HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-09-16, Page 4' llifeCORMICK-DEERING •CQ,: -.Spreaders, Iltrarera:' 'Hai .14411, • are. Rake* and Taddera, Grain and Cora :BlIaleFap WilOW and, ilidPag PlaWa, , „ - ROOST & WIRE CO.:LeWoeen Venom, 000.,.4.1.04it Barb and N. 9 CoiledWirea--All Galvainzed„. •' *INGHAM. DITGOIESteaRublter aed.:Steel 'beak • :4A1'E3IAN-WILEINSON CO:te-Pletre and Wheelberrewl: IIANOS, ORGANS AND PHONOGRAPHS; -:See u u4 Una youraellt !tome *fey When you want soatething Meek, - al IftaltOtagela--.• a CKN()W. Nailed in large 'boards direct to studdirist right *sr damaged walls or faded wallpaper. Eatlily, Wady applied, without Thusio at surpiieirtgly low „soot. „ Gyproc will not burn. It is beat, cold and , sound resisting. Makes a continuous wall • of rock that is very light in weight, OOP in and we will gladly explain Gyproes excepts lanai, advantageit.- For Sale by .W4.1..-Murdie & Son - A LONG S41.11ASH. VINE • .. John Murray, of Eg,motadville, has a -squash vine gtowing in hie garden rairt'Selit----ititritensuired-38 fie-eTiong aed is stilt growing. To aee how much the plantwo,uld'grow in a week Mr - Murray, one Satiirday night, placed a - stake in the ground at the tip, of the 'Niue and on the following Saturday niaht found that it had grown 5 feet 4 incites* dering the Aveek. ' • LAriosIDE A wedding was performed at the '-llited 47,4ra-ell "Ina"'w.ang°• when ;Myra J., only daughter of Mr. William and the late.Mr, Tailor. of I.angside, was United in marriage tc •31r. Perry Pennirigton, aon of • Mr. IJabez Pennington of Teeswater, the Ceremon tb'!ng 'perforrned by. Rey. • Mt .° Scobie; • one NO is at Your Service • We Sal for Cash -We Sell Cheaper Than. The Credit Store • Seasonable oo scREmsT -DOORS-WE HAVE THEM IN THREE SIZES AND IN FIVE DIFFERENT STYLES. a, SCREEN WINDOWS -,-TO FIT- ANY WINDOW.. * SCREEN WIRE—TO. REPAIR SCREEN DOORS. WE HAVE T IN ALL WIDTHS. ' --HOT POIN,T" IRONS AND ELECTRIC HOT PLATES. ELECTRIC DULIIS Al' 25 CENTS EACH. Fanners' Requirements . . PURE MANILLA .ROPE FOR HAT FORK A,N D SLINGS; TARRED ROPE FOR BAY 'LOADERS; SAMSON IIAY FORNS, • BEST QUALITY SELECTED HANDLES AND • CORRECT IN SiletPlEe C.-4.1filOR1IN4,1131 31.0'W,E411,KNIFE SHARPENERS; MA- CHINE 011.a. -A4 :EXCEPTIONAL FINE QUALITY.; BERGEllte • • , . PURE PARIS GREEN AT,50 CENTS PER 1.11.•;•ARSENATE OF LEAD AND BLUE STONE; CISTERN PUMP; SINK PANS AND WELL P1131.PS; 4,111.i?.. PIPE AND FITTINGS, OF ALL ICINDS: dr m. Murdie Son •. 'nearing. Plumbing nruilleetric Wiring time; Harchyall ,P14ster, Gyproc "Wallboard • lit Rolk. .Tek Surfaced leht Weight 35 lbs. • COMPETITIVE QUALITY ivIediurn Weight, - „4lbs. FINE QUALITY', eaVy:': Weight 55 lbs. EXTRA FINE QUALITY.. Hiavyeight65ibs ,SUPER FINE QUAUTY . . „ . -,1B14161t0,4101*finiCOALiolliod Want f014s,OUtOrtki . , . Sf".31•"'"aorlail•%*letfortat- etleetriererie.latdtataiti'Seretetia •.