HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-10-28, Page 6..OHAPTER eh/ •i4d plvott, lc* bei ticplAN„, 'Atte Wit041,;. . 4 • a mOureing, aaniedd toe' ip,la to be e,Wcted to go elqoe.r tho40/;. 4;411 , alba PAWMe If 1 eett'-.1 Make a .tew r'lkard,rtee fet: Iter -about the list et (POOP?Fg!el She WOW tq now IX • her trlen4S were leaved, t:edkaal 'ler to tell me their 'POWS, i•taat.of d she said that Prettilktea 'Witeaher. .fVieed, aad, arterwarde she herreetsal ltereelf.: end 'eatifl, OS She' Mrs, Robert Parltmar X didn't anKet o y, at .tirs,:tixp,fr-it was ore. 1 .elarite• ante ,Yona erhCe,.. ..utatterwar0*:.y..11er: there. 00, to lettare andinielpetie to do for ldr.. Bretherteti here, it Strack 'me tia .lata 4h.y, raic iblriatablasted built tee.. ••;•••• pEGIN.HERE'TO-DAY.: The ro.arri.alP Bretberton, vroves tutuapPY.;:. When War la:dea Vaied. ifiViiletir'eltlist:' Ile leaven ',Dour tin**ilte4ions.. of Mary FuX4..rtl. • Nita ia killed and Dol -TY marries an Olct sweetheart and sidle for America' With hint. • 1_ When Nigera 'brother, r David, _calls to 'Sea:Nigel% **hat; *erY.:js, *Outlet.. to tell him of Dollennutrnager, David tnintithee'lfary for his brother's wifo and takes her to live at Red Grange with his aunt.;„• . 14.447. 'is hapy In. her new heti_ e Until Monty exposes to Mary,dinaPpetirs. David asks Monty te. helif.tiinft64 )in"r. Monty is _sorry for •Afatar and tries to beIP David NOW '00.0N: WITH THE STORY. Davldturned away. Ing a •;strapge ,coineldenee." 'a"Tete7aalid yen edier proV this, hila" agelar" , * • "'a; .":: • 'Tea, I 4* and aka bOtd• • me that her name Waal Mary Faniivel. 1-1• 'went .to See, her Once" He loOlied •ai!OfegettealitY. at Dav$ perhtPs he gueseed eoin, ething of the tree' stor7 ''But afterwards she said she-- nue goleg• away to stay with friends for .a time; She Weilidn't let me linos Iler addresta though I salted for It But ' • I savr St.7-1 saw it quite by chanoe , evareiof it all.aloagt ' even:when Evans 'hed,....deatedaltnewl.edge of that ,eable. when the' deer C.kided, he pushed tho letter over to DaVid.'• may hep uta" be said. Iiavld snatched it up . !Tor' Mary! Why -I ektill open of course." " ,Ele slit the Bap agitatedly, ;and drew out the aocaitente. They were badly written, and talented as it with tear% it jaw' tied to game of her 112gage•-7 He stopped...once more, Both 'men • . looted aip eagerly. '• David, Bre.therton victim for -the find " • "And what was the address?" "The Red Grange, Salmant, But -hilt : that Isn't 414 •eira There -wee a . name above it, and the aanie was Mrs. lege; Bretherton,'" ' Marv Furatial had never been • so *fir have Written..to yonaniterly wretehed in -nM her life as , Tier so Many tlnies, and never had When she found heratell back In- tote one answer. It Is unkind of yell: coie don once More and quite- alone. • ' 'eldering•aal,that Nigel and -I did for When she -woke the AM. morning you 'when :we were first -aaarrieeta am. tn dreedfal, trouble; as I told you .in rny last letter.. My husband: is ea 111 -they say he* will \never. be eectital- vaaitaeut meney. ' se -genie -I ask. you to see.