HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2014-03-26, Page 1616 News Record • Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Gie mmi Hlelp Warted General Help `Wanted General Fdelp Wanted General 1-Ie1p wanted AZ / Dz Drivers General Labourer Howson & Howson Limited has aisono.l openings for AZ DZ. Driyer;: and a en' 'e l Labrourer In iv Oiwi$IQrr `n alyrh. ON. Reelui r emenu: • riculturai Experience 1 tiatljraund AZ1 DZ Licence, with: a clean driven abstract, preferred • Effective communication skills • Able te, work efficiently as part of a team and independently • HLgh level of persona1 integrity • 5.trcng work ethic Inreresced persons can l'orward resume and cover letter by Friday, March 29, 2014 to: Email - humanresources howsonandhow,is l.ca Fax - 519-523-4920 Mail- Howson & Howson Limited Atth:(Human Resources Box 9�[l Blyth, ON NOM IHO We thank all applicants, however_ only those selected for an interview will be contacted, taw rale 5a1i Land for Safe TEXAS U.S.A. BEST BUY. Dim a 20 acre Texas Ranch, only $995 por acre. $9] per n anlh. Srachuro available. Call toll I=re, 1-3k,75.c &. Public Notices l�Jh�s Nelis Services Offered Serrices s l ffere l WATER %ILL DRILLING W.D. I1EIFPER & SONS .LTE. Fi ur modern rolar3r rips S81IGrIti .5111r5U•1737 + 3lruhard 519.271-7@W Public H itic Public Nvtiites General Help Wanted PULL TIMI '11:11 ICU DETAILER e�7u're+,I Ho 8.perienCe rr 86- E-31:2 APPIVIPeWri atilr8m r ir_e;, S:- S.. E. rladh. RyAN'E Carporm-p' wicking hill Lmo hod Elp<flanca an assfi:, feta veil Irain t rlcu• II44e wanes. Neni resume lo kinx 5110. Sealo'ih Non 1711.:.. rex 519- V1.rU9. Lr 4lrirnil la: 4,•:la'rr'w_o;- .�il�tps•'ei',tge i estauran /Hotel HE EISE N LAN a CiountrifInrr 11 Fill Viae ear rienced rine cedi; IFaeat irant & �eriahaleE. en -site sworn. amok P1illeektillarimana rivilihr.sonlarrIicem ore L 519- 34r-77(17 wwra I-053erian1.cam 7ralrrnlg WANTeil FIRE l$ S�C.47ENT 4. t1�,rr mace! Dnp Slop" Ininormo Mauro"' In Dash- wc.1on: Aprlt1a138May 3 AithizocoilreOgrafIcri Emelt �rrde lErharnel or sell To' Fki phi fJl619.23 L 2'18 end !16 qtr ret d;ie `P fLa 'od Flew -rum T r, ®Irr$ioia Aires he !wind err F. A• tank find Kiri. Hrindfram ALL KINGS oI lunares any violet's. Over 20 }tars elplrro1Ga 'n cmrper•Ire rn�f Gra{ae'ly 'nslrYrrti� ae Sawing ora•iJ a«lid lu Pt�y- I ru• CSI of taxi Fain 511 PkikEn Notices SON C0U1N1 r i �Inty Hol -0n Homes far the Aged Regia ,it for Proposal.: HA -2014-02 Service Delivery Review .'dr itronvfkry & funis+ rr /torus ` for the Aged Smiled proposals,. ;iddry l t Be.eky ver+'is, Buzi:iness Miirinvia, I 1 uroael+'iew Home for Ih e AiNdl.. 