- . ea Branatford Roofing tendered by • 111i:till ,;1VitIttlie::8tfatiltil :,...,iLiactcric);At:, 'Ont.,. ' .THE „LUCKNOW SENTINEL..." TEVILSDAYPTEMBElik i6*6 • .THE LIJOKTIOW •SENTINt1-4 D Publishedo Avererhusir 164101IX _ _ R. .40,1"atinwi, a IlifaeXenzie thil°" and, Edit'artr: "Tie: ' 41' r 'THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1946 " THE ELECTION. INDECISIVE The Isit.est election' retunia received here Tuesday night gave the streag- th of the parties •in; the House' of Commons -ae Liberall 115, Censervaf ive 85, progresoves 25, indepen, Tins sua:gests the. value which as dent Labor 5...Thet accounts for. only "placodul)9i1 lime in a great. city-, 230 seate and there, are 245 membete aHE Inatead of retlealning on•the level will ' SPECULATED '1-01k .1 A (AMATO' iiass thraligh. a eabWay legtaing the I , -a-RIES I".ESNILESS• ' ./f surface at :the crossing free.. to a -F- ides- which turn tolbe ' Wirth or (BY; Wellington JO erp,. Financial . . south. In. 04' :way through traffic in Vditor of Saturday Night.) „ all directions will always have a cleat • ilir'0- A. B., let Us call.hert is a said - way,. never being interfered :with by OW Of 'Et progeM141111, Mini " who •hae -cress traffic or traffic wh:ch prepoatla oest dii'l af ea' a eltracSafill career' tit* turn to the right, or left, a, . in an Ontario town: He left her 1,-1 It is estimated Oat Petting in one' 4'63 'olieree i a 15 Mining., 'a oil and of these. casings Will; cost .around five hajOstrial ceniaeales, t h es e thirty-seven thousand dollarser04, the shares Leine, represented,' by 40, certi- • other ' hand engineers elajtm that the fieates. So: farea 'Toronto broker- bas° seying in time for a single day Will been able to reelize $6 on the Apo) - b{e worth' the Plriee of a crossipg. invesarent aita a rossibility of $20 if. certain specelatots' cell' be iadeceel .1 to take a -Chance on *the shaten•of Lao; Companies .whica still shOw ,pereeet- I ible signs,pf IRE 'Yet A. B. the pro. 1 feasional r. -an, during thirty years of arta* .profeseienal life, pail.. ai u t $66,...a0„io geld cash far' the `sharea. I' in,yselt•Weet through the , list, and it was aPpalfing to tiank ' of all that .good • meney• liaiag'.,:tereeted on ,,niiffisig and oil yeetikee ea 'Arizona, 'Aliaskie, • Idaho; Coliwado, South Dakota ; Okhael home; .Nevada •aftd.' In !territory audi,aiente letit biked Industrie' pto- .. tibias nearer home ' . . a ' 'A. B. ' itas exceptionally snecessful in tilL'-' • „Practice ' oi- Medicine, was greatly lesPeeted, in 11.-,s Own: neigh- borhood and, must have been "no fool" in niest departneents in life to achieve. the poeitian that be: did. ,Yet here • is • abselute evideece that in. this one department of adaeing his ' money he 'needed a guardian., When he made. his first felse move ef iar vesting in, Without investigating, a far-awayatitiiraga • CamPanae. he WIIS lost. allia name went down on the sucker lists' which ate hawkedaeround. hen/ . Pne high ,pressure px-ometer to .in the Hodee- The standing in ' the last •Ilouse was Liberal 101, 'Coneervatives, 116 ProgreSsiifes' 34, others '4. • that ac- -.punts. for the fell„.,245.