HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-12-30, Page 8h HOM'S' `'I HEELING YARN Every skein guaranteed to be pure wool—the best that we can procure for socks: and mitts. No- Can ocan it in colors. Black, mottled, . grey and. Ilea Why not see the best? . It's. here for you. adkents, $1M * WOOL *BM • , slightly iotjrerfeet, but as good as firsts. G,,. P cl lty.• asgfelits, ,of aulieriar asl Regular u to ;2.25 Por 91.6 ` you at, each, LAUIBS WOOL, RIB How In three. shades. Pure wool. • A stocktaking clearance I!umber. Us- ;ally sold at $1.10, sppeehd this week ,a Pair ug.t.% MA MA DOLLS' .. "ileal beauties with unbreakable heads and'. best voice. t'rettilly dressed • and bodies well -packed. These sell up p to $1.49 Sale price this. week " .. :: ,•T $1.19 ' TALCUM' POWDER In best odors. IKr, T,syloesi..so. it's good. Try a lar Reg 35e number. This19c weeks a �' • Ladies' Latest :Winter Hats Here is , . p , your big � opportuluty to secure. a . betty hat,. Ladies—a hat unique in; both: style and; material used. Any hat in the store, Reg.... up, to =5.95, for only . ur • justomers an ends ►ineere thanks foryour d ire extend' greetng►s, an best wishes for a happy. andfprosperous year: Well & Turner Store With "A Stock" XOW ° 8 Ontario Qses Nischie. of, the ,i leek -cad' at her tae The!'icir(tas eoesf ria : the .'Or.' singe Sal gni . i s ud;was it grand nuceemsse. program was,welt - ne see...liege ecswi'tcre+etei the ear:. deeEabew . A be Vain. in Hach airs a:; a•`. 'ems '7n the alstilieeit of the Affifidi )ta ts` A. :spieeda Riogralee wit be 'o- 'llhigaa• Wain was. reeeitlY Raithd in *Swung gm'ihy ,rte'' coaietbig on 01 geiree„.et MEN'S FLEECE IIMPERWRAB Here it is men! In *IT ares, and s quality which will Wear and 'bee, .warm. Worth more, 'but this week only, per garment Ladies' Heavy ... Winter Coats . . . In +pretty Coatings, nicely , . greatly reduced priceses of Coatln y trimmed with fur, :. very latest styles You will never equal this money-saving-op- portunity oney saving op-portunity to secure a fine new coat. (Come, and see these, sure!) KLDDIES'' WOOL HOSE Wonted Wide rib pur e wool, Sure to wear well, and; a a; low Lam. Only, a pair 49C MEN'S FLANNE4 SHIRTS _ • And they are Warm, Of a nice strong flannel' in grey or. libahl color. All sizes. 'See these, at.•I . 1.45 to 2.25 HEAVY. 'woo", BL*NKETs Why witch 'a cold? When • you mig it rived sill the discomfort bY ''up is our hen* wool b 'Cornell) and look over' our complete Stork at low prices, At this joyous Aeasotin when as a people, a village, a locality ` we, have our faces turned to the sun's rising of a bright New, Year. . '• This store wishes to extend to its many 'loyal customers and friends -the -glad-hand heartily expressing to you all our sincere appreciation of your very consis tent,cooperation during last year. And we assure you that during the days, the weeks, the months of 1927 you will 'bolus here at all times, at your service with quality, merchan- dise ;' at a. low price. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS How can you equal• such amazing value as:we are offering you in flette lilankets? Real heavy cloth, .Large • DRESS FLANNELS • . In nice colorings of blue. and sand Thee •e be :'had' in p slra r w•ith..:pretty Stripes in wide: `oi mar sow. widths. Upwards ,from' 95e iltkddiey�.