HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-01-06, Page 1• \ 14' • YgAH. AD NE; $2',50 OT.HERWiSE • -•••• * • P , 0)2 0'4 + p,SIN,GEE'COPIE 5 CEikITS . •, Dr. W: M. .Connell• , Physician, and Surigeul ' • LtkeknoW Hours 2-4 7. Phone .86 *. DENTIST t• • MacLeod • '411: visit Lneknow .. every .Theaditir . Conaoll'a, .0.01ce: i"' • • • • kf.., !,,r ;•.:,1 -: ,. • 7rt,1.:'\,,t.: ... .1A013,fi. ,".T":•" At„ ....-. .r Dr."4,;Treleae'n,,..kL"";•"•"h' . n, :''• 0cor,)ser,64t6re,EItrid o; n .elk,r'by(gialoqeljWjilbhi i DahrannekeVe Thursday.. •-aT1onf-r;.. ... • 1:" f \ , .-il . • -1 ' s'. y ''''' "I. . \• . .1 \ . \ ... DE,IkITI.V.,• , .:Call \ .9*,..Newt'41\ -1Vilike. anporntrn.ent ' \1ILL:CiMeevet.•;yoity.77 Geo. A. Siddall, LuCkhow, --Broker 6' ,- and lieakEstate.Meney to l'ild in , first mortgages , ori farm .:, prelle,V • ties at 6 and,6141 per cent ;weer ing k••••• , „.. to security : offered. •.. Also 'smal; . ' ‘ *".....,:„ •smounts' on 'Second ntri ages' on r larm properties, and a' • :'„ Am...sena! ' hotea. A feW good farms .for sale • ,... - • ,...-....:......, - ' ,:e..;.L..-..,„: • „ WALL 'PAPER . Latent .patterhs'. in stock at lowest . prices: -.7 -47 --cheap. as in catalogues. -1.9c474 AND GENERAL 0 c*1 .11VI' '•tg; t n''''thi -. Thanks,. • r.,:, W ea erman, :, to r4c flint-,ehrlatTrialTeathert. 1.:''' ,'; ',•`' '. Mr?!'jia 14 ,:Di'lcili 4rilied"...ILtlic• '-'Ml., tiligan, ..Visitect.'at 'the home Of. •B.:'J. Canieron the'. past 'eek.''. ',';:, ,' • •.\ . Mr, ,, 4RM . ,.,,nilici ,i, ped ,t,e,„ (! ,.._*, _tili0..? i,..aft0:.:114,r1clitiF \-the\;:qii,ia t Mae; vii- at on at.'his herrie here., Eey", \'\W;.\ .Craw expects ' to I. CuPy Ina \piilnit,:iiekt,...-Suadairrt,There Wili'Ve'a;tong, service in the 'evening. .IMr, R. E. Smith, whO„,:gomes' from Haiiiiitna, is. "successor",'Of gr. cil.,:fi:' "Can teion 'Irt,the -local;Bank of Maht- - grs. .E.• Utting, 'Rae and Ada Wit.; Son "spent' : the .Chriatinas ' week with Mr. and Mrs. Percy ' Har,i1X :Of Wing. ham. ... .. _ - ' 7 • . . . Mr... ROBS L. MaclAnald‘ left Mon-' • . :Also book patterni, of 4eading inan ' ' dayIntieoto',1; f.: .wt :.eyr,e7e6iih'eo•131 is iprincipal' return ::' t.. °of the'i3:Yn • ufacturers,Box 174; R. J. Cameron, . .. • • Painter 4 Paper Hanger. • • .. .. is. Levin a Braosmi of 'Fort Erie , sperit--Chriatmes--'°week-WitirliepV":" : ICAW .VURS' .•Idigheat ' PriCe5;7pnic-17.7e,ntis,' ..,Mr.; and gra. D./. Huston ' "Of town. • ' • '1/4„. • . for all kinds of :Raw• Furs at _ A. Blitistein's Store, I.ucknow. - .• • - (25-11-c) . ' For 'fo'ale-:-A puitiber , Of . 1,:vhidew and storm sash With' glass in them. Apply to D. C. Taylor;' ' • '. • • . LOGS 'WANTED • The: undersigned are and will be daring the winter-, open, 'to buy All kinds Of loge, Maple; 'Beech; Birek :Basswocid* Soft Elin any nther• lin& of and ; pay; the 'high.: ' : et: market price,. delivered at • our . saw-n11.st yieltnow. For _urtiter..., pa a office or •y phone. -,The LucknOW table co., Ltd. J. FARM FOR ALE • , 100 ACRES -2 Acres god MaPle brick .hease, 30 x 30 ,and jc 20. frame -barn on 'stone foundation 60 'x 60; •shed „attached, 36 x '40; . drive abed 24 , x -30; hen houte, 13 ic 80,." Well located,will be sold yeaSon- ablYL..Ternis.:_toLstlit-purchaser.:----:-: • • . 