HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-01-06, Page 5• \lid`. 0 ED FRONT HABDwA1k • M• ° '. �AT, E":"A .f O0D AS� • 1TT ..b CR�. .C LL• �, :SAWS•PREMIER, .1MPROYED IACER AND•LEAD$4,-►LL°!:GUARANTEED SAWS.. , ALSO ' WE • HAVE� ' °" .'CRO A . DLRSTON' , . ,SS CUT SAW IN A. CHE i t W:' . --"- "iUF �A::,Cit s�; � T AI�E�„_„�$ADE. IFr;#N 'NEED. fF 0 SA:W, PAY USA CALL ,;. PAY ,i " ESTI' H )S A'` M O p S TR V 'I� N L.. 1 D': I. i' i 1, II � 1' `• � I i t 1 \,,,,<r< 1 1 ,I . 1. 1' A. G rt ri ' , . R .D .A SORT 1� ' ,t s T', O A " ' ' 1 N x,r I - , E D`L 1 1 Fi . $ . . ' : QCK M, 1 f , O. F.1 N +D G • E \ S 1 p W H C O t R , 'D M C° +G. Q D \' 'D OiV M'D� S" A 1' E 1 \f''','-"\.,, t ,. t 1 \ 1 • 1 t 4 \ 1 L t V. " A Y ,. UEB r-..• � �, Q 1 TO i \ � ., Es wIT Ori .M ST ...Q SATI SF �. , \ A O CT Y 51:O VE R V NTH , E •MAR KET I n r •„ �' .FUL L LIN E 9F C.CM-A UTOMQBILE SKATES., ' . • .�;' " .' UST ARRIIVE ^- • 1 , ` D CURLING , $ROOMS ' °hon e ardw' are Coal Plumbing C1ri insmlithing • 'Phone 74. W ngham , Phong:256, •. .. ,. onumental , Works. • . LUCKNOQW ': and WINGHAM o Ilea th ' lar es : an most e g t d cost complete stock in the most` beautiful designs to choose;froin, in' PURKE' _ ,Y .AND•' PUDDINGS PR - PARED BY' THE TON FOR' { :. CHRISTMA 4`Christmas r shopping early" is•one•. m. of the. slobans � of the Canadian, house.: use= wife; and it, is a• slogan:gwhich must. be followed also' by',:th.e com:'nissariat o the ' ns f Canadian •1� a�oual_:.R;aily'va-Y,s iii preparation or' the heavy. ;Christ mai traffic which • means special, Chr'istma's fare on all°.dining ;cars for those• who must '•travel ..during" the. festive season. • Oiiristinas oahopping by this.' department commenced :mon- tlis a •o, for 'the' reason.'th'at:wherea.s 'the ordinary' houfiewife has to worry'. • about' only, one'or,,perhdps' two pliinp: turkeys, , the ,buyers for : the' . dining cars have . that worry; multiplied one: thousand fold: The Christmas shopping • list 'which must be followed Is nor :light one, fo , Marible? Scetch,, Swedish` and Can-. adian 'Granites • ' make a specialty- of Family InserlPtilons • Neatly Carefully and Promptly Done.: Ses as before placing your.order. oughts R. A.' 'Spotton In' their hall, .at 6 9'61,0eK. ullin Mr: ..Alex. HaCkett 'on iecuiring:ithe_ --='IrehiliTfOr the , soh -visited.. with their grandparetiti *eek with kis. Joseph Hackett ' ef , Mr. Isaac' Nixon and "Mr. and Mrs, Jai.,Stothers Ipebt New. Tear's With 'Mr:: and' kIVIrs. Harry `Hackett spent one'day.recently with Mr. And Mrs: George. Huntei of Zion. ., Mr.. and Mrs. •joiin •Ii•Win spent -..• Gordon Irwin at 'Wawanosh, one ,daY last week at ; his formet ' 'Sherwood 'has return. ed 'to • Detroit,' after .spendifik the Christmas holidays ;lit his former • 'Miss ' Lena Hackett 'has • 1returned ,Strtitferd NorMal After Spending • ' the' Christhias vacation :at: her home • here. Mr.. and Mrs. Joseph Iiacliett spent have returned to their •heirie: ih De the traveller„on ,Canadian ANational train 'expects his • meals, •darieg,the 'hOlidaY•tonch Vbichis given only .by' the' additioe .9t 'Certain special, dialicA key' and. plAm puddings, require' fere-- 'ere' "theniarid 'plump ttirkeys ' : TRE JU O. lONL.: TAfiaAY.J 11 lived ' bt}t`' a, alt00 't?rie after: the,. 