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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-09-30, Page 5
• • THE: f.IICKNOW" :SENTINEI;i, • 1 IiURBSSIAlrg. SE rEMBER '30: 1920' • L 0. L. NO, eigag. -4090* Meets tire' second ''Tuesday of every month. la their :ball, at, .8 o'cloek- C. Mullin, W. M.4 P Cartery Ree, ;Sec.,: • 1 . to' irgl'iam P lone 246 • 1?11umenta.l "4,\V s LUC4:NO1V .a d 'Ver 1I`GiUM; . —,Hae' the= largest and:.mot complete' stock in the most beautiful designs.' Jo' choose from, in • °: Marble. Scotch, 'S.i•cdiish and Con- ad an ad an Granites. We macre••* 'sp.ialty .o; ' T<a'inily Moauinen.s and iasi_e your .insp:c tio0,.• Inscriptions. Neatly. Carefully and. •w Promptly 'Mine. See us before placing your order, Douglas �.l:rns.` " . R A.:$potion. i oeknosw. Ont ,LOCAL, MARK E , . • . ' Hogs .. $11.25. Butter Eggs 41e: -36e. 26c- FINED• FOR INTERFERING • WITH. , WA 1113 aI c�' "lie- An important case ;was'' -he i' r ra artnev 'at' 'Police • �la�ist_ate :t_ cC, - in recent: .''1wo,.children of Iimcard e... Y, • a ofGibbons, whose; mother �t$e• florae., . has: been:, residing in "R'a1erton' of e v re nig e : wards • of the Bi -it, Children's : Aid Soeietp; • and stere placed in homes_ The .bol : was a' doted: b �'•a farmer' In "Huron roivn-: p y ship; •ivho.•'agreed • to. pay wages 'tc ociet .•T a defendant,.• Roy 'the S" y..� �.. Guice, :aitnpngh warned; reinoved tht°. ploy =from' " whereLhe _ had sen :placed and, . it, :seems, at. , his :wither's' .re quest,' took. him to :his, ;McGuire!¢ (brother), Mr. David Robertson, • K. counsel for the- Society;" 'said -trim although the .Magistrate ::might •int-: pose. a 'penalty of $100 and'' costs,` the ,SBciefy did.'not. avant morethan: a .wanted the pu-tilic r Of •--•,,rr7n •FSit�.erip ent*l•-Par• is. s tom nOv fine,. but • of medal 'h ` tectaeed " during the.. .winters, it . has h S been awarded' a g d y • . Your: .: Banking Account For every class of Account — Commercial Accounts, Household Accounts} Sav inks, Accounts—the favi ties required are provided tin the lnk. ,of IUIc:utreal rApic 'weather, The ficw.;ts, double and pale' amber in,colorr, are borne sinaty and • ;a. gieat profusion,. It is fragrant and blooms 'early but only - once in s the season. Because Of its: extreme. ..ear-' ;iness and great 'hardines4 and. the ., sanel attracour of' the: 1o%ti'etinetx.•, tahis varietyct*.e shot}iol:d, pro've a valuable addition, to the a roses of • the Rtigosa group. APPLE.'^CROP BELOW AVER%GE ONLY, 71 P. C IN ONTARIO; Harvesting of the apple' crop from he.Atlantic to the Pacific' is now 'un- der..why, , and, naturally, `many,: are ntefested to know; how it is likely to turn out.- . • Locally, one has. only to look into :orchards, whether the 'well -i:ept or. negle:-ted one's. to See, that in Wes.. fern. Ontario the•a crop; is far below: average in quantity:- i The Department of • Agrl ulture • at' )xtawa issued a" bulletin .ori• Sept, 15' bleb ' gi4ies ills nest' available :'nfor.'... ,nation up to that 'date. Of the,Wes- tern: -Ontario crop it says that indi ,:ations axe for a yield of about 71 'oer .cent- of the 1925 crop, ot 374 thousand' barrels, The • south-west, lount:es, the report says, has a good erop of apples', but in the Georgiar Say and Niagara districts ;the: crot:` is' light: Duchess and Wealthy of the heavy fall gfir:10es, and ; :King Baldwin and Golden Russet • the heaviest :winter varieties, • 'As'to the crop in•general the Sep- •tentber Report' says it ''now shows.. a .3 : per ` cent drop below the August ^,stintate, end 'only about 90 per ceirt.' of thet 1925' crop. 