15-7 -4f. , .• • ,• Geo. A. Siddali. • • FARM LANDS Felt:SALE.= E.H. of W.H. 6f7Lot No. 1, Can, 11 Eastern Div, ef Ashfield,'Iluron.' Co. 50 Acres more, or less;• Bank barn and draine house.- Also S.% of E. J/2 Lot 4, Con. 9, W. of Ashfield Huron Co. 75 Ac. more,or leak -pas- - 'tare', Apply to R. S. Wilson, The ':Canadian. 'Bank Of • Commerce Liicknow,. Ont. • • ...• For Rent -Th e residence , of. thq Ate Mrs. Mary A. Tennant,Luck- The house is in first class re - a very desireable proper - Co. A. •r,i4,1/41.2-26-tf) FOR -.--SALE; Mr. . and Mrs. Wm.' Huston • of I)e- , troie,'-liaire returned, 'after spending ;Chriatinas,".Week, With'' the ' former's ,parents. . -Miss 'Sadie. MadDonald, of Toronto General Hospital staff, Who Was home for Christmai„ returned to the city on "Friday:- • • - • • The Rev. T. Wesley Coseris came Up . front LYriden, Tuesday .niight,:- to xetinduct.HtheL-tserirtees-rinr-cez-nrebtirir With . the Jessie' Naylor funeral. • • The. Ceitre ".s • dot'reis Young Pee 'ple's Dramatic 'ChM "E'vvill 4. present their play in the near .future. Watch .fiext-'week'S .Sentipel for ;fall .partic- ' " ulars . . Mrs. John Thompson and. little •-daughter' 'sane: have• . returned to their "hoe, after: spending •the 'las two mon hs with , her, sister, • gra Charles Steward of town. • •".' . " • ' • ;Mr. and :Mrs:. Jacob' -Hunter of :Ashfield; • . have; the synipathy ef: friends'. in ther:death.:.of • 'their . little daughter,: Doris Adelade, who diedITT \Ving}i.un Hospital. •on Monday,„ feHoWing an. oPdration. She 'was' une Year and 7 months old. • . -••-•,The•C:N:R.: train. from Palmertsan: due here about ten o'clock Tuesday nigh 'did not arrive ',until.: 3 -o'clock Wednesday morning, owing to the engine going dead a fe* „miles outl , , , of Brussels. Passengers had a tiresonie wait of .foiir hours before a special :en ton. • Electric -Washing Machine in , •••,ellent condition. -Apply to E. J. • '.(16 -1g -dc , . ' • • For Sale --Good second-hand cut- ter -at the Ford Garage. , HOUND, ;ASTRAY . • . : Came' to the ,premises :of the un- 2deraigned„ ,. near Ainberley, on'„,..or• ibout „Jan, 3rd, 1027i; a hound; Owner . May". bave;SIling,•!on proving pro'pertir% • .• ' D. £' MacLean. .• ,AUCTION SALE • Joseph Carrell; Lot 'II, Con. 12; W. Wavvanosh, Will 'have an auction 'sale Of his farm:.stock • and implements on ' 'Monday, .Jan. ' 10th, conitneneing• at one .o'clOck p.m. He' is quanti.: • ties. 'Of- oats, Mixed grain and ;hay: • Everything will be sold. -John PUT.. Via; Auc. • TAK-E NOTICE THAT • 1. The Council of the „Corporation the Village' Of Lucknow; has con-. •tructeil as a local: iniproveinent nciete ternent pavenient on Canip, ell Street between thewesterly lim- it of RossStreet And HaVelack Street. •" on :Stauffer „ Street between- Campbell and, Wheplqr. „„Streets,•:..,and, on • Ross • Street 'between: Cariipbell and Pali-. ,erston -Streets., ' • „.