HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-02-03, Page 4-* lvIccoRISMCK4D*BRIN tGIZIE 6 so .11141, Y"ble 'PlitUVOIS 1Artee' NagnetN fitiitidardlige 111-,,iPark PIO88- • • *IMMO. Cylinders thislicsied Crank Casei' Throttle,•dOverner •;?41#0470':t4*. $1),eegy. RePle!a•Me,•:••••Rparll',10sp, 7.4 ea,onable s we have in , in stock: SAMSON AXES:" AXE 10.11DLES7-A PULL LINE -.--- C.ROSS-CUT,SAWS fl 1101SERIDE PULLOVERS . • , • _ MITTS AND 'GLOVES, LINED. CCM.. SIE4'1'ES • • s D -,ASSORTMENT 0.,,iii.ocK:ty„-sricKs,:,-stotoBE114% - AND CHIMES 'Avr' 41=1.11.11*** eating,,Pluntlaing, and Electric Wiring , . • 0, atdr-valliPitiater- Gyproc -Wallboard. ITECIIURCH A Eirleatane ° other •te- . _,__ f calgarY, I •deorg, • • - -,ther and 0, .- -,,,miting ' 1 . • . .. -. ' . far 4 - ..hera.''... ,,.,,-, .3_has so.., reclatives " ' icfpSIP,Tn--"n t : 4e0If10tit. -1,°...;.st*riarniat•liigi 're-l!'ilrldught•-h0.,Irl!- ovei. - ahla:to,-;130-iriday. -'.- nt helFriopit,,d last ,,,,hiiiiiy .29to ; from -the ., .,'2.'saididai'l - -4 a dattql.l- ORN-4)n' ' ,-, Bert' Reid», . ' tt.M113.° • • Pres.: mr.,`6"an* tulatiOns% • ' f th.0 ertitieCiingranual Meetmrerd last 'rues: ---ria'ar-C1', /1-,hylevr3tas'sha,,,,sinfa!aeh"rr34.0rrted" presented,a14,1*11°°tegTes4 ba5 tibil'we"tha' t marlie°Pa ' Sub'stantia. "e4.---; • a shoiv.ed ~ uf the led- Ina"- and right side mounted anee '!0,gtitli reTiRmtvn10 e ' AoT4eof ' whic-111' ftnatit)nal ,'91.4. work. $434i6k5. 297-- )`z.to "derwmieduction -" de • was .16:_v".obstaatial' r nse • ,c,yEt$, ma a_ . Allar.a'r 7- nghe ma eeting • * 2 °,„•iisurtgage 9y r. The a',, ,.tarae,te.r-,» . the, rid was - - 'The »» , ttended, a enthusiasm. t. , largelL4, at morked ‘,miss d • ized • witigaio0V-Wani4. Guild ans. Sunday . young People's,4ery occ.71.„._ ic society... - Band -had a .._.... — 'the Mist090 . ri •,f.L MINUTES 'We are:training cer-': • tain of our aalesnien to travel,by bong •tance,1' said -a well-,. Imown Ontario mer-, chant., ,."It increases • and at •much . ,less cost .fOr selling." • • IN .11 MI ttse: the Bell to Sell. • The keener conWeii' » tion becomes,theore ,Long Distance Will • save you; • Without leaVing ',your Office' you or' your,,saletmen can call on ,customers • anywhere,/ in • Canada or the United States. . • /11•114 111 • Mai* subsciibri who 'used to think therhad, 0° -Make ' PersOn-to- • ,• ,Persorif calLi no* ..find: 'that they - leach': the. • PersPn thexmant with• .. . 'Station -10 They are ciniqk.;.' and •cheaper. 4». livery Pell Telephone is a •row Distiass.Station. 901 • POIMPOPPORIPPII•MPPIIII.001. • tvw , riga laressew - • toi;cit.NAtyvcr:,siENxirlzi. polioed Thurpday .mcoming, at brocn.07..Q•olito. 4. D. UPOKeriale, Propricter, ••• and -Editor.-- • • THURSDAY, flEBBITARY 3rd 1927 '• • TROUBLE:IN ''C,HINA , For ••,'WeoftS: the .nerkaPePOS.',°, belie • quence,preside • Over'llie; desfinestrott. ancei; at arldt .06- • BrPPQ„ c.4114-. ^:tbe-4.1.01"°a1 voai , been • hill. ef; :repOrts, of •,the It9igrc 1hiJi heir* •.-' ehliory,ee, • .•§irr.0 §ei2t ;bus. ' •• ' • ,1 \ 1-, •\ 2117011-04t 1044 ItH17 •esfe to. sAf,Pthat the rebel omits: at, thOugh • eueeeSsful'- againet Ohillest 040Sitiatt,' Will jair:wheo akioeed tc. • RrOish•IgataliaM.- a INITIAL'"s' Es • COUNTIII911 OF BRUCE' C9=UNCII', •1-• •• At the inithit eesoion Of .the- .ty...fan#h parliament ,,ef Drage, hele Tat--tho-X0,Witie--.