The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-11-11, Page 27 t �_'rrn 4; M4M P" i&. 14" th#A F zone que'. �IM 4P Mime Roo 1"Um ?MW �, lis.charapterigh, not 040 ate h Aild �Cxn'­ p, qt �too seaxww 94,46q, Ane., �Mlffgt R4460MIUP Of Manto A -thirn 4; � p9atedi, by ltho�, Royal Jr Mmu* 7W Ifeaprim, It# Scenttd* Sty, it p I the Doi ViAw''04tez Chang". jq ads, ii, nt*&O 4 eCUDatlion" ~.. ObQrt 4W. the ft, r"'polmse to "tro a uldwown in" 4- wW4'jRaXnetfc die em 00,Ltan^ 92nitoba. i�xd apil 00 Woe , , 1 R' to Canada, -7 7 kV O -V ce fp_ *e 'ea *In. photo f k, bmcw n Y 4; p"ha or the- xna tw &V t Qtt#Wg po eM 04 fu awt a UM 4YS, t -i which"MM or,th%jgr*tA.or 't ion fprf�� -MOW 0 *#bl 'is 14 A SIM 4"% 0000 14' okker that the —Ii _ , wt valqoo: amp _onq414.4 Or OF rim Jim er�_44� Is tboq: and lrdo�w war, jelgtivt�'.j. happy p - T, AMMOjLj* f*e;pVM 4P V*d the Bnt 15ab - 1.1,10VO =T Ls fairly well.daine His be d ;!D4 da. Tlele vle` t aiollow Unes ent ot fan�da`*,-bldden, Ve d, _O -o *Zry, awar A QVMT. V zeal"& in tkktftn . Y - " "y , I I I Jpj;, se;,kson_ �IXLL air V*4Mk'4Wt4, S0,1111C The areas cqveyed� bringi%W, drift rimt *1w*Y#jM '49WP4 for 14 a it tyro tb# are ufflc� -0 1 qm , ' r me 4 0"', ,c" are_ . . I _ 47#4,offl col A* an cr 0% IF per, Am ly resi4ort. CON, 4eaSy -a -4,*,m the C140 ,COeM 19, j tw part;_mkily"�e� at 1�' 644, an(11,, WX M.e�tent� JXGGM96 V � OIr Sen 8fitiA Ali Lleyczo #tp pft _ k rtoj� 04,of tent to, the q�r N -t, �06 hem- u; rW vigstw �lm 0 Mamr� 4.9.001k VOr P. an4 v I an, 9!�UPl wqmd t .4. !COM--' TNg A4XPSAWr9.,A'7 .0 and, W -hp., tlw- 3#0_# u f4w ,top., r an q4tck _4, to liavq him, VnIth ure,� Mot pNgress.ot. the, � hour_ the 0440 MKO., du t)ie bulk, t4e- tothalimt Ot sw i*t*' at V6 I'' ht& "FqUld rx Wo*.ries pg fW teiulm sevW* Azy* -eft wlamtw. the gr e M 'P, AiWPI4WC" trxwet by, c.a ,Cj6rK, "**y. by, e "nor, weal d1eiiieWen-In PIP. 'th� ticula4y faiorW -to jP!ajjt growth -PA Ewpartzment or Me A 'o cui-S, "K, __ , v. I I .. . I aw firdwat UVA t4jo tYmgs were e�se&ttis: nt.of tho; pnq�qpajy 1b f below, jhe,,VIju6 nd acmu n,and he'ped t area.. 40. the, landscape.. f4hotogfap eiv*! nw-ee, ry Clear jusbinpj_ "U, POOO* b bat inoro aid -of in4 e It and the t tile: 1W993azatim Aquthm A&A.d.. to if gse frh,. er dL dist o, xiot o to 0,*,jmia 10tMUM, IDMMA* air joa$es bKC4 1�'tbi sub�. navigator -4, then faced with thO -tisic cc . me requi—Mad to �Vjjqb, thio objeot_ tmpleal, . bts. favolreo as. they itTe lk M ete is tAen.: prop, -Ing, anoth,6r 4F av _4or U- Mi .OQQV AOW 4ay and pIcking How &es tbe .1 Mor -ways as -to dintate, Man Agh", bt up th , e exaq point at, which. he