'Ontario accounts. for 'the "decrease. The crop in British Coluil'lbia' is good,' and will yield 3,625,000 'boxes. New Brunswick will have ";about: 34,CQ0.'barrels;.,and NoKa,:Scotia a bout 750,000' barrels These estimates are only 81} per centof of 'the 1925 'crgpai The .Ontario Peach crop is estim *fed at only •45 per cent of; ;ane crop. Th ` rape :cro in the Niagara The g . p P, .District is goodand;; promises;; 16C per cent. f the•.1925 .crop. •—o o U - ROI) 'ANI} . GUN::FOR• OCTOBER The Society, he'rhdintained, was do- al, ea1led, the Walter•Tan i'ieet �fied- in • a great work . for unprotected al` was presented to "tii`e 'American children. • The ,Superintendent, .. Rev, •It: Perdue,produceda 'number.'` of ass books.''sho �-in . that: : all bank pl; "collected *as • wages,' for the children Was deposited i3 the - Bank o the credit of such '.youngsters,, which sum, and interest earned there-, • is paid to the ~card., when..he-or -t?' attains attains the -age• .4:21 years. Thc•, Magistrate. .:'convicted 'MeOuiree • .and Rose Society 'to be .,awarded .•, for a. thoroughly hardyoutdoor:;rose origi • . nated on: th Ameri•^an continent. Al- though 'thea Ani'erican R"ose 'Society received ,.the medal •three „`years` ago. it 'was not awarded until the "present ;year,. " when at •ti as: giu 1l to the Ex:: nerimenta} Farre.". in" recognition . of the merits of the` Agnes Rose: The Agnes Rose xs a cross ;between i- mp Isea : neo a•ar:i costs for the- Bogs*-Rugosa- as 'the seed parent and offen•:e. • oro--'• THE ACNES ROSE The Agnes rose, origin ted li,. the late 'Dr. `Wm. r' "o.. -1-=s while Dnect- Per-sian Y.ellow`as the Pollen parent i, The :cross. was made by the 'late Dr Wm. Saunders at the Central E tperi mental. Farm; Ottawa Canada, about the :year 1900. It bloomed. first in 1902 and has 'been under teat' at Ottawa ,ever since .:and although never pro-_ _to." know ,that,': the 'Wards. df-,, the o-. , ,res. i istmed- •ne*ler been_iioticeab'Y injured by'the ' • ie must� - Society: '19i - ,_. c ty not be•'. interfered: with. the •American .Rose •;. • : loose utin. Mil j{ :en n moose and',deer hunting anadia ns are at' hand; in' Quebec seasons the first' of September to' the firom December and in Northern end of the French and ` north if Ontario,' Ma i .._ from .October the Mattaera Rivers, � The. to 30th of Noveinbor. 25th the 30 , f' this' great .sport is irresistible lure o., , professional dt�ed9 of ;men in p, and ban life' -in .Can- ada ss walks of _ . • business the United States, and It and ist sda•' timated at the. -taunt. b n toff r •n�ion offerings until 1' saw' things' from another perspective. 'I was at Lake -e Helen by' ,accident, ° after following the ,roup pursued by, a big moose had for some reason browsed which m O'ih- chose to the Mission, •Panj; Y ) e •guide,• and I, hadfollowed the tear owh•, the . - towards the south, "throng trait _- r and birch grown abbreviated pour* . , . and over significant, bottom landsa : declared it.. was altitudes., :Paul , ' o immense size... The trail .sof mooseam I. lling and time and ag• loss true.. " e i .... ' lost the. faint trail of'the moose. been Iris, en : he Canadian Pacific We followed the trail, Again after tri --depart . _ ... that the. rgoxe� ls�, railway t :be greater tai a pause, no hutf7•' Its steps n ill •ar. ared to be in aonent of hunters .Ozark Ripley, sees desultory: At no" than ever before ero: unifoim and Sear writer and ex'penenced w _ _slacicen.lirs, pace end Dian, . .trine:,rdid..Pliitt -, .�coell kn _ .; _ 1e i .abut : ..._ ... ,., air.: of.Lake• phi :. - put flown br • f, Y. ved at the ,jt[neti.. ' bunter •• ressiorr5' of we arri , We drag....... few rmP . "a Polfy_. and 'Like , ,.. a Ile ri i ca.. e h yH Nipi-aani a� N,P� graphically, � ' hunting trips }n the P n-a=:hill to. the. water's edeei _ . , s w . hi a 'isf" down n After' n "tritest ms. . Af He 'co Of � advent*. g i Oto ed forthe scenery' t through a thrcTieT,, "1 go in bush and get. round her,'." Paul whispered. • "If I get round on odder side of brill she scare;' she come straight for •you." i With this'he