%e irad°ti I. n.: different widths is pink:, or blue Strip- es, from '14c. to 32c. Several nice qualities, white, up to 3.5c STRIPED. RATA TOWELS Quite Large, and merlinm 'weight,, from good Turkish towell- A lag .. Special; each _ ,r Biarkiehrta se • die 'ends of time are .amt of date!, they leinne news= )mss m!ie:. 'Ckoite Cyt Flowers. The finest Of WltldiDg bmchesandmora wow;:. tshort notice, delivered**time, ari*Where.. " Transport. to suit. GEORGE STEWART Florist; Cod rich, Ont. Pharr115 q-. W THE OLD AM) THE NEW Gone with our yerdays, . fobied Laidby with' the t easuns we. hide the .heart, The year that bas lett, us so silently ran'carried itrand ,of earib Y. Torr strange :.Rai its mingling , • of •bitter and sweet, Its trials how heavy, its Pleas 'inns how Stet; How ofea:its • mercies . surprised us unsought, Hoar frequent the 'gifts to,ou>t:.hands "'' which it brought • • , Mas. ' that • we sbadowed' its, glory with sin, ' :. Noi 'battled its beautiful . trophies to But tbanles, unto. Imo: who gave par- ' . dor, and rest, ' • 'He wrought for His children' what - ewer was .lest • ' • So a Happy Neer Year to 'the babe and the mothers • To gmiie wee sister ' and rosy- cheeked brother;;• A • Sappy New Year to the aged who wait 'Till gel' set wider the. peradi'se A Happy New Year td those' Who have learned • How -rich are the guerdonswhich labor has earned, And a Happy New• gear.. to the ae+ea=• ry,. who Cling , Through° sorrow and pain 'to the Coes `off the' King. • " FarYdown thy bright vista fair New ear e sec The -gloat/7of a glorious New gear tai be, Fro*, far .oyer Trine's billows we ' hear the voice. cry • gp: watch and be ready, the bride=.: kmom is nigh. •. Goclspeed the • good time 'When tk idol* shall fail • , And • tie mower' of Jeses ware whi te` over all; When. the nations shall walk: in the Fight .of the Lord • And F. den's lost verdure to earth ,he restored.. Mar the New Year touch Stair the eleirds that acre With ' tears flyer the "sleeping who neves w w •"Fill the ging shall' ap- pear Bus.,sar-, ones' ttv greet, And int monarchs of ;earth how Low ed at.his feet, • Dear ot `,hjt Thr Passion, Thy .grate and Thy Assist ue, tam, in each clouded' • And still , he denial, lir .delay .0 Wbateva i* ok ' , we • , 'OW* The year that is far above` rubies snail be r Theyear of .our livesthat isclosest Andto Thee sacred oar sha11'gro H Heaven's .lighi a•.erder-•• mess S .. unto Let the -burdenof : woe and'tire con- flicts of Care • Aliire_ be released by :.the breathing; Of prayer, And ha ppy' or -.only resigned. we `will m - Fath ,� _o rains' end evening the."song Par ' Fraise. 'Anon- I'. 1.0 1,, I! JUDGE.. AND : MAGISTRATE APPOINTED: FOR. BRECE cu`CriTY Two injportaat a iomtments . were made in Bruce County ,last week. The vacairc3` caused ,by ,the. refiirement of Judge leein fruity the County Corgt Reach was filled by•the. appointment of Mr: W. •G Owen of Stratford. Mi Owen is a. graduate of 1892, He first opened a practice 'at Forest, 'hut in, 1908' he moved to Stratford. He' was born in St Catkarines in 1870.. •He is "a member -a the Church of Eng Land. . ' The, position of County Police Ma- gistrate has been vacant since, the dean► of AIer McNab,. two Year's age Mr. P. W. Walker of•Tarn, bas been appointed to this 'position' by the Ferguson Gov ern»nt. Me. IQ` - et is not * lawyet„ but he is said to beg very good: type of citizen. He ss aasocs`ated With Mr Merriam iu the hardwarebnsitiess • at Tara, and is about 's0 years of age. ' As a Young man he followed