-00atieih•--GbaPber'vir- Walkerton, 14t • Week. Req ' Gilbert MOI.401,11n ck':PQrt Eigin‘"Was ;ciente(' to •thq •Warden's. ehiur on the firs'. ballot; And Who. will, • "as a conse• All :year,: Attendance Arid interest be- ' ing well , sustained: The minister; 'Rev. 4. 'Pollock. presided...• The following., were 'elected; tO. their reapectiVe, of- fices! • Tereasuier,- Duncan „;; Kennedy., Beeretar3r, John ',Craig; -Managers. 'Robert Id0Whrity, Harry. 1Gtidkiri; . • FOrester andiG„:_Kertnetly.....S.S. _Sup, erintendeut,...liunes Wilson. Sr,; , pee- retary-Treaatirer, litmes Wilson, ;Jr., President. MP. • Society, James ; A. Wilson; ,• Vice -Pres., Jean Kennedy: ,Sec:-Trais., Agnes -Wilson; Mission Band 'President, -Annie ./Arinstrong 7. Secretary, Merle ;;Wilson; Treasurer Mary Weir. • .: ; ' We are gla*a :report Mrs: Bel' Scohie-Of BelgraVe able to return tc. her home hist Saturday from •the.hos- pita]. .. • • • On Friday- evening, February' .4th Mr. G. R. Patterson og- Clinton, lAg• ricultural Rejiresentative for Iluron •will give- a sffoving picture coneer,t the basement of the 'United -Church • , •Miss _Alba ,FOx visited a fewday." .. ' .; , • I • ;k•,,•..1 1,1 - 11311P, loluti,., Canada itiS 'the ' slifttfetly. 4\,\'il' Rart \ 4 1•'"kli •',.' '",;.''''' 1,,1,' a ot,11:stancin'kg .i,+1. •\.,of\ , IA, ,a0 ., \or\' \t/itie t 1,\ aMln `I'a" '-ti'l;\4$,d'\ ;$0''\1 \'0,\' 'OW :k'K aoe ic....it a ig04t ,ei iesd I I.Of•-t:,,. hl 4. : oilnivet-anl'. Of the' .hirth -..pg.lcoilf.d1,,. ,4H.,,,.1.\• • •• li \, t , at' • .,- ' .•• v - p •. been opefl r, . ,-11\ ' : -1 \ }i1,, -Tallatio,n,B, .,„,t7 q \.., \"10,!. '‘' n ';..;7c 4't t 'C'1'.\°•;1(00 Ri;t:71;.P?) P\ o''{\ \14 ,•10" •,4, ,,!;,_, A,,,`,g- . • ollilt,Y;Pf.V.rP-ce\_11-149g.64l4(kr 7 .4 4' h ' Iii'laY"Faak..q.ata•t•a` \ fall,••\•'Al'at':'* 'a \ 1,7'": •\'\ with ft, yie*te readjas coast .._ xieo.t.,,b,:.. , it kr i.si.,i,viaiirti ii,:',.w.tiltibi, ‘rates)' that ' sh6Old he .:: towns and Villages .on• the one hand herne ';1.1ta' ,banks: , -,of. , another : ituid '1)3i. the farmer's or e6untry sec an unpronePlicisable naree, Which enlP" ion lle• :qie- Other. • As 'the. result Pf f th 1 . ties into:the Yangtte,kianmenear the- a d,,e• aea. And it is .121niies back from the rendered .in 1911, the-ruralites: had neWsPaper rePoIrts,`,Ilor'.1s, \,an tb°1 prOportion of • the "b *sten:. p•e ; ate Judge Barrett • . • .,_•since been paying 841/' • 'cent, ,mceth cg this secona Pvver--fne , .2% per A • of •tne county rates and e .urban- Irwang-P'11.-• lies 151k per. cent. When. th• the. . 'It is. a, :W0,1104, eity, t4'.g,-;wail ei,ng,.alltor,tth:fp6tc;mvbaorilast:sr.ssio. nwaits vsausbrnfoitutill about 31/4- --jelrqnmiei'Ettice. :that the trio appointed' to estimate ___The,Avaparehoet_ichirisaLskjeaL' are _,!.yi'uwg_air_ral pRbrton oefr*SonBsranoft abut '25 'feet 'Wei and„. 29 feet owns. D. S. McDonald • of Kin- loss -And C. Brown of Amabel • had ,thick,;bu• ilt of: "'rick ; earth:..,Sever„ ' gatesopen through the wall -en ;the; pr ctically assessed'pn a 50 ner cent Main roads leading • to the. 'eitY, we barosiepe,rtoyr;woonu.i.dabloiuk.etiyhaslefll.WfIrpre,tw....hlee MEW' asstIllet : The.' streets ; amt roads pthe. 