Clinton News Record, 2014-12-17, Page 28cid L) uJ 1— 1.LForii Itintan L) 28 News Record • Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Gardening Landscaping Services THE Gift that's Ever- green. Treemendous Gift certificates for purchase or trans- planting "Trees" Treemendous Tree Sales, RR#4 Clinton, 519-233-3300, www.treemendous- trees.ca Large specimen - Shade, evergreen or exotic trees available. Snow Removal Snow Removal Snow Removal SNOW REMOVAL Driveways, Parking lots Contract or as Required Reasonable Rates Contact: Greg 519.525.0133 or swtree@tcc.on.ca Business/ Financial Public Notices Services Offered Services Offered WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS LTD. Four modern rotary rigs Seaforth 519-522-1737 • Stratford 519-271-7860 SATISFY YOUR. CLIJz/IES.r Y 6Y READIIN E YOUR I0®M LJNITY ISI E S P A F IE R PLACE AN AO/ Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices PUBLIC NOTICE PROPOSED ROGERS 80m WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS GUYED -STEEL ANTENNA INSTALLATION SUBJECT: • Wireless guyed -steel tower, 80 metres tall • Location: 38084 Nile Road. Site is proposed in the southern portion of the property. • Legal Description: Part of Lot 23, Concession 1 (Geographic Township of West Wawanosh), Township of Ashfield-Colborne- Wawanosh, County of Huron. • The facility will include: walk-in radio equipment shelter within a secure compound area with a 1.8 metre high chain link security fence topped with barbed wire around and would include one locked gate access point. • The site will provide improved wireless voice and data services in the surrounding area. • The Township of Ashfield- Colborne-Wawanosh is a commenting agency only. All decisions relating to this application will be made by Industry Canada. ANY PERSON may make a written submission to the individuals listed below by close of day January 16, 2015 with respect to this matter. Please reference site C7608 in your correspondence. Further information may also be obtained through the following contacts: Sean Galbraith Rogers Communications Inc. Landsquared PO Box 69010 12 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto, Ontario M4T 3A1 Tel (416) 732-5069 sgalbraith@landsquared.com Brett Pollock Chief Building Official Township of Ashfield- Colborne-Wawanosh 82133 Council Line, RR#5 Goderich, ON N7A 3Y2 SITE LOCATION MAP OFFICE SPACES • HOMES •APARTMENTS LOOK IN THE CLASSIFIEDS SELL ANYTHIN( °�E► �! (EVEN YOUR MOUNTED MOOSE HEAD)