HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-12-09, Page 1ites PFX 'ilia,* IN ADVANCII; 425, arifkaWASE
Luc=IOW. orm... 111
411r. DEcElkusua sots is26,
.plwizSSioNist, ems* ,
I ." • . 1
li W. Cornea
•sisti Sersase
,;IllaeLeid :ifailt Salabalr
talreey ,4eridaya D. Csarsita
,Dr., 1 L Tseleaven,
Oer Decker's; Store.' "Lamaism
*Mar by *as _- I.caL W1bSin
,..Dangasses even Thairsis*: jai
Call 'Itr. Newton
!Rae *Stosiantaa
!a *See mead*,
• *-0--0--0-41-11-4--6-11-11-111
• ZIFEETEDE111. "1. •
Gus. A: Mask tethaew.
'rad Eget Itsratoo-NeleY %lead er
aesirtgages Au *gni INgetell‘
ties at 6 mat elh Pm mat aflogost
••10 security area& • Mao . ansar
•aosapants ma seicantaartigaglas .of
tint foreteltiTs **eV* -Vils".14
• Daus, A. few gaol fame fer sale'
WA1,14,EAPER . •
.latert* paternal* Stack 'at 'lleeisit.
paces. As ps. ia .eatalegara
Also. bait patterns af learn* law
-4-Eirs-17.3, E. .1.
ter a -.Varer
RAW *ORS:- Inghent paces, paid
:for al' lands: a. Raw Fins at • A.
ilrits#4:0-73 &MT"; Lachaser,
: OIS4.140.
Densaber is the be•nt rasath of
the 'Year in 'which to Pay eelseerir•
Ulf= .ite 'Ilse Latkeew Sestina.
• .
GraW. !MS Talgeet0
early , iu the Weelc.att ..€4alfing•A *
Oen of teas clAile*' Sena*" °f
which he is arseeniber.. . •
]Lr Geoie Douglas. 'is • bane. fawn.
, -
Northern .0i1, Winne he Ams,
Seen teaching, Ka arhoollsin* 44;31
•%1 en#. -4,0 int 'cabin* «
• • lir.' , liarkinnen 'Of Paris,'
France;.. had been 'on a .bines
•#-rip to .New•irook,,oi•e" 3:44 an Mon-
day. With • Lin ycansits.; Mr. and Alr4:'
/lava/ )144CraPari... tenet.,
: AS PaSSOted,.:sagtm as •teiiatg.•.
antiSMOS.SOO' wall 'fakir, Nes
-slairaent •pet en the shelves *es,
terday, Oail and get en*paces,...-R.
IL Ilimoysoit. • ' .
Me*.. *WS .31.1221"..;.1FePelPed,
:word seceetly 90.- the death of lser
sit -tete Mrs.. 'John Ford, . at •ratirkk
Dakota, on 1Nevember .12th. 311z.;:•azul
Fott4 wove ,opoidetsto or Aitbroests
Iheene gelhe to Debit*.
The negadar.reinitliy.. Sealing 0!
the 'Weems?* °K, will he .had
at the. bait of Ilea W. E. ,MarlDen,
RIC. on , ReidaY 'artereente,, Decenber,
iOth Roll'Cal-att ..inanage. • AB
414day Goods' st. thargaiam ::for
The searere. 'stoma:. and i3/tertivied
Which inenailed • ever optar40 :tbe
6% ,Aitot wek, looinsoPeorte4.itteer.
the jkoetbeastern Ott ftthe catthi-
. .
exteoirlat. :maw *ales :Soak
11i ILS.
, .
No sooner" was • the esat Of 44U
recent Oedipal in "SiHrth Brice essde.
toms 3432it wan TePrjetad Itreni
Walkerton that a protest Weold
entered on heingf of Mr- amen:
the &reopen cetera:Ito. The Protesk
la.said, w01 be *lade ea the ground
*drat the way in Width, lar...°L GAiii-
#fxspa' was, induced le retire' frian
the .conteSt eue5titFted veduitczef
wanerttpn th to The
London thee Pena of Yeadv,,
We as it on ts0
Te#A6rs 0.1'015 is. i100,Valt
t .is"Aeiettpd," .sie% The 4' Fiee'
rre554 .driczparth from •walkeite*:
.the Conaereserve,exectiSsi hat
ePtatad a *et Pet aktraimet.
