HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-10-28, Page 5rni LIICKNOW serranaL- THURSDAY) DMOBER 2s; 920
.14, 0. U No, Lwitnow zeeti
• the second 'Donley of Oven" Inozah
In thoir ball, at .8 O'Vleekt• c. Willa;
Oarter• ger. Pec, .
. ,
could dal). to steed the lading
nor arr;',..`14,1t in, it. Great difficulty
was experienced in saving adjacent
Chemical engines came
over from Gorife • mid Brlissels and
did 'good, work jr4 preventing • the
fire from ,spreading. The loss to
\Ir. Robertson is seilousfas hewas
4ing heavy St.oek:'
Mr -D.
MacDonald and his fister,
Christem, of• tipIey, SPent 'an: even-
. last, week -at the halite.' of M. W.
Avingh.ain Robb. '.•• '
Obone 74; • :rope 246
ItiOntimontal Works
LOCKNOW :,and: I -N ( II A Mi
aa the largest hand most crettiplete.
steels in the most beautifid designs'
to choose finm, in
Mt.r41c,Scotch, S7e'edi...h.' and C
• ; ad:an Granites
• We make a specialty of Femily
MOnuments and invi.e you': insp e, •
luScriptions • Neatly, Carefully. nazi
. Promptly Done.
See alf bele!! placing YOur order.
• .
Douglas .Bros. '•• •R. A. Spotty!'
Lucknow, Ont,
• The 'store aed residence of William
Robertson in the Village o
eter, were completely destroyed:/ by
• fire on nide"; ,evening of last week.
Reberteon and • family had left
Miss "Miele Roaelt‘is spending
few .dava• at Mr.* Mr. C. Strathdee"4„..
MacDonald •and. babe. 0'
•)0ty.cit, Mr;" and Mre. Ceorg. r
jfl of,Tecswater,.. eiSited at „Mr.; D.
4orrieon's the' first of theweek.
practieally all the people' '�f the
Fourth and $bttli 'Wok in the 'Street
tnece last Wedneeclay; night. • ...
• Mr. and' ?ars... MacDonald, .ef
Windsor., 4 -ere visitors the • Feuett
Iast week.
• We are sorry to report this week
the death Of little 'Wilfred Stiar,
5.,n, son of Mr. ana Stim-
Ion,. Fourth Con., ;Which tea place
in the•Jieseital °011ie, • where- he
had been for the past few mtinthe.
'Mr. arid Mrs, ,Wm ,McGill Spent: 6
day last 'week with relatives On the
Mr; Duncan MaeConeell was -badly
...hurt; when the car which he was
driving, upset;' dislocating .his should-
er and 'having his heed badly cut
with ,glass.
An enjoyahle eveniee was spent at
the Club House, Tuesday last,. it be-
n• the opening,. after having all
••newly .deeoreted., • • •
• The South Kinlosa thoir spent. r
' pleasant evening. at:the home of Mr
and Mrs. D. AlacDoriald;' pecond Con.,
and 'presented • their. 'daughter, Mrs'
• A laege 'crowd attended' the. sale
at Mr.' Ches. Strathdee%, on Wed-,
neaday: •'
Mr... and. Mrs. IL Ferrier .and fane,
ry.• of Bervie, Spent •Sundrty. at R.
store and dwelling,. about on hour
befOre the fire , was discovered. by
,children, ,who Were playing about.
this time the 'fire had rnade such
headiey and the heat was so great
end thtsimike so dense that nothing
'PT •0144.14n,8•141?1141*11.1' W4S.A
SQlf • • -
Wlign ..;',, nil i.n-61.1...2,004 bring bac
'ta; my mind
The ,scenes a my childhood on Frin%
, green Isle. •
Par free to, POPteSS my heart 'heaves
a sigh ' . •r 1 itamily. of Lucknow, wete guests Of
For a glinfPs.e. of obt Itelajid when I iffFred Ritchie on Sunday last.
was a bcyt in. lit!. l' :lot • her:green Mrs. David Andersen; who. NIP
It, was early
beeviSitine her son and Oaogbte;
shore •_. • 9t Mafeking. for the atut‘er, has 're-
Well' i remember the hreek *et '41//ted: to Mrs- Isaac Andrew's . to;
floped by tier deer- ' ...,• the winter...,
I have played: with the. hgbblesa•-,7 A:' Halloween. leeirererade noels!
d. oireland when .• I .
theyypasSed me hY)). • ' -t7i11be °given in Zion. Orange Ball or,.
