HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-10-28, Page 4e Ting pmstie.ig: smsnNipr... ..1TnI5iip,ttyt ocrcimit.se, 132* " t7 U ,1 11 d A o' CO, ,.'^'4rPrea411010 _ at* Taaiggs. Ovain, load cieetinSeilio Traikbg & 'EMIL CO:$-.-WOMIII., Velteell!, Gites. 4-rvist " Rio:EvOngs-41:ooteri.a.4 $titI waviAlOo1xion39* aid.witinmuswe WM.* _9 Al...GANS AND riliONOGRAPHSz-See us , and tato Tamen Mims raise* When' you wart sosaelking Me- lolltrumeatai_ • TIIELiTagNOW NJNL REW'S, LUCKNOWb Published eirenr• Thurisdayitornlint‘s - 4 Litoknow„ Ontario. TX Wolgenzie. Proprietor ' : and Editor ' °tie No. 10 is at Your Servicel We Sell for Cas16--Wo Sell Cheaper Thu -The Credit Store Thit. Is, Tlie • Got* ;Hag:, With Oien' . Some of its spec- ial features are:1 Square -Fire Bose- 6rst. jr„.`r.Liahrga for WOod. Has a full , 2U -Inch Ovea that will take .4e-u4ncii Pie , Plates a- • bove .a14 ..below; • •Will :take .a 2:44nelt Seel' On :the Oat - It is the •finest Strive of its kind .en •• the soliftret7:. We htAe•. --3sO.W.AMar- --ofe-larses•Tt entY."-ase'a this style and they have. ghee 'Perreit.,„salisfactiott • • , COME AND stge THE, JEWEL It011ffifirWARIt'=.; IT 'HEATS "CIRCULATION INSTEAD: OF; RADIATION: IT IS . HANDSOME:: HEATER AND WILL TAKE 'CARE OF UP' TO • FIVE THOUSAND CUBIC' FEET , a-- . THREE .E041,11111S,' EfiliALIK/NG TUE TEM P.10,,It A WU 'THRE ROUGHOUT.. zittiliSDiAlt, °MIME 28; 1926 FERGUSON'S PLUNGE ' The election campaign now under laai in. Ontario is bound to be one of intens` interest and mapY complica- tions. Quite'„eVidentrY will not. be a straight party -fight ,between Parties or *three. The battle wi for and against the Ontario Temper- ance Act -greatly eonfused nd com- . -Plieated by party consideration. AlthOugh, the -party leaders have already, definitely, taken sides -Fer- guson, the. Conservative, „against the Act, and Sinclair,. Liberal and Raney, Progressive, as definiteli,for the Act thaedoes not 'Meafl. that the parties are with the leaders. There are Wet Conservatives and dry'Conservativesi there are wet Liberals and dry Lib- erals, and the same may, be said of Mr. Raney's following of Progress - tNelp the sale of "intitidiants The Catarrh) Temperance Act the 0 -T -A.) aimed clot(' up :the 14tr rOOMS and the nem,* stems- Per - chase Was peraiitted 041, Medical" Pre- s'Iriittion at drug StOteg and at the! Provbrial . dispensaries, which are' just goVethilient-cOndoe..re.d •Iitt u03 - stores. ..••• ' , .• The, Point is thaelmfbee the Ontar- jo Act% came. into 'force there was elaborate regulation bY law Of thefieuor tvailici and that the ,O.T.A, was but ,a -',further measure or rtestri-tiona drastic Meas -fire• to bc Sure, and calculated to ate0 the Ps( of intoidcationg 'lacier as a beverage •• Ev.erYhedY knows that the0.T.A. has not been well enforced; ljut, also. Ferguson must have some nuagiv- hags, as to the outcome of his "plunge." the breakaway Of W- "F-. Nickle is a serious blow to Ferguson's prosPects. of all the men in the Con- serrative Party'fit Ontario, Mr. Nick - le commands the greatest measure of respect and , confidence. His refusal to foliow the premier with his wet policy will make it easier for the rank and file to refuse also Mr. Nick - le has .not, brokeicwith his party al; though he has broken witkids lead- er; mid „voters can 'do the same - Straight Conservative. party' news- etrerybody- Who remembers conditioni under