HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-10-21, Page 6BY •
llow- and thin objietloii .mrs th gr.at,Tmay be, its trade`wlth
,::**polieled haat' f!'re:ee_tbei. iteochatliOuertogetsetritee'ralwti;esee ;nor; they all
aleincree; e Canatues*Peaw ,leee:ef einite,etannff: tteeeaaltAa *Val'
the:00414, 014 .W1) US 44 rah:. so'. th. world's, 00P0141.00-
nonaPinto:i **WS- aor induat$01
• sliggnPlornont Pro41.4to *referee
nek• add. re ,Our Prelleht
cultL.a .0134 objects, are .based en.*
colap*MtmiaaPPrel***104. They would
undoubtedly• b• valid in fnlly develop -
.L everpepuleted, ectunttiee, but that
bare net itren... aPereached witithi.
Maeltrrabla e 'distance of eati.sfeeing
Teeeoffeihtle. all wiets leave -a -One
°e'er-3%103ring' them?
What .:Canada, ' and many other ,
eceintries, hae muttered. frAke during
Merit ?quirt, and what hste ,gime. rise
:11ne of. nolimifig f*innat connintont,q togeneral unemployMent, is not Orr'
"be opPilad to *Yr epuntrY lilt, Can -
ad. Ono tatalli &cid on a farm
will Mare •ent0147Ment for from lele
• fo'iirck ltddirronal faInfileill. in our towns
'through 'its own constimiedenerif com-
: .fliodiuoo, inaeldnery'aedelie like and,
thretteleenenluelnir tho raw Materreti.
. at oil** ledeetty-
• The recemt Euronean Wei and ite"
Production, , but unbalanced produc-
tion; While .Canlaa's population has
*been unequally distributed, our aggre-
gate working, farce has been, and still
is, vasty below our minimum' national
requirements. .Withenillions of acres
of the -world's richest agricultural
114434y -in idle and undeveloped, and
the world 'clamourieg for food, it is
nftermat.1), brought loine to the worla paradetieste to harbour an unemP40Y-
a multitude at grange economic facts, ment problem. Widespread unemploy-
many of theen old as the hills, but sift ment under such conditions is prime
*. to that time wholly unrecognizedeOne facie evidence of bankrupt statesman -
of tlteoutetanding lemons taught man- ship in so far as sufficient intelligence
kind was that there is absolutely no and energy has not been focussed on
limit to the amount of work to be done the solution' of a problem Which ob-
in this world, or to the amount of viously lends itself to correctionby
business WM` fiewsloPed. The truth is 'Well known and Proven methods,
that over -production Is ineotteeiyable. namely, the augmentation of our pro-
Thcepurchasing power of every conn- ductive, agricultueel•PePulation, Which
try Om In Ito own power of production would speedily end full time employ -
and the Mara ea& country produces, mutt for Our. industrial plant. e,
rowee s".
uiroN HEAR01
• ,-----..--,,,,,,
.:4 pot* :fetieue ten ceat.4 a mg:, to tho'seipta_peo of thokeraWhaft, *414
. . .
'rfroxit,4**Torat. to automobr-o. That 12,connoaed. to the pierOfebi Mango(
Is when' yeeefigure in everything such the 'connecting' rod,: mew*, the plotao
, ow ganaltoo*oil;tiss,.inafntananna, de.-' to be ferOd Witkcimeltler8414 PilefeerP
.preelatien, Int.erest, leetteance,•garege 'against the aide of the. Cylinder, Ise -
and 141etelee. VI* ineraltees On *.liglit. eat* during the power otro)cs. the
six coach .the amounted hi estimated at etenitpie is traya'314 Virousii MP are
11-18 Pante' pet mile., ..Of tide .pum get at one side of eh* centre ief'thO VietPll
cents ' .1a Pat down for flaornaintioa ':...iii4and Of k diTeOli under it: •
Here is an Important itent,which met t The Meek of tide side thrug On 'the
13ti lowered" by tile' ovnier Who. tabna'.01ston ieTiCtelideedY to 'wear away. one
'aninitnitlY teed Care .Oritia machine. „Ode of Oka cyltoder won: TS raPlde
lie. can add yesr-ato the sehiele's.Ase,:, ity ,witis -*Lich wear takes jietice Is
fehtese if he lvip alle Care, itt'kfeW: affected by a. auelber of*fectorai!' par'
vital.' matters., ' . . -,..s „ . " ' ; liaPe the most -• important being .the
, At* _Vora ar. 044 Years Of service perfection of the lubrication. of thi4
the 41W:dere at tin; engine will Prig's- -parte. ' .... ' ' ' ..,^ • '''..,
etey need to be reground. When the, - - ' .cietermies.r.Oele SRAM . ''' ."
