HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-10-07, Page 1, PAO PER TEAR IN ADVANGZ: 12.44"OTHERVI4P, ILUCKNOWs6CONT.1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 70 1 0 "0 .0 0 0 .0 0 ' , I • , I 0 l'110FESSIONAL cAltus. o t. • . .•, • Or:.W. SL comouli " wok 1,3groiti •• Lucking! • Hence .,PbOila "...• • . . • DENTIST • , Dr; MaeLeed wdl vIst Lao:blow cry Tnesdili • ." DENTIST • " Dr: it, Treleaven, -XACIED,..gly- ,•Over :Decker's Stor e. ,Extraetion either,by'Me or IocaI.:Will be 'in 'Dungannon overt „ TharadaY. Phone 53 • MINTIOT Call DvHaskins Make appointmeat , In irks everyday -,, • o -o 9 0 o tr,o' 0-0--0--0 • I 1 • EVERYBODY'S COLUMN 0 • I. I • 0-,;,-5,--067,-07.704:0-;•70-1/7:-917-017 'Gee. A. Riddell; Ilieknow, .;--.11eaker ' and Real Estate.-Idoisey-to lend o,r 111*W mortgages onfarm pro r tiea, at 6 and 6% per cent aceo • to ' maturity offered. Also arnal *pewits on Second, mortgages, , hn farm properties and on personal notes. A few good farm? for sal, , „ wilaL PAPER ' Latest •piittarna' in Steck at iawe0• ' Ewe. As cheap; as ;In .catalogues •,-Also took 'patterns of leading pour 'Afaeturers.-110A 114, ,R. J. csariermi, Painter & Paper Hanger. ' • , • For Rale -A number Of Windom . and storm sash with glass in them Apply to D. C. Taylor. ' • . , • FARM FOR SALE. 100 ACRES -2 Acres good alaPli bush; brick house 30 A 30 and 14 110; frame barn on stone foundation 10. x 66; shed , attached, 36 x 40 devil shed 24 x SO: hen house 13 „s 30 Well located,. . sold reason- . ably., Tering to suit .purchaser. • 16-7-tf. - Geo. A. Siddall For Sale ' or ' Rent -Two goad • dwelliag, houses in Luckaose. Apply .to Geo. A. Siddall: (23-941.) Miss Grace Calneron riejted. freed.; in Walkerten, and IlaneVer last Leek at the esrices in the ether , stores. then 'go to Hornell-Murdocles. Mr.John F. Cook et" Tot°110/ is spendng th4 Weik. With, bio parents in *oilfield Arrangements are 'under way for "Grand Street Opening in Luckno•vr, in about two ..weeka,•,. ••, • -Ladies' -Flannel 'Dresses bauhfu3 shadesWi11 be sold at. 94.75 at P. , The regular Meeting .of the Wo, ineres Inetitite will, be held at, die belie 'of MO. sPhillip Steward, on Friday afternoon, Oct. fith, at 2.3C O'Clock. • • . • • , We have .it'llarge stock of Ladiere Ready,' to-Wear..'"'Dresses and Over: mate:: Will be Sold at . reasonable :prices. Call and ,see them at ' 'Blitzstein's . Dry „Goods. Store: BOOST LIJCKNOW , Send ie Slogan -Short and Snake' Inelude the Idea of Careful privinff Sale --Matched team of hew**. .boraes. Two.year7o1d colt!: For par • ticulars ' call at .the Ford Garage Ludinovi. • • - •••,„, (8-9-p) , For Side= --Oxford • Shearling 'tarn Lambs and Eivei. Shorthorn °Bulla ten months. Yorkehire Swine;.bath seresWhlte year old Leghornv--'' ••• . , • !hens and Cockere:s. I, • John % Ferri.* 4 ,Sons, LacknOw. • (241‘10-e) • Look at .„ tke pricea in the .other stores.; then go to HOinell-ilfurdoeles. BELFAST . A• animber, .of citikens are boosting 1, for euitable " Eptrance., Signs , for ,LucknOw. The Council offers a prize of 15.00 for the best Slogan for these signs,, -showing the arrangement of he wording. The signs will he 7 ft, • 'tear sIog shouldt he in the hands of J. E. Agnew;- Village .Clerk not later than Monday, Oct, 'llth; 1 •,,Mr. • and Mrs. %,Percy Graham, of . Port Albert, spent a day riCentlie at :ter' former home here., ' ' A *umber from liere attended the RzpIey..kau. Fair on Wedneadai Iast and all report, good show:. • -.7.