HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2014-03-12, Page 17GEf eral Help
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Rrninmon fir Ihn $IL:i 11J1 etrITAinn # gtrrammrr't C 'Irar , are
s-ekrn;lfxpresslai#s'4lnlereelin the Iokrrvn;laesIk
The Centre far
Alita.irinixe Yaw Po
f.mplvyrnentourl5.&ll r (F.siver @cal aaanh;
+ hclvaluJ ,and Group Errpk rinla-c Can mak ng resaarr ti.11es.
▪ WA{ wrlh en-pia:le:5 on I+-rrec F,maLrac rFsrrng Issues
• kirirrr.rr;1yea ceidgc di Minn n Emptaytra n Cain& r:::•
31 50`..40.1e5 r :
▪ Prwan cam put erslls nese sarll.
▪ Cnperytopaotlicm let..2.beempathetic mem Isrick:lle.-
▪ P.rrr�pm®
rnu O'o43`ar n.a 7irv-46i:' ±.a..n u
rMSP: €a- .'i rdr
Assistant Coordinator minor*
▪ musing fi.n d um-tiuil:ri enQ DM T:itn ar pardiopa.ers•
As.sistilg,n11W:ringyouparr 'yhrirpsrs4eri
• Boys :iYYig patinpari COMM 91215,acrdmcsr. parocip rs wldl the
iiii>1 ,1spnINliY1(rlPEW CAM,
r�i iiirg °d h emirr-nimiti up:trued mewls an ..rram and
.5.Ming v,YIi v<Ir rtriirg pr Vona-.. yen: Fine@ml r !Nog h
,eeaultworoilb U9svo.uake and to eiri pFa',
✓ i{i' •rill. jH.i2 irkJ and co:Kikr,i1 <Alarm rily 9VIdc.+renev,
proglum ror 9+.e smut' to tocremraaalenes and sucprars wlltin
the ccrrm'Fr /.
Ii Frn+9rd ,Laid,ra:nl sl.IlrrsI rmgi ahem and renenFon o• bew.
Wednesday', March 19, ltd to:
Gl1lhjpp ft.amtisb.ta
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Getsral Help
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T]`tit Gltlrino s.1.4ta ed Os an Eivat Oppprtwory Emlohner
Wednesday, March 12, 2014 • News Record 17
dour momentsca
Marking your milestones.
For Obituaries call:
Fax: 1-865-4d5- 46]
■•rndb aG W rra■ cyoslloaom+rr..,u
MI other moments call:
Falx' 1 -B66 -757-D227
..m.IL ,1k. In urs au-- o ycu.I Itr MC MU IT!. sr
Obltur,rfes I In Memoriam 1 Thanks I Births I Celebrations I More
Conning Elven
Corning Events
27TH FORMOSA TOY Shame and Salo al 'hu
K nights DI Goldrri s Hall bolwecr MIldmarr d
Ydmlketlar•, Simad. Marra•. 23rd irDn'. 9:3tl am. -
� an pr•-.,idm 12.01. ol-41.fren under 9Inn it with
▪ 111211.11:11 r:l;r,llre5an...all 019Id42L.M la.
Come and EnlayrLri Irish Sher Luncheon
•spr neared by Clinton Publit Hugpi!al
asiniiiu'y Friday P4Eirch 14, 21714 111:34-1:Ilo
Ckmoft I.3r1i1991 Munch 1•iclrnernanla 5 µw
1e. 6 utsi'Coleslaw.±5cuares $. 5erreraps
1c111ll Sig, [hllj $4. Pay al ck7cc
f lilrl Ontario Art Competition and Sale
L•arnL1 Iry' a MJ1Il
Match 13 - Wirth 30'
Tui Ora Nene, Du, 'Geese
4 •�a'
201 PEO 3F anworx lir Sala
1hleInmsAo11C' as
rtri QTY I fir 1.939455.13:31F
wwa•.nrlurrothrero.yar. s.ca n
'alnrch 29: 6:30n .-tprta. Meal PINELr'KE
Rea. Gendre, 7T7g4 Orchard Line.Cilnlon.
Buell tours by wagon. VIGk91 . at door.
H r ria: St. Jame* AnrLrn?n hurolg kliddle•
rrr, l�,r wnrld plrirciaeh, Rick i Rusty
Seh:lbe3 (rash rnaplc syrup, nsw tarrlaus
oanoakarsausag4. T®Irr Ll-un_h: Adults
511:, Chid S5, urukt 5 !rat. Viki:o11•12.
The Condi" HortloUllurel 5oelely X111
meal a1 the Omis.FRA o -ice on Wed. March
Il 1 7: 4 pm. Bill l',orgiA$c.a of the
Frargusca Api rin5, talk about
the plight of rho Jaanc•t Boa in Ontaria.
u es13 aro yI in:411e.
