HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-10-07, Page 1,
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, I • , I
0 l'110FESSIONAL cAltus. o
t. • . .•,
Or:.W. SL comouli "
wok 1,3groiti
•• Lucking! •
.,PbOila "...•
. .
Dr; MaeLeed wdl vIst Lao:blow
cry Tnesdili
." DENTIST • "
Dr: it, Treleaven, -XACIED,..gly-
,•Over :Decker's Stor e. ,Extraetion
either,by'Me or IocaI.:Will be 'in
'Dungannon overt „ TharadaY.
Phone 53
Call DvHaskins
Make appointmeat
, In irks everyday
-,, •
o -o 9 0 o tr,o' 0-0--0--0 •
I 1
• I. I
• 0-,;,-5,--067,-07.704:0-;•70-1/7:-917-017
'Gee. A. Riddell; Ilieknow, .;--.11eaker
' and Real Estate.-Idoisey-to lend o,r
111*W mortgages onfarm pro r
tiea, at 6 and 6% per cent aceo
• to ' maturity offered. Also arnal
*pewits on Second, mortgages, , hn
farm properties and on personal
notes. A few good farm? for sal,
, „
wilaL PAPER '
Latest •piittarna' in Steck at iawe0• '
Ewe. As cheap; as ;In .catalogues
•,-Also took 'patterns of leading pour
'Afaeturers.-110A 114, ,R. J. csariermi,
Painter & Paper Hanger. '
• , •
For Rale -A number Of Windom
. and storm sash with glass in them
Apply to D. C. Taylor. ' •
. , •
100 ACRES -2 Acres good alaPli
bush; brick house 30 A 30 and 14
110; frame barn on stone foundation
10. x 66; shed , attached, 36 x 40
devil shed 24 x SO: hen house 13 „s
30 Well located,. . sold reason-
. ably., Tering to suit .purchaser. •
16-7-tf. - Geo. A. Siddall
For Sale ' or ' Rent -Two goad
• dwelliag, houses in Luckaose. Apply
.to Geo. A. Siddall:
Miss Grace Calneron riejted. freed.;
in Walkerten, and IlaneVer last
Leek at the esrices in the ether
, stores. then 'go to Hornell-Murdocles.
Mr.John F. Cook et" Tot°110/ is
spendng th4 Weik. With, bio parents
in *oilfield
Arrangements are 'under way for
"Grand Street Opening in Luckno•vr,
in about two ..weeka,•,. ••, •
-Ladies' -Flannel 'Dresses bauhfu3
shadesWi11 be sold at. 94.75 at P.
The regular Meeting .of the Wo,
ineres Inetitite will, be held at, die
belie 'of MO. sPhillip Steward, on
Friday afternoon, Oct. fith, at 2.3C
O'Clock. •
• . • • ,
We have .it'llarge stock of Ladiere
Ready,' to-Wear..'"'Dresses and Over:
mate:: Will be Sold at . reasonable
:prices. Call and ,see them at '
'Blitzstein's . Dry „Goods. Store:
Send ie Slogan -Short and Snake'
Inelude the Idea of Careful privinff
Sale --Matched team of hew**.
.boraes. Two.year7o1d colt!: For par
• ticulars ' call at .the Ford Garage
Ludinovi. • • - •••,„,
(8-9-p) ,
For Side= --Oxford • Shearling 'tarn
Lambs and Eivei. Shorthorn °Bulla
ten months. Yorkehire Swine;.bath
seresWhlte year old Leghornv--''
••• . , •
!hens and Cockere:s.
I, •
John % Ferri.* 4 ,Sons, LacknOw.
• (241‘10-e)
Look at .„ tke pricea in the .other
stores.; then go to HOinell-ilfurdoeles.
. A• animber, .of citikens are boosting
for euitable " Eptrance., Signs , for
,LucknOw. The Council offers a prize
of 15.00 for the best Slogan for these
signs,, -showing the arrangement of
he wording. The signs will he 7 ft,
• 'tear sIog shouldt he in the
hands of J. E. Agnew;- Village .Clerk
not later than Monday, Oct, 'llth;
•,,Mr. • and Mrs. %,Percy Graham, of
. Port Albert, spent a day riCentlie at
:ter' former home here., '
' A *umber from liere attended the
RzpIey..kau. Fair on Wedneadai Iast
and all report, good show:.