. • . . .• , ander IOS03 its tree eiren" ler,
auttereebEe engine is •built ,the ineideeL , The
. . ‘,. of, the cylinder is to:".e. perfeet • •- et '
Thitt Mel? • iedicetes the lobation'ers'..kiven 100.006; her of the 'total.' . '0 - virale-. ;1116 'idstaa 'ta.'a 'bi'''*. 'red- ta:' altaPe 814 becomes Qv." "1144 wear ii ' *ERDEVELOPMENT'I'- . '
. , . :. -.JO :po „ woRKS, AT CARILLON
the Ottawa • ;tear. ''0(.1. • Mlles' from S 0
mete 'now ander Coutrece to "mire f'3*.m an .air -tight Jelat because .the P" ' rt ' ini7rtin rings iint*I-
'''he). developed bseeielyitte ' in- temperature .0f. the .englue view' 'T ie ...e
Inv sufficiently' fieeihle to, fill in the
the_ Carillon power tete whicit 14. on!, terie
'Tennant°, et, the ,ficeint where the *ere: te0eatik Onzthe Gellman et he. 'point : aPC"f`railee with- flit' ' a"ent ' °f4-Aals‘t°1174L,Tliase.le;tilltitclgnc'gaitifer'se.e ittautrablierde;
provincial hotiederY leaves -the 'ilea 'indiCated. no. the Ma,...'''''' tu' sti't; a'P' i ea. Ts 4°11nrs411; in .' 9in "glee' '•'.' ".• ' 'of trouble; The ;gas W. h." "'Wag;
• . 0 piston and the *eYlinefer expand and turns southward towards ,the Et.' a small map of the Carillon vicinity .. •7711
, Ons o } 0 • border p shown,., r . . . , ..
temperature but not to the same 'ee- i'• passes, 'hy ;the; pistati(thus
'adcontract 'h he ' '
r. with t va 'aeons ' in i compressed
LaerreuM. The rehttlye loCati of Th ' ' ' . ' ' ' .
der at that oint is sho • on i
are seown„, mewing thee at Morris- `'. elitewhere It is In Midstream. °uteri?, tgill'eee-cyliTnhederrefoxreerfac.ietpirstot, that 'fitte)ireaucing the
hY the
. . . . erardrease• the oil is Meted • and its
other Fewer sites in eneteen °uteri(); maps to ran along the shore 'whereas andero as the gas tOndenStS. in the
berg: where Ontario Meld obtain 750e:1c:elms. that the 'inept •are faulty. ane - • Y a a' Certain weelea0/4 gooey, somewhat *repair_
000 beele and Chat's Fails, ' where; On -1 teat Mit or thnwater at that, eoint be. I testinPeick fast in
..iiwthieoT.44;Siiipcia:trd.-aetnoatingoha-wtor.,,ed.. Second, on the neefiee stroke an
torte's share .might be 150.000 h.p. The t longe to her: Tels contention 'prole exeMsive,quentity of ell mei! be drawn,
development at Carillon may : reaelti ably obtains 'metier recOgnitlea in the •temperature. Perhaps
,at ,etilIanorthset', .
between 250,000 and .300,000 bee. and iarrangement, now agreed to by Pre- degreeit ' would fit :the ey,n
'41 dePee• ihe Plittee into the combustion
it is believed that Ontario . will be meg Penmen. ' loose'," as to cells° eonsiderah:e noise" amehanink•abe, rs'ndlPh;:in'ItIg. bPearrr-sbo' 2.1.74;4bsilletdig•
and to peeinit the ifateto IPA Mak- causes knocking`of the eegine.
•• .
Natant ResoOrcohis
s .ere4m-mlored, The. Syrian ',goat has '„ ; ;
S ; IeSpe
• s very long, ears and very eong hair, and •canitda. mbiend nty
. • its hernS are erect and spiral.
Goat ratedng' has become an 'raper- . • . • .
tent branch of aviculture be British heTluIrds „muune„mal success of the 'teat Victeret. B.C.--"Conditions in, the
Duke of Devonshire Finds
Waylo L.ower His Taxes
London. -The Duke of bevonakirie
compressien, of the gas trepossib:e.
