HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-10-07, Page 211"
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'•••• •
' ..
SOSTROEMEcrivE . •• ogee the heel= been Praised
lihatlisaard-, 'tern -backward 0 time, ' let -nledal in lufluArY And if one flies into
ct*t'llnallitY, ' - , Your Carp Yell may be sure that it is
Bierk: to the.. 'ram that hive since an Wide*, for the bee is either out
Paned AWAY, scenting for nectar among the flowers,
So it ril see and be able to know I or returning to the hive, to
_WI' the old cars that were made long Left tit hintaii.f. the bee try
-. ago- • eecape and continue his Work. I
..,"Xurn to the days whin pedesirtaus put right here is where most pecor-a
' cried7-. don't 'Mon" beest get excited and
,liet horaerl..Witen • On' t *Wing- sad swat That tette the bee
• "' • that Yen .erealYt, The bee be
for a rule,
1404, to tune of the door.* the
tear, ' •
'When 4 e'r..ves ecilliPped With a ti.2.er.
• .-7-ito Steer., - ,;;
litres preparedness, never
Attacks! he • only defends , .hitnse3,
•.1,1! ;Yea take krfing bee, the
!Ong, fel', the. „bee' can dodge; fastett•
0.4keitelilAbi DELEGATES At f4A4AIE OF HATiclei.*S•
-eilanees ere:1,000 te 1 that You' Will be, /
• • • •
I; 4; finer baCkyard, than: you sWat," • • .'•;, I • 'ts-eove- .tne Canadiandele,gatea nabraneb of the Ontario government:latter heti made 0;3Tel-el impOrtant
can .t.tAlhe.oast. • 'Don't' fight the bee: You're belted the •Dr4011t session of the, League-OB[31)n. Philippe Roy, Canadian coramiseneechea in the league assenirdy, • 111 -
how me the" itu;y, cousidifireit go before You start- • r4ave him igen% or Natione are Shosen ehOlogta. Ph, ed lesioner to Frani:col.. Sir .,f1;41tert Amesekwileg •04e Whieh be • eilirnied
• fest., • ^' rather, give him 4,011ance: to get out Geneva?. Preie lett to Sight they pre:and Swat,* Sir George pootet,tOrerierCana0.`8.-tight to a ferninuerYH seat ors,
; the "top. ;wi Its of the• car, If the -windows ire oPeN I/r. V'tr."' At. forMer soPerinonintster of trade and orannterce.. Thethe 'couneti of, the league
4. •
That illtnate 0111000 by 'Para:, • BY C. W. ITTEBISOlt
rricaldrii7s47 0101 aa fungi
F. • *
altic bacteria, antettet to .Many millions of tattling within its Pounce*" so
doliars. saaaaNyhf the statementsmads wee:4h, of !natural relent -real, thet�.
by the Natural•IteseuVe. inteitigenee ahould be only two major protdeessIns
Service Of the Dept. of the Interior' at anoip policy„ first, to Preside for the ,..
Ottawa.- The eenredY is seed diein-, iraditat development of these `nesettr
feetIon, • • c.o. bY the Introduction .of PEW
Dr. Clayton Roberti Often,. •Pref.. 'capital and by promoting. a .healthe
of Fleet Pathology, at PeenaYlyaffla increase in'. the working lic•Pula.,
trace the "Pmd of Pbant diseaem 'poBelation as to insure, as far as Pee*
State Cellegel is "gaged in research tion, and, secondly, to so direct the;
along this line and has been auto "te, quest for and distribution. of such Mlle.
through seed distribution in sible that •thelr energies shall be de.
CASS'S.; Tfirnnih the sale and distribio, voteA to saept•oecapatteus as you en -
tion of infected seed, parasites have *are a. fairly .halanced• notional PrO-
.r.,00e6tien, areai. of the ;world.. some cltiltlecins. anF,RiLerenada....tw !rurepeoiincirf:diumneingrY.
beim widely dittritrated throughout the
parasites, such as the , cereal aniut•s, , sad pooiaining population. Witifthis
are known to be distributed wheroVer, need bowed, our Juduatrial and
these crepe. ars grown, • • ! transportation plantaWradd be Work-
leYStiee:1;t•i"wiimell Cennttreeff*Sleleitet. 41i)natdS'14r..714gItd,l'esr.tri.„diffice coral; ".e
ot to fob dt.'"
diseases end",reettlt a•Yield _ that deys, of easy acce_
valued greatly in excess of the exPease in the:. field of immigration are inter; ..
