HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-02-17, Page 6""P"Fil"""5"1/1/79"."51W,IIIPIW
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• 1.0kit'oni itnc Wctocillia
ik,:the,•§PmIliker:Ineret Alf),14eS 444 10404
..;andlaWn imrtiek, , • " • •
' !Oa Oven' t)11.6 VAS TOP;01,4015,
; That Watiewhere SMIllaY even -
ng went,' 'On Eilie'ti front -Parch qr.
Ellie's frent pailor, herd for
pni.to W11 about her. She was jut
'4nY: a4-been41le•Yer ,I
•': - r: , - , -,' . :, '' ‘•,• .
„ •
•• • ...:',. , ,,4 a
, ., 1 . '' • • . • gy .$Opit IE ..Kg•F,..ORANGE, .
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24o1.44 tomerubor.-..
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X '. 'Oka; S+t. b01.11110; ,e•l• in :primary
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4' ..' '.*Se, _Ildliailla.0.701/11.0I.P.hein:;44:11)4.40/4446, ' •
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1, , , ,,,,, , . , At. ,,' . • ' ' ' . ' : - ,^ -r ART -t. - • .. ,2..,;. it "Alte;.Laignifid. 014 geOPelt•e 44: We'. he'CI. turned ': tO4h.dt: had.. SIAPPett ••PlY
'-'-••••:7-14" ' e '''": ' ' .: • ' ' ' • : ' ' '''''''''` - 'Ihrielrkit71,111eCraidi : Whiti,catiff'thirtrantle4nee,"-ande.theriethe;, 0*W-had, made ' '
. , . , „:77: :,_. ,7,,. 4:' 7:,4.7,.. 11.4j.1;014,.gOtIthitt:tt1114,0t17t,,,i0itt:437,y119;,,Patior; . hifi lialr lee eileeeeeone• his ..ey)es, darli':na• St.nd,',1•10 hefere' the: Wl),Olo' sehe°10. _ • ..
; . i'i• . ee...' : ••••• .' . • t,.e..... , . ',.."., •.:. : e ...en ..0„0,,toere,e.eeeee. he waStlior'fi :until ..eheel eohaeeol„ag,42ity.'erieee',AIe *as: '.1.'irore •PnuieliMenti. for:lter. than.'..fOr; '
-2-, titt-setArr:mnder-boshibrawi'ilI41.47-„her.--.honi-Hirr haadrvfor-tea-TIOtes—a4ar,,
ir i ' , :, , : 1: , ' ' .. . • .),, • • , '
- .4)1.x.' 1 ene-ef the, lepeti.I.eivyyeee: in, t,h:e etate., 'ineetlietrgle •,I' bad 'to:lie:le to or, three
.,. , „ . . . . --- I , .°P., Westrinq lenglIniOt...seilluti'e40424 eoe.'„ :, ' . • i .. • . .' , e'll', ' . ' . . 1 bey& *he. got• fre§h, and tried tO. tkhee,
'1,'„, ,,,'e . ! 0 wairat so. intii„. twig 1.,,,it,e,. i...,,,\ . , ikr”, k:\it,,,. ,,.. eboykl,.4aeiklieip,u'isli;';;;„,elltdterifoisieelteli,,4t4ttc'.4:Itielnk;k,,,•,,itee.,.t.,„41 ,ete, r\,„"\li.e. • ,':\3,y;:th 7,e7, h,e,:',1,1:,le ;;Al.,):„5,w,,,ui:;t:p-,,. t,4.. ia.4.4.11\,ittti;,,[i'o,.,,,, \,1,,,,I\ c:It\HI\,.,\\'1\,k i.
i, v \, . , ,, y ,,.., , ,, ., , ,,,,„ ,y , ,, , , , ,.. , ., : , , .,, ,., , .. , ,77\ ..• !.7.1. , ,h!„ ,,...,..1.,,,,,.....\ K :, \ 0.,,r,.: ;:k.i,.,,,m, t.l. ,1,..,,- , \r• .AL! , ..,,,, :11.0, 4:::h, ,, ''' '1,a l'k .,
V \ V
etgi tee.ky, , ,
,\\ ,4",Y: ebetq:4 .e, , ftitl,r,' • • .
41, ' '',,‘ ,,,-.1';•\'''t;. '1,1. a 'Oir$'*'.:k'
' .7.4.4\..,,,•1:
, \ iKt,t,N \ ,(, V \,k,l , \6\‘' t • * A.,,,,,, \,\ , \ ,Ic \ ,,,, . \ii ,j,,',. ,A.i v.,4 1i \ ct," ' ' 7 rir 1 \ I
f,''' . I 0' ' \ ' , , \ .A.L') A \ \*.*' '' ' •\ , .1 .„‘
, 'No/ 4., • " \ 4 PP' il'A 1 rtLr4' ; '. \
1, ‘ , ' \ \ .1 ' . I \ 4tft'ii;°41f*Z4Z4 *104 ' • 1 ' 14 A . ' \ OT''%i . k•
,S' . \ ,' .4 ' tlf0)W/W.: ' •••,.. O.!' ', N Out,';,ar ‘;',h,'.-;eOi'itt,itrit '.'inek'.!'ef'llard
ticibetife,ie , .,
, • , ,
. : • , \ - ,, \ . 414V1114:;e47.44:4;-11:1*Ir1:14.4\d7,40144it I'lv.)11.11'!..sti:'.0*ift\e'llteldbil.\74..?•;;'•'-er;61*,..i!2:4;4\,s-P.: :.'\:',',.7.\04,.S.:. '"•44‘314.. '`Ek'44 ''''°4 rlikei '11.6"44t'Y'•\ 1:}i'
...suppose .befi!re peoRie.4teo calling Me • .. ittgehe •those:hopee,,..then,ye hsees'aidi "di.'704.' ng. u006 .• eli: I*aginetl°11;e,"' ' ' . \rf.\.;•.
