The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-01-27, Page 3k, AF w� 417 4 r j, 4 ed D -7 tv� 4i'.1 in, A n IV,, M -Y, '114 T'Ach, Mi R,0 P*", 014, 4 AF F .0 wt t % `Vx r W r --whole-- lives W6 still --y Not only we, �ut 4 'Those others *ho. W.-Illfol-low u a. Tbenlet us, take With care tile brilcks' a .,Ake, J The wb1l duo 11645ti - The sill, 'no 6* r dio 00, e NAB oodd,, b6 In peaft and-,de6p obllitent'm4y Owe 1, rp a -we rted, d"r' -0 i dict,ft' 'J h ­ X Whore W4 goheom end M %CarolV4, Davie, 1%. A"' xwmetal 1" nounc.eMe med 'theAs;'- ,.�,,Blenddd. N. intid; 11h- M. 411b: T I Y. bpd.Paicked, 17 brik, h # In, �'N PP ONE, ie4, `IV W, rqspo W IV' g,� T Q, ar n,,1r,q.\qr.b n.,., lat4o T 4�1� Alle all 11 \�, \ %, �� "', �, \�1,1­1\1.. '''t . V M__ 'eir WRh 7 _\V \N J� AJ to T4 liow ye D TO Ar,, t . 8 lxle, ter la, 4": P TO DO N h for A ;, ­ , -1. ­ . A �`Ilinan NT a afid' light sTwkny a o lie, one Thp pr ppar# time. (jo9d pay, W .66 e an, p Lys -ar? Vhing re. 'to. be ugOro6, ,ail Wofe'at� 1� #Alt -j . Ili : ie out a meqsage -hope.- for f the little; a1927, th,o; ditiggirwitled e ivt* leadei pea�, d roaerity 1] .1627. the' -Pat Nvb4t 04oeq A$ able fie. br be4to, rVo gh.t, -the next inold and in the I eDt teij�r4l and. coal *� ri anger di 't harM-­ SenjjL is rald Any , is ance d _y uwflle cur roc t ke .9 e r6arkq� exud, h6surb and, lower Vagets.. are Vr btornly­ that the m6ili* "' af stalnpr or. .,partjcuI4rq, ati-61 t ma;de qfbme New. YeA,sj re f, ce(I u- f B�anijf -uring: Go., M4ut�ei n Ioid.for ,the fresh.. come, e ce. of'. gr the d Aliiig,'Oon't. shrow., your, Jg­ ak4ei the. hil i 1� tho q ouch anU..ofi In vlew Of, air: and. egiErdiset t ey.uee so. AM1,11C �that's Latin for o1l"ininers T 14' co, y ai�re �p#en,;co d PRIEN, I$ 'LITTLE n man op e 'ther'.sex- r .Trad The nies*916v- s' Tit, to 'the md:thefiaid.,Eie�ten4��.i)oAed pli nailed in ow, badly .�entlla� Speeia�it.'Co.,,.M -London,'- -read as, fol'. I or, 01 ey In tli3O rec6nt GAINS 146PIRATIOU'. AT BANFF. rooms -and ire soon seized, with, col gn L rd., Mayor th took,. aman who wo4jil s;.4.�qii� tb,Banff to -lie Rudolph, f mouls' 'Allist r, g Ippe. Wba Is aded to keep. 'I hear or peace and go -wilil r, 'atrtli -is Impos-siblejor d us ta" hear .olae: od lhaiolraito�n', for tho� s-09 , rd of the I'Sq new muBl&�I:PcOra4d'y live as. he n6w dbe!!�'if there Oas yQil� A -Winter LOAY Wothin' of uaw. an, a Year S. prevail while, �Olri6f- antiagolllam:Ao e M�rfe* f Frimlls.most reel rAbbit, -i*p, My Wn't h r cam the, kilid 'on' 1, t ilthe e, 'New agai s. na anyt Ing. whiofiW 1,3. pre3enLwokfng.