, •
In my home iii.Monday NovNoy. 1.st, by ,thelorinog, Peo
was a boy. •. . . ,ite's Society of ,Zion. ' All are.... CO
'Bi4 the bubbles °my' v!ris"beg‘.$ tbc .."iiallY•inVited to attend.:
• 0141 of "Y hand - ' . • ' ' Cleirch . service . licat StindeY. at
Like...the house that as bUilb.' •fin Zion at 1040, when our pastor', Mr
the sh.ik:ngs sand, : . ' ..." Brown" will 'wench. Sunday school el'
But, there's pleasures that's laatiP2: 2.„30. p•.m. • • ''. • , ,
' ,that tirr.' e can: neer; destral,. ' • Hi. and .irn., ;Earnest Gardner. •
T'v u, tSl'a, 04 Me ja °1.d 1"1411d wherCecil and Jim visited friends at St
I was a b93,.. •,. .,... . „ Augustine on Sunday. „ - '
:'d like te 213 .bac.,k,`;. in • "00 ..• e4 .•4- : The. Lanes Heef, Ring Meeting', wilt
SPrilie", 1 ..... • . . .. . be held at the home of Thos. Ferga-
.Whea thd een' leaves. b•nd and: tlic . son Lanes on'Friday evening next.
merry birds sing ' .. :Kits Jessie Andrew ,entertairiee
I'd play the old gamest;il,dwit.hireianili:,
I. /had played with in .Childisli toys" • ••••• , . vthvienpi:egMlbaesrti, of th.e. . Juni, o. r Institut<
to a Hallowe'en Party on Tuesoilkt
•• when r Was A bay, . ', .. . on Thursday afternoon last ths
I'd climb oVer thehedges and -aye:
, Lucknow W.M.S. visited the Ash
;the ..fields I'd roam, field Auxiliary in Zion \ Church. The
I'd pincis the wild daisies in my , ale.- Lucknow Ladies provided the Pre-
, ,..
native home, • • • gram; Mrs. MacCallum ., Presided,
I'd ' seek mY bid dhums that 1 Path Mrs. J. Came- roe -read the ` Seriptiirt•
*good-bye , .' '' Leison. Mrs: . Burns and Mrs. Rath
When' I. left old Ireland when I war Well led In Plane. •: Mrs. R .Thomp:.
But perhaps theyare gene: to th, c •
. e* :(li
irgyarldras . reading.
:JSl000ynts were
• mansions on high - ' • ' ' 2
' . Geetriide Treleaven: Mrs. Craw gav,
I hope to meet them" again in th( , •
, .. 'Heralds Mrs. 0. Johnston and. Mys.
".,Where there's treatures. that% lett ! : .• •
Campbell, responded. Refresnment
ing and' for sweet emploY
Than 'vas found in old Ireland wher were. served by the Ashfield Ladies
. . •
, I: was a boy... ' • --41-O-0--.
I'd like to go•back o'er the deep blut, •
.e .1
Mk. Rkhard Gardnee mis ?fore
;Ito 14i:a catt....e,
XT. and .Mrs. Geo. Saenderh and
'UMW were visiters at Mr. James
••• Itchi:.'s on Thaisday
•' Mr: and MM., 44$., Ittehie and
an interesting talk on Africa. The
sweet' bye and bye, •
Nailed inlarge hear& direct tO
• :right over damage* walla or faded wallpaper. .
