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Clinton News Record, 2014-03-26, Page 17
yourhnioinents:a Marking your milestones. For Cilafty iritis call; 1-877-750-5054 Fax 1-t3€e8-. 5-2451 ■-milt ohtu,rlml yourlll• monwerrl.ra All other ImOrnaari'ts call; 1-1388-786-7821 Fax: 1-13G&-75 7-422 7 ■-mall mleeltnr..c_n r M-e7moron:.:. Obituaries I In Plernoriern I Thanks I Births 1 Celebrations 1 More Obituaries {ibitularies CAMPBELL, Flu bert "13 b" - ic. folly a1 Huron+law Hem. CIInlgn, on $1Iri . y r 1 rr.h 16, 2014 r.1r Flap arl , Ra w Carnp aaaLI el: Clinton in his g; rd year. B eloved husband i1 the Inlc Kay Campbell 12412}. Lavn fa' Mier of Fll:b & Deb Alf Pti irl TOM r1 Slealar, Ahierr , Karl a Irene, and Steve & ,lucflr all r1I Clinton. Cherished grandialhlyr or Erin /Nigel), Jay€nIe $Jersw4'j, IeP (Ranadi}, Kalleigh (Michaele, Craig. and Gorki. Bear brother in law of Eli ab+an-i . Tsd r riliens a,f 25wr 1 end, Andy Gnndlay p1 K11,lwna .C.. Dai Marie Middleton_ and Audrey Middalsn all o f Chaim_ Predeceased by his skilings Irr49, f=DwdisJ, Geer e a JkSSii. f^riefids w ere received at lI7a3 FALCONEFI FUNERAL HOMES.. 153 High St., Cl ,Tnri, o r T>7uirr,dayr Iron 2-4 3 7-9 p_ir*. Fureral eaglee was hebd at CI: Faure Ar.,71ican Church, OLrilnn, Ori Fns Ff. i nh 21, 71014 a1 11 a.m. ;SIrrire,g intrarmianl "CIInlan Cemetery. Rill Canadian Lci ciri Bonen if140 Liin5an held a Bene a at the funeral h.iinr=' urs Thuasday aE 41:4E p.in_ ,4s expiessiona orf -sympathy inesi e' ial donations LID St. Paurs Church, Clinton Fu41fc Hospital Foundalion. 11 uronarlew Residlents'Counc4 r Ulu Crhratry of Ona'S Choirs would tP9 i p p reci a1ed, Flower aRiinirs 'owe Flod CAmplaall and Clair Tary1or. Pal Bearers wa tar Craig, Set, Erik, E. Jayrnie Campbell, Greg Holmes, and Dave Cuunier. Military Medal Oesarer vats Diamide McKay. Co,ndorl ntea for the Campbell tinily may be Forwarded Io WWw.ratonerrunenalhornes.carri CUNNINGHAM, Fldirer Thomas - Suddenly al hares uvl Tue808y, March 18, 2011 Fir Thomas Cumingtram c lifIN1 JGum 1 hie 48111 year eeklvad son 114 Iia the lain Thomas Cunningham 01 IF1$1 Aul-Agn. Don hnilh,ar and brolhrrrindaw cI Linda E. Lamy PlaoIzer al RRII1 Auburn, Oabra & Fiubcrl Cuadra DI trandiari. Julia Cdrrlflilghern l f London and Lel}ns Cunningham or Saulharrlplcen. lie will L missed try his nieces and rhephewa Jeri, James and Janette PIaelzar and Jarsmlrxs, Alexander and Spencer g iteS. PrlikdociBoserl by 1111 grandparents Eduard & Narrria erigg and Guy 3 Malrg,ar'91 Cunningham. Yrsilatioer was Ihold at the Auburn Ideall un Fritray imam 2-4 & 4-9 p.rn_ The Auburn Liens dl ub rsunelu'Iad l neon Trial Service c i Friday aL 5_^45 a.m. The Funeral Service was held at Isle Auburn Rall on Saturday, March 22. 2014 al. 2 V.M. 5.pr1rra Irrlerrnent. Hope Chapel Clam tery+, Tuazr, Memorial 1Jonahons to z a;tlarity Dr your penia¢ would 443 appreciated as cxprenslara or sympathy. ARurlgemenis eutauslad IG LFTs F=ALCONER FUNERAL HOMES 1E2 High St. Clinrua'I {5191482-9521 Condolences (nay L+da IA far the Cunningham larYrily al Yoiew.laromeflunerEillIonrie8com Obituaries Obituaries e. DUTOT, Alvin Leslie - Al HL rerivI W Home, Ciinaan cin Friday, March 14, 2414, A14in Leslie Lutct or CIInlorr In his Nth Baa , E "t:IWO hre4a1-4 01 the lata Delves [ rlr . Lovng 1 iIh r of Fred Carr+ Wet el RA40 Clinznn and Arlene i} 4Lrilfiam Enolgrave of CamieralL Dear grandfather of Jin Buis Mend Lad #dilsman, Jennllar Rodger amid Shawn, and uhf 1 Jenalh n Hulls. Survived by MS Shier Bea L€ppinglcn dr