407, c;dent.. ► Mr. Rattle was, hvin *tried, he end 'his wife liavi,nig, come teem sevaitl, Manitoba,abbut Time 'Months ago.' He, had beef faiyniifg in, Mani toba. iie.,is survived by his' Wife and .a: brother', ge Geo' also -living lini.n g a, • �. in Kincardine. • 111APEIGING Meister.. T . om �'` n `er o .....:. • �`"d , s n • retlIrned:; `.Honda .;from; 'hi ho'. ,l.,y n :London,. Our many, teachers';: rand' u ' su p n x ned,.�their•-, p ►"9- •OW aVia lc... ter vacation r ' ` Misa'°D0rothA'Pders o r.', £Vont 'sp.0t•the>1 Mafekin 'fi end r a r ra 'Mis .Ql�ve tiecn x ve y sick. the pi�st, wlec'k, a n 1,: \ ce \ r . °fig. J.'' a x L se • •�, 1 d Ve Y and \ s e i' u n: 1. n'1`few • lia 4 t \ � W1C,, h rr�}4 aTale:an. eb Mr'andh�s.' don,\1 • • "�v"yoitn,};i FIar - ,. ol e'1 d W bete pi» i r ited.•hYs ' ri f John..,Dr•. u nm, ;W. Wiiwiiilosh over` Sunda• Lethbridge --Ready'; made ix ..1 ga€ed .district,.ias1ssitelyLbrek aU ••,wheat. records ;with 'la .'yield' of 72 bushels of Turkey' Red ,winter wheat tothe acTe'on a 37 acre field; This' :unusual feat .was achieved on •the'.; ~farm of`- AriSiour and B•rin • Honey' from Ontario, in conipeti- ; tlon with exhibits from all parts; of the world, ,was 'awarded •first ;and second prizes at' 'the ;1Bri'tish-'Dar iY Show' held recently in London .En - g • :Ian d a'' ccor d m t'. a a ► cable ecei e g r vd by the•Ontario Hon"ey Producers',Co operative.Ltd.,' ' Vancouver .,giant merger''. of :timber •interests; inn :British, Columbia, W'ash'ington and.,.Ozegon, involving• •;400.000,00.9 of,.siei_tal,J likely_to eventuate, 'from plans now .•'under. way,. according .to. "The Daily Prov- ince:'• Severhl-`offe the British. Co- quarter: or a•cthird 'el' the Whole; -.:ere said to be favor • ably i•nclined to the'' amalgamation.` of the. seasoa new immigration ;to, Canada continues 'at quite .an active.. - rate. . Week -end :„ 'arrivals :. „the added to Canada's population.. 411,... Chided 'in this 'new arriVale wai.,;the first' Contingent of, British youth to .-conie out tO 'Alberta .under the ex- • . Manitoba's -tourist traffic for the .:1926'.:Seasan left oVer $7,000,000 in the province,, accOrding,to-ilie • ,Toiliist! and. ConventiOn Bu- reau: :Fronk the; United States a .total 'of ,105,71:0 '4isitors..came into • :the proyinee-of which 'number 75, remained for o "loriger_time. _The overage AtEty. 9f the:latter; dais. ;The ine„reaSe Of cars ehtering 'the Province over those a (he previ. Another big item •in., the• lists ', is Christina's _pudding,. of Soine On the .Canadian.' National 'Skater .sizes for parties, ti;ier0. Must alsolSe small 'individual' puddings ..'fer , soli- Oter:' items, 'tor the "triennings" must also., be provided, Raisins; ;iut'S cranberries, ..appieS , and oranges are thole 1. are•., purchaSed-,'". for delivery which, the .Chiistirias puddings are_ time; 'Herd it ia; With quantities' suf-. large 'Carrot, 'grated ;' two tAbleSpodns ground 'ginger; 8 teoSpoons mon; 3 oz. all-spiee; 2 nutmegs, grat- rum or' brfindY• to be added if desip. 