Easily, quickly' applied, without Muss, ,:at
. •
cost. •
• GYproe w111. nog.. burn, cold and
sound resisting.: Makes' a .cOttiouous.:wafl
Of rock that: is .very lig14,14 :voieht. Prop:
in and We Will gladly aplairt typroe's ex,Cepts.•
For Sale_by Wm. Murdie &
Wber.e said :alY .first,•prayer at ...n*
old, mother's knee,,- •
Although it Was •Simple it: brings
' -freshtioY. •
T4se.prayers- in old. Ireland- when 7
When temptatione .sitsailed ine-
„moet to despair, ' •1„ -
I remember those legsoes 'and MY
Mother's prayer, • •
_They •:ome back to me •the• wat-
ers tliro'. the years that have it,one
Thd prayers in otd Ireland wher
aIsa boy. • • " . •
My old father, he tarEht rye as well
,To Shim the broad road •that leads -
down ,to hell, • .'• • '
Tbe lamp that still butns to blighter
;111AFEKING • •
ere o:nd There
tra44 of Canada.. during
April, ..226, InnOunted to $127,268e •
121, am against ;119,014,028,In the
• same month _butt year and $109.054.-
• 00 in APrilill9f4.- Of the total 410-
801,259 was for Imports and .1160,-
106,2,62 foir enter.*
. - •
` Xnunigratiou figures for the filet"
Wee Months of the ewe*, year
sho* 0,11i. ineresse 0 103 .Per eent-
over ,. similar •.nericul for last", Year.
' Total: number of immigrants. enter-
ing eouetrY *Ss 21,949. fur .1920,' Sig
against 10,792 tor 1925! '
. . , .
Production of nfennfactnred non,
Metallic Mineral productis in Canada
in 10.25' reached:. a ,kralue.,of *115,587,-
36, an increase of•silmoet 46 Million
dollars. over ,1924 and the. higitest .
'Once I90 for this group of indes-
trim'. , operating plants in these'
industri ie 1925 represent in in:••
' vested 'eepital, of 159 *libel dollars,
,. Itemaikable expansion - Of the'
cream export- industry of the proy, •
ince of Quebec is diseloaed by ,fig.:
'urea of the Deminion Express Com..
PanY furnished recently. In May
three to tone carloads„ or about 614,-
46-0 pounds of cream, were:going
every week 'while in ;mean aver-
age , of a carload a .day, 153.600
pounds, was predicted.'
Tomsitoe.s. weighing over .22,600
pounds travelled 'across „Canada by
Dominion Express recently, collet!.
• tuting 'the:large-et load of hot -house'
tomatoes ever shipped' ont �fBritish
Calumbia.; 'Handled in a. Single ex
Wean' car, the shipmentwas the pro,
• duct "o'f the Victoria HettlIonse As-
• sociation, which representa' the nise.
jority of the ttlinato growers on
Vineouver Island: • :
In Rolls. 'Tale Surfaced.
Light Weight - - 35
FINE sountry
.eayy :Weight 55.14s.
Extra HeavyWeight..65'lbs.
Ihillifordi‘alingtatbollett Brantford, ()mark,
Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service
•on 'Brantford Roofing rendered by •
William Murdie & SOU • Lucknow,
id the sale held at Mr: George Hen.
••y' of Crewe, on. Monday and •
dort a' good sate: '
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin •Itayeard of
Paramonnt spent Monday "last at
:ho home ..,of Mr. and •Mrs.. Walter
• klten. • ' • •' • :
, • , , •
• Mr. and Mrs. Percy drahnal and,
;atwitter Blineheil of Shippaidton,
.trid, Mr. and Mrs.' Samuel Morrison
• • • .
trid . family a Whitechurgh; visited
Vith Mt. and- Mrs. Daniel Alton .on
• 3unday.'
Ithe feriner's allele, L.' MacIver,...,
Vistes Mary MacLeod and Sarab
MacIver spent Sunday at their. re.,
spective hoines Flawerdale.