'trio composed ' of Messrs:. .Win. ja..uren•driinarirsow4,taci raoi:k,aeuct. .aanriddi odlidet:dyish..iToh: John McLean . of Ms9caDthonamalpdt•oonf C:indesley,. T. A.: Stout. • Of ap da .'oEft•thea P7aenttsdo not k It i»s t ol e(;ii4 cis at incRipleyda,11, basedabke epsellingtohpepi:vt oeles ks • tienanP.tcoiciaw un•healthy, 'ter?' them', Th:ere are and of thie disparity in the cii- inent'• ":Ptitbraka ••'°11'°ara alld tgasis of -assessment, » the -valuators'• small ; • •,j1 : report, :which Was submitted in. tvio • All. tli.e..trade...qf ;the g.reat-• 'yang- -.separate • 'sections, .showedfigures ,tstoothVaailleiyt ' aplitsaie,tt ":.atahlr3olgsli..tiihrLst:itteuittye lhdveaci• ahoEseto,reaOtbeneist.ia,erlioe3rdorie,:ptlai aCtiVe. butineSe Centre... A • 'tWice that allated by Judge .Bar, .in 1911, Whilethe agricultural,: eign trade 'thrOugh; the 'forceful- et: '"1. to'sn • . ,1;2° nclae •atvo agi7-7c8- p of. the ;Britieli: "•heCame ne- , o • protcst amo.ngst the urban 'Merl': n�t care to reside 'in the: dirty,, dit., hers at the Deeem•ber'se§sien and an Oaie-ipfected• , Chinese. City': they ob.: appeal to tabt tthhee ,Ictoidligne4;seceonuiencvl'iloa.(i.e'veisr:: tairiek PriVilege:‘.of • building 'horn- ed. t,ho' Valuato,ra ten:get togetherand bring -in a joint report' on a more es;. ,WgrehouseS !and• •5,),ffiees i,t:sli„ort.:(1,is- tanee, outside'. the Chinese 'section a a...,teeptable• basis at the. •JanuarY ses • yacnnt'. strip of landinteryening. Thit . sion. • ' • ; ' • • • ' • "; • ilerriestOti, otLIArtOketton.- Wright .0' Oheeler .41:ld iVit41,11 'Of Uipleyt, as, I . iiminittde to hear. eli'derice,' 04 'tin part sof' the Righwar Coonnitteewthf. County Engineer and, ez.-4teeye Wat len of ,Kineardiae (Kier-. ;the. expenc11- ' ttire oft.mellOY on' the roads iii Kin. eardine Town, ' The ,Committee• .e4.• 'operated the Jlighways! Com. and: thP.„. ,rogineer - frOin any • wrong4Ining,.:,•.oi, padding of ' aCeelir4S.-aa.,: :charged.; b'• . • • ---;-:i"--,-,:"-;-;. ----t•--------.--:*----'1,--....- , •-,;.....-7-1.-.--4-1.,....; : Banking „Buainess - DiYlded 1'. . !The Col:1*Y, i*bich .bes, hithertr to the arik' oLaminnereeoha11- :...Onfineki.t_s' healallg.: heeiness • selett. • -ortle.ti-to. orr,,-;O: erhaan On cheetieS :leti.'ea t0', placti..flte •General- Owant," • , \,centint. • with 'the .,liank-..0f• Mont'. . l.leal,..e..ock itrrota;ii`tiri-..III.01•1•''ity.S" ! :e'..ti4 With Ithe Bank 111 Commerce • ,,This.,-)wae'do,pc..on petition \ front Map: • ,. steer 1 14, :• IL, \ Tristan, c!\ 1 tlia , 1j3A11; ' ,•.-V,t, 0.iintreel,\, 1 o 1,4rged.\ lilt •\t hi nitinber ok ;rang '111':r2t,b11 19(111YR''. nd'•Avli l "r7tik01 •.;1•\(!`•, (4,4?cq,VP,10,,4IMP,.R. „ taan ;'‘,e'cicnOwlug,fit,..A,41, \Ft4Mi'ilPe1 the.,\eblirteens\erd \ gell•Pr lia .\\. t.176 t ,merit, aceorded 101 the' couiity ,hsr. Man- ager ,Cririer and lti,§" strff . of . „Or Bank -rf Commerce Was unamnamialy. , • , pa" sed by the copncil. • , .ftegistry, Closing -Early • Saturday§ -Registrar McFarlane .asked :and re, ceived per, 5-9ion trt.. close; the. Bruce., • Registry •Cflhe ct• 1 p.m. on Satui-:- day$,;,,the'. sarne as. othe.i.:::coiinty ' of- fices; instt'atio,of: at '4 o'clock. -Ho ,elaims , that op -c,thar daY's.: this' office • is open ftoni . 0 • a.m. to .5 -P.m. • in- , stead. Of ' from 1Q to::4 .ip provided by. statute. , • . . Officiale' cilaries-Raised- :, 'County .Clerk Forrester was: grant - cd an increaao.. in.pay of . $50 mak- • ing his yearly, salary new- $1200.00 , and Mr:, Russel' Wiles, Keeper of the • House 'of Ilefuga. •had h's.wages..alac .raised $50, . making his , arinual. :al• lowance noir 4650. Dr. 'Ilan,. 