7782, Lonrlian Road L ,I , +, iC'.Lin.fon, Ontario, NOM LLO, will bt. pec.civcd by the BLIYrinu 5 Office until: is110 p.m., lor:iiI time, Thursday,. April 24, 2414 Ta conduct ai dc[ivery review al -current services being delivered by time Count L'I Huron's Homes Department_ RecpbeV rot Proposal docuilllenis may be obtained at: HILI Ilview in Clinton (519) 482,3451 or gc online al hup://www..haroncounly.caftenders1 The CLIMily ofI lionsin reser.rrw the right owl tit accept lire lowest or any paiposal. your me ts;ca For Obituaries call: 1-877-750-5054 Fax: I -$6e-485-5461 to •11,11:. ML•i LlJruin Oen n LS.{3 All other moments call: 1-888-786-7821 Fax: 1-8$6-757-0227 r �urall: ffiII- LL ill £dL'�a 9 bUrlifiltromntruti.rr Obituraries I In Memoriam I Thanks 1 Births i Celebrations I More Coming Ellen Crsrning Events DAYFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY 14th Ai5fual CWIe'c1or Extllbiann - April 12 and 13 OD esti. - 5 p.n .1 at the Bayfield Corn- rllunily Centra. upelaira. Free admission ;dranelllors eppreclaIEi1 . x+llh a wrle VarkaIy of collections to admire. Live Auction, `Tee or Human, Ir al rood pnAuclo. 1;3 p.rn , S{,runday, atter aap9ning ciariina4ny $ur lay Anligratl ApprpL L (3 ream lend wrlh toques®ed rranaironl. Silent Auction rand Lunde Gamier are ava!able ensta. 51.9-565-22701 hyvvykliaylieldhi2Zarkad.Ca BENETkT DANCE & SILENT A!JCl1YN fcr. Eka0e & S le,ii Yanneale Saturday Aril 5Th 7:30-1:O4 a m Cer3lra! Huron Csnirnunilyyr Complex. Hooted 4y (AnionKinsmen P e4r7Itrrxs Idr more iritorrnalion rSieus Feer; mooraI519-524-13752. [31yah F.r:iIval $In �ert present '1 a Orenred ar Rafe Sunday, April 1.3 3:0& wrrl Blyth l°&3Ti nal. Willi %ICC Singers. irofireriy SI. Maris CNlifre 'e Chole) Aruna 315.00 Children 58.0n. Tickets 131y1h CARD G.ati'ALIpAG fPli , ylxrta ry Ar nunl Dessert Elrldgra Find Euchre Fsrp ry r nit w•r lr.•^ rnrr, rn it iOn $5.I3U. Clinton: Thursday March. 27' at 1:IfiCiprh, i�rr>j�c and Euchre, Clinton Urrilcd Church. r1lylh: Thursday I pvil , 1:0I m, Euthre, B lrlh L loth- Baykal: Fridier April 11, Bine a1 1:oiipin, Euchre ei 7:00prn, SI- AndreYie United Chum. , Union United Clluro i ROM 7 EsEt'r SUPPER on 1htRa@ay..aprr. II}. 4:31 7 Firm Adults. $1.5 a 5. r; yrs; ${:•. FiG.crt.r arm aka 492-1111.f12 attach rneeiiL rs, GrmrosTV, los Ci rajx. EASTEIR DINNER on April 5, 5.6:20 JIrr at the Firer Baptist Church, 65 H u rr]n 51. Cllirsr}n. Meru, hopad pOlaiees, " e bla_ coleslaw rae'dera & desert. L7 a[ JIIs $11.00. 4. 12 yrs.- ;1.00.5 d. under free mo on al t]cr. lades ouio Avrallatee Al proceed$ r 8nvroIIIl Fund, L niacl r.4..521.5 r far into. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!' VARNA PORK BBC June' 113, 2014 N1 V.erna CorripleaL HPisted14 Brumfield Caor° miunilyr Unlad Church. MILLI -r i:9 In 15rucelield wri be open. April 151, 519.2-13- 050 OLD .'Nino- CarrurwLry Braaitfast- Sunil t, A.