-7-Hr."-Hlift-ilitcleetrapent a day last week at the :IMMO of Mr • and Mrs. John .Bradley of Laiirier. ' Mary Phillips is .visiting witb her' sister, ,Mrs.• Thos., Ferguson, for "a' few, daYa. '0 e. Mr and Mrs. on Irwin visited, at the home , of eir See, tifr,. and .,. Mrs'. Gordon Irwin of • •WiwanoSh one day last *eel. ' • Miss Lena Hackett is Attending' Normal School, at Stratford. •. NI* Store -New GeodsHNew Low Prices; at nosasit-mantath colt. • FOURTH CON, KINIPOSS.' 1 6A0Faiii7it Mrs. John W. Gamble announces the'engagement of her eldest daugh- ter, Violenta Myree, to Mr. Clair F. Milne, eldest son 0.1ffr. and Mrs D Milne of larchnow. The marriage to take Place in London, about the ,Middle of October: , WEDDING BELLS • • , Edgar --Jewitt • . In Wingham, on Wednesday, Sept 29th, 1926, at the United Church Parsonage, by the Rev..: M. M. Ben-. net,, Margaret oltlay„ daughter of .the" late Mr. and trs James Jewitt of Kinloss, to -James Kingsley Edgar son of Mr. and Mrs. David Edgar of Culross. PLAYED WITH FIRE.- • • • BADLY Richard, the Ira/le-Year-old SO.11. or Mr, and Ors. W. G. Wed. of Ash- field, was badly burned „about the legs en .Sunday last; while he and a little brother and sister Were, Thalc.' ipg torches •of "cat -tails.". They were ' soaking the "eat-tailik with coal. Oil takenfrom a' 'steer barrel., In some' way one •;,, Of: theblazing torches got toe *ear the 43 Nchhirel. and an explosionfolloWed... The burn- ing oil was thrown, over all three, children; but Only Dick .get' much, 0 it,, the Others .escaping with" slight burns. The. heir was so badly. berried „that it was thought for a time .that he might : not recover,.. On Brednesd day he. was reported greatly improv- ed.' He is at present, at the home 'of. Mrs. D. K. Webster j..Lucknow,, as his case will require, close medical „attendee for some time. TYler7=-.Cooke • _ . A (Inlet wedding was solemnized at the Rectory,. Lucknoir, by the' "Reit, Freeman Tia4se, On 'Saturday,' Meraing, October 2nd, • it eleven' o'clock, • When Florence daughter of the late Mr, and MO. Florence, of Luciano*, *came the bride of Mr. Frank Tyler, Of Lucknow; son ,of Mra. Tyler ,and the late :Bev, Henry TYlei, of Hage.rsVille, 'Ont. After the ,Iceremony a dainty; wedding din- ner was served at the hosee of: the „bride's brother, 'Mi. Chas. Cooke, ,af.- ter 'Which the happy couple took -the' Roberts' sister, 'Mrs. Snowden, and afternon train on a ,trip to Chicago' ..nor Ernest; who have been visiting Kansas qty ' -and .;EIagersville, the in. the vicinity, returned se their • Mrs„ Jones, of 'reroute, is visiting at the home of het. brother, Mr. John' .McKenzie,,On'the Fourth.' • 0 • 'The women of the Kairshea' Club had a busy day .Tttediay detorating the Club -house. . . Mr. p. n. MacItenziewlelias leen spending a few weekS at, Ilia Mune bete returned to Toronto. A number: from here took in the 'Teetwater shoW. Carrother.1.4.13.: laid at SECTIONAL MEETINGS MAITLAND'. PRESBYTERIAL • V.MS. Meetings will be,. held in petober es-followni.No, 1 at Molesworth,,' Oc- tober 13 at 2.30 P.M. • This includes Molesworth,. gorrie, • gthel, "Crain- hrook and •:Bruasels. No. 2 at Whitechuide • Octolier 14 at 210' includes Bbievaia, Eadies!, Belniore,-"Winghim, Bel - gree, Calvin, Whitechurch, Lax - side, Teeswater. : • • No., 3 at Ripley, October 15, at 220 P.M. This. ineludes . Kincardine, Loin; „RieliTs,,BerS,114. 40.411,,,X1117: loss, Kinleugh ,Luft.Pow; and. 