- • '‘1342 • . • .. • • We 'life in n•world livit le going on. Our aiingliagli I.s MI f word a 'which Meikit refit and Pantie and stop. but 't*Maliojtii7 .;.42enle,61itiefiii*.hwaeit4re.baYehie41111417ite imnro°:4 POWIlderlpg. stud: appalling concept in I the, idea Of inetione.everything an the Move. Sian. and theen and stars, ail .BWeePing stride, the eartb revOlaIng on ita eats, Swinging" jn itts, yearly orbit around the sun, and j with; the' greet eelar family of *Mali Is but au inecinspienque Member. pro- ceedteg forever in ;oine silhl farther trek • acapse the hoaadieea 40,40 of 01140-. •, • • • ' • Turning from the oatretionite Ma' inmisitlea.•" the ..micreseepe bis ex- anneed the **mile,. the More, the , eleatten: find they nit. alleala the Wee' •language7e.: going On. • Tate lp niotion,: and the guest is, now abrOad," that mo- tion is lite, At all' events, things which once eeeined to be -solid :and • $tarile ittarileadera 'that. kne"wn. vividly and 'actively astir; Atha reek .1 t • . e ore Of steel and the huge bullE • Of the- •mmMtalit-all resolve them,. selves into motiOne" bieredible le the long view, the bilis are . as. fluid the waves of the sea. • And the mystery of it and the wen - der is- that while in' the multitude of things, singly and individually appear to have diet'. beginnings, and their ends. the Whole, of which they are t4e perishing ingrediente,,,romaiiis. The soldiers drop out one by. tine, but the army Marches on; the trees fade and fall, but the forest Continues; nationi, empires, generation! tread upon each. other's heels 'cud -vanish, but the hu- man race' goes ,on. so kreat, indeed. SO vast, so incredibly MagolIke!iti ls this awful succession and Continuance' of, the far -spread universe Of thing& and forces, that the Mind : of man • ' MISS. uateconieption of it. The'Mnsirars Herring. . yOty SMART FOR TAE jOiitgi, ails before -itanlean 'form no ade- ." And here aiVeara auothel7 myster.Y.; Fo us humans the way of health. ntid Lux The Height of ECONOMY U* 'prolongs ihe life of, fabrics. Its . use for every fabric= deansitig.necci is .a feat that • . ' A,little Lux goes so fax „ and, works so safely .that millions of careful ,houSewives use Lux for Ace 'whole.falDhlY wash. . • FOR YOUR PROTECTION LUX ISNOT SOLO .N Bela ' _ - aiegare. ij LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. 'TORONTO TREASURE , ISLANDS •So Moor cipsdltipite' How, plirched cotwe 10140. Thet. -fiVery Landmark Has Akron, Moved. 'TWOS of Eifibr is a orY Oat will bring to . the heart of .even the 'mull 'Karaite citizen, ead Cocoa bleat,. above all other. Is the *time which reeiliree tip VIsI048 et 01149. Dralce"s 'the 'CialapagOe, Me. thft.Prx .TettegaS, are all .113. Vitod lieve the4 tteaspres, but Co cos exorcises fatialarttioa,nhove theM Ole. potatoes it is became) the last toot was Pn.r.ied there ettlY a handfed years !OP; perlitipS. it la. becatiseatto many people 044 to 'and bk14.en, bearoa,. Whatevei the tease% the fact ;remain§ 414V; *test* tater), Year .an expeditien sets out With: elterta and picks and dynamite:, . hoping , lift about atireentillion Winds- and, retire, . in aftlitenee,.., •• ' But no one is knoWn.. to hate yet Buceeeded, and without eatraordinarY lack It does not seem likely, thateny- , nee Oyer Faaine•a Metiriy.. • It all started With, the famous *cap!. tain Edward DaVis,'Who was a• witness at the trial of the Maeh-toaligned.Cap,' Min Kidd. Danipier. Catik, and Davis, ; in the Bachelor's Delight, harried the shipping in Patuaina Bey. ifacked Leon, and retired to Cocos to refit. DaVie liked 'the piece, and returned more „ than once. He vttne ,heek after he had - Sacked Guayaquil' • with gold and jeivela Worth $7,560;000,Whis. ship's hold, and *hen he left the island the Vesiels • were ' • • :That was. tbe first lioarti;. • but• as Davis afterwards received,a free .par. doe And becaine a ,i-espeetable land- owner; as ail good pirates did 11 stheY could remain.long enough uachttitged, he probably' rennived the treasure him- SuPertititio$ still cling fo the isle af ar- lieji rested,. from •a landlady. of for-! Ma7 be made of ° flannel/ to elie in and 'sante eatb-ge. en,: . emrula'Oeaitn tht7fitirseet t,he.trri,b;eng'.4Orill*the isralfea, st;',.,..satridss.°0-Pr7 thlreedastpourtgib,B:laditaer . - schoc/ttine:wear, or in any of the new _ ngth thelittelftles see Man herring lisherY. 'The Oldest fish- * This chic Utile frock will be acorn in the Sirialip, stuffy room which with delight any. little, girl, and on • Us. - we our_ Hia- blesses boats, an.a. ere•icsilin te:n. srefeet:ehias±ilde eo:,ja°u:de as brie! . daintily flowered material for dressier and, misgiving.; is palter with destinY: falter. testop,:to fall into futile donbts ' season Is grounds of his forbears. Tree to tra, . but, successful Career on the hunting- ; a -e - °- t 'Caa're I te camprolaise With attion,:to hesitate, oceasions. The dr se ne a • • Oavi .°*ueh: ' ho' -- -. • "' '-'1-a '' a - at the .vtaatherten. for mea and find out. if he -• ', He felt reetlesta and unhaPPY - i -1r- , • , Laden. for ite. 4a I Red, Gratege. He had; -wished. ,to he -i Weald, ' not . do ., Ali ,. arid: yet now he Was back ciiiee'' think he ' niaght,7. en; lte., gat, rid 01 ' •:',...'inere, he ;ea th4t•itp !maid' }Vie • „... , L,cheaply. , , r a e, . 0 y tly ', t,/, he in. London again- • , .• • ., What .did you de with:th , nt ne ..Pe*n here,' inithe:•eountryamie7viairi you.got foratheecoatentaaad:the'll.at? tie out .Of touch With things„ AnY"day'llweuld• not ask Yen. for it,. but I• Meat Fisher might have, news et. her. endl.hare money. sotaelsoW4-we want ' to '.' then it Wrniltl Mean an ela.pie of honts. Corhe hotne.and'ive..can't„.ealma seme- • haere he - David &add be canimuni ii ' *rot- h 'Ip 5 • ' ' _ • e.,eted with :. and. - Matibut . could .-.-be • itepprt • is '''brohenhentted - that . he • 1 gi '''..,,..., „,::..;z. . 'should have brought inc • to this..; •He ea .' • aa. • • ' ' Said; over and over • again. that it . . , . .;lo Was, back in town again on the; weidd have been far better for mato• I. - 'Pima -day. Ho went straight ,.to Fish- ',hale:. zentained : Niliel'S'. Widoiv! than •• . cra office aa -• • • , - _ a• „.; i‘ .:.• have become bis wife, .., •He doesn't' • a "Iliere you mii news for .me?"' . • know my .preciene:brother-In-fair; doesl'• '• . eip was 'none: 'Monty .tr•led the?: I Might haVe:tttarVed for alt hel 1. l'at'aL: c*,,,.., r!ed it lent -halide :of .contrasting material tot reluctance weainese f d th lucky nulete' '-Wheu"'the fleet , atnre, ea . entrustedetilere;: rit:oe utalid3e. len,g-ggeves are gathered to narrow • Seared call every isiteli.hisdatbin and - " ' *an's ipngisie.ovtlerat;it°2;00deObbi ..104s. No. 1,342 is fora girls in sizes of the Weinen Channel swine: P4')!mr:;, D*00iith,07,P;at cheat the wets said a, remarkable thing: "When tender . care .tif his: Mite, Oaptale match, the round Collar and het at • .11 960.!8;ealti.2.161?),.,7'41;414,_3;chra,malea--tia-81;; roe -r". you pia. your-rtiind to go; you go. The tishsehesetogetherandthirdtht:ft,ht:rahruer• itroutithY Thtueb.711013stal,n;'etliforif etibmilag ir1147. tniTtr'ellityY Moment you Say 1 ant cold, I had better YeAS..fid=inch--720"cents-:: t - . ,_is Cleared. „ • ,• 152st soil:rt. 1:1::.