The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-10-14, Page 37 M -PR EC 10 HOW,�, F , MM. SSW, Sip 4P VMSHAU lum IM? it f a, such, jj qrr TALES (KJT OF yinq:worldl Anti �qo biaos apm.mm, 11,40, Aogele,, Patri Mvies, Honored J0 H who COM110,41ong Infr1eq BY MOR. AAKINS. 40,- 09; 34: 04, 'It 'ba' de, 01y fashion aiio� irgminds ti* of �hs, fjn6r thIngs 12o '0 .0 pperin, P4 i4frequeptly, that IW :W VerY mirch, WAvor 'on the In Oe ;001-11 vis niork, 7o f P* th,"a 0001 -Vern the com1'nq­j!*nerat1on�,- ht e -to 300,0014 )v �QJQEIO PA of tho 1�00, fp 91, h refus*' ji�aygroun-d---Wj ov!" t* school pbult jrA1414M.I. saint ��I'razilt a room he p ac rjjq sict. 6 the school'k te f E Ll TP.T. ­thqi 4ei 4 Iq Agaf X11 Irp", I . I .. 11 4i F;1-7; - I .., 'k - ­.­­ � I �, I I NerY. ii4w. 4wd q po.ish the WeWy becA980 they 00 riot, need'Als" During the day OW CH poWtlippympkin and, tim to 4 #4 the rate f ev r p Jes all�oud his -d' -ner serrre ro -att, so i wrings his hanils' and , In forka it� rg., -W p0orer h� es Q".,' eVerY I. w Is d in f be do, not stay C 'pnd, lick the mbsl� �Ax LWORDS, 8?, 45-47 t-een n M "Psuallyfi�041, an. caw� , p. : A .90 a. to, fif w ro tfipr6 are few -of the, co!lipfort hey eveit rid b�j , s, � )"''r At 30 W nut",. snatching ti, me to inter nee 'd;!I,. THE S9j1jTW -0 p -69 etr, an o6caSoral im Court 64 the 2�4 $00A AM, gvArrPly movo-4 by 1%PL AM th rapinga- that: priv Of do T- 14�'A . f4rT.I. lap of t*4 thejr.. 30 up, e� Ar promptu Concern, b sermon, 32: 49 'he ie,. 1, -Uqw that wl " To, "O.N. 'youst sit in a co, a 60 from the,eakobowla, 'T as li�.burstg'o the d, r op Tff4.'VmKxQWi( GRAVF-,­94:5 8, d room or Many AP adult can testi fy t2wt b* re. many ch'Aren �"ve their hqm0% in, APend the ".0ro ening with, the fjW first Ambition t*, recejyp A. h T1.aVe.,p"DCqqFaged",. him I# tbiq ;on,, IN 0DUPT;6X Bj� k je*- Mo. A.Vft.ture; I We d do *hat,06 I 40­'country-Ered man &rid W widred by onos�'.* ie corifidinc ', pis, 0 0- tr pays, froni tweneyjo twrty catioiror,to do.)go hin, - *�hile, As, L jiko to., h4V9 him co , i zrW . k 4911. to the end Of' the life of Xo-,es, do1ars g, worth 04,90.0uVin siearch of igher j4j!etk" stant" undec a rfly a 0 a month �'p In the Woe At& i for a c-.0, t WQS' fi undoubetr-d' One of the gr t And PIP, P e# -of faren thi� ypars pg."- am, ri:4ver too buj5y �ome.� ;ong'-stand wha� reAl,y. 16 happen inT - in irb�e -.0d th.6. 'Jain W.1, cbildr�n..,b f th,6 talks 60M `iaekgr pwi* mok G histo th-4 teacher. t ound er t*v ;�qjj b* re ry to- gatherthe Any teap hot hat! Inintl aiid. foiil of, the� festiva-mAd'i hp to '0 too j d't4 b� jrrt�restedo: And, 6' 1. loved of God'and men her he-li'w0tKfor- WhDeo the. tea tt!