HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2013-11-06, Page 44 News Record • Wednesday, November 6, 2013 NewsCl Record PUBLISHED WEEKLY — EST. 1860 53 Albert St. P.O. Box 39 Clinton ON NOM 1L0 (519) 482-3443 www.clintonnewsrecord.com SUN MEDIA A Quebecor Media Company NEIL CLIFFORD Publisher nei I.cl ifford@sunmedia.ca GERARD CRECES Editorial cl inton. reporter@su nmedia.ca MAX BICKFORD Advertising Manager max.bickford@sun media. ca DAWN JOHNSTON Sales Representative clinton.ads@sunmedia.ca CHRISTY MAIR Front Office clinton.classifieds@sunmedia.ca Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged but that balance of advertisement will be paid for at the applicable rate. In the event of a typographic error advertising goods or services at a wrong price, goods or services may not be sold. Advertising is merely an offer to sell, and may be withdrawn at any time. The Clinton News -Record is not responsible for the loss or damage of unsolicited manuscripts, photos or other materials used for reproducing purposes. Publications Mail Agreement No. 40064683 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES: CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 53 Albert St., Clinton ON NOM 1L0 (519) 482-3443 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canadian Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. Canada .43icna Member of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association and the Ontario Community Newspapers Association www.clintonnewsrecord.com editorial Remember the past, learn about the present Everyyear about this time the breast of every jacket becomes spotted with red, with a little plastic poppy pinned carefully and proudly on the left side. Why we do it is simple - to remember. But, what of us that have no family to give us any stories to remember? Whose story do we connect with to keep the message alive? And furthermore, what is the message? Tyranny, in all its forms, must be opposed. We have learned this through the terrible examples of Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia. Human life is not something that should be considered dis- posable for the sake of ruling by fear. Thankfully, we have among us people that not only know this to be true, but are willing to put themselves before their countrymen and women and challenge these threats head-on. These same people decide to fight for the freedom of others, even as they give up a piece of their own. It is this we should remember, and this we should be thankful for. Sadly, humanity is a complex entity, full of fears, misunderstandings and bitter- ness. We have failed many times since Nov 11, 1918, to honour the sacrifice of our Veterans and the eradication of a glo- bal threat. We keep falling in to the trap of blame, hate and violence. The poppy gives us a symbol of oppor- tunity, cooperation and camaraderie, as well as great struggle and greater sadness. Without men and women in military service, this free world we enjoy in North America would be very different indeed. Veterans of the Great Wars are dwin- dling. There are numerous projects under- way to speak to those still among us and learn what war did to them on a personal level. For years, nobody asked. It was too sen- sitive a question. But, the human toll - the personal strug- gle - of the soldier is something that needs to be shared. The suffering of people under tyrants, whether in a fascist or ter- rorist regime may end with military inter- vention, but the bringers of that freedom carry a heavy burden for the rest of their lives. Nothing in this world comes easy, but there are people among us who are willing to lay down their lives to make ours easier. We have an entirely new generation of Veterans who are currently fighting to bring the type of freedom we enjoy to oth- ers who are living in fear, living under tyranny. While we remember the past for the magnitude of the sacrifice, we need to get to know the women and men of the present for theirs. War is not an easy thing to understand. But, it is not an easy thing to take part in either. This year, when the 11th hour tolls, remember courage, remember selfless- ness, and remember to take the time to be thankful for all we hold free and dear. Gerard Creces, Clinton News -Record How valuable is freedom to Canadians? Even as Remembrance Day nears, I can't help but think we have been taking our freedom for granted. Rather, I suppose, we have given up our freedom for conven- ience, and even as people are lit- erally dying to emancipate the oppressed overseas, we do noth- ing - or at least very little - to maintain the dignity of the free- dom we have at home. In Canada, we have a corrupt, secretive government - one will- ing to cut the dead weight and ignore the cries for fairness that brought it to power. We have a Prime Minister that refuses the press their right - and indeed the right of every Canadian - to ask questions and receive honest answers. We have right now, a Column Gerard Creces leader who ignores the media, refuses to take his responsibility to keep all citizens informed seri- ously, and alienates those who decide to go against the grain and ask real questions about very real problems in our society today. Ignoring the press, controlling the message, is how the world's worst humanitarian abuses began. Being told from our lead- ers we have never been more free while refusing to explain why or how should be a sign that we have been failing to hold up our end of the bargain, and dispose of the corrupt, the dishonest and the controlling. In ignorance, people can hide from their responsibility to push for freedom at home, even as our leaders sell it off one chunk at a time. So how do we produce change? How do we live up to our responsibility to keep Canada as free and as independent as we like to tell the world we are? Rallies, protests, petitions... these are all ways to show our frustrations and ask for change. But even these are being ignored. The saying is - absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is abso- lutely true. We have a government that promised accountability but ignores all calls for honesty - a party that spoke out against parti- san, omnibus legislation and then rammed through agenda after agenda in massive budget bills. This same government is lash- ing out at the media, at citizens, at anyone who tries to convince them they have failed to enhance our freedom, and to increase its value. If this was happening in another country, we would call those people oppressed, and put them on the radar for some sort of intervention. What does that mean, then, that we put up with it at home? LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The News Record welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be signed and include a daytime phone number for verification purposes. Letters can be sent care of the Internet at clinton.news@sunmedia.ca, sent via fax at 519-482-7341 or through Canada Post care of The Editor, P.O. Box 39, Clinton, ON NOL 1LO. CLINTON NEWS RECORD — HOURS OF OPERATION MONDAY: 9:00 - 5:00 • TUESDAY: - CLOSED • WEDNESDAY: - 9:00 - 5:00 • THURSDAY: - 9:00 - 5:00 • FRIDAY: - 9:00 - 5:00 • SATURDAY & SUNDAY: - CLOSED ADVERTISING DEADLINE: FRIDAY AT 2:00 • PHONE 519-482-3443 • FAX: 519-482-7341 www.clintonnewsrecord.com