HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-09-23, Page 3STORIES ,OF WEL KNOWN PEOPLA. .9%. Proof. That 111.0 #519.11.14.0 IA •ViTeak . " ale Thomas Lipton's "Bieck WIVee" s d . ' • * • : . ultd Neet4Iroffink Vp. ,.•, • • . I' have heard Sir Tnomas Lipton te I '' • .. , .. „ many (red, st4y, but the following,. Which Ile releted recently .take,W lot of ' ho'servente In his yaeht• are ociriga; . lefle pad Wear. long hair and Shed 'their pative dress, One day he Wee landing. with 'three Of theta at, a rrenolt, • "part When he a.as horrikt'fied to .hetrr , etraueer eemark: "That's Sir ,ThoinaS Liptoe with his three black Vives.".1,le. , .terIS h9 has male his Aervelits I • wear beards poi., • • • mo alt . . 3)111: b e: eb 0: nraeerdi ri. rataVe. i9a. aTudhooe unniai; la tic.z. g. It.:Ii, 1 ,T., etmh laeel ui?tri: :Ina.% 1:1ere7 nvt4ghi ''rii 191 trYk,e pansr 'ra°a .iri di a 1 I preyed the !mine of Dr. Witliems Pink nea,only. relleVes ladigestion, but adds. for the Stomach that'is not 0..tonie for: Shaw,:, Selkirk- Road, . P. —, . the whole ;Jodi: . thus A bloed-builaing to the •general .strength. ' Mr. /I 4. • the. stomach, is opt of order the' Who:e system „suffers, and as the bloorl'240.-' pontes tide and watery it becomes. In PelWilt :of other sufferers.' He Stirs: end discomforts: *et feliew. When her of yeare My ca.seWas. se taci that tenic such as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills., &eoWe dlaordee. There is no tonic ... s tn• 4. Severe .case o indigestion and, relates •Iiis,eipertenee for the cre4siegly difficult to cori•ect the iii. "Leuffered :rem ifidigestion;fer a *Me tite was gone, congitipation was pre- sent, and my nerves were, all on edge. a' number of remedies' but without any words fail to deserlbe it. My • aPpe- I Could, not sleep well, at night, arid the World was a dark spot for me. 1 tried . • , were recommended, but without much fatth, after 20 Mall), failures, I decided to try thene. After taking three -boxes 1 *aka a Change for ,the better., . • • ,• . • --i.e., • The :Firet 'Wireless' ValVe, • in a corner of a scientific laboratorY•, •• In 1.;Mitlea itands histrtunect which, eatbuelasta Ought to seiae and • „ erect inksetne•eptit at which they could ; ' congregate 'annually for : CelelaretIens: I is' the •first wireleas valve, and it; was linvented thirty-two years ago by ; ' Profeasor J. A. Fleming, who has lust ' ;retired from his;•pcist at the University or laMden; It was kis invention that really made aloadeitsting poesible He perfected; ..tee, •elettric lighting in chips, A 'ganef the Tongue, The post 9f toast -master at official recepCionis'is a severe responsibility: afe..,,Knightsmithi: who. ofileietes 'at Then I, got three more boxes . and a little to Surpass.ell othets, especial- • ' e. . • Great liccess• Ir for Alaose whO an have but few ,,, ,, .moet. of the big .London banquets, Made found I had a' igenulitie remedy. I con - ii,4eis :aa. a,_ to cultivate,. Wbose'' aqivitIca : : The °Marie Dental Health Day to a ellp.et the AustraliNHeuse reception Untied- the treatment, took ,mciderate ''„ Must he conitned to the Pots. or boxes , "-Loy held on Wednesday, October 2°th: ,in henor tetthe Nike of York. 1:1e exercese,. could ' take tigia..food with on a roof terrace • or; veindew sill, , will be something new in sia tar as this, . calietf out the none of Lady Cook, wife out suffering as fornierly, and proved : _ ; Morning 'glories are ready to grow cotintry hi 'concerned. We have tio.d • Ratilndratiatti Taeore -• Sir Saiiindran,atli • Tagore note& tn- dian . poet and •philesephere•ge ap-, ,Feare ht hie latest' and •moitt atrating igt!!togotp,h, : . • The Mon:ling ofMorning Giories. '‘.. . Weil -Informed, people call them ipomea; otheia cal.them ecitivelvulus; Surnames and Their Origiu . ORA K E. , - :11aclet Orielna,-Ang le -Norman. I Veriations—Falone, Falloenee 1 Flea:0 Origlr.