• . 2, '_The special rate per fea 'fron- tage is -40 ft. width, 16% cents; 30 ft. width, 10 "cents; 26 ft. width, ,.•61/4 bents; .24 ,ft.' width,' 5.3 cents.; ,and 23 ft. width; 2 epnts.The' special • as- sinent is te., be n'aid„in fifteen Ow; ual instalments.:' . • • ' •„Mi. The estimated lifetinie '.61 the •t- is 26 yaars.‘ •• • . • -.• ' 4". , .A Court ,of Revision; will be held on, the '2104 day of ' ,January 1927.• in the -office ..of'the•-:Cierk,,- a 8 ''o'cloek,fOr the; purpose of hear- ing con/plaints .against the PrOpciseo • assessments or the aceuracy Of ,fron- " Inge ,,measurements; and , any, other . "Complaint •which ' nersens..interested • May desire to make and which is by ' 'Ia* .cognizab e by the Court ;Dated at Lucknow this ,4th,„day,,:cif A.D. •ipm, • = JOS, -AP014•_ . • • • bi!".4444r-0"!' '11/1ade.up Comforters,' for .$1;08. ,lit• ,10,14411,14urdoell CO4 s.•11.A 11011...gAAXPA. or Card- -of- Thanks ' Mrs. John T. -Carruthers and fam- ily wish to express grateful appreci- ation qtthe helpful kindness and sym- pathy shown by friends and neigh- , . !bora during the ;illness and at the death of husband and- father. ' • r.. • . I Runimage, Sale. 'Bargains in Dry" Goods at ...THE .MARKET-nernell- Murdoch : .11E -OPENS , Lucknow School .re -opened On Tuesday with . 'one permanent and , • • one 'temporary 'change ,inthe teach- ingstaff. ' Miss Maragret .MaeCallum has, taken.the" Place of,..W, F. 'rhoinp- 'sOn, who his 'gene to Toronto„ and Miss Margaret Miller is substituting.. - .for Miss' K. MacDonald, Who istak- ing a ,month's rest, On Visiting the school; 'members of the Board , were "grch‘fily pleased to find' how well the janitor, Mr.. Whitby, had dO'ne his work during the vacation, having everything in tipple pie order, ,cu to • say. CAR SLID INTO'DITCH Mr. Hugh, Macintosh .had a rather nasty ' accident at the.bridge.touth, of Bowies' • Hill; Wednesaay..'...ef Week. He was ,driving;aotith with is Wife and little grandson, Babble -gee. Kenzie,' in his ear, When on the grade ;leading to the bridge the -eai: 'skidded , . ei,deWayS ,04.04t4ylier ,the bank. •making'diSp 'about 16, feet. The top of -the'..ctiri--a -...Olievrcilet.;•!:coackr was badly-w1Teked, and kr. and .Mrs: Macintosh were ',somewhat. Injured •and. ,shaken up,: „hut„lia'sio ab..9tit pletohy Sooveredi Fortunately,' the ear. Was prodeeding Otte slow1 at the time. Hobble was not illjtited, *41. 11,Vitt0-110 9104! g 110 mot, 6 E ELECTION IN ASIIFIELI) •, Twe candidates f r reeve, '' tivo for dennty re,,,,eXe,,,a'n& seirep,„,..ter.,„.00 li ''-ei 0,1r-iiiiii&e,firriyWk ,fi `e-cTIO'n7iriA'alifielci - TOWn.41iip,;OP Monday ':• .'":. ' ".. • he • reaUlt:birt li ling; etihdijiiions was 'ae• follows;. ., •• ' . ' For.-'-'Beevet-- ::. ,, .---:-4- -,-'.--'• „.,,, , Fol) No., I. • 2 •• ••, g '' ,ohn. Parrish- ".... : '•,.a.,• ).' . .;' : .. f .. : :'. .;.:73 . 