�ril ii a:on Herr -11.413 fir► 011 LciiiMslicen- Ht_ Edge, bacon, Haulage, psrxatlas and ricene.filee, Adults 57, chil1r&ii under 12 53. PARKINSON SLlpkart €roup 01 5ciclerich• Huron will hold .a Potluck and msrnihly Meet:rig ri1'I fvesdigy,. April 1. t'.3I) pm al One Ciro, 17ij Frc1r}n i ,. r5rilpricn Geral McicarLnci at '>1s1 -523,91i6 ter mase trio. FROBUS CLUB cif Godepieb and ° E7istrit1 a `: i',cld 11 air April meeting on Ttr. adaya, Akhil 1 at Coyer i h Legon SL 10 a.rn. Guest spinier Vail DEa GiEn p&sl pr�elderll of Roislain (salla{ra, RETURN OFTHE SWANS FESTIY L Paint Lantana Art Compstil-+e rr arra Sale Lambkin Heritage idles$urn MHO, - Illaorch 36 74ndra 5marrfs. OtI E•. G98 .+cr2G[apI9C oIa 1+'orki€rrlale Onionarrs Arthietea S I3.7, -0',r•' 5i)J 4r 1= -+F -OViS WV1LY.rnh_rrncifho mu s.ccen Cimino Beards Coning EarenLi. (REVIVAL MEETINGS with reeice Jim Came. I Ike in a i;1) ar.d hot+y ply txll slap awilh the ore AVID ie CCn1M8 srrh ICify In spiriL 1€' rete+Ye rote Kirit of the lowly and o revue fh11 rreart of tlrle ocinirtle. Isaiah 57`1 E i enrllerid Carron/10y Church, r V'r r S[.. ClInIOn Apr1I , 7;DO;rn-r S.FIILEte SUGAR RUSH TOUR & PAM. i€E fIRUNCH STJT ANNUAL Salta. Mance 2g: Q:3Uan1.-`e.piri. PINEL4 F. Ventre, 77794 Orchard Lir'ie Clii'I n. Eluori 1otzrs by wagon. Tecketa aL door. F+c le. 5L Jeal, • Angicee Church M1ddle- lonr. for world ouI each, Rick &. Maly Sc -'Tithes' trash maple syrup, now famous ncekssiseusagaa, TourIeruncri; Ad'uIFTa 1D, child $S, under 5 irgg. LM,1Qlr ria Cards pI Tllnlls cards orrhanks FINLAYSON Irk Gke 1d expreas rrry Menke 10 Laved and nryr orI9 and Thele fornikeL9 ler cnpanlz- lne my 751h talrihday' Harty', 7harJi you also l 0 l h ose w l a o seri nowefs. r r t11. gills and AFI wish 5, It wilndariri day aril 1 appracwln nver}+rrrpa raking iIc tern Y.1 coki. brain Ailt, Imlay FINNIGAN The t&rr Iy of the Ian antes Fmni n ap- preciate our iamil'f and friends lc r the (lowers, memorial 4cnalrona and cards. Thanks to She suit al H1rrGrLxlew and Ivicicenzie & filaGreatn Fier rel I -romp. Also Mery Lyttas lAnIsc , Or, lay end its UCyrt 4actvs Of Luckno`w United Char' r Lar the IFS Lerch.. Alma & The:Fnnigara farruI In rmarlams In Memoriam F HrER. i1ULTH In Wring rriernary 01 a. mar .anp pet'lar PAW, tiran{IrriD hRr Grua!' oranclr191hrr 1vfiDpiSSr$d awau IJ irrh:!!r`i i{Il , You had a 1rg3rl ai g.sk1. 11 is hard io bbliera its teen a wt.'. s'ercc sralue been guile Ire carr hearts and inerrinriits yau will a wtays slap aril Lie rerleerltxe3red. Jen, Helen Sind fari`r r�j� Muriel "R4ar1'' Dloll Man FLza. Nos Oh happy rimy ver c nCrm srnjccynd swr:c1 Iharir rearm -try x1111 But dealt hon left a !omit -Kiss TriewcrILtcan neseer611 Lcn+e Paul_ Nancy, Bulr11, Flk.irraa4g''.. RaL. Grandchildren and (ureal Grandchildren m'jy' tit 19,01:4 *PI Par ILfvIviwrserrlrr rataa,