--;r1sh. , ' vseteeeerA given name.„ ak. Drake la° axle 1st those fain'IY i$anio Here u family name wlerelt is 14 - which soupde us thauga there Were', ati old as that of O'Beirne: that no .doubt ,about its being .Of new- Is ts, say, it iy.4 4b9La 700 or Re •yeara Saxon ellen.. aue welch, as the agets of While the Azigio-Saxon 'origla Is ;lot !..narees go in England ot!d on,t1K Cdoat. un nicety. boWe'ffr,,„1 the fact rentains tinent, le pretty old. that the recerde point. to 11 NOrma-a-1, . in the year 1209 knighthood was 1°'reee'h Mere P4,ses ta olit flower." arid all Europe .`Wete' Cat. the •feTinee, , ". • up into petty principalities and baron - Source—A Oven riu•nte,. , • . The family,: eanle ilt Re eider, form iee,,aed the sway of kings was iaerely • was; "Pim Dao and sometimes "Fits nominal: • eIoutitriee, ee we •aapaeaae, Drego.-1': ' ,,, . • „; of thete..to-day, eall her413" ,be said, te • . , . , In.eieeptally, It: has nothing to do have existed. FranceGefineny ,and , . ,With dueks. , Tbe 'given ' eaane of "Dra- , Italy Were iiiere:Y geographical terms: Tbe weve' which ' ***Mara • belleetit , . co" and ita . other', forms. a"Drogo,".frae, old East Roman Erdpire, lineal ; ' ' Eaatern skiee ' .' • • - ' - "Draea,7 :"Dreg," "Tbea$4'...''D.reeger'" ./i*eir • qr. the eiviliXation , of aicient,- :.knd.feels the hot. klas. of a copper and "Draelte," had ' 4 meaning ' Or fionle, Was hardir tet In its .grave: ` : '' .. Sun , "strength' Or "force . The torma end- The Mohamipedaes w.ere. threatening • Perehance has known the ice-tielche Mg !',o" Were these IteettY the Nor, to sWeen, over Epeopo as the T'etitonle • and is one ,'. • , • Wane- "Drac4"-Was the Anglo-Saxell :tribes had done when their laid the '14- W. nil that 'whi.c4, 4141114.e.re. "fhe:re''thf'• fer111..aa 'Dieir and "Tbrag." aAd, empire cf Rorie , •••• ••', • botlidete rise whtle. these Might .easiti" have Pro- 114 w4 ioughlyf, about this time , -„..arotind-the• COrninii oast; Am. Yet ,dueed the Surname' of brake, there ,is ttiat the 1.i'alloits' gave fib, the faintly Or 4414 rile • • , • ,• , little 'tangible .i3Vidence to Show ,that • clan bailie of Q:B41ilie-Anil became thel A race on Southern taiols.,.whetecoritl they actually:did so. ''Draeger' was "O'Fallaina adopting the name of • lies. - • the. Danish form of the given mune •ftliallan'' the chieftain as their plan *.e.e.T. E. McKnight "The Sea An: • :and ",Draelce the Flemish. name. , thology;'•' edlted.by Bartlett. " * "nlijrning enit oNTARto bin the old, cOuntry name of light they bring. • . • ' glories" best' expreesea the daily .4e, SUMMER HEAT • His Stone . • , • twti gentlemen sWpped on the stieet • Classified AcIvertiaeninita, . via. on rAar Sp& TAlp 1:1113.11Wa •1.,Nezeirese. We • prima:actor% &Voir.• collect GOA ,for workers.' Dia Sea"n 1010444.44 fria• Bilikim lamp= 9111. • • ICnightfin-Armior, WheneVer „l'xie Shia* ittSlitllt; I intekle oil MY' armee tisla,; And tlifiv1..hio.k =bow- far . WASP: ••• l'AftO 4tathillits-D•itti and Reaoldegs... miAntlid fia.uVihtnigailig,!airor. ho graitoonue'stheittr.: And sOmetimeea when ear rights '• think' glint' 'let -meg' 0120 . then I think pertaps I Wiml. DENTAL HEALTH DAY to talk. One was wearing a large dise BO'cause they're Dragons ancliI donL great; but the Morning glerlea seeni Eff t p • ;gets to be a • °, HARD ON BABY The 'potentialities of hapPineiis. in a , mond lie. Phi. • • ' -.AL, Mitne, "I " Bald tile other, '''clot is a fine diamont you have ft. Vara Toil ° PealaY Paeltet of seeda Ore always Province+ Wide Public Health •• of Austretia's High COmmtssioner, as •".Mrit;;Josepli