,. , • . • . • .. • .
.. 1
111.04, Wh'ereaS TY Proper Pameie Jelin .peinting. ..!iSt1147 'em Well...andecOMP .•vireea°
-, -....-ee 'Willie Wee* trYini Ur' get a
. . .
evin dut of the houtewifo'hy.harrOne
A ',i..ii, ' .VIRrni$14ongi Jr. ...The .041,19,diea., are ;in here .every .priday'eyening td, see
'..Weitteto Secretes the Christian anddee .-ekeeere...„„ *corns than the •OId men. •TlieY look aft, .spOuto. yl)poun'tiltdreY.r6tota. ugcle;' :otaoti; .11,t•stikto' .gthencifur., liretigedonlAbterte,nrintuvi:Itrvotte.vs:'elid:ecitll' b.411174.W711,11,f.,o1,4,71111..i.o.
.. ••,•• .• • • • . ,
' , There is et sterY•et an'EthOPien wbo: its_:'''‘
e ......., , :,..:In%.,;(4e11,111iY,1:1."...40.1110d.'h891i4walcwPetillieli Vrekineeamd-s.. Y.911;ge .°110.the. "xt°!' • ' ' ' • ""feel't 6.0," he whliled "it w" aW.••••
" ' tkireil inetruetion,„ The eld man, eon,. eeeeeeesee •
. ea ••,tlie:, Wok. 'of, Peal.me at the '39tli,. .e•
•..., Whi:eh,hegtnet; "I selde I Will take:heed' .,boi you liv.ii0U, •yutz; Yrozi,a7 little -01•S'•-• VI -4i: *as. 'When. -1,':"W'as. eighteen. eie. 1. hearcLtheeelitigetrug' tif-lbe dile.
: ....,. to my Wayt, 'that _I• tin nat. *Ali my .,, .!:. .
. , . , , ' 1'4064.. 13:a1-)"--4111•, n'YYt 'e.einfs")n11571 Now;: tre One• needs to he told; that te ...... • ., 1
0 ' . . \ VsterditYl" Ot,-!`laet 'Ine 'See; •Red--- stnilY 10* like that taltes..a long,time. iine'll'ild 'a;11 't.gas°11i4e''''' 1••Ifild*g' ' buk'
.,,,,,e,„:7.....eleeetenigtige_',..I.: willekeepeentedout4",w_ithea it: wae toct'liteeethe • machinitatesed
ow' ortiTtWYO.101-0WI'Allovt-'4?1:teeo, -Freadevery nightTeyeryitight- eXeePt .over me, . \ .. , . • .. . •
, ' . :f ....bridle,'•-whileiiht. Wieltekia befer.eme." I suppeael", The,tele *thing Yea e'an: Priclay:.and. Sunday,' 'Wha..,e I •,...... .. •
•• 44.1.witl.1 •' -.4.And d. ld the, motor ,car 'hurt yen?'
• ' . Leaking uteirdin'the:'.page, Stiorstee _,. ..
do. hat trin,4and say; '`,,Tese nia'alny.'!' int-'y',$:tindey night ' will aggear .later asked. the kind: holy, at she •handedhlirt
.tonint that -the' Ethiegien, hhd,gOne." ' :'. and "Ntiiiina'am.. I'M tWent'POne,'! 'arid in thi.e, stforY.. PridaY nighte Pel..go.to
.,,, • - .0, thart" whete faot.b.e.:reCalled, , ::',WIpt, . • ticUlati old • dOdO; OoMing": get.' r.°°a° Will's' i0 dillw,.ntind nOtes and cOrtVeY- Plane!! ...,-, ,..• e... • - : " :.• •- .' .•':- .
. , •' ... 'yeart .paSsed.. • :One day the . elk
,,, . , , slide out-fae•soon as 'you, POSsiblY. Ooot jgdge Gordon't ofdcee and 'he'd quiz:. "Meter, ma'am?", said ',the be ' • 1'
- ..,.„.,..,saint,Att,the...ektykle)tanttria,,,v ....6.
,..,4.,,,, and4h1.310.00#41.*-X011-4f44.4.LP4-=%* :MOi.and41:03,144' kel e ta ketO .1.0-4, tei.....4.44r.pri.w,44.....auyiks,4uAL.a.
' '' .i had ),iiet begureeny exhortettlaii?'; he .: :glimpse of yeu,. ......., .. , Icat:.heS:' • a; yandeS, and siniPIe 'things like that to
' tile le' cOr,ner hefore ' she
, • • e
. ... . ,. , • .
'f.. ditryen rush frem mY Pi,•e.e.ence When
asked.. '' To Which•the eth.er„, answered,' Melte. Me..f.emallar With ',legal forins• ., , . „rho pifferetto.. .. .
, •• •The..felleyt,$•,iliat. .8.0 'awaY.,•froM .Sometimet ,he'd.iet Me, help.with ,sOlita, .
, "Maeter, ' 'to:tit:ye tner ,: but that' one
. yer.se...Cencerning ..the. tongue, i._' pele ' , home 'for ..e, :wheoi.oeu if lt's 'onlY 'to thing, he Was. wdrking en.. , , ' ',,..• '',;:-., 4.4WhY :le the. Werld Cele niellkee#
. e., , 0 busiries '-eellege, ‘e.'ame ' baels ..044. And he did niare. than .that.- *.Of've g",..,td•.0.hotolve L'..,,,- . .'k • „. •. ; . ',. ' ,,, -..),
' ' ceiVed,' Wonlel. be: enOuglieto. keen • Me ., . • .
{ < . ' ' ,..ecoupied all rey life." • - .. .. '' • . : • ,
• .our .tongites' than iir.any cithee matter.'
