HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-09-16, Page 5•
1.• L No. 428, 44arlt.4.0'W tr,eeta
the eeeeed VIlesdaY bar every
fa th .efr. hall, at 8 C,
- Carter! Ree Soot
• ' ' •
• Lae Winghain.
hone 74' Pheee• 25G
onumental,. Works
-.10.14161te largest and most rallaltieto
. g•elaleck in. die most 'beautiful design.;
14i:choose fawn., int •
• ,.aiikebk *old), "S•Vectish.'llad Cats',
• We 'make a ape.ialty , of Family
•Mentumenta and invite your inapre-
InserIbtliala N,eatly, Carefully and
, Promptly . Done.
r en 0i -before pPacing riur order. •
, 4
Douging Brrai.,7 ." Spattors
,Lutiknow, Ont. • -
. NOTICEis hereby •giVen. :that: all
•, persons -having 7 elaiMS against the
. estate 4 Peter Clark, late Of.. the
Village of, St. Helens, in the county.
'Of, ljuron; who. died on or about the
thirteenthday of June
:are iguired. to ',forward their, claims
ditty proven. to'dke undersigned on
or r, before the , tWenty.fiftli. •,day Of
, September AA 1926.
•. And notike , is, further • 'given •that,
•. .o.ste---the,-ev4etuteur-Aff,
. e said estate will proceed to distri-
hate the assets �f the estate, having •
regard only to such _claims.' as • he,
shall then have had notice. .• • ,,
'Dated at tuelinoW• this' 3Ist day Of
.Atigtist. .,1926.• • • •
W. L. MjUeT.LItanow
• °att. EXeoltor „.
' t ' (16-9c)
- WOO* PEOPLE'S,' "Mar
The, Toting People's Rally of Matt -
And. P.,ct%-tery tPJ be heldin KnOx
PresbYteri,ao CbtiFch• Xineartiine, on
TueSday., Bentemb,nr,21st,•at 2.30 and
7.30 o'clock. Special speakers for the
.limatligs are: Rev. Dr. W. M. Kan:
eawin„ D.D., of .1-lainilton, geaeral
4ezretary. , for Sunday Schools and
IrcRing. PeoPle's Work; Rev, F.' W.
M.A.• of London; Rev. N.
R.D. Sinclair M,A,B.D., Of 'river.
ion:. ^Also 'local' ,ministera of Malt,
hind Preibytery. Tea will be served
by the yobng People ,of Knox Pres;
terign Churz h, Kincardine. A„ gOne,`
attendance is. reqUested . these.
'meetings, , •
, . .
Miss Ruby • Everett " 'Of Goderieb;
was the guest of her friend,.. Miss
MYrt3e ,Wel4ter • of near, Lucknoni
Inting the week.- - , •
Mi -S. • L. -MacIver af Con. 4;
• MrS,.Giflies c,f wttiteoui,o,
Th?sts'of Mrs; Jack. 'Iearlerien
Pararr.ount, during ..laSt .'week:
Mrs. Frank 31acInteSh 'and Jeap Of
Lucknow, visited. With Mr. and %km
e liaynaid Of ,ParaniOnnt, 'der:
jog 'lest wee!i• • ,
.• Mr. •and LOrne Wetdeer 'ant'
May Of :S,ea,ferth,'' wee guests of 3Ir
andMrs. 31, .Bay.nard of ,Paraniotint,
during • last' week. •
Mrs. Lorne Parrish of .1Aslineld
was the guest , of .her mother, Mrs.
Paraniotint, 'recently..
Mrs. :Geo. Page a ParameUnt,...ii
visitaig", with ;zieud i Oetrt4t-
e.0.4 Lial41 bco.K16.1
••**1‘.?.....,: ,tit, cro-
; • •
krii.41ard of New' Market/
▪ gu,st o.;:' wigJLI •1•••!.ts*
, • '•
bifl.sams of ' Laurier; . it.- •
• 1=oc.f1/14,o11,.of i•cr
UtiVer' Oarkwell, 'who sPeiii
• tetttrnett co: m.o./hop* *la Lac4-
111. . • •• • •
. •
.t.ongratalet•ons. are extended
'4x u.n c1r.s1), .i..nimerson Irwin
Luelinow,' and a. ifeaity Wein#1,
• toe we lathne .n!ie ha:s
.tay with' thein','
The teirvice of the Bank' of Monireal. is as
:Wide and comprehensive/as.ehe 'postal
• This service enables cnstomers lii in remote
districts to transact ,their banking by Mad as .