**Va. . For seed disinfection,.:fori. luso, idgh oality, hinds are prip,
maldehYde,_ coPPer• 411.d cerresire *ally gone. ' The ectrionii0 isittintion,
sublimate have been .1tenerallY 'cen,7 in" Europe is 'pea. that people ,with
eidered standard, but each has ite hear milts1 are no longer availattle for,
tations. Mere recently organic mer- ,oetdement on our hinds in an!, largo
chiles have eeme to the attention Of millibars. The social revolitiott in the
scientists "tubing the problem of seed old Europeen civilizations.L..for it has
disitifoction. These appear to he BIT' heen 'nothing less-haa made the lot • .
°rho to any material previously used, of the "under. doe vastly' better then
giving as wide a range parasites and a much widdiet::::(k7:::„,yince. ton: i:eavemrsh.: Ifnarese9 far veas
elimination ot
jet SafetY-: _ . • ?ease fearandoufrietlamPlmoYmennsetinteniaceecelmerned°f
been trebled.
greater latekeat ia seed treatment and Canada Must wake up to the tram*.
Ali, ve:ed. 09:14)PliZati7_114_67nad .a* ee
• ,
1. • the bee will seen find hie YeaY. out. tirade& of thti tradea and labor
• • . '
ateP or the tonneau that hum s • • • ,
crank on •the aide and -the - ISA 11I.1 OUT • .
sprockets -and more-,.- .,, " •_,_ __ - ,.
queer little engine down under ' Never rue " an automobile engine I love -the wind;
the floor; * after the battery has been taken out, I love it in InY•heir
to the time. when fastidious or even with the generator disconnea- And' rue_ hing through
letar ' " ed front the battery. On some meg- ' tee hill'
'en -a - ' DONT.RUH THE CAR WITH "•••
.geuntleta end gogOse
••-•=11/13..:5i3OSBORHE. .
neta-equipped cars where the battery
Is only used. for starter and lights,.. this
43 etssilY possible, and. any •ettealPt to
do so will almost Certainly ruin the
RIST SHOULD AVOID generator; under the etrourastaucea,
SWATTING BEE IN CAB .the *uproot generated must go sortie -
Motorkit, Who :grabbed for ids where and, unable to find an outlet;
as it blew off and in doing, so it will back - up and kern out the
%Jena* car has lbw been the itenuttnre: If for anyreaSon ii io nee.
dunibbelt. lint what about the !suety to run the engine of a Meg -
live" into hYsterios..sted,then neteatptipped car, or any evens -with
ditelirpeeding Ids 4ft and th• tho battery out or disconnected, co*
10.0. pineentem, because a tied. a hews* inonlated-'eable to the
Simi into* MITT „ ... , binding • post Of the generator and
pitip0e• net to be afraid, Of canto* ground the other end to the
Tart wiu,
, into tke
:safety .of
bees „ittfutfoktidvies, 'forma* persons* franie other nietak part a the car,
•can't help regarding be as unwel- making sure the connectlenti at each
Monte guests., HoweVer, Imowledge Of end are good.. -that is; clean and tight,
bee bebaviOr may give feu confidence The wire toted must have a diameter
-a haw 4).24 mlitm-one
your head.'
" The bee thst
is not out looking .for dtditry 'and. kulation 'and 'all.) Too light, a wire
somebody to stint.' :',‘Viten'the `bee titut"itot cany the heterY ciirreat
stings, it dies Shortly •aftertrfart For Consequently will heat.
, love it tlt.)re;
And more. nerhsPe.
Within the howl*.
