HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2014-09-03, Page 19Forest has good chance of recovery after Grand Bend tornado Damage from a tornado that hit the Grand Bend area on July 27 has had impacts on the lives and property of many local resi- dents. One of the impacts has been damage to local forests. "Many people are concerned about the long-term impact to tree cover and the unique Pine - Oak woodland where they live," said Ian Jean, Forestry and Land Stewardship Specialist with Ausable Bayfield Conser- vation. The good news, he said, is that the forest should recover given time. "Ten years from now, I think people will be sur- prised at how much re -growth will have occurred." Some properties may already have saplings but some may need to plant new trees, accord- ing to Jean. "It's critical to choose the correct tree species for long-term forest health," he said. The conservation authority is planning to work with local organizations and residents to provide more information on the best tree species to plant, proper tree planting, and tree care. More information is to be posted in the coming weeks. Please stay posted to the Ausa- ble Bayfield Conservation web- site at abca.on.ca. If trees were healthy before the tornado, they are likely to have lots of life left, according to the forestry specialist. He expects some tree mortality fol- lowing the storm, mostly for leaning trees where the root sys- tems have been damaged. "Some trees that are leaning a bit may recover, others will not," he said. People will have to weigh the risk to property and safety and Jean recommends having trees assessed by a certi- fied arborist, especially if there is a safety risk. "Certainly where safety is an issue you do not want to take risks." Trees that weathered the storm standing upright but with damage to limbs have a better chance at recovery. "Deciduous species such as Oak and Maple have an incredible ability to repair and regrow branches," he said. "Pine can do this to a lesser degree:' The tree community, in the area of Grand Bend and Pinery Provincial Park, is relatively unique due to the rapidly drained sand dune substrate and moderating climate of Lake Huron. Trees such as Black Oak, Sassafras, and Tulip Tree reach their northern limits here, while others such as Red Pine and White Cedar are at the southern limits of their natural range. "The aesthetic character of this forest is unique and worth pre- serving," said Jean. "We would encourage people to consider planting the native trees that are well -adapted to their site and that fit with the ecology and aes- thetics of their surroundings." "Nature is resilient and for- ests tend to recover, even from severe storm damage," accord- ing to Jean. Pine -Oak forests are used to disturbance, according to the forestry specialist. Some trees even need this kind of change. Large-scale disturbances in the past have given rise to the tree community we see today, he said. Jean stopped and counted tree rings on some of the cut stumps last week, after the tornado. "I counted 110 rings on a Red Oak stump and 105 rings on a Red Pine log nearby," he said. Those trees, and much of the surrounding forest, likely originated follow- ing logging of the area during the last half of the nineteenth century. The space between the rings reveals much about the vigour of the trees. "In the outer half-inch of the Red Pine there are more than 20 rings," according to the forestry spe- cialist. "Basically that tree had stopped growing. It is likely a combination of advancing age plus side competition from its neighbours had slowed the growth of the pine." Pine and Oak are long-lived tree species, according to Jean. "Trees are warriors," he said. "Those that remain standing, while their competitors have fallen, will respond with a period of increased growth." Jean estimates the lifespan for Red Pine in this area to be between 100 and 150 years, White Pine and Red Oak up to and over 200 years, and White Oak 300 plus years. "This is mostly a middle-aged forest probably originating a little over 100 years ago," he said. 14. Wednesday, September 3, 2014 • News Record 19 BUSINESS DIRECTORY To advertise in this BUSINESS DIRECTORY Please call Dawn Johnston 519-482-3443 FETTER PPENTRY p"° $1' cai' f rnrra�: 519-606-2142 Calk 519-440-2142 M echanicaI Repair & Uked Gar Sates IIlIaricj Stmt Chalon ON NOM 1'-4 519-482-8439 ;:-!irII III t.c.a. Dewe �1zetedeift CONCRETE FORMAN COMMERCIAL ■.'S1}E,VTIA �. 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