• -.7.-7-Hr."-Hlift-ilitcleetrapent
a day last week at the :IMMO of Mr
and Mrs. John .Bradley of Laiirier.
' Mary Phillips is .visiting witb
her' sister, ,Mrs.• Thos., Ferguson, for
"a' few, daYa. '0 e.
Mr and Mrs. on Irwin visited,
at the home , of eir See, tifr,. and
.,. Mrs'. Gordon Irwin of • •WiwanoSh
one day last *eel. ' •
Miss Lena Hackett is Attending'
Normal School, at Stratford. •.
NI* Store -New GeodsHNew Low
Prices; at nosasit-mantath colt.
Mrs. John W. Gamble announces
the'engagement of her eldest daugh-
ter, Violenta Myree, to Mr. Clair F.
Milne, eldest son 0.1ffr. and Mrs D
Milne of larchnow. The marriage to
take Place in London, about the
,Middle of October: ,
• • , Edgar --Jewitt • .
In Wingham, on Wednesday, Sept
29th, 1926, at the United Church
Parsonage, by the Rev..: M. M. Ben-.
net,, Margaret oltlay„ daughter of .the"
late Mr. and trs James Jewitt of
Kinloss, to -James Kingsley Edgar
son of Mr. and Mrs. David Edgar of
Richard, the Ira/le-Year-old SO.11. or
Mr, and Ors. W. G. Wed. of
field, was badly burned „about the
legs en .Sunday last; while he and
a little brother and sister Were, Thalc.'
ipg torches •of "cat -tails.". They
were ' soaking the "eat-tailik with
coal. Oil takenfrom a' 'steer barrel.,
In some' way one •;,, Of: theblazing
torches got toe *ear the 43 Nchhirel.
and an explosionfolloWed... The burn-
ing oil was thrown, over all three,
children; but Only Dick .get' much, 0
it,, the Others .escaping with" slight
burns. The. heir was so badly. berried
„that it was thought for a time .that
he might : not recover,.. On Brednesd
day he. was reported greatly improv-
ed.' He is at present, at the home 'of.
Mrs. D. K. Webster j..Lucknow,, as
his case will require, close medical
„attendee for some time.
TYler7=-.Cooke • _ .
A (Inlet wedding was solemnized
at the Rectory,. Lucknoir, by the'
"Reit, Freeman Tia4se, On 'Saturday,'
Meraing, October 2nd, • it eleven'
o'clock, • When Florence daughter of
the late Mr, and MO. Florence,
of Luciano*, *came the bride of Mr.
Frank Tyler, Of Lucknow; son ,of
Mra. Tyler ,and the late :Bev, Henry
TYlei, of Hage.rsVille, 'Ont. After
the ,Iceremony a dainty; wedding
ner was served at the hosee of: the
„bride's brother, 'Mi. Chas. Cooke, ,af.-
ter 'Which the happy couple took -the' Roberts' sister, 'Mrs. Snowden, and
afternon train on a ,trip to Chicago' ..nor Ernest; who have been visiting
Kansas qty ' -and .;EIagersville, the in. the vicinity, returned se their
• Mrs„ Jones, of 'reroute, is visiting
at the home of het. brother, Mr. John'
.McKenzie,,On'the Fourth.' •
0 •
'The women of the Kairshea' Club
had a busy day .Tttediay detorating
the Club -house. . .
Mr. p. n. MacItenziewlelias leen
spending a few weekS at, Ilia Mune
bete returned to Toronto.
A number: from here took in the
'Teetwater shoW.
Carrother.1.4.13.: laid at
Meetings will be,. held in petober
es-followni.No, 1 at Molesworth,,' Oc-
tober 13 at 2.30 P.M. • This includes
Molesworth,. gorrie, • gthel, "Crain-
hrook and •:Bruasels.
No. 2 at Whitechuide • Octolier 14
at 210' includes Bbievaia,
Eadies!, Belniore,-"Winghim, Bel -
gree, Calvin, Whitechurch, Lax -
side, Teeswater. : • •
No., 3 at Ripley, October 15, at 220
P.M. This. ineludes . Kincardine, Loin;
„RieliTs,,BerS,114. 40.411,,,X1117:
loss, Kinleugh ,Luft.Pow; and. 'Dun-
Mrs. w: Dill' et. fironto,.
the' speaker at all the 'meetings.