Mr. Me-
aflum's election en ilse ground sitet
mom* to.S. G. Andaman. Liberal
oarirrlate„, who Withdrew, Was Meg -
at it so Aliened that, Anderson *as
paid 4125i) to defray this expense!
Whale he leas in the EPA and "itheth- '
er this is a legithaste' protean* 141
he 'decided hi, the courts. The adios
is stated to include the Inane* of
several local•tr+r-ra,151-e1', wAsn, rrt 15
asidsted in mai "sing the atm
asked by Mr. Anderson: The
anent of the Liberal caniraste. was iht
anima with a nesolution, adopted al
a. jaint oneetink of the •IAnsualao
it Fais* a shoat time previiiis to
the elleetioa2" ' • ' •
• The Election Act eteapree *tow
nz an ant of • sirsOery -esoli venom
• 'Far Saltai-;-A number et sande*
•• mad. stormwIiUieras * that.
, Apply to D. C. 'replie. •
100 AES -2 .iltexes-geeteraride
Aboalt; kick home JO: at SO and 14 n
forme him 'on star* .firrablesa.
- -SO x 56; shed • attached; 36 x 0• 1;
deb= 'shed 24..a SO; ben boese IS a
• /19 Well *lotted.. WEI be sold teassa-
• alrlY. Terms. to aaE, pumelrearr. •
• 1677/...tt."• . • Gee; A.' =del
For; Sale •Earati-.-Tfoo goo
hielbang. leases tookpaa.. Anita
.tariGia. Salt&
' (23-94E) -
Claw ef Stringed and lirand
. ,
". anistnra 'Tree amd Bra .Soeha
it0 be held in Grey ox..S.dtook S.S.
No. :6, Kiniosa,.,' en.• Thursday ..e'Vee•-
. lei, Dee. 16. • •
if-tt-sis •
. sasiollesi 'home blaidrata.
These were .)Jeft on the hadc of a
cater "in tie 'United Clinch shed:
Tarim*, 'Mead** Of Oda week. The
Pad* nho ban them leoll *rage,
• leaving .sara at Megarirnib Elm
1-uckn0w, ce rePaat to Fred
*inter Stere or • Eatieeis
for- all. makes 0! cans: Also is -
•i batten= charged. Settisfac-
' szerrandeed.. Cecl G. 'Mad- .'
cArrui .A.Sauvir .
• Strayed ,ltointbeiirendsei of' the
undersigned. 4 *Rang , wedeln
• steers and one twOseavad• heifer.
Any penman ving intemation
gardisg the aaree, please rePort • te
3. Wesley Jerysit, plebe IS, Intelmoir..
1117.11,101 .last lip. 1, Cat. 11
Seca= Dlr., st Bram Co.
14:Ataes were or dem Dant Arra
and *Mae lama Abe S. it of IL
Lot 4, Cam th W. D. eg AMON• ;
Maim Co. IS Ac. incise ar paw
tore lea& Al* to IL S. Wean.
inte turnallatat De* etCaeree;
Wm*, (ha. '
1,galtfilet-kir Perlin 12041
keitting *Mew' iggel ill Maar IENG
aiitts,Ejjki._441 Mir. W. 3"... Xadst
'Came Itood, earth Thieloasa.
Cone A ,Wak three
ozale,f eget et laelatar,wilbete u
irate= iele 'Of Me tar* *kick sea
Tatoolayo. Doe.. 2141,
,tommyeatil, at era niche& PAL
iot at teed eatele *id ,#oolleateits
, oei tire's ail qerj1af all be
•tiold as Ma, Wb is the
'iekow-4.1se Pen**
bei6-10# the Fool betwpeen Cued -
fibs** CutAM0k cas. Carib'
Mal At. Ha=be 1I Can
ile Rasing. Thaler
rasa, * *lace
n1 with iirlKk=
, main
Oloor um bee* aim at The lea -
_There tai1i44e advania• re
cas1'Deed System ane satinfieduvit' ir
tbe saing. Ebroae *onspewed any?