farming, • bit moved to Tara about I8 years. ago., o.00 AI>JWIELD . UNITED CHiIRCH NOTES The Quarterly (ltiicial : Board of the ircuit Pint en Monday, Dec. 20, iu the Hackett's Clenreh,"each• chinch being well represe tted. Efcouraging. reports Were forthcoming of the so- licitir g of snbseriptioas for. the Main-. tenance end Extension Fund. Other inisiaess• was 'given 'attention, The lama :business of the evening •'tires, the nunaninida�sinritation extended' to the Ides:, W . *own, Who has'been the =Pike, miaiater on the charge: since the Rey. C. H. Dickinson's re- aignatiosr, tit become the eitiitiittte. sttaald . *mg- h . Citur such a - vote of • confidence : and, appre- s. LITERARY dation, arid accepted the call, piuclr, of•:.coarse,•,�is. subject to the ,oansen 'of' • - Li € the Settlement mad Tru.. . ct►�i 3 . isle, termly as mittees of the. Conference. L a's' . Tree entertainments were held' ,as follows: • On Tu d ty . at ,,.ion on . Wednes- .day; at Hackett -4; on Thursday` at Blake's,; At . Zion .and.Dlake's very JLarge andienees attended.' Each en- ) .aimzteret wasthe • kind everybody likes,' and sent all away in`.high good humor, The, parts were were splen.- didly taken_ • Songs, dluiruses, . dia- :logties., , dri`fls; recitations, instrumen_ tale crowded long programs. It took till, well' to. nudniiht to deliver all these entertaining thongs at. each "Place,. Then,et the cicse was the. Ares- it''of Santa Claus,'and `tite'Unloading .61 heavily! laden .Christmas trees. ,Se= leetions fro* each program are to.be repeated un Thursday evening • of this week in' Haekett's Chard), at an entertainment 'ruder. the auspices : `Of • the Circuit Ladies'Aid." ? ' T.oir o 'of the nice t The closing meeting of . the H. S: b Societies eras held.o n W ed- nesday; Dec. 22nd 'with quite- a num her of visrto m. Aft .--/Ipresen Alter an op- mag gyrus :r1y.' the school; ; the pre- side*. of • Foil,' III made a few: re- c Christmas re- nrembbances at the Hackett's C iurchi *as the presentation to the pastor of a big at goose and a. r gnition .;of the 'faithful services . of Mr: Joseph Hackett in ;the Sunday School by , the, gift of a presentation copy of . the Neer Testament n Dr: Joules :Mof- fat's translation. Mr_ Hackett'. having recently Moved' into Lucknow re, • signed bis position as leader in • the Hackett's S.3.,,, much to the, regret of• teachers and scholars who wished' Chris to show to hire a token of their affection and esteem. The Christina% t Services' on the 23tli were ,well. attended at the three churches. 'Particularly • at', Hackett's• there was a lage congregation_ The choir gave a pretty Christmas an- them, and Miss Sherwoed sang a SO - to in a very pleasing vray. There vas, . a . ftin choir at Blake's Church, who' rendered an anthem and led i4 singing the Christmas hymns and carols. • marks. Rel' C. H .MacDonald • gave •� an. address. ' Eeadings ; were given by Vera Sheriff" and . Isabel . Craw The o ria :.. was 3 1men � ' iio three parts' by Olive Kilpatrick' 'Pearl • Nixon and Jack' MacNab, 'respectively. •A dance was given by Katherine Mackenzie alta . Elizabeth. 'MacDonald. " Magiicaj numbers were - a vocal solo • by Aman- da MacDonald; instzume�rital duet by Calvin Bbtzstein and' Giant MacKen- de;; mouth, organ selection by Wmni-•. fredt;,McQaiilin; ,a chores by boys of Forms I and IT; and a cborris .from •a number of , Foal, III girls. During an intermission Whiile caddy was 'be ink served, musical numbers were provided by Mary Wilson° Maryliod- •gins, Winnifred McQullin and bra.