Suddenly 1 am aware
That something. among. the
•I'rees-,that" wore bare", • „
• Have yelled.. themsellee with ;novo.
stem as With winga';
Tkr quiet -boughs.
-Like eager' torches flare ,
With'iong invisffile dame'. and aCt bird
my atelier's' on
hen all ',le Viol
But waits 'intent,. ?-
As 1 do, and aware • .
That some ituaplcious journey May
. . ,
be ours • •
. -
a at least ..olae-sibtteenth of an trikb. `43141 "r" ,
er. ergs mom Wire' 'hist& tini palb, Or dnti. 'fent. ..
blunders inte your car and not the entire cable,, including in- "Ite. gentler',
Ow Times
, at pen
ptiagsga Rd*. Forces Irak
To Ule Air .Transports,
N'tagara Falls
during meat
tour:sts • entered
United States.
of 51,517 over the
addition to the to
SOW ,returned to
astaitEperiod. ioaki ..g the total entry at
this Ittert for the month neerlY ons
Million souls..
Activities are, however, not con-
fined to the trairist business. 'Theta
has been an Active demand for faun
• laborers and fruit pickers. Manufac-
turing industriee am running steadily,
and activity in. building construction
• very pronounced. : Extenahre road
Improvements are a -thing •11 large
'smear* of "eononotflabo
• •
h August stp55,888.
'Canada front ,.'the .• ' 'Feglauff la Planning to usUakfilanes
.khittlrao tomettaa 'pa tzeon- traritiporte,,'
arbitsi, 806,601. par;„ lanes Pable Of."CarrYlAtt -•" With scr'iditeli,Strese being laid on
Canada during ,the
. i
Saint John. N.B.-There will be.; in 1925; 30,009 in 1924, and 19,88$ In
s•-• „
thirty-three Sailing from the Fort of 1923.
Saint John for the Canadian Pacific Regina, Sitak.--Productiera. of Wheat
Steamships, according to' the Winter in the three Prairie ProvInie.ss, tie esti'.
echedtile just announced, as against mated -by the Bureau of *Statistics, is
tweatrida in the het winter -season. now 876097;900 bushels, as compased
StaraltshiP ofilcigda all milweisa cora. With the finellY• estimated production
dent* in a big growth Of truffle and of '082,959;000 teat. year, rathnette.
believe that ,tho large volume of bud- .fmatsdor ethyrirolfrailliwitetssn'iTith. afth14902nell.v5,...,:wittsti-thm , it is,
nese. On the St. Lawrence this year . predigtedthat hue few years on•Y .fortable, fact that to obtain results
,Will In all likellhead extead ts:* the liraelaste, *spa. as folloWst oats: -*gar ,.diainfected. es,ed wiP, he a:erd er• Beed, even anywhere near Approaching thew*,
'Saint John season, warranting .aikw .698,000 (r42,254,00); barley 04,434,-• Produced under such m7441°118 as '''''' Of. !Orator days -4 -and such must be
idenal sailing's.' • ''.' . ' ' • ec* (94.141,100) :4" .11,384;62°.(1-7- be ' *relative -Y.: free fte".'. 'seial-baree:considered absolUtelY,' Inadequate in.
Montreal, Que., *,-Aninteresting esti- 045.000) i, flaxseed. 7,221.500 (0,100.- Piiriudiffi'l ' .: •, ' . • • • ' .view of. our .present urgent population, • , ,
mate of :Canada's \ per ' capita wealth 000). Manitoba thoiwilialieeited-yierds - ' ' •,-,:.-...:.•-•-•--- •. . , • requiretnente-4 will be necessary tn.,' ' ;
has been made by the'.4e.gue Of ' lia-e of:wheat, barley and flirseed; .,Alliertit ma _. lir- '_'... nu. In-. • '*.' pursue policies • vaetly different to
tions, . with cempleattive figures of 22. -wheat, rye:and flaitseedt and Ses;- line, TV 90 mac Dem.6!1 . them of Ow past and present.
yearn ago., In 1925 .. pe pl.& hattheiran:thomeed rad* '•• : There'll; a Man alepial 1118U-Ilinent , -0iTo must,. In6e0 or lank...forget the
wealth in this country lamourited"to -: ,Calflatir Alta. -It is expected that known te Mane f4.:It6 trteeAs'•and 34" i'meaning Of tha, feral elantAigration"
PAO% IS coutxaSted..With.;10•00' Per 'traffic over the new 'hlietWaY betWeett :1211Ogie al "the wee bit bode:" tileV0h and learn the signiflcaneeoltohi: t..titili .7.