T -R B Thanepson. •
We 13*** Ce142141ana-use new
sairrrePAP4ar SP1,3nanY Puy -
rases 'such as cellar Wiliam; Stale
windows6office and fatter :Windom;
hot beds„ ar. It in 'nimbi* *1123.03%
for .1EaultayIlansems. It , is
'mantas' 'ins* Eglit.thaa cr-
anny glint; Can .be etet witb 'Se
'cranny asian. Wen. Mar/Ea.& Sin
• fiEhisOng is a ' partial rah of 'new
bodes received at the ILMik-
'nee Pat& Library
Love ,of iipaisnpoise-igue6ii dad -
non; Afternoon; 'The Nan They i
lirviged; Ionsfratg I/Y.4am Gale*
Lady; Hier Seen Wire;_Getesat bland:
Mute Waters indo II " :; • Sib I
Spoon- 'Underaanirag Heart: Mae&
llunteri Eine Wndosr Apnoea Win-
ass/7, Caning then the Eye; 'Under
the Itainlerer Sky; CinIct of the
Cheat or Gallon Eill;" Isffiet is
Golden Wer; Faiirrar and Iris
Zees; . Adele in Swill tome-
Dealsr in Sunskinft lilirs, Oak and
Spann& Geld; Marais.the Tar; Bey
Mechatfics,* Va.. W.
• Mea -IS the Vane
on Damneder StIa, IS#6, to
aend lbs. A. E. lIelrze, a alionatte%
Cad of Tina* ,
Mrs. Robert Mat and family:
Efelyezed; sii 20 Ihindr the fain&
and 7100314get slio"Wine Masilithefie
sad helpful at The time 0! their we.
tent bereatement: •• ,
Ord Air llotelrs
'arish to, aralt the rank bind:
friends and raglan= fir their' adra-1
pithy and help, and ter the barna-
fel St* obritaniterns at are time of
agy meet. beresseruent. '
Nes. James Mier;
Ord of thealla •
Xis ; Icetcliziam 2nd fan*
Vrieede ma =WA'
then fidit azdneigs.ited SlingstaTY at
tie time of their weft , latame-
llay alio theloli .theee Idot
araithatedsndilea vie -
lolly !tingle' the Paransett tan
Cialo ter a tiaimalria • '
bate ester eanoterierie bittatia
in the alert far•vemia sad claganfa
-it. It TIMMOSin, •
. '
MOLY 11111=22 '
" Peaky SallarigT, 'bet .111
iselie Donk% * Wipaolo tunes
isistemitsw •
•rore„ *took INetar, Deititietkisit oitta
tiegios *at ia evert *eat est
40111.41 •
Urislar Clese.etaae
'Ail ODA* *VI isaa see at lid*
lirskist sod- condy,, maw
tomb, tsserktei
as aidssisf, bee, 114 ia die vies*
alms taw AS* 044 _Om,
seleet veur iti641 Cali Wel *OW *
K`,11=41-4 14
aii feitirliffn; areetily or betreetly at*.
ea ar-liend%' tor Offers .initamiresvi
ogre= to Sive or lend any nanny nr:
ivalualdeoretnibd- .ratian, to an& .gleri
31131,or to a Other Peas/PP. , •
.6.Cz13Irldnte;* ander the /Elea=
Ant, anciana anyone tholes as sma
"aceligins biarair In be antbi ani
the tenn, anal* fram nada aniiee
der*ratien, nat In= Crani&'. inciana
lion ;de* ants:
The rim Frame adds::
'`In.; the onpinikM oir•
liftman], 11304ifter:, who glien
igtotAf to inapotittio Of the Art;
'of i nuradstte being
ensected ander this clansedinende
en#telty Cncin evidence lain* be.,
nis-Ired as .ito 3iisper.ionalinowledge
that expenses wet, e being .paid *al:1e%,
C-imintders... In the case, cf,' Scab
Ernie, Mr. McCallum' was peso& at
the eanterence JIZ ,Nararnher 6
Poisilejli with DitrataTh and'. :Sem
.11arter, and, accorffing .tn a. pub.
ed .ntatement.711 L E. Ifrattell, Vreizi7
;dent et the South Erase Iholdhition
Una* the Peefgresslie egaidste
Agreed to let. the .Thzettei o to -.
1dbon.iith Mr. cirk* as the 91*-
lintzitior." •"
Woad was lecelYed Itiere • *• feWi
days *gik that Mr. AR: gas C224414°21'1
la:idler AT Messrs. It. D., and Ken -
'Peak cane*Ilal died =dimly
Thais:lay Of. last weeli-Dos„ Ind.
Mr. Cameron was spenffing The lee.'
tee% Tanicenver, 4.,c,- sral en Tinos-,
44. was at be bane of lin• Allex.