Mrs.' D. S. MacDonald arid daugh-
ter, Miss' Aida., were Flowerdele vis -
kora on. Thue4day :evening.
Flowerdale.•was wells, reprelented'
at the Big Time in Lucknow, Wed11
nesday evening of last week
• The Young ,People .are getting'
ready for, Saturday night Wath
out for ghosts and -tick -tacks.
, .
Was lit in old Ireland' when .1, was r,
• bay:. '
• ..tik•
hcn the scenes of earth have pass-
• edjrom my view; •
And .1 Jurve said, geed -bye.. to ery.
.1 / friend se true,.
• I Wipe to erect you IP the: mansions
With my; chums . in oldIreland when
. •
I was a boy. -F. Graham. In The
Kincardine Review-RePorter. •
—I, •
. Sometimes .-Yon, burn your fingees.
}leaning coals of fire upon' an, enemy's
• There.are milhionsstill who ean-
• not dance, but few Of them iealizerit:
• . .
nored by
ot4Wllhiflgdon•Canades-. iiest_Otriernor-Generat,
was hot:toted by m'cqiiv University in Montreal
tiltentlyelrhen the honorary'degree of Lt,.D., was con-
• ferred upon Hit, Eitelleney at the McGifl•University,
Convocation. Ilia Lordship, -paid his ,firat Official
isit]to.iliontreal When he arrived for the cerenniey.
ten October tith, , He was metat the. Windsor Street
• Ifitation by E. W. Beatty, Prelident of.. the Canadian
• Paelfic Railway and Chancellor, Of McGill University,
• . iind" Sir Arthur gurrie, Vice-Chatketlot Of the 'UM.
• ,Wareity. • •
n' -trot& lined „the shertlentit, of the procession
&oar the Iiiii*traity-Ciiiiiptit,iirid the street bordering
titi ,ThsivereitY *Ountla." The vivid 'cOlorl Of the 'fa
.Rdademie owns Were teen, his. .Lordehim-ttaill
, Jai" oh*, In scarlet and *bite robes, and bbtelt 'vet.
OP of the LL.D. The honorary items *at ebri-
.eirromi lir the Chancellor.' Lotd Oast
joirvitee to 'Indioapd to the Ellett. *ere aited. by
Lit �i$*Perril 7414 tin tnnil IS, 'grunt Itli
.celiencY_ for_the _degree a Doctor' of Laets, When.%
the degree was beetorietithe,eritire assernb1e t��dT-
While His Lordship signed the, hoek of honor. In
beief Speech he sant "I rise -for one moment only.ns:
visitor to this University, and by that office, as 1" -
understand.itv the rePresenta.tive of our bettered Sew= •
ereign King George, o exerest to you; as Chancellor
of this, university, my sincere appreciation of this '
high honor. that you have done me today in giving
me the honorary degree of LL.D." _. •
The Univeesity was continued the Governor-Cren•
eral,' t.sking .huit Saudi on trust, as the Y knew very
little about hint „beyond hearsay! "I ett only/say :
here Ind now that I aincerely himthet the futUria
years May she* that I am worthy of the trust YMI
have Om MO this afternoon. •
The phOtogritph shawl's from left to riglit, Ikird
Willfrigdoli, E.M. Beatty, Chancellor of the UnietnaltY,
Monsignor A.11. .1,Tietteo Alecto of the Unitereitg
of Illonteesi sad Sir Arthur Currie; VI,Ce.Roliteelleri
inn 4 49*110e • • P.
Quite' a; riiiinher •:froni here. attencV•
id the Anniversary :Services .at Dun
geniron,r Syinitsty.
; ..Mi -s Beryl Johnston was .• hoiiit
frontFOrdWieh Over the ,Week;erat:.
