The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-02-03, Page 5Z 'fojjo It"IIII .4. 7. 1'7 W JNW -EE o a -� 0% 7 'R FIM E TUe gxiid' 1pm _P,$,: $ .0 00 q _pl�re :#9.0. 'Gold, nie,.'Offo �Y 'T, HA -R W" A., R _,O -M AF. 06 � All ZLE. _..77 44i tjj]� 'N, E _]�M _TVNE--T'0"E,VERY-MAN,-1 D-C1HLV-. the TH WE'*,#i '_TjjR AIL �AT D PflrK ­�Ihyjll� ai*ir S, I'll 6 gripat t fmit, qiqrveo, fo-day.., For'.everyi''.Enan, -gud wQm@n':d.nd11 e tild �Yh6r,i h p"Mollan.. , it�pirp, re in .$7 0,00 00 the-:' WRWANT' �ii is. -to the -.wifl io d.o.1t d E ha" VrE.' NAVR AA I" A_Q0 _C1 Oqera Ai ehap" to CIS PR W. 7 011m NJ3111, JEL 14N A"J= - zaiitt."I '10 Emig! E ND LEADER f 'TH TE6 S W9- HAVE. "A �-,PERSTO�,`: P A, MLE� RV V R. 74A 0 E -logadvis _4 1K o,4, AAAN� Id , IT, WS A 0' CRQS IF "IN'' N)EEDiIi. Q IRAPE �.)G 1111,14y, W"th h Our.- tore 4A .1 � 1.4, Yi Fi- id r e�,, I �rfs,k 10 this Kl.r t 9 101�, �-q the,. 30. I hat Urih% I '01111,411W,t . WVN iri 61- R-317 n 6 �WA -Ur N"A. W U GOOD #QUEBE0 'MOST SAT SPACTORY TOV E ON THE MARKET9' A ES FULL LINIE OF..'CGCX. UTOMOBILE SKAT ftLIN Q 'PROOMS., e Th ch, St. ar our RAE' & PORTE 0 U -$- y otir `W Phone �6.'i Luk ae C I A* . HardWare, oa in,%nit1jin"I -.0 SM1 0 C e W. C A§HPIE41) UNTEe C UR K Wifigitain ':Phone. 256 NOTES -lilhiiii" -, :'. � ­ �, ords 7' 0 Oft po- home'l of, MrI 'and Mrs; FI i leis on iont4l WorkS n� wVs., fillpd. to,'o" - 11 �er owin 9 - P#Ople� oI -- Zion V and eague, on, uesday W T ;HAK: e Clung,. dn. a. s e -v e 4.nd-the--R ddi 'S est Own .,gave he Two, gns: U utiful desi P&OCK in fte�.vfiost bea MT d ,py?gt imp .,of garii was a t:11j" ftqri� d as blirble, Scotit:4,1 -und C*R 1h "!a itlej. The*-BlAko' k�.n S -took 'the Programme - 0 the weekly ine6tipk'of wo� ina G f F -the Young.: P Friday. eveni C ure.h.- Tom n erson presided'in a rize .. f th iji�ite yr nBP('C- as capable. WI % Elmer Jdhnion 1iil!qr1p16ns Ne�tlj. CAidully, -,and.. outjined'-'the� iaims,.And ideals 01 t 1' 'Orb, Sid ''B'PO.Wn . gaid k: Tritil RangerI . er cle X nck- WE 0 Ing y ur N10- 0 well pre,- A '0are Teps��eaqh�,th ki 0. eq 110 n -A-.S Do ean. B tifill' uri' r iii'iptur'es Jirni: Cur� rr n & Aj ran 'and To Aderson Luikho �7 d -y duetts. Hai'vey -Anderision`-g�a�e a -ve-i' t onary w O�Y., - n . spirl e CP1111" ..Place -RIN oillsible, G,� YOUR- SPARE'T.-IME t d �eti*n tbaCtook at 'the Close of, the - meeting 0 DU k SHAR-E,,;0F�, 0�. -n I es -t e seillor re7 h s' 'ixfid Plate oireatest opportunity.of your life I -hat -Word"Afife' sent jiar& ta�s win the viter I i. w The Mail .'and' nipire -is you, in. his ]�Icurs hig 9 h yl his tOry 41 rilay'arid learn" 'while'."rp ng a To U , Can. ti, ;help �n�bk hg.�.ths hunt' Go t e'boYs lined 'up.a' i .-Rula elThe Mail.. and. Ell�kg 9 fro r Picture PUtzle. All; yo.u: need observing4m, 'fe all 'i6in in,. -a ve a Jolly:,' ood., ttine.