HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-01-06, Page 4slvacnorgs
eatiine, singei Needies
t Quality Singer OW
ng Machin by 001* rock oil
rer 011 is aheoluteir pure,: and.' warfanted: not to gum.
nos polishes and, prevents Vast '
• . .
r shops, are „maintained tor: YOLIO eonyealence; ;and
; Machhte experts ,to 'eare.lorWe anaehble• '" :••
Singer SOWrOg ,Mac1une Co
' Locai 4gent•
, . •fi:. ; .' itill''' '--, •--, •• • , .• ., .. i, i ,, . ii
,„.,..., 9, , IN°. tOitql. 'tv• ' '
, ,,, ,_, , .,,-,-,,,, ..„,., „ ,,,.,,13 1, \ A Cit4iii' $,1147 •
-,,ML,........eillOr C1‘11 -7Y, ' \ff0i:;\CaP'.4;\.it\:T1;'ai• The •Cregil:1:SA;:re '
. ,
Pe4Sortabl .0 °64:$' ' 'w111,011.-...WOlialvo,;,. ..
- - " " . . , . ..f, [-..',...
in stock
, „.• ,
•••.- • • •'•,-• , r, . • •-• • . • • '
• , ,
.• •••••;'•'•.' SAMSON AXES •:. ' • •
• • • • :
AXE 'HANDLES4A F!..11.,L1 LINE; ,•••••• ':",
•''!" CROSSrciiT SAW, • . ". • • ,•
'1. '" • • • ",SKAT4S. • : • • , .
qpriti08,0HTNENT.PF• HOCK Elr
eating,Plumblng and 'Electric Wiring
nier Hardwall PlasterOr.proc WallbOard
fld:Mrs.„ 'Chester- •TnYler: :and
relatives. at, •Atilniiiri'
• - . „ .
011 Sunday last ', • ' • '
r. and Mrs A Havinsand fan-
ly and.: Mrs Mark Gardner,
ind'sink Lori ysited at Fordyce on
eir...,:tenee Day.' •
::?tieSsra;"..1ohn • and 'Patrick .
ley, also Misa ',Catherine .•"01/IalleY,•
spent ' the iyeek••end, 'at • leine,; but
:h.a'krit! returned Detroit -;
\,,•".•Miss !Marguerite: 4inton1i: of.
ronto, tito, , week -end • at••..forne
here.-..• •
„r carrier,. Mr! • Moffat;
„giving: 'good :satisfaction on this
:Fordyce Schatil Board .helcL their
last-Wiaki net change
eing -nuidei, only a change .rn trim-
ee, ames Dow's term expirmg.:"The
truistees now being, William:, Webster,
George PbiIIips' and. •Lisk MeGee.
• ,
Weddlne.bella-are :ringing atlion-
, Richard,: Gardner ••
were 'New ,Year's, yisitore with 'Dun.
•gannon friends. ' • • "
Mr and •Mrs''• Fred' Anderson and
family sPent. New Year's Day "with
the former's' ••brother, , Mr Thorna
tovagNovir s-1.1-1,4J'Sx.,:
poilishect every- Thnrsday morning
at LucknOW.. Ontatteo.
' • , '
, .
.• . • •IV,aoKertale, Proprietor'
• rickEditor •, .,,,,, .-•,
11714THS. 'M. iv.4it, " 6th, ; i '16e
Pcisz,911 f4v...INg:H:u,7013E 1•
• •• . ..11.11.N.:WAE'AN,15,..i1.0*.
....64t;litg Ilear 4)4; 1,'arig that. 4.
:•iii •buying,lioWer, 'What 'it ;was, lin,. 1913.
"4-thot:447. 4<igtnie-titer-Werld4-Wat'7.•';
: • 'With' .„r0gard; ,,,,to' • Oa:nada ,-1:0"at,',.....
9;1761`"t4j'n.'etb, 5',#,44,- r.O.g441. 4aK-Oaniq:`
' O't/tet. .0101triea' i*'•'' g;r0-*PY, '-';i1b(10
tate --ii ,itk•-.1In bartadit tte epet,:ef 'Av.