• Mr. *id ,Mrs.' J. C. Stonier* anis
POI; :and. •Mra.• Finlay ..Shaeldetini 04
sPentthe week -end at thei• r.
iesPe.tive homes • here'.. • :
. . •
. D.:''Andetion; • Who has beer.
visitng relatives.- here' for some
• weeks; returned. to Mr. Isaac . An-
drew's, ,Thursday. .
Peoplee., Society. ar(
Masquerade Social: in thr
--ChurchHaU, FridaY. evening.: • _Attei.
theregrani there. will he liallOvveler
genies,' • and; lunch iid be ;.• served
• Everebtody •,•
• •
IHere and There
- Portage La Prairie, Manitaha.--;
Ten '.,carleads .of 1 flour., have been:,
• 'shipped, to; Salonika, Greece. :The
'flour is made, froni; Manitoba Num-
ber 1 Bard *heat . and labeled as
: by the milling interests to tepreient
the opeeing Up: of a new, valuable
#ade.channet. ••
Sastrattaoh. -•-• The ; colonization
bOards of the province, operated'
under the C:P.R. Departinene
Colonization, are 'doing, a. splendid
work in colonizing' the peetrince.•
along right lilies, according to
.Mayor. Potter, of Saskatoon, and
'other speakers at the secondainnini
meeting Of representatives of:these
While the gyrisy•hasbeen a fam-
Mar., figure_likliction for at least
century, the novelist • has nseally
• 'taken. foe his' characters the . wild
Romany types. But there is a 'mod, '
ern type who has adopted himself to
city life. It is this type that John,
Murray Gibbon, 'Dean Ot 'Publicity
of the C.P.R. , has .chosen . for the
leading character in his nei'llovel,
"Eyes of a Gypsy." •
• Toronto: The Ontario Gtiverii.
inent is spending11,000,000 during
the. present fiscal year to Make
hydeo4lectri, c,Power sivailable•tO the.
, farmers of/ the provinee. This fol-
lows Ake pier' begun by ;the EiturY
government, of paying one,half
:cost of primary Hee construction, -
and later extended by. the Ferguson
Government t� secondary line work
as well. '
will • take up their. -
• studies of Canadian farming at thui
Agrleultural College M Olds,: Al.
• berta, 'soon., Seven of these pros.
pective Canadian farmers arrived/hi
Canada .on the 'Canadian Peeifie
liner "Mentcaten" recently, being
brought, out under the lIosidley
inigratitin scheme, via& j being
Carried' outconjOrictioitWith the
Entpire Sattleinent *ord.
• . •
.E. Chia
President- of the . Canadian Pacific.
Reilismy, left . recently' for England
and. the ctintinent, for n'trip which
Is to last teveral wee.lis. Mr. Beatty,
•accenipsinied by 'R.: Maehmes,
plete arrangements foret.he blinding
of .the .pompany's • two new, ocean
liners for/ the Atlantic route while
In England.
mifitti 'after niiihdglit of
. .
May tlit, 104 Mites. of the LYdon-
vifle stdirdivieitin. Of the Beaton and
'Maine Railwaywas taken over on
'lease by the Canadian Pacific Rail.;•
way. Close to the international/bor-
der, and !cumin- ithrough Veriliont,
'the railWaY 'line wilitap rich con-
sul/44 .,ois Producing seetiOus__
Conneeticut. Maesachuietts; . 'New
Hampshire and Vermont' •
, •
,Rockballiisting of.iniles of.:
Ahadde track of:tbeCaadiPs-
cific RenwilY iines lietween.:'Brock-: •
fort and Montreal West) On theenain
• liho to St. JahnS, gew-:,. and $hee'':
...brOolce,•_shindd becoip1ted by. Sep,
leinber, eeffect ef the rock win
be to strengthen
Mite -duet and ensure smoothness Of
. travel..." C.P.R. tracka ietweien Que- •
bee Oct Ottawa, azid Montreal and
Toronto 'have already been *kW-.
,11114.04., calltiCia. •
.stly A lifia nttinbi* 114r4 .4040*
. . .
The Thina.-Canacht Liinited C.P.R.
till,eteel flyer'. front.. :Montreal US.'