4g 44.. 42 „ 42., 72.. - 74' ; Ale?s:;I-lacitett. '....:.....,: :, .,,;,,:l...!:.....,:44 ..,96 11:q 42.. .pr,l ... 0.!.3"Ati ;''..Tetai; ;380., : • •,- I'. ,Per De00:ti" .HleO. '1-1' ;....'h''''', ..''''' .4,1.4•\:.','. .Jahn' ,:.041)xe:TO4 ......-....,i. ;. r....:*`,.% • '74 ' °-.4 '''1:01'• .'91'...: Srlf 93.1.• '''' 47P' II . , • , . -I„. ,',4.71r.e._.h.\•!7, ....',4. 0:6.1:1Oir;.,.,..;,i4L4,Ii.41001,;r.\4,:. !:',.; ,..,\ , "; 41*,101,.4 4114 91f.•tion,;.."..„.:!!A, \"•V•.1 ,, ..\" '.. .4'02' ' 2 Bt.\ \.1,3". \ 3,r.'5,9,;34:I• .I.W., 5'7,' ' Wi..4.::" Bia' ek.,, \',,,•-..4.:),,,....4.; ,.,•\ ',. L .\.„,..p.:.:,,, 57: \,,, 56 ',. ' '54,7.i ::;:': 3, .",, .1,.:Y,'.. \..\\-1:1. \-.• • !' \''''''.\\18'' '141..\1.C1g..1'\,.::. ''''...' I ':\i\ ....:.'.."7:- ',1,..1J'it-' \b,04;i11,0011:"..,"i.• .' ..7,Tsai4,11:4( COngrani ,;•:,,.,, ' • ..„ ..:\•:,., , i :i0.:.'0-..1..\., $.',-.,.±6,.......6.,' \ifa.!, '''c..:' -t* ii. , .. , i ..4.;. \,-1•':3..•'\ A :\.. ,,,.5. 16 .'";, 9.: I I, .,_,Y\ .\",,,,40,61.... : ',Tohnv, A. MacKenzie; ."...... '..• •••:'; • .'I"9 :49., oi4,, '.'40- 4 -5`3 '' 00' . \ "\,;.ci2.4.' " janieS . ,MeNit'in 4.,. ; ...,.'....:.,., , ., ,.., . , ; +gi„; :16 .: -44, :,....3::.,, -19. : 27r, 'i3A ' '." ' • 222' ' .': Timinaa 'Sullivan .;:,:. :..., „ , , „ ,-•,:-,......... 00 150.. '54 • 35'.'', 12•••• -1,..,P ..29:' ' - $0 :The conneiX Beard ,fo 927 will he .eonstituted ao."felieWsi ., Reeire,... Alex. Hackett. Deputy Re ver„ . John Cameron; :,CourieiliOrs; :: T. :SUllivari, , • . -.T. Anderson, J. • .4t, MacKe zio.'„'•*- ... .. , .. , • .. ,. . . '' . •• , FAMIL"Y, ',MOVE TQ:---BRAN.TFO . Mr. and Mrs. Melvirt.Reed niOyecl to Brantford '-this, . Reed' has been appoirired,te .4 gener- al.. agency • with , the' MasSey.',Harris.. S.9.11,1PanY.; They' had ;their ,-,•bouS'ehold. •effeets Inoved by, truck; • aid will be 'settled in ,their' pew herae right away: PRESENTATION TO . • $a., AND MRS.. J. CA.NTEr.,ON. Befnre' their left ; for4' their new . . horn e in 'Meatord,, Mr. and Ails. Jne.„ CaritelOri. • Were presented, on -behalf of the: Ideal Bowling 'ChM,' • With a ease . of flat silype,' cut glees goblets. arid• 'ake plate. The presentation' 1.Cook Place. at the Masonic . On 1friclay• evening. , r. • Alex: Hamilton, , pre.gident, of,..' the: ,Men's Bowling Club, Made the presentation address, :expressing regret at the loss tothe club of two such .. veined: .11 -lei -libel's and •wishing, on' behalf of.. the Luck - now club, 'every. happiness new home. •, . , •, • Mr:, Cantelon, who had been '. ,si•x .and years here.with the MO1- . son's 'Beak a,.nd.' Bank. of; Me.14,rea1.; inade-1 a suitable- . acknowledgement, and Said that he arid Mrs.:Centel:on should -„ ,never forget7LiicknOw,. which had beciiine like' home :to them." • HOBERT BROWN AND : FAMILY GO TO SIMCOE "Trobeft Brown and children left on Tuesday morning "fOr Siincoe, where. they will reside, Brown „has:. '''position as. travelling 'salesman.. With Reiner Bina., wOollen. • • goods :manufacturers " Of