HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2014-11-26, Page 2CONSERVATION 2 News Record • Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Sally Ann Kettle campaign kicks off Goal for this year $71,500 - locations in Goderich, Clinton and Kincardine The Salvation Army Kettle Campaign has begun for the 2014 Christmas season. Sun - coast Citadel kicked off the campaign for our community with a donation by Lily; daughter of Lieut. David Hick- man and Lieut. Laura Hickman. The Kettle Goal for this year in our community is $71,500.00. The money raised through this campaign is used to run our community and family services programs all year long. This includes the food bank, emergency transporta- tion, summer camp for chil- dren, back pack program, pre- scription assistance, dental assistance, winter coat drive, community volunteer income tax program, emergency shel- ter, vouchers for clothing and household items, community kitchen, etc. The average number of households assisted by the Suncoast Citadel in the last six months was 104 households per month (80 was last year's average). We have serviced 58 new households in the last six months. On average we have assisted 144 adults and 68 children each month over the previous six months (last year was 104 adults and 49 chil- dren per month). During Christmas 2013, we provided 125 households with Christ- mas hampers. That included 245 people, 81 of whom were children. The Salvation Army is the largest non-governmental direct provider of social ser- vices in Canada. In 1891, Captain Joseph McFee wanted to help the help the vulnerable in San Francisco, especially during the Christmas season, but he didn't know where to get funding to do so. He remembered, during his earlier days in Liverpool, Eng- land, seeing a large kettle where passengers of boats that docked nearby were able to toss coins to help the poor. HURON FISH & GAME ASSOCIATION WELCOMES Captain McFee placed a similar pot at the Oakland Ferry Landing, and encour- aged the public to "Keep the Pot Boiling." He collected enough to host a Christmas dinner for the poor. The first time a kettle was used in Can- ada was in St. John's, New- foundland in 1906. Kettles will be placed at locations in Goderich, Clinton and Kincardine. While many generous vol- unteers have already sched- uled their time, we still need volunteers to stand on the ket- tle at all locations. If you are interested in volun- teering, please contact Jennifer Barnes -Siebert, Kettle Cam- paign Volunteer Coordinator at 519-955-0887 or email her at kettlecoordinator@hotmail.ca For more information, visit BetAtChampions.com Located at 278 Alma Grove in Clinton (519) 482-3022 • ▪ �6 CHAMPIONS OFF TRACK GETTING ---,Mk-ill Tb'Div 11-c AIirrc •Re;pr l:G:wihlhy.cn:y fr Lut ix 0_ IXDz in 0I- LU J LLI LU LL -1 0. 474 Four local organizations thank municipality Tara Ostner The Clinton News Record This year the Municipality of Central Huron donated money to various organiza- tions and four organizations in particular wish to thank the municipality for its support. The Bayfield Agricultural Society received a grant worth $1,000 from the municipality to hire a special entertainer to perform at the Bayfield Fair this past summer. Deputy Mayor Dave Jewitt also assisted with the fair by being a judge at the Bayfield Ribs Competition and represent- ing Central Huron at the opening ceremony and parade. As president of the Bayfield Agricultural Society, Doug Yeo, states, "The $1,000 goes a long way to bringing enter- tainment from outside the area that our local fairgoers would not normally see." Rural Response for Healthy Children also received a donation of $1,000 from the municipality to support the organization's Kinderoo- School Readiness Program. This year a total of 101 chil- dren from Clinton, Goderich, Exeter, Wingham and the sur- rounding areas graduated from the program. As the coordinator of Kin- deroo, Jill Robertson, states, "Your commitment to helping our Kinderoo-School Readi- ness Program continues to advance its purpose of pre- paring children ages 3-5 years for Kindergarten. With the help of donations from sup- porters such as you, Kinderoo has become a successful pro- gram for children in our community:' The Alzheimer Society of Huron County received a donation of $1,240 from the municipality in support of the society's first ever Spooky Trail Run that was held in October. The event raised over $6,000 which will be used to enhance the respite care program recently introduced at Alzhei- mer Huron. As events coordinator, Brit- tany Williams, states, "Your invaluable contribution let us purchase performance t -shirts for each and every runner who participated in the race." Finally, the Huron Plow- men's Association also received generous support from the municipality for its 2014 Huron Plowing Match, a two day event that took place in the Municipality of Huron East. As treasurer of the Huron Plowmen's Association, Maja Dodds, states, "Your mone- tary contribution enabled us to present prize money to eight people in four plowing classes." MPP Thompson's office accepting nominations for Outstanding Citizen Award MPP for Huron -Bruce, Lisa Thompson is now accepting nominations for the 2014 Out- standing Citizen Award. Thompson is looking for deserving candidates who have distinguished them- selves as community leaders and made considerable con- tributions to Huron and Bruce counties over the last year. "The Huron -Bruce Out- standing Citizen Award is an excellent opportunity to rec- ognize individuals who go the extra mile, these individuals are truly the cornerstones of our communities", said Thompson. To nominate someone you feel is deserving of the 2014 Huron -Bruce Outstanding Citizen Award, describe in 250 words or less that person's contributions to the commu- nity, and why you feel he/she is deserving of the award. Send nominations to Lisa. thompson@pc.ola.org , or mail them to, or drop them off at, the Blyth or Kincardine constituency offices. "I am always humbled by the amazing things I see hap- pen in Huron -Bruce every day. I know there are many deserving candidates in this riding and I cannot wait to read the entries"; said Thompson. Nominations close Novem- ber 30, 2014 and winners will be announced at MPP Thompson's NewYears Levee on January 7th at Teeswater Community Hall at 7:00 PM.