HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2014-03-19, Page 14NetworkC LASSIF CAFtEER TRAINING CanScribe ,-sn.... r.l..ra• Alcoa from Hemel There is a haw! derrtarxi for CariScribeCareer allege Medical Trac iscriplion eradlll,ea Enroll today infgigrsrrscdbo.anm 11,8134,455.1535 www.canscribc.com START NOT " COMplele M,init,Lry approved Diplomas In rnanIhsl BLr61nee , Health Care and more! Carltat Academy D Learning Cdn1ag' 1 -1)6t -31-..10B6 0 '?) Or wwwocademyonearrlrng.e m. We Change Litres! PVT YOU k CXPeone OE TO WORK aTHIRD QUARTER The .tai. $4i'y iea Fre f o f kk r. q n ri e5 And Over r ctcw Cambs FREE FOR CANDIDATES REGISTER NUN kr www.thFrdquarter.co TOLL-FBAS: 14455-2SH-0206 SPERRY DRIVERS WANTED AZ, DZ, 5, 3 o9 1 wd4 Airbreke Guaranteed 4Ohr. Wo -k Week * 4J49rhma • Paid 1i vi l & Lirg Meal Al w'ance + 4 Wr:ks Vefi tied • Exrcil 11 Seriefils Package Must be able its have rxmnded man away lrom home. UpMar6 mar+hs. Mid hae+e %aid AZ, DZ, 5, 3., or 1 with airbrake lizenSe and have prrlio:Is tom rriereialdJririr'rpl experience. Apply.- a1_ www.sparryrrail.carn.. Careers •end II n chow 11+a Fas1TFtdiCK AppFILsfiin. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL ElJaft R.:OS.1141E TAL BUILD- ! NOS UIL❑- !NOS 60`4 OFF1 2O:x2El, 311033, 40x62, 45x90, 60x124, 50x.150. f? x100 still for balance ewwed! Can 1-5W-457-221 www.crowneriteelhiklings.oa EMPLOYMENTOPPS, Etrrr,pr. Al:sI:nIla, gr New Zealivid! Liar end Work on Dain% Crop_ Bear. or 5heap term. Agti'Vs61- Iur€B invites applicants 1 g-30 for 4-i2 Menth 2D1.4 programa. (Apply hove aww.agmieilure.cJrn 1-193-51 #15 GPRC, Fairview Campus, Alberta needs Power Engineering enelructars_ Ito tiaaching oxperkiroa, no pratrvm Please conLxl Driers Carreau at 7130- 11-35-5631 -11335.-5631 andlwor Walt our webs ne a1 gprc• a ca PART-TIME JOBS - FAakE your own schedule self ohacOlat' bars lo make $51, decide where and when yr1u aeeII, siert and skip wfierl ycEJ wwanl. °Ter 11 -art -383 '599 w.clio__olatdeluxe.cc n FINANCIAL SERVICES Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline th it u Wilt lb Miifite146. a4cui Llarr011rig prct erna7 Oman] RD'oIern Goulding Helpine 1-5Z0-2313-3505 w ,Prolllerii rnblingl-Ielo1r•nca.r4 AND frlrr us e-1: OraarID FrOtileln OeinnbLri 1 I-klplina m Fare'nDak Cir CL'�irri:xOntii .i On Twiller FOR MU T Acanac-Inc, tIl HIGH SPEED INTERNET $32.95 Month Absolutely.° rro porta are blacked UnlInnLiediknimroadlng Up ID 11Mbps ilminksad & BOOK Nps Upload ORDER TODAY AT. Wsr1v.21Can211c.C3 yr CALL TOLL-FREE. 7-1355-281-0533 SAWMILLS lranl only $4.997 - M J E MONEY SAVE MONEY with your own band mill • Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready ID ship. FREE Info & DVD www.NorirrrartISemil.Ils.c;I iriJ4L1{UDT 1-500-56 6-53119 Ex141:0OT, wArcreli WANTED: OLD TUBE AUDIO EQUIPMENT. 40 years or o18er_ Jlrmfrliiiars, Stereo. Recording and Theatre ScJnd Eigcwl]rnernL Hammond miens.. Arra cnncJhis. n. n¢ doer Menial consoles. Call Trill -Free 1.11x4-9217• D31131519-853-2157. FIREARMS All Iypas waiited. esLais. L lit -;liens, single ilerr5s. rnlrlary. 'fat band's all paperwork anal IransporlaliDn, Licensed Dealer. 1.865E80.0045 dollars 4gunsourn 4 iiiii. -I ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! Foy more infoirrfiai o.? contoo. jounce rlawrzoprr. HEALTH S.+ BiLITY BENEFIT GROUP Sul tering 1rorM1 UlaadlIiI' Tna Cefl diari Oowrerninen1 wants 10 give ygit up ko 1-4 0,130. For d,elelle check soul our wetw9sLe: Aver disabilitygrauprana.a Corn Dr Galt ..Is too p' leu-inea 1,1395,1/1).4137. 