Landon. Predeceased by his 9 en Oats Alls1 i and irrollher Lewes Odlc& v°'sitalicn was held al The FALCONER FUNERAL AL HOMES, OIFrutora Ohrapet on $unliayr Irrsn 2,4 and 7.1 tl.rn. whim iii luneral service was ori Mcnday, March 17 a1 11 am_ Spring interaner I, 13 yfiatd Ceinsle ry. Drxhatkint ID the Chilean Public Hospital Fiundalic'n IA a charily tri 'our choice would be appreciated .as Expressions or `9F'inl?atl'rg'. Condolences For The F7d i t tan-aly maybe lei/ through win,. la iccreriona ranrrrneS.C.Onl LAYTON, keit - PaamI Aly, #{1rm,lnrJ rl by Ibis fame/ at Hurrnviaw Hanle, Minton an Tuesday, FMlarch 1.g, 2014. %born Xeilh 1..aytan Clrlli:n in hit Yell year. I3 Toyed husband Or the Tate Jean LayLvrl (nee Creed (21:06). Dear Father and rather -in -Law or Slave and Diana Layton c1 Clinton, Vicki and f ardyr Huai!! or Oixieridh era Sher+ Lawton and 5oo-it tr.oelsler of CI+rrlon, Lpi rn ty rorrernbered by hls grans ail IrQrz' and grcat.gmndrhilynin.Alse untimed by a brethcrin•: er Clift Greer_ Rtedeoarsad by Iwo IhrLIFi r$ Ed anrt Glen Layton and a Sitter Verna Hildebrand. The Funeral Service was held at FALCONER FUNERAL HOMES - CUNTQN CHAPEL, 153 High Sir -al. Glinlon an .5aturlay+, March 22, 2014 at 204 p.rn titifln'as,tallors one hoar prior lo 58r'ira9 time, Spring Interment, 9.aird's Carnetory, Stanley Township, Onlarrie. As aDzpressiens aF sympathy,. the family An:rata appreciate memorial donations tax lie AIzbeir ler Society_ 1469a8Gies of cc ildbiarde the Lays lien 1a nil Iy may be seal Ih roug h, waw_lalconerrunerasharnaa.Carn cbivar1es Obituaries MCH RING, Douglas - Al his rime In Clixierich cri %.1coclay Maio') 17, 2CrF4. Doug Mor' 1rg In his 63rd ar. Dear lalhar OE Tim gin'1 hlh wife Julie of Prince George BO, Ling grarxjfalher el 0I442 and$aphia. IY'reihnr If $hirl r Meering of rot. Maly, Jam and wile Ella May DI Oungannen, Brenda and husband Bill Jenkins al Hainill8ri, Trudy StsIwrll er and partner Dive LL,ndligrirl cI Strafford. Predeceased by No parries Gordan WWI June Marring. A remodel service WES. herd aR Rr CALLUM di RALLA FUNERAL 11OME, 13Uderish On Saturday, March 2 t, 2014 al 1 Ravi, Craarnaiion has Ialknn plaid . Inlarmnnl r1 ashes to h,= hid in the spring at Cohborra Cemetery. Danatiens tc' thio Canadian Car7r�lr Sediety gralelulLyr aaknowhxdged. NEVI& nay aig;1 hhe back or concialarhca9S i1 pvem.mccallulrrpa1aca F#a41pTr euzabelh - On Tuesday March llj A 114 $ter heih pai[il43.1 CEIT1hZ1n wer,1 harry iia lame with herr Lord in her aGih your. Beieved wife al iho hie Jacobus Raidi 0993) and 111r I51e Bernard Ball 11019, Laying int lber ahF Peie; J. Reich ISI Cream, Jeanette I. (All Rrran'bI.dm Naneieno BC., Renard A. (Nicole Safe l} , ;• rbicr 01 Crawdarci Bay B.C. and Ccoir i ' I 1.; d1. Clear 1116ler 8 Staler -in-law DI Jan Cir g) OlJkntra, Plat I;pClntl Disksira Nr 1:' • tr, .indra Raid', Alii lF:.n 1 i 1)r', pct and Jessiann , . Ake missed Ly hor cacaos and nephews. Predeceased by her uararils Pik[ & Ci alalia Diik&Ira and her sibirng& Jenny & !gamin C.suke $rid Geer( Cijkslra. A funeral service was he'd alit* Clinton Chrfetian R®i©rrned Church on Monday, March 21. 2014 al 11 a.m, Pastor Ran Lilrhlls c+brlabeti Spring irtarrrent: CiLnlrn C srnmcry. Denatlrans :p Ina Canadian Casser Sanely ar Ihfl Hunan Christian SGhool waulcl be approciaid:d as expr+t!53i1711175 of sympathy. ArraligeinenLs entrusted vi ihe FALCONER FUNERAL HOMES, CLINTON CHAPEL.. wow .fate nerauEneralbiome9_aam Remember... ono rri ro : ts.ca .a Wednesday, March 26, 2014 • News Record 17