COW! The only other • Mistake he has made was to try- to hustle out of the room a Illa12 who he at tbLese .P*US ma e g0, DI0OU, 5iIU, anywhere ad for anyone:- Just as inspecial days Of *Orions kinds but we that this gelid blood will restore the a a I the country/ they will 'ding. themseltes have never bed- One set aside for the stomach and nerves. AnYOle gg"r-!over'a ,fence, a porch, or a thicken purpose:a informing the public how ing from stomach or nerve troubles I : house,se wiltithey veirwith beauty a to protect themselves from the rat- • thought was. trying_tointerrupt) Gen- will nialte no •mistake' in giving -Dr. , W, Pink Pitts .1 fair trial.' wintc'w frame, a chiranee etiliglY :ages -of Dental d.iseasgs. . The: taiport. eral Betba whtie making a speech. bit of City wall. And they are delight- ance of the movement and the hems- . General Botha always spoke in Mitch, Da WilliamsFink Pills are scold their, dair_gs from_ first: to. sity for spme such activity cannot b • and:the man was hts interpreter.. by all inedicine.:deaers M. Will be sent till In• 441 corapanionable gainsaid and •the Ontario bepartment by Mail at 50 cents .a box by The Dr..i ng v` neon their. ehertning activities • and this effort to educate the miblic:In last beha I -Rh precision which ettables One to botint Of H A Zangwill AnecdotewiatamsMedicine coealth deserves erediefor initiating . ' •.; ateeyageed are, told ,of • Mrc..• Israel • Zaagwill, the famonar nofeRit' . • , and Vleywright, ,Who died recently. Zahgwill hee*, ' what it was to .be •neee—be was born le,:the East End of ,London, and, was fanlilar Witlipoyerty' from his earliest days; net only in hie' own home, but in its Surroundinge . This giyee eeint to one of the Many. adeedetes, told of him in the days it, -, ter :be woe spcceaa. A ledy was thik- Ing to hipa about his latest peak. It is Wonderful!' she 'ezelatined, ,‘•1; have •• read it • though ,taree•tirnes "Matiam,"•,wes the reply, '11 'Would hey° .preferred, you to ° buy' • three • coples. Sugar h1.0.* Diet' ' During the Boer War at the end of the last century it was observed that deidiers`, who ate freely' of chbeo- late and Other, sweets bore up against the, fetigne of. Icing marches *, better than theft: felloWe Tt was that, Whielt prompted.Queen Victoria 'ones to tend each soldier' In Smith' Melee' a smelt • box of eliticolataL Not. enough thOi.O- . bite felt to the let of each soldier to Sustain his •eirergies fora very long • Peeled, but the taneen's gift as 41004 bygenicTestare.' 1 Short:Iv before • the Great . War ex- • perinienN 'c-eaductod In the „•German. trail Wiittrined the experience of the , eht!eions war: • The shewed that a certain iriert,aSe.: of sugar in the vatlete t. .e as itseftil 'itt enablingthe troops . to in ‚.k4. forced n arelteS Withent great fatigue:. 14,17..en Mara conelusiye was resall of an 'examinatien of the • .h.0%,:d- of 'Marathon' Contestants, tihon--, • ' ptg. t:h;Li in the 'exhausted runners at the eri'd Of the race It .contained' a low- •:titr:.te.ntage of Sager than normal.. The 'foll4wing. year.the men Were sup Plied with,,stigar to c011silleS daring the rate. • with the result that they •.,*.finihed •211 'far _better condition than formPT ••• • • . tolOgisti tell us' that ,as a rule orie is net done at the expelleeof treeliooklet-"'What to Eat and flow • , t� Eat." • .1'14 :i." - 1•• t• 4, • Veli,",explained Isaace, ,'!'iny broth - He seasoneof the year Is so , anger- er he died unt lett ;450 for a atone. Unt ons .to the life. of little ones as is le summer. The•exceSeive :heat thro s dig Is d'...stgag'"1" " • tbe ste,mach • Out of "order so F.''