'the Jail Surgeon, whose -salary» twaS: laat'iYear redoced. to $59, addregiee, • the Council.. and succeeded 'in getting. • his 'pay restered • to the old. figure of ' ,$100, Which' was the 'spin attached' to the position la.:inost. Since' COnfedera, eesSarY for Briti's and 'other foreign a -his. `figuring raised such stor-I; ers to reside. there. But as these die ' F-'r:eneh. • The revised: rePort, Ps subinitted str• ip was later taken by tle Mr. Wm. VeDOnald for the joint and'later% again. the Amer-lc:444 tan' •nigMmittee last week, 'placed » the ur- another block -Of "land »»ad5acent - tr - • an, r tro-at--19. and the.'rurat-itt-81- the British locatiOn.: • per ent, and • whichreport w . .11 ., e • a; As b sines§ with the Chinese de rlopt n a division of 20 to 1 at yeloped these ftkreign • •settlement.. As . 4 • present privileges privilege§ accorded the, for ::,iy, $678,233 or... apprOximatelY: 2% . , • ,k,,,JAIla• a grew , in • popu • • ;.Thei aren°14.: equalized n'a°nsssetisninehencet' °I ltIllrUe ,known. as the '.;cenCessionA, ,and.? - iinal tvaluatien. has .1())een deceiteatshetel. cessions"eriiinen. a ...0ie pas On till.;,,esa, g, •,rt'coOtv7; ))n(17.1:0•n•w•- e,,I•dl$1.11 '2e1875.t0,05tS":i4.7'e:430.1.16t,t;,4'1.alo4iell'sc,;ei:e:i eig >,rs :hy. the Central Chinese: goy,: athile the. urban valuatiOn• has, been.' na.co lateat Up with good building , and ,paYeC, of 1,2; per (lent. over 191.1 figures.. . streets It !It.' .r.'iS. • this moder cit - Elsewhere we give a ,Comparative which th•e ii,i's :southern:, CVnege i-4....el.s il'filq,citle.,..obfai•.thine ol•hcl'oe40 neUreassesomeht propose to take . Over: Under :Bolsni rariotuhse • hniuwaleispeahleitditielse vila 'influence - they: 'are opposed . affect Ct.ghoeuritY -,Council ' cahnot 'a- 4.foreignersr especially- the British -rtend the "Equalized . RePo t ' a omd „rs9...tley,_;..lre_oldez„ng" ; *- hi,ein 0nt„o• ..'Ilinagngtesa--etsliiritet; sc,veorttoadin ..nelenensikijailtenliliii:lai ' hiriit After: th 1 hi n • Of t .. their rezently, With Miss Kate 'Bunt aC' --The- 'You ng-Peo pl e's'S iAralbiT" • Presbytetian .:Church' are haying Valentine'a Social 'on •Friday,, evt ening; February llth..A mixed pro grainnA "will be giyen; 'which Will be followed with "games and contests Lunch will be served!: The Lticknow Presbyterian' Guild have • accepted an invitation to be Present- at this I So - ; dal. • Everybody, welcome. ' .1 ::MAFEKING. • Mrs. Sarah: Saunders, :who was 'vis- iting •Mr. and Mrs. 'japes Misener of 'Stratford, 'vas called home, •Friday pn- accotint of the . death of her 'bro. ther,. Mr, John BrOwn, Who past.eil away suddenlY Friday morning while walking to, the harn.• Death [Was caused by. heart Mr. ,Brown who was in 'his, eighty-second year was a native of 'Ireland, corning, te Canada with his:- parents, When foul years of age, and settling..iii Ash; field when 'seventeen" where he ; hits , since resided, until of late' years, -he has made his borne with his tiangh- teri. Mrs. W. J. MacKenzie, north'»o'' Ildlyrood. Mr. Brown was well 1 ahe favo'rahlY known in Abhfield; He •war a great reader, and.tad a wonderful memory. He 'wet an interest. itig telker,, and /his .rnitny friendeen joyed a visit 'from' him, because. of the fund of ',reminiscences and •good Stories he' could relate., Mrs.,' Brown predeceased , him twentY,five. ;Years De leaves to , mourn, his daughter Mrs. MacKenzie,. a luster, Mrs., §„aun;.; tiers', 'and several'Aepheirs and tilecer The funeral, Saturday, to Greenhil: Cemetery, was a' large one. liThe ser- vices at: the house and''gra e Werc. conducted by' Rev: •Tionea.76f less. • ' • • • ' ; Misa Mary Hall, who Wes homd fn two-- weeks' .rest,,,retilriled_to..trantr ford' Satuidt4 ,• -• The .Curitie *Corners Dramatic Chi, will present their • Play. -‘-!Wheri ' Man's :Single," in Zion Oranzo 1141! ;next- -Wedffsday under the aus•pites, of the. Ashfielil. • Ladies' Aid. This 'Ma's' be your Aar 'opportorlitY of hearing ,,th'is -3geof• play, Keep. the date open, .