� Q ro ary p, TEMS EA USX ns. �iwL, YOU� Wn s een..a ntt, -pone 1. t T_,MORDO.. NOT: aCn"ada.- and to 'Mi H d ­ns, b ter! I ake I 10 -USIL AID ss, 0 gl ppo' :Pen n Bobbya,;pencil, and the:wife a pencil,�,a.nd e oldest son� a t? . ell. A io iives,in Cj r fins! the most -C -W -Yoti'll.find'-ft, u -'It's amu Itiff. and an, worria. F.;hhl!d wt 'Mall esidient at hid S� n I. en/Im n,'. Ii's, eaLsy% to �0' I�s f Ir ist6 and rlploy.af The Leiiijue: Hake I t ords'!, i t u es -of an nd -Empire.-ori aI a lot l%thN.:,1i1y. - ikn TH Chute ItIM Vmber' ItE lJSAAb 'DOLLAA Wh��q you e, up your list 'of ­C-W6rds"..80nd it n along.,, with":one -or t. rat 'yearly su ser ptions to 0 .'� . 'L / . I I . . It.,costs 3jething'to Pus& ffs;�,a, br The very high,'wh d arawer� . 'tei Y t4 v T. It 2.. Prize ivinners'. in form Copditidr$'� of� the i oa s b hi more . I I . . - .1 aI Biiplre winning,$200,00,ee t on� t P ail and Enj tL. geriouS. effer, h lot 0, 1627 e u 00 1 d t _�,Il anioweri must 'be malleill b� d eM �e�i� 6acii, �r- $ 6, participate.. ijg,. this 'Puzzw' pire� a .09 per,,.: e ered, in -.'Aam on.-lo1r: ondon, �whlch will quallfk Your. su rvices, Ircfi P r d in t t Big ;Cash Prize's t . o b46 a,N arde, pr� p, ly af er: . the c . los I a of the isuizie. GaniI Mi a &nd:addr6vsed,to ruixte manager. Reanit neb'' at:', th' hl. 8Abbath 'sd n to mee ked 4t one c uren, 26�-, Tlkp,.� The )r a, er itemar Toronto, 40anada t n, Tilesidi. v. MUSL ive4. All Ii t6 be., �n,. neald he Paper' C -es war iavei month that 'S t 0 blon e,of t san kcorneI a At 6 r z fuii.name arid'adxresa-,an, p e e, I �Vp Ile a t0i 0I th as �i right at,so nany, present,, and it cer in ;f �you, �depfre. to rite an t Word" PI&.urft I to .6.,only w9ros, I DOW Lt -x n,.cqu avq, '4h;ost . ofAIII --congreg-atiii The "C- amoa kn Fit are u --�-iii�iease- '� ae%ound natio skated -there, ye-thi-, - - , fL a -till' the- road '�j the op 0 Mail. 4i.n&'ErApire.,'- It --costs !,t� a muit", be n IL s a nistifty, f The editio :*Ill. e; i 15 Wiects, L 4� names h ' 'to take 'p -t, and you don!t,. have to'� send- in a !not 'u not Ing D6 be at bsolete 'words. Such a cohtihjr., Ief � ice. o. 411 'who hdd en I E subg6rlption, t6 'Win If your -11A, of ­C-Wordst" se tie ds'LI" a Be oonipb�nd words..or,'wordi 'formed, I ii ' ' L' " ' hylph( ate nulett ErLglis4 . or'. S�. . 11 ina e - qu;tb an. effoit to . 'e there thaf P, aar'd4d -First Vtiie, by the Judges yb will Wirl' $9,0.00; bi t a or are �?)ro 'BOUQUETS., FOR JIETIRED b 7 00 .18AV& �.­REVE. R_JOHNSTONT' ASH RIZES th cot iriAtidn part' of.,the teWreadift I "And as' his 6 Y.:Iyqu of which in itself in t c me of bJect'. bo not use, wordx-, 9. e are �'ftiaklnjt the follOW -�ial iirrei wh9r bi words Ing spe om Wag*.h� weiritAnt ic ,!big prize. awarda.' Winnini can win,*,roater,cash prfzes�`b�.