Clinton News Record, 2014-09-10, Page 7Wednesday, September 10, 2014 • News Record 7
Health and wellness key topics at upcoming show in Holmesville
Tara Ostner
The Clinton News Record
There are various
approaches that people can
take towards understanding
health and wellness and an
upcoming event entitled,
"Bridges to Better Health,"
will illustrate just that. The
health and wellness show,
hosted by the Huron Small
Business Enterprise Centre
in partnership with Our Soul
Centre in Goderich and
Janet Brunswick, a registered
holistic practitioner, will take
place this Saturday, Septem-
ber 13 from 10 a.m. until 4
p.m. at the Central Huron
Community Centre in Holm-
esville. There will be vendors
from across Huron County,
over 25 booths, door prizes
as well as a grand prize at the
free event.
Alison Lobb, a business
consultant at the Huron
Small Business Enterprise
Centre, encourages people
to, "come out, mosey around
and put their names in for
the door prizes!'
The event will also
include presentations from
four local women, namely,
Cindy Bos, Jean Dunn,
Janet Brunswick and Con-
nie Brushett. John
Somerton and Pat Kennedy
from London and Jenna
Smith from Toronto will
also be guest speakers.
Bos and Dunn, both
Community Food Advisors
(CFAs), will present a talk
entitled, "Healthy Eating
from the Farm to Table
Box." The Farm to Table Box
is a not-for-profit program
that offers wholesome pro-
duce at wholesale pricing
12 months of the year. Bos
and Dunn are trained vol-
unteers who, alongside the
Huron County Health Unit
and other community part-
ners, promote healthy eat-
ing and food safety within
Huron County.
Brunswick, a registered
holistic practitioner at the
Clinton Chiropractic and
Wellness Centre, will
deliver a talk entitled,
"Taking the Itch out of
Allergies Naturally," which
will describe Brunswick's
primary focus which is
natural healing. At the
Clinton Chiropractic and
Wellness Centre Brun-
swick offers non-invasive
testing for intolerances,
BIE, a healthy lifestyle
program, cleansing and
detoxification and healthy
weight loss plans.
Brushett, owner and oper-
ator of Our Soul Centre in
Goderich, will deliver a talk
entitled, "Meditation, the
Ease of Practice," which will
discuss how meditation is all
about centering oneself and
is really a lot easier than
most people think. At Our
Soul Centre, Brushett sells
various products, such as,
rocks, crystals, stones,
incense, cards, books and
offers various services
including ion cleansing,
Reiki, a crystal bed, doTerra
essential oils, reflexology,
hypnotherapy, deep tissue
massage, hot stone massage,
crystal therapy and angel
card readings.
Also, Somerton, owner of
Homeopathy of London,
will deliver two talks enti-
tled, "Stress & Anxiety,
Controlled Naturally" and
"Natural and Sustainable
Weight Loss," Smith, onto-
logical coach & spiritual
psychotherapist from
Toronto, will present a talk
entitled, "Self Mastery: The
Key to your Ideal Life is
here" and, finally, Pat Ken-
nedy, owner of the Ther-
mography Clinic London
will present a talk entitled,
"Breast Cancer is a Prevent-
able Disease."
Organizers of the show
welcome exhibitors and
members of the public alike.
For those interested in
exhibiting, the cost for a
booth is $100 which includes
a 6' table, tablecloth and one
lunch ticket.
Anyone who is interested
in attaining further infor-
mation regarding the event
is asked to contact Connie
Brushett at Our Soul Centre
in Goderich at 519-612-
1665 or oursoulcentre@ or Alison Lobb,
Business Consultant, at
519-527-0305, ext. 35, or
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Tara Ostner, The Clinton News Record
Alison Lobb, Janet Brunswick and Connie Brushett pose for a
shot at the location of the upcoming show, the Central Huron
Community Centre in Holmesville.
r.::,e. Family Health Team
Meditation & Yoga Classes
The Clinton Family Health Team is offering meditation
classes with gentle yogic movements 9:30 Tuesday
mornings at the Clinic
beginning Tuesday September 16tH
For more information or to register,
please call Julie Boyd MSW, RSW at
It's time again for the ever popular
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