' ..1.. 92 ' ' fif
inF'" ditring11
. .. q was 314t ' ,t$ per
c•Pn.t, .3qtlacnip\ tht. or; )401.0. . u, 'Ttsiy- it ,
aO4 \•..,:, ,. \,e'..,k
. •.i 1 -almeet \ ' ' 6:1,--1 tlmea '' b. ti .11 'e.. -r,
in czeohoSi.kvaiAe\\tlle,ost.of
livinetoday 'le\ eight -and \ onethird::
. : ') c ' \ •04 . \ \ • \
- -tti\rqaTeS*Vit,;::ii;z4:74,71,i1:::14°.c\ikb4iNi;;r-r.,0!.,
"the `eoUntrY.• ',", ...A t'',,, .-: : \ , :\ \ ',' ',',;•":" 'Y
Thia infointation •• is 'iiren` ;'ont''.W
the International :Chamber of 'COm-.
inerce,"; and. ik, as nee'ri? an •exiet es-
timate, as . can Ie iliade, The ' eatinf-
• etes„„have „referenee'-te the .i.:`neces-
saries: , of •\ life!H-thittiti, the ' things
• necesSii•Y to..sustain - life in :health--
fial cothfort. • ..• 4 • , '
, The statement bythe International
• Chamber of • Qthrimetes is put in this,
.:,•%Vay; Taking 100 as.:1e'pret4entine-the....
of .1913, .. the
namlierWlich wouldin 1.92Cppreeent
the .eost of „living in Cana a • is 150.
,In ethermar4s,-.1t.-no.wAtakes$1,-,50,-46:
htlY: .the measure ef, necessarieT of
life; whigh, liefpre :the\war„ one del-,
kir *Mild buy! That, -. of ceurge, does
.not take inta •*account the, .higher'
standard „which :some .folk may . set
for themselves' as anecessaiy". • ',.,-.•
:In :Germany .1.4g is; equal to „the 109
before :the war 4n Switzerland; ,1.62;:
in: flip • thilted 'States, '167; in Great
Brit tin, .110; in ;Franee, .435..; in Rel-
gintii; 637; "in, •ItelY,, 649 ; •1 and in
Czechoslovakia; ' as. already 2 stated;
The treinendone rise in* cost, • a
living, in some of the Earepeari-coun7,
. tries, is dtie,likely, to :depreciation of
currency, arid heaVY •tax. ation; dited'te'
the •ravagee 'of :War. • : ,
• r?It '*ill be finted that. the r.• rise. . in
cost of living 'in the TJnited: States' •is
17 ' aboveLflie-1.-rise.in,„, Canada, -hut .the.
difference. ,.is,' inore'fsthan.' made, ,up by •
,the increase in wags and ' salaries...,
..1i' is, sa.t.'to say that .over. in Bel-
, gitnn, . • France •and Central :Europe
' the eothinon ''PPeople: indelo ifi :,:f9vv.
, ,
Inkuries, :and that the a,14.1MSY -get;
ting.r,the. nep,essaiips ,of .1U e;', and :that
niaoy the -re nmet ,13e1iri.1 deep poverty.
Robert Andre* entertained. as
'number '�f YQun -. People onlFridav'
evening, •in bener of her' nephew, ,1$;/1r,
Edmund ,Gardrier :ot-•
Windsor •
Mr', Robert, .Andraw.. leaves today
,(Tuesday):' for •-WindSor;• where
wilt:spend the remainder, of tile
Nfr'.-Webtqr 4of Liicknow ••
'Spent'Thursday with: • friends it at,
,•The concert gIve in Hactcett'S:
chnrcii by the .1,..adies? Aid, sire* -a
full house, and the prOgrathrile ' Was
'• Mies Jean • Ritchie of Lueknpw,
spent a- few dayeat her hi:nue here. •
• rthe neighhorhoecl h
dened, on . l•Monday • ,eveninc; •wh
tley learned Of
Della -Hunter, daughter
Mr.. and,..Mrs. Jacob ' I-Iunter, who
passed away ., in Wingbant Hospital
following „a ',critical operation.
sTmpathy is "extended to the bereav- •
1170u never' see, 4 :women. smoking.
Who has children'e .steckinge •,-tp darn.
, Get a 'stenographer. If/ she `Can't
;and'. and 'YOu don't knovi,the differ-
ence, people who g t Your lettera will
blame it on,her.
. .
The 'development of the St i LaW-
ye.nce :River into • lake4o-Ocean
:waterway. .fer • ocean-go.ing '
..seem% now.
. be esepe ear :Before it- will real-.
. •
, Heibert Hoover, . secretary of...cent,
ruerce in, the. Voolidge,..Cabinet,' and
ChairMan..", Of a: 'international,
:corriraissipa ' which' his just -reported -
Linea :the. 'proj6et, 1its stningly.