iadsfactoirly as if *ty could nuke personal
T. S. RiciD,'
OnAlie Welt Of Sept. ard 'flarold
Watlen• 4t4 Cort;•of Iturinv'Totvitshiti •
had themisfortune to lete.his barn
by tire together With die: season's;
crop and much of the farm. niahiite
eq. The grain had .been threihed' the
day fireVions. Mr.,Walden had. retired,
•lor the night when about nine o'krleck.
geirlizOis Bothell that the ,6rri .was
on he. They notified '3ir. Walden' and
--citowd-scion- 4'4914
:itiol.die burning build ng ttttc conk. be
.dene however., A hinder •standin
near the hard and a pile of Kat 'wad
• akeie 'removed 0jt of' the l'earit of the
Ste. there. *it ittsurattee Ott batni
t�1! w14 Lae
I e COliii•Adtiable•••,, ,
Wag.ovi belonging• -to p e 1 it
Pt1rT0Tgetk3, ,which hadben.,
left, parked in .• front • o Wm. kettei,
• A
Igaele'S .hinne on the. 'Dothan' tOad;
rcear Iticersdate; xis looted sante:.
vole.: after Satttn1n n4nigtt and•
ahout $300 worth Of. 'gee:41L stolen.
The robBerY WAS diStereted 1:•y
' • 8..r , 11.E1X0
Mr, .Ir!.Jaz. Barbour • and
•314 a. 42,ELsi. ZY.Y0:4 Rarbottf left
on .Saturday °nit motor trip. to Fer-
gus. Hanalton •rnd 'other Ponitft
„Miss 'Edna...PO*1er of Pa9galfriOn.
IMP a Week -end Vis,itor. tyith. . Miss
Miry purnin; -. . . •• -
Mrs., Morris has returned tO Pitts.
burg, after g visit with h,e; slater,
, • . ,
! MO ,• : Jo§. gaant, °
Mrs: Wiil IlumpbreY .angt.',..11.04e'
Greta motored; to Hakitiltou:. with
• friends to attend the, •cntleral *het'
•idece; a daughter of Mr...and Mrs, 0
41/14ter, •' • • ; - ... , • I...
• Mr. and Mre...W. Gott ey; and
• 11,
.childroo,:aud Mr, niad .Mrs,'L Cam-
eron and son, Lome .of Pi ' Kiver.,
• visited With 31i- and Mrs.. ,..B, IN-
:. tberford (toxin the yreeit.
- loS.sirs.... W. I... Aiiiier„: Hug h ,g4th;
' erferd 140, ttem Todd inetoretr'to,
London on MOOdity,: Mr. Miller. Was-
, stieces:afut in..7.arrying off a first, twe
seconda,' two..410* and a totirth
prize. He also- aecured.seVerat, POW
t, Toronto Fair. •
Mr; and Mrs. , George Webb enjoy-
ed, a motor, trip to Hamilton and Tor-
onto, list Week. •Their, nephew,. Mr
• Arthur Tigert acconinanled them , te
his home at Hamilton. :
' BORN -4n 'West. Wuwaluish, or• .
Tuesday,, Sept. ,14th, to. Mr. 'Mai Mrs.
George.. phillips-a daughter.
Messrs. Swart MacPhersOa • and
'Itass Murray attencied the C.N.E. at
' Toronto, last *eek. ' •
' BORN, --In. Tereuto, • : on Monday.
Sept,• . 6th., tio4Mr. and Mrs. E; •Smit14
..(formeily Miss • Dead, ' Webeterr.a'
daughter.; . - ,
Mr Wm ,Win:4,..MeQuillin Was'. a ink-
'oe'hursett • at • Gederich'•• Pair,,' 'Iasi
week. Mr. John Meguillin is a shee!
jridge• at ;Oro and Meaford :this .week
' Don't' forget the -Schee! Fair on
Poday,„fitii;wed by a coated in tthe
• evening: • The .conimittee have ',beer
, ortunate in sectoing the Cowan
Conceit Conga**, '•Toronto. Those
there in a' treat in. atore..,for • thess
Who attend. .•' -•
The 'Annual Thank Offering:Of the
W.M.S. of Calvin United Church Wig
be 'held next Sunday 'meriting,: Sept ,
191h, at 11 ,o'clock, when therspitake',
w.ill he Mrs: (Iter..).. Hamilton .of.
• .
