AI- silm till,, to b6 oVerconle" Tile, litim, will disappear Wh In"IVOe OvOr''a botber)s'd& more e�onomleally,thari 8tre do no 1) io fitt�rie�$ TW
rdd variance" etc) Which �,(k t(j dar bar at you
he di wa non jh6, ga ell
.011ly so Dried lo'' I t sink; Its c0i`ll*tc� StO -CO, t 1 tbid, illqi�:
.1d t1r till t 'have beeiii ar 'Pat
'Ith W gi ri, t. even, peel that cannot be 'used -oil xlny� than a dollar-, and eongi�tls Of A,bO,ttla :-ROt. T
"1 116 endAV o -I k'o M M4VI& tho P, D ko
*0, 0