Wellesley, and will 'Work,' in Ontario. On 'Monday evenino 'before keying, theyic remembered by LiicknOw :friends at' a gathering'at the hen e of ,Mr. and Mrs, Harry:, McQUillin. A ',committee lefiresenting th'e business Inefi of town. presented Mr: Brown with - cabinet of table, silverware, and. the Ladies'..BOWling ..Club presented Mrs. Brown , with eat glass goblets and a Cake disk: 7 • • " ' Mr; Brown, -during his 14-year.s. in Licknow, was active .•in -support ' of sport organizations, , the Dramatic Society, and by these 'he will be • ,• greatly Missed. ' , KINCARDINE WINS .3 !' PIRST, ROUND Four --,-Three was the score' , a. feet, game of hockey played ' here Tuesday night -and , Kincardine' had the 4: It-was*a jiiniOr league fixtui.e, • , -Kincardine vs. LUcknowl It was n good, clean game' throughout; and though the local boys didn't win, they were greatly . encouraged and 'feel that they :Can 'hold the: Lakesiders" eiren. on • any. ice. -• The Lucknow: .line-up Was' as fol- lows: Goal?, S. .Decker; Defence L. Murdoch and K. • Thompson; 'Right, Morgan lien.dersOn; : Left; .Gordon Fisher; Centre, C. -Thompson; Subs.. Jiin• Baker and Andy' Thompson..' S. Bowers refereed' . the game • to. the "-Satisfaction' Of . .•• '4 • , ' -NORTHERN. -HOMEY LEAGUE The grouping of the Senior League for the Aeason is as follows: bea.'; 28-7Wingham• At Kincardine.' Pee.at". Wingliatru Jan': 1 -Kincardine at Ripley; • " - 7---bucknow -Kincardine. , at Witighant., • 10 -Kincardine at/ tueltno'w. -ki,-Bipity at tucknow, ' ,1;-='-itiiifeY-iti.ititicardine.•. • • 21.-Oyingliatii at Ltiktiow.,,,•, 2'.7.-.4u4now' at hiplgy', , 24,--Vitingham 81-kleeirdinh; at Vinglitini. , " n • 4 Rincardina at LUckpos,;4 44;4544130k0Otivl at -MISS JES15 NAYLOH, • ScDDENLY. „Tt,T0' • • • rienda' -Of Mr: and •Mrs. ifylor• were greatly :ahoCked ' Monday• learning, that th:eir .gliter; MisaJeSsie-itud--died-suddealir" and Jessie had.'gone • to Toronto to, spend. th 'winter. On Monday, Jessie, who •wa never' very' robust, - was.. taken i with::heart, trouble,..and• was trakeri" .t St. 'MiehaQl's BpsPital;' Where::'sh Passed, -away aeoh'after entering. Th rernaini Were brought to Luelincri; • for interment in4oreenhillc,04tery, Funeral service .7. was held in "the 'United Church? Vedneaday'..• :after_ noon. She: Was, jbat .14 yearsA.'and 5 . moptlis„ :bid, " and. an 'dilly daughter; Messrs.. Price 'Xaylor of',Toronto. and Harvey Of..Perifiee, Were herefor the funeral..• • UNITED tHtikif W.M.S. • s' 11 0. e eilikilid Ring cp. .14 The Diamond s are chosen by cicpens-they have tbat exquis- ite bide white color and beaqy found only in Diamonds ofhighquality. 4 Whateiter the size Diamond in ; a Princess 'Ring, you may be 4 .Stlee Of its superb quality and . 1 •you maY.sbay it anywhere wicb mpIicit confidence. - - •1 ' Prices are very moderaie • Look /Or the name 1,• and be safe Giiancced ; . P. '07. ELL18.