Mr, Sandy. •Niebolsen, , just homi
",..-ora a trip to Europe, is visiting at
his home con the' Second. • '
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacDonald• Of -
Detroit, are spending a few days at
honie of Mr. and 3il* p. Mac-
, Ar., D. G. MacKenzie 'Of. Luclaiow
spent 'Monday aitlehir. and MrS. A
MacDonald... . • ,
, . ,
• Mrs' J. Irwin' Of <the Second,. spew`
, ,
:1 day last 'week with ,ber sister, Mrs
Py• Martin..
.Mr., and 31M. B. :Sangster, •wlic,
!lave. teen spend ng a few days wit.;
• elatives., on the Fourth and4Secend.
retained to their: home in Toronto.
Miis. Gee,-- fro tho'•West,
visiting ,with, her sister, gm. Deng-
-, •. •
The U1.WO. meetilig'011,behel-1
nt Friday 'instead of •T11134.
this Week, at , the hone Of Miss .ler
•nEe. Pierce,
Mr.: H., Johnson of ListoWel, is er'
aged' these these 'days in drilling a we'l
for Mr. John'.
(rir.)A. 31., Nichol,son ofN
. is' spending • a few days- 'at he,
;home' here: . •
Mr and Mrs: Wm.„'Rotsb, Mr. ant'.
MM. R. 'Martin 'and Middletozi:ert.,
attending the London . Pair. ,
Mis. :W•Johnts‘ of Town, spent
4t day 'Ina week with
Donald,. ,• . . •
Ilr_ P. '11. MacKenzie' ef -Toronto, i°
•4;p for iti....few days. • ,
• There is 'great activity' these d, -.2j;
. .
f.reparing 'for the School Pair.
, ;
• Voters" .List, VITIage of LarkilaIr
t 1926.
';Notie.e.„,, is he' reby. given ' that a
r'-ourt `he held. nurstant to The
'Ontario VotetS' List's Act, ; by Ills,
Hiner the Itude-e .of the County
of the County' of Brace. At tho
Toni) Hall in 'the. Villag,e of Luck -
dont on the 28th day of September.
/316, at 10.3'0 o'1•10 k in the feriehOott,
te, her and d•Aennine eornitlaintS. o
errors a ofids.sions in 'the Voters::
'List of the .1Innicipal:tv of the VT;
'age of LueknOw 'for the year 1926
• "Dated at LuCknow this 14th day of.
September, 1926- - •*.'
Joseph Agnew, Clerk of Lacknow
A Court will bp held, pursuant o
the' Ontario Irotera' Lists Aet • by Dis
bis Honer tile actiag ducit.re eethe Conn'
ied/ar when "d"4" "Wa.t.311 tr Bruce at the pan lin the Nil-
Ok :about. 6. o'clech..Sunday morning and _lame ef Loclatew in the said County
!'reporiii*,the matter' to' the. PoliO Unice:on the :ISth 'day of Seaton:-
,„Pjtot,- Officers BOne her. 1926. at one o'clock er.
fid,Wi Meyer start- -ed nit'te .°L1 the 41prairint.:60.feaerror arsilidanddet• iennr.nissigtot; acc!"iti;
;trail of the stIsPecitt•an4 a fes'611r4 the Vetere List of the lonicipality,
later had recorered over balf tht tfte `township of t'fitioss ler .1926'
.pluncler,•„,whiCh., itteinded -Salts 'DI.
• 1..tleiti,s
likely to fatally.;
fld.1116."RhAdr.4a gePtalieUr-•;
. • '
1926..•'GeG. Moffat, 'Clerk of th Mitfll'
7a.r. liznatsggi,,Mtiz,efanB01.3:rir'si!
be Meraon. •
• -
' Q1140 a few from here Atte- ef)
he Exhikitien, las4t.