• • • • ' ILLL • quickly tinleatt Prempt • ' hand,. t e baby. Maar be beyond 8.11.1 'hymen' help before thetnather realizes he ie Surniner le the season when clierrImea, Cholera iefentum. dysenterr ' and colic are most profelent. Any of these troubles May 'prove, deadly if not proroptiy treated. . During the suminer the 'mitts': best friend is baby's Own Tab ets. They tegulate ibe bowels . sweeten'the stomach and keep ba!?3' healthy- `„TheaTehiate ar4s r11_ _ •1.'1 I ' I ' The slender stalks race upWard at and pyorrhea 2 'cents a ox rem, e Dr . WI 1 ams amazing speed;. thiekeping and inter- , Many iastructive helpful ,aetive ., Out, tw ining until they foam veritable rose, lies areMedicine Co being arranged and the lead- , • . The Four•Frsen s: azure bine and white, and ail•richlet trig tiealPli.eduCational and social wei- ; ,Ernest°•;vas •elePhallt, a • great big P:othed in leaves. goon the &ids be- Vare:erganieatiens -are all meoperating • •• World's (Mai Itone ree... mit'sculAr sulistanie„. but through the energy liberated by the fats and car:, beltPdtates in the body Hence • la- boters flet.- ether' . engaged iii...h(trd Paysical work , 'need more • carbohy- drates iiy their food (liteadstuffis and . start•Ity .foods . ars. ' Of Course, the •t equivalent of itiair't 'than. do do those %whotie .daily oCeliptition. Or nOn-ocee- ;Stier!, calls for a sandier expenditure of eittl,riy. ,Atz interesting, eiiipPlei.of the 'gnidnnee' of instinct In 'matters • ',Of Jteitlth Is Ilie great inerease In the deonsitn:ption or candy '. and Or sweet drjtlks la this country since prohibi- • ' tion bus Made the production of beer,- or.titair.s- a great., deal of car, ' • .4.4—bnityd tat oi Illegal. ;Deprived of this to:tree' or 'Carbohydrate. beer -drinkers ° here ttlitted to sugar to take Ite place,, For the 'grov. itig child . Aitetein le necessary to build hp the tissiies; and• , ea tl Ty le, ut,,,ant ity Is harniful %since it ,telid,--;•to red,!co the appetite for strong- '''. food,: hut for the adult' starchy , .foods and ei..'ett a moderato anteant Of •.efl'O'cOtale' Or . iltittveait'dY • bitty "Well tak.e- the plaee ef Meat. atone or • I meale at least. '. ,. In' a tnost enthosiastic Manner:, The dentists of the. peovipee give free dental eXamination and, advice to% all whe requeit It upon theeday. In the larger centree special cliniCa be arranged and in the smaller places the dentists receive the patlente in their Own otliceo.. • • General' educational also a,ng lir ffu# years to the:training, irate be held.. These will take the form.of 7dllsathar7s;iesfibplerei.senrttleagerii‘ft.tof. public meetings and Mass meetings chnrch of: school childree: In order same-, the itite.:interest in Oral' Hygiene , among, fmni,,c.1,3 oeqeviii stiffness:1:7 the, boys and -,giris the. service clubs. • : , gin ..to .sippar, those lender fluteiL, M Hildesheim, in Germany, grows . • • tail, • • ., .. by warning into peifeet chalice -Shaped , what is believed to beahe oldest rose , was: bloOme, 'violet and rese, ' azure Mir, George Wei a goat and his beard ello3v,. land *bite, and ell the delicately -flush • • y, • AndJaines was a, Very small iinail. Leonara Was a 'lion with a. six2foet painted buds,Which open out Morning ; ed. atid.linted shades between. :Each ,evening one *ay see :Piet 'bow Many; among the intiumerablebuds Leonard' had t a •eta • ll, mid a great. big ° • 'strong. one • , . differ4ni, etages, are ,ready for to • 1 . • I . • • Ernest had .a. Manger,: and its walls inarrow'oS • blooiniat:, each morning if were thich;: . ' • . i one:. rise eaiiy entinith, they will be e, George'foinnia pen, but I think'it.we's tolled Still clsely foldedbut, With, • '. the wrong One, ,.. 