• , •
carbon, 'ese•ts , under the valet% and
1 4 I and hot+
• Pugqa PREYENT- legitaaGa. . causes ..oss,of comeress on a a
The piston is ,provided With s.everal 'Circuits the spark Plugs which in tulle
Columbia, *weeding to' the; Nateral - - i - . .. , eg industry of Canada ate better flexible rings iii order to secure aeggs- , causes the, engine to nuas Ore. ,
of Ili Interior' at Ottanta. Goat nen Canadian' proat'es, In all of Which' - bretifi edit tile wie" me7417 4nan. 4 former -
have ever Imewn them in My time:' h turned h' estateintoIt tight contact w:itli. the cylinder wal7.1., ' Permanent e 1tCOTer, , from these 80011 the girls are A going amoot,eb. •
Reeeneeee /ideal:cure jeeeelee, Dept pones to smear liessibluties m otner 1 h ., . -• e
Governor-General of Canada
them is little doubt but that thet
goat ;tedli '' These expand outward . and, form a troubles can be obtained only through w, hile the boy,' whos, 0 voice at thia,
. said Charles Camsell, Canadian De-. be Hy , eeeeieee'y. ' By elea method be perfect contact with the cylinder wide, Teetering, the .eihnder to Its orig ne 'period .is an undependable mixture or .
would Make a splendid revenue TM- 'play ,eeildeese -se, mieeer ; end ewer
will wield special teeeteen,•eeeneelea. They have •seffielent eltistieity to keep ' form of le perfect circle and fittlin, squeaky falsetto end .hasz: braves the - :7
did climauzeit alla moldered stock of eirnmorovendt. linentlaittaf:teingr-n?aottcoeraoto, '7,40.71,16hoAlast his income tax, and eseepe the pay:, this eentact tee the eilinder expands new pistons and rings to it. ,The most ridicule• ot his sistere;in an • effort to .
and contract, due es. the • chaegee in: satiefaetoey way of restoring the cel. 'keep tee basic poition be the 'harfeone ,e.
ducer and 'family asset, but at the
sante time theteiis available the splete exec41*-4.9fftcer at Oa Canadian 0')v- expenses of. funning the estate from
eheee to,* Ole:lieilibiari...goit Lett:lima° RaCir- he,.Ailirddemearndietin.theg*bieexperienceltain *see, „The es:re imlustry, is., iree_..._of ,dinveantt odflittsitohn..dreteas..e.itteparx.e:esonerntohrt ,teM,Perettire- - When theeegine is bee inder is to regrind it: This is done Within its lireeer rieinhaite Course. And •
ing eneratail.the ;piston sfides back and by the use of.emery dr carborundnin Mita • the Song. tweet% et( •to ite' tr
thoegh ;the, 'usual qpantiey ix from
• mid to "lel& lee 'Meets tes from 1,t to, 4 owners. have gene, through -With such laber teeublee; levee
- ---,suction in ene limes 'that It is 'ete.eulated meg, pre-' forth; in the cylindet and beceuse of '''-vilhee:s* on te Machine designed especial; e•hant denclusien. • '7
_ _ • e .r - ... • ..- e , conspicuoas *access. , • ...- , . 4 .....i vase ye owned estates paying there the ce, nestetic. time ef the engine the. pis- .ly for .this work: s This is a ;rather deet-' - Later Father (Who .always• '-itetreys ;
quarteper da of seperiormilk. .031,3 , . . .- metalliferous'inifies piemiees to be the .s 1 ee • • • •
elee-ulegalY: reentnenaeleded •-aYeaetc, -e"-eseeseese---cees.-..--eeee...-e----,-- erre- atest ' on record-thie Year- Place an ugt„ .AnevitteLbr k • • ton it forced 'welt considerate pres • te peratl mid requires the -ervice becoming reticence in the ' matter)
m Bretiele Columbia not only [wed -
ee, •
The onicerk hall to crowded; a -
groat: artist fo waiting' in the hush
which ber expected emote:tee never
tekiWee produce. siddonir a'sedee or
tinkling chorda, temintsoent °ea more
OteirtlY, age., geatter* the , eileece and
a, magrtilt4i voice epees through the
Openins' Wee' an • ote-tiMe
enelode.' • :
" Then * strange, thing tahee place.
The hali. aad'ite'elidlence dissolve; • in
•"ebeitepiesie 18:0:a14-fittitaned sitting -
room ' With "eter. re5ces.'