NacrAlogaT. They had. iiligt••=4 Oa=
. toitinnezt. when isr....,'Opitiotion :woo
•eezed scith *,*ieverie.lanadaeln ,widela
ciras followed, alto* *pm,* &lately
7*Vals.• MOffical.aid was at •einee
azailiwkiea., lantsilo passed away thist
vnctlin.,* '''.. The inns were ,l.tehea •tc
Winnipeg for i.nteriiiert. Ibi 'Ube Xs
eflunatCou ligae .isiell and faveraldy
1,known in Lue.know. We expect --,
faller *10,0ezeit of his lffe and death
nest Week Or it the mem. tFttqe-
, ..-.4.......
Tea 'Pio. Rieetats of Simla Reim
* i wish to ilxmali, all ::, those sane
tiiinlejng People of bait patties who
acted and worked hard for nie until
the evening of December la in their'
eincleaVCr' to •strengthon tile; " liana nf
*ender *liftman in his aloft 'tio
better the prosent intolerable oud.i
tion brought about 113* the O.T.A.: it
say nii'alen 11PY iciefe#' was tbrenglit
'alma taidng' to .the ayadly and in-
Edrerenoe of many . Canserentiom
*10 lazed 'to von their NV:ixtie3 in the
'firigt Ni;.:Iv; and sencoolly Ili Ile It-Ee
.111438ailti2. of ThismfiPiteseU*Sag,•
brouly• and 'Oltuperation• waged . by
emenents. AT the, Pnannier angsb?st.
'. "
7_,._,..,,,.- '
• Aix
BY haspopsiuktitow
Ifeinglann is One ni Sim
*1,7;15,10043 eleota .*.3necsitbr:, 4'140we
and other Officers in ierint7 Dewed=
ins. teed. .nr ezily Jentumz- Sionting-
lams tov asefiVe Officers
Nola Eli VnAditY seeei,Illare
artie4tri to have , 1eii Stile. inter*
.talien• isi the :ournumitui .1:Om-ming;
ady alns• 5Dratepstrers. being
sent Mese was:. OP,PeSitiella andoorE otizniz*Eisn 4tt
leeelieStiee "rat .33 gee44. 3511/4 sere;air yigmg Oliver, and Are
election. FitllaWniti are tie suiras, tiwou• • ther'som into the temziaaign
arose ale Stal 'the-town,altadigt (Mum:cr.. c4viter
Slaw 41iising the taxi* •*• altogether are *raged srar..elected
to the .1.0eginlottrog, • and. mat Aie
,abont lithe .3.9magent ewer, glected .tc
St is licastreenia*
Stath Gad" baitIcen in Jae bait cif
*Wins Iirms Idactritil thiut
thugs:04 gnidgatt. '
* ANTS&Ceas a bus buw-
ver, eigusan, ottb
:axe:dont:any •nuy num ‘• .
Zretpia* nz to anwer:with aand)-
strediaT ineiniky„ conionuoniOy 11
3/0 lregre
Arde:103.104thw IOW tamale • for
their Onunnus asidstamee andratny
•eretended. &ding, Ate
lie11340 .•
•' ;Yetuit sinemteln
W D.t'uts2cFnr,
9a2gliVbeveitlx*: 10*''100:
'Eat•on purchaning *lent intiO
candy and Nan, Call and get, etyl
prioesi.-74', Illaumpsem. ,
fikitifill4Rp'.OF THE ELECIIION
. .
There are fa* U2 anemia= in the
- •
chnntinan*Ocainu5,..mad 243 .kandi
Aidas 4P,i0/410 tueni#Wiiii. The ifiS-
ineition of the 'n.t2 'seats oto
Aeon: peptieroptines, • Stoniot 2.3177
or* .3.* xsierpvpowresokolo
34.Caig44: .P.aagiatrairee
dent:Morals I; Mond
Mends Aind ttho Latar inland*. Ina
*cavort Pairrier Pengnsom' in .lhis
government (mitre]
The thine patty leidens-illeign,
won; (31adliell*t. S'0101151'..InTra%
libist"Sv PPDATegri 'Froe '
• Pienl-fare tate*. zniemluis in
the kast afher derided
ear WereIsetted Oak at haute- • •
yams ran. Ordy. yours' of
'AO -W. IL Cffiveoi • mons elected' ,
Scat% :GreY a-ast5.0mitv MOB
Rrthister (01 limn*
in the •kft
zersoces hilinet..; S. Gamy
is the lame tor Wei Agnes Mae,
Ann, YEE kiss Msellim aqpnr. ibex
•Ware; Thos. Eels; sleeve; W.
