HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2014-05-14, Page 3Wednesday, May 14, 2014 • News Record 3 A tale of a family's immigration to rural Ontario For the News Record Do you remember Kees (Casey) de Haan? Known in rural Ontario for his charm, musical talent and perform- ances playing a carpenter's saw. He was a founding member of the Clinton Christian Reformed Church. Our Land of Milk and Honey is an his- torical memoir written by Kees' daugh- ter Carmen Johnson. It is the story of the de Haan family's immigration and often funny experiences of rural life, after they arrived in Huron County from the Neth- erlands in 1948. Our Land of Milk and Honey illus- trates the resilience of the de Haan chil- dren in their adjustment to a new cul- ture and tough environment - at a time when children played without constant adult supervision. Set in the Belgrave, Auburn, and Blyth areas in 1948 to 1957, the narrative is full of local history and colorful anecdotes that give insight into the day-to-day life of a subsistence farm family. Contributed photo Burlington -based author Carmen Johnson has written a historical memoir about her time growing up in Huron County. Johnson's father Kees (Casey) de Haan was one of the founding members of Clinton Christian Reformed Church. Pictured here is Johnson (centre) presented a copy of her book, Our Land of Milk and Honey, to David Armstrong (president) and Ralph Laviolette (secretary) of the Huron County Historical Society. Clinton Public Hospital Foundation hosting Gala Dinner on June 14 The Central Huron Com- munity Centre will be trans- formed into the City of Love on June 14. The Clinton Public Hospi- tal Foundation will host its annual gala dinner with the theme of "The Evening in Paris:' Virginia Steckle of the foundation said they hold the event bi-annually as not to overextend themselves. "Because we are in small community we don't to burn people out," she said. The evening will feature a live and silent auction as well as a dinner prepared by Tickets are $75 per person (which includes a $45 tax receipt). Steclde said it is usually a very well attended event that draws approximately 400 people. Tickets are available from the following directors and foundation staff; Darren Ste- venson (519-525-2112), Steve Brown (519-482-7745), Shana Barnim (519-482- 5371), Ross Carter (519-482- 7776), Janice Cosgrove (519- 955-1954), Linda Dunford (519-482-9139), Bert Dykstra (519-482-7811), Susan Mey- ers (519-482-5846), Una Roy (519-482-5592) or Steckle (519-482-3440 ext. 6297). HAIRCUTS NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED DA Ppr Haircuts PROFESSIONAL HAIR STYLES FOR GUYS WALK-IN CONVENIENCE, AFFORDABLE PRICES MAIN ST. CLINTON OPEN TUES-SAT 519 -606 -HAIR (4247) Chances are, you will find your own name or that of a neigh- bour's among the myriad of local names who played various roles in the de Haan's story. Whether you are a recent immigrant or a longtime Huron County resident, you will undoubtedly be able to relate to the tales told in Our Land of Milk and Honey. You can purchase your copy at the Dutch Store in Clinton, or the Huron County Museum Gift Shop, Gaol Gift Shop, and Fincher's in Goderich. Carmen Johnson is online at www.facebook.com/ bbcarmenjohnson ATTENTION ADVERTISERS! DEADLINES Our Weekly Deadlines are as follows: ADVERTISING & EDITORIAL Friday @ 2:00 pm News Record 53 Albert St. S, Clinton P H : 519-482-3443 www.ciintonnewsrecord.com OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 9am - 5pm CLOSED TUESDAYS 4514:;:°-' FAUN COIPALITY OF BLU E WTE R rimrr.rur. . r,L, 11~ —1,1 1 . r '. arr-.�el. 2Oty1 NOTICE OF OPEN HOUSE fora NEW ZONING BYLAW DATE: Saturday, May 24th, 2014 TIME: Drop in between 10:00 a.m.. and 1100 p.m. LOCATION: Stanley Complex, 38594B milli Rd., Varna A VE YOUR SAYona new Zoning By-law for B1uiiewalerl .11.1m riv'c existing Zoning 8y -law in tilliewatcr are being rep]accd w9ilrl a new. single Zoning Jay -lair. Planners ani! BIuew.ater staff will be on hand in the open house to explain the graft Zoning By-law's pray Bionsand . nswcrquestions. The Zoning Bye-law will set out different land use zones and list the permitted uses and required standards in a LCIS zone., such as Eike location of struclwres, 6tlil lilig typesand se aclks and parking requirements among othcr provisions. A copy of the draft Zinging By-law m.iy be reviewed i L the Municipal Office. (L4 Mil] Ave, Zurich) Or Ali the I I rtnitlg 17cpar iiicnt wchsitc at wwww_iowra,blvii watcr.on_ce_ IRc5idcnts rnny sLlbnrl.L Juestions lir° written 1..rillrrWrItS at ally tilde to Lllrlir ecoriClrtient.'ti1wn_bllleenter_orl.en. F:vcr}' rcsidcnt'orni-rwi ih t is rccciv+ d will he ncknow'lcdgcd, reccircicAlend rcvicw 1,