Grandmother. Is twaying eiregey fn
her Wiedeer rocker. dere bieetellyIng
over her oft *-.Interettetee 'knitting,
Father glee) 'from 'the eels's; ettedoore
*tiff. eillettehle eretret Of *,svitoe in ..the
corner. stow to brush , iho eplintere
from his Met! Mother movee,:eo the •
parlor organ 'Which stands isethe cor-
net-, . .
near the walmit whetnet and be, ,
gins to fingerehe pages weleween
hymnal. • . •
"Play 'Ben 'deugbter,". says,
Graniiinother; and MOtiter obeys. The,.
reedy notes of the (legate' ping (leen
the years. Thee come "White Wine's" •
and "Golden Slippers,", eletoire ye
Here," pee •aelectioes 'from- "The
Mikade" and • el:Inatome' thee , he the
full; Olivia of popularity. ' li"outhrel
.Voleta struggle in there'erat efforts at *.
Out . but oritedmoteeee' ,so -
Peen° is adequate carry -the load.
Mother's rich contralto and
mellpw; tenor itt the 4w and '
finds a ready market at from le` to
25 •cent.s per quart in: Vancouver' and
Victoria and the yield inns 1S 1411
is +. one gallOn daily per animal; ,a1-
toii foie feeding babies ad 1-9-00 -30 ;,V=Proatl-CtiWIlt-lifierlit* .
. • •VM • 'gra -
•ffeneridiette. „ • 2 , re. se-aenee _wejAlise _
etieteneeteemie_le.„_,. .1-te-eseineeetut
leg y by , ose who have ik,_ il,__gi,g11177,. __y. r+11111Cn, Claw.. . �x $60-00003 annually, and il is . • t ,Tha DIllte Winn five •pa.attal homes The Pressure, or the expanding 'gas the) else of work. Where the propel'. hi e eornetelerwhiehi, event the boy re- • . ' -`
prized ' th r t ° Froia-:ila different ides of the.eneneree menn which produces the power ear' operat- grade; of work is doee the re uta are tires to a earner .where. throughout .
.., . , , .•• .... . . .
, es eeeeeeee ne.______a_ a , y increasing at the averstge rate
'learned to' use these 'Products. ' The ' As %xi 'or lung mg able that the increase this year will! e • - h , ei •. d . . • •
r •tb ' t d t f th e .. ' t th ittai ed in the the perfeemanee, he eyes his talentel
Then Rea ' !tea "Deriue Gt..a.,"
. ,
may read her latest clime eseay. Meth-
' Puttereeird- cheese Made from
. are •
KiIb •••••••••••••4, i 0 which is m, evensluree.In t: dition eng. e engem terds o force . e pis- peen super.or 0 . ose ,n. . .
. •
skinsofiite,..8igateToadreettauu:otilienyotedliitifettil'ogrslaves. of „.Bern;ei;_csiesit was
a fine
do of of to be even greater" '''' ' "''- ' ''14° Cariteri. Gardens, Loedon,. lin owns hen,.straiiht Ont'Cf the 'cylinder. , Bet. neee•eer .at the factery..
. - •eelre with eittCHne. ' admiration •
. . . •
fire texture indf.ilififi-lialite',need. to titan siide or • creed However be •Ceees.•• .. --77.--w-7.77-p f a ' q' ' ' • Chatsworth roam tied Hardwick Hall e • -•-• ,- ..,...77..........
eeeeeeeeee • •,, •eee . ,. Gelder , e 1 _ e , „ ,• e . ,_, . . : ewe OWer p Sun . . . in Derbyshire, 13elten Abbey in,Ifork- . '-
.. . . ...,,g. ,.....• ; ,._. .ar..e ea" 7, was a good Watchdog,. wig .waell 'a me . we • ' ve______-' ' s eras., shire Compton P:ace in . aitbourne, '
. .. ., ' I .0.14:Hatat: Han to b' ‘.. ITitii leeeefirebed gestituletioni; Edith ,
iiee ettesided. largely •by .chiltleen.`e " him' to -geare.: his: IteMee'the oe;eeie. , - . '' ' ' . awnn ; about 180,000 lanerWeaat4efifilrud-'17 .,,.....
.... geop.no. . . ..
.ceredina'',11n4 malty of the B.C.' hetes erieed• 3i-ice:eel* proposed to ae,Bgre to minimise' LUTUlg 1V41 . ci, i.:.