thonetn aldermen, C. R. Illtlinsiag,
'utttui, Mama, E. EL 311-,
W.• Ilinutt;
nth* inurral, Saws bard, Er. A..1
F1334 Mt Ir Walird.3; "E. AL
""•-#6•54).r •-•.‘•
lagrits •
• taelcnow; Dee. S,LI
Mire. Paters ',Of Nett Iltur*Yn, •
taffies•end Gflataelson:-
ICS t9 tete ilia' splice:11'6*pp!
esproornag *nits tohise
ale voted and fon ony•Ipliz
giention Oktenitter fithe
troept, ana, Atottentl. to trot the
The Encicnow wipes, spans kron
lipre wankeigtu ef *alma
bare the clailtem vacemated at once
in view ef there being a- -ease or
Pas is the C•
Their. Seey.
lams sEAslaw 4
4kw IN.5111,ar Erato.Pees,ADeserrIC rasse, tar
• • CIFibc'SolinradiNat
Orie *WA .Dr -,11J ii
;wafts .
oar ussii 'saiber away Calms .
AND itocii
'DETAIN .11113 Ingsr Popp •
rlic!ip 75
. NOY WMI. A1S Emig sox i0Oings, _OD VOWS .11DE
ONE °Inle LESS 041111 XMAS Sitimens:,
WE 1WE sum** iciFts I AEUNDANCE. •
1:11illiEttl*S--anai'ilill,1"W .___42.i/749; ..
. lhaudy earry,' far aeldhea,, tarns 4,11 InesePares 1.
011.t 3.1*.
SCA1165-Firala $11LV1 44t= iimitirsi *Am 4tis
any omit or isisik,".* IOW is ism * At 0E4
irou Age isriarOiss Thovxml' Orni wain
Ver.lantei and Gentlemen
yflaielms 0! the Ging
ante as. rattle •by.the late ,Skritimasend
At The Cain U2550.
inuEstat., DISC. fbitt
Telephone Rotel for Artanhitmemt •
.411 IMAM
Eyrie -Mai
iittn4„.t ;nal ipeamenippie Streets
' . • Illoamm,OL
• rap ;svgs... tisr Fromm• MEA
Sara& Poi Saintly ' . Per •b -
• Zic.
• air.
• •22c;
Irani Quarter'
Enna (Quarter.
Porterhouse Stenii,
Sthn &eel
Seim! Ste*. •
Spaeit, -Seel '
'Chace Iflib 'IP,Aungt
At awed; lame .
Chaim Vet Semi
EanTms Beer '•
cbthce Soirnik )Beer
Stetting Meer ' •
Chince- S.Lc `tang Meer
Eith Brat
Moine ..)Rortat 'Pa&
Mink "Maps '
mineil opirSiO•
AIPPorIF SetigegA
'Meer 'SE litorl-Siiimprte
Aup .• oared
tall in and am.Aolpen-
ar you Igy inot. , • •
•,•',IL tilVITIS(37,
With. biting'ariinas, *kaiak rads:
Outdone the body calls for
haltr; Scads. Idea*
warntsoluid enemy, toAden
Srend-the Brand Alix-
Smut. Get it' or MO% Ilalem
nhmte 4641.
•Groot variety tel Obeice Otrhen and
• art areialszoloopc- Get abet
,snotet•;tattit ot *ours =ea.& seWz.
(Dray stet*, • ppitt spine or zheir
sapine-Itaat Onto. stunk on.
wery beet otsnail at4ithes. ' 'tea Taffies, Entige, Cnr-•
• • • Yours 4ineere1Y4 , • 11,nel iHorehnund for tikat TAIL
.30104 3 ID .•-000—
ttie sPeolisusr 02101611%
Naiad C.. Emma, etplumanint, earn
WAFNIINg • • att the cam' )Fincor,„ Imeltnow,
aisdkrun! 11300t 301=3211Wiedneuley Detember 15 &care LID
=nulled by a 'Valera *Isar' Alt re t non. itiendatirsipan
lava iten Small Pan. Ile Ira been I in ate beat of the aiLlt;-patent and
airm42.0. •lot tor Teeple anthill at law *ISIstsea t.4.1alin Vela(
41 • trelkied finn PnrYsrlY, Stied Slasoo
*es.' the wane 1‘"°wr-zn' 4 Sgtishicaon ifitsbega,
ful for an* Vinliteltt% 21111 cunsiilt ••••••=2.0-0=.