7, Mental Health Helpline 1 In 5 Canadians will experience a mental )iean' :1 -sue In thee' lWWairrne Mental FfeeILh Hipline 1-13M131-2GOO '�wvi'Merrt�lki9�lkhrltslt}IIrI�.C� Also find us at: brIent,I aIH7 l4eI Jine I i, Facebosk ▪ gCorinea.QnLa;io LinTwhler SERVICES Drug & Alcohol Haweynou Helpline lib 1 irr:v i,pl �trpll,i1 ny dic4librL? CrLg rs Almeot Nelpkne 1 -555-8503 www.DrugAndr4Itolholliolpline.sa Also find us at: Drug and Almtlal Reline on F&rsetcak ar i§Ccrrae1OnlatriD an Monier I (ORTGAGES at$ SEEN. (N TV - NDDri a MORT- GAGE, Home Ett-Jit'y Loan, Belie]. Rain? Bad Credit, SetF, Employed, Eankrupl° Seen tarried down? Foci no Foredl sure, Power of $ale? CALL US NOW TOLL-FREE T -377-T3,3-44211 and speak Ie- a licensed mortgage argent larAlknorrgages.corn specializ- e d in resid'la1ia1, commercial, rural.. agrinulturei, farms, & land rnarigagr . 1+id11 wWw. 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ITaR rove' 1-355-311450 or N5g15. Meat lel alr?f11e I13liF9ss 1-877-004-53,31. '1S+p TOP REAL P5YCIIICS Uwe. i4ccw81e readings 2417. Cell now 1-877-42- 3D35; Mobile #44116; 11tlp rfw+ww.Lrua peKhice.ca,. ANOTHER LONELY WINTER? ? Ido i make h a I®riely 9prIng S sum- mer Mao Oen MISTY RIVER INTRODUCTIONS, Ora1ar!o'e Euelest Maichrnaking Service. t5 years' experience ilndtip einglee Their lila partners. CALL (510)558-4204, wwrwwy: rn l sty rove h rilra e. c.cr1f, VACATIOHfRAVEL ST. LAWRENCE RIVER C R U 1 S 1 N G WORLD- CLASS CRUISING CLOSE TO HOME! The hassle 'ran way 1t} irai'rI #; I,5' or 6 Nighl% In Private - Staterooms INCLUDES: • SHOE ErCURSICN5 • GREAT MEA,_S • NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT AND Fw1U -1 MORE StLawraneatrulsaLLnas_cam TOLL-FREE I -BOD -267-7868: 26.3 Ort.ancl Wit. King.irn, f.5rrl n. $TIDO $ 2161 14o .ADVERTISING REACH MILLIONS OF CUSTOMERS IN ONTARIO WITH ONE EA5'1' CALL! Your Classified Ad or Display Ad would appear in weekly napper each wtlik aicrr}TPs. Ontario In whom, suteirtaan and rural areas For more InlorrliatiorL Call Tiley TOIL -Free 1-53f1- 19-2550. k.nraglIasyrnpa,lloa.cia or w+isli WWW OntIBZ iMed.A,;ts. orn: L COMING EVENTS 250 Annual HA'ilELOC4 COUNTIRY JAMBOREE .man Jackson, Nuke Dewily. Josh Turner. Joe Roam. KeF- Ile Pickle=, The Maaarlca, Suzy Eog- lura& Many lwlore. Canada's Largeel Lroe Coantry Mum & Carrr.pN F 1h wra1 - ALIG 14-17, 2014. Over 25 Acts - BUY TICKETS t.800.5313 3353 wwriww.Hliwd lockJa rltxiree corn RPM HAVELOCK - Jan is for ire let Annual Re reB1lon & Periarmanoa Motor Show - July 13-20. 2014 on TIie Jamboree Grounds. Ids. Venders, Swap rneel. Car Shaw aprizes}, TTUOka; PV's, Bikers, Traic.or6, Farm Equipment. Etc. VENDORS 'MANTEL) - CALL 705.773 777 or VISIT ww.mrprnhavalix1c.corn Camp- ing on ower 500Arres. DRIVERS WANTED HIRING OWNER OPERATORS THE CC�•y, rr ROSGDALE GROUP .0%rneoplarroker hoizain • ,dttracIiveCcrnpenwiion Package • Raid Weekly TF redgh Dred Dews!! • Ei' elenL Fuel S.ukeii r Praia -am • veer Round Steady Wore CONTACT LIB AT: TOLL.FR:EE: 1 -377 -SH$ -4D.5 Etr1.4 12 En'i iF: recruilingigrosodale.ca t+rww,rCaeeidalr .Ce Ilrwlxf POI MEL Li11411 Waste: ri 2eeks arm -rim -F=1 .142:PROP ESSIl hiA7- 2L�1t:1C DRIVERS tJOIN OUR TEAM We offer a safe statlewtorkens°iuni lo. with cnnipllilivE ivagr . and ryxliJri�fale. far Further Details And To ADDIV Clack On The ,i i t+s• Tri r3'ifr at- 'rwrMwwest nIe-Lill�A Jc'n LsEirrl Tcrcritoatone Df the fallowing genes OpRr1 HCIwsal ThursOay. Nati 1''F, 2D141 Carrdniar' Signature TortardoAJrport 6-00.91]pm Scheduled linIDrwlaws Sunday, Apfi1 13, 2D1+1 Sandman SIORRitre T rordoAirport Various Iirrses' `Get yourarlrre applicahnn try early and tea eeleoled for a srho 1.11,1 Ininruieo AdcllMlonally, Ise at Truck World! Visit Our Roca: 0131? terve Intcmallanal Conine en Aipril 111h alto 1 Zit. LAIDLAW CARRIERS DMSION rola ireexperienced AZ licensed divers ID nal the U S. Premium nril age rake. Haeie wetly. New eoulp- rnant +Jsa lilriry Owner Operplt : 1-67D-263-B2B7 AZ DP ERB - GAN :LEAF S. RiJrE'. Single, Team & Regional. Great Payr & 9kene1-d9.'(our Ronne Time Is OA Fri- ariiyr. CALL VOL AY TOLL-rR E E 1,1300,8135-22113. 14 News Record • Wednesday, March 19, 2014 Connect with Ontariins - extend your business reach!. www_networkcIW ssi5eclorg