the license .sYstefillmews that. taw was violated a1mQt every :day" 'of tire year, hrzluding Siindayil, in° al- mOat every licensed bar room in the province. , (We hive used • that, Word almost" adeisedlY becausethert teere a feW Men in the business wht „•arefelly obaervedthe law. The argument that :the Ontaric 2, Temperance Act might to be ,abidish ed, and seniething lessrestrictive, substituted, because it is not enforc- ed is without sense: .The law , is en-, torced in great Measure, though -hi, i� imeani perfectly, aad, that is that could be said of The license law which preceded it.; . In view of the present attack :Upon the 9.T.A., the question which even• voter qetteerned with the, welfare of the community should 'DA kiniself om iterse.f is: Are conditions as to drun- kennesi better or, worse hew that they ..were under the license system': If by "better conditions"' we meat less drunkenness, nobody will , seri: )usly contend' that cor,iditions, are not better now. Folk .who '.never. knew conditions ander license, or who have Pk AN F2$EN TAAL FOR' nEsT IMSU- 41, The. Coat la lime Than DePald-The If.esslaw Fly In Ontario -0- A. 0- , lel -Whiter Wheat -Growing Ilubam Sweet 'Com With Ontig ' (Contributed by 'Oatarlo DeSertlneor 01- .4aticultur,e, Toronto.) , Thedepartamitof elteiniatrYi AgricaltuirarCollege, daring the at year 'carried on eperhaents. In • '-gh.t. -Conutlea to ShOW the effect Of . ands Phosphates on fall wheat ' Jeded WWI OlOrer,„ • 'luIihIte- Esse 'tie' for'Fait Wheat. n eat. ' From Observation during the grail- ., ng season and .` irom. Yields ; the '0,11ewlitg points' are !toted: " Phosphates gave an Increased in every ,gaae,,averaging 410 . ter. gent; ' • ' (2): The catch of clover Was woa- lerfully improvecithYthe phosphates.. , (3) Size and quail* of. grain was ncreased:: at wefl as yield, by lliosphates. ' . (4) The coat of 400 pounds of 1,014 phosphate per acre was more han covered, leaving a substantial profit in every' case, . (t) It Is estimated that approxi- mately half of the phosphate remains "Ta ;the soil for Succeeding crops. , (6). Liming ir akes 'little difference to the growth and yield' of fall wheat. Its effect Will undoubtedly be • seen on the Stand Of clover the tellaWing Farmers are well Advised to eon,* , 441,1' phosphate .(superphosphate) to heir fall Wheat at from two hundred ' toor hundred pounds Per acre. pers such as .the Mail and Empire andth PreSS744.%tetilw - • time in lining up with the Ferguson eientent- The YN are doing their ,best for his • wet pohcy. The ,•Globe ;and The Toronto DaillY Star Ire vig- 9r0usilr'effesing. In tendering ..his resignation Mr _Nickle said that he Still via,faitt n the Ontario ;Temeranee Act,. an that .he believed that if .supportedb3.' a sympathetic` government it woult stmolily 'Make for better -conditions Prenaier Ferguson says that the Act is tinenforceabie .sind for that 'rase should, be abandoned. In Mr, Nicl4e's statement there is the iMplicatior that. a 'serious effort to enforce thf Act was not Made: Nothing is morc, evident than .that throughout the past year there has :been a slackening ir this .respect, and it is net too much .o suspect that this was done ;with ;the ehietta bringing the law jute disrepute • in order .that it might be Theelection will be a great test or- Partlr spirit. The. premier's wet pro- posal /eaves the impression that .the 'Conservative , Party is . opposed tc roiibtion, while the stand taken Mr. sindair Suggests thathe'Lkber- ..Party. is the "dry' party. Yet it'was, 'FRONT II Heating, Plumbing and Electric' Lime; Hairdwall Plaster,Gyproc WailliwArd • EDDING BELItS 'paramount, are Pleased to know that IN • • she has so far recovered as to be able to return to her keno °Sher . Mr; had Mrs- Doil and babe, of De- 'ilie ho of Mr and Mrs, James .