--latna,:aernt;t:s. d.Biiiegneitr:ota ani alt • i The secret of distriidaYe dress hes 'La 'sseetil-toou are throgh. into 'eSonmnr eeorm7- ihennehinatgnelenTnIti-einen ret02-citte'liesettsti.l'i leed- i 3 • his crew, with the exception of Thomp . . sou, perished at Sea, ' • ••••• Twenty-six years later Thompson •dyMg the heuaa of a' Man minted pelting omnipotence whose ruling slo- In all Manx churches e special gah ''Grh-ale°11 going -7 " clause is inserted in the Litany. This • Clause is the work of Bishop 'Wilson, fainard's Lialmint tor toothache.• •who. knowing hew mach the, islanders .; !good taste rather than a, lavish ex-, Pendithre. or money. -Every women ' IL:should want to mike her own clothes. ' and the honie dressmaker- find the Idesigns illustrated in our new Fashion Book -to lie practical and yet f the.made of the hook 10 •' • „ According to a seientiet, Dr; •• it maY Please Thee to restore as Co ATTE03- s•Iriaea er'exhatistira irana officii:s 'on their inatallation- andms•plaiaL to the subject, the Iirdt• tmilt on a; in °face: swear to execate' the laws of Size ef• sea+ Priaciale 94tAT te that at the. 014-! the tea al as. ataaighuy as die ..hera nining the spirit o ment. Price of • e your name and es -and you never &TAW • Tatterna as Yon.waltt- -1a,d)r.again:' this- 111;nje":siamnWi 114M:pt htt 17. givingatiuniber and 1, 'HOW' TO ORDER, I) But .te What had been thinking for. weal have eared! But you used the Pa fortnight. , : kind Mari. SO da- be kind now, 1 , "Give it David. -she'd come "melt and •try:apd,hein Wanly could .; if she wanted: to.. ,She 'havel.copip' homd! ao dreadful' being depended .on the Sticeese of the her-, • , . , . ring. fishery in:hit • dav Ordered these Earth's Hard Heart. !words to be said in e 1.1tanY: Wiltiattitan, who has just cane:hided a•lt tinite to tia the h:essings of the see." gagkaa epa Is. f --e-_ .bioned ..etel-aereal golf: 11 -ii, 'with '.'atutas. asea..:baue doth. •a -p.• tim the ,midst . referred; mai.. the adition a • several :Layers Of a01 • • ligter --------- d 'a very .thle s;-: '-', • • -, 7 ' ela_4. •• Th'e Metal core a the Earth. accord. • . , 45; Iron and eric t haa1ng a . - . I " - • the Dayid Set 1.15;laar doggedly. '••••••• Please ',Cable aae ar thiSimer days, she klY sal 'far a Moment, ; address yinir.ortierAnFatters Dept.; lace e'rat. Don't. Pity *ours. self.. recognized the advertieements I have' mit' here. anriongst ' strangers, and with • had insterial." • •• An ale*. . carefully) • for. each number and • a - Year; "- mean to hear the "triall'er*il'orlice;:as• Other addresa-;aeems traffic Nrittb:a. feeling Of Utter 'fOrlerze I:hide:St; Tortinta- patterns sfreat bi ling. to this Mitherity, a --e, iron, or -Bee: ste,se yeue,.frieada are, dee '"I'tataa .to find 'her, If It takes -mo ,safe.V. ant' sending it to hit, 'high- listening. tile rumbas Of •pasainglWilsen Publishing Co., 3 West A • wh ; from ,her -own "fps before I :give be." le' find. You: •; ' • • nese. ••' 7. getInS cIerk entered with.,letters, ak.” 