)�r, and Mrs. JOY' Criogle•on
•.ght.er, !ieleer also Mr. and Ws, ll -
Kruger Of Detroit,. Spent the week-
end with the lattees . mother, Mrs
David • t4. •
• congratulatleas4 are extended. tc
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gillespie fin
long. and prosperous 'Parried' .1le
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid and child-
ren ef Paris, visited on Sunday at
the borne of his parents, Mr:' and
Mrs. Alex- Reid- • •
,Peter. Mulry has. gone to
visit relatives in. Chicage. „
•• -Mr. Elven. Webster. and Mas Mil-
dred Haldenky; who bailee been iiSit-
irag friends. and relativea here; have
returned t Burlington
:Mr. .and Mrs GUnn from the Soot
ere. viSiting, at the home Of Mire and
Mrs. 4. E. ..Huldenby. •
, •
Quite a number froni here attend-
ed the Scheel- Fair at Teesivater. on
• Wednesday afteratiOn,. last , •
Mr. Charles 'James of Walkerton;
visited in our, burg last week. •
Ten• MaissiledVgirfnail'' rePra;Cileddge4oalltd•
hOme at Moncton, on Tuesday;
•' Mr. George, Graham spent ,Sunday
evcning in our burg. '
, Mr,: and Mr. Charlie Gillespie en.:
tertained a number of friends at ,a
tociiption iner !Apple on Wednesda3-
eveniag last- The bride was. the re-:
cibient tr, lag e number of beauti-
rul 'preaentS,' one being a beautiful
kitchen cabinet.. • The . evening :Was
• spestit. by the first hour - pregrain
and the. remainder in • dancing. Ev-
.:eryone•having areal enjoyable' time.,
. Mr, A Lockhart of 1.ucktiont,.ir
helping W.. MacDonald with his
The. pupils .and leacher • of ow -
school are busy these day, preparipg
forthe School/Fair, which -will be
held in Ripley on Friday afternoon'
,Miss Mary Montgomery of Rip:-
:ey, alma few days of last week°
.7.vith her friend; Mrs: Chase. stratb-..
Mr Bulh Stephens of Teeswater
was a Flowerdale visitor, last Fri-
3lias .Margaret,' Robinson of .Pur
pie, Grove, it staying- at C., Strath.
dee's for a few, weeks. ,
Mrs. *cibert . Watson' entertainer'
the Ripley .U.F.W.0.• last Tripsdal
' Those who. have their threshing
.lone find that the:: grain is tUrnirq
net inneli better than was expected.:
. • .
CI;LROSS ..cEltiTRE. '
, . •
"(Intended '..for last .Weeki. :
Scheel& Xe-epeneel en •I'editesda:.
•„"):f List :Week; .teachers
herge except in S.So. 5; .herr
Trieldi•ihe .rod •
-,31r. "Geo.. McKague and Mt.:. Gor
Ion Sto'ho., and Jas. Walker. IefL fc•i
'he , harvest fie:da' in the •WeSt • las-
• '.Fridity meriting. • ' •••••• 4,' '.- •
Mr: and Mrs,. J. 'Meyer .and ism
nly xeotered from Detroit. last ,Satur
Inn to •spend Labor Day - with tin
'Otter's. Mother, 44Irs, Marin V
; • t•„.• ,
Most Of .the Itarcest'..is completen this ,
i:int. •
eiaitt!' and the. the:ht. res: hing, i
•n full s
Mr _WesleY Goble had the niisfor-,.
uneof having!his leg b`i-Ohen, els,' •
-ezeiving other injuries tv en a Mac:
if grain upset. •,
Mr ..• Andrew McKagite is also eon
5iied to having •hurt his heat ,
And neck by billinz-,front the may'
hen the itip rope broke. • .
; Mr. and Mrs: N....Stanzlaris
called on 'friends here las'
•meek. Mrs. Stani.lans was fornier/Y
MEas LiZzie .3IcKee • and will he re-.
neingered Ify Many friends ,liere.
Gtitlirie 'Reid • and tier Moth-
er,. Mrs:. McDonald,. Were. 'called :te
DetrOit. lastweek. ,to -the. bedside or
Sister and datknhter, 3Ifsi Eizabet
Ponald, Word, waS ,tedeii4,4 last
• Saturday' Of the. '.4ad death of Ms
McDonald. We anderatand' that thc
•teltainS will be, brought to. Tees -
Water fur burial, We extend' o&
symPathy toithe.MOY sorrowing re -
loons hete. ' •
. Mt atd ..Mis.; R. ,Guest aid Ms
Ruth Ponder:nit of Kingaif,
at the luta*of and Mrs. Ge
Ric)tards.en; ._,Menite.o.113/0, .of. this week
$.11-1. 1.$ ‘11.1344'..:
Ontario fanners b-4Ve... for Yee,r‘.
aniTered, beavy-lesSet---oitteeetutt.70f,
Settit , wheat. it is, estimated that
each year, these losses, .the, aggret.