�d' tO er CA, through A,' r0itatfoh'she to en Tvloz�a ]U'o ex#1 is Wes memol 667" rid In us t p e 4 W heir molh#gy. antt their. child,,-' rut' him'to work�fqt hisi sharal, t ho 0,9111, estiooing, I can. 4�tiae. irra,?l tho ring qp Y�gr�. x04 ir bipg­7And - he' W-, h ve A, warm - her -own, to keen'eyo.on- the'4 ptipils to �h6th side�, - of a storyl if lt. rielat" to, to come -45 h.en . eve who" k w ryt mys�t. ha, e a her :room rf surrenderl'thein' to 'which s hA(-'f1avor. of "spir t far be*ond- anything writer., wh,>!�&' WQr04 Are . he will. that they" 4fe iuitaiffly wor�'mg and 44.1noidept, in which he himself is In,, he dkri re-tii ..Pn s j hi� browne-5t And bra :of -tu rkiay 6rjei qqtiti�dj says f ' he' aps: we' cdriddci not "Into'mischilef." Mai ever fortune Tday have in #01�. .)Rut Perh So virt It that. �GiQ4 son to eatifig, the aI* �W-bat k1jen jhI&LAA t 1unch'. must 411 be very. .0 he� It od a j n man P, events : ev slafttifieo, hiin. lnrbio aiid difA- v be �$G 6 in To rds, 'CeFwd n'W their thO cov teach -r is e.F-. adeo nt W faithfii.ness'# d adon bUth, room And, I?),. FESTAL PATS4 sleas-� to. dodf 4ne, 'Aria rpse hint 6ut of Wted "L6 fi'l 'Be -her work: of superviiqed, so, skill' I -tjj�t hims4:f I som c o'f 'veromo ru :7 no time is 1-tepohing, which is mo the. It r le made bim' iiv heAi� His voicp re -Ital, Jf he And.p!;e:asemake a. bi we6 re.. than ost"from. ftt V X for a to dai'v 6no j.to hipi,. grow d' t,' a i�� him �ntl6, the, I d!D not 15C614611 pun6h bat -04 ny one. for $Qjnebo(�� has A!W q befo .qn such f"tql day bf lftt�� -wooden bow's" 004 with, en� :And Irave Nm commandin SMAt I�tMiEi. ay. p: itort plo Q. You yoq ez his face,. ices' of jao in, the, that- - Wer6 used, oi; H And tbe'*dern tea�heir; has 'fit and grour 4 many aboui 'thiii?, or '�Couldn't y U a 'ret agair. I; the fulu r, 60. yea.., ed rfi; so it'itrilk f,,. I . :�dv r .. . 5or. in -1 Th&it he'might'teach Jacob his -colvin- of t Strilet-lex-p. urin- lot to kye n. �ha law�4 lif6 cial duti" as wel!,T 9 peoV-e to obti� se4ing that a pre4cher.,�n zeAlity,, giother, f6r h Ilow, e >k',Y6rwatd' d,: 1.6 a�oi6d thie trouble see school, he now Arenito�g� : an, ,t he d ect bero. give hM opPearing as th� gtad time apl:w J*i 444 w enter A*Iii grp�ving; we but. supply the p r r,,� h d s.and, 11ailys'button up c6ats And origI64 iti, 4' t-jIwi or -cme running in ne; ft,�i 11, . And li g do b6 r grael is ju.gments Ille tasted noon., wl d! . Nutt like fairy -4- their social I As tW "S gatherinks.. AiiiA t background an4the 't over�ll i - . pax eager exe P 45 114t f6r9L oe.s and� mittens, portunitY- The charms -When &tteti out of the..�qunki . . �Y, -got eve' with i hom, etival.- —'its peda. good no k -ss than, -an- Th addition to this s' ents enjoy school nte am4s -to-day for s6ine. times bile;4n'bowlst, And.thero-was a certain: bliiiern. writers,*- All he is offer CA12� un' re -We tricks he's p i I his praise.' It'ed whe n 61"to' tie animous in e as their d a of t Iay.ed or. Into servic -a nurse W caill im'; They eve4 expect Questioned he. ejcpla� -for t ly tradi ue p.atter of fam! tion., that to care for