'ed. Wet mixture With 16'eggs, weli beaten, mid, mix' thoretighly. Put in: •tio moulds et basita and ,tie • onititi do you .tuppoi,so RUTTLE , 'KILLED AT •;KINCARDINE riven bk'Williain*Sinith, Mr. Itnt9P, ,ni'llbOut. to ,enter ,the po ling booth tofe,-. 'When Smith's ,,atitornobile oniolon• with atn4her 'net Which 4,4..40011AV In: At .the .nuttio Railway .shipping terminals in 'the ed, over 160 .traffic representatives of thavariOns industrial'concerns in" the district were the:guests 9f:the End cattle markets,: Angus: Shops; Hochelaga .:and Place. Viger Were among. the ..,terniinals inspected ,by' he minufeethrers... dre' OH; rj. ift.i 1 ,lkad of; shozrt:10tHstock owned by' the Prince of. Wales at. his ranch near High. Ffver, Allierta, were purchased fot •the _Kirkwood Farm in California, according' t� an announcement made by. Prof,' W, L. Carlyle,: manager, • of the P1.'inhe'a • ranch . 1+:: Can da's : largest ` a g•:e ,� iimuskra�.: xehcii' is..pm, '•bei " ng established at •Swan Icalce abut '40 riiiles west, o f •Ques ., 1 :: cae._,.,.ln ;•..+�eiitral...w;$rttish Columbia,. r,There are' about. 4,600 muskrats.on • the: fern) Pi* n ov an ' it rs.'estimated thattheeventual h:A ASIl FIEi;D ;UNITED CI�UI2C . ,NOTE. The dntertaiijtneit " on "` Thursday, ':evening 'last at Ilacketti's Church was well attended, The programme was 'selectlen of- the chief numbers- of the ,three. Christina's' Tree . entertiiin;-• ments held tiie week. Oreyious, •. The evening was''irtttc}ienjoyed: by the. ' appreciative' ;audience;: The T procee :y di -were "forth i zrR1s'' or:t'he "Ci fart- a; es': Aid;a '"' 5 , Mr, 1. T os 131ii ce': h wa mi. :'S- r§ -, �f•.�Bla c, b Chtsrelf' . `a'il ur1- d a t. His c • Y h r } �L u t_. Olive, iv e. r4v s �8' a very sick 4 home ca s n u i 'Pi e fa.,,' lir•- , 1 e'" a i Y n et' m x,x I •I e e. 1 tt 1 ch oo . d Y. a „mac l 1. \ a 0o eta 1 . I I i r t r . � o h e N �. I Y 1 � er +� >< a er , 1 v o0 jt 1 Q 1 ' y\ tt nda . � .e r.. .t ...n Co. e e Tcco hfle ' i I c �S .S - ..I 1 • I I ' !. Pi'•F '. • •-r r rt •. 1. 1. L eodn ,\ wthit e' ggtt„ i } er' a nt bc d. e t ht. iat} nualAutpmt.of 50400p Fperos Pareha d Y'the:.Canadia\ • i' Ratlay, Comn;and timed theS4 . ,Noka i r. re vn t 1.t re e for 1N o � e ntl•' e"and •' land' and:h:will'.• n toproceed' an co Iver• i a •t he• ana m $ Can 1 tFaYo' fn,the Canadian pacific • .coastal 'fleets The, Nootka 'will ' be operated on .:a 'cargo aerviee;, between; Vancouver,'• and Skagway ,Alaska, • 1 Edmonton. --The • first : plant in' Canada, outside of liriti°sh:;;Co1um= bi for the freezing of fish, poultry and eggs' under, 'the, Otteson process, wiIrTe•• operating in this city, by June 1st;' according; to P;rJohnson man a in director' g g of • the Johnson Fisheries,- Limited , His firm pal t0,0 o Mfsir, the .a r lit' � of�-th - g' S� a te• ri tory." 