'Dun- gannon.: Mrs. w: Dill' et. fironto,. the' speaker at all the 'meetings. • . ..„ • , . „ .814. HELENS. LOCKNOW. SCHOOL ItEPOR'f • • - • ., 0. ROO* , Sr.. Hoo'. --A. Watson, B. Mar- tin, J. Stewart, A; Murdoch, C., Mae- Intosh Brabson 6, Greer 'A.;Dir nin MacMillan and DrIMaCDonald (ties); J.3, MacKenzie and A., Andrew„ Wes), E. BrabsOn, A Smith. ;Presnr-M, .Jewitt; E. Wade, 11. Milee. Below EesP.-A: Jr IV Hon -L Naylor, Mae.. Donaid, A,MaeKenzie, FinlaYaon D. Henderson, Smith, MOW- 'tesli,. ,l'oes--L. Webster, F. Thornp- ,son,: ,I.••MaeMillan, M. MeeDomild4S 1.3teward T. MacKenzie. Belo* Pans:. Mullin II Johnston W. Arm - Strong absent on accomit • ef 'illness, • K. MacDOnald. • • • Room II' Sr. II:- Pos.sible 255, Honors .266 Pass. :213 6 •Joynt 329, C. 'Finlay, son 314, L Douglas 310, F. Milne 305, L Hamilton. 303, B. Soloinor 301,, A.' lefaeIntosh 300, Alfred 'Aim- . strong 300, Thonipson .287,, L. 'Donald 287, B. MacKenzie 283, Jeatl 'MacMillan' 281, E.,,,-MrieKenzie '278 M. Fisher 273, Audrey Ilendenor 270; E. 'Webster 270, Flora Webster 267, L. Webster 267, M. Raker 295 G. Whitby 187, B. Brown 112,, ' Jr. II: Possible 355, Honors' 235 Eileen Johnston . 360, E. •Newton • 298 Marion, Jelueston 276,,,A. Horne 276 .Tewitt 241, F. Armstrong 239, J Henderson '223, S....Wade 222, Ruth Parker 220, K. Maantosh 215, Mut- iel Solomon 215, E, Whitley. 209, Taylor 166,H. 'Johnston 'JhoseWho took honors are pro- moted to • Senior. Second. Miss Caroline Webb and Miss „Mc- Kenzie of Hepworth, were week -end visitors at the • former's .• home- here: 'Miss Vera Todd and Mr. and Mrs.' D. Phillips were in Goderich on Sat,. ueday for the marriage Of, the lit; ter's sister, Miss Evelyn Currie. Miss M. E. Salkeld of . Goderich, , spent a few days with her ,sisters, Mrs. Miller and _Mrs,: Gordon. ' Mi. and Mrs... Waft motored Vern Smith's' Falls for al Alert • visit :with their •danghter, Mrs .' Tom Salkeld. •• kr.• Wm: haa, spent the greater part or, the past two ,weeks judging horses at the Fall • F.airs'. throughont the cOuntry. Mr. W. :Mae- Phersen accompanied him. to "Miter and , Arthur, last week.. ,Members of ; the Mission Band of' Calvin Church' are • Preparing an. in- ternitieg• program for their Thank, Offerieg, to be held. on Friday evenipg, ,COrne out .and 'encourage the children. • Mr. and . Mrs. George Mciteberts metered 'to, Orangeville. Mrs:. Mc - bride travelling hi a dress of 'grey l'9'ne with *ern - georgette. 'and 'Mak: marvel's,. coat -Mrs. Ferguson Of Atiburn, is a with' hat to matki. On their"'•return visitor ...with her daughter; Mrs. they Will leake their home in Luck- TaYlor. • Hr. and' Mrs., Jas.; Purdon 0: have ghee .on a ten. days' motor trip tZ New Store -New Goodm-New. LOW 'Prices. at Hornell-Mirdoch, Ces. c"msan' • • ° Mrs., Cameron hap returned from. . BUSINESSCHANGE week'svisit with her daughter .0sttandee.19.9., E0,111 • Senior ,Classs. "Possible 'Marks 297., . . Excellent- 223,, Good 178. Jean Mac- Intosh 261, • Grahami Shen-iff,, 252, 'Harold Ritcbie ,252, Grace Webster 245, . •Christena Havens 239, ' Hilda Twarnley 236; 'Roberta Johnston 232. Jessie Henderson_ 226„'Ayliner Ait- chison 222, Mary Webster 220, „Ar- Jeue Jewitt. 213, Girvin Reid 202, J. MazLend 262; .•Harold' AIIm .. 