Cared el Thanks
Carder Thanks
The family ai lha Into Aice Iridrr, u wrxiid
�tlal la thank +ssrery ono tor 9hair kinnirss
during the rcaeenl lbs.s rat our deer
yr. ivJrry,lIh r, rY1i[dlt±r, t.11ife. We aftprerti9le
our fr ier'i and Iamily who sent 11oarrera.
memorial OGralione. Garda and rood.
Special Minks 1a Di, Lal and Ul the nurses
ail A l�r�ln
Marne 3 Cil oral Hospital tar
1hoalr dedicated and rn . ssiongil9 ewe,
Thank. yrru to Amanda F al Iho Fakcdior
Fun ral I Ii.Inre Int her guidanr.a and cure in
slur hour al oaLv_I. Our sincere- aipaeLiiihrafl
la our I>iiia1isler laridy Cr:vLyr id( hie merry
1 x119 end comcLaecjog. Marry !hanks to me
Clinton Untied 11",:hrurch. choir, arganleL arid
14 Lir'da Street and Nanuy Ross For ihelr
riznegisi SangfIi, Thanks also to the 1a.L.11.
w horAtngiclaa Cha Iunchnan i ir} sp
t thar
%lcl . �a so wry Miers Aron gala as their
esyrnpvilly and mipparL your kirsch -vs
DrpfAidy a ifirecieled aid will never be lar -
would all Ike Io- INank I1aver Beare
and Lauren r.nr Lalelr eulogy They °were
sincerely appreo'led
Ti-niAnalrrni Family
b Iuar*es
PENNINQT IN, Lonna Mar1c
ranee Wilson) = At irvlainarlrl Mirar
an Sunday Fobruaryr g, 'D14.
Lonna. Pcnnin6'ic¢r of Gadvi c11 in
liar it l i year. Belayed, -wile of
the IEI filltald P9nrlinven (1'g1;c4.
5Iepnnalrser of Bob (Joyce!.
Pennington and Bill Pennington,
Pred#aceosed by slepdeUghler
Carolyn Pennington and 511p
daugh1rurin,lorrw Ce1Loan- Survivadl
by b si_p Urea.# ail rcn and 5 strip
great kninLtiitherL Uaerly rredted
by eiblirt a With iI3111) Ghdreora,
Larry 'Lib) 'Nilson. Elaine Smith -
Merl %%Mogen) and Fen Meurer!
Skil l}n.Predeceesed bs' p 1renI5•
Rey Irma jrinrr Rohl. ea to Loma, bralhotr hlnrnr3rli I' cis aria
naphaw Warrcia Cudniona. Friends wore :eccM d al ilcCi4LLL 'I
PALLA FUNERAL HOME, Gaderk:ll oil Wedur:sdiiy FeL-rualp° 12,
2014 Ire5trl 2-4 I i. Funeral Seryide was field a1 IILL4 Funeral I- true,
Gn Thursday Febru13 y 13, 2014 al 1 PM. Hew. Bill Yerideratell
ofllclaled. Spring 11termen1 MRi1land Cernleaery. Ladies A.Ixll9ay
Playa! Canadian Legion to Branch 11 14& h a service at Lr,1? 1ureraa
hpn Gry VORrIrgwlay as 4 pm. iiiaription51.0 lite.0.inwIntsra Marino
!S G.ennail e-lasphal FDunaanan far lha f iaig is Unit grnlniuicyr
acknowledged. Friends may sign Cho bock c4 carrdolrrlces al.
In Mert71irIan15
In Memoriam
r -4
Ar91 EMT Ar l Baty
Whs. rs Ii that yckr hw-r,, cr4lld
elpwi-vgrrI 1ofrr ii i.jctr e
E dJ�.d P4+ttar ba rrig7 acold hr t
It Itla oh.
Itc. dd Iwo again
25 swr
L•o n 1,4:440•r !Jf h lairs Si
caf le+db i 1-0a..on
M!rdi Ot1t 19&
In! enl:rlai
In Memoriam
Inlowing merrier) c+a dam
hast mend Pinberl Nine Aran Om passed)
.Tryyrflamh E2,21.:00.
We cannot lase lho ones vsvo Iwo
FL a •ffiti n 41L�y r 1rte,
Mu real their One presence
InIna hush ol every C rife.
'We ase lhern In It* allyl 11
hail rmalva51heJays51�bfl il.
in MO nOwen5arSprInrlL'nlg
r!'4ndei1hu0tar:,1I night
ThoIhoast Iika atr°ensurochest
Thi likLd wail .ctwwilim.
Ire awe la keep Ilte(nerneriee
We tedIE d inrcruphl the'yeare.
We cannot Tose Ira sales lore re
For Melo yhlr always szam
In all Ihal'a br101 and beaurAil
Around us etherycley
Viol miss you always, wre11 Iaua yai. o -r
'emir. Al Cour v1ir T rdsii, th•.IL nn'n Ji tJ
' i i1c shin n.