'The' initial' capacity of t1i' plant will be fife ,W ten<,s 'a day:, ••. ' r Victoria. -The. new, :drydookl just, completed: at Esquimalt, Victoria the •second `;largestin_ , the: world and. .Y.only 29 feet shorter 'than . the Com mon''w ealth- dock. • at Boston.. ' Thi • giant'. dock,;;hewn out of .solid ,reek, ccst,'•;$6,000,000 'and measures :1150 r :feet , ,i4 9iea t wide at ,the top ..and 125 at the bottom :, Its depth 'i • s ;43 feet 5- inches'; With .40, feet.'`.of water in the at high Water. do1k=wr11 .taRe thear7`gg�st ship. to.'Englancl. and tO:ManY centres., on heaVier this; year 'thari.ever partment. of .tbe .; Canadian Pacific 'years :ago 'the* •practice sending tokthe Old Country: the shipMent eaCh• :Year _,Faciliti es , at .the ,Flastern' Public. Cattle :Market in: :Mo'ntreal -been :aagnientedbY thea.dclition .of ,new:eXport Cattle :building; Which. , " Wel 'opened recently.: This •neW is cOnsiderod• ,L,.,Ilaeiti...c.f.jts-kinel.'-Orrt Continent 'side • of 'the main 'alleY:way, a train of. 25 cars can be -unloaded at each ,t• feature of :the present.,"year's .e,ginbine reaper and' thresher to have covered groin. 35 -to' 50, acres, . coat of tWlne and, about. ' Nicoll" now undergoing eVerhauling at•the Vicker's. Yards in Montreal, will--be're-named the "N'ootka" and placed jn the 'British-, Colambis CeaStat. Service, according' to C'..1). ,Neiroutses; assistant, 'manager ot the, •Service. • The vessel will 'sail for tiv-Sidney0;‘C.B., where she With 2,500 ton's of steel and Pritceed This ,be the ,first, trip of ' the. , '"Nootka" under 'Canadian Pacific' ',ownership. -OPtiihistie faisetaSt:, for :the the Canadian .Piteific Railway 'tett- .Aniereld,Wed 1.44 MentreaP• -recently -• Of the Dominicht. and part ,ef nOt.141inoiiton.‘ The acute ptoblein••:: „tiOniiT1for0104 the Egt•Pit44 Nit 'sults Wh,ich •may. be. Of the ntmest 1.6g Irlf.41.'in.the B4Ofard ROOM; Of the, Canadian PaCific" Railway: at ' Ceritly;lat the invitation :Windier street station :•re'r.' , Rail way; A,. GovernOf .qeas•SittlkurririAG„ AV: • " the .pnblio:,agaitist).their 'vvill and intelligence, ' oily," . declared.' beas.1.9Part#S ilk the , tt. is \s'cl rn s s . e.I nk TIO •otng \1.IeUpe ,.of , t.' h4G. 1i \ • Zi o.i : t Church hae' i1de,fuRr, near'the,.ehurchr. und�'`are ' eeitaitIY makng.use o it thfs� good skat si,c . :Weather,' ' :: , • The liristoi75 talk' to, the children at the 'churches on Sunday wa's• as, follor,Vs ry In' a book of ancient ,trines there i.•5• a scene • Where a boy' n reed Marius who aftertyards,became,�famous, and•(T.1 :was.;kno'wn as',"'Marius the"'lptcure=' ari1° was:about- to leave his mother t. r o'a a �o g , school Y. wase" onl ten Y years' of age .and he ,had •npt'left his tnother'_ _before. •rl 11 f' o'' :. r.,_5...-1 `itis•-�+,�v..s,.,� a 0 wid w ' a n d it i�'• 1V1 t us '�" as 'her'. only 'child: i...' I Ori Y Th s se • arai `t separation, n o both..