-' bel MacDonald. ; 1. : WALKERTO The 15 year old lad' ;who stole.Mr. Ed. Connor's large touring- from ins front of his home on Thanksgiving night; . and while doing, a joy—riding sttant on. the • Mildmay' road a fear miles south of. town, crashed into Gordon Wallace's car and. ditched the latter machine, • almost killing the driver, . came rip before Magistrate. McCartney in • the ;Wilke court here on Saturday . morning.' . X mtirnin His father.' who ''as present at the hearing, a- imed to inane good the damage done to allace's car as well as Pay" his hospital and doctor, bill. The boy, af-; ter a severe reprimand, frorii the iia titrate,, Was let off on a years' pros: ation With. certain terms imposed air to [lis "duct during. this' period. So that's the_ , unisbm ,. ,.P ear for steal. rng'a ear, going for a jog ride,. Speed- ing and' (fitebing' another car, and almee • piing ii Man. • • ' They' services next. Sunday' on the Ashfield lrnitett Church Circuit are rut' the following order,„ Blake's at 10.30 a.m ; Itackett's et 3 'p m., ?.rot' at 7 p.m. The paster `e"iariounced last Sabbath' the drat Surds.,, lit. ifannar',Irr be m +!a amt Evuybo414o• eh Day. \4 lily iij i CHURCH NOTES• 'Remember the watch -night. service re the United Church on 'New Tears i12. Rev.' Ar- thur a from 11 to , uir $roan will give the address, Nem Sahlw li " in the elm** ed the baster, . Mr. Welter Craw will conduct ' t[ la aXd o itq. btii a lel • 0 WHERE J OB -G . B7"I'ERS GROW The appointment of . Me, F.; Weikel.. as Police- Magistrate' to • sue Seed the late A: E. McNab, makes the 'eigth appointment' of a Tara man to: a county or provincial job within `• the past few years With Crown At - bo torney Free •Jailor Freeborn; Hyndnian, Turnkey Fiddler,. County Caretaker Ed. Walker, Provincial Officer Beat'- tie (lately transfered to 'Kitchener), Keeper Wiles and Assistant Lang- siaffe at ,the Refuge all hailing:.froai , ' Tara's Balis,, the proposed coniine in to port of another Taraite ,as ;Police Magistrate . makes, a, record for ' ap- pointments from a village of • 600' that wilt stand.. some beating' in the Donunion. One of; the forst, essentials to either a Provincial or a County Job in Bruce, seems . to be ;a previous:... residence Qemewhere in or about j Ta- . ra.--Bruce Herald e. Amis.. •: -6 NAN OvERWOuKED• One day ' a farther, • says a faun paper,: went to his , country fair and his paid working wife •remained . at.. home . to see ` that the farm suffered no • Toss during his absence. • Ile re- turned abaft dark and coming out, on the torcb, he enquired: ; "ithe b'm tireairn d?" r oat;; Mary: Is the cows in "Yes;`Iong since," replied his'wi€2 .' "Is the horses unharnessed an'' f ,"Yes.ry' , "Yowls locked up?'s ,'Yes. Wood chopped fer` inornin'?!'' "Yes:" n • "Be ahem • ducks piuckedaird dress-, ed fel market?" "Yes. "Wagon wheel mended . 'any reedy ' to start in :hauling Brood, .'tomorrow Morning?" "Yes.* "Welt; then".. he ,concluded' With a , sigh of relief, ''Let me have•ary, sup- per, Mary, and I'll turn lit Pariilrr' is beginning to telt on Judge -•. _� , Landis gen '$65,060: a Year as 'head, of UF`.S, baseball; 'tiushiess.. That much per pear,, tint a good seat free, for leola#ig at4haiabell atgamesrt. should te/auffleient to' i still bay's mind in the teti.il o •