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12 News Record • Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Royal Agricultural Winter Fair returning with more 'farm fresh fun'
The Royal celebrates all that's
new in the world of farming,
food from November 7-16
The Royal Agricultural
Winter Fair is returning to
Toronto for its 92nd annual
run in November, promising
to connect families and
competitors with an
expanded line-up of activi-
ties and entertainment that
focus on Farm fresh Fun'".
Featuring 10 days of
diverse programming
which showcases all that's
new in the world of farming
and fresh, local food, The
Royal takes place from
November 7-16, 2014 in the
Direct Energy Centre and
Ricoh Coliseum.
"Whether you enjoy the
excitement of the Horse
Show or discovering fresh
food ideas from talented
chefs and local producers,
The Royal has a lot for
everyone to love," said
Sandra Banks, CEO of The
Royal. "We've got a lot
that's new, but we've also
got all of the activities and
attractions that our visi-
tors have come to love and
expect from The Royal
over the years."
Highlights of The Royal's
expanded line-up include:
Animals take centre
stage at The Royal - in the
show rings, in the live-
stock auctions and in the
President's Choice Animal
Theatre, all covered by
general admission.
Demonstrations at the
President's Choice Animal
Theatre will showcase the
talents and contributions
that working animals
make to our lives with 10
hours of programming
every day, featuring new
Spirit of the Horse demon-
strations supported by
Ignite Ontario, 4H rabbit
jumping, Goats on the Go,
President's Choice Super -
dogs, sheep herding and
Jack Russell races.
The Royal Horse Show,
currently ranked as No. 1
indoor equine competi-
tion in North America
showcases the athletic tal-
ents of the best in national
and international eques-
trian competitors who will
compete for over $800,000
in prize money and the
title of Royal Champion.
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emembrance Servic
Invitation to all Clinton and
Area Residents
to attend the
85th Annual Church Parade
Sunday November 2, 2014
First Baptist Church
Service led by Pastor Wally Dewolfe
85 Huron St. Clinton
Parade will form at the Legion at 10:OOam
with service to follow at 10:30am
Wes & MaryAnn Chambers - Poppy Trust Campaign
Pat Laferty - President
Poppy Campaign commences October 31, 2014
Town of Clinton & Vanastra door to door canvassing
will take place Nov. 2 after church service.
Community of Bayfield will have poppy boxes at
various businesses
Crowd favourite perfor-
mances include The
Greenhawk Canadian
Show Jumping Campion -
ship, Hickstead FEI World
Cup, Weston Canadian
Open and the GroupBy Big
Ben Challenge.
Three new full national
classes for young riders
will be added to The Royal
Horse Show in 2014. The
Royal is pleased to host the
2014 Running Fox Royal
Championship Medal
which will be a two-phase
(flat and over -fences)
jumper -based equitation
competition for riders
under the age of 21. After
successful pilot projects in
2013, The Royal will
expand both the All Cana-
dian Junior Jumper Divi-
sion and The Royal Horse
Show Pony Jumper Divi-
sion to full divisions.
Guy McLean, Australian
bush poet and horse whis-
perer, returns to The Royal
with an expanded show from
November 11-15.
Grand National Shet-
land Pony Racing will
make its first appearance
in Canada at The Royal on
opening weekend,
November 7-8. Young rid-
ers and their ponies race
at full speed negotiating a
course of obstacles.
Remembrance Day at
The Royal on Tuesday,
November 11 will be a full
day and night tribute
commemoration of the
100th Anniversary of
WWI. Learn about the key
role horses and dogs have
played in our military
efforts. Take in the Culi-
nary Historian's demon-
strations of war time reci-
pes making great food
with limited ingredients.
Don't miss The Royal
Horse Show with the 48th
Highlanders parade and a
musical salute to Canada's
military history.
The new Food & Life-
style stage will play host to
10 full days of food com-
petitions and demonstra-
tions including:
The Road to the Royal
Chef Challenge, presented
by TSC Stores, is visiting
six regional agricultural
fairs leading up to The
Royal, testing the creativ-
ity and culinary skills of
local chefs. The winners of
each regional competition
will move forward to
semi-final rounds which
will be held on Friday,
November 7 and Saturday,
November 8 at The Royal.
The top two regional fin-
ishers and a top Toronto
chef will vie for the title of
Royal Chef Challenge
Champion during a final
round at The Royal on Sat-
urday, November 15.
ARENA BINGO - Wednesday 7pm
Monday 7 pm
Eastlink Channel 12
Hurontel Channel 1
TCC Channel 48
LIC. #M717413
Vanastra Curling Club
Starts Nov. 10, 2014
Monday - Men's - 7:OOpm
Tuesday - Adult Mixed - 9:30am
Wednesday - Adult Mixed - 8:OOpm
Thursday - Junior - 6:30pm
Friday - Mixed - 7:OOpm
To Register CaII
CONNIE @ (519) 482-3338
email: johnva@tcc.on.ca
" New Curlers Welcome
The Royal's new Interna-
tional Invitational Chef
Challenge on Sunday,
November 9 will dish up
the competition for top
chefs from The Waldorf
Astoria New York City and
Peninsula Hotels Chicago
who will compete against
2013 Royal Chef Champion,
Chef Collin Thornton from
the Fairmont Royal York,
Toronto. Micheal Bonacini,
a judge on CTV's Mas-
terChef Canada, will help
judge the competition,
while Ben Mulroney,
anchor of ETALK, CTV's
Number 1 -rated entertain-
ment show, and award-
winning chef and author
Ted Reader will co -host.
Food lovers will find
plenty to see and taste at The
Royal Vineyard and Brew
Pub at "cinq a sept" happy
hour gives guest a chance to
enjoy Royal Champion
cheeses and VQA wines and
craft beers.
The a-MAZE-ing Food
Journey encourages fami-
lies to "play with their food"
as they explore the path
food takes from farm to the
table. This exhibit is a fun
way for both kids and par-
ents engage their senses,
discovering the sights,
sounds, texture and even
smells of what we eat.
Champions' Day on
Wednesday, November 12
will feature 2014 and past
Royal Champions in agri-
cultural products like jams,
honey, maple syrup, wine
and cheeses. There will be
sampling and demonstra-
tions all day long, plus the
new Royal Butter Tart Com-
petition finals.
"The Royal embodies
the heart and community
of a 'local fair,' but ele-
vates it to a world-class
scale," said Banks. "The
Fair celebrates the very
best in Canadian agricul-
ture. Hundreds of compe-
titions take place to recog-
nize Royal Champions
and the people who
devote their lives to agri-
culture to put the food
they grow and the animals
they raise up against the
country's best."
Funding support for The
Royal has been provided by
the Government of Ontario.
About The Royal:
The Royal Agricultural
Winter Fair is the world's
largest combined indoor
agricultural and equestrian
show. This year, The 92nd
Royal Agricultural Winter
Fair runs November 7-16,
2014 in the Direct Energy
Centre and Ricoh Coliseum
in Toronto. For competition
schedules, live webcasting,
results and to purchase
tickets, please visit www.
cl i ntonnewsrecord.com
260 South St., Goderich
Sat., Nov.1
Admission $3.00
Over 80 vendors!
Day care & cafe available.
For more info contact
Brenda 519-524-7353