Ief -retu Ila. has to. 4ongt-fiodd, In Ca:ifortt.M.. AIL X�ay b ri b ges,;. -5 Ov ET, M_ Y wz-4* Or tbe b qd=4Y .10 L-6 titat the, work dt' f tp� 411 , r= trop, on., OR mod 2&-rtakbg,`pMr." taus to lim- tied protect, his crops &gaist high, as n V 7 Der' of' hial in ft !M. th -yiinds the Azio ls�t 4410ons . .... - .. I . X", ' _Z -e C�b� XIA -'.a, 11 SU4Ch a;* ofteim niet wl,. Wb1__ France; amse 91, n soutiki t perieneed surveyom tj..& jDrOMjCj,6Uff So. even *9 are made; on those though Af SAficial, it in Pales-' Lands $UXTOYM e=lx PL=e, as. days during, e� sumuler Wbe.n th,6 may' anodier, and between desikeit too XMI-i- Mae his ruit retards the ;Ipm.n.g 0 r is ii ti Far SAM091 W tU- -ta* -fie, EM, the most sultAble;Lfor photo- ring sun at course, he p36k ning &r the z "d eiva ATM�jr P 16f t4e, That suth operatios .144TO in co=er- w ate as . Italy '=Yfeatgres been sticeessfu Is. a "tima awt : ., i maps bpttheS!& ADUITsho t -tarto Vr elok d g+, Whid3L. 1MVIng Ilk Orriel rd ML -Ohm with scre.Onst., the De rip, He to thatthey may POSSEK& moment bp_��_ pZd"eA WgW &6m explwera�r tiotep., 'tested by the tgict that, it,basr �e��': not iff 3]:eteh CL1,15 att MZ-oa too. .120 vest� organs. in c�ftem,uiis -ma my mDdiL sible to make, maps of a, sufflcled a Or demnand,'-15, 0 Its Mt*Lff C23:*YoUt Ulm =K!, J)b by - ' ' t r "til the. summine lea tut tb-- emamp * -: der -of ac=racy for e. that Me! the =ooft of, their exercise I . . . s -ire. tboory, at the' the imrpa these in Enj&124 j heikht, be am E=�. �a. aerial, photograbbs, Xenm tMft shollm a �Xlce &Sq�ed= reedL to to VMS OE ty*, cortrM - 9 'tlom Mthoulgh, the,magnetie �L, luve part of our nort4em. cI?1M, pass Manpot. in Egy-ift pchemes. as mingles Vouch reli- country-, IA_ tQ'Lfight - .- I -I's , V., * iogk�eit�, troplcal� ;�egetatioia iand Secmft , *k� ain P -7— Ithat �6t the M3A 7— 1 jo7v.e aitd! ove lent 1100r Ucatied ther relatbrely Close star W'Strius. "There' exe, DavM MeM t& 10 2 Ano Te&dons;.- tk a=9 dis- tbarw.451 It Sam and E� on., right. stir. the th thin&, Vf FjP jes SL in jj�e eqU.Ato Dh if MLTK This. investiga- 'Rap&, believes :th--t the -fim or tryee* nww bi� taixg i t335C&T3. jj;TMM. !mn, , t Th it vA1 be selati that ev-�,ry ati-; r 9 ligh blood, h4eected� inio ezh-- OVM Lwdve% UPM forms a C1Gu4y,pr,-._-tpft4to,; ..w ex Ss red bw Th:& br apes,'*m. =jAs n(X,Lr`estr M_, ticti. plices, Arcturus and, Poids stam, -DIU used a great sOrreyprs,at.41w i land erer�thing being ture, T bV)� -.Jtauc;�A 6f�' 41,.and. 4", Jjght_yearS" re- MOM z wW_e9o=e DarwfiL Can*;ida,' vith itIV. thi as or des- the. 6uble star Bet& "tud its that to - JL C