� I . They alipre-V �t`II6 reassr he 113. orl,!:� �0 and boW�ls and dTiVe ptit Sn alice, of., the affe. ever evin�bd tq ates the, d- 1�11C S$ea, has pupuIarized this'yulig con! h h slcal,�and thel '. W 1 -1. . I ant t e mu WV Hke a; blanket, covers the,, t,6*;n,, er eal- world. The "SquaN4,Man" b Ome, wId,6jy p opular t; iro -the, nterpre Clev 'Critters.', -1 I*tltr(ij�gh�,,th�llr."'use" the -baby A blanket of, nc Quoe'uj 046. meml�eri of, my 3abor. e etax% �all,. spar�lln to. they dayj wIll be ble to got ov4i6t brd&h iqt, s . . " " 'Ttm,, b -�id�ihat'tlie'g6rieral feel- tatibrit, of the M. Tholla�y,erjcl arii Ay e'sa Favershiii selsb rfect iii �P, t�e long f mysto f, by th, hece ii -ler 11 ng'.hejr&` *pttmls i�panylllg ph-otogi:a -h ii. Fj oi,sj� Y, nill1lon n in, D6` P r�iig';t all. in iising Bkby's: Tablets the eybo-ard � has le:irtle41i enpatfq,'*ough-ii.nbias�&A*.6))�erVe-i.o not k "With unsV,%QTving. Andth It, itf an Invent C -he Works eift marii Thb-fidd-J& ton f.hia. own and upon i. mtbi amabs,orilitp jguarabtte�jhat cliza i*aeter I �Jiare the ;1�61jej. h.e!,.p f soling thet: thi-B qiielkiioli. IS';1 toL twhile tr!ivell.illg.,Ovella-nd'iyhete a pi -e is. not available. 0 she"is'gIvIrg h6r lireLious Ittle %n�oB aybee. oxpreA�,ied, Ili. your message 'Joth, orpl�eiuft.tilr6., etl Is iim;u tely a e rk bit oh hu' som, - ling t, at- Tquee. the untiel effarta .'aiid th� -Ppilrit hiso for 4t 119 t b �i 611 some -thing t at canot, poB.plbly� do L,6w� blan" ilie- mooll'in the. wintry skyj thir-6, as 'Teac i r's, 'f ill 19 -on the lay;, of V one' to I� he: ' relief, be-, h e aver .0 to bve h b wboirn'babe as e ne . t '6 It 1hrV the Ovndqw, -a Iffiv. ry� ined� to. beli, all, day,, eve, ilia 'Pie�Scho�! Muii�.' 'Tablks contaJn ot one par e e 'afs geb a-' fs �l 0"NEED mu- . Ili o1o:4-ed. Th ta� theA bei , . Tu AMEN S around 11 �but-,iture I- ti of. e,,�to ation of oof -nit_ brililge to:. az litil ea ers. or. -a. , eam. Jbin 177 Or The. lady ostrich lays.the'e tte-evR1-ftys,f6r_ BritA4n 'ceased . ai p ace 'as.'_'edudat*'rs a_�yaiem_ -P 'y lirt e aItes o.r other -dadigerous. rug, T leir 1 beam the ati�oke o mildaig Eve 1, of our beloired, Jn gg,6 country, to.-ihe VeUe'fit ndC only� of to-f� BURDING Roiya neai the, hail itl6at cho6I hindlii training -,,recently au&-; c,�nta,-a box; b fei whil ien, struts: I er e,,th brld ea-tr"I .0 Shou'ld -Ei h' Thii -B 60 Y' to *& are . In the: Inusiclal' nt 4 . ed. peclaI c aaSos f r'-. tra iiiiii. - wilm sh ol, -Ti y a y, -IncMi from. T -h-9. At. Tit D ItI the ali E.,jilpiTo but: of� n era,�A h�p�-Jnesa Afid,,prospie au,o t in aa...an neubator.. kracXon.of th-4h, children eve eell hay Ib sing.' Dr�, Willianks Many a son.is, inipgon i6e, f A' gL er nA Lege I S �.': . -:' �-Brtohes' XiDd p e.. ad. sdi6oesVfu1Iy` Introduced. n 'FAR ]LIVING, h ir .I la -Ing -ering that has been'xhot.bo - 4 .. . . . r IN i M!, 'Pink onald , 1 .1 L' '' recogn zed tha. exPTeS- ­A plpir-eei a -M o�'th ro aIn u I-seem's-to", e. . in u been''brdugh't to light. fii' Ila C64 liver oil chi i li r til rs to st.come:fir Id, but the+ 't I- i. . W -have ]i re6edl shipped by. tile .416V LDi is shbuld be fellbwed-'e-losely' by ]k pc, ys.' 16t hich 40'Tiitio :w to�gh­ll re lives, -t an t4o 1�i� '.lof n b �ea ah Ing + t t Is OR scTIpt9 in -the various1ibraries.,of Nur-, be. at, fault, I . , - ; . 