�sendinir in ONE or, TI '.Th denotig',a' donditioii, 4botratit ords� colloquial waAs,.,& d' cust the iyna�- you m;w concrete obI seen 4 WL rc . described ail her, ox. J. Hunter of Kin�cardifio, h, goge 6n'Ahd­'Sabbaih.. �''Tust ACCO ng early subsciiji�lions to The. MWI and' IMinpiri where, he, Plural is 'no 4,:thip alaculan'tannot be ans-sI ivill r6celve: I6"h . pdies- to the y e vice Versa.,: 'mkn -of Cons! e-rIc e have' yemiijoled 't eni. they w 'Is Romemb d P rience h eite, in A tab below'. G.. 'Words 'of file Oame. OPellinff cannot be'used.m6re thai once.. 4,ien. hiiughi�used, to design rounicipid aftirs, and politics', rnz. jetoiat succieis,iol'i iii. observine- a finiz 'utor rins t bif rent obJect�t TI�e, eqLme ;036Ct linq him, largiiir: unta AInT- -for the ma0 �o�jedcLl� nanied, hweve0 war, 0 Ze ii be nanied bfil'y ohde; ibe it !i7o m Is'Iff WBION SWIH beA ed of the retirement'of Rob�it John'- custom and kelaping " up under dif-' Coves ip.. of Lu 66m- the L j d jta'partLii ther fl.. 1. =d )n ficult. asone 6�­ niorti V;;Ul 7%. The ailsweI having* the largest and hearimt 'ctirr6ct ilk at, ri is it. Prk.lf OLO, �namq. .4 1 viii . e is One got ff,016 following in The, PAstor at the Zion sej;.�ice, Cali-' be in-Ard fijl� chner' te.dbjectH shown, in. th;, iiketure that I;eci Three .Iott6f ivith; the least or'feWee ,T I he Kinen ed, 'th� aftim I 11rhee -lit weir wimil: with the t nuinbor, of ci�rdrs; will Subser Bubscrlp-� yerly, sbWfttI Subser i$ P1 - f);i Tile second. Lirg6st 4ist of 6-rrect Nyords, our een years, on, ..�illai�O 46 L . rided ONE be awardea the': -IiAND dine 'Re4iew.-Reportoi. itioA oFille ecingiegation rol. to one f thi]iso-'fiesk�L letters P L I florib t!on thin* *RW thd le�mt-'or few69t nd�nberj-of e�rrqrig. will be, al%-';�rded iiieco of The, $5.60 P, Mial And.EmOlre 4t ent' and,86 onthrtillg t re er bile, prizes halI been kii,s= and ten of thoge years as people.'g.et 'he d a, owit peVeentage basis. sq, ays,, oxie w 00-09 $500.60-.Th4rd Pilze,4300-00, (664 e rtzes will be tleckd"l and awarded ,in. moo&' bbelled, words, will be, counted as er�or r, hand-' 350.0000 i000: I0 d 'c'O 500.'00 ro�ve4s the ' riecorll 'Ruby Robeft" his h6me in . whl II 'clime'th I Trize Luckhow lo' -aiked "Please do" not "tbe w�riting.elIFLVC:'.no"6eal:'Irfg� upon dociding't'lie Winn" Johnston, of he 1-c-, break. steon lumn of figuibs IP"7 -3 .00 0N."D6 pep tire �this ear �ffini pubi ei.rViiii&'. c -and any more .(Ir "20j):Off' Witt .8 A3,- numbef.' of h ic Is aln,, - ,.priie ou't 'SO'LM %ad' Of 096,Iiid . p).e - may co-ope,d1c in %he, h 11�51 but'only one prfz(-: will be aw-ardad to old,, den. of 4ih Prl�e ........ ,i�ardod, to and son if y 0? 200.00. he 'answer iflil - prize's be ami,rded to 4nore, than vne of arty%grup whiore -d them oinjof othe" 65.00 winnibs first pri2ei pro, tw� or more httvc bePn wpykin h ouncil' of 4Bruce snd has. v n �- o ay. ...j. C� , otc.j XCI.11. the County, C t t :go ito.00 100. 