& Co: Limited, Toronto biamondimporters ' f,stab.. ten • The ieetin on. Tuesday.:- opened hy sir1O.iig. 1:zun 4. and prayer by f Mrs.' ,Burns.t ,The',,,Seripthre reading was by Mrs. :: John 'Button'. gra.; Rath - :occupied the '.chair. •The' .thinute0 of last .meeting•-were..read and adopt- ed. A letter -Was..reacl -from ; Mrs. MacKinnon.' Of 4.Cheijey, Presbyterial Secretary,recommending Miss •git- chell, travelling Secretary; ". and or.: ganizOr..o'f • Auxiliaries., as a )80,1y Of ability, and 'advising : our. society ' to seenie her for a "niglitrit was decicl- ledto haVe_Miss'. MitchYll "here for Friday, Jan. 14th, and an...invitation is extended to all who,Can And- it convenient' ; to' 'attend. ._Mrs, Bus:vvell read a paper' dealing e, mis- sion • Work carried- on in India by the: United Church, 'which • prpved very encouraging. .". Mrs: • Marche rendered , . a very appropriate missionary • sole; The-,;Heratels -ore rend Mrs; N'. L. Cairipbell.; entitled . "Christians. in In- dia," Johnstcingave Message: iom India ' to .Canadian: iiplcepnritiede,, .QB:14. craw. very ablybem-. these, , splendid papers. and 'closed the meeting with prayer. _ o ST: HELENS Mks. Jas. DouglasiVritchell,. was e New Year's:'Visitorvivith , her moth- er, 1VIrs...W. Cameron. Miss Irene Lypch left„,cit„ Moiclay fd,..r:0-Esiatimonil.to:ii; where she has secured ai. Muss _Margaret' Rintoul of Teronto,. was a 'holiday lvisitor ' 4 her home here. .--• gr: J. 'macintosh .of, Vinland, was a visitor daring the week" at Mr. :D. ' Mrs JOhp Webster spent a few - days 'last Week with her daughter; Mrs. W G Meerestie. -" ' Mr. and , Mrs. Win.' Webb of 'Luck-. , , . neW, spent New Year's] Day at Mr, Ts. iviacKenzie%., Miss Weatherhead • '..spent • part Of the holidays Witklier titbit; Miss Emily Weatherheacl at Blyth.' -.Miss Ethel Robertson of L'licknP, -'‘va a guest Of. mr. and 'Mrs. J. t. -Rutterfahu,..ovpi Neiv Yecies: • • Webb ' was a Christ. "inaS 'viSiter. With her,: mother, • Mrs. WellWeod, at ,Wingharii.", -Mr. -and " Mrs; • Hilten ' Ogden and little Billy; and Jean Of Whalen,. and Mi, Juun Ctirrie. ef Wingharn, Were, visitrirs on Thursday. vvith Mz and Mis , Wallace' Mrs G Gillespie a Whitechurch, • was ..the' guest o Mrs. :n.1 Ander- son duidag the :Week. •,- Mrs. John Miller and; Miss Margar- et Miller have ' returned to Lucknow, fifter ..U.yeadip'i.the_..h6lidtlit' Week with friends. '.here. ' • • 4600 Menta Bitirts at 4)300' -each,' Ittomaie 4alo' 14t• TUE. gAgKET..t.' 'Fr , • ARMSTROIZIG Jeweller & Optometrist Lucknow, Ontario . DURING. THE YEAR. 1927 ." • ' Novir:' that another year: has 'com- Menced; • we hegiri to keep our. resolu- tions, and don't forget the Mein one: • "ThatlynuLrC ttingtObuy.tlie-::•best4. --Wholesome, n_iitritioas" bread •made in ,Lnekh,e*.• That is Reid* - ',Golden Crust Bread, obtainable at your 1:,-,Baker,y, Phone :68:: " ' ••• Specials for the.: .weelc!.. - Honey Creani layers, • Italian Fruit!. -Date Trilbys,;.. Strawberry ,Tarts, .0atrnealsi- Fried *akeS, Jolly' 11011s. Deli'ciou • home-ynade Scona, etc.. Reid's." (leliCi- ous Candyjits t touch eS the spot: • . . • . 