11 .1 . Ours e As the' eaiidldato'sp�oiid, S'of thii, ked C assion .,throu 'y 4x -pe s'his bunk, rass.%Po6oty In una 1 6 gh bodil lit, "Hu66.�rtd. W6, k 113 H t the voice 9� I d and' 111eland ate able and kae lowalf to the Charlebolsi:aitd; Cum opio, Great Britain a n an -in I -, ; , , , f a 1; :llif It i or a, On-' all all'fi-6'IiC. ontain ropant c storie ties IN (f, I Y' hg, land 'tho�'h' 'The re ee playing to pia,no, oou�e- tj I "H dj§6tota: th666 w ell e ba�':-::Wl FMAI .9,rr, h 'What.do yqu i"n+, y co 'itl6n.- of 'one -half, Wasl inent b biedV .,d4Lkr* that: i daly, �r lch� Andicate a. kbreilia6wing otlptinia a!-, m6dic he w -be "hole sea �of -Whloh We look u nellt the w. t 'y r 's.dugh.!` odncio',6f, tI yi!ai loaf -Qoffi, dad llb� 4ftamiiI Ia'd6n eonimefflty, dystein r9th& ban,' t T '"e b 166 d. lying th, is.. rii jnstr.�.ct o is;con ai -n- of to et or I&V d t a par ed.ill t e pa roug'. m5ly paell c these ie It' die-iesult F of mted h mphletr t.h' h. quotations- D�epart�j�jjt` aches vilh 6f -"the+ body' And t;re;e*:,,,'.- glone. 43rdvernmeift-ro-ports. in S ts -peirtaijaingAo, q qu A.] I ity - a I qui - ck- from Rose Kl� 4 Cannin"gh as .1145, U"Eq .9 u r ve Y. e1qpmen the' preisnt VP The, Bard' F 'I mprovernint. init. 1, am er, sons n daugh nciat 'to !omie 'I b kateilawAn showdd1atyear that 'meal. a. qe.velp )q.,d. But I t4n, Write a c -bym the.:. d ors 0 in men irk t m I n W el QnO of f Ah -n tllb..W�. aiid, hiji dh It ost �urjo, us, 6i theSe Y., anr 0 lu�eit P.he "Afid'AfteiNyards, soon, rue. .1 0AF insoection of the. sch6ol. �bildrbn Dr. ILla the talp: .0 Whol k, Pill& -bola, Stur6oni An ng and -of 'all(.. ;r, 6 1hed. cost .,Mq.re, aat ChaTle plane, t e.ac egin to. pi`hej.paes, 1, the,-daug ite lre�d'lt 6!0,1 It S�eil�� trii visible rovi� ifcoun.. o p, lias, no� p�aclfer to It. ouse; -has reiealed- are 1 th-d'ybarg '61 ood,­j, an ring new.. malnutrim; -ndf- 7bdgin: a, w In To' -soon. .e.famIay.s;hrZr1n the. �a-th and sdrength­t'0'-!aJ1i avftge-ap z 9 Take �t D.j,-during W6'.r­e'iW_oi! 'an xrfifi 44 H -i 6, 6.6 A'and' '956 Ill d' rhy�Jfii in, blilldT46-n wbi alth;el soiw Get`aA0­cen:,box. t to. �l kilig' he pers a.,cqrreA6nd, h -I's ildren to Bing b onk 17& m Was about ton amongj, qTq W�t el heY:Iearn e Ai out a frk,md,Wb;o T va -be Dr., Williarile, Pink Pit a�, t ten4!pllqjy to� , he, wa.sting named Congalaelli 'The authenticity li!6' I � I 1 1. - t�d'fok t Afthe .of, ti I ppeta - -.by t p d child- aOcOun Wo . 1��b , reh �8*q * , . the manuS,6111)t. hi�g- -.4, 'You men and omen Niv hav'ql' h eq , 0 �"Let me n t ja % ., k' iinpo"Ibl�, 'An; Iftflig co of, tho date of Jn �ase this kind,19i pfoved joll, will I .1t 'WAs'.1bilud. -th t4,to -tafight, in their Irst v4i�ar..pro-. t12 old� man "Permit me'to at the �:dlet i �bild, quest! desjoriVtion is' oil, -and thwe ys ilAke dine they 6, ow -ted tong a qfjhe`1av-6rage-,fam ly among 0-b �eo- R. R. 