* - - guests •of mr and min. „ Fisher., ono con. Irmloss,• • was ',.the".w, F. McGill during•the past week., scene of a • very pretty wedding on t ; „ ., -O-G-�--- •,Ott 23'rd, 'when their t. . ' • ST:.' . HELENS • jted in marriage' to lir- E" Albert ' Messrs. Jas. Donau and.' . Elwood , ---yeaangest-dainghteiron,--W:a " •• • EeYnolds; of Ttrreatcri sg'• .111 '4ml.. Barbour are in *Goderich this Week. MM. W. IL Resinolds, f Gude& Grand Ilia, given aunty by her er -was intothig. of the Share -holders of. • tinattended; and looked chmining ; the ComuninitY will he held on a Xof georgette wit.:" Thursday 'evening of' this week .ist bouffant Wirt. trinimed "With taffeta .„„,„ , mlabon of lighter htier. and 'carried a At attendance-ts,•-reenestee- %hotter &Menet of OPhelia /bees and 'Miss • jOhnSteri of. Bluevalei • and ' Wes of the 'an_ Af_ter the. eere-. Nat Scott lgelgrave, Were Visit- , monY a dainty buffet luncrtelos was MS at Mr. John Webster'S, over the. 'served, folthwing Which the brkiwand. week . : . • " •. groom left for Windsor. and Detroit' beri it • the tkitle., oy • the bride travelling in dress of sun- , e mem , . - Set charne/ainei Prtme Purple needle- Chord; .expect to entertair, Point mai trim:ma -with '91atinner the Yorini .p,epPlers Society of the Wog; with hat to match:On their re' . Whitechurch 'tailed Church kri, turn Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds re- . • • . Fr - side in them new home at $90 Manor Road, Toronto. ' • 3. A. lantes.' officiated. Thebrotde seFoing' tor the G. Jury. . 1 I. • ' ,ASHEIELD 1V01ES and Mrs., Jas.. Martini and their SO n Harold, of Yade,:llie.h„, motored up arid visited for a couple ofdays 'With gri:Tgarthes niece, Mri.. bra MacKenzie of Laurier. ' The Weateres Irtstttite of Kintail PurPoite holding a masquerade . big • at Kiniail on: Friday night, the 29th. mSt Prizes wqf .he given for the best ` fancy dressed gent ,or lady and •for the best comic' dressed gent M. • Isdi Ar eitiqyaide time is. • Art. Whyte of Holstein, who liar been via:IA:iv' with her &righter , • 'Mrs. Elmer ' Farrish of Courefs; deLy evening. , ' The "envier Meeting of the Wo- ; men's histitute will be held at the home ,of Mrs.. john Miller an Thars-: dar afte.rnoOri; Dilciveirther 4. A. number of Old .friends, and nei- ghloWs attended the. funeral of the late Mrs, George Henry at Crewe, On Sunday. ` ` • 's Mrs. Giiirden visited 'for a few , da;sts wkh Goderich, Tast. .serence of opidori arty country 01 week., - • '77'• conputtititsr Where . the tempergnce t-theYE.teallwevetaik k t., The Heiman Fly In Ontario.* • In each of the •past hair years the ziesslin fly has been 'working more ir leis in the winter wheat crops of . Ontario, In the Field Husbandry Departnient at the Ontario Agnelli- • :Aura( College the ravages of thispest have been studied in each of 'forts,. 'varieties ef winter wheat. The esti- .. Meted iverago-pereimtag t about the lot ".----drinIcing that is he-'00*1 big done now arid of .the 'thanks thei see, but that ,is because. drunks, are rare. Before prohibition a 'dminker p&onwas. no ,euriousitY, -Aisuming .