. ..„ • ,
. „
.814. HELENS.
ItEPOR'f • •
- • ., 0.
ROO* ,
Sr.. Hoo'. --A. Watson, B. Mar-
tin, J. Stewart, A; Murdoch, C., Mae-
Intosh Brabson 6, Greer 'A.;Dir
nin MacMillan and DrIMaCDonald
(ties); J.3, MacKenzie and A., Andrew„
Wes), E. BrabsOn, A
Smith. ;Presnr-M, .Jewitt; E. Wade, 11.
Milee. Below EesP.-A:
Jr IV Hon -L Naylor, Mae..
Donaid, A,MaeKenzie, FinlaYaon
D. Henderson, Smith, MOW-
'tesli,. ,l'oes--L. Webster, F. Thornp-
,son,: ,I.••MaeMillan, M. MeeDomild4S
1.3teward T. MacKenzie. Belo* Pans:.
Mullin II Johnston W. Arm -
Strong absent on accomit • ef 'illness,
• K. MacDOnald. •
• • Room II'
Sr. II:- Pos.sible 255, Honors .266
Pass. :213 6 •Joynt 329, C. 'Finlay,
son 314, L Douglas 310, F. Milne
305, L Hamilton. 303, B. Soloinor
301,, A.' lefaeIntosh 300, Alfred 'Aim-
. strong 300, Thonipson .287,, L.
'Donald 287, B. MacKenzie 283, Jeatl
'MacMillan' 281, E.,,,-MrieKenzie '278
M. Fisher 273, Audrey Ilendenor
270; E. 'Webster 270, Flora Webster
267, L. Webster 267, M. Raker 295
G. Whitby 187, B. Brown 112,, '
Jr. II: Possible 355, Honors' 235
Eileen Johnston . 360, E. •Newton • 298
Marion, Jelueston 276,,,A. Horne 276
.Tewitt 241, F. Armstrong 239, J
Henderson '223, S....Wade 222, Ruth
Parker 220, K. Maantosh 215, Mut-
iel Solomon 215, E, Whitley. 209,
Taylor 166,H. 'Johnston
'JhoseWho took honors are pro-
moted to • Senior. Second.
Miss Caroline Webb and Miss „Mc-
Kenzie of Hepworth, were week -end
visitors at the • former's .• home- here:
'Miss Vera Todd and Mr. and Mrs.'
D. Phillips were in Goderich on Sat,.
ueday for the marriage Of, the lit;
ter's sister, Miss Evelyn Currie.
Miss M. E. Salkeld of . Goderich,
, spent a few days with her ,sisters,
Mrs. Miller and _Mrs,: Gordon. '
Mi. and Mrs... Waft motored Vern
Smith's' Falls for al Alert • visit :with
their •danghter, Mrs .' Tom Salkeld.
kr.• Wm: haa, spent the
greater part or, the past two ,weeks
judging horses at the Fall • F.airs'.
throughont the cOuntry. Mr. W. :Mae-
Phersen accompanied him. to "Miter
and , Arthur, last week..
,Members of ; the Mission Band of'
Calvin Church' are • Preparing an. in-
ternitieg• program for their Thank,
Offerieg, to be held. on Friday evenipg, ,COrne out .and 'encourage the
children. •
Mr. and . Mrs. George Mciteberts
metered 'to, Orangeville. Mrs:. Mc -
bride travelling hi a dress of 'grey l'9'ne with *ern -
georgette. 'and 'Mak: marvel's,. coat -Mrs. Ferguson Of Atiburn, is a
with' hat to matki. On their"'•return visitor ...with her daughter; Mrs.
they Will leake their home in Luck- TaYlor. •
Hr. and' Mrs., Jas.; Purdon 0: have
ghee .on a ten. days' motor trip tZ
New Store -New Goodm-New. LOW
'Prices. at Hornell-Mirdoch, Ces. c"msan'
• • ° Mrs., Cameron hap returned from.
BUSINESSCHANGE week'svisit with her daughter
• Senior ,Classs. "Possible 'Marks 297.,
. .
Excellent- 223,, Good 178. Jean Mac-
Intosh 261, • Grahami Shen-iff,, 252,
'Harold Ritcbie ,252, Grace Webster
245, . •Christena Havens 239, ' Hilda
Twarnley 236; 'Roberta Johnston 232.