1 et1:76ens'ilinntO tph:rYfeoctP:e' ititow.beersio7 "0.ne,s ver' • -•ilid"...fatneS sat down on a Wick. exquisite in . .. .. , . • - • irorzn, •and eo. o , and groa tit opoL too are donating, prizes to die giten to the • -. l „ EreeSt 'started :trumpeting, ' and Parent 'vine. For a few boars tile RuPits 'writing the besto Gamboling No , essays or pre- ' : 1 _ • , , . , ., . . n , paring. the moet, attractive pesters on .." , . Spring in the air, imr. Crotchet," ' cracked hiS Ina ger . theauty lasts;„ then. without .a.ity sign, ' ' ' ' . • thi bject• Throd b the kindnese ' :tree in the world. It cetera. nenrlY. the• whole of the east .Side of • the perish -church_ • In the.records of° the church refer-: •enoes; are made over a period of fully , d tea r9aring, apti shh.„ of disorder or decay *the nierning s • lion-erS droop, and, drop, leaving the and Courtesy Of' the, Ontario Mcition ' vine orderly and prepared ler the next' picture Bureau and the Toronto FilM day s display, .• , • Board a short motion'picture film will • • • :-ered.bia • •••• • lefties gave the Atingle'. Of a -,sriall in " .And Cebody 'heard his . all: , -danger • , l• And all this delight may be enjoyed, I -Only bv the 'fortunate h be Shown', in the leading theatres „and not • t e r :summere in the country, but ;:13,, the Radio stations wil broadcast lite fat information on Denta.I HealthaOne . trteoose. .11:totioo,,,Thiliutoffieliet ii.id natiow of, the: most attractive features at'thia o eahni s(lay mat partak4mattin-}e.%tiatneos, -educational, than 'Will be the windOw : rs - dis,plays arranged by the druggists and offering of loveliness•- .• many et *he merchants u he ,farrt . Ernest started truinpeting and raised • such a realties., ,' • • My. heart fa a dark, &reit where no ; • voice, IS heard, ' ' Nor Sound of. foot by day night-:- - : nor echo borne' .• ' Down the ,loag elites and .sbadOWY arches, of a horn• • . Trembling---9/sr cry„ of beast, nor call ' of. any hird, : ' • • ' • , Bitt,always •through tae deep solitudes = • wietingwind Move.s like the voice of a vaitray- er; it is your love '• Lifting and ,bending leaf and bough —while ter above, , One ,though seers likeaa. hawk in the heaven or my mind. _ . -a-Jehn Hall valieeiock. Every Day You Live. Purelyy 'personal attaik is: a. low anti. . demeaning VIM% ,whoever 'gays it. —Rametty'MacDonald. ' 'CcinadkiiiPieihRbOt In co-operation with C.aWadian Architects . Veggie of stiodetate priced hoines axe pub* lished in the MacLean Guide. Detailed inhumation on planning. buDdingr.funwhiw.decoratingandgar. • denbut, Profusely illustintri, An ideel reference book. &ma 25 cents for a CO *01dr:so Walden( Guide 344 Adelaide 814 W. Tateeie., Oat • . •• ; • "--7Can' be bankrupted if .yini • borr trouble froze to-Morn:4. , —11 gin life 11 over in if on - •, " . start tiew .with the morning. • . iffati more pleasant things in it then disegreetible. , • .; a • —Is a prOdect,Of .allofyour yeeter-1 • • • , Always. keep Mitiarcre :handy' for burna. :sprains. •breisee and flesh. wounds. ' , tilled' With justata many Tensaw,. • sibilities as opporttmities.•' • Will run smoot/ier if •you start It with a prayer. , • —You can find a hundred reasons for • OMAN CO HARDLY • 'Why should why should IT' . • , . aid Spring ,in,;the ah•f:' „ . , . Leon started roaring a'nd trying ,• icla , . • .ne8,. eonkpas , • •••• .„. • • , • . fruit; vegetables, and •other Wholtctome James went. a journey with the goat's , • , • • • ' . • • . •• ••foods." The :programme for the pre . Mid be reached the end of hishrick. I, , • Military Strategy. • ' diseases will als be hi:Ought. :to the . attention Of the' ppg,h newspaper, billboard and ti•eat car adrertisenients, •" •. .• •I Ernest wai an. elephantanti very welk ,etephevr and some Other pays pjayineople. throg ..lvention ef d4otal e .1 :.1.7ncle Walla* steed watchirit,his. - ; inteiitioned. , • ,• • .