(as "wets" as well t'as 'drys" do a.sstirneythat LiVrs retrict- ih0UOtfIiC ae314e.3!Mir."- "and that thtemPetranee is an evil; nraY ,not 'reasonably contend that these regulaticais are best ' which removes -templatien from those inclined to in- the, Cen.serVitive Pirtsr that -gave thc province .beth, the .Local Opiien\liv and the OntariOTemPeranee Act- Thr. `the parties' never were solid regard- ing prohibition. In Passing: the Loin" Option law and the O.T.A. the 'Con- serVative government had the heir of the "dry". Liberals and Independ- ents; and if the present:law is to be Maintained it.win,le. done by a cora- binatieri of the dry elements in all three. Parties.- . • TEMPERANCE BY ' WAY OF PRonisrliON - • There arefew people who will • seri- ously contend that intemperance 'ir the us4 of intokleants (drunkennesS), 'is not great ail. That is not the point as tri which there it serious dift-, , temee Perni and Whidl make Y°Arre folk hiss likely to 'acqiire a. taste, for istosammts?' alnlngHessiafl Uy wa-s-÷IVI920; • 26, in`.,1921.. 7 in 1922; and 16 in 1923. The :susceptibility the (St, -ferent varieties' trades considerably. The Imperfal.Aniber, 0.A.C., No. 104,.. „Dawsons Golden - and ..Red Rock were below the average,. and, the Early Bea Clawion, kanreil, told' -Cciln_,Lor_No:L_6;' and, Early Geneee :Giant Were above the average for in- fested Plants In the last four -years, the., percentage being' for the first, and for the last of the above varieties: . " 6. iti."0. lie. lot Wintoe, wheat. WORLD'S FAIR THAT FAILFD Perhaps.' many of our, readers- do :clot know that n world's, fair is beinf-- heal at Philadelphia. We have 'maid little of it except. that it is a failure -a failure'financially and: as to imia- liert -atteading. . • • , however there actually in.a world's 'fair at, Philadelphia' . It Opened about Jane lat and is to run for some time yet, perhaps to the 'Mid of the year. p thilrepresent--the--Fair has--beett_ 6644 Money at the rite of 25 to 4.C' thousand denim, a Week. Onlynibmit four million:people have .atteaded ..-ar which is a king way Short Of the- .-rwerity-five Onion expected and cal- culated upois. ; . • • • ; leiftY years ego a world's fair. !Mika' the is the Centeinal Exhibi- tion was held at Philadelphia' in com- . inetnoration';or th centraI'ansivers- ' ler of the Signing-. Of ;:thAe'DecIsira- tion of Amerilmit IndePendence,an it Was thought fiteng that .50 yean, later another , such tient should .1ii neld. Somehow the.world did not•Wake ari` to it. As compared with the noise, that wan made over World'Fairs at 3hicago and at Bugg& this las beer a very oiiiet and unadvertised affair • Will Irene Woods Was home from qtt„,e3...ten has been rat e - Stratford for the ve.ek7end.. . • awe' ore •few, an3r07 who do not fnetenitart 4ndimre. Dimity 7of recognize that Some measure of legai GuelPh;. we vis` itors with the Mae- regulation of the sale ot intoxieants' Douala' mid 'MacKenides. They' came (the krtor. traffic) is necessary"..It ir up to attend the .fireersd of their generally recognized that the Menu- htather_in..iew„ -31rn monk, it wing.," .fazture and sale af whiskey, beer surd wine Must be.. subjected to -relitrie- 'earners; for some time, returned ta ' Mr. mernney, 5ifssa. iettee Book. tions„ needlest in the case 61, the food her home on