chanc4i to per&rm. have cOutrY home, TMy ofrer ia& de- Geo�e Eio hi hi c4s and � t;riiises,' ned bi vt. of hiding to be God as watch out for 6vp- orro nessi an, ange these progra piece b. or t -he Thpnks-;. Mosed -;ih6 sjak� wfW.bomq�of 01, the teacher to are no. said he'd t 4 lightful occam"s f, g A ppy Id d'sa on., give me a� o candy for,. jgzving.bjr&. Th k -o tti�. rey; wdul W& 1riend, Outside Of her regular. school time, In. a pLece, of,- my calce,' and I didn't say me'dio�ves. Hap' of Dlhy�ANIE) py pier woal�, have ��Aid, Thanksgiving to u� ,P49 he.'k And. rul�d his pop.0 with t�e tw�fqld circ.e, Are, What Moe*. e.,many commuxi#ietl thle 56063110use is anything, 'butAust 'took the ca�ndj..'- as ; rile � I on that- old, platter. power Her ti: ''it community centke and the wl$en � he held it out 'to �an 4 jhe,preci�aus background we� desire.- - I) Me is not �er Own'froin the ui�d I don't befiev� it. was *ortit more'' than-. Of Wisido�n that can dare'and still be' our.., for u xhe� rta school , ntil the teack�i w'' very Much' ded 5augheckand iold,bi my.j*k# Waj In 'lot it, do� Tar. ifi a ha:f ift the 'shop but in: ;weeping rd dusting' boarding FOIUS.rTIC�HT. 1 1.1 . I . 1 . . are.done'thd, Youtteacberehouldfind-a, -gaii�e 'the' Bible: mcor of his he f thefawily if si n4ed in'10 thso;npixt, day.'�'pl*ce, Ahzla!f 'k. bit on the Cale price'less for. it saidi 12 2�2 -t TW is ca - the cBuk. In one of tl�e Litaw :so' I,, said; "That ndar for life, Her 44Y Tn, tcovers a best homes Thanksg perl r of at ;pasit community where, ibio cin hav46 ag th� ayi ving And Than-kagiving. ioa ; .. . . ! and �-eduimtion at the court of Pharaoh I'. - - . , . I VMS t711 is Ha5l erit. To be' Wasn't fair t nine hours. On most nights, she mu4' .'meant e6mething irecial ank.fine in, I I r and conveniences that He'protested . that -h "t - sure ifis a night I. ., . , k I.' . . .1 . Comforts ad �i the Midianites, 'and lastly,at test Xa In& : er othprwsre.l dl ;rds44,6r ihe -Siake of -theved, him, filhe.,banie, way anuinber-of of myrt�-ry and. Airy, -study -e in' W yspelring-% and *ItAe' Pap .9 an trkt &fff means t Christmas 'the it not times, bbi I I finally-persua-ded him tha tile tree and cohplete work. that can' be length, his :eadership of ts ot, done at. ram atid w6m6n ot tb-morrow,, "ef in tj;; ospher'e that' ;yo4h eyf But.*hatpaethegifts,if h at adventure' for- freedom, froin it A]* noon !Lr recess- at which heqrs' she, for, jA -, h must of' h� -sWial'accasion of r ere child d no hand in 'making and, Ater- he roade 'by chF-digh flilgerg, elte' to the thresho;d 9.,f the. land- or beha�iotof others,'Ian d 1, pi4 ;in ce. ra It presenu'him as� tin -Ardent. proms M an whispering a t tkem? What" B4ejtH*Uj&, Ing plece- of cake hi his Turich d1shes - the l - � 4. ; I . y x tlie the dinner If.each.chil 'had no 4d idt dit- Ids �otm pdop1e..;L.A' thh". &UM Engfish Dishft; With &y to be given