' „. , , . . , •. • .
- ...Mest.of utetkall niere lieriuentiy. with,
, ...... ,. . •• . ., , ..
- •
. ...,„ ; . ,,, . •• ', resgettfully.• '. That goes fer 'the' girli
:. : .eetee `.ie., -theme And -treat them mar clieW;f1bWn his . bieWs and fi•oarned , et • "Peeenenthe mere reservatione you'
stranger. • eritl; folks 'life MOre." intOr4 night. he. .stuck,,out Ms.:. tinder -lin . and.
Make,: thehaider It,.is to get in."
as well. ea • fer.•the: older .felks. The ;;.:',eyOuere not'e gettine.,....altme fast, .. , • :... - e. .4. . . :: ..., .„
, ': :' A Werotslige ontln anunguarded nig- '
girls' always' like' a felleOietter. when enetigh,",,,heetunibled pt me. '..,••••• . • .. ...,..:. ' , •!. The Reason,..,,,• , e..,...., -
. ' ,menti"eh:P100-se is clreneed: ha,Ving' re-.
ile's'heen.ont of toviht for .nWhileeind •. •I kne* ife btit. what eotiid j . doe ...,
• ..ferPnee .tie,',aricither'see-repntation,'•arid' • yatlier-e-Caliel ,leelp.; Yoli,, AY. i t II , Y tril i
"V. Oliii'Vei ..iiler*AP, Aarooteg- the we of . eVen it •he's„,only, pt. a.chefip clerkship. There iSn't any 'more liteethari there' holue eeeik .teeeeh,t,„ eon te... •.,..• „ . ,,..,
.,„,•• ,,,,,•_,,,,..„,,,ee, the :eerie •.• abotit, _where., ' We' 'Sp,olte. in the'city-heCanceinehenie arid swell
' ''' ' ' ' . ' Broken. fitleird41-07aiiillet•ride-alifilee . . :.avoint0 , in . a:suet:TY' .Sitit,..with a belt., eiilk,In.aullted..; n! lsiiie.i.v.daisdceer.ti. nalaPisee,tet•fh..tiilullee,,11,.aieset'„ ,:til°1173`7..t,a0..11ki,:ds.', b: el). aii4le.11::whi..uiff. itr,1•17:
, • • . , . . . . • . .
and...gae, seeks andliF.Candlintitehlt,""heIrefie'44,efiteett,-,Me7eand-*esentlY-*teing-ixiyOyiff-,11,- :. -,,,-, ,r : -:-.L.-.7, • , . ,. . ,
' : ofte.h• be tineed tfi• the gltbnets ef .tli.e
. . • . tongue, ,, e ' - : .7,,..".', ....;...' ,', '.' ' .;' --n-nutIce---;rne-orerthe4hlustiae.794.1.t.L4.-joat,,,,alid,14t.A.ik4d.,;,03ier.:46,,,our_tioto........ ;.. . . . ''-. , • ., • ,, . .
. '' Spee,ey is eheae. .We ,h.aielt ,readY „e,..e-
' teliand 'and , We get' tote the •habit of, • '` Aon't rave se' pinch about it •now; 'be, ...4i;k00...whii,here.e,he,said. su i..1„,,aii2-rii-•• -C1514=ildlearti'setinitetente----.7-..e-
. getting, ovete iliflionities and. "ont Of ''. . ' Cense -I'irt: -older.; and, :as, yen. ,might „er!ki, i!..Abnade .ice.f. ht:ic....aamheo.nt ....a,; '..iptarter: of . an 1 . . '. : ,:!ari,,,ie ly , ot....E..-•iih..t' Err 1:11,..ae.,,:...""; • ;
, . , • • •• • ... • * ** * •
* tight:eft-mere he, teeing our, inost ready. really; .settled 'rlint,:t. to iny life. ...„
•.'We4P911.: ' withont alwaYs .,as•Iting„ Its ,. . WOrk 'hut. I ' can remember ...hoer. it uteri 1 ."Ed Peitorfield'a. going" to Ai ion' ' ..Amorig, the 1;500 -emigrants' whe, left,
. r •• . , .
.. 1,r0:16.,' .:'. , .• . .. '• .:•.....• ., ,. ' • • .. .' - , . to .Tohe. me , feel to . liave,.:.TIMP.Part- for' his health,": he ,said;•!`and .Ander-'; Eagla.ed . on the , Vedic.. for' An0tralia.
4 'iWortl.. may 'ruin:a 'llfe;', an .exPrest '.'• ridge" Rita INI:ntOo, 'Green and Ihne °I' son' 'says .you're iii have Ed's., place is a Parte, of ••4,1 bus,: 29 Women and 1
, . thin wound eSiffileient care can never tivo others ..edpie ewelling .lierne. in et..4.„ pay. yen. as enueh • As7 you 1,um501.;.one family or.eight• front Marvere. , ,:. •
. , . their :five weeks' yleation,„ and ruah noW7., and .there's "considerable".Speee , . . . ,.,. • • , ,„;:••,-;....e.,, ..•.--,-ke,. .. . ,:,, , ° . .