• gate. iurr :Waif 'oree''Thilihm 44
iars"Attitlir idtzaI titarrneri "fire
have taken dis.ounts
trout fire to 15 cents pet bushel' rin
• . .
is easily .pt eyented4 amj the treat-,
meak:given bcio-k•-the 'very latest
information f4.1t the Salo/eft frowi, .tha
Ontario A„; t,ollege--is
Ont by the united Farmers Co'
OPeratiVe CC,Intila.hY in the ho'e that
it willbe.,n!'ade rs,e of and help to
Preverzt the heavy jo:s (L4 to Satut-,
ty wheat. . • •
„„ Directions for Copper CarbbFnate
Dust Treatment • ,
The duat shoold he. applied at, the
rate of iwo, or three eunces.per'hush-,
cl of wheat; Placeirthe grain to he
6eated 'in ba-....ri4l'er-ehturt, abotit a
buShel, at a. time. Add the requilJ
,t mount of, eoprier, Carhanat;.: Lust
,andthee revelve the barrel or chart
until; the dustis thorongly•ced
with the gra P Utr hiS, treatn-,erit
• the „grain: may' he bag•ged ,end. sewn
at once:It'!.achilts are, ntity
. .
maricet.. far 'apnlyini.; dust rtli!y tc
largo qualt:ties,,sf
Carirnate"nink hesseckired
front alienit '.r.ity*.t.roroittn dealer at
25c.• per Pour.ul :delivered, altholigh in
•sorsa Idaee'S aS. kaz."..1 t),c!.
pound. iabeir charged, • •'
• IN L'OSS 01.."INC114.
,' The cogneil‘ ?f the TOWaShip ,• of
Kinloss. ne on Septea..bar •Oth, all
'Ertembijs. rrst, '• The mint:4es 41
East and sikhed
Tentjersf. Bridges vi.ra • otishk;red•
Sieved by ItoSs and Seconded l)y ir-
min that R'ot. MOvhtay's• tender for;
• the Torrance .13r:dge be azeePted and
that, the Scott br1de he.le!t over un-'
.the ,R -eve, 31cIntyre an, Carruth-
ers, l'a,t,pect• tht .. locat mi.! (tarried
A giani.fspr;ibu' Smith. Bence Plough;
;ng Matt+ AleVetl", hy
•Macintyre, seconded .15-3,.7. :Carrather•.
that we dont e $15.90 to, the, South
Bruce ..Plocighing Association.
theq/ms giliott12
.8"•; tile' and 76 tr tire $1*3:64; 4arnes.
Wilsen,•„drawing two loads tile foic
Barhaur, Drain and 76 6" tile for the
e a B the, sap.-
sAtirri. -31,Tes:1“15--1)0.
10„, Scantling 2.70.; John :Ross,
P.L. 37.38 9105.8'3.: Burlington Steel*
Co.' Ltd., for bridges A. D...
Maelteezie, printirig as Per 'aceour4
$139.10; Alex. McLeod, P.L36 S72.-
50; john MiKinatia; ,3-5, 365.50:
Thos.'White, InSpectincr• Angus 'MaC--
Iataih's sheep Si..80; W. K. Riddeii
grant to.Schoot Fair $20.09.;, •W:..
. 47 •
re better Mari ever,
this •.ye...•
osT a the crops are in. Relax, Visit,
• the Fall Fairs. ticre you'll find old
friends, Make new ones, 'establish' valu-
able business connections, profit from the'
instructive exhibits and thoroughly enjoy
the fun. °
Good :roads make it possible for You to see
not only your own district Fair, but also
those more distalt. Take in as Many as,you
cin, for time 'So -,spent will pay you divi-
dends • in health, enjoyment and better
understanding of what's what m Ontario;
Tens of thousands'will be -streaming to the
Fairs over Ontario's motor highways.
• These splendid roads 'represent a large
money investment in which you have
Oared. So do your part in preventing' cost- -
ly repairs. Drive reasonably. -By your
example help the traffic patrol Which is
rigorously 'enforcirig speed laws for the.
greater protectiOn of everyone. •
• ,
•',Minister ofHighways • .. Deputy Minis'.tc..r
• •
Issued ,by the Ontario GOireminent to secure\
the co-operation of motorists in abating the
-..ahese-ef the .reeds 'of. the ' Province;
be appointed Engineer for Einioss
Meltague, Grant to,,Ploughing Match.
