HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2014-03-05, Page 15Wednesday, March 5, 2014 • News Record 15 Community coffee time starts Wednesdays in March Londesborough News Brenda Radford During the children's time at the front at Londesborough United Church on Sunday, March 2, the conversation cen- tred around different languages. Minis- ter Terry Fletcher was born in Wales and March 1 is [King] David's Day, a day of celebration. The Welsh flag features a large red dragon and Terry taught the children the Welsh word for dragon. Then he unrolled a strip of paper on which was printed another Welsh word, a word of 58 letters that was the name of a town in north Wales. The children of today recognize that people around the word speak many dif- ferent languages and that learning a new language is difficult. But Terry pointed out to the children that when they pray to God He understands their particular language. God understands and hears prayers in all the languages of the world. "Reliable Witnesses" was the title for the message to the adults that morning, Transfiguration Sunday, also known as HP Presbyterial annual meeting focus on guidance in life The annual meeting of the Huron -Perth W.M.S. Presbyterial was held on February 10, 2014 at Knox Presbyterian Church, Monkton. The theme for the day was. 'Guided by Star & Compass.' The ladies were welcomed by Rev. Sarah Thompson, minister at Knox Church, and by Eldeen Ward of Monldon W.M.S. Group. The meditation for the moming session was given by the President of the Presbye- rial, Mary Duffin. She reflected on the theme of the Wise Men being guided by a star to worship the Christ Child. A brief memorial service was led by the Listowel Wallace W.M.S. who paid tribute to seven deceased members. Reports were then given by the follow- ing: an overview of the happenings in the Huron -Perth Presbyterial was given by Winnie Walters of Goderich; Historical report given by Nancy Schneider of Listowel Wallace group; Children and Youth report by Elaine Scott of Listowel Britton W.M.S.; Publicity report on her work during the year by Kate Tormey of Atwood W.M.S. WE'VE GOT You COVERED. Call, fax, e-mail or go online today to place your ad with Canada's largest and most trusted print and online classifieds network. Call: 1-888-786-7821 Fax: 1-866-757-0227 E-mail: placeit.sun @classifiedextra.ca Online: classifiedextra.ca classifiedextra.ca Ethel Corry of Britton W.M.S. gave her Literature report; and finally the Treasur- er's report by Lois Kipfer. The list of new officers for the coming year was read, and those officers were Installed by Shirley Aitchison, of Stratford. This was followed by an interesting book review by Ethel Corry, prior to display and sale of those items. A delicious lunch was served by Monk - ton W.M.S. and enjoyed by all! The afternoon session began with a hymn sing, and devotions were led by the St.Mary's Friendship Aux. They continued on the theme of the day by - Christians are to be a light to the world. The guest speaker was Lillian Kluka, a Great Lakes Captain and Marine Pilot, who spoke of her experiences during 25 years plying our Great Lakes, through the Seaway system, and from the Arctic to Mexico. She supported her talk with slides of the various ships she captained! Final courtesies were offered by Robina Alexxander (Listowel Britton W.M.S. and the meeting adjoumed with prayer. 42713 MILL RD. RR#4 SEAFORTH 519-522-0608 Proplan Dog Food 15 Kilos Bag $6.00 Off Dunlop Winter Boots $189.95 10% Off Livestock Meds, Cleaners, and Disinfectants For The Month of March Complete line of Pet Food Complete line of Purina and Jones Feed. FREE DELIVERY "Christian Feast Day": The sup- porting scriptures were Matt. 17:1-9 and 2 Peter 1:16-21. Both scripture passages spoke of the time on the mountain with the disciples when Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus. Minister Fletcher revealed to the congregation that he collects old postcards. He remarked that postcards are reliable witnesses of the times in which they were sent. First, the pictures on the cards have recorded the world as it was. Secondly the short mes- sages on the back are a kind of `byte' of time in the lives of the senders. The message on a postcard needs be short as space is lim- ited. Similarly the writers of the books of the Bible needed to be succinct for paper was in short supply. Therefore one can surmise that when four different writers of the New Testament told the Transfiguration Story they were reliable witnesses; it was an important story of Christ that needed to be told for our faith. Biblical stories such as these are powerful evidence of God's interaction with Jesus, the disci- ples and the Christian world. We, too, through our interactions must be reliable and faithful wit- nesses to our faith. The event ful- filled the prophesy of Christ's coming and gave Jesus one final sign that God was wanting Him to proceed into Jerusalem. The senior choir will gather for practice prior to the service on Sunday, March 9. Mark your calendars for Songfest set for the evening of April 6. The Sunday school invites the community to their annual skat- ing party on Saturday, March 15, the second Saturday of March Break at the Blyth Community Centre. You and/or your family can skate from 4 to 5 that after- noon and then enjoy chili and finger foods from 5 to 6. Families are encouraged to donate the fin- ger food items. Ever since the restaurants closed in Londesborough I've heard folk bemoaning the fact that there is no longer a place to gather for coffee and conversa- tion. During the month of March, as a trial, a small group has decided to hold a `Koffee Klatch' on Wednesday mornings at 9:30. Coffee is free. You bring the conversation and a friend and your own mug if you wish. This is a new initiative for the commu- nity so come and enjoy. 519.482.3400 1 Albert St., Clinton www.rlpheartland.ca IIIIfIIIIIIIIIGIIIIIIfi ROYAL LE PAGE 1I1I1IIIIIIIIIGIIJIIIu Heartland Realty 1 '"r .,,,. 1.s. Helping you is what we do. 2013 Fred Lobb, Broker/Owner & Rick Lobb, Broker of Record are pleased to recognize the following representatives for their Sales Acheivements in 2013 Lifetime Award of Excellence President's Gold AWARD Cor Van Gaalen Sales Representative 519-525-8340 cell Awards Lifetime Award of Excellence Diamond 2013 AWARD Kathy Homan Broker 519-524-6789 office The Lobb Team Fred Lobb Broker/Owner 519-955-0012 cell Rick Lobb Broker of Record 519-525-1174 cell ATTENTION ADVERTISERS! 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