201, . J • -MacDoludd 184, Mary. MacKim 1/9 Frank Sherwood 178, Clyde Ried 168. Billy Cantelon 160, Catharine Hun- ter 146, Jack Button 107, Harold Thompson 96, Gordon Struthers 92 • David Jewitt '85, Jennie: Pearlman • fhise days with a sore foot ;IAA' he z."",veeived While gestating at a barn- , raising. The teachers lifting viemitt ItTeltt- -tending .the teachers''.convention at Kincudine this Thuraday and Friday. Mr. mot -MO. Wm« ithlitetoo, of Forest, mist tim,ionti-ont with hie tittiltre c401, Sialttelk, • *OF* 10 'Ili Mrs..Doriglas, at MitchelL ; ' An important business change took The members of the Y.P.B.C: place in /LizclOut* in the past week the ,United threll have accepted an the meKbantile business conducted invitation from the White:church-Y. by. Mr. itOert Brown the Cast fee- P.S, for Thursday evening. years; being -changed to the Wadker Store, .with H. ' S. Wigg, who comes ONTARIO'S DENTAL HEALTH from Orillia, in charge. Mr. Brawn . DAY -WEDNESDAY, • , • who became very • well-known,' and., • OCTOBER, 20th %vat deseriidly poCirlar with the pub- • ,••• , lic, is , withdrawing from 'the mer- The Oral (mouth) 'Hygiene Asso- ehantile .busitte.ss for the •pre.sent. cietion of Ontario, is a very energet- The new store, the opening of vrhich ie eociety, organized for the priepese Junior Glasss Pessible Marks 115 Excellent, .86,• Good 69: Zylda Stew- ard 115, Merle •Johnston 414; J. C. Armstron013„. Roy , Solomon 111 . Isobel Btfiwn 109, j. C. Johnston 104. Edwin Buswell 104, Mary Struthers 97, Billy Jewitt. 97, Mildred Ritchie 96, Margaret Rae 95, Bruce MacMil- lan ps, Helen Johnston 91, \ Russell Button 80; Vernon Naylor sq, Etta "Belle MacDonald, 88, Marion Mac- Donald 88, Jean Struthers_87, Bea- lah Black 85, ,June Collyer 74; Her- , rietKeith 64 , „ MarjOrie A lin 46.. , ;. I. •Murdie, Teacher. . • . • Contentment, A BIG slice of the fooc that's - --always delicious --always nourishing --always economical Bread . is the:only 'eco-, • nomical food today. ASK FOR Good Bread At your grocei's OP , itillymall's Bakery The 'Rev. R'. Perdue, .M.As of:Wallc:- ..rtori, will •have charge of the ger-, vices. in St Peter's Church, Sunday:. October 9th, the Rev. 'A: . Freeman Traverse conducting the Thanksgiv- ing services in Walkertone• Presbyterian Guild • • The Adult Bible Class • had efii* of the program at Gadd, this week. The: topic , the .7firni. chapter of the “BurnineBusir,” was taken by Miss Carrick, -and the Catechism by Mrs:' Thompson. Readings were given by Mrs. ,Slierriff and Mrs. ' Aitchison; :The musical inumbers weretwo cher- uses by the Class,a deet. by Mrs. - Douglas and Mrs.. Agnew,. and .ar: instrumental by 'Miss Mellotran and ' Mrs. Agnew.. The Misiionary Com; roittee have • charge of the program next -Monday' eVening ' is otherwise announced, is carrying of eckit'ating the public in -the' better a ,full line of dry *beds, gents' fur- bare of the teeth, and prontoting a Meiners' and ladies' ready-to-wear. sanitary condition' of the human ' ineuth. Many human ills' have 'their' ,HAVE YOU TIMED IN origin -in ,themouth to one way or With the test* our satisfied' ens- • another. • tomers now , using : Go/den Crust The society is asking. all 'resident Bread? • If not, why not? Do it new!. dentists,' school beards; . teachers.. You can. get that tread that is dif- 'women's institutes .to in ferent from all..others,•-at- your , gra- this- means imprOving• the general cer's or Reid's1:"D,orninion• Bakery, health, On Oeti,',211th the -iresider;t phone 68. dentists will he pleased to examine ' *peel.