Jessie Henderson_ 226„'Ayliner Ait-
chison 222, Mary Webster 220, „Ar-
Jeue Jewitt. 213, Girvin Reid 202, J.
MazLend 262; .•Harold' AIIm .. 201, . J •
-MacDoludd 184, Mary. MacKim 1/9
Frank Sherwood 178, Clyde Ried 168.
Billy Cantelon 160, Catharine Hun-
ter 146, Jack Button 107, Harold
Thompson 96, Gordon Struthers 92
• David Jewitt '85, Jennie: Pearlman
fhise days with a sore foot ;IAA' he
z."",veeived While gestating at a barn-
The teachers lifting viemitt ItTeltt-
-tending .the teachers''.convention at
Kincudine this Thuraday and Friday.
Mr. mot -MO. Wm« ithlitetoo, of
Forest, mist tim,ionti-ont with hie
tittiltre c401, Sialttelk, • *OF* 10 'Ili
Mrs..Doriglas, at MitchelL ; '
An important business change took The members of the Y.P.B.C:
place in /LizclOut* in the past week the ,United threll have accepted an
the meKbantile business conducted invitation from the White:church-Y.
by. Mr. itOert Brown the Cast fee- P.S, for Thursday evening.
years; being -changed to the Wadker
Store, .with H. ' S. Wigg, who comes ONTARIO'S DENTAL HEALTH
from Orillia, in charge. Mr. Brawn . DAY -WEDNESDAY, • , •
who became very • well-known,' and., • OCTOBER, 20th
%vat deseriidly poCirlar with the pub- • ,••• ,
lic, is , withdrawing from 'the mer- The Oral (mouth) 'Hygiene Asso-
ehantile .busitte.ss for the •pre.sent. cietion of Ontario, is a very energet-
The new store, the opening of vrhich ie eociety, organized for the priepese
Junior Glasss Pessible Marks 115
Excellent, .86,• Good 69: Zylda Stew-
ard 115, Merle •Johnston 414; J. C.
Armstron013„. Roy , Solomon 111 .
Isobel Btfiwn 109, j. C. Johnston 104.
Edwin Buswell 104, Mary Struthers
97, Billy Jewitt. 97, Mildred Ritchie
96, Margaret Rae 95, Bruce MacMil-
lan ps, Helen Johnston 91, \ Russell
Button 80; Vernon Naylor sq, Etta
"Belle MacDonald, 88, Marion Mac-
Donald 88, Jean Struthers_87, Bea-
lah Black 85, ,June Collyer 74; Her- ,
rietKeith 64
, „
MarjOrie A lin 46.. ,
;. I. •Murdie, Teacher.
. • . •
A BIG slice of the fooc
- --always delicious
--always nourishing
--always economical
Bread . is the:only 'eco-, •
nomical food today.
Good Bread
At your grocei's OP ,
itillymall's Bakery
The 'Rev. R'. Perdue, .M.As of:Wallc:-
..rtori, will •have charge of the ger-,
vices. in St Peter's Church, Sunday:.
October 9th, the Rev. 'A: . Freeman
Traverse conducting the Thanksgiv-
ing services in Walkertone•
Presbyterian Guild
• The Adult Bible Class • had efii*
the program at Gadd, this week.
The: topic , the .7firni. chapter of the
“BurnineBusir,” was taken by Miss
Carrick, -and the Catechism by Mrs:'
Thompson. Readings were given by
Mrs. ,Slierriff and Mrs. ' Aitchison;
:The musical inumbers weretwo cher-
uses by the Class,a deet. by Mrs. -
Douglas and Mrs.. Agnew,. and .ar:
instrumental by 'Miss Mellotran and
Mrs. Agnew.. The Misiionary Com;
roittee have • charge of the program
next -Monday' eVening '
is otherwise announced, is carrying of eckit'ating the public in -the' better
a ,full line of dry *beds, gents' fur- bare of the teeth, and prontoting a
Meiners' and ladies' ready-to-wear. sanitary condition' of the human
' ineuth. Many human ills' have 'their'
,HAVE YOU TIMED IN origin -in ,themouth to one way or
With the test* our satisfied' ens- • another. •
tomers now , using : Go/den Crust The society is asking. all 'resident
Bread? • If not, why not? Do it new!. dentists,' school beards; . teachers..