11 ; lit 4. - a tie results .9. t nS It. e same. ritunbei -sub- been,�' I id4litilied 'i�ith' .�all 0 'V"'L.Vided, TIMIE yearly prominent, y in t e'pulpit�, 00 30 e 1'. te'' tdri& a66rrect`.woVds_ the list 46f -these two having the f0welft words Sthr r.rj �6; 1'60 00 8 do- 36.1 v e peotlo II recetv'e the prize, �fi the event of fI JI any prize :'outstanding l6gislati6p tVat went, a ad Ze .... 6ntiwers�,c4 Mr. Johnston �hasi. been Wak th PrIze'. 00 1.000 wrong It rc I s 0th, -in the as jhe, at) IDO 106*00' and'Eiinpli;o 114 $5.60 pI :ye&r,:b.aph,:'-oj'_$6..00 offered.* Nvhflte'two rit 1 the '%'tTne number (if :the, c6i;�ty legislature' d e it If suc go.00 If delivered' In namiltion 'or J�odon) am, SIBnt in.. FII he sanie nuiLTitior�of�*wfong.,v�orcl.4to the fuil' rl id.1 Oth tOLjj Xo().Po prize will -be each no me P .$1,06LO.00;" et, par(ielpant. pas e 0 1 amaun! i,f'sI nas 6th zes'' did- fresh, Copies bf.-Ahe valti� 1S.00 *00 t 06 par year -by 'inall, or 4,6-00 PdT ywir delivered by. cartl t 10n, ybara; and ndbIba had ""are �r lteived, Cert I n rite, $:(�566.00; Third JO. b,th new and" renOwhli iiayablo. Rdvititce ore.. itifluenIdie, in , th at 1: b6d �, thab I 1, 1. Ro AbleAline., anoi, 6 Is ing no, ing. 96 $3,000 �priw at.'16iA 0140 now !*4" 'must bI boy in Hilinilton beit, Johnst6ni AM what ww', iicc6ni thi ri qb�%Hfy or London,' wlll'b�te Ftccbvtod. qtiallf" C.Pt' Of III for any�-jirixe offered Ing:foe the. $C000i.prize at I;Etot:.one ii bc'ai;f In'the sup Robert Johnst6n1s.rd,katd9 "Did ''he' '.They: e t Abe were a piece 6f stupid rS 6:610111A. of, 111I *III- be paid, to h. tied sent: In. In. No lubspIription for delivery,th -the City of T ranto,*III;ba: get use, thanks, ftom.Abli., Pqople tion 'gnd',dodbtles� conceived'.6rig"fral nd ihat's 0 all. amelahis on a cepted to qlaalilyL dn.,V.,", same inanner, If,Yaur,ans , I neiv oubsorip ti 'IV "14' by 'tht d Win - to . ruzzle' 'Manager, -�'nndldatea! m9rkink t ll ibY "Il' 'jet one an , you 'th I , '�izes L '', ILl. A' oni 'will be, carefi;ily '14 eA*ed'?:' Did they present Iii i3i -in the- Wor`iis qualified Ill with ly in I s6ind Jdf6tic- 1�ihd �dnd 'thrown Pait!i he r jug" ; ' the--supoistiti6us.feai-,4 i0y subs6riptl ur old a as noiw old :Wa n 'I.., . edit f ,uA ubserl don its uh V'r' L 0 got'what sndst�'men who d6n(' 6f, iiiany. geqplo Who had e ' "' - t nough, e Ahing� forI owrf toNvh or Yohr.F abod And do, than L arty ouf. S e ;g6t-ioL b&dtlful wreath of 96ht fea� this 6§0 so ghd uhcalle( for 'qy� 11 Quaiterly, thirs I 'before'; he ptavb Up, Just Ole Next Bund is oni -d "Alled ion. serviee, at' each 6V ilt' t Jbb he'. ha ..'so ell hi.'haA tq mun4 poin,nien ir e er, , to the I press wrl -a big'lon'''I 111, in the niornink, Rackett's- in h Ahe rumor and to r at whild', -lie Blake's in, ihe 6V i,. il(Reen i�t'tfie head Luckniow's oiling 4 1k.A bee*% a e;.nlaii -Affafi6 fru" T A. 0 -A VA . lk,4 priZeLi you will receive and �66 forib. down, 0110". ... I" W On c. cr a prize e:wers will 'rec�l%,61 6i 'iI -enmoder, tion 'regardlesif -42, 'All win ti k Ybuj on t,� or ot cript one Ao: 0 �`Whet or or not Fi stillsdriptlofld t, a The Mallstid Iqn1p1rj' is sent un 'prornitntint 'Toronto . dltjkons� �h.jylng no - connectiv, 'thd.