CalPiti in 1903. Out Of the 36 nations 'Field and. golden, threugh.oni a the to- the werld In sonenti,es..the ponder. .,,eohmizaiion.... • , Nothing
listed, Canada isinlitithird„ the United fineat,mountalit.stret:chee" in the Wo.44.
. .
froni Coast to Coast
I lore the wind;;
lere it.* the day,"
And In the 1, am atteat to hear
*hat it , • 1 :
S lence Monitor. . " •
an PregiaaS MOILS. reeeailY the annennonnent that Dine, in Darkn' esa;
tine- :. •-• • ' • ' '• coniptehensiv.e Piga leVehleg the ac -
Motel' showing $.2A11.8 and' Great Bit- Will be poindble early:next summer.
' Toronto, .04t:. -The population Of I Calgary to Golden e!eFie!il, thence to are One and indirthiblet-AWfrOs 't .191""tillth----etil "Int441111:tilr;*,&.slitilYolne..eteri7-,'
trii02,0,gliier-OpIti; Tettilectivelit. • . :314s .3411.pirildelt tea** trig !tom .tho iondettina and the..wee hit °°Y
of Tartrate tie* *Ode at 0$6,-IWIndermOra and beck hi, the, fitments Othee angle. *el' are as tar aaart' as' years otter sett1rattent will bear fridt.
691,,w1dch shows an ia .e.re Over the Banff -Windermere highway. Later _9n the Pelee. As innWAY played, tbe' ce., ful :results!. It will be anolutely es. -.
figured for the iiscal year of 7:263, the road will be carried right thretigh ,.cortilut strikes the' ear." 6 fAellieweat: Sential teprolfide,finencild is -Silt -MO
according to 'it, statement made public to .link up With:Vancouver, , , . .dull and coinitionplaco instrument, but * worthy, selected "famili:eit tit enableby the . •
Chief City AbsessOr - The rite Hellion; B.C.-A.nratiracement of ' a such, epitheth as . these could never be -diem to meite.11,iimiox:ik • canadanmot .-
eomparo favorably with that of other Kootenay rower and Lightto„ to coati,' 'On the rare• occasions • •wbeC the; :;17.1re , .....igi It efatill.i tiangir terms '
et increase in. population is stated te third big deve:opment. by the *Teat/ aPPlied to the wee bit boric • • ,,„,,,, tbe
Ye -ars. •-• ....$300.009, Was made by Mr. 1. Carapl...1 voleel'of the wee hit borio Is beard In ''''''`'ree'eL'muella eL `Leiters n we 1" ' \
wtarttpeg; Man. -Greater interest ili hell. general' manager of 'that cern- a citY street, it acts as poses.slng at, 01, iiCeit„. .liellu7shr:irde*ivtehlernaeseffte!ti,v,P Pi"'
being token by f.arlacra Of the Prairie pany.:: This will 1* 610.'11:Oman de. fairy'a *and. . YOU are 'nutted sudden -I
- that 40;000 antes' have been planted ,ini Lower : Sobitivigten Fills. and work! depths of the craintrY, trader thie-Pleat:".•t1t1-:. Prer1d1F a larqe Caaital te be
,scent of larch and %rat; (it whjn and at a verY,' 19w rate of littereat with af '
Regarded Nail *0110 Paint 6t Flew, tual placieg of people on the land foir
wl Provinces ' gee sunflowers •for-yelopment 4 00.000 'hp.; one mile ly away 'fro mthe Pity ilgbin and glare • IntelliOntly handled no investment •
ge fast fulli armed, While= ' each, . the virtues of artificial sunlight. Bee- ensilage.; This Yeir ;it is 'esti/hilted:I der' the Kootetiai itivir train the an find yotirself Once More In the .d.Oer; " ran nia'° Ir..11*'t *14 give1r ret"eres
sunflowers: as colnPared with 36•723.• *ill' be itarted inimediately;• , ; utt..:2ed as duect loses to es.-perienced
any noir ,beIng built fit rthe use a• the cial interest attaches to the announce-
tdr force In Intent, Made by a ;prominent-. London
. . . .