'Ara; desiahcrn from the otter edge al ntentloa. yea, Perhaps they.are • ' ' aure - aaaa • a ase a7Because you are 110t• `gtyle. 'There VMS ct-tan' at the door. Your •miShrable, unhaPPY, It Waa eta different, . to tila Red I „ . orange:. 'She • had , enlY s4nt. her 1 4.4grs. lit 1%lot:m" 0117 • • I thicitn:s of net less than 4,200% --Becenee newspapers do not kind Per - ink • •-Fisher gamier 111 that•Was Deride finished reed- eyes to •pletere the •big, 'ilinny bed. this co.e to the _ gee zs t . I In spite, of its • origita, this id prob.' miles- this is divided intco timee'layers. halls You are :out of debt_ garden outside: the windew.- instance, were to focrale his .drive or', miles at the Earth's meat_ On .top of --Because Yon are MO/ le• the lime - I phrases ,in the world'ff-a -golfer. ,thr Aron and rock,. exteiag7:70• • mmr"411•4"14a•tn"11-1.1huS 2114 rese thea4antimmoaestactitele• Neit •a Mixture ef ,•• .-.Beeauriee • -"Ptitabent novrn„ .Evens; *W. -0,1r I lig it to, the end. tb.en-he titit-ftrb`=14' You need not wait" • ana laOke.davet: the address. • ' But the young ' "-Pastier Was watching 'him .allentlY, "There Is one. air; not. mea4t• for "W 11? " -he ked. • • . thls office..1 think." ' • • .10 fiern the: 'Woman mar- Ile_iihdacated ah1a. ••••eav°1°0°Ofl r'riedaa•-,Ote his • evidently Married • the ton Of theeoth,ers. , taaat „na Thera was a sett of grimness The name : the iela at the adr'''i •*.oice; the, lines of his .,tuoittli dress' had Caught :hie :eye Witen„he',Inekca-tisrit.-. . •ivaa• sorting' them -"Miss Mary- Fer.1 ii;-ffreed it. for Yearself,"lie addreSe. • • • ' .• • • • niiral;'f‘atid beneatkft Fisher's office* - • fie ausaed the letter. aeroasa . eth•re•' yuridaall. '-aitt, name :47..!.ine seema to have very strog " had so .roniaruacally ,"tnet • i• not ,beii • Keating. and ' ; he bequeathed seeret, with a chart of ,:the island ,- showing all Benito's boarile.. three In , Atter that the hint was Keating promptly sailed for the island and, it Is said. • actually 'laid his bends on a I hoard; but. his crew 'matinied and ' tried *te get it for themselves. 'TheYa' failed to find the hiding-pia:ma: howa ever, and Keating ; gave the whole • . , thing up in dlienst: ' Rival Fortune -Hunters. ;. Then the rumor of the treasure • spread.: illd Passing Ships. began to Call there: shiply for eake of 1018 aging round. One naval eaptain, put his Whale crew of three hundred men. .on the Is with Government powder . bl sting purposes. After 'a week, curtains, the wide: sweep, of lawn and • Imo* ihat sh‘ 9peted,, h„r eyes miss an eattY -------- ht say, "Tell . this ie a• layer of rock sarai:ar thai Be thatkful tor 3. little pivacY. In Gath." meaning. "Don't tell"seattered about the t -Because 'you have to' work.: What she Would .find that thiS' last' night t, het • suace. but c0- other fellows!'" .if • an English i taining a mucli larger PriOrktioli of wonid life be withput it? had. dream loss which she had Itak...,; aCtor,,stempararily: out of ,,,a job. were! magnesia.. The, surface trust. 'abent -Serause Yoct are not beautiful. At had .bese' nothing but a dream -a, the • .. • : • , I to be discovered by an old trierid, busk., thirty-five miles „'in depth,. cansittia el. leaet yau ;can weer. e beautiful smile": ened forever! ., ina oir the. bench, .he .would say, "Tell t Mest entirelY of granite- • ; , :e...a). - --ee--7-• it not in fGath," Meaning, "Datil' .7'his iteiVIIIMowtedge a the-Ea.rth's . / . Grape Famine. 