be taken ' -about the -uttered. , . ,
.,'Weare to he swiffeto hoar and:slew to: .. , : •. ' the prettiest tand . nicest: girl:a -in toeVa, ... ' . ,',... ,• • .Pcireugines :•Darriage: Crops •
tiiiie-rountlIthe hoteV:q,..; ' •
r ' ' - '''' :' . . '. efltAlp .T.Reeteli-N-6 Ip. ,iAit,T... : :filling UP t14 •f 1011r Po.re4 •e•oS': .., 011ie- •,.,• Te.,‘bat; ev.,as hoW:I eamete go te•weik. .., :Perciiiilnes ere •gainieg'the•atteAtiou 1 '
. ,
"I ow,t_ 'are. 'se to guard ',against -der you 'wanted , to - call,: taking :them -tq:
at,ene hotel," 'I was clerk: bookkeeper, I of hieiogistii;„b,e&Luse or their cinemas- ,
, 7,01,4 „.1700#04g; Guy,. : otrall.? :willio, dle8Tihreisii'aittorartdeLetiii:ilii,d;etishihzp„..at-Iihde mi.sittiha: Eithi.3:11..trnouli...t.tee, .. ,iria.,.n.t;:.,e tebillil,gin.gbei.y.ty.heanfii?on.•.t.aileos
teualithiwerh,onnnhtleiar:).-siniatsonof..4egdo,end.eramll';!.ae4tneciing raids on .trees anti farin• crop's,. ..... . , , .:
e epeep,he'itreirepie • it mita be Carefully.
style initable_for. ,alLtlaytinie Wear,. the, taxicabs and t g light lights.
.• tetuled and ehoz6n if .ive are. to eetain stylo ' ,mrs, AnderSort. were'. mighty kind tot
oue balenc,e, It is neeestery"te remere;.; a me, and lot mo'keep' my. books behr . .• .'
' ., • ,. I The' front and back :-.are • quite' eeetaie, . molt.. ,..uf it, tile*,,,d.. ,paococi. up in the . „ , . . , ,.
. added *kith :arta kro.6e , to .0„1„ site-iivie.i Sunday SuPplernerits, for, it was ..dol tthiliele,..d..eN;isbk.,11..ettieetueld:wastsane,tya„(itieytwhii.n.,g eau, ;
• ..berthat our ' weeds' are 'the••Prodnet of ' and .' the "plhited '.,Pide-sectiont , give .
.' our thinking. : , . ' .,. „,„ . , . ,
Brnid Is effectiVely .used ore the bodice '141's to doughnuts that what they vele
.. , :.T saY. "I,-saidlt without thinking • .
. , .
,. le lkiWa.YS'La iiie4tatelylent..: We May. •ispasorrLittgl...11.i.:odunn'tale.a.ir.vithin•thilhinilri:4111ijOgtilunirfe6s1.:
'to form, A Creep pointed Yokq, and:also to . de. , That meant •a' lot:•some days; ' • ,
. think a thing so . Often:that. :we Come trime: the, ceevertible cellar, • the.euffe . B than any the advantages of.:11o, tel:lifee . Nye stick.
for in .our toWn..we -heven t scoveiej.
But 'talk la 'eheaP---'ehhoaiTdi_ecri'•
• ' the loll dart -fitted 'sleeves,:
to say It Without muoh• effort and , it. 'firileh:iP1 • • ..g ' • . • .. -to, doniestieity, ' •-• . • ' , :t • ' ' ' ei ' ;
• . / . . : ' • ., • - 4 . and sides .' No: 1522 cs.ia sizes .-g6; 38, .thing „else I've.,eyer pal . =and a
heconte,s ,.habitual; . ' buvt .it lee .aftway ;Still ' • t :d ' • • high n ' I
, on, eour e aye, .0i: -se tie ,..
. r true that 'der. '-vverdS are , aa:eveehave ..' ' '' . ' and,.... 11..ne es.. ,. n4.
8 . .46 '42 '. 44 - .ii' 'b • °S" • ' :. • ' : ' - '' '
iee .38 1 feIltrw'•Can 'get' away, With .a. lot when
e#P:doriniiencernent; 01. big public sale,S.,1 :
thought.. They:corm/nand ei, Condemn rpcituree.. 4,4° er.tte:'29tinch Material, ,:alve' ila.fine t6 °.ledc• him up °r..k
aecnia:te,tabt on him: ' ' . , ' 'there:Wet' Plenty Of. basineSs. at the.! .,
. .
, • ' The secret etkindly Speech is kindli •
. us every time ' ' ••• '. ' . ' ' • ••• , ' - -at. 1'4' lirds',..54-ine-h, ah,•4 .?..•!.-Yer,d.s...•. :I'd had. to say at heine ter e geodi.
tritnniing braid.. ..Prife :2.0 , cents . the many eeasons,. • Firet nie, fater 7aS. lit.:eiveeicil-iint'elyne'a•linad4.Ch4anfcaeirv. itsriito'clir!s.e., at';foli '
..:, thirikita.. InevitablY men beCome, like patt,ein,... .,:„. .•..: , .• - ...,
well As some reenter' boardeese; like' ; .,;:•
..ilItthy,,4510 of sitart. tkp.i.l.,. toar...,,,an ;invalid;:Sotnething was the matter,. w
the things they think:a:lieut.% The Mtn With: 1'4 .1104, end.:lieelled to he .•Yerl I the high..Sehool• principal, who was an? ..,
. 111.,. e ,.,. , . 1.: .... , . - • et 'Our' Fashion ..Boek. • Our.' • • f. '‘ e. , of the: thee, het *hen he Old bachelor:, and Mr. . :•encl•;,'Mr9f I: '
"• ;:been thinking, of: What ' be. Wet: doi4; ..designers oriOint. their ..Patteru ).1.1....iot an attack IVIcither (needed somebody Theratein,.....*o had• :. the, flphonograPh le.
• • " 11 t ' t 1 t ' ',- d
cEivg sEEouNgs-
,aiiT•Prri4I6iiir. ' •
nishing Owners- With MS.. •
• forfencin '
. .
• .•• Perfumery as. NeeesparY,I. .. e.._
. , .
e .
...-In... the .deys' ef" tittinpihratel; ,1•,10.00.