'Pointrierided re -
to the'presid(nit, that the
sehemc. be Undertaken and that it be,
g:olie..01,1'.iN*h At, en*, '
The 'proposal 'IS': that the c.'wOk* ,of
deepening. the • T.,a*renee and
building. 'Canals Where; netessaryto
Permit, 'the' pas4age. of eeeari'.7gping
snips •be don 'h ' e i
p y co-op r t on of
-ucky, This Chith Knew Where to Turn for Help!
"f‘h Central!' 1 see smoke and. I
think our house is on fire." -
The operator knew at once that it
*iiii-the :voice of a very little girl.
"Where -is your mother. detyr?aht.
asked. •'-, _. . • v
. "My,rootrama is dead. , I Inn alone.
with •,the baby and My sister has
.. goPe to ilchool., !, .,
' "How old are you?"• -
'illrivel."•,. .....- . • „. . . . . , ..•,...
. ..1..!Take„, the., baby -ata itit thi,neit
- &Ott,: • The, tiroruen /win come and,
.irat thd;fifiio-iitl'? , ' ,0••"..1 "
, ICOntrill'': infriediately balled -;•lbr
•pervisob he street number : of
hyria Wkl ,tak0a Pp 444 the
LdP 1* ati
• rt
ininn, „Callinrtfie.'house v e;gpvirt 4e'w
*AO .n-Arenian-rthe-,brikadttlidd
ten ater, thetelephone. girls *era
relievoito hear a mance voice anawer•
arrived, and ,jiad " the. fire hder
centreL 'The Children Wfite #.410 wlij
I PO ,c199t POI
:bare ilotaile• of -the fOregOing '
incident, frearect,t he.° ther,dhy itx• the '.•••
Toron.toLpapert„ •WhItt a:tragic:00Y'
it Would have 'hien lad there beeri:no
telephonno guleknking
at eantraJ I ii4O1Chargo a,per11040 A
Atua,t10.0 •
the. two gevernment0.- T4e, esthrinted
teat IS 1,4a.
'TWO MOO Avorible report a the
Hoover •Ceminisaion Should •settle all
dispUte as te„ the: tiseheme,' and. in ail
likelihood, it wHJ be 41091?te4 by the
rivernmenta-•0 )3014 ennntries,
de-ipening of the St: 1.4awrenee
has...long been stObbOrn/Y..oPP°a4d
' interests which ;want tlit.
;Hverybody interested 'in, fieeneaqinfr
:farm production toita and increas,
- in Crop Pr9c1noti00. WeleOnle. the
• news , Messra. :Struthers: • and
Whiterstefrn Q0„Cal' POW Of;ale'rs, • in`
by ,vlSn o. the Ford M0tr, C9thpanrof
MQutaI Canada'44Mitede -and the:
'PtY Itg'renlain the 'he.:'44,01,oean
f.. , Chi Ied Mew 'Company; :is , OPernnt a
, 1
e„ • Lake cites, of •course, • have al7.
•Opeaips..4 of hre..
boo .w.them • as With. ' the project • LUckOovTen, gotil and •r21si of 'Oral:::
.eoie leted;Shipaloadedattlieir-clOcks,
.cark. Progencl. to In.'13r. RtIraPetta,.'haraOr- aaaa, ha4,.4s its ••allitsleCti'Vq'' the: *‘ eFr.readtlheoecsol,IVI4talrIVilerrs.1;Aft :zat.ur,da.y.,.f,
vthout .u.n1044b10; , Ataa_asOan Mea,111i3i:,•,'•Ot
' viro.'c;ilier:1-reheMos. PrOaVg•ing, 'alOrt "•',atlASS.:COAt,,,`•‘;at the
by „vvm,?4 09 3,kes itotad be., gTlotinfotref.aprin14;7,. .g4ora o; Mr.; . Charles
ciireet 1eonnectioi with the 'Atlantic, , Stratlideeylgatbered, at their heine
; a, an roT .9. n aro. rt,T 0. ,e npree,e, an 0 11\ atte- 'eiv.,e•n• 1.46 bid r;n;.,
qi'ip c al. f tok '• O ' t thtif 'd pert re.• O •
to\ 'the H.:pdSon Itiver4„ 014 onetfierk eeSac, of \ these. cOilferenies,' last. ;yeartheir
yoWn ;min!! tIe beez c9n1der RiPlay) "and:, Presented their'', With
nitich con,f4104,4;a cntI titou*ki...,".14y., enlarged 'arid,: the.„40ivikee:„...e.f. \ .fe.t1a4'' '441rx.