- vas trible. One' .writer''hasr said that in every separation.' there is: a foretaste; 'of• death..Th& niother wondered hqw: he:'would. >'et• elon "�anlon ,•stra b . �; � nger?; ..and: how.;he 'could • meet :the .; temp to mothers know more than bdc c 'ean tell them, and' `tlte mother ,of Marius. did wor:tier'fully., $he ;laid:.her Bandon. the ahoulder pf• }ler ,'boy, Well, that, was:' all right. , Supposing -she. had dont nothing• rno�ret that was ,some- thin};, But,. God" ayt';, her 'someth1 g.-` to s`'liy, ,..and. ' this • is what she. ' said "Marius, ai'white'h rd;'whitir •.oi cal y ry. •across R Crowtjed narket 4 ,, place without soilin ts' w'n g i } gs oris 'sou]' is 't,. . A'' o. �•b s' s, Y arid. r•1,, 'o .g' 4 to' `school' leave;�hoin'e;,l••-po;r}aps i•th'e wi:ll'e.. e ni. inber what Ma'ritis heard his. � mo,,1 r th " a i r' e s as; F Yh fr s . *d a ea el a o' . o- -a. 5J Y SC� oi'� R i U Q. R I. i oar 1 is No , 05d , 4 ec e i , br "' 1 d 4 •1 1. \ „ w � � al ;�6Q, Ho , 262. • 1''0! `k 1. C.. irr�i f- ' ir A int �• It 0 H ;W o A 1., r: r , ..J V1 a � a e ,� •„... �a 1 ;,1. i. 'U '� to 5 on• a - r Q. :Co n a P 2 x. v 1 0, L. g n n 0 h o . 7 t 2 C ..00 • C., ,T ott s 1. n:- �°'. 0' id 1 �,.5 ,x: S 105* n Jr. I' I I:.7. a• Gt U 1ss '240. A. Burt 2t 5; ,L. ,Jo nkto' h n .241- R .Broome..16056.;?:, C Congram 202 R.' Cassidy "'Jr..' II: ' Total+' 250. Hon.' 1$,7: •Pass: 150, J. Burt, 182; R. Ackert 17'3;•_ L:. Johnston• 141; T.Cassidy .111i': '.EI eon Valaad 62*." b. Robb 55. Jr. I• ; .Broome'' absent)Ted dY- ,, c i3uit (absent ` • Pi Prank Cas sdy,,Harte Corsi. vanabsent 1 . Doubled ee✓ \"\ S.S. No.'' 4, Ashfield, December V. Latin,' French, Arithmetic, Alg. ,C. MacDdnald 85,'';, "M ' Mac Kendrick 51;' J. Roe 41* .r. .s 41, IV:•S i. e11 n M e"' p g',,l�.,ading,'.•Gramniar;. iterature; • Arithmetic F. Finlayson'• 3; 1t;, Vinlayson 80; It , Ross 70; ''D. indady • 53;' F.✓ 'MacDoiiald 51; : 0: a Nlac r' ' Gha les (aosent)'.. , . . 'tionsin the1n wide c e woi 1 s L which he' knew :so htt'.,e: 'At the raft- ' •ing'',she wished . to say sonrethine,• •L thz1. At would be.'he l �fal' '. �,1 to hint ,,nc. would put him. on his guard a aitis3' allowing anything, to poll firs : glow;` in 'Mg inanhood .Matins and his:: inOther. ''1 • \ 00� rwx, a d e h • mY �� one• �7 • S Xn, S rl � I. .I � ;I L� F.* ee t• d'� 1 0 n er u a. dam-.: t� :HL h h �1 i' r,Ta'ss'awod u 1�,t\1 1 de n. o t , c il. , , Y 1.1r , ,:"',red,, tli t'` \I; .ohould :, 4 te\. y de tors, to oth t ,1 i 1 e' 1 s , t 1• , C e t se mo',a �`► ,; \ Vinod deal,and .\\• 1 she e v a. 'irst�. ",.. delighted :+-\,, d h. • \ � ted when:- g-', she'•hearcl in :voice." " Y. a talked ed over' a tof .. .. ..,. things, too ._.. settled .snore'euestions•iii: three' .minutes 'than'' -we caul . have one in d twenty " • y Ietters. .'...- ."And "And 'it's:'. so' much easier than "_ writing! ;`,We were froth 'so pleased•' that I'vearranged to' call' her every Wednesday night now: !''..•. To • bridge those 'unav• oidable .gaps, there : is. nothing like an �'* : • • •' ' occa oval s� talk bP: Long�',• Di s- s- fa.n ce. Fin: a f v: Minutes the , miles are roll ed awa and . 