„, Last Sunday wat,TernlierNrice S.urt; '•d4i'''; and BliketS SundaY SO -mei" hae! A special ;Temperanee Rrogranir ain- then the eptire .schooloWith •the, ' 'caption, era few tiny tots,. signed th Tempetanee Pledge, Other 4tifiday acfiolgs' 410. PAtlee. ' ' - V:4 w Trustees ..ApPoinfed • • Mr, H. E.7.1.litax was re -appointed; 'a. High. School' TruStee.. for .the Suing three ,:years, 'and 'Mr.. Harry Pletsch was 're-appointed:to " fill out-. LtheiexpiretLterm---df-AW-414-earson„ • 'the Walkertorilr-H.' 'S., Board of Mr.: C. F.. Nutting, who ha§ reMoved • .frorri' the County......Mr• ,S.• »Roy Wes-. ley wiiS...ariPeinted•: School Trull fc.r. Pert .EIglri; ..Mr. .J -Mickle ' for Chesley, and ,Mr, ;IL G.. Wright fOr •• • • '. • r'/.. • • Paynienth ' • According a' rtcent 4atito the • County ,is obliged» to' pay: $1.50 clay, for . the maintenance': 'of • Minato .from Bruce at. -the ProvirA.• Sanitariunia, .etc.,- and; of »this. anicitnit: the Municipalities in :Bruce front'. these • ininateS ;,cerrie;'7refuritt•••thi. --orfe-half its".expentlitures for, th:s purpoSe.''A- •• , mongst. the bills :presented laat- Week - .are: "Hospitel2for .Constinap, •:,tiVeS".. .1.1eitry Mortinier: of?.•Brant • $448.'50;., and '111iFs' .Zeta .Galbraith -of Tata, $23.25•; Toronth.:.HOSpital: for -:Conaturiptives; 're. Stanley' McCaw' of Paisley, $91.50, • Stanley Miller . .of • 'Marton', $91.50, land 7,Maizie •of,.; f.1.3, or. t:.Erl:nitris,,, • A grant of $15 instead of' $25t.wai. 'made to- each : .Women's Institate ••thel"CciuntY, • Agrimiltural , 'SoCiefiei 4-175, Hord:eta:4ra] Societies .$25 Poultry • Ass'ns. • pik 'North, and Smith- 'Brute, .1 -no. Asens, 250 eack, $15.. to,, $30 to • each . , Lib - ,And„ -$3107 t� -;-the•Ss gran -of--$1,09 .was made -to -Car--:" rick -TP: 'for ' that 'portion Elora • ,,road not n. the .Proy.: system; $106 :to :North: treet, ,Pa'aleY,.'Teonditional an paying • . a proportion„ $150:. to. Lion's • Head road , leading, ',to wharf.. and tourist . eanip, $109,• to Tiverton road taken sider.oacl,' between Urharri off county. syStein ; iyoo for, '40th Highway, -and South. Line,' Kinear- ;dine;- $190 to Huron TP:' to ••aid • in • Cutting Lake Shore hill.on road' lead- . ing frorn', _Bruce:. Beach to Kincarclint:' Town;: .$109 to fill 'sink -hole • On • Con.-. :4', ICiriltifie•.. • , ' • • • A grant -is alscnto 'be tinyard firavelling,;:, and; 'etily,Ort .at • Lot '38 ' ,COn. A., Brant, .and"for .fill 'at' Courv ty"bridp:e„ Lot 33, Con, 'A.; Brant and 'Green. ock„ eons., • : The.' • Highways' • Corn inittee • .' lita8 giN'ten authority to• :consult tire' Ilig.h- way? Dept; at Toronto' re, paving 'Main Street.. Mildinak which is' on • Provincial! highway.» ,• • ,DiA.tri.Ceri,°InAnibeltlite.' °an' nieniVe°iagnel:: 0fwal4se'22arps- • 'pointed to investigate and :See wheth er a »new County bridge shonid ;be built „On the ,• 'boundary line Of .Greenock and:Brant ; 1. • • In' response:to a request' fOr $1000 to put ceinerit 'abutments' and: an ad: ditional "snan to • the iton.,. bridge north of Pinkerton, known as" Wells' bridger • :coininittes wits appointed to investigate and • report at• jam • Stoe.s1D1' abet? ns t:piSd• .vrnsliip for : $1303" 'hit ;bride -O.