• The sky Uttaiports *ten • loaded., doctor„.that Ire do„ not "sufficiently can-
Weigli ,nearly nine. tons • and can 'at -i sitter the.he.sltit itahle of. darkness. '
taht los notes an .hour. 2"- -The anthortte • eneatioa states t
The • are 'provided with gltilleeiCEI /URI , that in his Opinion many of .the 111a
rrnY gluallung t4 the northers lone. ..._e_
The,. air is keen. but sweat with ,the. tamers settling on oer vecant spaces,. .
' broota and ifinnmerattle wild ,tloWera. tePiYintftt"'Perl°4 . °I! f'ere 2° t° 39 !
! years 't.iti 'entital to constitute a -re. '
. • . v -net, hesitated to adopt this policy .in
d A' Y9-vailig fund. :Private interests have
The gratis is soaked with heavy
the sheen -still bre•Vse peacefully' bO'
tte'cabin;,. and '..vrili .be .used tci rush troubles .:iroo, traceable '.x0 . . the ; too I .. ' Everybody : 18 '. tar,1111r. , ' with. the .iteoests. ter' thet..1111d. lei seasitivenessi.fore settling ()Own for the •tught otttue . he . . 2,14 ,i . ..voi..., . . . ,
. . . . . ..
with folding seats along each side. Of ; that. have. the'ir 'origin .in .chgestive . . .. _ . .
1r90PU to diseffeeted areas. •A , 'Riegle !lavish -use of fight -at meats. . Brilliant 'sedate,. "One ' mares...meat .1.4 another i to. certain kind! a "rook •Srhieft th.e,,.high'er grotind, 'the denisena .,nl: "the2t west • 71 a . . -erne rennmg late .. . -
*quadrats Will be able to carry 20,0 aut. itighting;, ile.,..fivior.o. is....harsiod tit..,din:!,,reart's. iraisear "*.erY few people how doetera. call' !ItnaPiiiiaaitt."..". Some of Iiii Ittose." , at.61n4(143'... s' .. :: the: ' '''' se,o.' '...il-Telin4°;ini"&'eTahtii°t731-c1NCbcniali;firati;c7sec."-s°11:17:4;
diertin a few,hOute lea' danger pOlittl Ing -rooms, . restaurants, and . .other ,eVer, appear tO know why this Shetild ;.these. organs. ' or; it may be, '• "'prim of ..• . Tide. :10ille hatir, at' -which
Whe.fe....6. with, OrditiarY .dellert hritiMPOrt Places niter* meals are. Partaken, be si. ' *.- •• '.". .' '" .; ., ' ;•,:: .- '. ; .. -,....- .. ..1 cell* are "sensiteree" tWiettedn 'footle '1,,tintentitt plowman. with slow ',and! 'In' this linsie? The firat; Prairie ceit:e-. .. ,
several. :days. . .wcap.4,... • alapao :,!)fftora , , oni.algestive prertisses.' on the per - ' ... considering the ., . infinite' Saone ...tif as the photographic' Plate.ls le SOU- .iaryhOqeiStep.. aeratabida4;3 ; a i;reizedetit6,-no".ftbRaytesto:eartlit ...CaTitenedeaitr. Wa‘i t.t.:argaliono: . '..„
-troona 'could arrive,: '. ' ' .;.., • .• • :feet working of which human -heal_ th, changes, :. that Vetere rings•intho .ale• ' ' .. ''0 : ' ` i; All ' ' :.. 1 k ' laIte
. . .