the,••State '.1•11..e*, ork Ar.a.",aiaitist •SOVeral. good apeOkers aye bei se ;41'0' ''a4c1resia -t`ka41 4,'0.(4-\-\•af4r wnh
: 'the hese • the ,ConciminaioriT and !Oecretary 'CU'red,'The'eubjecte lunch *as served arid
floaver* stienglyreceMinend'Ahb -St: 'chide "Power Farming",' "Pra
ePora- • , • ' ' \
„spent in ancing; , :,•
Laiytgaci,'; River risirkey :Ialore gob.tIo of ou; ee ,13e4”; oegtnsroi.ig• To Mi and Mrs Stritthdeei-:
non -deal ni ConatinCtion.'; and opera- _Son' Moisture", and ;local prOblenie:
A . very fine.,•series Of rnation • pic-
tures. will herisho,wn to . insure the
;speakers" diacuseiona being clearly
understood. -A •moot film is that
which ,.depicti, the . actital• grelth .of
the plant 'reote in the soil and if
:is thefirst picture Of its kind 'to -be
produced:- The !prOgrareme''Will ter-
innate,.with interesting eburse:�i
• the care and handlin; of the Fordsorf.
Tractor. '••, • •
• ' :All .faruers__MULAbeir..;,friendsare,
cordially •invited- to 'thin, tvie day con-
ferenge which is _given entirely free
F01.T•ItTil :' CON, KINLOSg•
FloWerciale. "Wak. :called? upon last
Week, io meurn4the death oft a '
en1;lynin the
paspeed"sa9Wna;f; Ntr1.414.11i„
:Tlitirclay, bee., ..00th; 'after" a•very
short illness, Th0- funeral, on New -
Year's Day,. villa' 'attended $y a:largo
number of his. old friends' itiitt
• bore._ ° • .• ,„
.• 1g.d.4.49* Katherine ...JD...Vt.' of 44 endon,
,were kuests 'of,Misa•Irene Strathcle0
last' week., s- • *, : .
'George* Bernard Shaw; the female
Irish Eng1is play -writer, sehociced.
;the' -world somewhat, by ,
(jtist" before. Christmas) ' that Chriet
mils had beeiian 'fan intplereble nu-
.ea.leSS to 'say: he has ;come'
for -a, good 'deal g inffaverable
ticism for this remark. 'Shaw. is Used:
-t0 that, and: lifely indifferent to it
He appears .to pride himself tipor.
his blunt plain speaking.. That :11!
Whfit ,he 'las been. entertaining , tin
worM-virith7the past '
•,•••••GenerallY,,' there is, an .element "Or
truth, in what' he :says, and his .fling
ph-rietirias hjthis. put 'he I puts,
it fob strong,' like a man • who is ir-•
ritated. .• '
!As' to ,Christai all as p.m
take • There are those !die , are
,making it a --nuisance to theinsthei
-and others, by overdohig it These:
give tod rani- present. :and Pend too
.inanikfeards,•• ea, that . for a:yeek or ••
"piorl „they are in 4. inr1110i1' of' work/
while they are' Pu tb. know: What
to send to. this. One and , twit one; ,
• It, seems' to :•ns ' that Christmas
gift -giving • and correspondence,should
be confined. pretty closely to the
fainily and the poor•and needy,'
Every year the mailsare more and,
more choked ,*,ith Christmas,. parcels
. and ..cards.; Everybody's circle -appears:
:to ..he 'becoming,. larger and larger.'
: arid there is -no saying , Where it:all
will 'sop. ie.eto this that Bernard
Sha*had referencehen he said'
-that, Chiletina.S had *beeome„•"an in-
tolerable :nuisande". , .
However; if: we. cut Christmas . out
the year; the operation• Would)
leave . a trorneMibus blank Which ,evl
„en ::the cynical Mr. Sh1 might re-
juit imagine a•,' Year without
••C1z istnazt :inotiodno:t • -the : winter
Seem ' •
• • "
• The , Advac_ate Which
conics regularly: to. our. office from
'the northern ton of Thesialon, last
week recorded the -death • of the, edi;
tor and proprietor, Mr ,Dune,su Mac-
, Milian: He had:.two weeks befOre his
' death, ; 'sustained a'broken Collar
bone, .and was ,taken to the. local hoe-
Pital; where,' in • spite: of Medical it.
on Dec., .29th. - notice, ,that , the.