- • . • I at .soldiees • attacking a fort, •After a Leonard was . a lion With a lit'UVe' ,monterit Cr two had linseed he called °., ' • ,nov'tell: , - • , Ihis neehew to hint and said; •decrge was a gnat: as ' i think f have. ''‘Leeii. here. Fred._If your, aide can :' mentioned,. , , I take the ror4ivithi; bait ad hour rtt BUtdatnes was Only a snail.. •'' 1giV.e.von half a dollar."., —From !When • We Were ' Vete' Fred accepted the offer and 'hastened, . 110 he friends with the news,. . • • Mount Rune gimp, Situated at Banff • Alberta, in Ban x Xat' 1 . being happyif yen look 'tea them. . • • • Grailite is the ' lowest rock .in the earth's crust. It ia the bed-rocit of the*•world. park, is, one of the gest equipped and Would not be • . , • . , , ,:. without it now. , 7:i registrations in 191r the total number of permits ,issued increased to Dirs. Horn TeRi how Lydia F.. Fibbed: Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health Harnilton,Ont.=—"I have taken Lydia' E. Pinkbam's V table Compound , motor camps inWesterzeCitnala From • , lining, by A. A. Milne . . Not Static nary ..".•• • :u "at. . :. • "• - " ncie...can 1 hate the half a 'dollar? :out the knowledge of the coptitiais -1,,ee's see; haven1.1 seen you same- We've. taken thg fart alt right the interPretationplacedbyasome ," where else?" ; ° • "Thit was • Pretty smart," remarked jaPanese.tvriters upon marriage'statis-• , . t'pOssibly: ,,Eve been other Places." 1.."1!.'Vi iflmam gs 1.1e heedel over th; lies. just issued • lee the OOrernment.:- About two:mingles later he return- ef ed to, his uncle and said the :country. hes been butlt, has been • alinoqt edinpletelV broken detru with- tate"-Marriages Worry the Japanese.. , That the Japanese tamilY SYsieim epon wbich the whole social stractate 1,1146 ,in 1925. ,. • , qtt re AS tto hew you . ' Out-genemlie&.the enenie'r, A stirt...y has 'soon that tue aver.• age need' marriage: for young men is coin. I I "Vb." rePlied. aePhelly fred- betWeen 25 and 29: years, whik First PreSs., Agent Wen Anaceas.. , • ..The first titeatifieal OreSS agent stunt , ' tti!Ok' iliEeTt7ceatiery .atO'Whetran-'net-- 'or itrate, tt tub drawn by a, flock 'of 4' 44:11-efeSe far three .Milea.aTang the:banks Of t VbenteS.:;„-tliti 'act 'Watt isticcess-, fat iti lilting the ti)eatre for the nobse;•1 , Tient Oerforinttnce. • ". ' • If :labie's med 'be put out of 000114 • Oetiir.'—f)rIT . • -1;V27.4,*°. ' • ' , A 0 4 Edge -Holding Saws s.,1moNDs SAWS st-EasyCLJttrg ed. ae • •' waS quite easy. .1/41 ust offered the. tilat' for gir:,s1 ishetween 20 and '4,; ether aide e quartet to give In 1' a . • J panese observer' ,1101lit 01.tt that not more than twentY Years ago sueli "late PO.1 WOW- 1 Perfect Protection With Every Every roll of Prince Ed, ward 'Brand Fox N'etting opens out ..as a 150 fool long „trail 43f, perfect pro-, tectiod for yeur faeces. "Prince: Edward.,dogs • net hag nor •"eag add Teta ,10,,,a ntlret hirantdsheosi fotx127.ettiann: o . • Wi e • or: IN ire itir •,.• delivered ,prices. ' •Le_i_10-___,,,. Senn rnerslde usetWatla P. e. 1 ,artct ' ....r,........ - I . Special Ontario Agenks , • . '.: W,•H:C. Ruthven, J M. Mc iitivrav Milston . : The 'Purpose of ,Laws. , -marriages" Would hate been cOriSider-* , Far all lawes, (sale they1 be made el a iaeuate ':to the Welfare of the I and pliblysIted oriely to tile intente State. and 'declare that a revolution cif • that be them ;every, Mate shotild e the•linilY s'yetetti,,bas,ocetirred in ' put in reinembrance.of his dew,tie.