'But; there was "the ugli little 'intini.1 • . breathe it in Heiden ,feane!" . I forniation- has been olitained mainly A • s irk;i .gralie fam4tet. , has been . . !that: ehe get theln 'froth l'41gel:'' : 1 the oteitilbea .the. night the Mullane . wt./4' d9ith• ' lea had thought A°°°t I - ..1 alwaYa- 'Said she was ' no .•goodi heal tie• efteri 'Shim. anti Wondered. if ., 1 l!ligel mad the :Mistake of his ..,lif*. luiavratild•.ever. sea he agalia • it had i whin it• Inaitid hei,,, poi* hcri..: ,, 1 given hiiii- a .1Ittle tdrib of nein to Oa 1 . ' • ' Came...eta ,Taraaa , ,. ... unsappetidiy see ottet,-,nall)tiltte4. . --There Wad a• little. Silence. 1011e there, , ..... • ' • ' . - ' '•,' pisber read tile letter., . . . . . • Fisher glanced" at...it..,:and for a th0.: . We 'know. better how • wei - gait:4 moat • his tits ilaehect....inte..eite.t 11,,.),.... ..t. 1et5t,,ir „tto Seal More 'cheera triente,• Thee he tfaid tpdetlyi • ' 1 f .."..i -y , , .; , . . : ' 'O. • " . ., . . , • "Ph :rei.., Ormak. Yat1-4114 *ill "2'1 David 'brought •hie. otettebed hand -a- • siette- I down arathe WriiitagAtitate: before hint, ' He looked' at the' YOung mad' cis • ly aa he left the toOna He Wa$ sure ;,:rhttei was, a• .rina. at ....asataa, I... las ea , a . %., Y, -: . .7 7 "thret • EVaat kideir :-mairtgalaing, of -I h,lara-s, Or Or.Stigera wife '.pe had felt ,. ,.sut it detintt tell Os'.4ere ebelsir . , . . ,_., .., . , • . . -au: • • Mtn' he 'said, "It • deeen't ,te . ti, Di. e • sound of it in the. past happy weeaei. Bow 'are tlie mighty:fall i , with its Venet,ian blind. in which iev- t - the veloeity cif earth- aansed by. the :recent heat waat (ewe era' Wilk were broken, the bright -1 The saying is Biblical in its o gin, r colored •o!itographs- , their feheapt, the first to utter it being, David in Ids quake waves is they pass through the' southern Europe, and in Spain,. it will frames. the painted Chest of • rawer° lament on the death of Saul and dente.' earth. as well as by inVeatigation be the. shortest' crop en record. and rickety washstand.. . than at the battle of Oilboa. Saul had I of, the contents of ateteoriter., wele.h Thilzas her home nett. She irad been jeuhms ,et..Docia..etsa ail are genet:- ally accepted as. being strati only MI inter...oiler in that other. 1 though Jonathan, his sett and heir; was lary composition to that of' the earth. , Y right , David's . most devoted friend David. t • ' • She had • never really had an there. ' It was •what she ,•de-, beIng a 'fugitive; had eettled, _th. 'a -,The Strait of Dover varies . in depthl served -to .be toreed 'Oa Of her pat7i handful' oefaithful talk:dem at Mot, if.'ff9ai.36.teet, to 174. 4 -et. '• .a4tse. ' • "7-'7 ' 1 a Small town in--4-e--cotattrof-the4.--4 • She knew that she Would. have te etaieatthea; • •ala • leek out for .wo-k •again at once. She: it was here ...thax news was 'had spent Moat of that quarters areal' brotight to him that Seel had fallen"' ineolhe f.‘v she had 'upon his Ova sward. after bang" 112d.to buy before at bad heah P°8-1 Wounded bY the Philistinea, and. that:. eible te go ta the 'Red -Waage. euuetkui--was dead, wise., ide_ht:4dte•• I • Works oftle.e work and drudgerYI llter she had grown to hate tbe very, ever. uttered • . • / • •• t 'to ' of •the finest reqUiems • " rrob ontinued.'Tell it not in Gath, I Publish it not In the etrietn of Aika.