'funeral servicelivs conducted by .the
R.ev". Or:, S. Duncan, ..for 4 , of
years minister in the ..I.,ucknow•Pree,.;
qtet.'ian Church.. ;• , ,.„
"., The late Mr. 1VIaeMillanappeare to
•haVe been "a- someWhat unusual sort
'Of ' With .an unusual ",Career. He
Was' born pear /Montreal_ about
• yeE, ago, - and having "develoPed: tal-
ent. as a iPusician; lor : many
years ,Was_shand Inaster.Tilh a large
circus which travelled • eictensively.
• throagliOut ' the United, States./ Tir-
ink.: of that,' le went- to Vtrinnipeg
he lived retired or ten years
• Seizedagain by, the: sande r , lust, he
set out te7find al 'nice, 1,6wil in .which
te,live lie remaining'. Years, and:tak-
ing' a 'fancy to Ilhessaion, he Aptight
the'-i3iinting Office, • and, for the past
nine years Was editor of'. The Advo:.
tate. He appears. te hay,. • „neithet
kithnor kin. At. any • none are
mentioned, • and a Toronto; paper
whieh 'reported his -death, stated that
1.vhen the -business, was diapiascd of.
the 'proceeds would. go to the local
• Children's „Shelter. So M. „MacMillan
• mustfhatre been a kind" of lintely• .
Soul. lie had lived : by himself in
..i.ebnis• 'in . The :Advocate
. •
TileJai!fatibW7y"..br Arctic ,otyls
-,, Miss Catherine Bain of London, is
visitingwith relatives and friends' On
the sb,cty and, Fourth. '
Mr. and Mrs.' Corbett t)f
and Mr.. atid Mrs'. R. Elliptt,lof Holy -
rood, we we..6 guests:- at Mr,: and Mrs,
W. in. Rabb's; last; week.
Miss Lola MaeGillivray 'and • Miss
--Isaht17.-Ch-esiint rata -MOT' o , ra
O n. , ,
)4rs Wm Fraser ,spent a' day' last:
'Week with
and , Mrs.- Elmer Jnhnstan
ited Tuesday at Mr: A. Little's.
.Mr and 'Mks. •Gtant MaeDiarmid:
of Paramount, 'spent *Sunday at gr:.
Hannah 1MieDonald. left: •lait
weeli for Detroit. ' • '
' liIrs. A, Solomon. of . town, visited
with her sieter, Mrs. , Lockhart,
• receritl3k ''. • :
,Margaret Mac.Diarinid of
Windsor,' 'spent' the : Christmas hdli-
.dayS with.,ber sister, 'Mrs. W. Mac-
Kenzie. " '
A 'number from here attended the
'funeral of 'the late Mr: Harrington
044,1 Saturday ast., , .
MrsJ.T)iompsen and '• babe re-
-turned-honie-,-lnetweVk, after 'visiting
with her sister, ;Mrs. C. Steward of
town• • • ,,
Grahani and Archie spent
WedneSday• evening, at Mr. W.. mac -
Miss - Mary' Stratlidee who visitd
With, her brother here last week, has
returned -to Sutton,. 'where' ,she
-.It- WAS,' with feelings of- real ,regret
that 'We, learned of yOur decision . to
leave our nelghborhoed. 'Indeed, we
cans seareely- pictiire, the idea of your
being gone- from our midst ,But most
of bs have conie to realize' that life
is largely, it. series -..Of adjustmente
and readjustments. Sooner or later,
• changes. are bound to Come; , and the
very!,Changesof life are. a constant,
reminder "that here:, vio• have ,no,
eeritinuing city", end 'th•at' we should• .
ever on the alert io grasp the
ing, There is a.conimon eense thought
in 'this little, poem, which We • would
quOt? tonight: ' •,
, .Dolt Now
• 4, With ,pleasure. yOu are viewing any
• " work- -inan doing, ,
If You like him Or you leve
tell hire now; 7".
Don't withhold :your approbation -till
the parson' rnakeS Oration'
A.s • he . lies ,.:',.(fth ''snowy 'lilies 'o'er
. his broW• • --
'Vie; third great ,fatorluolomil..axr„,
.bibition of leathei-. geods• wilt Ink •
held in Mileai Italy from 44u.ar7.,.