.years..ago, perfamery .was. "i•egarded. as
so -.e,esential: that even - serv.ants Were
ettle•red',"-to-nae_•i . • ' . l'._,,,•,..,.....„,e,,,e,_ , . ,
• Within fourt\een miles et Leemden,
the Kentish Village of Dovvne hal5
twit:he:I,' gat nol- eleetricity, no main
drabiage,.. no' t10,eter; no; cinema, and
no Vrninlii.jel+fe.e"4," ' : •
Th. . 'Foram° ion! tat for Inour.Otel,
, • atallatIon Etellevuo ;and llosoltalt,
Now . yett Cltii .otfora 0, three yeors' Course
'of ttatolno to Yolp19 tiomto, kayl no the .•
resulted 'oduoatIonood deoltqui of .betraoalos
• (writs. flu ;adopted the eight. •
• ^hour • system. -The Po PBC reedy* onitonss .01
• the 5011(04 V. mdlt:thix alicoyanee' and trafelloi
expenses to ind front NetvYorit.,_for turner` •
intormati.o orr;te the ShoerlotendinL ,
: Think peace sand •yeni speak Peaee; the; ,ear of -the ,s y e ,een te.,, and arciund the ' house-Tsornebody who and Millinery store, aed.4 a !e6e.uthet
• • ft .. tht k their ' Creations are , those of tested understood, end
e-- think warennd•.you ta ewar, - , e • ----, - - •' ,... .. • . , _ , .., . t o • e I e a . e.aene my . ne, . ,
knew what to do arid odd fi h Tic th • t I : ' • d neo •ey '
' earelesely and speech•is climisy. , We Pepulaiety, brought', within the meanscould lift hini,andtend to hire .. -Mother It .wasn'titmuch, but itwase:,steady ' 1
- have this tremendoni vowel. in our of 'the avewasn,rage wontap, • Price of the. . . • , L, , : ,,.
t so strong het self, but in,eeI aud 3.t kept us going . at home 1 . , •
keeping„ and no one else is to , bleat.) 'hOOk 10:cents the•e°P37:-. • e'. was a horse! -,And it was better fel The best pert of it. was that felt as . ...: • ' • . ' . .'' • • ' 'nee'
'for *bat We ZaYe . • , - ,;: Hp*/ To. ORDER PATTERNS me to be there -than a .t1-.M•Ige)-'••°r a if I ' wasn't in .a side poeket, lost. to • -
, i, ,,,,rfr„,;,
' tiete(10
. It is better to think a -dozen flint's . , Write Year name and address plain:: nurse, even 4 We could have afforded the %world, with no chane ,to imake'
, .
before w"e sPeak onee. Ther,roOre .ve. iYi 'giving: number and size ;of such 4: t zinei 'which we. couldn't e"---%, .•
something of Myself.: The jiidge'sJ ' . e - ... '.' •
thinkthe more.. Werth while will bel patterns as ;you want 'Enclose 20c in With Father sick, it was up to rne to kindness opened ;Ade w•big dor. And 1 .• . : ,
: ,oin- words; It it the thoughtless man stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap be the man of ,the haute. We had a
couple Of acres With our old Place, and
that giVeits rocen„ for -a chIcken yard,
and n co* stable, and a .bullOgarde.n.
Mother and I planned the garden.e.ell
winter', 'and ,in the. epring.I'd make it;
And She'd help what she. dould-.-eand,'
if I d� : say It .rayse)f, itWas a. wiz!
Net only vegetables---all.wecould oat, -
sell, :arid . ive' :awtty-4-Hbut : flower's!
Sweet peas,. lilies of tbesvalleY, belly -
hocks, larkspur, lillee, pansies„ toSea,
phlox,: sweet-williant--everything you
could think of!-• The fleivert Were the
The, trees'. againSt the horizon's space- one big Pleaspre:. in Father's and
Their patterned 'branches Interlace, Mothee's ,life, and I .never ,grudged a
, ,
' ' • • -' • ' ' ,' . , ' teintite of the 'titne it took to • tpke
eareeefti.1010.0kttik,N00*0.1 ''...1•47. •
• •
an.adian. an oo
Practical Articles on ' .•
• ,
Planning, Building, Financing,
Decorating, Furnishing and Gardening
Illuqtrating. haute( tb4 reprederit the newest
'ideas and latest treatment in Colonial, English.
Spanish and Donieetie, design--bavigalow,
cottage and. two-storey' 'reiiclences. Theer •
cover all types of. constrpctioti. ,• Designed
by Canadian architects from each Province.
Ready IVatv..,',Oktder .Yoirs Today.
Special Prtee 50 vents. p, tr Copy-
IVI4cLian Builder's Guide-
. 344 Adelafde $t. West'
'who cities net weigh .hisewords and. it- carefully), ftir'each -number and
• • falls a . toilie •evil of'his• Own address :your ,order .to Pattern Dept.;
•. selection.' • . • . • • ".•• Wilson Publishirig.:Co..,:•73•West Ade=
, ,
. • ••Guard our •toligue;: never Permit •It. laide St., Toronto... Patterns ,sent by
to go astray r by any Carelessiteae •.of return 'matte • • • ' • • •
.tlioughi.; Speak true and ! • . ' 0... ., • • •
If Y..Ou Year lips would keen frem•sups, In Quietness, arid C9nfidence:
Five"things observt with care e '• • The winter .earth and Atter sky
. •
' Of whom .you Speak, . you •Are' noemore Ait4t than am. 14- '
speak. .• • ' .• viegyarda seem as. bare
'And' hew, add When, :and where.", 'of leaping Joy or quiet .eare:
' • ' • • '• l'her.ladep sky Is...siitier white, '
, •
Modern • . The Clouds ate full of moltenlight, •
.. • , . • • • . •
. -A modern 'adapalliiin Of famous
• • .cou Oct would' he: • •
• I shpt a .word, hitt; the air, • • • •
It fell to •epith mosl.'everywIfere„
„ justiove
Irigley's Not; DOUBLE
' 'tionderf.tilly
' corrifertIng, cooling • • ,
'and delicious.