-:- t4an ta'eat$' Yeal*' " More, lir "Utapla:' • • Even, in the earlY • days of. this fury. It 'is eipiained, the Principal In .Tesper National Park. A:bortaf setial ditty IU..tapan was perpetuation , there are ritiont 640 nti',es of standard of ;lie 'faintlyand this. presapptisAi trails by which tourists May. viS'it the early marriage. girls who wait0 rin-H, outlying scenic attigetions. , tit they were 20 were rare. and 3-oungt . • igen Were married at tit ye:trs or ear- t High ScbooI &lir& and piciai:de of Education . Are authorized by law to establish • I • INDUSTRIAL, TE_CHNICAL AND, • ART SCHOOLS • _ • With the .approval of the Minister Or .Cdutartittit.,, 11 DAY ,AND EVENtNG CLSSES. • '• may be ctindittied 10 accordance with the regulatione'llietted. by , the Department of EdiitatiOn. . . THEORETICAL' ANO PRACTICAL: NSTRUCTION Is given In •tratious trades., The ;wheels antc'etassett are under' the AN ADVISCIRV-,-OOM,MITTEE, " • •-; -- APplIcattion for attendance sboUtd be made, to the Oro Opal of the schen,. • , • commentim., .istioAcTs, MANUAL, TRAINING,'HOUSEHO'LD, scieNcE AND AGRICULTURE AND, HORTICULTURE are provided tor in the Courses of (Rudy In Public., Separate, Continuation and High COtleOlete institute% Vottational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Ethic/eta:In may be 'obtained from the Deputy Minister, Part athent Bupding*, Toronto, But economic' 1'.'rce has destrUY-1 ed thia. sYsterriv, ' The head of lirst eat] no liiiige*ttvsupper' to *.4.oting Mar:, tied to ae they are getting a titart in 'life. Ambitious young inert nittstatter.d uttgetSiligs:. from. willetki they do not graduate before they are 25. and after titat often obtain a bate.: „ ,taiaity 'for years. • Late mar- i riege has beep, the inevitable result. Conservative writ( -is regaed these . statistics With alarm. 'They, detiaret, that Japan's strenth his. •come from tile-- fatuity --SYstenr—ind---that—social. etheotinmencie 13in ether writers to -1 lgard tliefprumpt overthrow of the old •.; , systetit 4.4 with pride to the -fact that Jaren has ttaken her place,with,other,:orOgreSsite nations in this as in other re'srferts. 1, , •, „ Rub' you sealii•With Mtnerd•teLlni trent , • I had a female trouble so badly. I ' could hardly waik a "d:and was all run- down hardly get around work. rdi • 71 would htdad,beuse-:;.. in bed^ t h r e..e. or four•dayslit a ' -1;was told by a friend tb try your Vegetable Compeurtd: I did, and ‘; by the time Ltook two bottles I was beginning 10 get around again. I took i . ten bottles n all, and now I am ,all right again and doing my OWn work. I have six grown-ups to work for, so I have Plenty to do., I also used Lydia E. Pinichani's Sanative Wash, and I think it is good; But I owe my health to the Vegetable Compound, and I think if more of it was used Women wobld be better Off. I would not be ivitholit'it if it•Coet; iniech more."— Mrs. Ntt.tiE Hotn, St. Matthew. Avenue, Hamilton, Ontario. ' DO you feel broken down, nervous and weak sometimes? Lydiat. Pink:. • • ham's Vegetable Compound is cxcel- lent take at such•atime. It always help:, and if taken regularly and per-' • aistently, will relieve this condition. • 0 • , PrOved safe by ratitioliS Heattche Pain NearlIgia rid pre.s,crjbed by physidaris for • Neurith .Lumbago • Rheuitiatitt — Accqt a0,t13'er"package which contains proven diiectioni• ,mov ty;/(s ot° It' tildes aahraatettileti of £4, .epd 100—Dniggiste. eVe4i-tIlee•Lczavitti.P ittrits'A°1aarterket.:eenrrt4:*.si.latericileillaerelti41,„ 8. L1. , Oat Atptri.t tacan3 Dater manittecitne. to oast*: the Ortt ascot tetttiattot4r, the.;:otete '0 Itgrer.Mincguar -tett livatingpa•With-thtlf *tint* 1g,•110.,t4iLlt•-1:htoe?-4!..*t.tn.‘14 , t- *.• • The Ideal ,Powder 'For Use This pure,..deriCa4ly antiseptic .powder doet much tcP overcome e*. essiveperspitation.4.tt iotith ei and cools, is coitvenient and 'economical • tuid in an itlizat, face.. ,tkirti tab), .04 idivsor4 powder. ,:tre= ewer= .: -eaaeareetasLeteettece fe,kkiteato ' NO: 3g=-;i1S. • •••