„- •• It. alit be seen'. that, on Tuesday the Liberals. made' donsidernble gaies; the. Conservatives .lest •Iaeave fly, while' other: parties remained much as they were. . ',The figures as given above, altito• incomPlete, likely indicate, fairly well the relative strength pf the parties al 010 shall he. .They peen ' that while MacKenzie Ring will lead Alte largest group. in the Meese lie Will • not have a free fiend, but must haw ProgreaaivesuPpott upon alleimPer- tent'measures. A combination of op- posing! parties can. bring . but his. &Oat. Howevee, as Liberate sand Progreasives have , much. common groand they. likely will • agree tc .work together;• . Quebec. Went almost solidly Liberal as' ia 1921. and1925...The Cipeeerya- fives got, only three: Seats Out of the • 65 in that preyince., ' Contrary to general expectation the Customs Scandal exposure , did. . not influence votes, to any greatoex- tent: Eligtoirs appear to have, been influenced more by the Robb ,Budget Which ,eildently was • pleasing to the •fateae clement ahrougheatelhe- 'Patin" .try. Italooks as though a patty can.; ,not hope .to gain favor in tlie,coun- try with 4 high protection pohcy and that any radical change in 'that reatird' up or down is unlikely. ' #.0.P .090 RD xiTcHENEws; Bent • A low, rascal. -by. the Pamela of Frank Peyer reaentlY, tried •to1int -9Ver i• great fraud' upottathe mottle. of Britain, by pretending theM had d.scovered the .body. -of Lord Eitiltena er buried in a grave* in Nenayay. Power's stork was that after. tire die.„ . . aster' .in whieh :Kitchener. was, lost the 64y ..of the .great general hat' been .eai-tied northWard, thrownupon the Shore of 'southern Noirine Ind' there buried: Power said i.kft he had „ the grave opened, the bodi taken out and thathe, was taking it to England. He went so far' as to have a coffin shipped to London where it • was Seized by.„ the 'police, the Heine • Office thinking the story worthy of .tnvestiga • opened. was: Power, -on being The coffin on being' nd to •he efinity: • ked for. an ex- planatiop said ,that/ the inner coffin • was not the one in 1 which the body, had been put, and that the genuine coffin must have been aremoyed and the empty one sulbstitutad. • This was. asi1y ,proved . tobe a fabrication,. as detectiveseating for the Home 'Office: heti discayered that the toifin, had been Purchased' by, Mr.' Pewee attiKirkwall: early in the yeaa, • kidthat it „remained thereuntil the. atera,"-of 4he-4104, ' been duly -advertised, wizen 'Mr.. potv-. es' 'telegraphed iestructiOns to baee it sent to, hint at London.• • „ Between:AheOM that he.bout' the coffin at Kirkwall and the time he ..haditahipped ,to. London, he had' gone he Norway and there ..staged a •mock -funeral, 'at .StaVenger, an em- pty. coffin Covered with a Union Jarlr: was conveyed to the dock and pat on • board a steamer. -A .niaring. picture: film Of thee proceedinga.waS made ',and the emPtY: &ea Wan then .re"' turned to the undertaker front. Whom it had been borrowed for the franca • • Went purpose. - • Fewer evidently thought that .the, pit:tares '•Of the funeral would*con; vince the public that lila story was • • . true, •Perhaps: 'further .pictures were to. be taken of. the coffin in England: A WEAK, POINT • •' • , . , IN LAW ENFORCEMENT In resigning his position as • poliee chief of Kineardine Towle. • Nira W. 'M. Morgan said .that in his cEorts te enforce the law hedidnot get', pro-. per support from the public:. • Mr. - Hiniter;"'In 'reporting Ae. in • !dont in the. Review4tepOiteea said that Mr, Morgan :had, been an eific; • Tient °facie/ewe, that he had "cleaned-, up". the toten'in so far as ,Iftw breaka .ars are concerned. . 