HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2013-12-18, Page 2526 News Record • Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Controversy erupts once again at Huron East council
Whitney South
Huron Expositor
Things got heated once
again at Huron East council,
as members of the public
made their opinions known
on issues surrounding the
impending installation of
wind turbines in the area.
Spectators poured in to
council chambers through-
out the Dec. 10 meeting,
resulting in a packed house.
The agenda featured sev-
eral issues involving the St.
Columban Wind Farm,
including items surrounding
a potential study as well as
road use and vibrancy fund
The crowd became agi-
tated during discussions
involving McKillop Coun.
Allison Dekroon's motion to
seek out a professional
acoustician's estimate for a
baseline noise study.
Dekroon explained it was
in the best interest of council
to conduct their own study
for the protection of the peo-
ple, as it was possible the
government would not share
the results of their findings.
While council debated
specifics of the motion, such
as whether or not the study
should be done before or
after the turbines have been
installed, members of the
gallery began to shout out
their support for the study.
Mayor Bernie MacLellan
warned spectators council
would not be taking com-
ments from the gallery and
the meeting would be moved
to private chambers should
the disruptions continue.
"Why do you choose not to
listen to the gallery?" shouted
one audience member, citing
the estimate he had
researched online had come
to only $5,000, much less
2013-2014 HOME GAMES
than council was estimating.
The mayor then stated council would
take a brief recess and reminded the
gallery once again more outbursts
would be met with a closed session.
At this point several members of the
audience got up from their seats and
attempted to follow the mayor and dep-
uty mayor into private chambers but
were stopped at the door.
When council reconvened, after it
was informed plain -clothed OPP offic-
ers were already in attendance to moni-
tor the crowd, Coun. Dekroon's motion,
to investigate the cost of a baseline noise
study, was passed by a majority vote.
Dekroon also motioned the third
reading of several bylaws surrounding
turbines be left until the following coun-
cil meeting. As a result, the bylaw
authorizing road use for the St. Colum -
ban Energy Limited Partnership was
deferred. However, the road usage
agreement involving Varna Wind Inc.
bylaw was passed.
As the discussion turned to authoriz-
ing a community vibrancy agreement
with Varna Wind Inc., the crowd
reached its boiling point, referring to
the fund as blood money.
Shouts of anger from the gallery filled
the room and one man was asked to
leave chambers after accusing the
mayor of "stepping on democracy," and
denying there was ever a vibrancy
The mayor was quick to respond.
"This is not something we asked for,
the fact they chose to come here," he
said. "If they're willing to give money to
the community, we're not going to say
no even if we're unwilling hosts:'
After a motion put forth by Coun.
Dekroon and seconded by Seaforth
Coun. Bob Fisher, the vibrancy fund
vote was also deferred and will continue
to be a hot topic at council's next meet-
ing Dec. 17.
Christmas activities abound in Londesborough
States, traveled from Jerusalem to
Bethlehem to be part of the Christmas
Eve service at the Church of the Nativ-
ity in 1865. Some time later he com-
posed 0 Little Town of Bethlehem.
In the early 1900s, Henry Van Dyke
wrote Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
based on Beethoven's Ode to Joy. It
speaks of trust, joy and love in God.
The First Noel means the first birth.
Charles Wesley, who wrote 6,000
hymns, gave the world Hark, the Her-
ald Angels Sing. It was originally titled
to mean, 'hark, how the dome of
heaven rings:
Christians can point the world in
the right direction, to joy, to God. The
world shares joy for the love of God
and the beauty of the nativity through
the singing of the Christmas hymns.
Santa's schedule can get very hectic
this time of year. It's no wonder he
overlooked another engagement. So...
he will not be visiting Londesborough
until Monday, the 23rd. The Christmas
Concert that evening begins at 7 p.m.
Londesborough United's Christmas
Eve service begins at 7:00 p.m. Com-
munity folk are invited to worship
with regular congregants. Offerings
that evening will be given to the Mis-
sion and Service fund unless other-
wise noted.
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