HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2014-03-12, Page 5Wednesday, March 12, 2014 • News Record 5
letters to the editor
Nuclear waste presentation deliberately misleading
Dear Editor:
"Designed to Deceive" is about the nicest
thing I can say after attending the Nuclear
Waste Management Organization's
(NWMO) Deep Geological Repository
(DGR) Open House at the Lucknow Com-
munity Centre March 6. It was like attend-
ing a smoking information session by the
tobacco industry that failed to mention
lung cancer, emphysema or heart disease.
Let me give you a few examples.
1. When I ask if there is information on
the risk of radiation I am told that they
don't have that literature* with them. It is
being revised and reprinted. I can go on
line to get a copy. BUT there is no place in
the fancy literature displays announcing
this. Funny thing, a year and a half ago at
NWMO's dog and pony show in Ripley I
asked the same question and was told they
had "forgotten" to bring the information.
2. There was a neat little display of some
stones and a pair of salt and pepper shak-
ers which you could rotate past a geiger
counter and hear it clicking off radiation
hits and see the scale. However there was
no information about how this level of radi-
oactivity compared with that of used fuel.
There are also fancy photos showing the
radiation associated with a variety of ordi-
nary materials and activities in mSv (mil-
liSieverts) but showing the highly radioac-
tive fuel levels in becquerels (Bq). When I
ask how to convert mSv's to Bq's none of
the nine staff know the formula but agree
this makes it hard to grasp how highly radi-
oactive used fuel compares with their
examples. Funny thing, a year and a half
after I'd pointed out this problem to the
folks at the Ripley show they still haven't
made their displays useful or even have a
conversion formula available. Perhaps
"Calculated to Confuse" would be how to
describe this part of the display.
3. A brochure entitled "Multiple -Barrier
System" says on its front page in bold print
"Barrier 1: The Used Nuclear Fuel Pellet':
Underneath is a photo of an ungloved
human hand holding a pellet with tweezers
in front of a pile of pellets in the back
ground. When I point out to the staff that
this can't be "used nuclear fuel pellets"
since they would be way too hot, both radi-
oactively and thermally, for a person to be
unprotected he agrees that it is a mislead-
ing picture and tells me the pamphlet is
being reprinted and he thought that he had
removed them from display. I'd pointed
this out a year and a half ago. When I leave
after touring the information and displays I
notice that the misleading material is still
out available to continue misleading the
It is misleading and dishonest to talk
about radioactive fuel without being
clearer about cancer, genetic damage and
birth defects. This is not a good start to a
community information process that pur-
ports to be open and honest. When the sec-
tions I do understand are so obviously
"Built to Bamboozle" it makes me very
dubious of all the other claims of safety or
the integrity of the process. I feel really
uncomfortable being asked to trust these
folks to bury this material beside the great
lakes in the middle of some of Canada's
best farmland.
Yours Sincerely,
Tony McQuail
Lucknow, ON
Conservatives seem to have forgotten their base
Dear Editor:
For a number of years true conservatives
have been disappointed with the govern-
ment of Stephen Harper. While claiming to
be conservative, Harper has repeatedly
betrayed his base. Economically, Harper has
expanded the size and cost of the federal
government 40 per cent. He and his Finance
Minister, Jim Flaherty, raided income trusts
which many seniors had invested in and
which Harper had promised never to do. As
an economist Harper knows that stimulus
spending does not create long-term employ-
ment. Yet he not only engaged in massive
stimulus spending, but long after the reces-
sion was declared over, he continues the
spending, so much so that one commenta-
tor declared it to be the new normal. As a
result, on the federal level Canadians are
now in debt $700 billion and counting. Polit-
ically, Harper has dramatically increased the
size of the federal civil service, and he has
not reformed the Senate or the Supreme
Court. For years, Harper and his people have
sneered at social conservatives as "having
missed the bus:' Harper has not closed
down the Canadian Human Rights Commis-
sion, has not defended traditional marriage
and has openly sought to preserve the status
quo with regard to abortion. And on his
watch the RCMP have become a rogue
agency, which seeks at every turn to perse-
cute law-abiding firearms owners. Last year
in High River, Alberta, the RCMP broke
down the doors of 1900 homes and confis-
cated legally possessed firearms, which their
owners are still trying to get back. The aver-
age damage to the affected homes was
reported to be approximately $3,000 and not
only did the Commissioner of the RCMP not
fire the officer in charge of the operation, he
promoted him. Just recently, the Commis-
sioner of the RCMP reclassified two families
of previously legal, non -restricted rifles to
prohibited status. Anyone who now pos-
sesses one of these rifles, even though the
rifle was bought legally must turn the rifle in
to be destroyed without financial compen-
sation [And the cost of the one rifle,
imported from Switzerland, is about $3,000
per rifle.]. Anyone who fails to turn in this
legally obtained firearm is now a criminal
subject to ten years imprisonment, a lifetime
ban on owning firearms and fines. Child
molesters and rapists are rarely treated this
harshly. Yet neither Harper, Justice Minister
Peter McKay or the Public Safety Minister
have disciplined the RCMP Commissioner
or rescinded the order prohibiting these fire-
arms. Indeed, the Minister of Public Safety
signed off on the order.