You can. get that tread that is dif- 'women's institutes .to in
ferent from all..others,•-at- your , gra- this- means imprOving• the general
cer's or Reid's1:"D,orninion• Bakery, health, On Oeti,',211th the -iresider;t
phone 68. dentists will he pleased to examine
' *peel.* For The Week -End, free of cost, the teeth and months
Haney Cream Layers, Tarts,. Date of , children, arid send a -chart, , with
Jed's; Italian Fruits. suggestions to the parents. The den-
Fried-0%1re ,e-Jelly--Rolt -With- Marsh-. tiats.jare taking.theinitiative In this
mallow Filling, ,•Scons, etc. movement. and ask the co-operation
• , of an interested this important
PLEY LOSES ,O1L11 :RESIDENT branch of public health.
Mi. Anglia Minn, for =MY Yam, Ontario's Dental Health DAY will be
an -esteemed -resident of Rlpley, died giveit rierit week,
thoto �n attodot, lost at the
80. MI. ilook.?4.* .11ium* N*4 Kovo,iitfocAmihtliikt
?Om. 0.5 iroO041‘4001: grOit
, Look at the prices in the other
stores; then go ,to Iternell-Mordoch's.
There' wan; quite a large eangrega-
, .
•tion in the United Church ; last Sun -
•day evening: to hear an ilitestrite?!.
address by •Ste.' Walter, Gra*, 'i -he
• conducted the --service . in the abSePee
of his father, who Was af•BelgrasFe.
.assinting wide, anniversary seri-ices.
Lantern ,slides Were, used to, illustrate
the life Of the pee*, both White
:and Indian, in -New Ontario..-:. The
pictures, from e which the slides Were
taken by Mr. Craw last sunimer.
while he was 'engaged itt•nussior
work at pOints.„.on the C.N.R. ,n the
,-territory north of Pt Arthur. *thee
. the business, lumbering and /Mining
of 'kew, •Ontarto is IP the hands of
Canadians. and AmeriCans the labor.-
ing population s made, ep largeof
Swedes; -. Finlanders and
and ,,country life, being stiB
-In-the early -pioneer -Stage; ,
cas,:onal , warm daY or two of the
past two inifeiths;'has been favoraine,
to .segetation,and there lime hem'
Son e unusual deVelopreepts. Eel]
rasCherries are not uncOinmen, but
second crop of kardenrcuiranti, we
'believe 15 rare. ,Last weeet Mrs
tinier of town, Was exhibiting,
bune'b ef well-dev,eloped, •and , fully
riPetied red ..fcurrant, ,` which' slit
found in he garden Passing a tinld
the other 'day, from which a'crop 05
peas .had teen harvested, Are .,noticee
quite a thiek second • Crop :of ,.peaS„
grerWing, The Plants were about si
Tinches high and many ortheai Wer
in fiewee. "%There. :shelling, oczuts
is not unerimmon or pea plants tc
come up in the field, but the, ne not
often. reath thefirniering stage. 0'
development:, '6.4`
; ' More-eitrindecl intormation
coinvTy-vAtuATolts AT wort,!t
Quality, Purity, Flaw
you wifl find hi. our Quality
Home MadeWholeWheat and Raisin Bread
• " ••••• OBTAIN- Tall% BEST PRICES
Phone. 36. Luckno*
t a r a w:H4,--.4 4,74-44741w....67-.. s ariA s tr. A r4 intiir4 s 63 r..etti roo rsi p 5,9 !Ir. 91 r,
. .. . ,
Phone 75' LuclaiOW,po. -
, •
k l'HIS WEEK WILL BE BOYS' WEEK AT o liAl. , 'nom
SiorHERS! It will pay you to investigate our Boyse•Departsi 2
' . ' bl
'ir`ent before "purchasing his Fall and Winter „weara es.
' ..., .. • s
, HOSE of, that 1-1 Rib War* Cashmere or Golf, S" alma. fm,
wire worsted yarn -
- 1
UNDERWEAR--linit to p. Oil sok! that natural woo" gar-
ment is just as sort as that downy fleece, They are both
here in 'combination and ,two-piece , suits. •• .
SWEATER --Yes mother. if You don't ii.ke the old-fashioned. '
• Sweater Coat,.'you i can purchase .n allover style in ether
'buttoned or v -neck shape.