1 . . Chief, Mot -gales experience could be .duplicated in almost every, town .end aillage% an this centinent. We tip- pear,tO be angering from a wave of softheadedrieas in regaled to enforce- ment *Of the lilts: The'people want ceitatn laws, and they appear to eX, . . p.ect., that • 'Iatta once ta ye on the .stirente hotik; is goinglta•be self en fetried. It 'would Ite so nice if, everY- betle. weald' do what the laW* eays, they should Then there Weald be ne, • need, of those hard=headed constables : doing the, hard thiags- that are tome - times neeeeeary with Lawbreekers. Whale there is Any taauble, eYfalaa- is almost • invariably on the side Of ' the ' law -breaker and against the This attitudi nee' ounia.fot the pre- . vailing.,Crinte wave. Why should the criminal fear' when, he knows that, if he 4 arrested ;pi/bile .eympatItY be with him as against the police and 'the propeeutiotee • • SOLVING THE .C1TY TRAFFIC • PROBLEM • The ureter •tehicle has brought it .eountry and city; alike new probletite In traffic arrangenteete and areentla-, . tions. Even before the'etleent of:the 1' hiah-poweted end , higliespftd auto- ! moaile arid truck the: teg,ttlation of i' traffic, at 'i,ireet intersections in citi•esa. t of 4.n ili:en or' More iMptilation was I a difficult matter... "%Vita the ,,,entirie •! of• the. inetor *.-ehi. le danger was add- • ed to the. diflieulties. and the lase of , time at street' intereectiorts beceinw ,Many tintee: •ereitter.Aliati 'it wag be, foie and aretty tatees more mot -tying Flngineers who have devoted at. teetion to traffic [noble:Ma have de- •..vised an. ineenuoits .plan, which is hei. ing adopted by the City. of Chieage l. arid which proatiecei greatly. taalateili. •' tate trailic at intersections. .7 'k • 'The plan profneacs a three/de& : sireet r rose in ga'To illeatratt.*:-A 1 not and south stlreet, Will, hart a trait'? Surtne, "at the general. street iittitvel, aad also a tiiitige .0:i elevAted se...rion• ip. thr. centre rameing• tie eagle:Md.-Wag ttl'I.‘ti, 'itt. It laeieht nfliO.S.t.li•:',0,„:11,..0tnitaatei,lileSate.f,„Pae:..a under it. ita.ie .propastal to 'lave 'ail '. through .teallie. northeirale.....ath ,pas ,tiwer tifta'bralee. what, vehiclea tree. ' ,fil.ng ffama notch ,e/a south hat it'll- .eit.li„I to .-tiiin ;t4the',,tiglii 'or" Wit .A,:will tie'maiii-ork„thit,:sfx‘sei 1 leveVniuk. •, trig the tiii*ithout interfering with the through ttailiC. . ' ---ti'lltiiiiiiiit - iiiS t - a ti.c-Weii 'ireille': • but the ieteeference of the H.0ale 01- &e upset .the and drove the. intposter to further iying" It will be remembered that :at the thee of ,Kitehenetas death' .tininy stor-. ies Were Set afloat that he wmilal re- appe.tr b} -and-by 4,,Ord.,.'Kitchenet. filled auch a place inthe public Mind . „ . . tfrtt it appeared to Manythet he 'could not. -Pos. suddenlyfrom/ • the worldas thousands of '.othert were passing, Staietliing of this mystery seems still ,to bangabout the .minie of • Kitchener' ice that When this mis- eiable creature; PoWer Claimed tc have Kitchener'S body, .iiiany Were • prepared to belief*. , Aaanontent'e. .thOught would have convinced them: of the fraud a HOW, for example, Was; it that only One body of the mall,. teat., when the Ilampabire Went ,doWn. should float to Norway, and that the • body of the fittest. dist,inguisliaect Men ,aboar.d?'