13argraina ..in Sweaters, Pullovers, uniniage Balat THE MARKET. e. 7 -„lyn1y.Ec1Iu4c1J.,-. • ,lev..ivrr.--4nd` Mrs.' ,Polloelc and faniily moved'into, the. Manse" • On. Friclay. We 'extend' .4 hearty. , • S°.'•11M14. • ' of)ii1U.•Henry , .Toronto. 'visited last week at. her honie here. ' . umvisited:s,s Gordon]tasvt'1,Wyne c: k6 MacKayI- tut'n .Ofh:oneiwen :ah.te csei .Weelc-erill .his • home bete: • • spent the teTtA•-ei4nedlis.pwit:t17fli/I4111s73.da:7 McQuoid1. _• 5. • _ - Wor was receiired. here. •an Satur- day of: the death of ' Mrs. Mary 'Shade . of flamiltop.,, Mre., Sharpe. and., family hived for many years' ."in Whitechurah; and were very • highly respected • residents. • The,'"synipathY of the, cerriiiivaity i3 extended to the. fainily in, their •sad ;bereavement. Mrs: Duncan Kennedy 'left iast, ,Week: ;for ,London,' . England, ,.`‘ where She will 'visit her mother *and o'ter relatives.' It is. nine years sine, ,she caTrio Canada,- no doubt she- wihl • See many -changek, in hc,r,, old,' henie and surroundings. The 'inductiOn of th Rev. 'Johrl Poliock of„Inge,r,Solli• togplace in the Presbyteriair'ChUrch her laSf very „seating:. the. "three tongregatiorls,\ itley.• Dr. Perrie of Winghitm, con- ducted :'the ;opening scrvices,, and, Jn the'::absen6O ,of Bev. Dr. Fowler ,of,' .13russele;'he' alSo. -gave the 'first 44-' . Hogs. Bey. 4. Janeii nf*Sei.0 Kip= questioned the minister. ' T D, McCullough of Kincardine,:adr- lressed . the minister. Rev. C. •Mae. - ..Donald of LuckhoW addressed tht;, people. 'Mr: and Mrs. John• 'McGee :of • CaliriM, sang 'a :dnaic ,. Wh'h was very' .aineh apprebiated...- After the', Service lunch , 'was 'served Fn the latiement lifeaSitut:soeial: hour spent, 1:. The.' annual ' ineeting nien's,Missionary 'Society, Ot. the PresbYterian .Church Was 1..,held 'last Tuesday :afternoon": ThPre‘'.: wea.' good, attendance...The trnicers Of .laar4 year were, all .te-elected ::for another teFin, A Spee.ial ‘,fenturo„: Of *the' nct- wis the_ presentation of „.„ Li fe." .MtniihershiP. 'Certificates zOt.":tlie;:.',F...xes,,, byterian Canada' to. 'Mrs, David Kennedy, and :Mrs.: £nhllT9I- son An: 041'.4§„8..YiAs...4.0.asl,._1;t1,...-M.0..,,, itobor, .Mowbray, And Mrs. Daviti- son prOsented.' the': , boogittio* *Vey Annetiby sUrfirise, they..thatiked the7.tuerliiber,•frifthe'ir: .4104,'reecOltio4f,.. '• . L P.. , Ft. QUALITY.AREAD -° • ,--,',,----AIWOOhe-Sartier-T-MivOs-fteili: - PP4,0, Ugge; Whole Wheat.8t,RaiSin Brea ..4 •••• . ,,,,,, ..' ••-•,-;;....8peois,.....,.0k. , eieo, • li,e,,,,,,,;-40,,,,:oils :, ','Chocolate . Mar4maliow• : 0. a ke Nut Squares ' Lemon Meringue ties;': :Oatmeal :Cookies, „,,,, ptifj4 • - EnaP'' - 'Chelsea En002' ' , .11 ',41 ' "'. •L''' . 1,. 