COI'S , Teats [English Land: OWnera interfered ;With by:thee-Uri, ittimulant..qua.ities , . a. aMple of, eyes. a n se,
rgans A, waY8, eft- * Par P °12 t ree btt boXiO ite i.o.onirhet;oit Manitob; ;as bii:.4ed.
Thfe latntive Scottish at so full or.. '
I of 0 .a • beaut and Tenderness. melVwed v • • - •
Glatt '4+ and happiness so largely -depend.' are ,rungement. shaPe. , • • •• The consequence is that , the .owner . , , on Federal fraanetal assist-ante:1100.-
. color and Other P
sly Innvidea by „garish rightieg., Tire aud their f;W--11.CCePr,lielm. &yin z-hthatenavetrinedth.wayertaertionnhey7 Boefettalehrioanwirit:raaL whieb• thes' ha•vv Fuesuled u'ettrt:13.4.4)ter.es:151:(1;:nll.cedlit7ltitnhes• s'i!'morrIeseavnvnd
lere `thee_ Pate •e,...f 1'34 r-atellee fazthfully re-vtid with 6 per eent.
sem mary se wage "sr vaiwgzuli°, mends made' on the senses by such Order that every human being
„Vao east,/e, amatonee from Euidieh •graie home the_, stomach to ihe bmain,and muscles, distinguished, frO. In all others, it I tittle weakness.. etthE.r forgets it 111 .0, form a titling finish to ,the sWeet stint-1tere` 7szc'in'stehePeesettlenof Aougrre4sopul:1-:
ir did lit the wouid have a hero time.,pidthte au sounds mean that bleod IsAravr,n from war w e Y e. within; or,
the muds. . • d thetasstatitatiett or toad naturally should surprise nobody to learn that a; at. ay abnant; ednena. throws rner day. • ' .prob:crn zb, an, The country, towns
• • i Aad ttow ihe Melody bemme.
King .needs thing • in "their Power' to steam out
since the farmera thre doing every -
of such a stomach, • liver, lungs. or • Y
'DODO to' the Qti
'llgit d °titan have what' we. may. call a faCial mono- about it 4•41teli ha ,tirst of men, mlneo naturaily wi,ii the, dew • . .* •
. •
Lidies4n-walting to ct
:longer either nitaernitty
at Belnsoral Castle. aa•th,
• daps of Queen Victbria:
• brat:been niodernthed. and
ter Iri.";attesidance tokthe
, no longer to !ate his bed as
table 6.12d. fibs chimney Ati
• 4: • '
..a...••••••, • • • •
bile en dlitY Ruth and Naomi of ,
tame factors as brig t us an arr
h reb he Can be identified and not w • blowing hfn and Oe scents,,and the groaraleg.,".and . La_ f.. have ,
The lateet plan is te leave. atelitery
it sinoking .,..•
I aladlar rarletY Prevails raaii prudence to the wm 3, n .
'•APcording to this authority. the best the whole a the body... There are on !, , • • • • ler an again fats er ae Rob a d f
. • • little' Instnunent wend their way home' t45.
suffers.. . •
. . ciparatively stow or many
light tor meal times is that si'ven ho , this planet at tn-a- • Prese_nt momenta UnfertunatelV the ' sensitised or- r . ye•irs Added popuiatioo wi:1 ,e
h be :about fifteen hulldreCmullons of ha- wins never hfaap at.thaiv peas, and ',,to the farm. The sheep ttowlythe-n,;;Iuvincre.aseAtruJing-fle:d sini
' • it * st hese. the , , ,
matte into,. geld because.under the taw any field. better , health aid to ...temper. the' man_ :beings: an, not 0110 01 them is a the rash eater Anda himself Pundiesell.eeda. I aro° LflO end t.ke.a.hi ti'swsr. est.„.1.V,L,.-bilent. of prospero' us t.otia: .