to James. i lover And 'cha of the A of guest',l.aAd the I"a §harekth,6 fei�67: T#r an garnes hand; in the m4k'n'g? I org"izei of 'their I heir A �f ItLe things tie Hallowe'in'fig'particularly ai, uvtioni�l life, i vAj propAratio;hi6 share.:th� f�n'and,' DISH. tr : BUBBLE A" great miany, 'is, giv4r aiid rblti Arough long an saved'. me dd not. IF7ERENT- AND 1010 11110 concern� him direct' y'Lut delfghtl. D hint& tha baveo thl- - frol.1c. ng in, the' friends hne The ly time giVe. w gilhou4i�tt4j 'finds grac ul idiffleu:t wiiod, blixt hiefly as. a man. wz:edievIto 4 thiji dis And jii6viey sinp-4 &4wted house - Next to itk snd,,oversliadbiftg It in e. i they, me An insight'into the'chae-., mak*' room ';for -the,. bustle and noise 800�,erhfslit of f fakh,�seeinjzz thp: hand of co'M 1kroa'st beef, c Here' 6xines TI; is a & confisiph of it -'all. -For in that' in this' froW 0' foxr-' in great Iod: P0410eG, cold, Trie63 of, any kindi ybu cin.,put some can 413A him chbose And a gircai adi of God - al -f thii, the besit;'perhaps kis great 'day for the clu whichis nariowij belted' iit-attr Ve more he very heart ap sou his �--hildish e 'm I siehillaWy obedient to that 'voice of f cakbaHg�e I oiifon lired'd�,dt, Mir b,Alperi to work. in your howe�:, friends be. woft', on, ished of' t f0hi6h� The.' coTiAr., mak od which-,.&rec Ae.'js: in their'homu nted III -if] the "r pbop6e- with irfeith r -background, that colors the`(!-6�44, WA �and a - &r.1f ijef.-Aried., of'rabb am to t matter j- , tat era. at the shoulders provil, him 'the Te4tA i ever ble�&. �Ba . t w* k of a pid- thit: Urne nor,terune'eari.. er 91 he' or dayi;,',and ther C9116 1777 a 0 'frying the es.'tablialt.. that boyid, one takeW' it, ful'nes�s ove�lih� 4.uat. TW skirt front simplk turet'an that he was Gods'faithful ser-. tmw edXe will porsveut;�tW do not_ He. was mueb.d1s-' thk best- chance. to render bed irt. . fr'y quickly until tur rwently b6mu.*.b6 found.umt 9hows-a4ight flare, andAhe ..�Num. 12:1,; Heb., 3:5). treak fliem bewitift;' 1y aWeetand strong and! -lightly bio"*1104 on '.both sides. then an the� a W�Z*d tv� 1,9K whoin h are gathered -into cuff-bailds. MOSW� WORDS. 732:45,47,! 4ili e es li ry". rig teousfiVs�.' It x0gris "7. crd--t of a Oe 9 was mys no SIM&M of preparation to 'Woseiit ink4be an'en4 of speakIn elf,,, elrildr001 cbIq�eflf�j to h .00 - - If ibe,� in. the nie that bi f6t'the misis; and' "I' d' ar&6sjpho;L Fryt6;4.0iml g in Scheel TM' no s,**n, j.,6qt a bit' of �roub?,,a - and h h f 'I hot t 0149 tu71 vd With To halts h had ered that, tfie� �11114 ears., he. The book of'.1366ter*n6my a remove y SCOV. ciations-amd niiik�s jt�.ties. �stnti no� mother at that. is in sizes' -16' 18.and 40" jrown on th sides bO&re Placing in t a oven series of attribuited­to and. it. Wit bake A, '4ck **en .18 pfj� buii)' requires 4% - yards potatos,*and brb�m was ply'*nd. Jaelizibd. -to be dkhonesi; oth ima Itt n the teel the nen, tl�4�. iit b�rth& osesj spo en. -people in Rub ;ir�seed'oil a, I yard ribbon. 