�ordei when start a some '161 and'r�lilplrei, w1h be appointed to bift aprjudgcs to" t 7 ' fjjttlre�odate. Just, wrijiii - on L with '6e* you vktit th4b, paper Atirted, jai5d 'It' will start ^promptly tibleci the �Wlnhers, and . Participants' 'by scndlng� In theIr thowel,rm' ojt� that dat�., You, will And It 01(sy 'to get.:sUbscriptidne' .`ajgte�e �o acrop! th6 doolMm of the judgbs'aa final and conclusi V 14. 'The judgo a w -iitet on Afarch 2ftdj-'i(hd' L -he MOIL �n� r"InpIrid to. -QURIILJV nswetjor the. your. a lll,'t the' prize *innefs and - c6rrec-t -list of *orda will. be' pliblisked -in, $8j60Q : Prke, :. It '16 'bI tar the best daily liewspaper The. Niftil nnd EtripirO'aii quickly L thereafter so ppabitilb. % p9blished'in On tq�rJ4 i6itEr,Puzil s , and, Qitiai Ujing Subsor p ong to a " h a es "'i" ti and, to oft., - n a.. . t k On" the Dtaindtic Club 'of, COuroy's Cbix)-: kad. Y Answer ,Who s4r.; , I I—.. -the, DA9 ROOM 20,6,'- -the..Job of'. beyl g it pub i,c s immedtill- ."MANAGER: T "I'L ,himselt ers. to- "',When a Maril,�� .rive it ay , ORONTO CANA Eon Hall dri Wed'.- W 6 IIIIL.ATIME]k HEM ;AND', EMPIRE -i 'T Vioint 6' i '.Ia�jlng hfih� S.jjjgjo,1, at� ZZLE .'the Atabbink­knivibi ­ of �y b� 9t lw knockers - iqueelerii and fio&.1-ofs -he' i taWAIr "Ofe'the- indst thankless _18 jbb in the, In yndajj� R insoij ZION world t6oldy.,AIiid this rs..bf the' AngHcati-'-:chiirqj,-,- FOURTH CONII'KINILO -444, 'And-, Urg T -qbi ST, eMbe BP�F�A that numbers.of -.ex� of' and� Wier' of -tie, Cordw ni T- III- V recentlY '%yith 1, .11 r spent an e.yening Ooderl'ell., 4t4 the play, entitlea ublic bodle eoilleiiit. buisiness.1non and 'gefitlenidn' evIonin t vanieg and con. The Si. all 401ir 1"�w q­i�ejj 1-6- and Melvin 1rWin_. Do* forget 41 to take.offide.'on 1) s 1.4 a viglior Witivher atifitj Mrs. ..R:, IL sm'd �ifiz Alex. 11mckof qved; P1!001116d' at Bui'h -is ctutned' ."'When a MAn's Single," to be given, lot was . x Mr" t -Miller, and btlidi f4endsi tes 6, affer' whi ch , lunc sj Anniv��sgo mill i, 1� Thbr,fear t6o nitith fof!�,'&ORXOP& 9-0�0�_ Aftek''aftenditigIll.6, .County 'wee CbUiI CItiftiers Draffiatic,'Club. e ing -of lion" oir 'Wed. Pej�' qthj',L riputitioll "anol,--abilit" F NO— GQ�yal Okin 'The ve9blar - 'e t, `-,the 6unc;��,, held in.':.G.Odbrich. Idis 'in Mon. OrI eAr, not' I wa I T week -end viottor. rrt the: Man's6, w91 Mrsi m., Trwin 8viIiii li.,i:Itily Ihst RAPID Cl Y� lid, M D:. 1(,. 