• . , ,
You t- qpietneSS, to . Yeet T. yield; ' „:. care of %ea .., ,, • : . .,, ,,
I reSt betide thisefailew 'field; ' . . . - But efir'ehteiten'eterd and out ,gni--
I wait While you are waiting.. earth, ,dn 06111(11'a ' :411:PP0it ' us,-.thciugh,":th!yl,tho •olduc d. . .. ' .
Nal.= pine for color' o1'. fOr mirth . . ; , •helped e :lot; and 'living !Sill dear in!
• 1 After he'd'iltiade that proltliSe• the
I 'send my' longing With the rains, ; e ., or teiVii, 'Which remind' Metbat :all ,judgeopenedup and got more friendly',
I 'walk these birclies,Snal-eared:lanes; 1 the. fellOWse Who'd one off. to the 'cite, all thetinte. ';.He•nied to ,talk terne'-'4::
,Aly heart IS heming.here.With ine,° ' Used to .be mighty glad, ,I netieed, to let ehout, .the.' ethics'. of ..,the;1a.W..,.,..' end'
it asks 110 t'lliitr gift to .see. e •., .,•.- gdt bad; to heree,:-Itietl, chicken; and what an:6116,1,41k olning it v,/.as 'wh9p. '
. .. .• " • • ' , --- • • t , • frcsh,peas and strawberries; and tile"! practiced honorably... • And he il•econe.ii- .
rib quiet. now;,---botii I and you,--... were alWaYs :talking ?bent,: hew. good.. • ' ' .e.te e .• . • - :
cheap ,,_,,d•-•Ine a goo., pit 'to nteng..stAyed
M'..e Warn' the fields, "f„,le, holden
The' el A l n 'n. tee; the food .ieas. 'after ' li,Yieg. in nente.Whati Most iif the' boyeoi knew -•:-
`an -8 ' WA- ao-,ion alin:geis IMO, Cafesand bearding hottees.: ,' They and cooed:ley the erjohtest..eneeee„,...hed
"With' twilight they to peerl-grAY terii, didn't 0411 us 'a hick burg when•they
. left for the big- citye
AboYd.:the darksgreadhV:e.ii mer ':. ''.•: • were talking. •alleut -Our .eatS, believe '4.(y6u :have. a. fine ehenee. here,I,
ff fie,
Loole-pp and see, the eltlei tire free,. .'. 'met ••.. '.• •• • • : . ' . .. told me. '•".Y01.1 Nt'411 sueeeed ibevitetbiY •
,.. Tha. airischin dethiek;',..neiets.. eontine.....•.;, eSoon'S-I ..get•out•of higlieeehOol I hadto inuelteofeniY, „Preetteee,,...)(pei eae,„1
• • ,, , •
The' dint -Iterlteree.doselsbet ltnee ..- to get a.' ;Fob, .apir jobs' :aren't': very enter gentles, ntid serve- the State; !
-:.. ,, - ' ' ' • • " Miniereus or 'Very 4-,:oott In—are 16-ivt, otAlut.pg• the natitin, -, Opperttnity'does'r
, .
In quiet ilOW, Dote YOlt Alla 1-- , .
. I've done.. everything it follow', could not:reside solory 1,1 cities, iny-tatt. She
$9,0016, th. q.tr,4eci,-,-.',`ThIs•wt Ig9 b.1, do,,,,I...,suppose---mOw0 itiWns., tuut,dtig", ,is .eic`,terywhei'e; V,/..11Nw ambi
.e there"t& ,
. ' • •
Be_ Strangera, p..qw_, .an'.0..,1eaSe.nee,I.toeigh, .....
garden, and paintekleneeeeiniel,4 tien ;.red *energy and ability,t4hd lion..•
No f'Pilk1'‘'`g6e8 w."8;tin'g l'‘;-'' ' ' teamed for :tile. e xprem
Ssan,. and helped eale..." ' . ,.. , . • ' .".. ' -,' - .. . '2,
-Ye "tenarett - .:spettle the .,wiati"a' A Iliini h., MA- i ii'. the .r)(f.t of.A.Cee''.eyeryeed(t ,jew ,... I loved Itearing..'hini.: talk. , •X7'g'it4,11,
' '' ' . -.116411•;'' ': ' ' ." ' ' ' ' . .".I .could hoer of; Or 1110;e for tneetelf-'e:Cout.• the' old . judge ---the last 'of' the.;
Always..4. : had ....to .411.1,..Offaititill4100 :,,Nellicaw..1...J .,used:-. to- think, g', 1 cone!
I could get honie iaa Vint. tit .1 f' 'Father, tr a ste (1 hint - VV.:fill' .....Or'-Olret'''TaitT,'"
had .aft atta&k. — ' s ' lights. ' : . •• ' ' : -, t
. ,
Then _ow, ,eu,e,ee." elo. e...eoe took notice Thltikin,g` it o'Vel.;, :I' 'realize that -all 2
or ni, 1 . Tie cella 'me- °Mei fils•Tujohy this Sounds as if. tnY life; Was:nOthiitg,),
bit drildgery,. hard Work,.study, grub:-
little',,tVteeeenni law effice . eiti .day,
that, stands an the edge of ,the court,- bing in tho •Ararden.; and grubbing ini.
house 'green, 'tie d he Sai4; "Rd, lieW'd, the judget did' law hooks. 'Tint'I hadl
you Hee to lx, le j,ir,lor ?, , , ,• . .. .plePty of _fun., t&L, 1 playful; :shokstop 1
..: .
"Pd iike it, fille;,,i I gwid;, . '. ' ' , on our ;baseball nine, andnever', missed
- Ile took,'a chew .61 teVaceo-4te., wasi .0, 111ittello' And in the winter vie had
• e• .`-•
' • • '
, . .., .