1 er n- ec ri s'areb'r` o uht:�' • to -face. ' ,. g . face-: -Testament was written Or':•she mighl have. put". A copy' of that into. ,' his everything.. here." not 'She, „da sh.e• kissed _him' farewell. thing, and She. knew not hoW as' she swallowed a lump in her.. throat...But.. sr.. §pelhogy, Writing, Readr. Sr,. D•MacKendrick": (S. Finlay - sen, D. MacDonald, F% MacKenzie. • • darling • ,L2 oncelaatecl. far,' a• couple ,nf.. years wag:: illion ears VtigSV of "Rad. ',andel ',he majority of teurists"who. travel, acrOss.tho%open mai t,cs on the Canadian Pacific line ealt.ef.,Cal- exeept tile prairies' and prairie,towns•:' 'llut'not many .; miles d'i.itant from the railway, .Wher4the 'Red •Deer River ,cuts..throuth the prairie, ,lies.a valley known, ..the. Rocky 'Ilio.untafrii., 'aye yoting,,:a • valley 'whose bottoin-lands -iedeird that 'once they :Wore an 'inland . sea along whose shores, millions .06 -id. Million's of yeara .age, liVe'd those 'Walking; creeping„ crawling monsters, Had Lands of the Red Deer, hY, the :Government' 'and byintisbuins •110tii Canada •and, :pi, 04. Unit 'sPa,Pon.4a,,d,d's not ,only • to.' the number 6f' Collect-. ing •pUrties 'hut„also 'to the, number. of tourists who of the, ago. -long' secrets. whiCliAlic valley ii,•beginning 'was the woeld.likt., d*i'ng the, tune ,:i•11.01 •they:tiour.: ithed 1' 'How. would this. very valley haVe, appeared' at that time and...what f.,;•ther crodtutei were to be .atige As. the .'iribosailts take on: a larger, Mots*, of • 'At .fits.t one is:, likely fo' th i Of .41' these eittint t per - linos at the saine tinie as otir"dav.c.:d*cilinirancesterst covet centdrie's„. The atid 1113 boor, only: ,Otos hi,uidrect thatiiand yearif,. aritl 4,00 'fossil...ravaging Are ih'gratit; Of ;that date untiring' of :dant dinosaurs of 'vast 'airei. .;{tInc,,t even at that time: In bigness these dinesmirs.'. have* never ',been .eicceedecl: The herbivorous group . tion and among. thelerns.aild bushes,' Or stood up and • the foiiagei Many ..of theAe ;were giraffe -like waders , whose long fore-lirabs and ithrhensely longer necks enabled .them ,to take refuge' in deeper waters,: More • 014, 'Of the fierce •carnivores.of tin. land. The" ' in the. Carne,gie Museurn,•Pittsburgh; Measure, s eighty- seven feet'in length, and a.,.still• more colossal one found .fatet. 'and.' known as Gigaritosaurv's ineaSures.•-..: 'well °over .one hundred feet,, ' . • • ' The carnivorous •Or. flesh -eating groups were„riot weapOns they Were 'considerably, inferior in intelli- gence to, the modern' croeedile 'or II,zard :and gar. bele.* almost:ad-le last word ,in frightfulness." , 'It reached . the length ef :forty -Seven feet;a'nd in :a standing posi,r flee the animal ,was..eighteen to twenty .•feet high as ngainst twelve. feet .foi the .largest:• -African elephant.'" three ,td six inches .leng, and AP , many of the' hdrbiveroul ones \ were cemPletely .cased .in armor. , Stich 'as Aukylositurus',., pifitei'CONia plateAt ItZWatt. further .proteeted by ,a meltable plata' '1‘fUsetim;'Teitonta. `:Tho' field. has . by (ha, Means been' • exh-austedv„ Under Miles of 'prairie land- the sante- • ,strata are' Undoubtedly filled „foifillot