* For The Week -End, free of cost, the teeth and months Haney Cream Layers, Tarts,. Date of , children, arid send a -chart, , with Jed's; Italian Fruits. suggestions to the parents. The den- Fried-0%1re ,e-Jelly--Rolt -With- Marsh-. tiats.jare taking.theinitiative In this mallow Filling, ,•Scons, etc. movement. and ask the co-operation • , of an interested this important PLEY LOSES ,O1L11 :RESIDENT branch of public health. , Mi. Anglia Minn, for =MY Yam, Ontario's Dental Health DAY will be an -esteemed -resident of Rlpley, died giveit rierit week, thoto �n attodot, lost at the 80. MI. ilook.?4.* .11ium* N*4 Kovo,iitfocAmihtliikt ?Om. 0.5 iroO041‘4001: grOit , Look at the prices in the other stores; then go ,to Iternell-Mordoch's. • There' wan; quite a large eangrega- , . •tion in the United Church ; last Sun - •day evening: to hear an ilitestrite?!. address by •Ste.' Walter, Gra*, 'i -he • conducted the --service . in the abSePee of his father, who Was af•BelgrasFe. .assinting wide, anniversary seri-ices. Lantern ,slides Were, used to, illustrate the life Of the pee*, both White :and Indian, in -New Ontario..-:. The pictures, from e which the slides Were taken by Mr. Craw last sunimer. while he was 'engaged itt•nussior work at pOints.„.on the C.N.R. ,n the ,-territory north of Pt Arthur. *thee . the business, lumbering and /Mining of 'kew, •Ontarto is IP the hands of Canadians. and AmeriCans the labor.- ing population s made, ep largeof Swedes; -. Finlanders and and ,,country life, being stiB -In-the early -pioneer -Stage; , 'ALFALL CROP OF CURBANTS —The-tMnsuai-inoiSture-apd-Lthe7oc.- cas,:onal , warm daY or two of the past two inifeiths;'has been favoraine, to .segetation,and there lime hem' Son e unusual deVelopreepts. Eel] rasCherries are not uncOinmen, but second crop of kardenrcuiranti, we 'believe 15 rare. ,Last weeet Mrs tinier of town, Was exhibiting, bune'b ef well-dev,eloped, •and , fully riPetied red ..fcurrant, ,` which' slit found in he garden Passing a tinld the other 'day, from which a'crop 05 peas .had teen harvested, Are .,noticee quite a thiek second • Crop :of ,.peaS„ grerWing, The Plants were about si Tinches high and many ortheai Wer in fiewee. "%There. :shelling, oczuts is not unerimmon or pea plants tc come up in the field, but the, ne not often. reath thefirniering stage. 0' development:, '6.4` ; ' More-eitrindecl intormation • coinvTy-vAtuATolts AT wort,!t SINQE COPIES 5 =M. • Quality, Purity, Flaw you wifl find hi. our Quality Home MadeWholeWheat and Raisin Bread Saturda*Specials CED ROLLS, PUFF PASTRIESt CREAK SLICES, CHELSEA BUNS, •-• LEMON MERANGUE PIES. FIG BARS, OATMEAL COOKIES CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW. CAKE BON BOUCHE :BRING IN yOUR.BUTTER AND 'EGGS AND • " ••••• OBTAIN- Tall% BEST PRICES - • • "HOLLYMAN'S BAKEity Phone. 36. Luckno* 'omismi....ra...rommator ------ - t a r a w:H4,--.4 4,74-44741w....67-.. s ariA s tr. A r4 intiir4 s 63 r..etti roo rsi p 5,9 !Ir. 91 r, . .. . , Phone 75' LuclaiOW,po. - , • * "OUR ST .3 k l'HIS WEEK WILL BE BOYS' WEEK AT o liAl. , 'nom i SiorHERS! It will pay you to investigate our Boyse•Departsi 2 ' . ' bl 'ir`ent before "purchasing his Fall and Winter „weara es. ' ..., .. • s , HOSE of, that 1-1 Rib War* Cashmere or Golf, S" alma. fm, wire worsted yarn - - 1 UNDERWEAR--linit to p. Oil sok! that natural woo" gar- ment is just as sort as that downy fleece, They are both here in 'combination and ,two-piece , suits. •• . SWEATER --Yes mother. if You don't ii.ke the old-fashioned. ' • Sweater Coat,.'you i can purchase .n allover style in