`?2 to -2% and P17010408 t9 1..e..404;
. greater success thaneither* tha'
former exhiliitiend. held in •Enrepe,
:BOsine$P.t,ritniected,(Itirklig,the prat
ex)1113ltione. ,,araoallted. to oar
si,kliomoo: • •• • •
^it taxes! 'ferMeily ..requireirto• be
z...psicuictfaik_oU,:, hotel bilis, hatha
: ami medical. attealim-ttlirbealtkrra.,-. •
,sorts, have„been:, atolishea,,4K4-rdZi: "'•
•infprination.glifett out
by.:. the Roya1 Consul, • General:. of, 1:
:Italy.SO0 iiiQrmatlOnwU1 .e* 11;ppt,vta
Cteref.to1 toursta conterer1
V' I”
t \th A 941.1. ' +H",
.AtL • ;
Q‘uebeevy,4,r, is saId totibe;.\ ;
...reeerd:;,aliTnfetit,,of 'Ices
eft hi\lolt !wTr!.1.reoeiktt-'4'
1y;‘,\ thei, jait eight -Ceneigiiitentn;
. mince the ..beginning : of , November,
,011-forc the. genie' .,,NewYorkers. •
have ;acquired:la partiality for ths"'•
-eet-from the region t •helow Quebec,:
'and' the . trade is growing each year.,
. . „
, • ,
• 'One :Of 'Us 'largest .farm•fialis fl
several: months: to a.. single'
• grant' family *di reeently fleeted
the •purchase of a •7207aere tract
:five miles ' south-east •of.randon by '
3-• Lutheran farmer ..and four Bonk; :
• the purchaie Price behig 328,800.•,'
• Acberding, to Dr. A. T.:Connell,
buildings. • :,
Sheep from the 'Prince of .
.,.Alberta ranch, south-west Of Cal-,
gary, are superfine, ,actoiding to
• Walter Charles Priddy, of thOr4-•••
riedale Sheep Co, Gridley,.
fornia. Betts just purchased fertY •
head of ctite$1•Shropshim, front
the Royal ranch; at,well as . fifteen ,
'from'Other., floel(s',.rii- the dititriet.
. , .
Fel-, no ,Matter bew:• yen,. Shout it; be. , Asbestos v4fast6 4'•'.41' sail .4t.rengt.b7
Ahrri4;,!!!;-inouatl.iyi,t;;:te' a' ener the latest in ail-dine:0r by
He won' know drops Yon, have shed • '•veloPment Branch -of •the Canadian:,
' produets, • :Early this. 'year e. p4,,..
.think 03,;41e _praise As -due ',•Pacifie undertook ...an in-
, .414,3W's.'ihe time te.alip it to vestigatiOn and, imingurated: a de.: ,2
:For he. Cannot Teed' his tombstone ries of experiments in the use , of
whe More thhnh'efa7saidee,•a.d.nide't.h:E'tn On'e;:" this material Macdonald Macdonald '
13 the, .01'nnient, kind and sunny 4acithrstlbywcotZte,:t4ti?.11fitttrrirluhit's:
. And. the hearty, ,approval of real value -.when • applied to 'certain
• a friendi:% _
For it gives . to Rfe savor, . and. it
inakeS you " stronger, braver,
Oltti you •heart- 'end spirit
• ,te the end. '
If, he earns .Year: praise, 'bestow it, '''sif"
you 'like him, 'let. hiin line* it; •
Let :the werds;rof, true encourage-
nniotenWt-abiet tilllife--is over
ad he's
.• underneath the clover,
Fel: cannot 'read., his tenibstene
• ---Wheir-he,'s: dead,
' ' • George, A; Turner:
r. All. of • u.'s realize "that we are more
-leSs .stintet 'onr..worde.of
prova1 our felloWnieri: Oftentinies
We seem to 'lack .opportunity to ex -
Maks our thoughts :and • ea. -tonight
we are glad to be able to to
you a werdarel_ :warm _commendation
and apPreciation. '17/u. will be: greatlY,
Death of Mmissed among We will for
r,: Carruthers ,
get your Cheerful, neighborly • spirit
Great', Saddness. came to otir neigh,"
your readiness kindly
learned that m . ' to help; your ^
borhood on !Sunday,' ,,:when it ' Was . Yourmiens will
'i.: ‘:,..Carkutheri'
1e!iver . remembered in. this : neighbor;•
had passed awaY.; He had 'been for
hpod', where they. birieg. hy.p. born, d
ol; and
lennoisev't Wetit5".0f
wa's not, thought; that - Young the COIUn1Uflity.