I am tired of the phony conservatism of
Stephen Harper and his party. Harper would
do well to remember what happened to the
Tories under Brian Mulroney and Kim
Campbell when they betrayed the conserva-
tive base. True conservatives simply stayed
home and the Brian Mulroney -Campbell
Tories were sent out into the political wilder-
ness for years.
Dave Joslin,
Clinton ON
Turbines present more liability than profit
Dear Editor:
In Bluewater our roads this winter are
busy with construction traffic. A fleet of
trucks carry gravel, concrete, steel and
other construction materials. Many acres of
farmland at the corner of Babylon and Cen-
tennial roads have become a storage and
staging area. This area is now lighted,
guarded 24 hr per day and covered with
construction equipment, bulldozers, exca-
vators, cranes and covered trailers to carry
tools and other construction equipment
from site to site. Many, many miles of new
road, comparable to gravel covered side
roads covering acres & acres of productive
farmland have been built to enable con-
struction and continued maintenance of
wind turbines.
Usually, seeing a construction project for a
large commercial facility gives me a good
feeling. Construction activity uses a broad
range of products creating jobs and
economic activity for lots of people. Then
when the facility gets going it makes prod-
uct or services that continue to create jobs
and profitable economic activity as well as
contributing tax revenue to help pay the
cost of running our Country.
This time however, the profitable eco-
nomic activity will be during construction
period only. After construction the only
financial benefits will be to the owners of
the turbines, the workers who service the
turbines and the owners of the land leased
for new roads and base for the turbines.
The product of the turbines, electric
power, rather than create economic pros-
perity will create economic disaster for the
people of Ontario. The owners of the tur-
bines will receive about 22 cents per kilo-
watt hour for the power produced. Some of
that power will be sold to hydro customers
for about 10 cents per kilowatt hour, some
will be sold for 2 or 3 cents per kilowatt
hour to the U.S. and some we will pay the
U.S. to take it, as we have been doing in
recent years. The balance will be paid by
additional charges on our hydro bill or our
increased taxes. These turbines will help
drive us from being the lowest priced
energy jurisdiction in Canada to the high-
est priced energy jurisdiction in North
America. Consider what this will do to fam-
ilies as well as industries, particularly
industries that use large quantities of
power. How many more jobs will this help
drive to a lower production cost area?
Instead of providing tax revenue, these tur-
bines will create tax liabilities you and I will
have to pay well into the foreseeable future.
Consider, also some of the people who live
near a turbine will experience health
Who is responsible for this financial
fiasco? Not the people who rent the land,
not the people doing the construction.
These folks are just responding to an eco-
nomic opportunity, if they didn't do it
someone else would. No! Our financially
inept Provincial government is solely
They signed a contract committing the
people of Ontario to pay to have the tur-
bines built by buying the electricity they
produced. They passed the Green Energy
Act stripping municipal authorities of any
power to control if or where the turbines
would be placed. Its just another, no doubt
the most costly, the longest lasting in a
string of financial disasters dumped on the
people of Ontario by 10 years of a Provin-
cial government that lacks a shred of busi-
ness sense.
How much longer will they be allowed to
mess up our financial affairs?
Gordon Hill