- in Elditilie, :$1500 for Stake. ,Creek • bride in -Sangeen. • and $1900 'for' T,..,eswater bridge in Greenock. l'esUlted sommittee§.. . Atm. 'app,Ointed rep5tt . ili,40nr. brisigeS in 'June. , Mr• M. M, •Schorter :gagt, ' n.otice that 'the' ,O'hepstow,,,:, Separate', _Scheel has "cOrtithericed 'tO "..de iligh School work And hskedithet H,•S.grant be,•;, givo,jIllorn;-,- 'This, was.iirtid, Over un 'di, June •sessionr when all •„atich..grants • The. -ConntY,COrnicil will 'memorial- • ite • the Ontarlo, tegisi a ture, tO 6ting,e, --the.' Opening ,sessiop :fer 7fro.iir Nine TI5fii, to. „.:IttlF 1,st Int- lias$ , .are juSt priOr July:1st • Bride viilt also •ask that -fitsherineu • be 41101.yeti eatchjerp without. t' ..license-Ati- they', Are', destructive other ASh; • - Within "Of Ott•Wald Bed • Wil." ikOby-the..pnt;leir! to be »Ikkere,. C , , e as ,9 -Ruasianacherethey-tiave----no, , . , . gard • for treaties' or arrangement 'Made by the,: governtierit 't,bey are defying. They ate just :going; to talc(' what they' want When they want it 'The British, . French; Americanr and 'Japanese, ,of -Course, 'intend te ;protect their, cititena and their pre. perty rights, the Cdnfral . hines Goveiiimene being. unable ; to Ido".,so and that :is how these eoirntrie$ Src, drifting into a. war' with the.'Chinesr, -not-With the Chinese t as 'rePresent- ed by the goyerninent .61' Peking,' but With the • :Southern Chinese 'rebel' art • This.' rebel iinivenient originated at. gap'con, , the ,liirge South.• `china, 'tinder' the leadorsliiii of the late, pr. San -Yet -Sen. , D'r.• set -hiniselP•tip • aiS refornier,- but‘'.1n and, his army •Oeattpied . Canton.: St • long :and Mercil.sslY robbed • tin, business niert;of the ''citY thilt al! Who Could, 'Canton,. trarisfetignit. their busitieSe to Hang -Kong, where .they:,have" Britis'h' protection,. X•ii thif Way' the' .poptilation. of. CantOn hei :been 7redaced • by about 'ix, recent' years. 'It. Is thi'S , Sok:" of 'ob1y.tl1at is !'ruining , • .• 'I'here IS .nti:uie1;in talking' abou 'the' , fereig' neri: l'Oppressing-: the 'Chi., nee. The . fOreit i."cOnceisiorisn — '-the-Only.:spoisrity.--the7couritry.lt-where. life, and property , are safe:, ,No 41:euht the Wellzbuilt forelgn; city' Which hat. groetri.,Up '!lOoks geod'. 10 the robber army , of .the. South... ' „The" Labor 6f 'Britain, unde7 ,leadership:,:of„'Itainiay "ebOsed to British inttrferve- Ir' ;China. pti Wottli-sl, 4,01.7kt ;1;13 "J w 00'1 r° ..f.12,..„ In 'this the ;part( Sho-ws •ifq synl the rebels- Uf," -cli n A,ytiing that i' i the goVeinnient'' leeks:good te , • them 4 • -15igt troUlitti::ii•etWeen '0,,hin•04'a • eitnor":-; t -i• - the' preSent. .rauble 1,Vas not with - the -tecognited govermpent rif Chiita bpt, With .ribef, eletnents Whielf • .the loverpinent,..toula net. 'oontrok It. is. • appeal to, the County .Judge.' : • -DT ,Highways'. progr.am. • '•» 'The Bruce Highways' Conimissitin of 1926; Which' was. re-appginted » for the ensuing year in the persons ' of 43e'ves John .0svmlit of 'Eldersliei. 