HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2014-03-26, Page 19Wednesday, March 26, 2014 • News Record 19 Good Behaviour: Not a Pass to Heaven Rev. Charles Gingerich Heartland Community Church This winter I read a report that said seven out of ten people in North America believe good behaviour will merit entry into heaven when they die. Over the years I've gathered that a lot of people believe this myth, but I was shocked to know it so prevails. In a land where the Christian faith has been widely proclaimed, and where the Bible is readily available, how could this idea gain such currency, I wonder? The report is not good news how- ever you look at it. I think the stuff I'm made out of is much like everyone else, and if good behaviour merits admittance into God's paradise, I fear admission will not be granted when I arrive on the other side. My track record is far from stellar, especially taking into account "Thou shalt have no other god's...you shall not misuse the name of...you shall keep the Sab- bath day holy—you shall not bear false witness against your neighbour," etc. And if I take into account the Lord's injunction, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you," my doubts are magnified. I've met several people who boasted good perform- ance, but after a few questions like "Have you ever...?" they all changed their mind. The plain, obvious truth is our behaviour is not good. If good inten- tions were a pass to heaven, there might be some cause for optimism. But the persistence and scope of domestic strife, corruption in leader- ship, coarse talk, work place turmoil, religious fissiparousness, war, and self- seeking politicking indicate that good behaviour is spotty at best. Let's not kid ourselves; citing numerous exam- ples of exemplary actions among humankind does not make the scale even balance, let alone tip on the good side. Even apparently good behaviour can be sullied by ulterior motives. But the good behaviour doctrine is grim on the most important count; it is downright erroneous according to the Bible and what Jesus said. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory (per- fection) of God," Psalm 14, Romans 3:23. So much for good karma. Would we expect a different verdict? Would we expect to be flattered by a book, which claims to be a divine revelation about who we are? As always, the truth is for our own good, even when it hurts our pride. In this case, the truth prepares us to realise a desperate need for outside help. Jesus described his outside help this way: "For God did not send his Son into the world to con- demn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him:' I certainly want to avoid giving the impression that good behaviour is unimportant or inconsequential. It is laudable anywhere it is found. It should be encouraged at every turn. God expects nothing less of us than good behaviour, i.e. obedience to his commandments at all times. Jesus assured us that even the finer points of good behaviour will actually receive a divine reward, Mark 9:41. Elevating noble deeds, even sacri- ficial ones, to a pass into heaven, however, is dangerous. Worse, it's an outright rejection of what God has said. God said, "If you confess with your mouth, `Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." That is far more humbling, far more realistic, and worlds more hopeful than banking on good behaviour. 325 Victoria St. Clinton, Ontario NOM 1 LO 519-482-7930 FULL LINE SMALL ENGINE SALE & SERVICE CENTER We're More than a Rental Store !ECHO' Outdoor Power Equipment Dealer }• A u* . • "More than just stumps" srUNPY's TREE ERVIICE B REMOVAL • Trimming, removal & clean-up • Bucket truck service • Stump grinding • Lawn rolling • Free estimates .- ;§:' DAVE BERNARD 519-482-3976 To advertise in this BUSINESS DIRECTORY Please call Dawn Johnston 519-482-3443 ESS DIIZEC.TOi? Mechanical Repair Used Car Sales 30 Ontario Street Oiintezi ON NOM 519-4E12-8439 urnail; ridt b%Ililut.c i rolacie 93? -401 -ea CONCRETE FORMING c ZRI: C'O, (tfERCM 1. • RESIDENTIAL • cundaliwas * Floor r Finishing t:ircalar Tanks' Sanih i€ i tilb FREE FTI lXFES 519 -S23 -997i Fax 523-950+ RRN Bernard Ent. INSTALLATION SALES - SERVICE Central Boiler Dealer Carman Bernard R.R. #4 Brussels, ON NOG 1H0 www.centralboiler.com 519-887-6405 To advertise in this BUSINESS DIRECTORY Please call Dawn Johnston 519-482-3443 UETFER ARPZNTRY - For all your orpotry Peak pse call nano: 519-606-2142 Cd i 519-440-2142 Our business is built on SERVICE ENERGY HE=ATING • AIR CONDITIONING • ELECTRICAL PLUMBING JEFF WISE 262 Bayfield Road, Clinton • 519-482-7062