disappeared into .the of thicket as silently as a wraith al .. smoke in the wind -charged air. long 't. know. ,• How loI waited t do no My teeth began to chatter. It was s fall morning and cold.,,: The bull, • scenting danger. Perhaps moved, g , wrongly but 'held on his shot s t. him. riars stn steachers, d to lder ri P, shoo a .Many features dealing' with, all , kinds. of . outdoor sport combine • to make; a 'very attracti' e• magazine of the Octobei issue of Rod • and .G in. the publkations of which .falls \ in.,, line, , with theo .ening '' of the 'fall P hunting season : in Canada A novel means of pursuing 'game is dealt 'with;'bk. Raymond Thompson an `article "Hunting and . Fishing. via Scow." ' The country ` is the vi cinity Of the Athabaska. River, in Al- berate. ` . The "'interior . of British Co- lumbia Is Tie: scene " of `Three Fish ens Went: a Tr fling". by.: Robert Wet= . . son A timely article by an old 'timer: is. an article • on methods ' of, duck. shooting • by Frank J:: Parsons Which contains- a ;number of 'good wrinkles. A: Bryan Williams .• con- •-ludes his.. •'good .series,. of :articles "Breezes •rom,..the' West". in this is.- sue, s-sue, while a useful series 'of articles' on first •aid in the bush :by A. G. Shakespeare, commences. • • Her ,>nd Triers ` I It is anticipated that the wool' clip 'in Southern Alberta will reach ,the .2,000;000 pound mark this year. ;Of this a million and a'quarter:pounds' will be,' handled. through _the. Cana-. dian. Co-operative : Wool :.6rawers' A�ssociatien. •The fleeces this year • ' are stated to be unusually large. Canada,; in proportion to' popula- tion, has more golf' courses . than' the United States. ' With its' 464 courses there is 'zio. need for the snmliler; tourists to miss their: game., Ontario. • leads 'with 160; Quebec. 70;, Al '60; Saskatchewan, 53; Manitoba, • 1; . 'British °Colntnbji, 39; Nova Scotia;, -17; New Brunswick,, 11; Prince Ed-' .ward. Island, 3. The recent appointment of the Rt. Hon. 'Reginald McKenna, ' former Chancellor of the Exchequer of they k�i -tish Government, and E. R. Pea=• cock, a director of the famous' Bank • of Baring Brothers, to the director .ate of the Canadian. Pacific Rail way, , .his caused very favorable continent in'Canadian and English es financial cirri she . annnel across-Canafdat educa- , tions tour' carried iota under the auapicess of the • Canadian 'Pacific' lit To- ronto terminated recently ; and Professor. Sinclair 'Laird, Was bean Of Macdonald -College, who is e 'Of --the-:art of '.over :100 in chary p y ria. dents•,..and.._;protessto d the trig. l sighed and. Pulled into' S n stated their entire. trip Ag -• him: " .°°e .: .., ger sending, another, , _.. • had been an unqualified success. e• .- ell..dead_ with . a ..splash. 'ire -bull f ... iiit-: .. ,,...:..;c. "1.'""1"'"'""-",--.,'";.--,�.,.. .- +�exclaimed to"P u . rot him,P ]f ,,,,•I r when . `a appeared. . in• staccato breath when h ppeg ;, right • one "I got him. , - 'There are two sides; the .,y ,� •-::liepield`:�1+tbttitr In •flies°.re�C "I'sen a *sited and the'one: whose . defene requires waited man s ayes �becanse I hadn't cuss words and,•'rage. a _...raisin w a is a S dry aney �r u asf "arY g . _ , , moose ,. anon; sells hero. n t' h li R l< h 10.0 #44"41110".001.1..1- ,j ., . ` .