Clinton News Record, 2014-08-06, Page 1616 News Record • Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Grand Bend rotary club donates to local tree planting
The Rotary Club of Grand
Bend is among the first
community groups to com-
pensate for the carbon foot-
print of travel to an event by
donating to local tree plant-
ing through a new and local
program called Carbon
Footprints to Forests.
Earth Rises took place at
Huron Country Playhouse
on May 23, attracting almost
300 people. The event
focused on the challenges
posed by climate change,
caused by the emission of
carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases.
One way to reduce carbon
in the atmosphere is by the
planting of trees which cap-
ture carbon. Footprints to
Forests was a way for Earth
Rises organizers to donate to
local tree planting to capture
and store carbon from par-
ticipant travel.
The County of Huron's
Carbon Footprints to Forests
program is delivered by the
Maitland Valley and Ausable
Bayfield conservation
authorities. This new pro-
gram gives people a way to
compensate for the green-
house gases they produce by
supporting local tree plant-
ing that will help capture
and store carbon.
Earth Rises was hosted by
the Rotary Club of Grand
Bend, in partnership with
the Grand Bend Community
Foundation, the County of
Lambton Creative County
Fund, the Ausable Bayfield
Conservation Authority, and
the Municipality of South
Kate Monk, the Manager
of Stewardship, Land, and
Education at Ausable Bay-
field Conservation, calcu-
lated that attendees at Earth
Rises travelled about 7,500
kilometres collectively, in
total, to take part in the
Kate Monk, on behalf of Carbon Footprints to Forests, receives a cheque from the Rotary Club of Grand
Morden, a Rotarian and Climate Reality Presenter, and Tom Prout, past chair of Grand Bend Community
the event.
forum. That translates into make a big difference, may use the drop-down
2.31 tonnes of greenhouse according to Monk. menu for a 'one-time event,'
gases produced. The plant- "It would be wonderful if with the website's carbon
ing of seven conifer seed- community groups and calculator. You may then
lings on the east edge of Hay businesses started to enter the number of kilome-
Swamp will help to counter- include carbon compensa- tres travelled by partici-
balance these emissions. tion in the planning of their pants. The calculator will tell
Organizers of the Earth events," said Monk. "We you how much greenhouse
Rises event say they were would love to have people gas has been produced, how
pleased to find that with a donate in order to compen- many trees would be
donation of less than $40 sate for all or part of their needed to capture that car -
they could plant about carbon footprint, but we are bon, and how big (or small)
seven trees locallyandcom- thankful for all donations, a donation would be to
pensate for the greenhouse large and small. Every tree compensate for the carbon
gases emitted by participant counts." footprint. You may also call
travel to the event. It doesn't If your community group Ausable Bayfield Conserva-
take a lot of money to com- or business is interested in tion at 519-235-2610 or
pensate for the carbon foot- compensating for green- Maitland Valley Conserva-
print of each event but if house gases released by par- tion Authority at 519 -335 -
more groups and businesses ticipant travel to your meet- 3557 for more information.
start to include donations ing or event, visit The footprintstoforests.
like this one, it could start to You com web site also gives
Bend, presented by Max
Foundation and moderator at
individual people a chance
to use the carbon calculator
to find their carbon foot-
print. Local residents can
find out how many tonnes of
greenhouse gas are created
by the use of their car, van,
or truck in a year; the energy
used to heat and power their
home; and the tonnes of gas
from plane trips, if they
travel by air. They can also
find out how many trees it
will take to compensate for
that carbon footprint and
how much (or how little) it
would cost to plant those
trees. If they choose to
donate all or part of that
amount, trees will be
planted locally with their
Clinton lawn
bowling results
Another successful tourna-
ment, third of the season,
was held on July 31 with 12
teams participating. Results
were as follows: First —
Dave Ducklow and Marilyn
Lancaster, St. Marys; Sec-
ond — Phil Cornish, Clinton
and Jo Anne Bugler, Exe-
ter; Third — Dave McMaster,
Exeter and Trudy Hill, Clin-
ton; Fourth — Dennis and
Shirley Schmidt, Goderich;
Fifth — Kay Johns, Clinton
and Sharon Farrish, Exeter;
Consolation — Stewart Lane
and Bev Springer, Lucknow.
Following the presenta-
tion of awards, a delicious
chicken dinner was held at
Clinton Raceway. Thank you
to the days sponsors Royal
LePage Heartland Realty
and Clinton Raceway for
their continued support.
The next Clinton tourna-
ment will be a'snowball'
tournament, held on Sep-
tember 6. To register, OLBA
members may contact
Betty at 519-482-9966.
w�. s £&FP Wrap up
ike 7650 party!
ay Aug ust 1 0 1:OO-4:OOpm @ Clinton Raceway
Thank you! From Will and Claire, and Canadian Tire
Jumpstart Charities.! Over $40,000 has been raised from the
cross Canada bike! Loonie raffle proceeds from the day will
be added to this total giving more kids a sporting chance.
Giving kids a sporting chance.
Part of Clinton Raceway's
Family Day
Mascot Race 9r Face Painting
$C Bouncy Castle
FREE HOT DOGS! Courtesy of Pilfers
Loonie raffle fort kids bikes!
Meet & Greet with Will & Claire
147 Beech St. Clinton
Post Time 1:30pm