‘!` . Not hnagiat • .• " • • • ' • where to find her" . 110 neher hesitate", Preset:1.0r ' • . awe". for that clerk of ,thine."• he said -7-0ther Feepli ere the cause of all ' Lett the daughters of the Philistines i? "If YOU- don't mind, fin going to i'mputisitely. "Don't -say' anything- your troubles, ' • ! ' ,. I rejoice'. .. . . '', . • , '1'' • just elt there •aul lieren." He rang. :.---kett would be 'lenity, if yeti 'lied Askelon was e.seiport of the Pliiiis-; dr' ;the hell at hla'elhow. - : in some other town. t tines, and Oath was 85 inland citY-'at: * Eveee tante into the rat -Ma , • -l'hat everY• Otte has h grudge' sante iMportance in the same center _. "Yce4 s:r." • t a.gaitiat.•you or they Will have. .• !er Paleatine ; . f ' er a they bad 10 ve up alt was severely reprimanded::. ' • 'A'. GerMan settled there some thirty . Years 'age to 'bunt in: real earnest, and is far as it anima he is stfll looking Expedition after expedition 'alias! set sail for 'Cocos, only to, return empty- handed. In 130 two parties arrived ' at the same time nia4 the sante eviel. had PaCh with Oi.blastr blast- ing pOwder. They blew Up each other's excarations, brinight about landslides. had at least: one pitched battle, and galled away without theareasere. SIlie oes, .Tarioas other attempts. have been made to recover the lost boards ; but still the treasure eentaini t • •, • lalaber indicaie.i" the tern :eiveitmea --That the only difference between-. t t • on the table before him. ' . • !You and the big success is Inc chance .. - Indian- stunmer i • .. , (... 4. , , i‘ii:katt blue.the::distaut bilis before. t reio*Iy. • "'This". 'letter .ralatessed to. • - a:Yon eau fool your, titian bo w L i Yellow the ;tarred lands behind- " i Ina:de. trtheate tte,aseetilfis veeet theeleatehcraa1.°:; -'.• •-• ,.....'"•-.4.,'--7.----,ffing,i,-"-'"----1,-0,,,- - - - -,,,--shymr,-- "Ateat title letter, 'Evans," be :Mid' you had: • • . ,Mjeaalay latriiival-do , yea happen "hig talk... • • . e...... -...-aa a..., -a-- ,ea -........a , . re - . „ - • . . .,. a. 'knee- anyone' of- that ititme1"' . - . , -.--Yrtfit ,hetng bpapst .ts_goittg tn liurt;',";'hin.'701"isti"e7ler7..;:no-e; 47,;.t..i.„ ,11.4.,, it:nit:00o Irtear ffars'Y l'rti"i),:ieritiromr,,,f:stsa• ,, ik• eiTOcht11:01.D•ogi.2iltelYietort.t.h..,," i f IZTIrTt e -r(4,... le 014faat X 14vierpookand Cisszovi.,. • . alaire....".at esiseriailiti4 ivri I for, ii,J9i.iiairaft Old hearts will beat metre quick- ,IY1,-?1,4, *yes will •alifme with i)iappinas when YOU go home: And what a lay it will be for you, :too, viiiting the scenes of, • • cldldhOod .days ,and , meeting. .• • friends. of other years? • •Make _arrangements now to ipa' Wag this Christmas. on a •liner • of ,the Cunard' or • Anchor:, Doi:Wilson Cknadiait Servite. The volate 'Inn be an i'1471.- As to her Ilpe she lifts the lovely boy. tettabk Piet -lift.; The -9 what abswertag leolts-e ymitatitt. Anil the difficaltieS in the ivey of the • treasure:bantete are always increas- ing •, Every tien- expedition changes the'face cif the, landscape with dyneMite, so .that by now 'even ;the best • authenticated . clue • 'would he ageless,. Indeed. short..0 the invention Of an • infallible gold detector It 'seems that the COOS treasure Is hidden for. all time,: • • • A Mother's Love.. • Her by ...her einlle. how 'soon the stranger 'known; How SOOChy. hie the giad discovery • • shows, ! . ' forcourteotis, ireteratertt• - comfortable appobatmemts and- .d . • • • • 'tit taken eatrY =ember ot *alas*, he Enoch!. n aur a • , it box, A lci whet %%.7. • ,A5 *Lee; the. staff an your' ieen.heine broken 'fiord, Ito game nyeiug.; • Old.' drawass. make yout saramay rc•ci * 'tante, his wishes, sal his griefs are heard. 