-.. : tl tat :._......... •© E RVAT I O N` C0-R�l.TIQNS ' MEANS CON. R. CITY DVVELLER1 where did you `spend yolk boyhood days? Was yours '• the privilege of wandering through the fields and woodland `where every tree and bush had been painted by the divine artist?' Today you say"'tis but the hectic flame of a dying year: Then it contained an the m enchanted ' palace. . ystery of an ' Ontario's highways lead you to the land of yesteryear—over: white roads flecked' with fallen leaves;' '.patterned hereand there by: checkered shadows of trees. Field and hill- side are gay with fiery sumach. Maple groves` aflame, backed by the darker : ever- green. Issued by the Ontario Department Of i hwa s to secure the co-operation. of "'motorists in abating the abuse'. of the roads of the Province. Through this lovely panorama, in every direction; leads Ontario's splendid system of highways.. You,. • are entitled.to enjoyahem, for they are yours, ; Beep in mind, however, that •upon you will come the ,.gip'ils£ -Of:�Hli�83n�g ��%3 -�z. .zndtiOn:.: . Speeding It "milks • .,eats away road surfaces. your or and „ road upkeep. pocket -book• for'both. roam. rivin is • f ar 'more .economical and PleaModerate driving g surable. s By so doin'g you: will' ,.:.aily assist the :traffic 'patrol 'who operate for, everyone's safety'=who. : o p have instructions to enforce the law rigorously. • THE HON:.:G:.S HENRY, • :•*174iiec. of inshways: S. L. SQUIRE, Deputy Minister. 72' DEQ' OPiENT':OF::ROUYN The steamsrogress: in -=R • T theouyn- : f mining .district, Quebec:; ,is indicate* 'in :r'enc ts-recently received'from Dr.' Cooke f "the ' Geological. ' Sur- i addition•. to the • mining opera - :ons be ng`'carried on .at the mort, important properties, ;, assessment• work ants detailed 'exploration are be- • ing done on, most of the groups ot, claims ,tithin the' possible .:copper, )easing" areaThe distri•.t .to- which. attent r n is particularly directedat, 'present i , the .great triangle ' whose corners are the ' Horne property' or the', so. th,.: the % arae-llosr�gotner, •_laims fir., the north, 'and the Alder- son-ltkacT+ ay discoveries. 8 or 9 ,.anile ... to: the to est of 'Horne: Many cony=ties, among _which night be mentione- the Consolidated and, ,Smelt•: int Company, Area :'linin, Company, Duprat` Mines, • Stadacona, ' • .and • the h -iv one ;or more� prospe tog partioS• in ;this .district', Roads and trails have boon cut, and. sri:all rteels Cleared of ''logs and brush to pern.iit' the, pas'a a of ea•. noes,: so' that most'"of .this ,:on.e• inµ; access' le, district can now' be . .tra- versed :.•itho:it undue dithculty A t lephone.;line has .re emir been:erect.' .ed ,to'connect the various camps'witl; each other ani-. frith • the outside, in :Toronto or Montreal `and j• ACK, NEAR. BELGRA) r' f'riendsd .no -longer: mean mold world se that 'one can notv'1'ft a re• DEAF IAN KILLEIji • O • s whish ,separate . cis er : . , • hazard "duty" letters o"ts n 'the 'latest, news from any of ' � the 15t1t con ., � tf*e principal tamps.. Thomas Johnston ofLong Ihstan a enables , • �, f ro e�t: cs-fen of Morris to:rnshilii a rvas"1' talk auth Your friends` wbe . t r '' • 15ete1,�•tnten.s other than. P P •u tit �° • . r : = e arid :a -quartet f a rt the, t tl•age., in are largely.' .marking time p .n&sten, yo• ,ing• the completion of the railtray truck,bi."'a C �.lt. Ereirltt titin tint! hi h 1-•heittg rapidly pushed; altho' fst.klly tn3ured aliotrt 1 . o'clotic or delayed considerablyby the'.tFnseas Sept; 16th. ,He died tills on t- tits •. :. bi ,: _., . 'then; The " rading is ''i:i ' to R;inghanr 11osp'tat'• onably iter nee l: . ,> .''. The late'fir. Johnston had been te now *On 'unxlrYr �.a�r and it t. e. L1eCted that' t.te , •.rails will be laid intc:; tozrd'<.l•, Fair and had alighted>rn:tt er ,,the. train''ot Belrrat'e• . lle started ti Rouyn lit • the 15th ''or N ovemb,, yn s, narking elan, �.e The rrt;td 'tintler' con�tr.tetiozr bv, the . :v.,:afilikeh.tot'ithtiih.iltno.:1::::,111:::::::)..11;:::, a the tracksing deaf he• t d Want.Ctivertimen from iai.anttl< d•t ,. Rondon tre.c ht train:~:anterr'ndt. ..r t e .. , 4 -,.. `+ -:. tete . ,_ne. IIe .n,ts p , s%b` he, tit�th half Iran; rd tion. T ..� ,_., r ew' ants taken tt th rs nd n is . • . se ,•and, u,p ,by the• trate r . .. oro e a ,t>. a nd s •:•faced: and is tYot� =n tt . •. _ ... •t,,,. a tr R: C. Redmond of tt - It is rho gilt thzit the acexr1c t= 1 B v.th: 1.1r, u,. icons, rn .hs .uttth hat r• hi tart r .' r e rtt . e ' •and d r t the •• : t the tt h. 