the endi:•."We would 'be 'indeed grateful. if
Acme 1itle token of our goodwill to=
night .would .be the' mens. ai 'warm-
ing your hearts ,on year ' departure
and . of •giying, you. ii the•futiue, new
cOurage, and strength- teface and'
the problems that . are the conkinini
lot 'Walt:We ask you to accept theie
"cliaire nit& stand, • and trtist - that
tbey nilly ever be a refnintler'ef yotir
friends., :It is our Sincere 'Wikh;,.that
the, qualities. -which :lave &cleared
'Yon to us may he 'Used.11:to help others
in Whatever:. sphere your lot may be
was -lo near. His death., was due to
an agg*Vated ' case : of -pyorrhea, :
which seems to have poisoned '..hie
system. Mr. ,Carruthers was- of a
bright and 'cheerful :.'cliSpoSitio.n,
•good neighbor " and: a eobil eitiven
• who will be greatly missed.; He leat?-•
es -,to mourn,/ a Widow and: a. faraiiy,
�f eight boys : and!, also , his
bretlier, :David,: who with lirn
on tle farna. Mrs.R.- Creech ofPine
River,' aricr•MrS. Wm. Martin of Fa- '
ramount, 'are sisters. The family, have
the :deeP: sympathy of a large`, cirele
of friends in their -irreparable loss.
A Valuable consignment of twenty- -
'bine* feltesvalued it tip- •
proxiniately,po;000,,wae handled by
the Canadian Pacific Expresii „Com-.
. -*any in Montreal recently. The 'atii4:
...Mils were 'shipped 'directly front • ‘..
the Neritt . Silver Black Fox Ranch... „.
:at'; Meritt; and Will 7,be
' ." I and
warded to:• Messts. . •Baulon ;
Otenable, . France, to , a
new fox ranch of Which this'
ish 'Columbia shipment be Alio
'nucleus.; •
. , •
v :Comi*ting the„;fijt: 3,200'
at ,a: t.1#"tbal;aalariatia. j.411:neY.
Liverpool to Japan, thirty:
-canaries valued ata hundred. Poundi: •
Stetling • arrived- itt--the-: CanadianPaciiic .Express Company sheda in'
Montreal- recently1and left from .the '
,Wiadaor street station for Vance*
yer! They.'came• over on Canadian;
Pacific • liner MontroyaV:.to Saint •
-John and although the had ex-.
. • _ _
-perienced-sol-newhiitoPli ---fatorMt•-• •
creasing, were in -line. feather Land .
singing at ..the top:•of• their yokes..
• ^
CoMPleting a *tWo..piOnth 'Viait tO ...,
. , .
Canada, during' •••Nyhick he. has tra-
versed. the Dominion:from' Quebec to , ',:.
-.': Yuiriciittit'Strttts4, returning
.gC:., h•roTualenhag.,blite'l :
charge ,of first-class • booking ofkice •
of the: Canadiaa. PaCific Railway .,it, ,
Lendott, Eng., ;seen' :al: headqUartera . •
. ' Of -the s'ye, teni in hisAtreil .recently,
declared %that the cOuntrY had. been
. .
' ' a •reVelatiow to 'him, fully explaining
1 -770 -?-0': ' .
• 'S'ECOND: CON:. HURON ' ' signed 'on iiechRaElf,w'oEf',.Y;.0...iir. fr,len.ils:---, *.:11,2;igr-tYh:;'aseg:cr.:eia,cte:..-ibialiletli:•Ygr'::°ilf.ei;i';:at4aiiVnudirilsi•stits'nhh::x';'':pili.:Ts.,;',. :
. —0-0.6o '
. . • „ ,
- ,tunity for seeing 'practically: "Arkin ,..,
The Stork has .heen very .latiSY. on - Mr,. and ':. Mrs. ROberti, .-lgie' and, '":. pitedivlaitnot?geseatipirell'•p"ernilttitni°.61it' •a'tok--7 ''
the Second lately, leaving 14." ion ;at daughter of Seaforth; spetit 'at few
W. S*.• 'Mcduire?s, "...• and at ' Gilbert days -With : her mother, Mrs. Robert.Atair." ke liaid. : ', ,:•' . '. .:07itibiterj.