Saturday. ' ,. • . - ". -'• -4-4ge ` Ltd ' `44'"' : ineunn. . Teta Vidal; -3fary Diirein "`""" which we htlY at grue el. • ' The' Annual Meetitl .0, Paramount :and Grace Lockhart , attended the --Thet:A4rale fight on temPereeee big- 1T.P.O. will he held Monday evening, „Teelhotno convention et - Godorith -1 ..islittion. has been, and isover the de - ;14 The 0 AC.. No. 104. variety . of 'Tinter wheat originated at, the :Agri- ' Andnotice is further given. :that oft& the said date` the Administra- tor cf .the. said estate will proceed' tr. Alistribate the assets, 94 the said do ceased among the persons , eptitleit. thereto having regard °WY to each viima . of which ,he shad then have had notice, and that the Said Admin - cultural Collem by crossing.the M.cCLARY'S TIMM- rilave you peen it Comhina- tion, Coal and „Wood •Range ; and .Heater C,ombining, • 'then comfort ',ilk cooking • coneniences. Takes a 24" 'stielc of wocd. Cooking sur- face' is large. 'Polished steel, . six" nine inch' Covers; with or without, .copper Aresekvoir., IT -HEATS; IT Of/KM • t Pay us A' calk:and let, us Show this staveit ia worth . your ;while, We ,have in Stock new Cosy Home riple Effect Heater, not only: radiates' heat; hilt circulates heat ' all over the 'house-. shedding a, cheery glow that ape aks of cosiness and COM- • Also a fell range of QuebecHeaters, .lust unloaded a freoh car of 'cement. ,Iihne, Vaster GYPree Board and Bea ver Board on _Hal, , • Phone 66. Hardware Coal POATEOUS Lucknow. Plwnbing •Tinstilithing , , • NOTICE TO CitEDiTORS _ , NOTICE is herebygiven thatall ons ham any claims or de. Ma er es McLean, late of the .Townshijpui - Sinless. in the County of Bruce, whc died:on or about. the Thirteenth day Of September •A.D..1926, are required to send by post ,prepaid or deliver their claimsto the undersigned on or before the Twentieth day of Novern- ber,.A.D1926, duly verified affi- davit., • . ' • • 't• istrator.. Will not . be liable for the !Mrs Golden Chaff andithe'Eulmiriar, said assets or any part , thereof tc varieties; and has made the highest Perna of whose claim he shall •no thenlmve received notice. • It 'firs. notice 35 given pursaant tc. . the Statute in that behalf. ' Dated at Lut:know- this 22nd day of October A.D. 1926. • ••• , „ Joseph • Agnew, •• tucknow; • Ont. :Agent for the said ,Administrator. .(11-11-c) 'LOCAL MARKET record of five leading varleties-tested on ono hundred and • twenty-eight farms throughient:thitario. Not on:y.. is it a high yielder, but iron' equal. Viiaatitles Of Ihnir . it. has • produced more bread than the Dawson's Geld-,. en Chaff. It•ii intereiting. to *now also. that It has been more hardy Wren than the Dawson's Golden Chaff. and ablest as stiff in. the Straw, and; mimes to be lett itusceptible to smut; 'Growing:'11Inhoniksweet eibver With" . • . ' In the..fteld .erop experift-ietits---at the -Ontario Agricultural College at .GuelPhin tho, past three years, Bi- ennial. White Flwarering.Sweet `Clovitr. has given a greater yield per acre, although later, than the White Flow- ering annual br Unbent in the Witt year's growth when botit.kindi were sown alone under Mintier conditiOns and. at the Saine.,date in the Spring of the year. When Street Cloverhas, been grown with Oath, the Biennial Variety has given good"„teturns for autunan pasture „Tivii Annual 'Sweet Clover when sewn-. fit Oats etther. at the time of seeding or when the Oats' were 3 or 