20c. I M te� the, greens Amod. season. to�tast 'P firw, i. ,,4ttie 'thin 4ut aroowe&'hfinlo� &PPI"".016y ft'dia n 93, 0! last twice Our- rating,.the as.t t6nth'.of th must.mAke the disbaoi+ h ff rut back the t St: tr�e -as wy pre he re the I I-- andatir,mixtureiln 4s. -ong. The. �I Fhion Book, Eust- he Uerrien �pjqurzi 'Th& the� riped off ilt-otitt, -I �o, n4 believe 11 est and w. -):t practicaEl r., athq�habk* U "y e interest t fj hAos hot:d!sb.'P-:a axored -to*' -dry' 0ro6ghZ-,y.. -.Chidks�; qua:ity of 66 chicki'Put.6 6 hee o every "e to ce; ".t. of these hi be� found I h fn 1'lother is condadve t4. t A C confi -4 n tattling -or uAt I thd sem 'd fin ot t4. - Ind great Cm"dijai maker. Price of thlL-.boek 10-cent-4`�ht thid; aftei the . ma of .4he �b�ring:.:� My son My, brainsr !ist :oi1vT'aiA do, that I 4iSCUS-3 Wft opy- TA,% �Hnm, lio 106940104eft' -have: im Uw, - In c aps-. ��Itkt' 10' T —parted d# Id h -better g, e: na! batX things" that he� tlls 11 ',an-d'32:'ihere are variouis 6 'Or -6 r6und o and I fre-, the'.: UlitLx Ute o�"zio Zfte� cm, ks- 'f ., I , * , 1 "S PA givi� them an WHt our name An say Sheep thit 95 of t. e Doominion' I nothin aSMSted[", The, �epj>rt n� e9t. ai path& aulmoma to tWo qlltrts of Tukev�arm z 'I. An d tddihEmplai zters;'1- pound HOW TO' ORDER'', TTERNS f tlae'�'bebt 1 Of whe Ing. Vrds- and -me-s Ruently SY.to'lifint, "Now, wet rem iileMaW&�.breederx P� ages, fu:' of inter 66ck of rout -ton.' 2 A:-, maikeA by16. to any ere, a# youi 'irk �h for. 192 her and size' of a4 -h -sami� h;,gh. tone of faith -2' of -'Watoe% I" small 'rhligft be IT;ilstaloin 7 or "p6rhapil e Y, giming aum nd duty to ;01 1�.,acei I this 'RiSt. 1, mr-ater., The it,� deve0nient. of the pea -try M- rUctliftrly.' Wort tterns as you �want. Eneose jr. SPArish ovipn, a& -,t and peplper,'Xi. Oiht wilI te:l his c, gravy�';%. oufice'l6f buttiw, o y,'and .32�4, r fat.. �f 3 A utron or half an hour After vd4ch h country- �-Wfth. thiisad- -Y I cogitatien 'by .,every agrj�! c6in (ceiis.prefeOed. 'Wma `th�y� are rifised 'and 1ting she wilf: te3 him: that - wj�j, in'tlie. vent of, the, raamnii)th Inctiba-for �he, - -ad' r �traw ey . ccp-, ry r4la i .. , ;e� id down in a d' "wrong." .1 crWMy, do not These words in th .1 ant un oit, T) d thAr `Lv�i jiatcherfei§ ;xqd rawei of tany !--&A t hrlart:' jknoth.er condit.icit arose. and produce Helborew, speech are quite the trim,0 tbe q . 1. It a!rie�po�t,of rare 0wYL- address. yGiiiorder to P.4ti�rz ePL. : equiva- kip and a.6 greater that Was the #xpoiflng toICAnxda. of pret�erm-­ lent of 'y6ur mind" in EnXIi,.z nart of "I Instead of thilpwing potato pWUngs,t4 be , ia!ebear�r, but -.1104 P-ou d be fat. .-.Put ecor45, of into'Ahe� garba T We t. t ,Xeo:V its mind al ihat. hon h r7k . 116in to beif -,in the yeari to, Jom�� le can chicks'- In quant'14�es ,T3ly�-.