. . er reader •*-The battle 'of Weeerldo"
_ ., , . ... •,•...fleeden. Bail; tee ecteantic Derby,. tale •s9infctehil.wsehettluintalsoz: Ileiesacrirlip-ttiev ',a, .
and. el.-eninr.tht, sameas _ ,... Good ere '• a reasenable• Pilcc= • The 'Matter! era of the eun, , rays are to be .y. ,,as ....,..• st. js- , shire caSile .11,17,1Ch 'wee Mice, the, holiee- equal
'The. menials aro latoreing: suggested 60.1rMiceinight be :consid- Pasadena, Ca.. -The 13 • ' • .-elee-e• • ' • ' -• • •
• •- • •
'feed -end •ptepeFly, halimeid tagees.aie wins being. argued 'on a. Berne street •biereased dtwirietbe next year, so, House Boy . .,Becomes.::•4• ., • ' ,. ' •2 ett.,'Pera'thy• Vernon. le: seetele seine to ' chortle el.,' and Graneteoteer• Wile tell
just .as, etticesegy'fat;the milkiag. dese.ween .,leideeiee, lee, a ',•eueseenante:ea leo:ding to pi... Edison Pettit, of Mottle: Colonel in in Chinese"rtny , . be ,eithabitee again, nays' a i.' .,'en .ithont her eleillioed ene the . time tee'.
•fis With the dairy cow: One and: inie,'' big motor car ear swung round melee. i Witson ObserieteiYheree. He has art.. ,.', . .' ' . 'ee; •-....- ,, .. • :',. ••••..; s' ,. despatelt.." A.ftee' to :•celiteriee dere Indfae-meneste Oreon'n tossing: end-. '
eeee.. p,*t3g.9. patoda oe: grow and eteee ,m1,.., ,finanaid, .ai.ettssion ..4„oed; • for nounced that :he : bad fettled thee the I " . ' • . Canton -A e "house boy" the he-. ,inx which• it, his Iteee a slirbee oe .1*-"ing with' her ''ilightlee. • • • • '' • • ,' ". .1
, daily ..steerecanimended by Issi:.*;..A. caiiiiit, hid ,ivaggedhis fin foi.tbi ,ultra -violet rays of the 'suet the past eerie s colonel is the 'earner of Ce:otiele .....e -e (t 1112 everee-Yeereleip etebeeeme. tee that elieeke-and . Scripture nee reetele •
Menee. .' eislted by • theusatiee Of pie- '. '. "'ekes tut tut tut .Lawa, inc e see'. • •
?OM/lite' of ethe Dominion e Experie eat ,titgic;...,.•'.', *line. 'ilia frau, °erne 'of the sunlieht 'that .. caret some • dis- Wang Wai-hing of the Cantonese'
, . r , s- .... -
, • ..„ : .
__ . • ., .licrtiqe of 'tile same e liettfeed'I.;isnlly, ••:)Vitereupon Meteer virne. ap :, tho
. ,34.0taf's..yrairlie Ite elete.authereyfor lehreeeeneeLidsre vengeandeeeitetgre.warihnt eases' and .••elso.; causes nenbure, •are ' armyewho recentlY, became chief aide-
. ee, , - . ;is; - those proP0iiee it -Meats% a's the testa rialto In •the peinted-ehites lamp,' 't.ha.,'
'.. so/Jae-goo? milicev as I°W ' . :•taII.g°n'*I" ' ' ' him bank note.
' en . • as ten , , . .
. • •
. • • -e-, - •
• of ••• due • A'e the mese •Mmece ..!:eve 'ehildien. cluster eel:Jet • Gieneenothees •
mate's in historic. . • . - . ' . •.knee‘ *bite.. 'Father; eeritle rev e ' '••
Ike •etatement .ther ;there: is good feur ceiteeeee-Oiree,,eies . he . tot to be more .1tunteious in -1921. . This es ' de -camp to the chairman of tile Knem+ .x...*
.eenti' a ileart4. 4 cwhi4.1, iiiiike'l-te. wal.- --a" ear, and then a ,
n reeening in t mo , Caused he •Etaids file tbe increasing. of intang on the eve .of theeCantoeese' .
the spots 02 tbe. oda . . , •. :. . t etteyet secceesee bethe• northern coins • :
' '' . . ' ee-
:fee: e
• Would enieee it an ine:dminitilde mareie.eee „,caeeares. ; seesedshed neeeeer eve eft. Who* tire and a .haif times i Wang was a : 'twee hoe"' 'In* the ks., -f-,4, • After borethy Version cippeil wiih • h.aecin• ee!::espethe Metal hinge of the
atile digestive) qualitieiL and eichilessi And as the ear dietigteared down 'the, 7 'Pi.- Pettit' flfit'llm. that the...SI"' WIII I Paigr4": • . : . . ' ' " - ... .: ."' : , •z•':
' '..gir Jobe Maintere- . in thee eieteen tie 'ereht• Beek: endu •;id:urrettitheg itate.4111110:4.ceda7; .
ket. ... ; , , , . . Amine.. h 'inisisti Sieber • by MO' Swiss al -41°0 ultra -violet. light ln le27. ste' heme. Of the late "Dr. tna Yat-sen it '• s,', Century,:abe inherited. ,tee ,Caitrit-troni, "elect:lee: rel4e; . bile ..Velea. • rising ; to ,
' Cents 'have bidierto been 'confined to' frames, teldeee the ginslee , gathered it'tild in 192 3. erlien the spots were lest Shanghai and ' peeved .'bie .O:d..ebjeti. N.* : . ',11'pr father; the ',Klee et2th..a Peak." It'll' eral.-etr .
end .thus• it • eesaine 'the Mit 'of the sits message,' • • : ' . :
.0p# end Ashie Iltith.:•theele and geata :BeIghinis ' ' ' ' ' * * * *•year, he
641itt. '': .'