These lines are all Canadian made, for Canadian boys. We are
proud of our Merchandise. Let us show you., '
FRED E. Bus.yyLL
Mr. J. 0. Stethers .and• Finlay
Shackleton • Were up from London
over. the week -end. .
- - Rev. j`, Durrantand son -.Harold
or Varna were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. 'Than, Blake; Saturday and
Sunday, 'while taking :charge Of, the
services On the Dungarmon,praiit
Mr Isaac *ndreie; of /ion visited.
his •sister, MrS. M. Stothera; Sunday.
Mrs. •Stothers has been tinder. the
dectOr's care the past Week. •
Mr. Cranston ;has just finished the
'season's threshing in this neighbor-
hood, Hay Was a spleneid.criiii,here
this yeir but the grain Crop' was
lo'u the average. • .
• Mins Maggie' Mallough, Of Link,
now, who had been visiting relatives
here -returned home- Friday. • ;
Mr. and. Mrs.. Elmer Mahood and
family, 0, ,Kineardine and Mr„ Mi
ton and Ming " Helen Graham?, of
Winetain Were guests of -Xi. and
Mrs. jinni. Blake, Siincliy.'
Miss Jessie (-..ndreW; of • Zion, is
.visiting Mafeking -relatives this: week
United Church Y P S: • '-
"Journies to , the Homes of Great,
Wernett" was the nubjeet of a
by Dr. 'Newton at the Yeung .Peo-
,ple's meeting, Monday evening.. He
asked ,What constitutes true' great -
nein in women or men, and answered,
that 'it consisted in willingness ..to
make sacritice ,:and • to, do ,i,emething
fer the uplift, of mankind and thf
• If.r. and ,Mrs. of•Strat,
ford; spent Sunday' with Mr. and.,
• ,-Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Stothers' aad
children spent. a day .reeentlyi .with
Mr. and .Mts. W. Drennan,
Mr. and, Mrs. Robt. Edwards ant
daughter .31ina, , Of Durham, -spent
,Mrn. Edwards is staling •doivn,tc
:nurse. her sisteir, "Mrs. Henry; 'wile
er 11• ;
Mr. and Mrstarophell spent the
...vi -eek -end': with their daughter, Mrs
W. P. Crozier.
.• Mr. and Mrs' Jas. Little Visited
the burg recently. „
• Mr* \V -m 1rsln,i Belfast, • is
spending, a few days with G. Henry
betterment of the world: He took Mr. Perey.Edge was up front Tor-
• Mrs: Clarence Rtissel and son, .of
.:Webaslietie;. and Miss Irene, Moore of
leehurch, were gliests f Mr and"
a kr7.4f!ii, k‘.13:-.11346 ere sfn 'I a sge:r slC1 iws.t.ee Leo. Xfo. Hinton r no':sdt
•hirS. Clair Irwin of Paramount, re.';Mr and
MofisiaF*elmawer .17:Peer;Th:
week -end 'with. Mrs. A. em of .Pa -
:Mr and Mrs. 4,,,Webster. of . near
Landow*, spent, tile week -end with
friends at Stanley.
;Mr. and •Mrs. Lorne Farrish of
• •examele Florence Nightingale. onte, one day- last week, to Pee his:
who, iri face of great difficulties" :hid aunt:, Mrs. Geo- Seer's--
with little encouragement • was the • Mr„' Robinson of Westfield,..'svan.in
first, Weinan to organizeta body.,tif. the burg , on Mendes-. ; •
nurses to take Care of soldiers in
wae. When her work was finally
preciated she was acclaimed , ' th€.
most popular wernan in. Britain. The
Fpeaker pointed out the difference
betiveen popularity Or niere • no
torietY SIVA true, greatne,ss. Musical
numbers were a 'piano duette by the
Misses Mitchell, a -.l • duette lt
Ashfield, were ,gae„sts •`.O1.• 'Mrs:
drew sn Of ParainO, during the
• Ian,. MacRae; .barrister of Strat.
is -speniliag a le* days at his
old.• home Leohatsh• •
Mrn. ' Beattie Gibson returned to
her honie, at Deteoit,. sifter 'Spending,
the past few months: with her uncle,„
Eli 'McNamara, of Lothian . •
" Mrs. Dan •MacKenzie of"N. Y., is
visiting at the home of her brother; •
fr jolui. MacRae, Of LUchalsh.