1 1 l'' " - I • ' I t " I ' 411 r„ ., 1 • I ' I 1,, ' 71"7-7S.77.ii ; I ' , li. • • .1„!'f' \ ne Ph• O ,$.6„ \,,. ,', ''\ \ \ \ 0 nc:ow \,,k ,. :• -415P4V'AX`40:AT47,:,•WIN't'A'..T. s'A.VA,W.M',41.4'44.g,Stbr,s6IrdwitaESKAIFAir'- '' Phone 75 1..ucknow, Ont, - FRED E. BUSVVELL '4ANTJARir li-ALf-PRI,CE SALE- . D ING tlfE; FIRST TWO WEEK'S ,OF " THE. JANUARY • TII :STORE"... IS 'COMMIC.IIN9' • A 'PDX E .CLEAN -UP SALK ..1 ' • THE 'M RCIIANDIS IS PLiT ON, SALE AT THIS •SPECIAL LOW PRICE, .IS- TAKEN FROM 'OUR REGULAR STOCK,' AN ) WILL" 'COMPRISE SOME OF: THE BEST QLTM0ITY • h, trr ' Silk Crepes ••Ladies' •Irliridetw.ear Coid- yelvet.,... - '''.. MN -450s el . '''T.4'0Nr.qe:eiss . Coatings .. . , Serges,-• .... .,_ •- Work 'Shirts , MANY..' OTHER '';''I, ILL' BE -SET 'OUT:. 'AT ''SPECIAL;, 4 Ly. 1.,QW. PRICES, TO .4T,KRACIC Tilt Ynaityingousig , ' .WiFE. , AND THE ONLY *AY TO kNovir.• Wif„Ay'.9uigi kj.' iFiAp%PRic .sAir,-.8' MEANS. is. TO COME AND SEE: • : • p4.: PECIALl ' Can lannelette,.- regular 20c4... :at lialtlfriee,:. , 10e. per ' yard , • . 4 swell " VAMIK40154PAWAIEdir;iirAillvdr*- AirrArallralgilitArilerIFIVAPP* , AliVaYs the, o BEST • at Button's UttOn'S MEAT MARKET Only:the:, BET at Button's . ee,f Pork veAli • Lamh Cured Meitt ALL YOUNG' `'BEEF• '• • ' . Prime Porterhouse Itpast. Prinie ,Surloin Roast ..„.....; Round cuts Steak. • • • • • • 20t Ci • • 1 13c cRiiiboicHeoat , Roast • • .•-• • • '' .23c . 15c Choice Rib ., . Pot Roast .... Boultng Beef -Choice Boiling' ▪ Beef S.teiving Beef . .10c. Choice.,4Steng, Beef 13c. 'Front Quaiters llc hlind.Quarters Pork Roast 18c. Choice Pork Roast :22c; • 1Pork Chops ..... ... .',........ 20c.: "Triinmed Pork Chops :25c. All Pork Sausage--.. 23c. Beef, and(sauPsoarkgeesSallumnsagee.:ii.a.d.e.„)...15e. The Christmas and New Years Fowl il'abg°37Bf,th e. Teo-wfer tdhe B ' • licious Steaks_a n t h e Prime Roasts, - the Best -We -can hu;. Call and Try Some , Of Our Meati • • .Pure Lard, Bulk ., `1:.20c. s....5•Lb. Pails : .$1.00 • ,•5hQrteaing, 3 Lbs. 5 -Lb. Pauls .Bacon, boneless 55c . ••• Whole. Bacon Breakfast ,Ilaeon, sliced' 48c." • -Whole ' Bacon : 44c.. Snciai' Back, ,skin • on , 30c. Special Back, skin off 33c. Special HOB,1 Ll?, for '28c. Whole %Roll, 'per Lb.' ,.',25c/ ' Sincsked Ham, .per,Lb. .40c. Half Ham 35,c. 'Whole jinni Finnan-Haddie,„ a Lb: ;•120c. 5. Lbs. @ ;:..18c. Fillets; 1 Lb. '; .23c. • 5 Lbs. @ .21e. • FRESH, 11811 • i Lb Fish, 16c.. • . •.• Whole @ , • BOLOGNA, .',Large •Rungs :.. ;23c. 5 Lbs. . ,'• • $1.00 ' 4.1.EAD• •CnEESE '4 Lb.ati'ec . „ • OttbEH .. YOUR SVHT NOW 8i•e001...:,P11404.,fot.:S.atukday.- 'filGHB.ST. cA§11:.101tC.B rPOR. ALL KINDS -OF'HIDE • . •:"-;;•• • :'••• APPRECIATION' the Electors of Ashnild• , Ladies •and..clentlemen,,..--• :wish' '0,1ress ..to you, 'my 'hearty •lipprediti,. of the support which ..yOu give, jo On-Moriday,--.Let•ine-again" assure titat, yourinterests cilui the in-. tereats_of;the....township•-ivill-lia-ve-thy von- best 'attention. - • ,RACKE77. NOTICE.• prirties% having necotints 'with ' Melvin „Reed,- will please , see that shene are :paid. by Vehruary After•,said date .:ntber ,par•tie17-:,ihl hive -collecting-nf• acCounti-neit*-pairl;: at 1 will be- out te to* yi.-1Vre,L' „Reed ; It must amuse a rabbit to see a hunter jump apd haw). when afieth4t- • r„ ,44