.atiffeW (was the. body ideeti- atiehow ,on, earth; inis.•••it pre •irvect in recognizable all tit* yeats? . , Power'. evidently expected' t�' nieke , a. pictewe of his frandideitt ing,s which would •,pinive attraCtive tc the ' people of • England beeafise ,of their *fiction for the 'Mama • wheat: wakie name drew 'Men by hturadteds of, thousands- to the arm-. f�lloving . the outbreak of war., It taket a 'pieta* ty „mean 'man t� fry to make ntone.V by 'mach a trick. CARS CRASH AT 'PAISLEY. .. • ONE CAR HAD ilt)02E .Thi1e Miss .Margaret Chisholm ;of ftrant teme motoring herne from Pais- ky On Thursday, night in, an ante" pwitedby, her fathet.: Mr. Thos. Chis- shit,was,- crashed into by a Ford tonne . driven by Lloyd Wisraer of Pert' Elgin, The latter, • bus. after the ,erash;, piled .into the &tab'. .where' it • waS.altafaet campletely wrocket4ciVie: mer Watt to badly cet *bent the taee,, by naing,glites:tfirtt• the-siervices. -of a mealical ' man' *ere *freatUired- ChishOhn 'Cara:feet a froi4 erbeelrid wa..:•; otherwise damaged le.tlie-f Conatabid Leitehag Paisley was Stun* maatal-thatire. Sete:bine ‘. the Poet Elgin .ear is stated t�-hvc found a ape/laity of bOtOze. Itanter eonsequitare, was taider ..analabeeitgitt to a-Walketton, jaiL whet. after r being ifrear.erated &eat tine. he was baile'a nut by his 'hither. t'Ve anderstied a setiole eftstge heing laid alealtzet-rhinrat a Malt 4.1 the nish.214, " ,''aaPellOMPr.111:waaaar ' 4,There is a world of 'satisfaction foi'the farrtier . . . . In the use , of twine that runs, smoothly in his binder from beginning' to the tell& Of' harvelt-',, The good, Old Aeliable VJ[QUTR . . agren and strong throughout, and is mote econorii- „ ical to use than short- ength twine ' Th nuth is guamnceed by the tag on every ball of Plymo laY,Or real twine satisfaction there is nothing like the genuine Plymouth Twine. It* & PORTOUS Lucicnow. • Ont. AININIIIIIIIMIIMAIIIIIIMMIMUNMIMMInansuintliMuitinitigaiiiimantumusmeunisunmutinnnthimiitiniiffifirfflatittrtieniMMINMC another. and ,he as advertised fat • a a and aide ,eas one., cf. the 'large nuniber' sat ona reUert good yield and sum- . , 'Of; honest .•and hardattorkingf earners :pie. •,Geeerally the; yield Will ..be be-• • who can be induced to hope and ttust I low average andthe quality poor: largely. ,without. being :too exacting Cora is late but has p'ckedenp well ' it; the matter of 'asking fprpeciala ardewhile &ante diaceicta• tepOrt dame of *What A; • B.'s $60,00e • age by borer, the -;.roa Will, be aver- Woutd mean to his Widiew now; Sim-. age' Roos and eget:it/4es'; et eptieg adosiege %the . Government beads Whkft 1.‘e no doebt g. -es and .0-,e goad carves.,” potetoeta , . , scorned 'beetiuse of the, mw. -rdent.' Will not be ad heavy as expected o.* and had reiiiestett the interest, hi widow'. would .now bave more . than 100,000 on the, interest, 'fromWhich ..„She -could live in conifOrt the rest Of her life. Ile himself 'etoulct havetaken' life Pitiela 'moee*easily ' in his latter. LB ER T A . WESTERN '•• AND , •, „ . days. . •• • • • .