1 'ry4u can foot other p-eopie trao ..‘ -4fargaret SherwooV and :.rwem#76erft ° „ ,Y0OCUU:gdenlatbilti:I ilusBrhe".the' n Y"r. clu'llies gt•r-:-Year - .• t underwear arai,ileadatir piece. o " 145 maga that you tie longer lieow easilY as you fool yourstiii: ' ' -rcani"-e" styke., • true- aye, te tha rata' eta/ ma* LE:" Ra Ourket-i•Congratulatioas, old 'thatii:' sear"lidddlle, 15.;;.91144tettle, artelzier4"teriatt ct4r.•:a!lif anyotie of that tiairret Don"t be afraid*,, Evet-4-. You may b4 able 'la tta taiitifie, the desire for ° • • • •• - - • . • ,•, - • , ... • • •• • . 11".. :' 1 •'''st''%.• If.,,i,Y" .1*.„1....,.b. ,ii••••ii'ra....14,.11'.t' bright as !.1,.e °I°fIltn, 4,ta!'", e°.r a ii'..!. boyish 'haircut" ,..:. tett, atelPS• :Mike- strong ..i"L*iil .*1 . tel 1.15 a ' Y°4 . °°'''. isv coining tO man such as t'tie most i . • ' " ' l'•a-It°41" 11.31111.6e*.d"21"-1)°-*kt" . "iii.olted'infigitia af prophets end Doete liealtnsi. y FPS., ,°. ves'I ,.•:„. ...14.....54ti*.t,vinI`.,it.lit.4.. 'qtr. Ae. Pa,Y!.. haVenelrer been able t° Citfci0e,! Tliet paokies, ,Tit)f :, food: ,ftotrii.rolii61,1,m0,,,,tre...:tr.r.,..fotf.it,---.--,,,it,-.,0 titi --,it' tirtiaIiti 601jor,t_ttatiy '1--tattic, i , a , ,..,• • . e.v.ertg-- e&rae vieaas ag0---the night ,sn its hinget, and the. light is b4641a. 'ream ' creole -eat 0" , -1.a5. <60. ItteMine went leen k War; 1 tat int :through its efitah; ieseihtlittett are ittigg-itdon,- • SO''' it is . ak: rt4iit to' 'tw. :ed:F,. in .bia oomtbS. gotta*: opeuitig and 'Itatarea nature 13 linaliiegt, . . . ., „.... .,,.. a ,..• , " "4- ii ,__,,,'. ' Ilr, . _ 1"•' . " A ' . 1 t 0 ilk. :ti 61; %it' ,got Intel nenrettation-, torx-ard toWerit theM.-1-tifidi, Waldo,. .1stottriertur. new' it0 rrearrrr.; f eroke et the boat htt*hig 40414.40mi E san , „ . . cr an4 ah -o altnoat fainted --she sitlit she - . ' .,-----•••••,..----,,,,, ._ • • istos pia. 43...i.„14 'had trktids on it. , She isentedl Very, i MiOakel[Pelrhea/ fa' "hros-teha 1 .... "" • , torii# And six* ttai To:uata en her knee his • The ftobirt •Retord Ce., Lioratsd 'Hope for the c.e. A bey or a gmr right tiro'. otter Wen., ea4Y, t But 4itioit • a nobler task eilloitis her , • _tete- 11•1,••• 'little hand, :It • 07aYor - ".• Te.ng,„of Ifiz sita .seis secret . hope for the human race but she -,L tuat • teat - p1asvontssii.t0 ACADtiev • 011101e. • 141... ' nr &ear ^ 17441PWIll 01,11, . ' . • FREE: kale tht dr.gg:rt tbe Dare • • • aietereei lefeete. (teleket,"Be wandetint eyeenv:writ, tea thought rTio "dTe„ 111c itiavieg, murmuring iltaientleaVet to regeet. ' a'atenel Boger,. • t • rabnd Tyie. Itto"n4attteette..--- at HiLfitit. • and r•-;.ssy directions; acttnit'.plietfr_gorods...,! • rsv,109*, ete. Or the hts Ulna - rated- 40144.040t.,;50.fir:Ite1v ilitAMOVit fliffe-P, Dept, -1,17..nd-tyvt- Ontatle. OMAroms !swim • . , • Five•tixtrie ef firitaiter,,fialt litritreit : it 1i:tilt:of eh the 'V.:est (*east. ,