be,:found oise'whars, in, the world 44
qarls;WCIP,s; and -.a, daughter. at Don: Finnigan., Mrs Finnigan Finnigan ,accOinpat,,
ald :MacCliaries'. ; it looks' as , though pied; them • home, . and will visit het
-------------. .p.. THE HENT,
Clover ' Vailey Schopl will , not close two sons • at, Sebringville. -before' • re.
devil, 'for: sOrne.timeyet. ' , turning home, - ', . . , ' ., ,..',A.ndlord n a: eertain town to
oiolVIvr,;,,,IvohanneyD,.; gRoOts!,4o,purio. atseasineite,Ir.stla.rt. i?ril,omak.s,„, -sivvemn;:i,i,eia4hipte.!cvl. ei eokf w Donnyitbbe;
With- unfailing regiiratitY. ••'
. •• . , .• ,•
it no'. easy : matter' to colleCt hia
•.prise w,h;eil. ibe,,c111.1died got. togethex.
'.5.1augliter, :Mre. Crotier.
. . .
- 'Mr. and Mrit. Joe*England +of" Luck in':11'inet1'bistn-ar'nesizi:ei:t.s, . P:aanrdt1,-e, hu. el g. kiY' thought 'trir" :
and presented pbrzen4tnedd thhioni ti*ill,p'tb.;wcitIP:gh,,rdd.cisi.:;ise.:, npw, Ivir. ivle cat 1,y and .fninlly •
bear Tea:cher:— • -
,The pleasant ,pleasant duty .has: been given 10.. and. m.o. ;Thimi si.,110.,,, , . :, •
, . PerameOnt,.'. spent New Yeat's with fhiloitynS.P.:ohlfiritcalci:Yt'viff,,t1Chtr!'entlIttlor.e.ceiVe,.1'
. .
innige''byyPti-'41.1tylii:\egilciifotI dir:At6as Pesio f 0 enr ee :e ,9t i. ',. Mr ; ))6,t• pe‘tehr: ;,:of,•:-_,244•e-si-vy.:816.t, ' :One„.inarning ,‘,;lien he eidled..at he
• .
,ntir „friendahip APO loYe'' We hope eh) '''''s;13"t a 4w days-•ai,':.• 0.10.xt,?. gc, house • eiie effered%him .a,,,,half,Agliar. ,..`„
,which ip ..th,14\ put. are, donpidered, : a • have yow with 41s••Xot'ili:ielfy 'Years' 'tO:: Xittoici',..,.' . ' - ' . ;• , " . " •
g:idlilillti;' ' a''d- 'this *541.1telaPPaiseirit15° '..;:stirig.,7,,:i.•:6wt.„, ihte, lif3ept!:6_1''',0-•11,460:ki,tout,,1),,0,60°.4,1nn, .pilb.ti,.' „t.;•Itr;., :m•qiis.teiolii;11!".•k,e j‘int.11:iton:4d.1tto,,,,,,,4the be‘,igii' q'tnhir4eto''';',..!itl if:. u:atv.4;,a' e'rWti.-: -r.,'*1(9t-tnett(1:-.:
.4terellt%tfs.7111.1.'reTh-reeP6011rtee4d11.,i.4tuOt,. 7hien47 ydo(itilieeith,:::eliirts.,.."ii:d:: re,v,!,,,r.;71,14.0 ,:.,lif :: ci"..0.,.. ,,pat,,t week ..t4...iii , ..66i...boo..,i_
. been: 'Oen ::iti "-in anit `Inlits- of 'Western '
: -iti '.;iiici- ra: Irerk Curran • and'iHt4'11.474?::oliii:nil''air.ttiaa;Nie::ltIlinarrsilliikelidilli4.:
Oorte 44 ol4 min h - ti 'long, /ha . . , J ,, ---- , . ,, Toor • lit SEn I. onr994,
- - ber 'who bitve 1.hot sobooi, Mtn.. iiiimOtosa ., 1444* PInnloY ._°.;: A;,.Izttici_!".1P-.. $011lie.t. New ! it; mY 014. ksit. 40'4 4,010 thq )44
Ontario and ':,that there are many' in
•thiit. ',:kettiati` la, 'evidOaded;;W: the :re-,' '-: -mined of . bellitit. ;a ,tho.' whole . ,.,
Otiobileho w, i•e' Ilk °X : ilinillt9111 ' : ..,-, . „, ..4...„,...,
. . .....,_ .. .
' . ai
lvv,i '
• II
• di