VaecouverresuMed her yearly auM-
. •
.mer season trips on Mey. 16 when ,
,slie Pulled out :of 'Windsor Station,
Montreal; filled to capacity, the ten,
compertinents;-three'draWing Tams .
and all eleePhig berths haring ,been
:booked seine days ,por tsi.sitarth*
The trans-Cmisidst-:Limited 18..0247::
•.1cingest-dietanie all -sleeper than .
operated. 'on • the North American
. •
continent. "
Charles A S.: McPherson, assistant
Pea/finger traffic manager. 'Western
Lines, Canadian Pacific RailWaY, re.
:catty celehrited the 60th Miniver*.
.strY..• of:' his entninee I, into ridlWay
•cireles. //e. started in , the ticket
s •
Office of the Grand TrittilvitailwaY
at Toronto, at junior eleek.:,Complett.
Ing 40: it'll' a., genies with the
zir. McPherson haa served is
• Toronto, Niagara rails, Nes*. 'York
%Montreal, .Boston. Salnt John, N.B., ,
1 1
weit Saturday night.
ng• With her grandparents, Mr. and Toronto, was .1 great Tess to'niusient
Mr. Walter Lott and Nettie spentcolfuesttille.°n ef,/,‘,12.4 sneFess" " PriaciP1
the week-eml• with, relanyes ' at RiP- • --nto Conservatory of
ley. •1 • • .
spent the past 'week at her homePuintenent of pr
Miss Annie Fennedy • of London '''mteettreatt. isin.mmaduesi.cithril eirwleeis;, oAfiltnhoennaepe:. '
' .:Ernest C. MxteMill-
here. ,
. • .. 'rhe death of Dr. A. S. •Vog,t, of
Miss Jean Reid of . Paris, is visit! • • , _
Ars. Alex. Reid. leadership in the Province, and the
an, who IS recognizifl 'as one af, the
(Intended. For Last Week) '
Hee.' Barre 'I'ichborne of Goderich: finest of Canadian 'musician's and
.a flew day's st.t .t.he .hoine, cwaolniP,Igne,Girs-composers.
1 • . • .41 ,
was 01 her Parente' Mr. and
Mrs. 0. K4111- fEeu:fiPeve; whereaid.a,..baheitwas.learsii prisoner at
berMtria;:re.mesPattersPetteonr; onMesapsesni: : thAl. hEzeithoasn Mbeeemnor,:aml member
0;:iTtinftaseu, 177- .
We are sorry to ,report that Mr: :
,week -end• with. frivieniyds. illinwDreith Dresden tiring 0:i.evithneg at30 Conservatoryaprr i. last 0, fo Julyfmur: ti 0L Latterly
David Farrier is
.A very successful Sectional Pres.
monia... - .. • ' • thee of Dr. Vogt's death he was re-..
pa 0 his
byterial as 'held. last Thursday in eodutiesu:co.:' , riih7ofaPelsi;einciti:lenintneirsovit .ant;....
the' PreihYterion Church. here. .A1.:
though the steadier • ixasn't bright :many readers of The 'Signal !torn the
good ,atteirdance.. ge...faq that .,1;4% iliackiPen's ',father
there we .:
presentatives being 'pre.ient from Rev. Alex- MacMillan, wasat one
Teeswater, Belmore, "Eadie's, time pas
Blue- t.or of Auburn and Smith's
Belgrave, Wingham and Hill Presbyterian congregations, and
hangs.ide• *Excellent -reports were the career of the Toting min has -
• gieen from each church. Mrs. Dill- heeniwatehed witti- interest here.
of Toronto gave a very interesting
address... At -the close of the meet-
• • i
ng Pinch was ,served and a social
time spent. .____. •• '--lr" 7,.it.) he
. . e, wordlwhdeee;nst°'::y!3°.or'ir,':yjh: oUat w.rhvESi have
iso: :1 iolFr s ei ars°ysTec1G. ?fortithemSesthis . : ilkindr.