It wM rut aLmost as, aj e �Qif thern cuA3 "Re- . Prioffie s ow -em. the'f4DQt'of th ah 'tjoin low-& OF rGAMTj-"t igit, di wi tbL- 1tood ;, rbe inalm- PROC USED eT I L I I I tul& the ihSls LAMON IN 141is It fo is e dence, gt �25& Dt.hIer An Ca eS -the- ont- xoie4er, 4ad that thi anve 46f d nL bux case bt doir etars,.dohot ext, pru 11 desikabL- ;.s sit ......... WO].M d a, land f6r2,1M e tal 'druilopineit d 9MMUNNa "or: 16" lot up extend to ih tib- t4or the Colas L the t a test ka-WE develapanent f. & C ftne branch to, t le� The Miy at, an cert*in type ssohl�rlcaj bik rather, YMYk s elaigoonnshij . . I the manmy-Me The -Anot4er, V-Zk�O; 0 I . I ' ' & L .. qng, CD I form�. Pdth the to the; animul wted eter %b4wtzt te CM $I tWales Hvi GO be, t1kaw to, _Va% rs differ in 0 of_ 'A . . . rig#M I . . '' L , Isuch 6f s plinct ef MOW of(9- trUV9M.=ftr eM b Ithat Tfte�xmaift v resear As ce, 0 zh u�mwmaj tjjhtttw to -the Felt lost s7-rmlse th toiltdow partzzxt�,but . I t per- dete=MatiOV1 Of fte. toir - j2.i 'b�-i Sir Harty 14d sa, g! -of '-univers,�­'the', Wtles is '3.ta pro, ti 4re. efther d, ej the olutku of "4vz *bether IL ._g_ Wza-as 5 0� 'has &gtvar the t9h tG e=b. Zd� j�rob;e* h tj�d t b, �r_ Tbe' b�s �:_Qwn _rds; ;a k� lbeft CWS' I .. I . . , ergans. !S hepa*kQr'phfts It 111� 0- �f fact &E rezaa heu d hD t )resent d�,�r, W vaas6e� aO4. Zev�.' taums of e tam. -s had to be basO-d uP- we know st=ce r IX vi�ethcds. atone 'ke -MakIng phe -PP not tmbt 'tmto actum- the tria Eglada �and �It WnoLelweM saw C as to tb- re�daa c mm hilte An. fft& stqeni��. -b;e said. star tha. e C Cer Veiy�k'!cea for th1w, lbo� reach Out, to limfted djigtizic r�,IeO 'T_Ue dIstaneeS -.33�. to Oe line or, th, elati mebTP mid the thei etars', 'it' Is. 'relative toi with tjk6 �iqc -a 2 5, tr t de study cr e3�7 =e ja �the SM --e. jj.CMeS%* ID,. tek The Prince Of W2 es, _ter�nizis4 by a �U-L;'fC �=tWhikT thi - amr-1 Rii�r ;,and, &e S ee Iiut the. Ta -ere &r =yL� :ka4wn ��s' the th� Surve-yor: U d aud that. w e�z by rove. to tM si�a and. and netessity a ;Mit mers, DE c�� g a, seek soaie,_ otbe-f Metho4 bf atta to niak- a reccrd tftht- away - V. the� b&S__� 0M, Me a the pr -em-. e- newer th th_ Th e each- er- he6z%- M�w. Til- -_ -Sre, a is at nthe dikeetitj.. in t aA k thye same. blood, �CeS� that best, In .