HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2014-05-07, Page 22 News Record • Wednesday, May 7, 2014 Provincial election called for June 12 NDP leader Andrea Horwath announced she would vote against Liberal budget Friday Ontario is heading to the polls. NDP Leader Andrea Horwath announced Friday morning she would vote against the Lib- erals' spring budget, which prompted Premier Kathleen Wynne to visit Lt. -Gov. David Onley and ask him to dissolve parliament. "It's time for change," Horwath said Friday. "You deserve a better government." Horwath said she decided to deny her sup- port because of the growing list of Liberal scan- dals and her lack of confidence in Wynne to deliver on her budget promises. Wynne had given Horwath until May 8 to decide, but she rendered her decision one day after Finance Minister Charles Sousa delivered his supposedly NDP -friendly budget. "Kathleen Wynne cannot even build a raft. How do we expect her to actually build a ship?" Horwath said. "We will not be voting in favour of any confidence motion including the budget:' Premier Kathleen Wynne, speaking on the Lorne Brooker Show on CJBQ radio in Bel- leville, said she's disappointed Horwath wouldn't meet with her as requested to discuss the budget. "I think there's a lot in this budget that needs to be implemented in the province," Wynne said. "But I've said all along if we didn't have a partner in the legislature, then we would take this budget to the people of the province. And we will do that." Ontario Federation of Labour president Sid Ryan and some other labour leaders urged Horwath to support the budget, which includes measures to raise social assistance rates, the minimum wage and salaries for personal sup- port and child-care workers. But other union heads recommended the NDP vote against it. "A lot of people, my members in particular, all 130,000 of them, just hold the Liberals in absolute disdain," Warren "Smokey" Thomas, president of the Ontario Public Service Employ- ees Union (OPSEU), said. Thomas said there are some good ideas in the budget, but the government doesn't have the money to implement them. Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak said he's excited about the opportunity to put his "Million Jobs Plan" to Ontario voters. "I think that Andrea Horwath and the NDP took their marching orders from big government union bosses," Hudak said. "They propped up the Liberals for two years now. That means that half the hydro hikes, half the gas plant scandal, is on the NDP's back." Hudak said labour leaders have been run- ning the "NDP -Liberal coalition" for more than two years now. "I'm going to say no to the government union bosses and yes to taxpayers by getting Ontario back to work," Hudak said. Horwath said she looked at the proposals in the latest Liberal budget, but doesn't believe Wynne delivered on previous promises to lower auto insurance rates, set up a financial accountability office and reduce wait times for seniors' home care. "I have lost confidence in Kathleen Wynne and her ability to deliver," she said. "I cannot in good conscience support a government that people don't trust anymore:' Deadline for sprina fair ambassador TSLA donates $1500 to hospital competition approaching quickly The Tipperary Storage Landowners' Association (TSLA) was formed 14 years ago by 15 landowners on the Tipperary Line of the former Goderich Township to Dave Flaherty Powell -Parker said none of the judges are from deal with an application to the Ontario QMI Agency the area so there is no advantage in that respect. Energy Board (OEB) by a junior gas stor- The winner of the competition is expected to age company to construct a high-pres- Organizers of the Clinton Spring Fair are looking participate in the District 8 competition (usually sure underground natural gas storage for young women and men to vie for a chance to the second Saturday of May) and the CNE Compe- facility beneath 1,000 acres on the Tipper - serve as ambassador. tition (which will occur in August 2015). ary Line. The ambassador competition will once again take Powell -Parker said the ambassador would also It was eventually completed place on the Thursday night of the fair, June 5 at 7:30 participate in a number of community events such p.m. at the auditorium of the community complex. as helping out for the rest of the weekend at the Spring fair president Dawn Powell -Parker said spring fair, being on a float in the Santa Claus the deadline is this Friday, May 9 and they'd like to Parade and more. see an increased number of competitors, especially The winner will also get an all expenses paid trip boys. to the Royal York Hotel in Toronto to meet all the "It's definitely not just for girls. We've never had a other ambassadors from across Ontario. male ambassador," Powell -Parker said. Beyond all this, Powell -Parker said the chosen To compete, contestants must be 17 years of age ambassador is given a chance to become experi- by Aug. 1, 2014. The maximum age is 22. enced in public speaking and getting involved in Competitors are required to be unmarried. their community. During the competition, Powell -Parker said con- "It looks really good on a school application," testants will be interviewed privately and judged by she said. a three-person panel for seven to 10 minutes at the The winner will also receive a $500 scholarship Clinton Arena. from Huron Commodities. They are then expected to deliver a three -to -five Every participant in the competition receives minute public address and participate in a brief prize money as well. impromptu question (30 to 60 seconds). Entry forms or more information can be found The judges will decide the winner based oncom- online at www. clintonspringfair.com or calling munity knowledge and involvement, knowledge of Powell -Parker at 519-482-3915 or Brenda Hart at the spring fair, personality and presentation. 519-482-5519. approximately 10 years later in 2010 and now stores about 3.2 billion cubic feet of natural gas, which is used mostly for win- ter heating by Goderich and Clinton. The storage facility has been owned and operated by Union Gas since 2007. The funds that the TBA donated to the Clinton Hospital Foundation are the residual of the legal account that was set up by the TSLA to deal with the applica- tion to the OEB for this project. a,I • Fred Dutot, chairman of the Tipperary Storage Landowners' Association (left) presented a donation of $1,500 to the Clinton Public Hospital Foundation, accepted by treasurer Steve Brown. Deadline change! Due to the Victoria Day Holiday Monday May 19th Our deadline for the May 21 st issue will be Tbursilav May 15th at 2pni Views Record 53 Albert St_, Clinton • 519-482-3443 www_c1into nnewsrecord_com c1inton_ ads @sunmedia_ ca if you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call at 519-482-3443