:gr. and • Mrs. W ".
Paramount, spent day last -week
with Mi. and. Mrs. J. Cerilr,
Mrs. A. II. 'LoCkiveod, Who over
from Michigan; is visiting At 31.. 1.
MacKay's, Lochalsh.
. The Paramount • U.F.W.O. • Club
mei. at the home of . Mrs. ,F.Irwm
Con. 10, on Sept. 21 Mrs. J. Ham-
ilton 'occupied the their and short ' •
..ebnsisted of, conmainiti 'singing, .
chorus- by a• number of, ladie.s, an in-
strumental by Olive . Helm, 'and a
Solo by Mrs. J. , Webster. Mrs. Me- ,
Gill , gave gaper on The • Women's
International League for Peace and
Freedete, and M's Greta - Campbell
e• a recitation: Orders were taken ;
for peaches and plans spade to at-
teed;,,e Milt Meeting Witli•the Kairl;'•iy
shea Club on Oct 14, at the home of
Miss :Nonni .Nisholson. , Singing of
:The National Anthem elosed., the
meeting,. aftets, n-hiCh the host*
• ,served McGill.' 4.
Threshing, cern culling rind 9bituary-LThe Murray home • ".
ploughing are the order of the day. Ileehalsh has .been heavily
Mrs. J. Bartley of Dungannon oillicted during the .cait year, . the
nrent a couple Of days,' last- week Angel or Death having visited the ,
with Geo. Henry. , !est than -Uwe times in
ltri. Petty Finnigan 'visited at ale twelve Months. This week . we
Raymottd Einingan's„ one da.y re- luis-e reeoird the death of Mr. Geo.,
eentlY, ‘'.': ,ShOiy! who 'died ort Oct. 1st, and
1'. Blake of 'Blake's ap0intlitent whose father, 1)ormld MurraY, pas -
ed tri September 26ths,-,-orilY
four days between father and sOrr,
-111- mother died .jrist -s'ear'• ttgb".:'••
the funeral he' *n Oetober:Gth
1925. George, who v -as in his 46th
, had not erdoyetl. good health
fer a leer; and had steadily lost
vices, at, 2:30 ••"•a--7,-,1-6----gh-1:--The 'h -Faith ara sffenefh.
Duziiannon Qeartette , will. assist
'With, the 'inuait itt,t1te afternotin. ,arid
the tallow -Quartette in the et en
.v -34A''.11'.
being yoiir frieeds.
'Sti.J and, Atri. Miller of Clinton,
snix: MacLean , of moo., Haruki- Teeleaeen..atut miss aceompanied Rev. Durant to ,the
valuators .fur. towns: -and villages be. 3,11-s.:11OhL Thompson and Miss Ag- ' A large number from. here attend Werk on Monday of tins
Week, selecting Leeknow, ea. a start-
ipp-,..peint4 They will Work their' Wily
northward; visiting' in
and villages. They, have Until the oaa
of November: to du thi Wet*, . "tl14•3
tottrity, valuating ,is done .onee-evety
ten years,'; and iorrespondi 'tette-
what to the 'asitertes annual asiens-
Mate-in the muniCipiiiities; -The
,oho,,,io, to equolim. the county taix4
ThoPs...A.Stone of .SOuthamperm;
' . • •
and Wm Irs MacDonald; Cliesley, Breee 'County- Treleal.-en. were gikers ty Crewe appointnient, ,on "Siinday.
' erg, Mes, Craw and Miss,.Margaret ed., the funeral, of the late
Mr -Sher
;tiiller, gave brief reports 0( the
Young People's .Conventiori at Port
South Blum FICAng Match 'at
Teeitvater,,en October 19th. $40:10C
10.4,14aes. Write forrpriite yilit...te A.
B. AleRague,,, Teeltrater:i'4 •• '•• "••••
• .
tvooa, ,Tit6g.day last. •.•
Don't forstet anniversary serViee,P
_at gr&ei.on " get. 10th, Ser-
widda., but. no:Children. The funeral, ,
to Greenhill Cemetery, at /A:Arnow;
on Mendelof this -week, was -very. •
largely attended. The family had re.
aided irt the district since tint early
t4ontlert--. 'd*Y14-01011:0-)thlr
Inn j thr-Mtaltict