-the ge.cs�d,l ba t investigation. and rernediaf es f, ean t5mmings of �the meat, :exPe1i-,'12fd6 SL, TQr0ni0.'-P9iiierw seni ��y, 1.1, prevehll, always ctome t6,mle, Unitea. State� commerid2l liatc, warned $.,ou of," TJje-reference* 6jid;. 71, - , - I Ave .1 -atiney to a onion 'frto. z,,sitew pap. -iretutn r -. . , .,. .. ., . . I :. . 'di the iwoblem% of itall * I el'� to in the ieArUe' Coie h Amt[AW wa,,;il an entircif -pro- c,(,.d r t ese with cold wat�r' and boil he. Iscuos W.3 T6 ere Tiathol-ogRal nt.cr two of.milk. added ­" 0=;;� �00041001411411! '.., . I " 6f the chapt0r, but o, ill the ton ­rm 'Words of f -x tation 'and *arnWg V ki,. ich chicken` is to b6il Pun- XPL down. fat &avy-. neeed with the� 6, E Grease-� a fiepr6df 1. -in the Orat ca; Are Water io wh Ae' th- chic6,V,:ere:. for ta,T Fa _V, te.� 3f r. D. J, 7 How Rtikt-'Sp6res dish, put..4n. a A f eep, ayer o wftf�h the "k. Ins The igtte.. givetlla�cr to the, m�at and makeg it the most, part1hr the, Cairrie& Part of 46,Ab T�to ri�nprovement Of Plntlt in' chilriie rat 41d be iQd otat arranO�- the i6gs, t�]Do k,die Ckt caM� ift duty frett;: In the ri XIM,- dea!s argely t EUS the: tr�a-�7tyl of the 'chicks* inz, the potat4,.. Anlo dtlen.!'� Cortt�Are 6: is no valn. e2cillaY 1 0 '2 erces & kidn on in, thi t is rot . o th4ire td' your Fd w ite n o!d fowl cooked 4e. h! C34A en alt jee�h�� cron&fti Tay: appekftn�*- of a, . Carefully'hoe' and rem-lov e� weedq' tt an d tftin:r"- -JN14tT�-t't ;-enders verry-effective- oysttr­ s-eism put 4e remair.- e=r ru'st spor b` 'd -ei car� be.'C'irii�, a ey or,,pax. vrorth - of .,Tdoth ba:1$: from r garden plot 'tion- An - fo t e m6st, , ae. irnf ht tt the�­IlW ri� 0 '�Tt is�rot ikeele Five ce — I ' . - ' mea s ne to der of pqtatcL Of a v, `Ttzibl*�. e- - "a It UK but liot'thel f,n a. h. they great distnrc�-,,- Ile, \ . . I - elk, try��.ttre effi j� va -you live.' onT in -the novit` 'faK arti the iniet, .',;ihkh, riiore not t type requiEred verY cmi9ider2b!e you so 4J,�F.l I s kea�p, the g#ered o s=al 06t�fo;6�.. curi, p:ace free of �tjce� i14 "04,king Ae :Yord�anito Urgely:,thafi others, *1 �n .6st the, on er con, ut thy a - -came in duty f4e., un6r, P;� �vd , -.with spray Ved,to Im- e"- feympire 30.,1V-20-, �fn half and pNTr cu - t op 6xt year. �w4ich, tb-r eri a tin 6f fruit or g"nr&n-. of th� th4t 'wa' Veget ab! I b' Z In af out-of�jjje corn Uv:. ineftJ�l set, a pre- oparle A ploe to the weeds ax, wl.�rat�en that the eke Royitl OF �'DFATH, y -Foree,.and THE SF--4-T&NCk -in n rit in te Don -tin -ql Cret Wee Rp - 1 -3 un -bolder it' was ��tj,',ettiY,that -CRnada ecaitne 9. A ftp�rd of 5)tir' nn,debriEL, n c27i be it. a or�z­ hd or. hqt 'id 'Th- ca iled.,.9aftW'' sa t the durnpift- greuixL Col- T %vord 'Abarim" meant "the re- an pepper. Brush� the, upj*r !ny�r`ot and the Uaiftob Agr;culturai. d cAn ' it 'then, be ieft, c� v -three of ermal 7:0, b:� gion.s ovdr ar bey6nd-" It, is, usied with. he' in'7'pl Tvitti, y6;irs* ago -.in attempt. was ith �,time cohV41t6ed. -eful ert'll �Eer. re ere' nc'j--,t6,. ifie, 'Jordan river'and the h. waii. butter, or' .into us The Lind, 2�s, ef ;xverag"e: T ov;er Wit k -compost heap is a val. nwax. it lies,' And -is -PaPL and aprently', uftifo�m thrbiieh- r , -r -and bake, to corredt itati�� Do inatead of solder.. 