. . ...different from Steering elem. and clean - " • ,,niti:ngtr..1.7%:dds.,;;,.7i,i7.., o.::f 'the:et:7 .i,...4, inii,i7.,.. ..,, , ,1:41:::.::,.....:7,inbi,...:::4,te.,,.,therive:iolimitill:41.4, eti joseirisyri!.:1;:tsis.sii.
tl.le'°1•411761'14P•'be4.1ff. COPeellAYIttrat-' around :ilia- Market:. pun* to &Miss rturaereu* The, 11 -year maximum Of: 'When be. was *,PO:itical erEe. in rhe ' :
... . .
., eeone hs the' nieleitabi aegiant of Eur- the generosity of •Kittifeelleere,ettee spots est the see Vriii•ba eeached. nett United Statee. i Striking out one Path
Are- typical. .mottetaineentimals, . but • ••,.,:. ..12The selirese.,,eeietdt yieoun.,tief",tintkiee:Irf •Ifty.u..ittlar•enied; .eueriences__briot; , tender , itteturei
,• ,- . ., .
:goats wilt thrive wherever them are -2... . ter rooms, Wang. joined„ the army and ., : e.... ee .
iitt '5'tel:n.-eet-2htiattYlts7Ofeetto%urege.;-'•••°• '?ullt7.- :
.'. greets 'plieetissand shrabbery. hey ' do Cit. 'Sims • ,Fidele.: is now a high ,offtcer. e e • `
...• . . • Heroic Nereing Sleiee.', • months age, bits.. heen esieg, in a 'men.
. . . •. , • . • . .. ;., e , • ' Telephone And', what eau.* child .da. ,
. , • . ,. .
• .L011dOli Ancestorik,Tricea, . ..; Above' 'le.teeiiiir-ilt. et ..liade.; ..81°111... ' 'l'43,411°t, .whes.7.1'..r:abo6livattIrta'nin_nilens. -
/let, lUte alieep,•cenfine..theinsolVei tti .f.
---., 300:Yearo.; Pioitee'Abs; ..cOild, e...et--filro,_elizp....ithaffi7ael.03c% tirto-eNDt.' ,:,11,73 el,igteetzwennieentle elle.,,i.0' welitit41,4e.ramet(14x.bireltetbse, t:uttnunineve,,... lir:. , • Safety, eri, . d Servi. ce. To LigeSt.,
. . ' BencliMerk.
_e.„A:11.ttee, poor child,' I.e.: e_ .
, Per a gent/e, dead lade.' . • i in the late war. She is a..u-0 'tile Only .' . , ; . . . . • , , • . • .
London;e-bne of the queerest fobs On bright dies and, ishade • .. ti In (he early days of the GeCidetie .,
Who', all the Spring through. • • . .
• Olmstead tekard me and g the expense of 'an_Aree.ricaa -*ha: 'Amputation .A.ssocietion.
• Lonceen,-...Meifier is hayintalatigh ;women digih4 fai inemberehle in the rer, jeaedstrrteei,,est.urecp. tria;.cf.:eabee:e-6411 anti iseb'eblerlooteti.aostpta.rtpli::eid.4."04.a.
'Sister. iis- Survey Ot ' Canada experienim taugbt•
. guied,eole 4tilteetei.ncht!imaart tiC.tbil".1;,:t.t4ts''' .
. mate. all the way ' t° Europe • to trace fray Is now on ,;telit staff ,it Chrlitie
At dawn: through the ,WiCiteL her ancestor' et eeMe three •eseeet 'hes/ewe temente: ; :eee. eee Cleat 'behovect hie ban been rossireti. •
:tame ea One. eitie hear Me, • . Yeaenege who Wee_ .a taxpayer in 1.14S.''., wen seviete decomtione, . (et tsteedieg Ae`Fith.e•ok:eb.tilia'' tal.tc.t.i' :tram,. **ad ''97.: that: Itititeates the, altitude ' above ..e ••• .
ell creependunheeded • '' '. born, a_ Section...9f Leaden-, - ' • . e among. which te the creli de ,c,,aegire, , ,•-•‘e 7.'etaw; . •: , r • -, • • ' . %yen agiiinet iriinilitlis,nipoWasss , ete majkva;••
The booke.Weret brought down fi•oin : . ,.• ' . • Little of the ancient furaiture, how- ' it as ineenseipubus. as ' ibi 1".