'MacPherson end:. Becking Reception . What matters 'hisihnilstas...go:ctiaoodren,:.0,:urhackinteinisieasa„thi:e .
'. . WES-4)TF0-4"—RD NEWS-.
A number from here attended the . with. you?; • • , ,
on 'Wednesday e‘-en'aig, last, . and ters kis' dress
.13.1'intrt.', aJa.imereys.:teValaebrale. ueron ihnasg. :been i'Dpiidd. ii°0s4ndliswitresshtenj - ' . . .. -
trhen,ier he thinks . of you
'spending theNSummer with Mr. 'Wrm-
'Smythe has.retUrned to his home,. in
'Guelph, for the winter,
• Mr. ‘and Mrs; Chas. Gillespie' spent
,the Week -end a the' hone 'Of the
former's parents in Whitechurch.
Mr.' • and Mrs: Herb. Carter Who
. have been . in the West for the mit
..two montha have returned home and
• are .at present Visiting it ."•the home
of the latter's :parents here.
, Mrs., Peter Murray has returned
home .from Chicago, aeconipanied :by
theatthrcoittyh.er Mr...I0se_pli'Dono.van, Of
• h
•' 4is3 Dorothy Haldeziby is 'Visiting
with Miss LexY Sell.
• Mrs. Margaret Dudley, of Lucknow
eialted the part two weeks 'with
friend's and relatives .1 arund
lough and 'It"estford.
Me, Philip azid• Mise Muir, Gaunt,
of the. South Lime. potit Shiday at
the home of: Mis6 Dorothy 'Murray;
A, wagon load of young people went
Mr6 Wniuek tighain for a stono-boat ride Ire the coupe on
leet, arid- -of-L-totiree
Mrs':.' Waiter I.iltest , had- it. gOtia • time*
- Mr- and Mita. Roy Alton and font, 0-'6—
ity 'Visited With -Mr., and Mrs. Cho&• PLOWEROALE-
'• • .
/ AIWA Dungarinen on Sunday.:
' Mr. Charles Sherwtiod of Detrnit, Mi. Kenneth Finlayson and:faultily
,is spending few days. Under the have :Moved to their farm, on the:
parental reof, • 2nd- Con. and Will remain there until
Mr, and Mra. Elmer Alton Wild the threshing and tail plowing are
finnily were -Sunday' **visitort !With I done:
Mr -and; Mrs.' W. T. htatDonald
spent �
t lt as,D.lten
t ThnaridlYaied:e2nOin4g: clot
Uri "Torn MaeDonalas 04 wife and
little ditighter' of Windior, Spent
INA rkithit Gflttg itt *ipso at
.Mr. Diteid Alton, near Lueltribifi
Sfr. and Mrs. .Leslie Ritchie' of
Zion, enent one day recently at the'
home et .e.nd Mrs, Samuti`ger.•
What jfhe'asn't a man of
31:: ni
a •, •
• What, if. he wasn't Well-bred or re-
d yeotigree'fott hbieinin.gou, unkind?tday;at
your gate.
Did„ you aid to lie courage or sato
bit hate ?
He thinks the Arorld ' selfish, be-. says ,
Ise Ii.to ctohlad.
tmen son.:e only .i.doio
now that,he'ti seen you and.
• stopped at Your door,
Has 'he gone on his • way still' dis.
gruntled .and sore? •
Can he back his qAder notions, of all
that men do,
• By citing you''y meanness and, point.
ing at you? •
• Yinoaunr 4Pnride7; '
71)leti-4:i'Sall,d'ina 4" "
Don't add to the buidena ,.or those
• that are tried.
xietiseotigeftio nailiricrotl,we,:iwthohe:trot:totui:hroatrpt:diert;,81;e:oin.rtittc.inou:::te.t:t
Beg Wpm Olt 111141111.400.10 $0,41r.4.7_
; cause You pre Emmet. ••
you do