their.ythcnItiehest 611e11X be suic Sean
lett vliciiardaiLl A tor Soria tiatiii in Si
Pm& see= 40111 be rady by thin- rereeeer' 3101, Zee .a0ae,. tender tens.1
X. *ewe, 3EVEL %lime 'ier %lie • bogleap, gel
id 1
, V1ieventhag tef if‘xideso 'Mee lit Patit
e draft near tree lazglaini. Rather anuninkoMillt leli
llleoratee' Ire le ' .• • .
. . . .
.Sittqrr CletitERS kr ELT=
. Aarasseiento &aim leen .1tan4e
thnentlaile:1116:thimuit*0! Aso-
theragth. flnron Cestiv
lkitele*neal ittepreeeebtrave or the
ot four mosselre' tem= in
Ettith. Me yearns rano& ranse
Agricoltirei and the swung bulge
=rise in Elora%endings'
%tem .olniflrw lentos, like AO&
tram ‘etosis,..stia tither ogrietatnial
maieils :unit. the Also:RBA the
lose Amnon= addle thitesdoila
tnce, stains opta ispine Nanning aria
mat xia aim tom &eritittunes 40-
4ta ilie giills. Thei will be *21864
lectures in tearty esCdt'ente saCh. an
noultri and theeleinihtg,. endue and
oleo finarlatins and•cifirera:
Mese lunges lame berm annincred ,
thormAnitit the 'wan** ler several
years and the lett thet they ate
ihited obett inertial tatirtty cdis-
ttekt soma* glees a wade mope to
the =rabies thit army attend. Vire
inner/dame art astioaltezel
tion ate , acintathitneed*
ikaula,sitt who tanoatmnitt vAdautsit
Qutm*romp 0*
• .
AsteLltatteg tenyle in 'are St.,
tenieg nr:testia' pool. •
Quire a. number aft riildshilenae otna
Ineiginons.,oataailed ..tthe tune*
tuta James nn
mider Imcb-
ritneDnisail and Drain 161:1-igaid
their orates theteOring. am Numbs%
&akela Ai' Ittearttc
tlweelc; *ranting the .Ilee•treeen:
tem" Conacerami.• • ,
Xis. 1.43nraninis' ci g Itm•
norm* ort.ffiarem Somd.
Mrs. Gentse' Stasat is a , *Wirer
crab ler slater, Wass Mgarignr tar
Triw* its the Warm-
th= linsjfital ronng 'treatment
ter *iniimorrantory nbatunufenn.
• leleniber Ile- .att, the
Militia' Mils& mere the ipegS tee
the Venni rensiVe Soile47 tor The
TEllateli Char*. lindknow„ an21:r. mid irnm, 191artan
and .tmettoi--
tea., to 'Taranto .balliTiiitek.
. .
SE. ,IIIEWES 3.11111ES
". 10311211n iNumniZia
teliams::trit the maaang Gad thin'
wack.be Cranium. sari *Bra Air
mils Ewan me -4. ipearmicii*iiii*in
istimoied :moos* Eitiitn lase-
send..*sedisi .ardinutan. solo
opine **pal Arnie wow Acittilionia
mon mitten isongonpait, aind ,the Male
Quartette. some .102,kotb. •
raisaii calm,
, .
scana Areas 0! t. Rana Pen, •
PI; ituendanra tisie iroping-lwes" -
'•,apor„,:triestio katit
Ate, 'Toting -Ii!siinila• fon
alas ov.ItubW, Vul Ithev*ris.sit
tor thi Rstactism. =Ike
anirAilegi obi toy* nteiV'titbat Dome
tilthr am* Maar Alb* itenne..07
Sinths =Vein' Etelinglima
ara3 thonglaini cord said arranapell
arrOS*,. as. 40, 10S4.1/trbmi
11eSitint-i76 Xenon anti 'Irmo Os,
iereis.wilizsei*.mmn, and Thorginett
t6nronilng zone a pinnu nth.
atiogsrunt the 110citnuav Sts63--
tety,toel• -thisse and ga.aussuit oce- ,
insor`leas smenit in a rated and
AW. mktt 311amisic mem.
'emeither tie tithe
344Ing ansaeitt' 1!IrsT.