• Keep her bed' bY tite:ihIcket ',„ '. e
their dusty shelves and in due tinlei ' , , ., .....s.....,,-4.1-- ..,,, , , , ..., : ever; remeins. When: the 'family left for years the standard. hencle:matk
'Sleet! watered And 'Weeded:::
the name of the ancestor 'vies folind.t., --, : „. . : • , , ,, • , the elace. -xnc.re than 20) years ago, a was a Small bronze bolt bolt 'set vertiettl ye
• •
And .feel'she•is neat- tfie.. ,
-Roberta Mansfield., Opposite his 11023 was th° reMerk; Eriglilinid Quird$,SkItet : •,,:‘ ' a, lot of it Weiveteetel in a .barn. Atter. or horizontally hi, such permanent
. , , .
"Absconded witint•PILY14.4is tatea:7.•:' ... :,. - C. f. !,,,Ciiir-G..jant,Air, stiiir., eie,hulliodarealditeaagrAssonate ',.3tife,iivtaintitaotun.etxpenteedn: Hst6tzvc:averera •th' eas I. up:01Z. ibcoalolditi:gSb.64' ch, 1.
,.. ' Too INIelrei, tiotice-- . Autenui Cele* hi Tilikest4 . •:./ London; -The utiuest eeerecy is bes !mvaitsirn:fltYti•titbstY4 tiblidril.e.dt . 11-be.feitahve. mark. ' while it d'bId sectwe piot.eete.zote;;; ..... .
-How scarce money Is antil you tee Ablaze each tree, atid bleg nit all in ing meintalied in Imilding Eng:antra .. q • . . yet against vandals. y its inconspicuous- .
, . . . • . . _ .
to hornets'''. scene... " " i s.oee glare. •'' . ; I giant eerehtp the R-101, for England- P". Pated." s .' . ' • '' •-e. : • • • Dens was in It hiir *ay ot defeating tho '
-Tho hatdships ;in the other fel- Anil therefOre chargell 'With glistening.' India-Aeittelia service. Atenad guards .; • Some of tee pieces thakreininnTlile• "eta abject. of thLs. sureey, nantely„.
Geo -
low job untii,yon get it: . . • _ • fire the still. ahe "" . • ' . ' elteep all visitors away front the ,hare ' hack •te tile t. iree,er Queen EliziLliet,h. , ser'i•-!ce. . This is borni,ent•by t6e ex.;
• •
. . .
,, - .z...ffsstvi • much. wet* your Wite does Amidst: the' kellew beings) perched the gars and each one of tile 309 periume peed setae of, thein are said to liaSs DerleaCe.Ot :the Waiter ef the. Gcee
well you go it alon4•for a while: .; , ,,, ' : 'black crovis•-• ' • ,.', 't employed in its cOnsteactien, es. swore' .been used h.y. her *hen she iiiaited. the 4ettS SurVey •tyhtle, attending an an
-e•-lfew treeehle your friends are •Inti. As tulle: saffroa hued. that spotted cep, te Meteci. Various .groetpeef Work-,• cact16: - ' 4 ''. . .- • ern% el: iltir se italihat;e'r:-;tentitgulitanin'aetraenerretetieontenieVanletelinesta3 fech:11:, :
tit you,kse a fe.W. •. , • .• . • It shows. . • '. : ett are stricty. confireti to separate •
Le'eelty.. ' ; gineee' 01 c* of the most internist
-How neeeeistry the eetnecit. is 'tine A yei:ow4dinnagel bk. now. every parts of the.ereceeM Week ere! 'nee
- ' li "f d et' 'Mona knew •
The 4emestie goat rePrne!=etedN,
many snb-varieties which: differ,frthe
•length of the hair, in Moe and in the
•, shape, of the .horne. In the short.
•• hefted .dasa (the English goat) the In tondon,in,thitinb-alotthirteephone
coat titbit); and eke% with an under_ directories. The Work brings the inert
*growth of woollY character. •••• Both an ex -army °Peen' an
•nexele:are horned, but in the male:the isms" of 'abetzt:45,000 * year.