. • . . , , . .
.. . .
he kePt on being' kind. a • ' ''
depends qrgely on the flout 'you: use We oeiieve
1/4 14741're admitted to tht‘ bar," It
chiee tro )sok, to
tou;tumof;1.. nt te,r ity, the rich, viiOrods
lour 'made from the finest' ' erne wheat.• Thousanc10 of '1
.partner, I Want a, green young fellewe • '. 'Cooks say, Purity- Flour is best..for c a .pieg, buns, and bread.
-that I' can bosi around in herer'and •• • . • ••
pay starvation rages to, and who'll •-,•• •
do „dirty Work for nie. ' I'M get- •
t.'!nligeC'eld,n1; 'tint it that Wily to' inelf. •
e ,! , ' •
less of a big, thing than' it was.]: „Se,nc,1' 3,0c. in. stamps: fost'onk .700.1:ecipe .tf:rity Mot • (ook,.13oo. ,tnl e
Judge Gordon craekea-,jaele'' • ' Western M Saint'•
prae•tice, and made plenty of money, • -.- ,
and wee. knoWr1. tind'respeeted All over • •
the 'state. .(.0 be his partner vias like
. „
.walking tete a gOld.mine for me. And
maybe I Wasn'tstuck on ,myself after;
he'd told me that! I went.hon to telt
my" folks with. my head right tip, in
, • A ISSUE No. 1-1"271;
,• ,
-Iris Ye feels eerdeveltettevem'et-elli„.•efette
Take'atornr.and all with, nuked boil gh,
Atidevattlorefa yr for ,ftlri)igl'imalg:voit,',1*
• —ituomaret ..rarfenbeli, •Ift,*(.111is:
iThie pOupleg Were inarried togeiher
tit M
Sti tleorge" the artyr ."011 troll,
Athlete* USe hillnerd'oi, Liniment.
• WC:witi yOp,. Prepaid, the felloWine '
At the icd6 ancpcateo...;
Chtek tIrre
Maclean's f' year $2.00 .. , .
Maclean's , 3 •years $6.00
• •
•. The Canadian Magazina..": ..........3; Years 13.00 .
. •
• ,
'• ,,Y,Satur,day ve Ring 17.io8t ; „.... , 1 -year $2.00
• • Ladle ' erne R;tartie , , . 1 year, $1.00:
• „ ' •
*Cotitry dentiemari 3'years X1.00
Good efe•use.keepieg te„. ; j year.
Cosmopolitan, . '1 year $3,50
Harpers Baiaar ,1. year $5,00 ,
. ,
_., • smart Set '1 year, $3,60
True St� 'e-a'r $3;60 • ` •
-Seat' -Me'taa,l,nes.Wanted...,:.#111•4in your nae .a.ed
• " entleiing.cheqUe or money order, .
• . ,v •••"' •
iyatien" r .•; f • 1. iV4-a1-k-k1i4444.100401. V • ,
, • . ,. • •
• '" A4C.If Oft "
.4 •
. ,
" Room 425, 73 Adelaide Street West • Tercinto'2
('.17:111\,(?.,.\ c•IP,-1:ii 4::le‘tic:ili 'e .4 .. 1114t111., ii!ta:.1,161:113,ea:t(T T111,nelli:1141:41;ti. :rlitti,t,,334-0 ,;c9et.01. 2, , \611.t6i li :1:1r7\°1:11 ;130:, \,:::ilnsdattl.t::1. Ik,,'4,... l','i \'1-\\''t'' \'C':"\
11)pli. a iitilt; ov: , , , .,..., '.,'• ' ',, ,,1 e ',IA ,,,",,.
• IP ,r
., '•,\,',"\\\ , , \, `,,.\,, I
a, Weetl-lot')ieiTOM.gt A ..e.s\t,‘ \\:1 . ,\; ,,,r: ,,
PwitnTla' 'ifilioneliit. i.cto.vseri:talThilelltitlhe4'etVtehre'21,090208-
aew idealn-gainedef,the extent of -the. ' •
'tuft About 'the farrn:,:bnildings.,• but e,„. '
.iii g.?..iOnallY aPt in'!ketriPse'''''Sbeltere.,ikle\", k
,ae,me; itn.d, that thee 'total ;pletatinge • , .• . , -
Illealttleeneet‘.ciliceeeettli:I.ItLI„ne)t4iltegunt„..-1.4.31L9f111;Qii,°..nl_elt144e..F•e:_•• ' .
Thirty-two tliouttan.d, ficret. represents: ,
AO area f� 'fifty. sonare Miles 04'. neer,IY "
•a-townshipeand-enehaii„---The-tilentge .' ,.
tient ieterred to,. If giongeirtlitis by , .
thems•elvei, .wetild :form • but ' 'a entail. .
patch *in the inenensitY, Of per ;Middle.
West,. lint,' as explained in tile begin-,' , • .
tiftig, they are 'net "by-theliaseil'ez" In •' • , • •,'''.°);;
euty-aetire'hut-'10.YMnuteretil - he'Yeet,-.-------•''`.7"-H-•.----:,-"-::,.:re
.. . . • . . „.
in t'herprtirltePeov.ieces;.• . " ' ' • '. •
homelike and moreconitertable 80,300 . ' *. .. ••• . '
'..• :.-: .,.G.iiie, Farmers a .Start '... ,.....,:',. • '' .
scheme, whiCh line 'already. niede mere ,... • • . .
homes,- and given an•artistic, •elte,erful • „ . .• . •,
(mien to' Malik riirat-schoel grounde„
• , • •.•,.'