'No. 1, Relamy, Out., isay I Ahat I feel, suire yet Will al -w gr�ess tapidly"un! e operaition �maeriaj'13..Vpr eche iid 'A bad; cbil,dl, are, 081 lows:, ebilious, 4e� was--evi I dentl y' my husband ..has q �ers weuicome wed, stomach, or Cougalach Me'a —and nd. "ys.:,."For'the :h the a S I -grado,' In- sch�o-L upset, 'both�� �Iombk"badk on ill Is dity as t p�le- of th of fier'huslya th haftea of, nati , extra�t!Qn, consists of' IIi aa. 61c i past two, &ut.�mei his bAnZoq 6,­qqpd� fish: --glvelO to' far .'ing,,:p addition tc 'their classes, be,6ause bf Mir have, bic'ka6e'�. a4llifffeel,,ald Thank q6q 'old chap and ULkell wit w;)rn out :.tea and.'that Dj.-- Williani Pink Pillp But i�`goei -on n th . kq��p ts�'�fer the sto groundi "But'It's. t.o-nnorrb*, that" I'm fitod'is so gr�atly lacking. I Hie wea .wie4k co Are Ing �J'qur b6wos I one' hy attendling.aJa r at ..I eed look bak,%I tbink,'onl jy�lfofblng . -A hi ' d �a pli�iZ,6 :Ml;ch in tituHillts . 'e 16ir aiid un, i w1til. Ca'soarets­-or me]t e;ma.rri.od*.' �OnS Owing y Co d answered thp ot -bb,ildien t iat, -salt. now.. called gn t, ath d did not aleept N), . 1 - - : - I . hot*, kn( a na are blebs nge th. 4. their te4th and �gtpefal n' upon our of - ehildish, c;v' -blackwater,. inift y,, -�btwen the, liborAppebto. -The iln!d-,.t �wGu d -1 --a6und-he -sof 'n -resu e -as ie -got- very thini -94- o -;bath 119 t _�v LhA -child f that.'--' 10 , t ren t a d to* afti,c_pIlle. -.�'r --cai; fai- '-� o'. ` h ."music, teach-. and b, lb rather t plymques a170. e w,�`par. go r M, eir, n.cc.I6r,lj.kb the rosies n§p,'F' cided, �to'tr.� Dr.,Wiljidms' Tink Pit 31a vasl.. I cting horses; for. w1iich that� efs �llld --can always tell a pqrn Ili With, :the -facts befo .6,m ifid. le�ha�d 1aken ree the!+ les�sbns, back to'a,home -Irii -den: blow. y re th Teg� fe tb 6. a om li tduntl� fian. Ili tie sky� a.nA by�,the-tij th That gal ulidigeeted and fe"r'nieritilig foo and ifor ae He.'thfi)ks he Cross 9tiety of. the pLro,, Was. feeing inu81�c.'study is fully itw n.' oul-d make money Red caused him'afid all flib. lleopleAo. 1, . 6ok. boxes. � I aild,�jokilig so stood-, and. t e, - t - rec ive-,expltbrt� ta fb6ni v n took � ImMedist-e actIonAo:,,,ha,-V,o,- Id"' wile; �br�ap'aB the �6vle rush .4d" . r , Up. , allld" this ij,e CIS pro�lo ual y 'b* e, e ship 6a it. Wa§, ellyi ga for: o6ve In able Ste sbund,�-_ i v�r alio- calVy V., , . ij�' '4' in. .. . . . - I . .. -h�- dmil "ge ey -Oour gem ve "them., ltL aDpear& a S.- 'ru irn P46 SLli g ble, that the p � '� the act 4 -' IM t e a I6fit IY; th(�, t be: ills,were ail th wore e 0�nd nil, 4it—T-e wus matteir, 'and frorn'the ger exercis� � and. .1111 Ohil a, Oumpr6iti:5 r, xy -ownedL .. Ilea of th Ili PIYL enough cod-liver- ol�l fpIr"A e,. daily -barmon"y' than tb- go hit,6, the? And adviie tile use f the' pro:pefly be ca e BnslWin With ev, d4ontly. iritelligent' cr&vr. After, a, 'e -nig ember:'4 Qascaret to h c- parelltal* vhcu oiim,..