Clinton News Record, 2014-11-12, Page 1212 News Record • Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Londesborough news
The Happy Gang Seniors of
Londesborough teamed up
with the Seniors of Arkona to
host the Senior District Fall
Rally at the Londesborough
Community Hall on Wednes-
day, October 23rd. The fifty-
seven seniors who attended
enjoyed a delicious hot meal
served by ladies of the
Londesborough UCW at
noon. Everyone who attended
went home with something
from the draw tables. Many
thanks to area folk who
donated these items.
Musical entertainment by
Marie Flynn and her grand-
son, Joseph, was much
enjoyed. The duo offered a
variety of songs with Marie on
piano while Joseph played a
variety of instruments - drum,
mandolin, banjo and fiddle.
The guest speaker was
Bonnie Sitter of Exeter. Bon-
nie was one of three photog-
raphers from Huron County
who in 2013 produced the
book "The Beauty and
Bounty of Huron County':
The book is a comprehensive
visual showcase of the diver-
sity of our county as seen
through the camera lens. It is
a reminder to citizens that
our area is full of beauty we
fail to appreciate as we go
about our daily living. Bon-
nie showed pictures from
the book while talking about
its production and purpose.
Organizers were gratified
be the favourable comments
they received on the day.
Condolences are extended
by the village to the Bernier
and Biesinger families on the
recent passing, October
14th, of Brenda [Biesinger]
Mason. Your prayers and
support will help these vil-
lage folk cope with their loss.
Londesborough Lion Carl
Nesbitt reported that by
month's end the group had
collected more than 40 bicy-
cles for shipment through the
A-9 District Lions Clubs to
peoples around the world "to
help them improve their lives
and communities".
Are you wearing your
poppy? At the very least I
hope you take a couple of
minutes at the 11th hour of
the 11th day to consider your
freedom and thank the vet-
erans for their efforts.
Londesborough United
will hold their Remem-
brance Day Service next
Sunday, November 9th.
November 16th has been
designated as Mission Sun-
day. Mark your calendars for
the Sunday School Swim-
ming party at Vanastra on
Saturday, November 15th.
Several ladies from the
Londesborough UCW were
pleased to attend a meeting
of the Auburn UCW on Mon-
day, October 27th. The theme
of the gathering was two -fold
"Inspirational Women" and
"Be All That You Can".
The evening began with a
game that had contestants
matching 'inspirational'
women and their accomplish-
ments. As the answers were
revealed Joyce Bean gave a
short synopsis of each of the
women and pointed out the
things about them that
showed they lived the best
they could be for the benefit of
the rest of the world.
The guest speaker for the
evening was an inspiration
from right here in Huron
County, Trudy Kernighan.
One of five children of Russell
and Audrey Kernighan,
Trudy was raised in Colborne
Township just a short dis-
tance from both Auburn and
Londesborough. But has
spent a great deal of her adult
life in places around the
world we know only by name.
Trudy and her husband,
Dan Burns, both eventually
found themselves in the for-
eign services. Trudy chose to
work with immigration
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concerns and became High
in several foreign countries. A
High Commissioner is the
title in a Commonwealth
country while Ambassador is
the title in other countries,
Trudy explained. Her work
took her to 10 different coun-
tries including India, Togo,
Argentina, Sierra Leone and
Ghana. It is the duty of an
ambassador or high commis-
sioner to be the face of Can-
ada and its government in
those countries and its
spokesperson working to fur-
ther Canadian interests there.
Her work mandated she
always be aware of what was
happening in the world.
Despite her own feelings at
times she recognized one
learns to do as he/she is told.
Consequently she felt always
on display and remarked that it
was good to make friends with
other foreign service workers
with whom they could unwind.
Embassy staff support
Canadian initiatives in each
country and encourage citi-
zens to work together and
with their neighbours to live
together peacefully. Although
the protocol involved with
the entertaining of Canadian
government officials such as
Governor-General Johnston
are extensive the experiences
were gratifying.
Trudy acknowledged she
witnessed much poverty and
poor living standards. Her
family was in India at the
time of the assassination of
Indira Ghandi and remarked
that it was a scary experi-
ence. But she described
India as a beautiful country.
In India she managed a staff
of 175 persons.
Speaking to us on the day
of the municipal election,
Trudy warned us never to
become complacent about
our right to vote noting that
poor countries around the
world struggle with democ-
racy and human rights. Many
African countries have a great
deal of illegal activity and
peoples there rely on outside
assistance for policing and
help to curb these activities.
Ms Kernighan stated that
the events of 9/11 which
changed the world immensely
presented immigration head-
aches at the time and
improved the rules for immi-
gration protection henceforth.
Trudy and Dan, who now
live at Benmiller, have two
daughters who have grown
accustomed to far places. One
is working in Iqaluit and the
other has recently moved to
the Congo. The girls were edu-
cated in international schools
and tuition for them was a
perk of Trudys position.
An inspiring and tactful
speaker one expects Trudy has
many stories to share about a
most interesting career.
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