• NORTHEASTERN, _AREAS r-•-• Heavy Why' ao seeniingiy intelligent peo- aid continnons. Telma 'prevailed :last . Ole' take, these •tafolish • and disastrous Week, the weather -cleared_ Friday hut 7contses? ' It is because thee.- betie,ye , ‘tain resumed on ,Tuesday, which has there is such a thing as 'easy ,monee. lurthei. 'delayed harvesting:, :Cantina, It s because they believe that Many am moat lacalities i> 50 per cent. corn - people Ike wealthy' as the result a pleted., A' few pont, report 75 Per lucky, ventures It is. because thea.; gent and sonte.ony 25 Pert.repta Litt have heard all the :tales. of tae nien tie-threshing:iias beeit'aOae. Uncut who •greti wealthy overnig,ht. *.wheti gaila is *ging and sOme enfolding Oil was found, on *their farina,' of the in stooks eie reeotted. ALBERTal :men ,who located,more by ,acaident,!'•301.:III crop, prat - than ,nerit ,and knowledge 'mining eticalli' ill,' cut: .SAKATCHEWAN 'ciiiines Which :latter turned • 4 -pt, vat- SOOFAN' .AREA--:cutttio-icil! effete ifahle and :of menwho bought steeka he .coinPleted. :Tht•-hing, • wae., inter- lfl the -earlY. stages '01 .an industrial . raPtell by, i s:weather. last week, but the weather improieS. it. shOeld _promotion, getting Wealtba... later as': if: a result be• wee!,. rJL retare'S • a • show s.atistaletweeyield. .Adalitiontal ..CROP ' CONDITIONS ' • ' eeeded. .4AS- • • :ONTARIO AND THE WEST KA1CUEIVAN aSOVTHERN :AREA astic terms of the ' future. Of the,' dia. • • • • '•-••••-• • • • —Wheat i....hearty' all •cart. .1'h/se:Ain; ',relict:. *Be tad alreaay' a-spased of .131 The„Berik'nf Montreal .monthae re- • waa•suipended from oneta four days. number • ok "ene. acre • lots'a. on, the , . • . . . • . • • port of crop conditions dated Sept.. leet week, doe to Wet, weether.; het I Eat' 'frontage to Toronto and New , 9th, had the following to sty regard -a„ is .again .under war •ip ;Most distrits York peorfle. He is telling onlY ahore. ing harvesting and. threshing , • ••• voints reared a shortage of Ia. Iprorat,s •ale Iteeisd 1‘1%isplan,illnl4are..nhoo..tinesiorgdelletse:".' • Province ef Ontario „ ;:hor. 3IANITOItA„,:aEatlea thresitine .. Threshing f',ff herlii and oats Is. returns were MatefavOurebie . t nari ef.. athne shore' fro -it surieyad next fairly gerierat. apt! sample yield anti grade: bat opeaations have nd at 'he sarne ume he will of 'barley, is good, but the oat crop, is been at a. standstat, fer*a. weekdue ba ‘ -e the road ,conneeting: with the • •• :eery . spotty,in iontek,districts being AO- heavYrainc Wherat, and oats Art mainhighway imitroeed; so that the ableost a • total, failure, while other reporte.1 spr'eutina.. propet i1 be, elay of erica& • BRUCE l'EN)NtitiLA WILLt RE DEVELOPED • Taate the Bru,e Peninettla have a real e.eyelopm cot . as n• sumo . Titer playgroued is .evident 'from the -4.Weenia---a41mtLerts aW:biattea:re-Aerinarei.