HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2014-09-10, Page 13Wednesday, September 10, 2014 • News Record 13
2nd Annual VHS Run4Kids male
5K Run/ Walk
As all communities rec-
ognize the importance of
good physical health, many
are finding that combining
outdoor activities with
charitable events adds extra
incentive to get involved.
One local event, the Virtual
High School (VHS) Run4K-
ids held in Bayfield, stands
out as a family and fun ori-
ented 5k road run/ walk
with an emphasis on com-
munity and education. This
year, the VHS Run4Kids
Walk/Run will be held on
September 27 at 9:00 a.m.
All proceeds from this event
will be donated to
Childcan is a non-profit
organization that supports
children undergoing cancer
treatment. Children often
find that during and after
cancer treatment, they fall
behind in regular classes
and sometimes are unable to
move forward with their
classmates and friends. In
some cases, the treatment
causes developmental
problems that prevent some
children from proceeding at
a regular pace. Virtual High
School courses offer a flexi-
ble alternative and pair stu-
dents with an OCT teacher
for support. Funds raised
from the event will ensure
teacher payments while all
course and administrative
services are provided to
these students free of charge.
Local musicians will
perform during the event
and a post -race yoga ses-
sion will be held in the
New signs unveiled at
Clinton Conservation Area
Signs promote local community watershed plans and other
tools to better manage water
Interested people are
invited to attend the
unveiling of two new signs
at Clinton Conservation
Area on World Water Mon-
itoring Day which is Thurs-
day, September 18. The
signs offer community -
developed ideas on how to
improve water quality and
to better manage water
running off of land during
storm events. The signs
will be unveiled at a short
ceremony starting at 1 p.m.
that afternoon. Ausable
Bayfield Conservation
Authority (ABCA) staff will
provide a brief update
about current water qual-
ity research and work
being done to enact com-
munity watershed plans.
Volunteers with the Bay-
field River Valley Trail Asso-
ciation (BRVTA) will then
lead a guided hike for those
who would like to take part.
At the start of the hike,
Ausable Bayfield Conserva-
tion staff will show some of
the methods they use to
monitor water quality. They
will also offer information
on the various water quality
monitoring programs that
take place within Ausable
Bayfield watersheds.
"World Water Monitor-
ing Day is a chance to
explain some of the meth-
ods we use to monitor
water quality, as well as
celebrate the work the
community has done and
continues to do to protect
water quality," said Hope
Brock, Healthy Watersheds
Technician with Ausable
Bayfield Conservation.
"We invite the public to the
ceremony and to the
guided hike."
Before the unveiling,
ABCA staff members are to
lead a conservation educa-
tion class program for a
group of Grade 9 students
from St. Anne's Catholic
Secondary School. During
this program students will
see first-hand how humans
can impact aquatic envi-
ronments as they investi-
gate through water quality
monitoring techniques
including using nets to
search for aquatic mac-
roinvertebrates and testing
the chemical parameters
of water.
One of the new rural
stormwater management
signs faces the parking lot
at Clinton Conservation
Area. The sign on the other
side of the panel faces the
trailhead there.
The sign facing the park-
ing lot includes a map of the
Bayfield North and Main
Bayfield watersheds. That
sign also lists the water
quality goals of the water-
shed plans created by those
two communities.
"Volunteers in the two
watershed communities
donated a lot of their time
to develop community
watershed plans and the
two new signs will be a
lasting way to share the
goals they developed and
to support the work to
implement the plans,"
said Brock.
The sign facing the trail -
head shows ways that local
people can help to preserve
soil, limit erosion, and keep
sediment and pollutants out
of creeks, rivers, and Lake
Huron. That sign includes a
sample local watershed and
some of the stewardship
practices being used locally.
The two new signs have
been made possible thanks
to the Rural Stormwater
Management Model
(RSWMM) Project. For
more information visit
spacious side yard at VHS.
Unique gifts for partici-
pants and volunteers have
generously been donated
by a variety of merchants
and services from Bay-
field, Goderich, and the
surrounding area.
Now in its second year,
the VHS Run4Kids promises
to be another event in
which to reach your per-
sonal best and have your
results immediately availa-
ble on the Run4Kids website
and on Roadraceresults.
com. Or, you may choose to
complete the 5k course at a
leisurely pace, to take what
promises to be a pleasant
walk with friends and family
through one of Ontario's
finest communities while
supporting deserving chil-
dren facing health chal-
lenges as they continue
their education.
For further information
and to register to partici-
pate or volunteer, check the
event website at www.
A three day search for a
missing 77 year old from
Bluewater has been resolved
with a happy ending. On
Sunday, shortly after 2:00
p.m., members from the
Ontario Provincial Police
(OPP) West Region Emer-
gency Response Team (ERT)
located Willis Walper
approximately 700 metres
from his Bannockburn Line
He was located in a corn-
field, alert and conscious.
He was transported to local
hospital to be assessed on a
precautionary basis.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Municipality of Huron East that
Nominations for the following offices:
Mayor (1 elected at large)
Deputy -Mayor (1 elected at large)
10 Councillors - 2 representing Brussels Ward
2 representing Grey Ward
2 representing McKillop Ward
2 representing Seaforth Ward
2 representing Tuckersmith Ward
(Offices are for a four year term - commencing December 1, 2014)
may be made by completing and filing in the office of the Clerk, 72 Main Street South, Seaforth,
Ontario NOK 1 WO nominations on the prescribed form. Such nomination papers must be
accompanied by the prescribed nomination filing fee of $200 for the position of Mayor and
$100.00 for the position of Deputy Mayor and Councillor. The filing is payable in cash, certified
cheque, money order or debit machine.
A nomination must be signed by the candidate and may be filed in person or by an agent during
regular business hours, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. up to September 11th, 2014 and on `Nomination
Day' September 12th, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
No person who proposes to be a candidate may solicit or accept contributions for election
purposes; or incur expenses, until that person's nomination has been filed. A nomination must
be certified by the Clerk, or designate, before such person becomes a certified candidate for the
office for which they are nominated.
In the event there are an insufficient number of certified candidates to fill all positions available,
nominations will be reopened for the vacant positions only on Wednesday, September 17th, 2014,
between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and such additional nominations, if required, may
be filed in the office of the Clerk.
Electors are hereby given notice that if a greater number of candidates are certified than are
required to fill the said offices; an election will be held.
Voting Day will be Monday, October 27th, 2014.
Dated this 3td day of September, 2014
Brad Knight, CAO/Clerk
Municipal Office, 72 Main Street South,
Seaforth, Ontario. NOK 1 WO