Clinton News Record, 2014-09-24, Page 44 News Record • Wednesday, September 24, 2014
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Global ranking proves
nation falling behind
QMI Agency
On the crowded high-
way that's the global econ-
omy, there's both good
news and bad for Canada
as it jockeys with the world
for open road.
The good?
Canada slipped only
one notch in the latest
rankings of the world's
economies according to
how competitive they are.
The bad??
We're not gaining on our
key competitors, most
especially the United
States, and our rear
bumper is crowded with
hungry countries trying to
pass us. A problem for any
country, that lack of accel-
eration is especially prob-
lematic for atinytrading
countrylike Canada that
has no choice but to find
newways to get edges on
nations whose engines are
powered by much greater
populations and econo-
mies of scale.
In its latest survey, the
World Economic Forum
ranks Canada 15th in its
Global Competitiveness
Index, just behind Taiwan
and just ahead of Qatar.
Tiny Switzerland and
Singapore occupy the top
two spots, and the U.S. —
even with its slow-motion
recovery from the 2008
economic meltdown —
rose two spots to No. 3.
For years, governments
have warned us our
recovery is fragile — that
even with a solid banking
system and huge invest-
ments in infrastructure,
factors that help our com-
petitiveness, Canada can't
rest on its laurels. Sure, we
gave the world BlackBerry
— but we need many
more such hits, much
more often.
The rankings remind us
of that
Competitiveness boils
down to smarts and pro-
ductivity, reflecting a range
of factors such as educa-
tion and training, use of
available talent, public-pri-
vate collaboration and
technological innovation.
Countries that fire on all
cylinders — like Switzer-
land, with few of Canada's
natural riches — inevitably
finish on top, punching far
above the weight of their
economies and more
prosperous for it
Northern European
economies still dominate
theindexsTop 10, and the
world's emerging markets,
like India and Brazil, are
still comfortablyway
behind in our rear-view
minor. But China is on the
move and nations we
might think are no big
threat, like New Zealand
and Malaysia, are on our
There's only so much
gas in our tank and so
much power under our
hood. How we use both,
counts more.
Cheerleaders, keep on cheering
Tara Ostner "place," far from doing a ser -
The Clinton News Record vice to women, she is actu-
ally doing a disservice to
Some cheerleaders in the them. Of course there is no
United States are currently one place for a woman and
in the process of suing the this is something that every -
NFL claiming that they have one seems capable of
received below -minimum understanding (and appre-
wages and been subjected ciating) today except for
to degrading treatment. If feminists such as Nelson.
this is found to be true, the Rather than focusing on the
NFL has some serious many different paths a
changes to make. I don't woman can take, many
take issue with this. feminists seem to have a
However, I do take issue one-dimensional
with the subsequent con- perspective.
versation that can occur Nevertheless, the author
after these kinds of lawsuits of the same article, Sophia
are filed and, in particular, Harris, agrees with Nelson
the claim that cheerleading and describes cheerleading
is degrading to women. as a field where the cheer -
Some people, for instance, leader's "main role is to
some feminists, will use a please male sports fans:'
lawsuit such as this as an Whyuse the word
illustration of how cheer- "please" here? Why not use
leading demeans women. the word "entertain?"
For example, in a recent To this day, feminists con -
article on the issue, former tinue to talk about a'wom-
professional basketball an's proper role,' a 'woman's
player, Mariah Burton Nel- place' and 'pleasing men'
son, declared that cheer- and yet they seem to be the
leading should be abolished only ones left in societywho
and stated that "cheerlead- still seriously talklike this.
ingimplies that women's They seem to be the only
proper role is to support ones leftwho still care about
men, smile at men and ful- pointing this out and the
fill the sexual fantasies of blatant irony behind this
males" never ceases to amaze me.
In fact, cheerleading Believing that cheerlead-
implies no such thing. ers are automatically
Cheerleading is a sport degraded and demeaned
Therefore, itis incapable of because of their occupation
implying anything never- is a particular worldview
mind what is "proper" (or that feminists like Harris
improper). In reality, itis the and Nelson have come to
people (i.e., feminists) who form, I get that; itis what
utter such claims about the makes sense to them and
sportwho are implying what makes them feel com-
things which, far from help- fortable and perhaps
ing their feminist cause, assured of themselves as
actually does a disservice to women.
it In my opinion, however,
Nelson also stated that a cheerleading will never be
woman's place is on the abolished, at least I hope
field, "not on the sidelines." that it never is.
However, again, bytalk- I also hope that young
ing about awoman's girls today will realize that
engaging in discourse that
utilizes language, such as, 'a
women's proper role; 'a
women's place' and 'pleas-
ing men' does little to miti-
gate or solve problems of
gender equality.
What will solve problems
of gender equalitywill be
the dismantling of this
unhelpful discourse and
one way of dismantling it
will be to prove that we can
be on the sidelines and on
the field and that our capa-
bilities and powers extend
much further than the sim-
pleton, either-or dialogue
that is rooted in so much
feminist thought The young
girls of today are not only
beautiful but also, I believe,
brighter and deverer than
any generation before them
and, for this reason, I am
confident that they will be
able to recognize this.
Continuing to use lan-
guage such as the above
adds fuel to a fire that only
certain feminists believe
exists. As the rest of the pop-
ulation knows, and are
happy to accept, the real fire
was put out years ago.
And, by the way: Nelson
and Harris believe that
cheerleading should be
abolished because it
demeans women but is run-
ningup and down a court
trying to throw aball into a
net somehowless demean-
ing? If so, I would love to
know how.
Cheerleading and basket-
ball are simply extra -curric-
ular activities that happen to
appeal to different types of
people. The fact that some
basketball players can't
relate to cheerleaders
doesn't mean anything
quite likely, cheerleaders
can't relate to basketball
players either.
The News Record welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be signed and include a daytime phone number for verification purposes. Let-
ters can be sent care of the Internet at, sent via fax at 519-482-7341 or through Canada Post care of The Editor, P.O.
Box 39, Clinton, ON NOL 1LO.
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