*hIch Was 0111r, out. �4ye, fundis 19e aside :to L pilij ma'k,'.:be -had fl�oxn all tt me ia ill s-!!-- bbrne, interest by,morniing. en iair. all t. ler 'iai t1le, n -ell -well( -16b J, �'Stjf JeSj'rIc. tin ox your, ruggi ',Afid'ithe hArd,6StL for� SUM 610kicil and med-l-cal g6antion, ur mus d" de;iatiin�' �enf:b In :1. le 0 n a , eanW phono and �omrad�ship ill 4he healthy, bioWel action; a clie�r had and for.a12 ff I r..Ijy mail, 'pp ng., su or ng rein ade.noid' paid, '.at fibi-c -a""box from 'The Dr. Wil- i'L entb or t roatetroub�1,6s., -..a now reported Indw . , ness Jo I.k. 'floated tlVard some clou in Aj h da, to., V47" e. mont r hs., Don't foc! I ine Co., Brmkvl1IL,. QnL fred, and, the,awl struck. d e;* think, he s tb meanest bY' the' Commisrloher of the Sakai WM n' aid, gk the C ildren., ch. d in'buikk Crow 9, ZaWA 'no more. This ikani wait the, to �sukgesbofis on p nin ross.that all, Red', G 6rk.1 man�.Ori',earth. . indei s' I 300th.: h Div Y a1199 0. YbT nstoij�s 1:360,thL �cek&'Uor 0 a, aod Kon rintiveti useLillbstrated up my -mind to d, Cn mbo�A�ua in Pro t] 0 een. provider!, Ili, the N c mL�fit' Ii ;ai*, lbhierii�d story Is il�ld:'Wi light viiiatlblis"by� iese hav b '" ou t th6'61larl.Aola Sk 'fuse4in, *911!t'L v r ei 10 ;r , e dis' I is told scorvii of ac" d RL D e on pro 0 an,e o- wais cie,16brated .9ir Ne� Yolailai Eve with i1pbum4denf? Mirlard's Poi Vgfiothdt ta f lthese�. The, cath,641TAYS Sifit# ItQS hj�61j, 11401Y ct�an Billi C. the pain rel 1 ev 6 - l -ter -prophesitoB that Edwin 'When ICin _G.if n n Wine w bi * carriages Tcront d4o,14- ic t6 uwithouti.bo built. :;i rch there. The Iha:ve n �b f y. ig �h. GrhWity Cl Wooden '(-hit hpfo, The Will' run through t116 f Jews jWlrtfcijlat�,4,jn th,6 -k Arc: is6op, �6 .,Yoi a Tip?.: I'Beftd W ae hat gifte.are line" at iuMnight the,Dea4 Two. daWni., sun &t According to ail old ' Engil�lh tradl- These stories are cot 0 Vb of York read from th e- s*,rvi" p , certain, Aad..a'dai Of silver Ieaie�d 'Witij, , . . '' I . of' lin4glikdo "'b �ov Ut it IS 'J�- tated oil y once eve',y ed, keeper who 1*0 a'sch.eriie wher note Ili' doett Deceptive Stair.'' hi et W 9 bere tin to find t4elfi d These. gifts 7111 oil er bell::* old Ments 0: f ub6udod' e"could his"'srvant.9, i.,ininimum Is pa the Sa:t S and In "She ha aby stare I 6ed,.'and drOBS, 0 ablul Y, Vage and still ke-ep rvled to his ure., and '.:'!Dont, trir.� to, 0,1m. 6on't rend Whe livi 'of t haiipvto i6r 'goocT 63 g aub -tbat he u on. W6. face friend whoie 10 e a sure., nieceiii sturbod It 11OLve emanated froin. the 5to-�6,drom'o'rriosgel 1) eve's all-forine ',_:Th dA-hejhKqe patk6iio. He 4' wooden box T us- ohe.,girt n1pre; f." h. ce' Piflips ZrI its A il lot o ihe- liventlet T , A WItV'h slot Ili the 'top,' d � ot er au�t,bv tq-11ing her elie plalute, 0019�'Our'lls �04rk., tholightBbf,xiooplo, In't 4 ti6nth .,bf indLigett ton Anddyspepsia., Y. o'll swear by it that ,ahO. did not - jiffint. to Pay ell '))e Interesting ;.t once you have triiad pra. It 'Would it. Any Orlug otord.' nlbe nirnijig h6j; al it t gBk to. -I ure Proi�pirless,. ed, he sand ',tb�o, capAcItiq-_ 6nd 'the b 11 6h ''Itail S!ax he gued soon grasped 't o. I' ea ofutlook' ot.