44A in *hic fat cover. with grease owas Intel t'S, report fr. 1925 are, beyo Llrd..4,tam be b�e:ich�d by Ap�lp4. ft rum2htaf ffi. dn-L Ce.r#fled, iG, 'unt the nanie givea'-4y, fieople.west of -jole- for about, 2,hpui in a �ri;tfeegte garden rezzn, Ma ain p4ta­ Imixtrure easixre i t f 61 off., bithzvzrate 'of 'rot4ksiiuIn 3� The kayes of trees' *hea coer-eect, h;bming ddopted 'as, a - tcL orar to".'w ties . I y eor, em exr. Lz ju K 'he a] emore T- d 'I - tbl th� - PeOpZii'2n�f count ast Th er mu%t'bt- t qr t,�Z.l ii� III Intl e­Pro'pt);K-7'An - p rc,f lc4, dat the; time to. aerim f mu iie, ac pettlent.a; -ti-g;atf,� Of �f4 t d led �carAu .9 an. f Nu=L 47T. 48).:Its. -the vra�s ap leafry 'did f6rtjfiZ�r M a Year. or W-av heric ihovers pretty cea�" eu*e t. Pic �.o 'be r ob4rbiwn and i' ki7au, , i11. a. tions, to ree w, ere d Y. that *e hA e, - th of breeding Pore., 4'. you tf-at'k inulch Thak mia Vanied bk 2� This n, j.,� in and.. "Pordi .16t duai an cri�- --Th,0 serve. p6urfrz _get ­ jgjee i�f I -Y Th soft-L-mixd in -t he-c-pitipost - eqp t 611 .'y study. the - -X . -1 - .,P(% I 000per carbonte t hy� knearts of.iI ore,.c in --anguage, -We.�t 'Nis, not, betnt entfrery eat- burth, in W­.�,ztern' Canada 1) -.and tfIe' wsr'eeches of as nin6f. a 4 td a charczm' . And 9L `o(vnt upr-r air rOcIll 14,springo IA SAY m'sej t or the 4'rfftnilty e3�pen-4-4.�4(1 -t rnuct b-- tefvl�d'in't u 7: drdan wrk�r after h* dish in *WA it ... a "a e the w ills garden..,'.' thelzett'oment'm I , iz. 4iht 40 der tffarts were made. There, iq, a use of 4� uth AS t rr,�,ff fw4ual - je-d e sea fiakt-d, J�nt t., dog in Aq' t & on* 3 D�43 ke, am -d Vniih 'a k7rife,. d r s T i Ips., car -n, ot er a ` t� . . su- h rts of betit turn, so shialf 'on t t -CReMp. CLIL(;K 'r M�r riot. tfti� only. bee: I.. 1 3: restrictian, P - I I ir and paeati&n T 2� qua:ets of noth this kind are In ih4 t 0; in All or"W ro r nder-, ak ha �69 �Uinti'b it. zrr- wh,�n 3 -be,.stl�red.away des a'm h whfch�ar t k trp n6or -r-- Ile e� givrn in ta-hufar fatm in tbe neck d bins �r boxes inA be, hr. art ampness -and Covejed' V "I a nor I . L . -4 ..Wijj,:,the eZeeptio., t of amb. or. wind dizs�min,tWrl �r rz is b�ond -f- find fee a0p v.; repi�t virbich k, in L oti c 1: e ij fur..- a T ;Sta oed A Ileak in antz foi. A at n of peas e 14 1t nip twili ic o1ra 'L. Brar� 1,C:,nd kttut,6 q V pick!