-;- worked. Q u t in,. eoineetioa i t h, • camp sites and 'resorts at digerent • ine tot excessive moister. Cutting 1 • parts of the distr:eL •' The latest , pro- 7 of tobaceo is under way, and a splen- • • • . . d d.erap 15 promi-sed. Pastures are Poask;n T i:i7,inf.lecpv‘tnselilipen Lthe .ProYinees• • meat at the extreme Northeast of, the. Pereenda. The, man cbieffresponsi- ble,' for ..thie promatien is Mr. Geo. Herb.ert, Maishill of Toronto Mr Marshall' has ' purchased seaters miles of land the Townehip of lainasaY *front. the Bank ofMontreal,: ibis beam Peat of the yedwell estate . Whieh'was taken oyerhy the Mee- • chants Bank several years ago and ir . was later ti-ansferred to the Bank. of Montreal.' The :property tepeesents , • shore Erie of 4 Pales ott the „Georgi - are Bay, coyote -la a stretch 'from Cabot's 'Head, to , within about • one n:ile cf. Dye's Bay 'wharf. In addi- tion tothis,. the property .includes 6 wiles °E shore' line on Galles" Lake almost the entire' shore . frontage Mr. Mete -hall has !big plans for his •property and apeaks in most enthusi- • British Statesmen Tour Canada • a, aea , rat in ne ce rauons in connechon with. "11-'wentY-one members'a the I: ed ICingd°131s'deie- then!pen°ing, Of the new Austtalian ca ital b t t the : CO.Inferaretin:134°inthAen:sEtraintialrel#PaT:thieftanfaelnitawrY4°::..tass°cerivedititi°*1:; Dominion, will be made. They witobtain first hand . same tene an anten.swe .s.tely ot tontlitiOns ut • Quelfer,on the S.S."Empress of ..0,eatland.'7 The dee-! keowledge.en 00 .notnie 0/tableaus' and trade develeP, '• 'ration is- headed hY-: the.Rt.:-ROtt. Arthur Itinder...tt. 'atent aed a- atady of the Dominion's affairs as & t . former Secretary a state for • Horde Affairsand tritse,le wt. ii beevaneerydet,c0Copefaertt-cuicoeenowinef agsointnialatgreeruitneutOr: .. .`savicle-c/Shhituiryirma'wht is ehathetrreark.' ' 'detetaarrtit°:ed. in Ceono3ladartaisrli:fr reached it :the 1924 South .kftican. meeting; •J will .wwwili-,..aineeit,vtil:Ithhee sdesi.ega,..At,oitmatigiin...1%,)'attoeurverinnwt,itenn_ 1...iaplb‘ w-4. '4 looff.thcepatmrth.y!fecteroretair:It. •ottet ';iktghts:trA: wealth. 'Travelling ever. the Canadian .1,!hei,fie itnes. can .brinela Sit. Frank Nelson; Sir 'Howard ,,,„,,, Vme, rerliatnentar La .1.s..*ill ...tpttirnilptiaaptAltiie.:rr oz.:ski rt. Ca- rti; DA,!;thlibts-turil,e4tkdt„.;;;oHotizt. -ellimite.,r,taiiebtsPhre_whrsofti;,% Itlltorr.Rsonair ' faiirtdilitrid, Ba‘ibititninflgteormitsol:MIL4t ec'leio'ii!ttalieltebeal)6tatatir'abe%tainfiti•tt if.,Z1P-• tifrvPiall CCeeee.pel:.r..:6C'Blilirinaa;4' Iltinfi.''tt 'IV.r.leithiLIFrems'e MasitaiIer" : • "ilian Pacific ltf.?kki'ea is antieipatelt &store the. , party brunch: $:.-Itatett. Sit Edwaed Coes" Bigger. Irish Frew ,etabark for the Antipeotet- ! _. ' , ..4..totg:, • SOO "..rett—r.A13 -...niairt A. V. Atexattder; Luke .! , ' ,, • ,ITIte,coefeeetitee,s in 'Ads:sal:1A iria e otati 'femme, 4rnomps0itr 4. It -Cottpet,4: Sir. gsdney. Retini,,E.ILR.:. . ' batistetakiatt.e.acce: itt all the states of the Com:lion- &hat& 3lithael- F. .011artrata Irish Free State; W. ' iiiiiiilth.:, Ther.*ill he Met In 'Aultia`...:44-represorl-1111.674intler; Brig. -Gen. C. R. Ingham Brook Call.G. ' tattkaveit of the oirliattiettte of the j..mon of, South' • D.S.D.I .I. Q. Limb: Col, the Hon., Ati UM_ ' . It.f.ttes. §, 00thero R/tOtteitat 314V4.4. NoTF. Zealeted.A24111441,,,..C.B., C:314.; 'Dr. T. Detewhand .. 04.„ taipabituri 4 . &Id* lift. ri-,... deetatioa it: 2.60244,,soloia* 71)-0 /fish, , ra.,,,,statoo. , ai.,,..00.1'- .•.• . 46, „ e• . • . `er