• horns are more deveeopeee The eeeee He bit on .the' idea throegh.haeing
• is !either white, gray, fawn or bleat.' difficult,' la finding an'etidtesp in the
• The. long-haired or Irish) gone ,b• telephone book. Thinking :that much
• more frequentlyswarthy Ted; although tin% eould• be meted to city firms if
occasionalie white, or pied., Thelibrets .eezec_lt section Wae_thtlirib-
' large? eorregated, end pOinted,nild slo;ted. he ',light a *concave Chisel.. a
rim close together in paralIel, lines. hammer, and. a "'al! .steel stamp for
. The coat is shaggy and the head large each letter of the. alphabet. The calls
•wee ugly. The Anoka andthe xash_ clubs, Wilhelm 'firms and private
reir goats are often confused bet are 'heuses and 'charges' 2 sbilliaga far
ie reality distinct. 'Beth yield'hair of, each be"' thumb -slatted- The 'task
beautifully silky texture, and both takes him about tin •minittes. He can
, early a, second quality of coat which , easily iedex bosik' a day arid'
•retembete Inthe Angora the never out of work, as new diregorfes
ee. woolly Portion of. the coat le Outside are frequently issued.
. • the hairy coeering. 'hut in the letiefe •
rate gnat • the wool is next:, the shim i For the first time since Lege, a giant
The Nubian goat cstrries short, black, arum iitY has vealacd gee': Gar. tit there is a death in tee ramie/eel' , 'tree stenda, •
twisted home, the tars are pendelotise dens.. ' The plant 5 feet 7•inehas in • -Hew Persistent Your censciehce vsbi'cil 'shaieu.ltse'r g4a S'Ibe"'StIE4 aSetbilife awe:. tbe ceneelete Plains fee • 'Seine with anylesdy that itattle e6ixtioe:esstind letrzieirr.:•:: 1: :Idea' ssr.tatattlate.fr
the legs long, and the coat' of the fe: herght end.3 'feet, dieineteTA end ern_ /mar YOU have offetnied ' on all .hands, • • the Airship, which :t la hoped vet -epee sten - 31111 . W111.15 e is ;•cporeuersirsos:olteveeei:vozatt:rn h -
k "kin of opeorturete • if .-Ttenslated from the Tartest( a fee Great Itriteie the suereniaeY Or light, etre Part with libe'when•he goes
• - • wrong. - Lineeln. ' , u. mon reee lit
Malt extterney eeort. • nue Mattes* duceve tear tete yeas and a flower in • •
soar is generally, herelesa, and' is, the fellowi year. • yeti are kne(king your epportunitiele Lazuli (1531) by E. ieVe. Gibbs. • ,t e nir,
• _
• • '
,• MUTT AND JEFF -By Six! Pisher,
it."St EtecAtise -era.
PR/kr-MING t..PM Now
iS azo tttAv.ois %um,
• t siintit.cosit
fki A LirtLe
ReoteAtree.1 S.
,Ntutt, r'ne Locke -et
ett* ' esei LA ete
off tct- Fott TOG
• 11#W.. Lc.t''t 6*
Fs e
BeSteteSe Muse fee.PIS
HAVE. 'fou•llAtt,lk cAte
YET tiateG /otst-luNd
our 'You,R
cis e: &up r
/wry itteou6t
wial it ',YET!'
oast..y owe atiSE:t
Oft OftstM?
*vie elt; as he:had:been deeiro,us for S7ear•A
, to ;place al' Of his feed reCerds, ett
-NOt a E4C ese for Any Ba'rristei to Have. etarelard turn,. •To hi§ emeeemen.
he teat -eve that a steneere. betiele•niark
I. 1
was located at the entetnee or •iv.A CX:1
Wall and tor a nuMeber Of yeare
time he enteiest ,hie offite
.*, reseed within a few feet of 11.
• elvo Geodetic Serves' a'nell Met tinfe, •
haev" Adopted, it larger. and more ••••4 epieueus mirk which. .eembinee tiith .
the etettires of aafety'Stid • •
Areient Cup From Eggs. '
flatri..th 'eggshells were, tee4 VaPa
X •
• le net:fent eves,
No new pe-nnihl'es7lse-Tti streek at
, •
, 'the /tOyal . In spit•e -
of thee, there is a gee in this teen.- ,
„the kock being eteieteted setficiset
le give .30 to elFery nrl 1,
ati:d • '
• A few yearaiago a Par! eentie OplAppit
&del, Iseende where her emit -
the bot Mricot Wa thre pg-. :;
tarkeee, ee elteekere„ 5,000: eoceeeitia
I and a large quare4y.ef ltattartet'ane
• 4,
,tiot -‚.l • !Iti,t4.