-14rrel. B..jr-, h h nzay� be .'Pi'gah (se on d he-en-estAb,, the- Vre.4te_?'n tvf thoI. high'Nto6bii ad .1 -oppod 'pars-- rc. s a . use &r winter U-sethe p:an' r left out Oe;: h, te ul ,if i.h zindri� �#Ver a' ed pla eau%,l*�,4i of cop,per' .. I - i Te1 11 . s,&paeatod. r ook-inx the north�ern pa�rt ey� �P­t, d 1 11 I'd rest Wit] Ad S6 es, and'at aFF,4-. rarin LI-erea'-g-rowin- rop. t ohlid. vFT11 be red by' frostAf '4 f too the Uti, or tht, end' 'FraTh iti cou!d Cut ment' fstr V�r L D piece. o c�aniphor, irr'th� di�wer of the, e cret! ir.lo A ng - ad fa : u d t�, b, tkin e (f that gt.,,lo - ft,tit thx�nirdl; the CILw pay, v, -f t h., t .1 have my extm silverkeept it"' 5 I'Order,tha 6t be h r westward and - norlt the. ca., r�'il adian _a 54 of sal� *1161*0 b- n4n an par. iifd co:d*w�itfIr. brin- i"ay be- forced� the iocci in the din't dist&n,!e I 1 1. witft, the hiduti.tains. ofj-eba y - atch, cynnaf4�, uln' :,12-14. ntitle yezirl. w rPrisentry"y thi.-t uv�- a:1 (JZ12Mity, f foe qfy A' s m now �W*'Jffted and "be suhjezte� 4 fir t ig-st for a, nip.rj&L or two. -tht-, catf- i, T�, story cut i in, -�n Ws". and L,- t rea k their fr,: �.,rrcr ornis cr. years. 'Aced Where to foro% on the 'Uver- 4errje� 'than th-:* f;�O Th L the sin'of It is not -at :1'�' e I t jsy T..4lt the IIIEL6 ltlf.lvir�;zar added td'�. jildVr �jj b -L t_fi,.& U in-- p inipartan that th eat, Ur derstir, ii.' hut there app,6-irs t,i, Eour tke !:ilrd &tZZh=Jti prevanfi 09ro -dug s'o,-v'v for arri VL4 pt�on 1� -which. t4i�,y fi:6.4 teo, othsr.t, ",he 'tu ':THF licen'An Act, of o rar Lle�t. tit jtet p e And. be stditled4wav bf,,,fore oif' r r 6f eaulidow,?r gratfin. presuntl r, -..4t uV-tat-GP-04 Ift the ground, ati r. 'to iv;ri 4 ni v ra ney P �rtatL.; -ar-- t It'! - I— 7 g-,*ew* and. in torage'sts in 1- wen. I . X, the,r.,4�' hau*. S &Cay. Th' Wil, fv 0 r' hint hi "the ey -:ackln s t P Ir t 11. i r �1 r . - fo,6 Vie, Cks 'Wer"'Yoni the attackiq off, achic murr r th�- r ti, a t�: e'!.' tt tz, 'ivy tr�awk ar tif the ft r :your ha tie ez It,; f the diseases Ive falfa 'a 'A or 4stL NOwN C ka an ity y 'h. 'kr oy�­ -Th,, You (to: itolt o the wb­�V� tit.� ...4 n".1f v, tZ,; I W :rt OfIek.- ..f. M A u Y. n fected­ arid rob,-, thv t.,.t 1 .1 1ra. t r t. t I*L, t f 8. A thor g arrow val- L to- thor n i4r Thi ry. ft, sti a 4� rl' L I I,' h ic h, t tr. %x t by A%A-s rc$ttlzat t­Y- lyants i mt� ro, rc, vc-r z qdZr0vr- n ntot"'. or those ca �!r el=pw1s,nty rn,�nurnztt, but W h i�iueh in t heT t- h-tq n* tottifi. 6121d, tow �ift ' I , 1 uCr thi. �Art 6e A husy !-It Crop 1, Ali -.*!.n Oft Ma. n,.,- naturitz it, war bo, .-wr(te*r 1 rmful. alon" the taq,t v, aft�,rward to, U1. - o Onta­.v Ay llrternat;i� The girdeba f t t , t SV* to '04te., �4516 But, �U W are reg, tot L tnt ��,W' W or ty t! t� Iuntwi 011: ly"FMit "M 4n lititd which, ivi; rove ntiv .401d at au�-, 101, The -t lwtbicto" Fe--& t mt%y tdvii ()e1itNi, witTt.: go lfrty sill try Ji haM� In n 4 t�ldtie,'A nd- the other hut ro'vrieo, With �11`14)(Illllr to* %ilpfots Vimt,rI6 fit r