815.00;" Daniel Cawidy, Cleaning '
ditch en tith Sideline 819.99; John
Cut -tin • balance •cf ad-zeunt On Gaunt
Drain ::•4110.00. •
' f
, A ecimmunicatimi frian'F Hodgins
wa.1 readand the tierk Ordered ‘t.0
write Mr. tiodgiOs and state,. that it
, .
w -as his p/ace to notify the parties to
the -Award Drain he eom/Anined
xnd that the 31unicipal 'Drain woOld.i.
attoided• to Moved by ,Carrinti.aL
efs• sec. by 1 Ross , that C. A. Jones
'.(Carried). ,
• Council . adjourned till ;the last
Monday in' Sept., •• '•
Geo G Moirat, Clerk.
• .
, •
'Aecordug'•te the Doi-ohne:aepart
nient'of. 'Agricultere, Fruit .13raneli
ten4t. for Angns.t; the:.Cominercial
apple crop for Ontario . esiiinated•
•at ;75 per .eent- Or 7.14,530 bariels„as
Con pared with 950;146 ' hatt-els • ih
,1925 and f,6 ,per ;:ent_ of a •five -,ear
'as-erage, 1art.year •Ontario
4.731 cars ofapples, and 'figurin4 up-
on thepresent estiMate 3i5-71.3car
sbenid be Shipped. this 'year:' Although
the: .,Seasaastartei ot:t tIr6.
late, the. fruit is sizing welrand.COlor
indications are good, The' crop ,is .nat'
is well distributed through the 144.4tea. ••
ind' With favorable 'Conditions Nit is .
expected wilt size, ' no well, thereby'
comparing:More favorably Imith thatof Inat .ear. In
Duchess, Wealthy, Famet.se;' Stark •
and Golden RuSset,. *bile McIntosh:
and Spy are light. In. WeStern,On-
tario irarietieS' promising a .full Yield
. are'. Duchess. Wealthy Golden ,Rus-;
,set,4King, Baldwin and Fanieuse and
in aor-e t -icts Greening. in seine
•sectiOns'thr_;qgliont the:prevince scab
. is becerning quit revaleitt and side
worm is in ,evicleiace. Unsprayed 'or.
1•••••hards • are espeCially Scabby,
litogS ; .
.• 811.50
otentate Pail; First Visit to Can
. .
.-EgItThfts frc India. at &Semi Frenteeee.--•:tneet• The Meal-
wtp Bahadur Sir T.• lafararaghav.aCharyar dis.tIndian inlaid,. and lacquer work Which was sent over
"r- ,tinguished Indian representative of the Madras Canadahs-,the Indian GoVernment at the Diana
Presidency ft the Art -India Legislative Athetrthly, and instigation. He .assured E. R. Bruce,. director of
• former Prime 3linister Of the Cochin. State. , Of exhibits for .the e.P.P., who Met him in Quebec, that.
• Southern India, %i -h,.* arrived for the first' .tinie fr e would 844 that the collection is added t& on his
• ' Canada, On the Canadian ,PaCific !fuer 'Monte -Am, return to indis. Before the Divan 'hoarded the 'Cana- •
• 2sonetted the National Exhibition at Toronto on 4agtt.st., ,sdkiaettptioPataelfbioc;41iirthe.:•p•Nretrarte4attititi„:47,fiorguehis f,avhoectit6lielativirk.:
• The fii*aii Wa..4 3 pietttres4ne figure: on the'Streets dishes: ' . , . . •
' of the various 'Cities he. visited, Wearing a 'Zidti'Ve "I am Vegetarian You know," he said, "and as a
turban of crimson and silver. rt anticioatea crossing matter of fact my Indian curries and tize were better
_the kcttre 'PrIPar0 on board 4.-gteerellY-thet-
' dian Rgektes. Sighting,,. the LaureatianS from a van. case '61- rnalan stainers°. 1 was agreeably surpried"
tage peint itt his hotel. in Montreal:, he. exclaimed, at this." . • . . • , •
irhize:asstit tettetttit.16.e!tIthijrztiklisn;tirizeeiLguish:ttaratisilitar'i
'believes that a complete ,understarall* .1*etWeeit tiotic-voheriever.he.tceettt, In Zteand he said they hie ,
India and Canada could OttrY, be reached "through a upon the heipful. expedient of referring to Ithtt aa
knowledge' of each other. • ,, .**Diwatt°. In a letter to Canadian officials recently
•• At Quebevits was attgafit at the Chateall rrOns: t regtarkESitch a Contraction ti•striter in aoeordan
kat nuft Om* /AO 14410 4tho,dbpa ol,witkludian Skutt* im4 wiU 13.0 01win or:d!ir."