*th6 pr�g-d a who1ri 6h e I', led h ..KR jax -'dropped smila. coibi In the� 1;0!, i�ch tal,64,,', Who th6ught, theiii of did not s�y nd a 'EMfl'QYE;E SPY my' llyay..6rs .1 Ju& kbel;eit.,down Ave the When paying It Wa6 eX_� td�e-Noldihglaws suflIclerii impi6vt4nee to, h m re Il -Go tired, 'to !L - fund', F(Ist, E624 -cuffing 'S d',to Sa '; ill 'el 'AL'n'd looh As, Brooks, (]on y o imself 'Which jj,jj al S *zed. 'a' t E_'ssen y y M et dow4 dlv-1(1;4�&MD�ff t1ke, servants �hI- 'L 'Woe t, 60 thi�t each one folt e6t;18- Tii�d to KiTH' a. g�i�S,tS� hitn' the %41 Ile, Tr' Ate' d�je�t�djY walking. home L, L, 'J.0gri r aVp, (1,6L jidl fr�onl Q.c a)ra h habit of alling this r4eepti the. from. school arld'hig Woebegone ar- t iat I e pY sllf woadb Id I, to n;- Ili P. bbx forming tIlle.w, , "Op : 6 t tentlon'd4 kin, frolin tile cit5itAlIzedt bildat;, of - th� Otnj ateej� DA S* a106NDS CANA psen� w.ie.ro line a" 60 o AW Co. LTD, , . , . . I L ill ro 8, 'the, pros t - ddy."fil; oll, my )jj�e Herr yon uAr, fo',r A11911Y. N�arq A MbMTRUAL N. ''S MACH MISEW many'sjuall iiftelslnd reistaulla .4 in VANCOtNiizo. omplqy6e Alt Europe the ORKINTO AL 'of 681) 'Jomige AAn resed, -on a charge. ut ill fi. purpos:o pri th li w th 6 e ri !led Willie. -.6t. hitliev, VS GAS',,-,1M51Q -8T*N� ried tba-t 40t V011 d remarket1jhe ---L' Dy i'd near Why,, that'st a by )ih�siclqns f tid P r M,&Wl 1� M P_ of, 145W �an thiiit it '11 cid nllpdppl's -apepsin 1, Corre tlj&tL7f --they h Y� Ing lexliffi 1 C S, kept �le iti 'td� . -�dfltis - J inb� if, aC Ids- HOada he N III 0 , I C .90 'readjr PW cau-50 'I coullt gt�&Il -umet'-sto 0—' 7 ' i kiy X�Niex in , a W., a I ad s Ill. pari S pal eu gia Then,, too� 'in ohio, of the Thi-dats at Tootha 06� tile Prenoh police said,; I N nS16*17 8*6 ow rall'�a in 11 "TackI int, Act* as la's'Y'din: Tdiell be Mti blikP,the,ir4medihie 'Trc*s�res. ni nA [EAR, e dded �'to Insurp hroat. Singerh, speiii arkda e ill, b J+ eli never be vithout fiL b we �pM . thL do#e dlears sand sootbes 'the Ahr ok't,6 ft bronchUX tubet e a t bo.'tlel rches for tbew -rd Two iti�s Cori d. i nieri at 141V �01 ross ammea lo", W I Il go, aof bea-41ts"g q PaCk, t is ;,11hat g] ugg a .An a a n ivejtIjj.(TSt 6 it lowsew. :th it ter im tiled iate 1�, Coreed: Ruckl6y; Lithlited,, A : dr 'Ad dir f 'i � I " 'r � Itl JII I I C OW oil It to .7 Ug lie th 0 lf bolls.on -1tift- Man" #0 ure of M(MoFk4!ttIC- th6n that 61! Iho' BrItIgh W.hi!(' it it W�.Jl known ven _Jday ih�l . e, atg Ot�iod- t6'bo human that to, VAIld &Ia In Ilk! 4% flash -A Mogo, s11P,*.oi* It, o'of - Baer 00 Pany NO I W 614in *Itb theff Vi tride 0�01, PP .1'enezMal—we I'Aard's Unim".. 4-127, 4.