4 'inches high, has been a nabiance in the grain Oroa. A -mixture- of 0- A. C. No ,-72 Oath and Annusi.White, Flbwering Sweet Cloir7 er, however,is being cut this year as • hay • crop, and in the fiturethls! combination will be studied." more particularlY front the. stiindpoint of . ,said (andlik4ere is, 1- green fodder and of hay, product' a hasgood.bee,dealn soof tar: ingrai _t)t- thlocaLerc. alaf ExtsaysenDstro.110..ctA.zazi.:26,,,upeeart. nroitt.. that it was imPossible to--, make Heise). Priming Waste Of Energy. politics Mixed the management ' • suceesiE;Of it. ' 'Very little difference was noted in „ . trees and trees celv ng much tea Fair was tared ah°441o. 'esratE Primilfg.. in tests conducted oirer a men got after the, management nuinber. of years, th several staii eadeasiored te sell' it titer for ,thi, :ifard rariettes of 'plaint. 'on th ; height- 4.. . • •,te... • it behavior of hzteavilyi- tamed plurn It appears that; as soon al th th shcm4 The management final rtaiul Itit Ztinrat tger11:1; Nilsmher 1St. . . le.4t vrenk. . ".` • , r gr . -on ' o id- ee. df restrIet: . Those who ott, • 14r,,, urn,. „banes; . r'rin n, ...: . . mrs., .}as. Doinie vireo(' joi Goa - bitterlY- fought prohibition in this Red ot. Ur.: and ;Mrs. ;Melvin ' ilalt- erieh 'for a -few dayg last week. country aid in. that United States .114 resrlin.„ 04 Sunday. , : : . .' , ,-.. .1. . mr,.. ./Qhn seikeht, .5tp.p.:- of Ger not contend for foie mantifactura and /Miss , Minnie Riclarits,:. dr- Part- • oa; saAk., , Ito --x-Dii„...,..d.m ate; tite3r wanted a -license systeiii. t .31iss Myrtle ' Webster, o f mit' 411c1 daughter- Uiis Plerence • of hae salted them bet,- trquhtleetai he - Imam*, vegs- the gaest„..„tif Mrs_ '13;n11-gann6iir Were vlsittirs o" dar 1-"' enaletiStheri%dit. Owt lisor.otttintghatthewamOaiethaerldbes°ftr Crottooce. frwin,, of 2nd Con, Over the eentty. with. :their emisin4; Uri. SIM. Vieek-exid. , • , ' ' ,"ei,..' anit yrs. geritoo. . -, --' --- ---- .adtiVating .tlit, drink hatit. ' ' Misa . Elleir .1fatTtortald, tof lIttion-'• " - ' - ' , ' . 1 IT d tit I' 'spent b' fevr last eek With Messrs.. Henry and 'lege Lava are 1 ;1 el' ri menee sYstent as- we home front ° the Vest. Rege spent 1 ad rt la • a r t "ale el °taxi' hiptaniticiat. ' , - , Some titre working in ',the Drum,. eating liquor- 'was by rk0, means free, 'her sister,. 'Mrs. r..ldou Henderson,. of , kind .Mrg, Philip Stater*, "of . 'teller coal Mines end trteitif hit 'There were malty- rtsttiotions as to mount., wig recoot guest Of Ur. had s„ rats.; 3/ tt. - AS g method f selling the licensed' Mrs. J. Richards, af -- an Mrs ..Larrts ° 0; jacwer: otte'end,ettaiitsoit ofti!'parlts.r. trotliikk li; t 'OeOrge• L11.‘4of .renni" 7 :the: nUmber. ''of licenses, Whk, h might . be issued ill a commit* and as tci over the week -en ''' l'lleri..i.er" ' ' ' lire, 'Wm., F. McGill,. at .'-v.Lias Core Ikteale, was the. guest of the, house of sale. In the pioneering nd spent Sund gy w r,ttg,13frs., Georg,* McRoberts over the • days tilers rites few restrictions, but ,itiutsrdirte,, .. '-loetlik.4,114,, - . . * the evIli.of the traffic became More ,ysClitttotook taiwi' Notrarrin:tnndst:i grr, Ea. Taylor ut-Oustfieti .erit it fully reeognind• the is* gradually tteek.esiil *isitOr with sir, sad uric tightened about it until provindia/ Sunday *lib' btr• and gra .V. Ern. , . • Weil, Di, Volt lituistoiro • „. ‘. troliibitiss