4:• 1.. Tiffin- et » Kinloss, and "C Sc•ott:.. of 'Eastner,. • •arid »WhOs&T re- • Muneration id $5 -Per day and ex• :penses, announced a »heavy, prOgram of road . construction for 1927. •• This ,covers. stretches .in practically' every •at of' the county. In order to „fin - ..trice the Scheme it' was found neces- r t� the Ivy in »Bruce for road purposes. frOin 3,10 to,..4. milIs , ...cinch With the Govt grant Peyinit of $36,000 mare. being, spent 3n Srnge,..1.0AdS in 1927 than Wa,s the. cioe during the isast: year; NO•ien A uital of, $207802.59 was expended tinder ihe supervlsion• of County *En- ;rineer Stephenson; of :which the Pro- Vinial refunds :one. halt addition ' to this' the Ontario Goyt. spent Ust year about ,,$62,099 in. this CoirritY: on the builiam •read to Kincardine,. on 'which; •Brude is Islted to pay $12,565. » . . Bruce on Another In 'order that .13ruce reeves ; may Make, their usual pilgrimages .to, the annual conyentiorC of • the Ontario Good Roads .:AsS'n. at Toronto, which is being -held 'this year from »Feb 23rd •••tp '25th; the • .CountY Council granted .$15 to.' each reeve who goes and suggeSts that their respective .munieipalities SuPplement» th• e ward1with' a• similar :sum' • in order» that the representatives may not be Oaf/ of pocket while away;,,absoibizig hand. •The » » IlrighWays' • 'Committee and Co. ,Engineer' are having their, ;entire expenses • financed' •,by, -the . I)ISm• issea -Matron, Protests • • :'tss ,Jeari Hall; wh4) has been ma- tron. of th.s. Brnee Children's Shel- ter- At:: Walkerton., for •the' :paif- yoars, tits children's 'Aie gerV6d .7w1kit. All, d'ffici.41 "no• tiec» to vacate the job acloiressed, tho ci-Lcint•-; reference 41§-7,ter-T: thin grtovanCes she :Claims invite in the inatte,r; hi.).•ti as the Ceuncil „felt that the ::•affeir, Was- CtitSitie their ju riadietion, :and- that the titioe't:ConiitY. 'Children's "Aid, :730aid, ,Whose ern". loy she •iti.shotild be alale' MOST tntailige,ntlY„'fianctipn -04Se Of i.e.!, • kind,. •the atter: 'Was mot •deolf. ith .th a•t 411°(111. A • count •'. • Di n a e ' The Waderi» » appointed Roevto 4 '1\• • Amaisala 1 • . • Arittlize_d to make no change_in legis- latien affecting iftelial Sibborl3oards and that 'if bill for Town,s.hip ,Boards -becomes • lair that 'Bruee -.county be. exempted from its operations. , • 'Reeves :Willoughby of Brant, and Weigel of Carrick, were. it:minted' as the two 1Cou:nty , Council representa- tives on'the Bruce ,Chilciren't Aid So- ciety 'Board.' . • Messrs. Norrintri 'Robertson and .A1 - len Nelson . were re -appointed to the • Board. .of'Criminal Audit 'for '1927» Applicationi from Kincardine and Teeiwater-'asking the' Ciiiinty to 'put sidewalks on the- approaches to County: bridges; resulted' .re- quests . being -refuSed,And-, ,a-7 made 'that • the County net; aS- •surne cost. of sidewalks on any ,brid- , .ges •or approaches. ''»,' • • • The County council an fficial Were .guests of • the IWalkerthn 'Wel- fare Ass'n. at a ,banquet in the Town Hall, ,Walkerton, on 'Thursday' night :when, following an ..elaborate SPreaa speeches and community 'Singing fea- tured the evening.' „ . • • On adjourning Friday • Morning thC Council "decided, .tb• hold their suin- mer session at Wiartin Cornmeneing With' june 6th. 7 7. ' STANDING. COMMUTES' FOR 1927 The folloWing committees were ap- pointed for 1927; with the first nam- ed,:in each case tie chairman, MOKay - Willoughby, J. -H. Brown,'Byers 7,DAyid MeDomild; Gillies and Oswald • ' 'Road And ,Bridge--Mesars„ E.. Ash-' croft, Abel, Geo, 1-1,-; McKay, Ditner ' Weigel, Dan. McDorald, Reurke: RansburY, Clazie, Alexander ancl'Tif, Petition ' And -• Messrs Downs Begg J. McKiti Duffs and House 'of Refuge-MeSsrs. Wil- ,loughliy, .1,„ H. 13rov,,n, ,and 'the ' War. den. : ' ' . i-Einalltation »and Salaries-Messts Wood Rourke Hermeston Gordon Brown, Munn,Alexander and Wright, Property Messrs. McKerracher,. Phalen IlermeSton .Irdwiii• and Wei- • F,ductition Printing -'Messrs •Toln-ie, Johnstone. Scott, Wood;, • lan, Ashcroft and Wright., „ • Warden's -Messrs, Byers, Davie. • McDonald McKerracher. • 11 • 4w. ':1111 .1..