*, preaiSmit 'avensil the anent-
• . Affkr kivear!ag seal
*se* xiet stla'rerMe Plitghto wetoor., .nnlGortutbkilbeldthir ass, •
10010=111 4603i. NThOSS..
Me.*MOW wale Ile
leen .4471'n'el7 41. le4r tithe%nt
thiOnle there, Iliftlireeb to Meta&
less Robertson a :ullfan-
,11v, spout the 'Oh -ft .lher
'Mi. IL Nakignnrie, furrinoily•kor illi, tile seri/tine" tflien tbilloaved
*LIDnil (6•PrAii *. wilr4.-'' MI .41t.___IlreBerAt. * Mts. ORAL aiettatpionese moo&
:clic4 Ivo. to 1'3ity `a$ '932 tei",aw* : nn-- Liz/ di.* Sloginron siOdhaenv at woo
Vrimnikatt; •' ' - •ftv.Ailein Blimp lite!ahlre,11,
1The -24vien 0!.314'5' A-36146anrr - 'inseam =a wont 'maxim** EDI
_ .
.atee yilnd tar:berg that she as sale So molt, ...6 tityliii ...,, :secul •
Ire ails= 4Viln-0 lit' .he alleW*1_,_,A,,,___:„ and Itertatirantel aim* kw Set**
, At. =Alex gram the Snob -..asecessa,,,,en milli,n-m.agniT. /pawn irnon4, RUA!
the fans* ul Ole alitke .tiss 36z1321±- jilt—, .: Ibuseuet , RclinDrua sal
tei 33aler <a. 41* .1.°141, t•11,1' t!7•1' Raw Isuir mar' nusE blY 4WD
Valeall' 3101- • Baena Thai =Amu lame Sillama.'
311I- Calill 31160),It tam 4‘131"111/3 . illi lity i .(riTreAmit #011.1gbi,
sal& friends in flataryn. • Aciaiiv., . . ,.
• ' 'Mini *Mani (theShillti, •. kWe . ±it.Fi . .
opi3 to' Ike, lir aOng' 36110b4 '11361 .
!inning lier. unpile, potnintotit, otita 4eit- ,,
ik"111 It° Itll.11°1° ill* 1.1'4V (8i*S. 1 Vellr tedimakindlest lila '
. litili 21.00 litaUtle/4 .*416 *Ike Ildfl ' ' . • .
betei,aitte tele avi or aurae Oate, le ; ,thls week • tin see *. Mae GU*
tenitsitig tiller ttel,), =Sot .. • . • *ander a 'taloa* pekoe ne m
- "
—0.04,____ ' . 14iltr.14inslude lag, Ittiomais" 1,iStMag, IX *XMAS : .' mir MmAgt vents a' mmarlar .tir dim
Ittlitt watt at Titet thourati to. 31e• Ilkumittu •}1!0..fftetae, 'ant /iimammy
M'M tiatetaive =away at Mine* Siam Vine Major' tor the Man** •ffirirme
Ait;litringlam, last Sendt, tarasa mut ftre, Eon& Meiristane aamtaind- Vie
le 1* 'thi.. nor& art tbrard twatiba-'Ili . animation *tit ellaann -Surd "bate4
tterg:ite Sara sae= tees W.• a innia% dation * Mr. Mira on Cheer' et She' 1
Xlegg 33g111, :tr te4D31 maul Itie ailerinal g201je -.31,0264r tef(Ciellial.,' . • Vie 41160. •
tile Tittiset,.: to the *Mee •ailip " sinuni vim, ott, .,.,,,Aw tin . ,164.41,11....11 •ttitii
anintaid An the thieves s
anid.lted the 'damp., sag mi-Ficiir- 1104-7-03; rjais
stolen *ands txturroitt ' , Nz' !stet*. 31Itr. tow la Ebt ltonstiesiossalt •
' ILInex' ttirse .1110 ' the arra isr.% ty =EMI ttauiple Sirii, 02$16 At
*lid, dtn Videtiiive tralellW it 3161114t 1150125 mu" 1;12104` Inisto,Saitv all
*ha* tura* or . vallitlimit & min
iv * 5h25, 25
it listar-, Milk Ili
>raitti *ewe talon. % i) ;bare* *Mee JOU litit trentiszy %tam.* Arai* 41,
au tou4,•ttive.,telitien, hoping motile 'Inglier. g Itavologio swap.
Ilitcs. , •