HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2013-12-11, Page 44 News Record • Wednesday, December 11, 2013
VOL. 152 - ISSUE 49
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Reform Act a chance for rural voice in Ottawa
Michael Chong?
The Wellington -
Halton Hills MP has certainly
given Canadians food for
thought with his Reform Act,
seeking to fix or at least put into
words, some safeguards to pro-
tect individual MPs role in cau-
cus and remove the power of
party leaders in candidate
selection. Further still, it gives
the house a chance to review
and replace leaders, should the
need arise.
Imagine having MPs that
were able to think, vote and
speak on their own. It seems
like a rarity in this day and age,
where no real debate is given
on any legislation the PM
decides should pass and
speaking points take the place
of real discussion with the
We've gotten used to a
Parliament that follows the
leader with such effectiveness
that even we as voters punish
otherwise good candidates
because of it - whether it be
negative results for the party
like the Liberal fallout across
Canada in 2011 or positive for
the party like the NDP's Orange
Crush in Quebec.
While parliament is infatu-
ated and infuriated with its
leadership, so too are Canadi-
ans. Around election time, how
many people will say they are/
aren't voting for Stephen
Harper? How many say they
are/aren't voting for Mulcair?
In a riding this large, it is
hard to get to know a candidate
on a close level, but everybody
knows the party leader from
television and newspapers.
What is unique about this
Reform Act is our local riding
associations will have the final
say on which candidates they
want to field. This should mean
that these associations will take
the time to find the person who
best understands and reflects
the values of the riding, with-
out having to seek the approval
of a leader who is many miles
away and would only visit if it
meant saving or gaining a seat.
Imagine being an MP and
not being able to speak on
behalf of your constituents
because your message doesn't
line up with that of leadership.
It must be frustrating, espe-
cially when you see comrades
being bumped from caucus
positions or have their pro-
posed legislation rewritten
without their consent.
We've seen examples of how
this plays out in majority gov-
ernments, both under Chretien
and Harper. It's undemocratic
and suggests that an MP owes
allegiance to the leader for
their paycheque and not the
voters who gave them the job
in the first place.
That said, Chong faces an
uphill battle for the same rea-
sons. If Harper says no, how
many MPs will actually vote for
Regardless, the Reform Act
has managed to spark nation-
wide discussion on the subject
and as the public grows
increasingly jaded with the
effectiveness of their individual
members, provide a way of
empowering the local guys and
Let's hope this too isn't taken
lightly or given the thumbs
down by leadership.
And if it does, it only proves
that the system is indeed failing
and in need of the changes
A parade as sweet as Christmas candy
Well Clinton, things couldn't
get more Christmassy this week
in the News -Record without
printing it on wrapping paper.
Everybody is getting into the
spirit, with caroling, food and
kind words for friend and
stranger alike.
Year after year, I attend
parades, concerts, pageants, and
Santa visits galore. I am some-
thing of an expert on the subject. I've seen nearly
every variation on the Christmas theme one
could imagine, and got more face time with Santa
than most ldds get in their lives.
Which is why I have to commend this town on
its Santa Claus Parade.
You folks nailed it. More than that, you raised
the bar for me.
Truthfully, there were so many
people involved in the parade
itself, I was surprised there were
many left over to line the street.
And just when you thought you
had seen it all, another group of
family or friends was just a few
flatbeds down the line.
It doesn't matter that it's cold
outside, or that Christmas is still a
few weeks away (sorry, kids, it's
the truth). Everyone was happy to be out together,
cheering on their loved ones or waving proudly
from a float.
From this old reporter's standpoint, it was also
a bit of a victory.
For all the years I have been covering parades,
this year has been kind to me.
You see folks, being an adult I am almost never
on the receiving end of candy during these things.
I understand - save it for the ldds. It's really about
them, after all.
Still, I love candy. Like, more than a friend. For
years this has haunted me. How can a guy like me
get his hands on the chocolate or candy canes
handed out during a parade?
The answer was ridiculous as it was easy - I just
stuck my hand out.
I covered the Goderich blizzard parade a few
weeks back and put my theory to test. Sure
enough, I left with a full pocket.
This past Saturday, however, I was at a vantage
point on the town hall steps. It was a sweet spot
that I did not want to give up. Lucky for me a little
guy was going around handing out candy canes
to the kids on the steps. I took full advantage and
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