• '
. '
The alio .oflethe :Departnefeit eet thee • ....” . •
'Intel-1er hat ' been:to„. give • i,arenere, et• •
start. tha't °nee A plantation wpe•ps- .
tabliehed,the seeds and „entangle. trent', ' • . ,•
It coetld. he nsed'itiliegie Other Snelter-e , ' •
Thet this:it, the, say In • tt'i!lick •
„the- Selieine • his ''worlied .;. Is % indi;
eitted". by, the fact ', that nude' the in
linemen: or r,th'ese. tnousdnit: • ',.
!nal, plantations .general appear•
'auce-e-dtelte.graille-lintrtenerseetione ': • •' „ ,
gradualtr'eclianging and on all : tildes
there ere expiiiples;or-COSY
— . _ .
farm hoine.S,eset ,:pleaned : •
Shelter,heltS and serrountied. hy '•
liens eantalnitig ittleh 'and tree • '
IChlte been, :deitionstiatecf:that,
breeking..ihe teree'. Of high Winds and, .
by eons:ex.:Ong .ntelt•terfe .She.itelebeits ...-••••••• r
Iperease7the' preditetiog 'or the ..farnit
but theyreturn diiridend!'a ther.eend-. •
fold:greater7ia' 'the -inci•eatieti comfort .`• •
.and enjO.re eat, :hire teted e by them to ••• , • 7' r,
iheShipnients of 5,51'4;426 eeedunii32;
saskalsheWan.,kmi....Afherta; • •
Lai , and ' •
distriblited..antong$.,590.,'farina • ;:' ;„.•• ,• '•••
antrouttiliga.,itt the sprm,g'Of.).926 we -re
"duriti-g-the seasen ete,inerense,t1 'Sleek .
Of niaterial, was 'pretiated for distrittiv`•' •
,004 OVEkr 7;..4b:,0.00,§eeAtljnek.
-and euttfilks. are a fdr:.piteking" *
;to, meet the 0,20o . aispneatiops. Whieh • • •
have; .been, pprdyed bY the, intliceters..•• ee: ; • •
• • InspectorGivei 'Adyiee; • .
: the"Conditions governing .'the • •
distributieri,'.of. this' ,; shelter -het taw.. •
terial:any' farmer.,:liYing On :the open,. • , •
jtratriet 'May' secure a feasonalile-.num.• *"
,ber..of 'seedlings and . eu tongs. by mak-. • ; :
application .te'the l'ree- Visaing' ••
Fofest, Servide, • Departtnerit " • '
!of :the ...Interior,' Sat- •
tehewae, In order ...te.get the, tiees
to plant tho.sPring of 1928 the ap-
,plication titbit ,he sent in ;before March .
1, '1927. ouripg the summer • of .1927
the -ground on welch. the treea, aro to .
he :Planted ••ratiaf be theretIghle, sites-
mertal owed a up. an inepepter ' •
Sent' to •VIelf the ?ars of. tlie .
to gee that. Ulla „.ts‘ done and also to
advise., him hi •regardeto the arrange-.
- it• the belts.
met • e and mtethoese of
planting and' caring t'oetlie..tetete. ' • . •
-"Dernig the:aurriatil Of1926 the •taIrms t •
of. 11,20000,11eints• were eted
Many of these‘.had 'read p.anted • •
trees ; tinting he past two or .three°'
•ye4rs'antl, rePorts indicate, that in ti*plta:. • r
theratheie"drY..;bot -period .in '
'and July .the newly planted stock hats ' •
'come , 'Along' eplendidlY, This 'result
_ •
wotild •not have, been possible, it the' •
on.which theoe 'trees were planted- .
had -not , been Well sit tainer-fallowed;
::PiBfltLlithriS sot •
out from firteeti to tWeiity Years ..agp„: • ' • ,
are, now fiirieshing their owners *1.0,1 • '
considerable' Material, whieli can 'be ' " •
thinned am without le any way Injit'it- , •
ing thp• plaitta dons which is 'stilt- •
aide for feriae pcals. rails, 'and aiim
4 • • •
titer „ • •
. The. Miles We Carry!' .4, ,, .
... "k -It a tis,t fos eltew,...dhht. , every.. Mob of ' . • ..
elOth anal ti in,s . , 'afloat t,WentYa.fivo : ' ' •
.threads running tiowilwa.og a tide the '
' Paine Mt tuber running •Itereee le, so
• that -4-a entetre "yitieI: rsteeineo-o r of
,800:th1'eads, eatiii.;tt eetril in lc Oa ,• . . ;
The liYerage atilt or o'naturne is ' '
four . ogitare yards af' cloth, so 'that. ,
every titaii:"or .wetput-wears. -ti 6111 et Al 1 rig .
Ifite•itturyi0llit ef,wool.''' .• .
Alle,wing two :sete, de elothesra year; , . _ • - -,
e And . that.enell'' a ils twee 400. 1011108 ' '''''' '
....43..1,r_A‘N.vhet1 il:fii...,....1(;,..YoteYl..0
„..untml.,..�rz.:eAttott• .:
.... „....
.. ;,.......„‘.....
Lg.004,H..,----Nvith•-oitotty..•-ey 100 -threads- :---- - - ... ,
,kadh iv ''to the fedi, the tetal length 1 • , !' ' . '
t'l'f; thread :boccie.' jet appall -fug, • .A. fiingii .. :',.., ..,.
•:,,,*.ilf.:41:11i44.e.eliiii:ifi ritirlina!ftici'ef:tigol:111.11(.1:6400°O. . '.."-:"..7::,7
‘rn,Iiitioirart,',eoft,c.:1!,' !„111.4,. 'VI aro reghlied iCt.,
. ,
. .
A altIrt.ri:preeStiti14.bratt'tlitee trditgu • •''
,bf thread, ". , . •( • ''', ' , 1.,.: ‘
• ,
,•••, "e •
A , r