irnfort and rtc, , ter how. large, that mutat/at al Physician states ; if• we late our mealitiuuscimite or anotner. • . with. the, very th_hita. his me . ' rabpita ..veaturei faith ,onto ,the lawns Eastern ,Canada at least, lead to the
remind and b ed . • . • . s b ak.„ and . y heca be ded ied te
gleaners are arr • „, t is a fact observed daily that most Thus one man may, deve,op an at- e pe re Opt* OlOre we •
single shock of. grain IS considered noti semiAar „ • - Two Eyes Mike. t JOY.
ngs are • , 0 •• • • • • • • • k a- • ' ' find v,uraelve b • now is for irtit.:St-iat concerns o 'so
• . t origin et Pawnbroker's Symbol.' ,PeoPle hare a gait when walautg. tutd tack a aitthma through being. poison- S' t- csto • lit• th;. ,szniakr •counnuntiti;:;:,
brig a tweaking voice bOth Of which are by Patter-HY fresh. egg -an article
:The teak of bringing the .
line with Hiedera ideas of co
itenitation. 'started in Xing
reiga, has iti3t been" co
, Thcragh' the interior furnish
qiite simple; the castle is
,end this Year for the first time
'the, uncomfortable. • d.rmight
homet'which Queen Victoria re
'witit such affection.. • -
shock of wheat M the centre •ot tho% shadeIn d can
fll ' bol of three g iron alone.
food_that ciente faintness and erate than m
wberothe Cost.of,li'ving ts Imre
* • 'arger c'ties and
ot .111 . n ul. • . p, . . It's .011/1161rakers' sYta • . d tcharectertstie a dimes° ^ mild, c- collapse in an-
rtisdinGted ' :,•:, .. ' . ''''' . olden balls' cornea treat •th noted
' e L- i . means that their lege are not itS . ditniferene , a ••, ,. . , - . Whom general Ponditiotis for tabor are
...41„,' ..A :0 ., 'tint. -The contuinotion Of* Medici. Wilily. money lenders • and i tiler lege nor their vocal co.rds as other, , . ,. . . . Merit favorable, entirety Aside ro .
"-m"1. paint and varnish IS considered- tt' Veil. bankers of the 0511-:ledol.a, Agorae tar. trad, , 01-4,41ceythase_tro.ont;thibo..Oiridealarynida_ito.tiit (1,810::t a itrr ht'sg3,:ifitioteber itiltson, 'produced "hyotheztsLetuti, tYw-h-.-1:3cLii,ithliyr_owresre_eilsil, tzlotr:02.14gas.t. ; -,5u; 4‘,-511;ctiIi.g._btert:.; ciArft-ittaxn.•:ttilor,u.. .
good tndicaticirt of general prosperity um
' throughout toctitintry. 'Based on this i the de „Hedielit..iighting under C11.. arl, el•Irtoto the hinge to the Liver; and these., pea. liarty. senatt , 7tosidean • may ' Betty -Then how. i,s it that th,tiir
enr, a statente
1. cidealy on the ,up grade, according to',was decorated with three 'golden balls. ia, 'IernY 4P Say nettling of the heart, cause such various men sokne
i prin' eipte,' prosperity in Canada ie de- utogne, . slew the giant whose mane . • t,L._. L
nt lust tattled by the boinin-/ Ile adopted the Mark as theltunilY bi-
• .gans, differ in each individual. • • headadelts,gastritis,,giddintesa: and so.
the Stotriac.li, and at other internal or. rash, 'eczema.. gout. rhentnatisrit, sick.' tett producing and red:taming
tot_ ureatt o .Statistics, which shows'sisals,. . ' •
'ion11 f : " " ' * "
that tin *crease of 9 per cent. in prodne- I
Scotch Boy's Appetite'
Tested Expetiria
, .
• An experiment at AIX AltShire
: • ,
Ing school,* Scotland revealed
. one boy drat* eat five Wonting 'roe
and a largo Slice of bread and butt
. with 'big "pot of tea. for breakf
Two biters later he „eirawnined t
wore , rolls. end:: waS prepared' to cit
thine. hut the officials calicli halt.
Scottish zr •• -altos rolls, are ver
targo and.1•' ,!•y. 'One. ;it at meat twc
*are/sullii4,t at.,for Most adults.