'fled . o d da a t hat •tr•u .•.. .. .. .. ..... '� os'=1bie. ,. 11anl was (. -.- J o . e. P . .. h �, , • • __ .... e t th l% fisc hani : Ilospi al, ll'., teas fat° , it• usually going along *'bout' J ,. :vrl'Eaao ham. groan.... taP`411i n o .c; ..: , , : •; e i Rr)nyn" r _ 1-. s died: him -ever, . its: oe�fofe be tench• p o'doc' "in the ntat fl rt W Mr. Jollti� ' tin' past year- it nosy 'boast^ � 1 : • •, . ,. _ , • . during ,,�.......�.- ho :.tall..-,.,�,,,�,-..<,. . �.. f�tn, tlt�nk ng �fiat»tt:4tarl pav�ed»Iong btu in s, nsastly`":of,,'_ln'g'.zi't;.' "•ee#•'...lte•- �P. ., . � i ; _ .. , . .. .. thnstdn _art a tivbss.loos. Stir rt-_ _ : _ . , � ` The •R l Rani., • .Tire;•. late It , g+�. t � iii frame rcinstrn_t on = ; df , four years o£ :tie and lined Ith,hi' '; just about rrtached hones wfieti. tris a the Can than, Banly ,: , of ,Canals r a , . ; : , . _. c.•t. _ ..... •. ... ,• ,. • bro her herrArlt tl twin �ttud.. tint:.: Gommierce, .and 13min-he coi�letentie r t . i ty' ••, • _.._ t' i l have. brenches-here; k ,aiid' dumb. t'iougi :ieti%e'an d atreoin ._-_o-o-t►..W..t. `aonal¢ 'all toe ' . 'The redskins ate not :dyi •out. for: Itis sisal's, ile rias,. x native ri a. ?� <, � Inc t � c ed b stru -ell-c pP ,and, w n. largea a inert tp _lIa oa +�'a tiaC .• ._ •e$ r fir► lit Slid ' ` uutnlirrl ou 'Huron C h 1 hes be erected there are Y gIican church; "and' a hospitaltls" tin- -. der construction Many. . stores, in- and dru ' : <�luding,-hardware.-stores € 'stores, •make `it possible to purchase' siupphts of all.kinds ,on..the spot. • The Horne 'mine is'steadily: contin- uing ontina ng its .deselopment. Work during the• pat few:' months has .been largely concentrated :'on the '390 -foot. '':level: -and further,large ;tonixages: of ore have been .proved up: 'The 'founda- tions oundat ons tor the smelter ire -being Paid. sing'=eorarel and .cement /muted ars •',luring the winter,.The greater pari' If the ,'construction' must . of course: a- •aat1t : the c©mpleiton of the. rarlrv.'a and according to th= latest_ report:; lie brat 'unit as planned 'still hanl:c a cif fOlde unprepared e. r or a monien was,be. t 01 b` tat►iQlded 'itself.graduallyadVi it diacovared s dark" brown b 2eef •eritieh. .had :visited ., in, is t, i1t1aM�1« rp oats � 1>nnlegse i� Ripigon sot o ii ---14S490- 04 '- Wager. N • *red � 'tttaral N • al Ways sea • venuine wet ata mornings Wen e but It a real hooter to . haul ' id • D0you remember :. ,cCu cheon?" Taro collet,* grads, • had . 1,006 tons dai y,rand if desired' other • acl_journed: to the locker. units may be added to'handle a iota'• rOdttT dl* CRSS Old'' Yf t.'JCO tom's per day. Oic the Waite-Montro^-cry proper=. friends ty .dulling has been _�oMpletcd. fol ' •..:Old Red? loubet 1 dol He's.. Lie present' and a large body of. cop- . Bvc�`ater. Electlac 'up' at ger and zine ore has been:outlined. ,It wiSandison? I• only see mule im about'': s .unlikely, the mining will com, three times -a_-•y-ear, but..wwe."re�._ in touch all `the time.. $e'.s as•.' careless about'!~ tter-writing aa.,:. •he always was, but.11 telephone him one ' week and he tele- ' 'phones nie the next- Allot of •' other fellows are up there ;too ; —' it seems as' if we have it long, distance , Class reunion • every' ThutsdaY.night." y t ence• until.. the comp etion' of t e .-ailaay and'. rf the Hbrrtesnelter,:, where' the ore teili •'probable' be, sent. for reduction. In 'the meantime build ing have, been erected to, house' a force'of ;5 `hien, :and pr'ocpcctin for furthei .ore-b'odi -s..is being'tigorous-' ly: prosecuted bl n agretometrrc oo.• sets *tions,.. oho • as Ae, 04 b the with i.houi • he btaclt fairly, n . n•' Besides the. ro r 'p Romatf.catholic a $ in A now - . .» .