\• • .4 PLONVERDALE Mr. » and Mrs.' R. Martin Viiited • • last »Friday it the hoine ot, R. .Bnek-.f.„ ingham Ripley. . : • . • . Fletverdale 'people "enjoyed -their fidios'during. tlie cold, stonily, days. •',We' are glad to ;report that: Mrs, ,Angtis' Macintosh and' »» Mile'. Mary .MacMurcliY,.-whO have 'been .0n. the: siek list, are 'improving. • . Mr. and kis..t. Hodgkinson spent, -• 'Friday with friends near Ripley., • Mr.- Neil. BlaCk and »brother Don.;•: gal are eating then. winter Supply »jiwoM in Thompson Bros.'. w,00ds. MaelVer, and his brother, . D. S. Maciver 'spent ib'eclay .and Sat.- urday with their 'coyish;Mrs..A. Bea, Teeswater. • rt. • _ _ . 'Our teacher; Miss Lillian Smith, is serving »hot Ianches.tO her pupils at '• ;the noon hour during the cold weath-' A number from 'here 'attended the . Miasion Supper in the United" Church, 'Ripley, . Wednesday night.' • • • HOLYROOD-• • The. Holyrood-cIiistitute will hOld.' • their, stimuli': At Hemp, Friday, .Feb-•" ruary 4th, in the. Hall. AII families -members-of-lire InatitnteThre cordt- ally •invited; The initial good time is • expected; 'Please bring' baiiketa. . Mrs., •Chkrlie • • Congritin- was called » , to »Ethei last 'week,» miring'to the ill- nes& of her mother, Mrs. .RaYnard. -, Mr. George. Harper, who has been visiting around Our burg, returned .to 4 his home;at Reston,' Man. • ' Mr. and MrS. Chseie BOuldine,and Ackert , Pf 48;nai are 'vie; • iting • • • -We • are pleased to. know that' the fandlies of Fred Johnston and Al-, rrier Ackert, 'who have' been quaran• t'eened for diphtheria, are well again. • Mr. Chatreau of B.C.;:is a guest' at' Y. 'Mr: Ali.: Thompson's.'' ' • Mr. Abner Ackert »spent the week.: , end Witlr".Gwendolyn in Brantford Roils MacKenzie, who, has been • • under , the doctor's 4are,» we ifie to See; IS eut ' . • COMPA4ATIVE STATEMENT OF, COUNTY ASSESSMENT • Thyfschedule below shows the former County Equalized Valuation, the locaP municipal assessment and the 1926 Equalized County Valpatio•i) • » 1926 ' ' Old»» »»» , Equal. Ass't. 222702' • 886700 • 1848no 2676700 • 2016000 • 2526860 2009700 502710 . 1890000' , 1896858 • 2356041 2169708 - 1518675 . 0'0455 • 40650 • 1109486 ToWnship' , • » Equal. • Ass't • ,Albemarle•..;.......; . ;,.. 221458 ' 922912 • Arran. ,'„ 1791295 2482601., Carrick • 2431644 . Culros§ .•_.1••• Wortor "or's • • 1043022 Eastnor :518887 ' Elderslie » 1802518 Greenock . .• . 1884861 -Huren 2327298 ' Kincardiite w w 2088069 Kinloss 1501444 Lindsay666 ..;WW0041141ww..V ;00378, ,:St. Edniunad 40700 - •Saugeen '11001* - 23089246 - 1926 , Towns. '8,;;;Vil1ageo • Equal.' Ass't. • •Hepworth• • 11V -erten „ , 2 . . . 75134 • .. .13i011'5f: Head . . »7I566»» gipley 711764.0 »240°9380968$ ** • 'Paisley • , 104E40 ,••••Teeiiwater • . , 285915- 7 - Tort. :•Southenipten • . 480902 '»•ylit 44l 564232 Karline6sahs.rYdiaar tr. 1/60180(100 .WalkOrt04 414 I I • 0.1 190.806 :10000 • • Local Ass? • ' 266915 870898 • • 1574150, 2528095 • 1905075 • 2504850 • 1755895' 537895' ' 1995281' '18.45690 . •' 2398350. • '• , .1851875 ' • 15277 2' 106 . 113 72 • E°1A1diet. LOCal Asst '4;; ' 2Ia7,7676371735148457.0649.;:".. ,$29 •qua1:2900 • .4122 1091 7506 7784 8:4 ' »3 0206 •5027 . :242.238707006811404186529 .2 0 • „298797 • • 600104 ' • 570612 ,• 546838 • - 9:0 008410 r•-"..3658162630;95:11215235:31 • 337023 " 0 400.114 0400.11