vitisstsisii to otos sai. , .. , • . . . NOTICE. TO CREDITORS NOTICE' is hereby given that all Pert4sa*gainoas ' :vet: .. a Andrew, "ale of the TOwnsitip of ----- Ashfield in the County 'of Huron, Who • coed on or lomat the Sixteenth day , , Of August1926, are required' to , send by :pest prepaid or deliver their,' claims to. tho undersigned On bet, fore the 24th day of Noventber .1926, duly verified. by affidavit., ' -And notice is further giventhat after the •said' date' the Executer' of • the Said estate will proceed todistri bute' the assets of the said deceased, aMong the persons entitled .thereto having regard only to such chins of - Which. he shalt then: have, hid notic and that the said Executer will net 'be...liable /or the said ;assets' Or an; Part therOttO.aOy person of whose - Claims • he shall not then .have i mice& notice.. , notice is given • pursuant to .the Statutein that behalf.. • Dated at Lucknow this 2h:th daY • of Octobert•A.D. 1926., Fred Ariderson; R. •Lucknoi.v.„ 'Oritaricri'EiCeutor Of the said •Estate, ..(11-11-c) • The sauciest horns are On the : lieapest cars. Doti - . . . . .. . $11.251 , Man would like a church wedding" ett,tte•T _ . .. ,g3c., alSO, if everbody looked at him in -Eels . of the bride.' , sWanyli Which rel.10red ' tloi cogniOn. °Mlle station hori. , draining • and , in to , the 0,cost atatarists, most vartitiol Of 0.11ELt; Of few 'Minion dollars,. Up to ,the *titre but utue pruitu_ 5 follotirth ent -time fifteen denary the 'proper shriving of the trees att. have been expended by the city it the?. are planted. Since little prat Just as ood if nit by ' ting•thi 10a1r, and it'hi eopeet ins elves Jus g , .1, Promo , trots, it Is regarded aa a • astt5 , ed that an ultimate loss or severe - , ttnte and etfort to pay too Eaudh ; milliens will be born by the. city. tendon to the/pruning of plum , cr. ' The chief recommendation is to rtortoll-aace,---• out think' aroWtha whera necce• LANGSWE se d to remove brokon ori - branches. • Langside had a laige iepreenta- now last Streditesdatr. -% pruned. in the winter; a time. 0;4,, disa ;;katNaret "T•tinn spendiog be take:tie do.thia Work in the In- not later t an the uhdt • fe*. weeks with Mrs. B. ,MCCIen tion at •the Street Openg- in tuck- . When the Orthard haa,aot of July. It Is not good to pruno;i. agban of the, .2na CO! heavily in the summer „ae:ie tt. We are sorry, to report gr. Wm dormant Seaton.' •Sunitner prtmnfn Taylor is seinewhat under the wea- said to ald It fru t bud forntailom. ther, but hone, tor a oneedV -reenyel.4" hilt this hes been dlisputed' triOrw-try. Miaa Grace' Richardson cif' Tees- 'esti hy Miceli:Mental Mittens. water 'Molt spent the week. • 41"Iiinst°11.,20 Per cent- 131"d. potato Pared by ordinary :household end at her Worn. tire. nistkodi is loft the oto-he-ki. urn; R. Hetherington' and .31,11, inn includes ntooti and sometimes ai Elizabeth and Mr. He* et the partial% oftbe tuber sostafaise tan of Writs TirienaltiPp Hrtr. itetortent soit,140 salts. Yetatoes A. Coutte Of Wiiighatn• egad butt $748Asktuarissa 141.04024,1" ind rirrittir, 410 .1111440 r ond Interest Wen your:haterest coupons beconte due, , or when you receive cheques for interest on registered boncb;deposit them in a Saw , Ings Account -Thrtlia'.2ank of Montreal. - The money you receive:roil your investnient In .bonds will then ,earn intereit for you I2EID 13ranehManager OF Established 1811 t•-•,.••• •