'Altoli'ViMt6d Hill' unde� thb adgPi6og of the A h "Ruby Robert,01 and rest in Your own Fris Mis8i.on,Banli . �wPlj, lie held next-. i& broth6-, Itev.,4.'Ibumm,in d Week Nvith Mis. pegiceful' eoll'�ci, vmegg that. you did -no6n. , "' : lvith' A�A 'A.ritz" Pere� Grabal� of Little. tfoan GIIIIIiIiiii, N�hN Mr.. and,Mrs: Chas.'A0111TS611 Vrk,-, .�Sheppardtoit on Satutda�, las M.r8,- Cummin hftei mi., *,A a(l. Ithe., Mi.qXol;tuaSo, to, �bmah. We. W, Apoh. or gbiur, home tftha�P' 9 Wart "Mill N04.9, T,he'. j­�'4roI 116 ndcrs6i�­;vpda gy to ine over a `h�_n&�&7]­rfv­lrdI and Afit-, anla as `rli, 'dents of, our' b ri�-,`. r le, "0, qll 'tiful *re 'tb' ln-, Wingh41111; VI. Mr. A�d r�, ,Glbion si Villy'C10's Mr. , of goat,� feAthdrst"' is' e - to, the,'fInj� �vds the guest. of his , cousin, :Mrs;� 'q 16�aYded do ri� JO n Durnii L . . I, I '. P 'm , h of , Morristown, far .91;; is ett-i'lig, ?0ojIg Wei), und6.r, gubstv. to the. Nvedding, wce�tiori o Rl'AltOn"' Richard Gardner, during 'the k It6too ;tronig.,V.6 bolievethat Wr son whaso 6mditidn',wal I . ., "_I,, , L. f family �Isitcd *WA X'r-. -avi - I wee a r--. a - 'daughier Ein -�V,h 6L -I- -vock'.' lss�#Atytelo_ 811tollie" Of ux, or.- a*- ays U of Ll�,Clalo one'day last w. who wa�qip to-Att we, _o�q tif Dung= 14 1he r rw_. T McDofiagh, :'f '.niin, is - rig o"I'Mr, -.4s. R -di, I�olll hore� att6lided tlic,� l, ,,were., uftid, ,at(! 'aPpItle�106d 0, 0111C Of J)x _0 Citi''Dtlnval� f I im, �chag, 0 .non. ..,ql Rainage, -is, 9" P011.t­i the wedk-end '.�'v fulletal or'tbo late -Mr. AnOrv%v John, of We a vOrth "'whil(2 hit6le perby the, ith Ili "' , , Zioijit, vilsitod' i�jtfi: Mr. Aind ITArs. 4as' with Mrs, Fre&llitohie. I' N st 'We �,are glaid to tepqrt that little Villose " '­ inot er,: Mrs, Vgiifc� was C06 o on Monda,ji�, Of ahn6i"bc pneiiiii ill" Chas., �J)Urnjnl 8t st6n,, Nvlio8o death to61c phico iiiN. one' e thoo a, 1166- sick tj� td tho: torlde- and, groom 6n. in- p h - the- w brougliit 4 Lhe gltts, 11.1c RoK hild on, dee d 4 th the best of intelitildild.. Thok who aft6fidlid spent Iii ol-d-tiniii daneing 'and Mr. "jlIdL "t A V. 6 AV ji VI Sligo Unii Durn' ji-gi - t Olt- Th-_ remains weiL !Uiwey Ritchie NI hAs honiti -(5f '.hi� d6ghI ts, D, J�ckid i B e -vi i, Ut Imt, doitbe abspiddt of the Ith Triolads In: the ti Mt.; And X with pneurn6fiia, ias; We 11 NN" ft.' A . u ihilhing eneinles'. 'Ond w otir I on III A lovely dfi(prlay, The change for, better:, 160 thiti, United 'Ch�rch dTJ Ca pb& r, Q C JAMAS Alton, of Lucknow-9 redentlY, IWJO� V -xgbdth, A do ij�d of AUl'a Lo'n'', Syne litguollit'thor 194"ft , t. 04*0 000 Inm oi4' Tho iiiiil# gI X011 Va viol o ng It Irw U. of 0 t *004 U4. uutf� 40pr v1d t44 'With urg, V 0, hq, Athowo 01#1' Oak Wow, tr4in tho Oil of 9QAt, - St. i1olo ob NO W�,tb, i '"' 11 " %a Ant., Taiisby It? 0 o can avoid k, t a V h 14W p X­ sin� woo A. T77, 7,71 ca ... ... ....