ether 'buttoned or v -neck shape. These lines are all Canadian made, for Canadian boys. We are proud of our Merchandise. Let us show you., ' FRED E. Bus.yyLL _ BIAFEK.K4G.: Mr. J. 0. Stethers .and• Finlay Shackleton • Were up from London over. the week -end. . - - Rev. j`, Durrantand son -.Harold or Varna were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Than, Blake; Saturday and Sunday, 'while taking :charge Of, the services On the Dungarmon,praiit Mr Isaac *ndreie; of /ion visited. his •sister, MrS. M. Stothera; Sunday. Mrs. •Stothers has been tinder. the dectOr's care the past Week. • Mr. Cranston ;has just finished the 'season's threshing in this neighbor- hood, Hay Was a spleneid.criiii,here this yeir but the grain Crop' was be- lo'u the average. • . • Mins Maggie' Mallough, Of Link, now, who had been visiting relatives here -returned home- Friday. • ; Mr. and. Mrs.. Elmer Mahood and family, 0, ,Kineardine and Mr„ Mi ton and Ming " Helen Graham?, of Winetain Were guests of -Xi. and Mrs. jinni. Blake, Siincliy.' Miss Jessie (-..ndreW; of • Zion, is .visiting Mafeking -relatives this: week • CREWE United Church Y P S: • '- "Journies to , the Homes of Great, Wernett" was the nubjeet of a by Dr. 'Newton at the Yeung .Peo- ,ple's meeting, Monday evening.. He asked ,What constitutes true' great - nein in women or men, and answered, that 'it consisted in willingness ..to make sacritice ,:and • to, do ,i,emething fer the uplift, of mankind and thf , • If.r. and ,Mrs. of•Strat, ford; spent Sunday' with Mr. and., UM: • ,-Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Stothers' aad children spent. a day .reeentlyi .with Mr. and .Mts. W. Drennan, Mr. and, Mrs. Robt. Edwards ant daughter .31ina, , Of Durham, -spent -Sunday:Avith2Mr...-and..Mrs-d:41enar. ,Mrn. Edwards is staling •doivn,tc :nurse. her sisteir, "Mrs. Henry; 'wile er 11• ; Mr. and Mrstarophell spent the ...vi -eek -end': with their daughter, Mrs W. P. Crozier. .• Mr. and Mrs' Jas. Little Visited the burg recently. „ • Mr* \V -m 1rsln,i Belfast, • is spending, a few days with G. Henry betterment of the world: He took Mr. Perey.Edge was up front Tor- ASHFIELD NOTES • • Mrs: Clarence Rtissel and son, .of .:Webaslietie;. and Miss Irene, Moore of leehurch, were gliests f Mr and" a kr7.4f!ii, k‘.13:-.11346 ere sfn 'I a sge:r slC1 iws.t.ee Leo. Xfo. Hinton r no':sdt •hirS. Clair Irwin of Paramount, re.';Mr and . eently MofisiaF*elmawer .17:Peer;Th: week -end 'with. Mrs. A. em of .Pa - :Mr and Mrs. 4,,,Webster. of . near Landow*, spent, tile week -end with friends at Stanley. ;Mr. and •Mrs. Lorne Farrish of • •examele Florence Nightingale. onte, one day- last week, to Pee his: who, iri face of great difficulties" :hid aunt:, Mrs. Geo- Seer's-- with little encouragement • was the • Mr„' Robinson of Westfield,..'svan.in first, Weinan to organizeta body.,tif. the burg , on Mendes-. ; • nurses to take Care of soldiers in wae. When her work was finally preciated she was acclaimed , ' th€. most popular wernan in. Britain. The Fpeaker pointed out the difference betiveen popularity Or niere • no torietY SIVA true, greatne,ss. Musical numbers were a 'piano duette by the Misses Mitchell, a -.l • duette lt Ashfield, were ,gae„sts •`.O1.• 'Mrs: drew sn Of ParainO, during the • Ian,. MacRae; .barrister of Strat. is -speniliag a le* days at his old.