�X4'an_� th that echo spon e2= And the G=,�, a� d C=faw gera�who r= York- V , A_thtg.4 BM&'IPM . I . . . — q 1� USblje U & DKMS _ Ld-:-.,ect�­Ot kend 1 to tIL&L 4 DO Matter ow secre a'ded 1j[a= aR4 joeS��a- 6� Cr' only making ;k recof t, I to mmem er th. _P acke�d t�� hatr- gm t SIM aGr �SLnglng e, b'=erjM QFjjTOV znaz�r Or The V,� 15h thiz�s inth- P.Gs - ar 2, for rei tjott to j",Xe�% O&i- 0_ ta e- as MS. or f the SXkM as bbbEj)Sr_ r an c;RF-,M.: tabercnZ"Ys, for *x Batra 0' The great gathering lipij, T h�_- em c=, en, vre��arzzzg _Mlera gaing, tty --Ljmg lie a. leiF The embi i Mee to. lini* - - - * .; . .. . t�� , pr --e M_ I I 'L , - Of I - I �h, " ­ sang as I -rh* t, r =Ve thj�j­ bb�od of M maML rs. f -am ;; e�je_ r - L it L. at je. IeT�i feel' i_a in #S e, Z110 toe& COW,- �F� it, inth.e r'.-ift- T a hro�.jh 'tter,�, wark has� bee -0 'a' oA 6i h e� racards_- . 2"M9 anzi faer &M mzidr-red 'th& PhV 'fft In Ii c-- in cc In �X thill i bt other a. I= as se r __67 4G� the V�hem the a-:-= _kA th e- phom th= k. _C was the neai-_ sta_7s fm.-Od that th ZhjS a lot- moz-- fnr biy 0� N intense" in littrirU4. ckO 'im "Oli S' ales, latle The W" ar il�Ld rh-�- 61-setetcal - method than CIL-; sr- rs i�.. ". It 'r0mr e2A #t 'lie wbEe beew"L _tZf Brittft9_0 C th4, eeTt-c m=4 that I to. bII Bay XCV*,erjMtW1 . I C.O. *M& e reasm, rar the same wt, the t eviN h ke- eTS &ndL the e&VE, fm C&�', 'W'�' Field*, tM . �;;. L_ - no crovit" a=i I and tk s.e by. the E dw=g-- Zet 'V !zre. ., ..- ,Mika temvetat=e 3r av;;2, pL !Bttt6- MPVe==,e= qeah�c tea cow-, estern, OZ 'T Ma er -alk about izr�l warbla 112- a, t 4cia, v. W L been' pwt-- f ff tmdtig .Ud m=9 'tatf_- e6 M±21* a (,j==r. I . Ujt on rf =har is rct�e�m, eate am. -S, grN _fr b . an��at'tbem. . - 4 TM,, VO C_ it &Sva- -ant woo, a! kep.9, m trcm ttL-- 4-a ot beifig, !r-. zh-e ra!te4 stateaL d,,j by Bay -Ztfo- U"#Me �v &eit, Res&a Alire"Y e= ir' are roe= at be, tjeT t1j*t I' M%*t J-:�$t Is, %:WATN o"d U., a D* sires SWd Irf=ce Ot W e I I . kVj�Fh, r 1.24 See =31 scam Modem fac" b#t, kL xt y like;. fat =emts ai ihO 7 tr.. roWned. byEhe fact d ova 0� the 001 sha -M tte- =ZVI -de t WtSj� ta�ek, OC a 'd ji IUtzkws for -tho� pe of cilli, _h jh tD' t4_-15� Tj. f;L�A:11m% --tak f "0 or dxr and =*T% SaTe, me, ft w mM&h L WWI srf&'4A the T20y, DOW, so- "d oosd W, t�, 'f *�46 nob it. Th"" iLtaw t!46�*teved thv A &ILA' �Uaa ire t V!I* =t*MP*= wzk& f.i with �tjfe teall! r Calimi Se I6Vkbtt;S'%V, tit+ th fjt=L tk ' . T t* 4e f1_.tth*e thZ k! m Ota-. lial %t t itls mrey thia Cil Mas womett bo lr-j Stoddag t 16 L tfa!�V htI- rypm at* -n to* Iturti4e- dt Glep oad tL t Chu C S 'W J!� !I -&.- 5,_- 49. t fl, t�t .1 chi A.' I to& t&bL- 16 to r .41'a ot T� Ilk 11 16$ mtot th' M than t4or 'be *19 zt. tlf',t TT L jL p,# . I- -n- tural tnt%ta e., taft' e of f ritnAs,i#�et- k lit 7 lie, It and &Zowimr time Ili Ztt6' 4 t 7 'M %0 �!� b— 't �;Pph­ A *Pei m to it, taw# A 4i�arr*y L Ok It P- PO hor Oks, IL fts.