•• • • .
eagapment is only just annonneed. .
popu.a.dix our smaller, urban cotitte
' Letty.7--She Coftidtii, artept him, till win again b ..„,,suraistotat it 'has been
illeY (Wale. eut Pt the PeellIt.el:w the port, raid is loather countries, the
t• And so the internal Organs-- and on. Epileptic may
cenipared with the previous pin, The! , Peunder and patron of the. fauteuil intimate Makeup as they do in each T' kNattunatelY. -It Ili now postiffile to winch the mo -e. man's owooataos trot olinst,t• *.,1‘14.17.n.stviivediacyl h iwG Perfect. . .
the More ought Law to* * 11*
we production in 192.3 .WaS. .ralUed at lieniarilie fiend (Anglo -Canadian con- individial, ',Coot with thanks* . or re• te,st sufferere and" ascertain to what
est.' ,
tiee a paints, pigmenth and varnishes!
Canada- dnriag the ,vear 192o as.
Oral, 0. Shaw
nt Irackbone of the nation..
, .
more particularly perhaps those of the certain foods, and cured by tnelr avoid. . : • / .
tcevenge is a kind of wild justite•
digestiee systein-dUfering in their, *nee.
vmp r autos were
• raricts ,
fi'42 434 qt10. ." • • , ' •t" cert band "lvbe ettaolluctla ,rhsr the,. iect With Protests Wha,t -Off tio not fOo!ls ,,,theY react. ht ..dletresetng • . • )the,m the Crown Pr. ace .,
. ,
• • . • organization is being disbanded,'Mr consider tit 10. becorat nail and pit.rcel and .datigerOuSways. • and' 'thereafter 1 rhnirt.,ina . •
; • . IShew risiYed. a cornet in his owe band , Of the atatter,Ar mistress they serve.. 10 deiensittie them by ,the . adintals. "The Vtititeo trsek •ntay. be ti•e clot teP•ineit
v tatr.er. w.no tiasn't any, to-, aud task' -the •,:e.enest PersOaal *tome- t "It is, then, the peculiar tra- Of the, aePortHriete 4t;som-000t. toosi have:Avatk.4'..it 6104r..t:rtati,:t '''persina" .
• spare gives 6.14 thiid n pirce. of !kis, is aetivities ' • .• .0f. certain of the...interitill 'organs .that *Minn 13.*tistithceitehr • . the first time.. ' • ' '
J. 'Figured:Mat Was :-.'.4tV.hrnt.:ts,t Perfect Goli,
mind, ; • .
MUTT AND JEFF -By Bud Fishet.
Got.r 30T
imtq. ttAs
Seucarrectq Vitkes,
VA-I\S SOW.•W#.''S
ttefte: Ai%4
' •
•1,17ErtX *e4 SINatteY .1WRiet
. NOW :114S et GOLFING Rc-CoRto'
' .oE schcztatto Routs ',pc.)
17 (...41t, thot'eActt :
DAtt4 Soot:,
rLt. vet!
x, tuot4)tit Row
mikaty ItelooK 450
11•1E • eGrrieeto%
tar). VOi Niintiv-rs •hts ,re•
: • rest":y. i•aoi iniouisiveY thitt
It ta,.! LATtia a ,$it.t.ot•ss
. tip arn.* spgilt to hint.' coin- •
firea red: . he.. *aid,' Lot ,rear.7.
. scritAsling, A.:Swedish
C4r111 hint to. go, to
' Print.. 11. toi.k the
r!,i. sir:trot:chine rare.ity; boWel
tiostrtAr • rr4,,,r1 r.,ttoty .
1":';',•,, '`' At !qtr.,'!!..• .'y't tr•
.1 v"hat,1 sthi lc; 11,1to,'-:-
;-z• eitt;•1;!!:;te,!‘"'"14";.
*$ *4tt.
4 it3tputok4ntrotior... *ritere
.."8 Minks platls
.t; eIEV
ttr,PO,'41 Wt.:0; 1
, been ttte,,tele