• home Leohatsh• • Mrn. ' Beattie Gibson returned to her honie, at Deteoit,. sifter 'Spending, the past few months: with her uncle,„ Eli 'McNamara, of Lothian . • " Mrs. Dan •MacKenzie of"N. Y., is visiting at the home of her brother; • fr jolui. MacRae, Of LUchalsh. :gr. and • Mrs. W ". Paramount, spent day last -week with Mi. and. Mrs. J. Cerilr, Mrs. A. II. 'LoCkiveod, Who over from Michigan; is visiting At 31.. 1. MacKay's, Lochalsh. . The Paramount • U.F.W.O. • Club mei. at the home of . Mrs. ,F.Irwm Con. 10, on Sept. 21 Mrs. J. Ham- ilton 'occupied the their and short ' • ..ebnsisted of, conmainiti 'singing, . chorus- by a• number of, ladie.s, an in- strumental by Olive . Helm, 'and a Solo by Mrs. J. , Webster. Mrs. Me- , Gill , gave gaper on The • Women's International League for Peace and Freedete, and M's Greta - Campbell e• a recitation: Orders were taken ; for peaches and plans spade to at- teed;,,e Milt Meeting Witli•the Kairl;'•iy shea Club on Oct 14, at the home of Miss :Nonni .Nisholson. , Singing of :The National Anthem elosed., the meeting,. aftets, n-hiCh the host* • ,served McGill.' 4. Threshing, cern culling rind 9bituary-LThe Murray home • ". ploughing are the order of the day. Ileehalsh has .been heavily Mrs. J. Bartley of Dungannon oillicted during the .cait year, . the nrent a couple Of days,' last- week Angel or Death having visited the , with Geo. Henry. , !est than -Uwe times in ltri. Petty Finnigan 'visited at ale twelve Months. This week . we Raymottd Einingan's„ one da.y re- luis-e reeoird the death of Mr. Geo., eentlY, ‘'.': ,ShOiy! who 'died ort Oct. 1st, and 1'. Blake of 'Blake's ap0intlitent whose father, 1)ormld MurraY, pas - ed tri September 26ths,-,-orilY four days between father and sOrr, -111- mother died .jrist -s'ear'• ttgb".:'•• the funeral he' *n Oetober:Gth 1925. George, who v -as in his 46th , had not erdoyetl. good health fer a leer; and had steadily lost vices, at, 2:30 ••"•a--7,-,1-6----gh-1:--The 'h -Faith ara sffenefh. Duziiannon Qeartette , will. assist 'With, the 'inuait itt,t1te afternotin. ,arid the tallow -Quartette in the et en .v -34A''.11'. being yoiir frieeds. 'Sti.J and, Atri. Miller of Clinton, snix: MacLean , of moo., Haruki- Teeleaeen..atut miss aceompanied Rev. Durant to ,the valuators .fur. towns: -and villages be. 3,11-s.:11OhL Thompson and Miss Ag- ' A large number from. here attend Werk on Monday of tins Week, selecting Leeknow, ea. a start- ipp-,..peint4 They will Work their' Wily northward; visiting' in and villages. They, have Until the oaa of November: to du thi Wet*, . "tl14•3 tottrity, valuating ,is done .onee-evety ten years,'; and iorrespondi 'tette- what to the 'asitertes annual asiens- Mate-in the muniCipiiiities; -The ,oho,,,io, to equolim. the county taix4 .0914 ThoPs...A.Stone of .SOuthamperm; ' . • • and Wm Irs MacDonald; Cliesley, Breee 'County- Treleal.-en. were gikers ty Crewe appointnient, ,on "Siinday. ' erg, Mes, Craw and Miss,.Margaret ed., the funeral, of the late Mr -Sher ;tiiller, gave brief reports 0( the Young People's .Conventiori at Port :PLOWING MATCH South Blum FICAng Match 'at Teeitvater,,en October 19th. $40:10C 10.4,14aes. Write forrpriite yilit...te A. B. AleRague,,, Teeltrater:i'4 •• '•• "•••• • . tvooa, ,Tit6g.day last. •.• Don't forstet anniversary serViee,P _at gr&ei.on " get. 10th, Ser- "'' widda., but. no:Children. The funeral, , to Greenhill Cemetery, at /A:Arnow; on Mendelof this -week, was -very. • largely attended. The family had re. aided irt the district since tint early t4ontlert--. 'd*Y14-01011:0-)thlr Inn j thr-Mtaltict '